def _SparseReorderGrad(op, unused_output_indices_grad, output_values_grad): """Gradients for the SparseReorder op. Args: op: the SparseReorder op unused_output_indices_grad: the incoming gradients of the output indices output_values_grad: the incoming gradients of the output values Returns: Gradient for each of the 3 input tensors: (input_indices, input_values, input_shape) The gradients for input_indices and input_shape is None. """ input_indices = op.inputs[0] input_shape = op.inputs[2] num_entries = array_ops.shape(input_indices)[0] entry_indices = math_ops.range(num_entries) sp_unordered = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor( input_indices, entry_indices, input_shape) sp_ordered = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(sp_unordered) inverted_permutation = array_ops.invert_permutation(sp_ordered.values) return (None, array_ops.gather(output_values_grad, inverted_permutation), None)
def testAlreadyInOrder(self): with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess: input_val = self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.arange(6)) sp_output = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(input_val) output_val = self.assertAllEqual(output_val.indices, input_val.indices) self.assertAllEqual(output_val.values, input_val.values) self.assertAllEqual(output_val.dense_shape, input_val.dense_shape)
def testFeedAlreadyInOrder(self): with self.session(use_gpu=False) as sess: sp_input = self._SparseTensorPlaceholder() input_val = self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.arange(6)) sp_output = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(sp_input) output_val =, {sp_input: input_val}) self.assertAllEqual(output_val.indices, input_val.indices) self.assertAllEqual(output_val.values, input_val.values) self.assertAllEqual(output_val.dense_shape, input_val.dense_shape)
def testOutOfOrder(self): expected_output_val = self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.arange(6)) with self.test_session(use_gpu=False) as sess: for _ in range(5): # To test various random permutations input_val = self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.random.permutation(6)) sp_output = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(input_val) output_val = self.assertAllEqual(output_val.indices, expected_output_val.indices) self.assertAllEqual(output_val.values, expected_output_val.values) self.assertAllEqual(output_val.dense_shape, expected_output_val.dense_shape)
def testGradients(self): with self.test_session(use_gpu=False): for _ in range(5): # To test various random permutations input_val = self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.random.permutation(6)) sp_input = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(input_val.indices, input_val.values, input_val.dense_shape) sp_output = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(sp_input) err = gradient_checker.compute_gradient_error( sp_input.values, input_val.values.shape, sp_output.values, input_val.values.shape, x_init_value=input_val.values) self.assertLess(err, 1e-11)
def _make_sparse_mask(self, mask_shape, nnz, sort=False): """Creates a sparse tensor to be used as a mask in masked_matmul. Args: mask_shape: int list, the shape of the mask. nnz: int, the number of non-zero elements in the mask. sort: boolean, whether to sort the indices of the mask (in lexicographic order). Returns: A sparse tensor, with nnz indices, drawn uniformly at random. """ num_rows = mask_shape[0] num_cols = mask_shape[1] row_idx = random_ops.random_uniform( [nnz], minval=0, maxval=num_rows, dtype=dtypes.int64) col_idx = random_ops.random_uniform( [nnz], minval=0, maxval=num_cols, dtype=dtypes.int64) indices = array_ops.stack([row_idx, col_idx], axis=1) values = array_ops.ones([nnz]) unordered_mask = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor(indices, values, mask_shape) return sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(unordered_mask) if sort else unordered_mask
