    def _eval_rewrite_as_Sum(self, arg):
        if arg.is_even:
            k = C.Dummy("k", integer=True)
            j = C.Dummy("j", integer=True)
            n = self.args[0] / 2
            Em = (S.ImaginaryUnit * C.Sum( C.Sum( C.binomial(k, j) * ((-1)**j * (k - 2*j)**(2*n + 1)) /
                  (2**k*S.ImaginaryUnit**k * k), (j, 0, k)), (k, 1, 2*n + 1)))

            return Em
    def __contains__(self, o):
        if isinstance(o, Point):
            x = C.Dummy('x', real=True)
            y = C.Dummy('y', real=True)

            res = self.equation(x, y).subs({x: o[0], y: o[1]})
            return trigsimp(simplify(res)) is S.Zero
        elif isinstance(o, Ellipse):
            return self == o
        return False
 def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
     if argindex == 1:
         return 1 / self.args[0]
         s = C.Dummy('x')
         return Lambda(s**(-1), s)
         raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
 def __new__(cls):
     from sympy.sets.sets import FiniteSet
     x = C.Dummy('x')
     #construct "by hand" to avoid infinite loop
     obj = Expr.__new__(cls, Tuple(x), x)
     obj.nargs = FiniteSet(1)
     return obj
 def _eval_rewrite_as_Sum(self, ap, bq, z):
     from sympy.functions import factorial, RisingFactorial, Piecewise
     n = C.Dummy("n", integer=True)
     rfap = Tuple(*[RisingFactorial(a, n) for a in ap])
     rfbq = Tuple(*[RisingFactorial(b, n) for b in bq])
     coeff = Mul(*rfap) / Mul(*rfbq)
     return Piecewise((C.Sum(coeff * z**n / factorial(n), (n, 0, oo)),
                      self.convergence_statement), (self, True))
文件: numbers.py 项目: yang603/sympy
    def _eval_rewrite_as_Sum(self, n, k_sym=None, symbols=None):
        if (k_sym is not None) or (symbols is not None):
            return self

        # Dobinski's formula
        if not n.is_nonnegative:
            return self
        k = C.Dummy('k', integer=True, nonnegative=True)
        return 1 / E * C.Sum(k**n / factorial(k), (k, 0, S.Infinity))
    def doit(self, **hints):
        """Evaluates limit"""
        e, z, z0, dir = self.args

        if hints.get('deep', True):
            e = e.doit(**hints)
            z = z.doit(**hints)
            z0 = z0.doit(**hints)

        if e == z:
            return z0

        if not e.has(z):
            return e

        # gruntz fails on factorials but works with the gamma function
        # If no factorial term is present, e should remain unchanged.
        # factorial is defined to be zero for negative inputs (which
        # differs from gamma) so only rewrite for positive z0.
        if z0.is_positive:
            e = e.rewrite(factorial, gamma)

        if e.is_Mul:
            if abs(z0) is S.Infinity:
                # XXX todo: this should probably be stated in the
                # negative -- i.e. to exclude expressions that should
                # not be handled this way but I'm not sure what that
                # condition is; when ok is True it means that the leading
                # term approach is going to succeed (hopefully)
                ok = lambda w: (z in w.free_symbols and
                                any(a.is_polynomial(z) or
                                    any(z in m.free_symbols and m.is_polynomial(z)
                                        for m in Mul.make_args(a))
                                    for a in Add.make_args(w)))
                if all(ok(w) for w in e.as_numer_denom()):
                    u = C.Dummy(positive=(z0 is S.Infinity))
                    inve = e.subs(z, 1/u)
                    r = limit(inve.as_leading_term(u), u,
                              S.Zero, "+" if z0 is S.Infinity else "-")
                    if isinstance(r, Limit):
                        return self
                        return r

        if e.is_Order:
            return C.Order(limit(e.expr, z, z0), *e.args[1:])

            r = gruntz(e, z, z0, dir)
            if r is S.NaN:
                raise PoleError()
        except (PoleError, ValueError):
            r = heuristics(e, z, z0, dir)
            if r is None:
                return self

        return r
 def fdiff(self, argindex=1):
     Returns the first derivative of the function.
     if argindex == 1:
         return 1/self.args[0]
         s = C.Dummy('x')
         return Lambda(s**(-1), s)
         raise ArgumentIndexError(self, argindex)
    def circumference(self):
        """The circumference of the ellipse.

