def simulation_canvas(parent, **config): """Initializes the canvas and sets it up to receive user input.""" global the_canvas the_canvas = Canvas(parent, **config) the_canvas.focus_set() # this makes tkinter canvas accept keyboard commands the_canvas.bind("<Key>", lambda event: model.move_ship(event)) return the_canvas
class Main(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent = {} self.window = None self.size = (640, 480) self.fields = [] self.init_ui() def init_ui(self): self.parent.title("Node Writer") = Style()"alt") self.pack(fill="both", expand=True) menubar = Menu(self.parent) self.parent.config(menu=menubar) menubar.add_command(label="New", command=self.onNew) menubar.add_command(label="Show Info", command=self.get_info) menubar.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.quit) self.canvas = Canvas(self, background="white", width=self.size[0], height=self.size[1]) self.canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=1) self.canvas.bind("<Motion>", self.move_boxes) def move_boxes(self, event): print(event.x, event.y) """ x, y = (event.x-1, event.y-1) x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.canvas.bbox("test") if x > x1 and y > y1 and x < x2 and y < y2: print("Hit") else: print("Missed") """ def onNew(self): new = Node(self, "Node_entry") label = new.insert_entry_field("Labels") label2 = new.insert_entry_field("Labels2") text = new.insert_text_field("Text") new.ok_cancel_buttons() def get_info(self): x, y = (self.size[0]/2, self.size[1]/2) for i in label_frame= LabelFrame(self, text="name") label_frame.pack(fill="y") for entry in[i]["Entry"]: frame = Frame(label_frame) frame.pack(fill="x") label = Label(label_frame,[i]["Entry"][entry], width=6) label.pack(side="left", anchor="n", padx=5, pady=5) for text in[i]["Text"]: frame = Frame(label_frame) frame.pack(fill="x") label = Label(label_frame,[i]["Text"][text], width=6) label.pack(side="left", anchor="n", padx=5, pady=5) window = self.canvas.create_window(x, y, window=label_frame, tag="test")
class ListDialog(object): def __init__ (self, master, items, message, accept_func): self.accept_func = accept_func = Toplevel(master), weight=1), weight=3), weight=0), weight=1), weight=1), height=True) self.frame = Frame( self.frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.frame.rowconfigure(1, weight=0) self.frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=0) self.frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, S, W, E), columnspan=2) self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame) self.canvas.create_text(0, 0, text=message, anchor=NW) self.canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, W, S, E)) self.vscroll = Scrollbar(self.frame, command=self.canvas.yview) self.vscroll.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=(N, S)) self.canvas['yscrollcommand'] = self.vscroll.set self.hscroll = Scrollbar(self.frame, command=self.canvas.xview, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.hscroll.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=(W, E), columnspan=2) self.canvas['xscrollcommand'] = self.hscroll.set self.canvas['scrollregion'] = self.canvas.bbox('all') self.canvas.bind('<Button-4>', self.scroll) self.canvas.bind('<Button-5>', self.scroll) self.canvas.bind('<MouseWheel>', self.scroll) self.view = NameView(, sorted(items)) self.view.widget.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=(N, W, E, S)) self.delbutton = Button(, text='Ok', command=self.accept ) self.cancelbutton = Button(, text='Cancel', command=self.cancel) self.delbutton.grid(row=2, column=0) self.cancelbutton.grid(row=2, column=1) self.view.widget.focus_set() def accept(self): self.accept_func(self.view.selection()) def cancel(self): self.result = None def scroll(self, event): if event.num == 4 or > 0: self.canvas.yview(SCROLL, -1, UNITS) elif event.num == 5 or < 0: self.canvas.yview(SCROLL, 1, UNITS)
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw) # create a canvas object and a vertical scrollbar for scrolling it vscrollbar = Scrollbar(self, orient=VERTICAL) vscrollbar.pack(fill=Y, side=RIGHT, expand=FALSE) canvas = Canvas(self, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, yscrollcommand=vscrollbar.set) self._canvas = canvas canvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=TRUE) vscrollbar.config(command=canvas.yview) # reset the view canvas.xview_moveto(0) canvas.yview_moveto(0) # create a frame inside the canvas which will be scrolled with it self.interior = interior = Frame(canvas) interior_id = canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=interior, anchor=NW) # track