def _SparseReorderGrad(op, unused_output_indices_grad, output_values_grad): """Gradients for the SparseReorder op. Args: op: the SparseReorder op unused_output_indices_grad: the incoming gradients of the output indices output_values_grad: the incoming gradients of the output values Returns: Gradient for each of the 3 input tensors: (input_indices, input_values, input_shape) The gradients for input_indices and input_shape is None. """ input_indices = op.inputs[0] input_shape = op.inputs[2] num_entries = array_ops.shape(input_indices)[0] entry_indices = math_ops.range(num_entries) sp_unordered = ops.SparseTensor(input_indices, entry_indices, input_shape) sp_ordered = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(sp_unordered) inverted_permutation = array_ops.invert_permutation(sp_ordered.values) return (None, array_ops.gather(output_values_grad, inverted_permutation), None)
def testStaticShapeInfoPreserved(self): sp_input = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor.from_value( self._SparseTensorValue_5x6(np.arange(6))) self.assertAllEqual((5, 6), sp_input.get_shape()) sp_output = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(sp_input) self.assertAllEqual((5, 6), sp_output.get_shape())
def _flatten_tensor(tensor, sequence_mask, expected_length): """Flattens the two first dimensions and reshapes a tensor or sparse tensor. If `tensor` is a dense tensor, the sequence_mask is used to infer valid inputs. Note: If `tensor` is a `SparseTensor` and the indices are not sorted, they will be reordered. Args: tensor: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` of dimension at least 2, of shape [batch_size, seq_length, D0, D1, ..., DN]. sequence_mask: A boolean `Tensor` of shape [batch_size, seq_length]. expected_length: A integer scalar `Tensor` with the expected length of the resulting flattenned Tensor. Returns: A `Tensor` object of shape [expected_length, D0, D1, ..., DN]. Raises: ValueError: If `tensor` has not at least 2 dimensions. ValueError: If `tensor` is not a `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` object. InvalidArgumentError: If the resulting `Tensor` doesn't have the expected length. """ shape = tensor.get_shape() if shape.ndims < 2: raise ValueError( 'Input tensor expected to have at least 2 dimensions, ' 'got {} instead.'.format(shape.ndims)) if isinstance(tensor, sparse_tensor.SparseTensor): # What follows depends on the indices ordering. Hence we reorder the indices # to ensure correctness. flat_tensor = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(tensor).values if shape.ndims > 2: new_shape = array_ops.concat([[-1], shape[2:]], axis=0) flat_tensor = array_ops.reshape(tensor.values, new_shape) elif isinstance(tensor, ops.Tensor): flat_tensor = array_ops.boolean_mask_v2(tensor, sequence_mask) else: raise ValueError( '`tensor` expected to be a `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` ' 'got `{}` instead.'.format(tensor)) if shape.ndims == 2: flat_tensor = array_ops.expand_dims(flat_tensor, -1) expected_shape = array_ops.concat([[expected_length], [1]], axis=0) else: expected_shape = array_ops.concat([[expected_length], shape[2:]], axis=0) # TODO(b/119617064): Unify eager and graph implementations. err_message = 'Tensor shape is incompatible with provided mask.' if context.executing_eagerly(): if flat_tensor._shape_tuple() != tuple(expected_shape.numpy()): # pylint: disable=protected-access raise ValueError(err_message) return flat_tensor with ops.control_dependencies([ check_ops.assert_equal(array_ops.shape(flat_tensor), expected_shape, message=err_message) ]): return array_ops.identity(flat_tensor)
def sparse_random_mask(dense_shape, density=0.5, mask_values=[1], symmetrical=True, dtype=dtypes.float32, seed=None): """Uses values to create a sparse random mask according to a given density a density of 0 returns an empty sparse tensor Note: if symmetrical the mask has always the same number of mask_values per row which means that if ``density * dense_shape[1] < len(mask_values)``, the mask will be an empty ``SparseTensor``. It also means that if ``dense_shape[1] % len(mask_values) != 0`` and ``density = 1.0``, not all values will be corrupted because we can't fill every entry with a symmetrical mask. There are other ways to fill a dense tensor with random values though so a density of 1 defeats the purpose of this operation. if not symmetrical the number of mask_values will not be the same per row. If we need to fill 2 extra entries with values 2 masked values are picked at random to fill the excess. Example: if **not** symmetrical and ``shape = [1,10]]`` ``density = 0.5`` ``mask_values = [1,2,3]`` the result could be something like:: [[1. 1. 2. 3. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0.]] Args: seed: int32 to te used as seed dtype: tensor tensor value type dense_shape: a 1-D tensor tensor with shape [2] density: desired density mask_values: the values to be used to generate the random mask Returns: A sparse random mask with a density of the original shape corrupted using the mask values """ # total number of corrupted indices num_values = len(mask_values) num_corrupted = int(density * dense_shape[1]) num_mask_values = num_corrupted // num_values * num_values if num_mask_values == 0: return empty_sparse_tensor(dense_shape) else: # num corrupted indices per value if not symmetrical: mask_values = random_ops.random_shuffle(mask_values, seed) extra_corrupted = num_corrupted - num_mask_values if not symmetrical: num_mask_values = num_corrupted samples = sample(dense_shape[1], num_mask_values, dense_shape[0], unique=True, seed=seed) indices = batch_to_matrix_indices(samples, dtype=dtypes.int64) value_tensors = [] for i in range(num_values): num_vi = num_mask_values // num_values # spread the extra to be corrupted by n mask_values if not symmetrical and i < extra_corrupted: num_vi = num_vi + 1 vi_shape = math_ops.cast([dense_shape[0], num_vi], dtypes.int32) vi_tensor = array_ops.fill(vi_shape, mask_values[i]) value_tensors.append(vi_tensor) values = array_ops.concat(value_tensors, axis=-1) values = array_ops.reshape(values, [-1]) if values.dtype != dtype: values = math_ops.cast(values, dtype) dense_shape = math_ops.cast([dense_shape[0], dense_shape[1]], dtypes.int64) sp_tensor = SparseTensor(indices, values, dense_shape) # the indices were generated at random so sp_tensor = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(sp_tensor) return sp_tensor
def __init__(self, loss, penalty, At, D, b, tau=None, sigma=None, sess=None, dtype=dtypes.float32, devices='', aggregate=False, init_var=None): if not tau: raise ValueError("Must set tau") if not sigma: raise ValueError("Must set sigma") if sess is None: sess = session.Session() self.tau = tau self.sigma = sigma self.aggregate = aggregate #print(type(tau), type(sigma)) #assert type(tau)==type(sigma) if isinstance(self.tau, float): self.parammode = 'static' else: self.parammode = 'variable' self.sess = sess self.loss = loss self.penalty = penalty self.dtype = dtype self.devices = devices self.init_var = True if init_var else False if isinstance(self.devices, list): self.master = self.devices[0] else: self.master = self.devices if not isinstance(devices, list): self.matmul = tf.matmul self.spmatmul = tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul else: self.matmul = distops.matmul self.spmatmul = distops.spmatmul # check shape. self.m, self.n = At.T.shape self.l, _ = D.shape print(At.T.shape) print(D.shape) print(self.n, D.shape[1]) assert (self.n == D.shape[1]) # setup variables. # for A, we need to consider the case where A is larger than 2GB. (to be distributed) if not isinstance(At, distmat.DistMat): if not isinstance(devices, list): with tf.device(self.devices): Ap = tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=At.shape) self.At = variables.Variable(Ap), feed_dict={Ap: At}) self.A = None else: self.At = distmat.DistMat.from_dataset(At, devices=self.devices, sess=sess, dtype=self.dtype) self.A = None else: assert all([d1 == d2 for d1, d2 in zip(At.devices, self.devices)]) self.At = At if not isinstance(D, distmat.DistSpMat): # D should be COO format. # dtype induced from original matrix. # avoid recomputation of transpose. if isinstance(D, coo_matrix): pass elif isinstance(D, spmatrix): D = D.tocoo() else: raise ValueError("must be a scipy sparse matrix") if not isinstance(devices, list): D_tensor = coo_to_sparsetensor(D) D_sorted_op = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder(D_tensor) Dt_sorted_op = sparse_ops.sparse_reorder( sparse_ops.sparse_transpose(D_tensor)) D_sorted, Dt_sorted =[D_sorted_op, Dt_sorted_op]) with tf.device(self.devices): self.D = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor.from_value(D_sorted) self.Dt = sparse_tensor.SparseTensor.from_value(Dt_sorted) # b is a constant. (to duplicate) else: self.D = distmat.DistSpMat.from_spmatrix( D, devices_r=self.devices) self.Dt = None else: assert all([d1 == d2 for d1, d2 in zip(D.devices_r, self.devices)]) self.D = D self.Dt = None with tf.device(self.master): self.b = constant_op.constant(b, dtype=dtype) self._setup_variables(init_var) self._setup_evals()