        >>> from sympy import Point, Ellipse
        >>> p1 = Point(0, 0)
        >>> e1 = Ellipse(p1, 3, 1)
        >>> e1.circumference
        12*Integral(sqrt((-8*_x**2/9 + 1)/(-_x**2 + 1)), (_x, 0, 1))

        if self.eccentricity == 1:
            return 2*pi*self.hradius
            x = C.Dummy('x', real=True)
            return 4*self.major*\
                   C.Integral(sqrt((1 - (self.eccentricity*x)**2)/(1 - x**2)),
                              (x, 0, 1))
    def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
        if self == old:
            return new
        arg = self.args[0]
        o = old
        if old.is_Pow: # handle (exp(3*log(x))).subs(x**2, z) -> z**(3/2)
            old = exp(old.exp*log(old.base))
        if old.func is exp:
            # exp(a*expr) .subs( exp(b*expr), y )  ->  y ** (a/b)
            a, expr_terms = self.args[0].as_coeff_mul()
            b, expr_terms_= old.args[0].as_coeff_mul()

            if expr_terms == expr_terms_:
                return new**(a/b)

            if arg.is_Add: # exp(2*x+a).subs(exp(3*x),y) -> y**(2/3) * exp(a)
                # exp(exp(x) + exp(x**2)).subs(exp(exp(x)), w) -> w * exp(exp(x**2))
                oarg = old.args[0]
                new_l = []
                old_al = []
                coeff2, terms2 = oarg.as_coeff_mul()
                for a in arg.args:
                    a = a._eval_subs(old, new)
                    coeff1, terms1 = a.as_coeff_mul()
                    if terms1 == terms2:
                        old_al.append(a._eval_subs(old, new))
                if new_l:
                    r = Mul(*new_l)
                    return r
        if old is S.Exp1:
            # treat this however Pow is being treated
            u = C.Dummy('u')
            return (u**self.args[0]).subs(u, new)

        old = o
        return Function._eval_subs(self, old, new)
    def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
        arg = self.args[0]
        o = old
        if old.is_Pow:  # handle (exp(3*log(x))).subs(x**2, z) -> z**(3/2)
            o = exp(o.exp*log(o.base))
        if o.func is exp:
            # exp(a*expr) .subs( exp(b*expr), y )  ->  y ** (a/b)
            a, expr_terms = self.args[0].as_independent(
                C.Symbol, as_Add=False)
            b, expr_terms_ = o.args[0].as_independent(
                C.Symbol, as_Add=False)

            if expr_terms == expr_terms_:
                return new**(a/b)

            if arg.is_Add:  # exp(2*x+a).subs(exp(3*x),y) -> y**(2/3) * exp(a)
                # exp(exp(x) + exp(x**2)).subs(exp(exp(x)), w) -> w * exp(exp(x**2))
                oarg = o.args[0]
                new_l = []
                o_al = []
                coeff2, terms2 = oarg.as_coeff_mul()
                for a in arg.args:
                    a = a._subs(o, new)
                    coeff1, terms1 = a.as_coeff_mul()
                    if terms1 == terms2:
                        o_al.append(a._subs(o, new))
                if new_l:
                    r = Mul(*new_l)
                    return r
        if o is S.Exp1:
            # treat this however Pow is being treated
            u = C.Dummy('u', positive=True)
            return (u**self.args[0]).xreplace({u: new})

        return Function._eval_subs(self, o, new)
文件: limits.py 项目: vchekan/sympy
def limit(e, z, z0, dir="+"):
    Compute the limit of e(z) at the point z0.

    z0 can be any expression, including oo and -oo.

    For dir="+" (default) it calculates the limit from the right
    (z->z0+) and for dir="-" the limit from the left (z->z0-). For infinite z0
    (oo or -oo), the dir argument doesn't matter.