changes to the canvas and frame width and sync them, # also updating the scrollbar def _configure_interior(event): # update the scrollbars to match the size of the inner frame size = (interior.winfo_reqwidth(), interior.winfo_reqheight()) canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 %s %s" % size) if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width(): # update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame canvas.config(width=interior.winfo_reqwidth()) if interior.winfo_reqheight() != canvas.winfo_height(): # update the canvas's height to fit the inner frame canvas.config(height=interior.winfo_reqheight()) interior.bind('<Configure>', _configure_interior) def _configure_canvas(event): """ This function is called when the canvas is configured, that is on resize and so on, """ if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width(): # update the inner frame's width to fill the canvas canvas.itemconfigure(interior_id, width=canvas.winfo_width()) if interior.winfo_reqheight() != canvas.winfo_height(): # update the inner frame's height to fill the canvas canvas.itemconfigure(interior_id, height=canvas.winfo_height()) canvas.bind('<Configure>', _configure_canvas) return
class SolutionViewer(object): '''Feed it progressively enhanced solutions in a loop: solution = initial while sv.show_and_wait(solution): new_solution = elaborate(solution) if new_solution is None: return solution ''' def __init__(self): self.action = None self.root = root = Tk() root.title('Fold me baby one more time') root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) # exists the mainloop() root.bind("<space>", lambda evt: root.quit()) root.pack_propagate(True) self.canvas = Canvas(root, bd=1, relief=tkinter.SUNKEN, width=500, height=500) self.canvas.pack(expand=True, fill=tkinter.BOTH, side=tkinter.LEFT) self.canvas.bind("<Configure>", lambda evt: self.populate_canvas()) self.current_solution = None def populate_canvas(self): if self.current_solution is None: return draw_solution(self.canvas, self.current_solution) def show_and_wait(self, solution): '''Return False if user closed the window''' self.current_solution = solution self.populate_canvas() self.root.mainloop() return self.root is not None def close(self): if self.root: self.root.destroy() self.root = None
def create_album(self,playlist:vk_audio.Playlist): click = lambda _:self.onclick(playlist) f = ttk.Frame(self.f,width=self.ONE_ITEM_WIDTH,cursor="hand2"); f.bind("<Button-1>", click) img = Canvas(f,width=160,height=160); img.pack(pady=5) img.bind("<Button-1>", click) self.set_image_from_album(img,playlist) title = Label(f,text=playlist.title,font=('times',14)); title.pack(padx=10) title.bind("<Button-1>", click) author = Label(f,text=",".join(i['name'] for i in playlist.author_info),font=self.DEFAULT_FONT,fg=self.DEF_FG); author.pack(padx=10) author.bind("<Button-1>",lambda _:self.a_onclick(playlist)) author.bind("<Enter>", lambda _:(author.config(font=self.HOVER_FONT,fg=self.HOVER_FG),self._config())) author.bind("<Leave>", lambda _:(author.config(font=self.DEFAULT_FONT,fg=self.DEF_FG),self._config())) f.pack(side=LEFT)
def __init__(self, root): #Configurarea si initializarea ferestrei root.title('Digit Classifier') root.resizable(False, False) c = Canvas(root, width=self.c_width, height=self.c_height) c.configure(background=self._bg) c.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.draw) c.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, rowspan=4, pady=3) _reset = Button(text='Reset', command=lambda: self.reset(c)) _reset.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=S, padx=7, pady=8) _predict = Button(text='Predict', command=lambda: self.make_prediction(root, c, label)) _predict.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky=S + E, padx=4, pady=8) #Button(text='Predict', bg="Gray", fg="Gray85").grid(row=3, column=2, sticky=S+E, padx=4, pady=4) label = Label(root, text='Prediction: NaN') label.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W, padx=4, pady=4) self.model = load_model('../best_models/{}.hdf5'.format(self._model))
class PointRec(Frame): """ creates a widget of siz 480 x 640 that prints the coordinates where the user has clicked """ def __init__(self, master=None): """ Constructor - Creates canvas """ Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() # Canvas self.canvas = Canvas(self, height=480, width=640) self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.record) self.canvas.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH) def record(self, event): """ Handles left button click and prints mouse position """ print('you clicked at ({}, {})'.format(event.x, event.y))
def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent, background=COLOR_TABLEBODY) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.xsc = Scrollbar(self, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.xsc.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='we') self.ysc = Scrollbar(self) self.ysc.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ns') c = Canvas( self, bg="#ff2f33", #karminrot xscrollcommand=self.xsc.set, yscrollcommand=self.ysc.set) c.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) c.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) c.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='nswe', padx=0, pady=0) c.bind("<Configure>", self._onFrameConfigure) c.bind('<Enter>', self._bindToMousewheel) c.bind('<Leave>', self._unbindFromMousewheel) self.xsc.config(command=c.xview) self.ysc.config(command=c.yview) self.canvas = c
def rotateImage(angle): global imagePath global image global im global im_width global im_height global im_size global photo global canvas global xscrollbar global yscrollbar global t canvas.destroy() canvas = Canvas(root, height=canvasHeight, width=canvasWidth, xscrollcommand=xscrollbar.set, yscrollcommand=yscrollbar.set), y=canvasyPosition) im = im_width, im_height = im.size im = im.resize((int(im_width * imageMagnification.get()), int(im_height * imageMagnification.get())), Image.ANTIALIAS) im = im.rotate(angle * 180 / pi) photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) image = canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=photo) canvas.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=N + S + E + W) canvas.config(scrollregion=canvas.bbox(ALL)) xscrollbar.config(command=canvas.xview) yscrollbar.config(command=canvas.yview) canvas.bind("<Motion>", crop) canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", printcoord) canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>', onGrow)
def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master) self.pack() self.create_widgets() self.width, self.height = 800, 400 self.unit = 20 f = Canvas(master, width=self.width, height=self.height, bg='gray') f.bind('<Up>', self.changedirection) f.bind('<Down>', self.changedirection) f.bind('<Left>', self.changedirection) f.bind('<Right>', self.changedirection) f.focus_set() f.pack() for i in range(0, self.height, self.unit): f.create_line(0, i, self.width, i) for i in range(0, self.width, self.unit): f.create_line(i, 0, i, self.height) self.f = f self.mat = [[0] * (self.width // self.unit) for _ in range(self.height // self.unit)] print('canvas matrix', len(self.mat), len(self.mat[0])) # direction queue self.directiondict = { 'Down': (0, 1), 'Up': (0, -1), 'Left': (-1, 0), 'Right': (1, 0) } self.directionq = deque([])
def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.master.title("Conway's Game of Life") self.button_frame = Frame(master) self.button_frame.pack(side="top") self.start_button = Button(self.button_frame, text="Start", command=self.start_stop) self.start_button.pack(side="left") self.clear_button = Button(self.button_frame, text="Clear", command=self.clear) self.clear_button.pack(side="left") self.next_button = Button(self.button_frame, text="→", command=self.next_frame) self.next_button.pack(side="left") canvas = Canvas(master, bg="white", height=500, width=500) canvas.pack(side="top", expand=True, fill="both") self.board = Board() self.grid = GameGrid(canvas, self.board) self.highlighter = Highlighter(self.grid) self.playback = Playback(self.grid, self.board, canvas) canvas.bind("<Motion>", self.mouse_over) canvas.bind("<Leave>", self.leave_canvas) canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.click_canvas)
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs) self.parent = parent parent.title("Space Invaders") canvas, aliens, lasers = Canvas(parent, width=800, height=400, bg='black'), {}, {} canvas.pack() i1, i2 = PhotoImage(format='gif', file="alien.gif"), PhotoImage(format='gif', file="laser.gif") for x, y, p in [(100 + 40 * j, 160 - 20 * i, 100 * i) for i in range(8) for j in range(15)]: aliens[canvas.create_image(x, y, image=i1)] = p canvas.bind( '<Button-1>', lambda e: lasers.update( {canvas.create_image(e.x, 390, image=i2): 10})) while aliens: try: for l in lasers: canvas.move(l, 0, -5) if canvas.coords(l)[1] < 0: canvas.delete(l) del lasers[l] for a in aliens: canvas.move(a, 2.0 * math.sin(time.time()), 0) p = canvas.coords(a) items = canvas.find_overlapping(p[0] - 5, p[1] - 5, p[0] + 5, p[1] + 5) for i in items[1:2]: canvas.delete(a) del aliens[a] canvas.delete(i) del lasers[i] time.sleep(0.02) root.update() except: pass