    >>> from sympy import limit, sin, Symbol, oo
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> limit(sin(x)/x, x, 0)
    >>> limit(1/x, x, 0, dir="+")
    >>> limit(1/x, x, 0, dir="-")
    >>> limit(1/x, x, oo)


    First we try some heuristics for easy and frequent cases like "x", "1/x",
    "x**2" and similar, so that it's fast. For all other cases, we use the
    Gruntz algorithm (see the gruntz() function).
    from sympy import Wild, log

    e = sympify(e)
    z = sympify(z)
    z0 = sympify(z0)

    if e == z:
        return z0

    if e.is_Rational:
        return e

    if not e.has(z):
        return e

    # gruntz fails on factorials but works with the gamma function
    # If no factorial term is present, e should remain unchanged.
    # factorial is defined to be zero for negative inputs (which
    # differs from gamma) so only rewrite for positive z0.
    if z0.is_positive:
        e = e.rewrite(factorial, gamma)

    if e.func is tan:
        # discontinuity at odd multiples of pi/2; 0 at even
        disc = S.Pi / 2
        sign = 1
        if dir == '-':
            sign *= -1
        i = limit(sign * e.args[0], z, z0) / disc
        if i.is_integer:
            if i.is_even:
                return S.Zero
            elif i.is_odd:
                if dir == '+':
                    return S.NegativeInfinity
                    return S.Infinity

    if e.func is cot:
        # discontinuity at multiples of pi; 0 at odd pi/2 multiples
        disc = S.Pi
        sign = 1
        if dir == '-':
            sign *= -1
        i = limit(sign * e.args[0], z, z0) / disc
        if i.is_integer:
            if dir == '-':
                return S.NegativeInfinity
                return S.Infinity
        elif (2 * i).is_integer:
            return S.Zero

    if e.is_Pow:
        b, ex = e.args
        c = None  # records sign of b if b is +/-z or has a bounded value
        if b.is_Mul:
            c, b = b.as_two_terms()
            if c is S.NegativeOne and b == z:
                c = '-'
        elif b == z:
            c = '+'

        if ex.is_number:
            if c is None:
                base = b.subs(z, z0)
                if base.is_finite and (ex.is_bounded or base is not S.One):
                    return base**ex
                if z0 == 0 and ex < 0:
                    if dir != c:
                        # integer
                        if ex.is_even:
                            return S.Infinity
                        elif ex.is_odd:
                            return S.NegativeInfinity
                        # rational
                        elif ex.is_Rational:
                            return (S.NegativeOne**ex) * S.Infinity
                            return S.ComplexInfinity
                    return S.Infinity
                return z0**ex

    if e.is_Mul or not z0 and e.is_Pow and b.func is log:
        if e.is_Mul:
            if abs(z0) is S.Infinity:
                n, d = e.as_numer_denom()
                # XXX todo: this should probably be stated in the
                # negative -- i.e. to exclude expressions that should
                # not be handled this way but I'm not sure what that
                # condition is; when ok is True it means that the leading
                # term approach is going to succeed (hopefully)
                ok = lambda w: (z in w.free_symbols and any(
                    a.is_polynomial(z) or any(
                        z in m.free_symbols and m.is_polynomial(z)
                        for m in Mul.make_args(a)) for a in Add.make_args(w)))
                if all(ok(w) for w in (n, d)):
                    u = C.Dummy(positive=(z0 is S.Infinity))
                    inve = (n / d).subs(z, 1 / u)
                    return limit(inve.as_leading_term(u), u, S.Zero,
                                 "+" if z0 is S.Infinity else "-")

            # weed out the z-independent terms
            i, d = e.as_independent(z)
            if i is not S.One and i.is_bounded:
                return i * limit(d, z, z0, dir)
            i, d = S.One, e
        if not z0:
            # look for log(z)**q or z**p*log(z)**q
            p, q = Wild("p"), Wild("q")
            r = d.match(z**p * log(z)**q)
            if r:
                p, q = [r.get(w, w) for w in [p, q]]
                if q and q.is_number and p.is_number:
                    if q > 0:
                        if p > 0:
                            return S.Zero
                            return -oo * i
                        if p >= 0:
                            return S.Zero
                            return -oo * i

    if e.is_Add:
        if e.is_polynomial() and not z0.is_unbounded:
            return Add(*[limit(term, z, z0, dir) for term in e.args])

        # this is a case like limit(x*y+x*z, z, 2) == x*y+2*x
        # but we need to make sure, that the general gruntz() algorithm is
        # executed for a case like "limit(sqrt(x+1)-sqrt(x),x,oo)==0"

        unbounded = []
        unbounded_result = []
        unbounded_const = []
        unknown = []
        unknown_result = []
        finite = []
        zero = []

        def _sift(term):
            if z not in term.free_symbols:
                if term.is_unbounded:
                result = term.subs(z, z0)
                bounded = result.is_bounded
                if bounded is False or result is S.NaN:
                    if result != S.NaN:
                        # take result from direction given
                        result = limit(term, z, z0, dir)
                elif bounded:
                    if result:

        for term in e.args:

        bad = bool(unknown and unbounded)
        if bad or len(unknown) > 1 or len(unbounded) > 1 and not zero:
            uu = unknown + unbounded
            # we won't be able to resolve this with unbounded
            # terms, e.g. Sum(1/k, (k, 1, n)) - log(n) as n -> oo:
            # since the Sum is unevaluated it's boundedness is
            # unknown and the log(n) is oo so you get Sum - oo
            # which is unsatisfactory. BUT...if there are both
            # unknown and unbounded terms (condition 'bad') or
            # there are multiple terms that are unknown, or
            # there are multiple symbolic unbounded terms they may
            # respond better if they are made into a rational
            # function, so give them a chance to do so before
            # reporting failure.
            u = Add(*uu)
            f = u.normal()
            if f != u:
                unknown = []
                unbounded = []
                unbounded_result = []
                unknown_result = []
                _sift(limit(f, z, z0, dir))

            # We came in with a) unknown and unbounded terms or b) had multiple
            # unknown terms

            # At this point we've done one of 3 things.
            # (1) We did nothing with f so we now report the error
            # showing the troublesome terms which are now in uu. OR

            # (2) We did something with f but the result came back as unknown.
            # Normally this wouldn't be a problem,
            # but we had either multiple terms that were troublesome (unk and
            # unbounded or multiple unknown terms) so if we
            # weren't able to resolve the boundedness by now, that indicates a
            # problem so we report the error showing the troublesome terms which are
            # now in uu.
            if unknown:
                if bad:
                    msg = 'unknown and unbounded terms present in %s'
                elif unknown:
                    msg = 'multiple terms with unknown boundedness in %s'
                raise NotImplementedError(msg % uu)
            # OR
            # (3) the troublesome terms have been identified as finite or unbounded
            # and we proceed with the non-error code since the lists have been updated.

        u = Add(*unknown_result)
        if unbounded_result or unbounded_const:
            inf_limit = Add(*(unbounded_result + unbounded_const))
            if inf_limit is not S.NaN:
                return inf_limit + u
            if finite:
                return Add(*finite) + limit(Add(*unbounded), z, z0, dir) + u
            return Add(*finite) + u

    if e.is_Order:
        args = e.args
        return C.Order(limit(args[0], z, z0), *args[1:])

        r = gruntz(e, z, z0, dir)
        if r is S.NaN:
            raise PoleError()
    except (PoleError, ValueError):
        r = heuristics(e, z, z0, dir)
    return r
def limit(e, z, z0, dir="+"):
    Compute the limit of e(z) at the point z0.

    z0 can be any expression, including oo and -oo.

    For dir="+" (default) it calculates the limit from the right
    (z->z0+) and for dir="-" the limit from the left (z->z0-). For infinite z0
    (oo or -oo), the dir argument doesn't matter.


    >>> from sympy import limit, sin, Symbol, oo
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> limit(sin(x)/x, x, 0)
    >>> limit(1/x, x, 0, dir="+")
    >>> limit(1/x, x, 0, dir="-")
    >>> limit(1/x, x, oo)


    First we try some heuristics for easy and frequent cases like "x", "1/x",
    "x**2" and similar, so that it's fast. For all other cases, we use the
    Gruntz algorithm (see the gruntz() function).
    e = sympify(e)
    z = sympify(z)
    z0 = sympify(z0)

    if e == z:
        return z0

    if not e.has(z):
        return e

    # gruntz fails on factorials but works with the gamma function
    # If no factorial term is present, e should remain unchanged.
    # factorial is defined to be zero for negative inputs (which
    # differs from gamma) so only rewrite for positive z0.
    if z0.is_positive:
        e = e.rewrite(factorial, gamma)

    if e.is_Mul:
        if abs(z0) is S.Infinity:
            # XXX todo: this should probably be stated in the
            # negative -- i.e. to exclude expressions that should
            # not be handled this way but I'm not sure what that
            # condition is; when ok is True it means that the leading
            # term approach is going to succeed (hopefully)
            ok = lambda w: (z in w.free_symbols and any(
                a.is_polynomial(z) or any(
                    z in m.free_symbols and m.is_polynomial(z)
                    for m in Mul.make_args(a)) for a in Add.make_args(w)))
            if all(ok(w) for w in e.as_numer_denom()):
                u = C.Dummy(positive=(z0 is S.Infinity))
                inve = e.subs(z, 1 / u)
                return limit(inve.as_leading_term(u), u, S.Zero,
                             "+" if z0 is S.Infinity else "-")

    if e.is_Order:
        return C.Order(limit(e.expr, z, z0), *e.args[1:])

        r = gruntz(e, z, z0, dir)
        if r is S.NaN:
            raise PoleError()
    except (PoleError, ValueError):
        r = heuristics(e, z, z0, dir)
    return r
 def __new__(cls):
     x = C.Dummy('x')
     #construct "by hand" to avoid infinite loop
     return Expr.__new__(cls, Tuple(x), x)
def test_print_Dummy():
    d = C.Dummy('d')
    p = setup_test_printer()
    assert p._print_Dummy(d) == "d_%i" % d.dummy_index
def subexp(e, sub):
    """Is "sub" a subexpression of "e"? """
    #we substitute some symbol for the "sub", and if the
    #expression changes, the substitution was successful, thus the answer
    #is yes.
    return e.subs(sub, C.Dummy('u')) != e
def limit(e, z, z0, dir="+"):
    Compute the limit of e(z) at the point z0.

    z0 can be any expression, including oo and -oo.

    For dir="+" (default) it calculates the limit from the right
    (z->z0+) and for dir="-" the limit from the left (z->z0-). For infinite z0
    (oo or -oo), the dir argument doesn't matter.


    >>> from sympy import limit, sin, Symbol, oo
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> limit(sin(x)/x, x, 0)
    >>> limit(1/x, x, 0, dir="+")
    >>> limit(1/x, x, 0, dir="-")
    >>> limit(1/x, x, oo)


    First we try some heuristics for easy and frequent cases like "x", "1/x",
    "x**2" and similar, so that it's fast. For all other cases, we use the
    Gruntz algorithm (see the gruntz() function).
    from sympy import Wild, log

    e = sympify(e)
    z = sympify(z)
    z0 = sympify(z0)

    if e == z:
        return z0

    if e.is_Rational:
        return e

    if not e.has(z):
        return e

    # gruntz fails on factorials but works with the gamma function
    # If no factorial term is present, e should remain unchanged.
    # factorial is defined to be zero for negative inputs (which
    # differs from gamma) so only rewrite for positive z0.
    if z0.is_positive:
        e = e.rewrite(factorial, gamma)

    if e.func is tan:
        # discontinuity at odd multiples of pi/2; 0 at even
        disc = S.Pi/2
        sign = 1
        if dir == '-':
            sign *= -1
        i = limit(sign*e.args[0], z, z0)/disc
        if i.is_integer:
            if i.is_even:
                return S.Zero
            elif i.is_odd:
                if dir == '+':
                    return S.NegativeInfinity
                    return S.Infinity

    if e.func is cot:
        # discontinuity at multiples of pi; 0 at odd pi/2 multiples
        disc = S.Pi
        sign = 1
        if dir == '-':
            sign *= -1
        i = limit(sign*e.args[0], z, z0)/disc
        if i.is_integer:
            if dir == '-':
                return S.NegativeInfinity
                return S.Infinity
        elif (2*i).is_integer:
            return S.Zero

    if e.is_Pow:
        b, ex = e.args
        c = None  # records sign of b if b is +/-z or has a bounded value
        if b.is_Mul:
            c, b = b.as_two_terms()
            if c is S.NegativeOne and b == z:
                c = '-'
        elif b == z:
            c = '+'

        if ex.is_number:
            if c is None:
                base = b.subs(z, z0)
                if base != 0 and (ex.is_bounded or base is not S.One):
                    return base**ex
                if z0 == 0 and ex < 0:
                    if dir != c:
                        # integer
                        if ex.is_even:
                            return S.Infinity
                        elif ex.is_odd:
                            return S.NegativeInfinity
                        # rational
                        elif ex.is_Rational:
                            return (S.NegativeOne**ex)*S.Infinity
                            return S.ComplexInfinity
                    return S.Infinity
                return z0**ex

    if e.is_Mul or not z0 and e.is_Pow and b.func is log:
        if e.is_Mul:
            if abs(z0) is S.Infinity:
                n, d = e.as_numer_denom()
                # XXX todo: this should probably be stated in the
                # negative -- i.e. to exclude expressions that should
                # not be handled this way but I'm not sure what that
                # condition is; when ok is True it means that the leading
                # term approach is going to succeed (hopefully)
                ok = lambda w: (z in w.free_symbols and
                     any(a.is_polynomial(z) or
                     any(z in m.free_symbols and m.is_polynomial(z)
                     for m in Mul.make_args(a))
                     for a in Add.make_args(w)))
                if all(ok(w) for w in (n, d)):
                    u = C.Dummy(positive=(z0 is S.Infinity))
                    inve = (n/d).subs(z, 1/u)
                    return limit(inve.as_leading_term(u), u,
                        S.Zero, "+" if z0 is S.Infinity else "-")

            # weed out the z-independent terms
            i, d = e.as_independent(z)
            if i is not S.One and i.is_bounded:
                return i*limit(d, z, z0, dir)
            i, d = S.One, e
        if not z0:
            # look for log(z)**q or z**p*log(z)**q
            p, q = Wild("p"), Wild("q")
            r = d.match(z**p * log(z)**q)
            if r:
                p, q = [r.get(w, w) for w in [p, q]]
                if q and q.is_number and p.is_number:
                    if q > 0:
                        if p > 0:
                            return S.Zero
                            return -oo*i
                        if p >= 0:
                            return S.Zero
                            return -oo*i

    if e.is_Add:
        if e.is_polynomial():
            if not z0.is_unbounded:
                return Add(*[limit(term, z, z0, dir) for term in e.args])
        elif e.is_rational_function(z):
            rval = Add(*[limit(term, z, z0, dir) for term in e.args])
            if rval != S.NaN:
                return rval
        if not any([a.is_unbounded for a in e.args]):
            e = e.normal() # workaround for issue 3744

    if e.is_Order:
        args = e.args
        return C.Order(limit(args[0], z, z0), *args[1:])

        r = gruntz(e, z, z0, dir)
        if r is S.NaN:
            raise PoleError()
    except (PoleError, ValueError):
        r = heuristics(e, z, z0, dir)
    return r
 def _eval_rewrite_as_Sum(self, n, m=None):
     k = C.Dummy("k", integer=True)
     if m is None:
         m = S.One
     return C.Sum(k**(-m), (k, 1, n))
This module mainly implements special orthogonal polynomials.

See also functions.combinatorial.numbers which contains some
combinatorial polynomials.


from sympy.core import S, C, Rational, Function
from sympy.utilities.memoization import recurrence_memo, assoc_recurrence_memo
from sympy.functions.combinatorial.factorials import factorial

_x = C.Dummy('x')

class PolynomialSequence(Function):
    """Polynomial sequence with 1 index

       n >= 0

    nargs = 2

    def eval(cls, n, x):
        if n.is_integer and n >= 0:
            return cls.calc(int(n)).subs(_x, x)
        if n.is_negative:
            raise ValueError("%s index must be nonnegative integer (got %r)" %
                             (cls, n))