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kw): Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kw) # create a canvas object and a vertical scrollbar for scrolling it vscrollbar = Scrollbar(self, orient='vertical') vscrollbar.pack(fill='y', side='right', expand=False) canvas = Canvas(self, bd=0, highlightthickness=0, yscrollcommand=vscrollbar.set, bg='black') canvas.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) vscrollbar.config(command=canvas.yview) # reset the view canvas.xview_moveto(0) canvas.yview_moveto(0) # create a frame inside the canvas which will be scrolled with it self.interior = interior = Frame(canvas, bg='black') interior_id = canvas.create_window(0, 0, window=interior, anchor='nw') # track changes to the canvas and frame width and sync them, # also updating the scrollbar def _configure_interior(event): # update the scrollbars to match the size of the inner frame size = (interior.winfo_reqwidth(), interior.winfo_reqheight()) canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 %s %s" % size) if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width(): # update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame canvas.config(width=interior.winfo_reqwidth()) interior.bind('<Configure>', _configure_interior) def _configure_canvas(event): if interior.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width(): # update the inner frame's width to fill the canvas canvas.itemconfigure(interior_id, width=canvas.winfo_width()) canvas.bind('<Configure>', _configure_canvas)
def createCanvas(self): f = Frame(self) canvas = Canvas(f, width=self.canvasH, height=self.canvasH, bg='white') xbar = Scrollbar( f, orient='horizontal', command=canvas.xview ) ybar = Scrollbar( f, orient='vertical', command=canvas.yview ) canvas.configure( xscrollcommand=xbar.set, yscrollcommand=ybar.set ) # Resize box resize = Label( f, bg='white' ) # Layout canvas.grid( row=0, column=1, sticky='nsew') ybar.grid( row=0, column=2, sticky='ns') xbar.grid( row=1, column=1, sticky='ew' ) resize.grid( row=1, column=2, sticky='nsew' ) # Resize behavior f.rowconfigure( 0, weight=1 ) f.columnconfigure( 1, weight=1 ) f.grid( row=0, column=0, sticky='nsew' ) f.bind( '<Configure>', lambda event: self.updateScrollRegion() ) # Mouse bindings canvas.bind( '<ButtonPress-1>', self.clickCanvas ) canvas.bind( '<B1-Motion>', self.dragCanvas ) canvas.bind( '<ButtonRelease-1>', self.releaseCanvas ) return f, canvas
class Dibujo(object): def __init__(self, master): self.master = master self.inicializar_gui() def inicializar_gui(self): self.canvas = Canvas(bg='white', height=300, width=300) self.canvas.pack() self.canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.iniciar_dibujo) self.canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.dibujar) self.canvas.bind('<Double-1>', self.limpiar) self.canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-3>', self.mover) self.tipos_figuras = [ self.canvas.create_oval, self.canvas.create_rectangle ] self.dibujo = None def iniciar_dibujo(self, evento): self.figura = self.tipos_figuras[0] self.tipos_figuras = self.tipos_figuras[1:] + self.tipos_figuras[:1] self.inicio = evento self.dibujo = None def dibujar(self, evento): canvas = evento.widget if self.dibujo: self.canvas.delete(self.dibujo) id_figura = self.figura(self.inicio.x, self.inicio.y, evento.x, evento.y) self.dibujo = id_figura def limpiar(self, evento): evento.widget.delete('all') def mover(self, evento): if self.dibujo: canvas = evento.widget diferencia_x = evento.x - self.inicio.x diferencia_y = evento.y - self.inicio.y canvas.move(self.dibujo, diferencia_x, diferencia_y) self.inicio = evento
class Dots(Tk): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.w = Canvas(self, bg='#aaa') self.d = [] self.t = Thread(target=self.physics, daemon=True) self.g = .04 self.closing = False self.start = BooleanVar(self) self.w.pack() self.w.bind('<Button-1>', lambda ev:, ev.y)) self.bind('<space>', lambda ev: self.start.set(not self.start.get())) self.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.on_close) self.t.start() def on_close(self): self.closing = True self.destroy() def new(self, x, y): self.d += [Dot(x, y)] def physics(self): try: while not self.closing: if self.d: x = sum([e.x for e in self.d]) / len(self.d) y = sum([e.y for e in self.d]) / len(self.d) self.w.delete(ALL) for e in self.d: if self.start.get(): e.vx += self.g * (x - e.x) e.vy += self.g * (y - e.y) e.update() e.render(self.w) sleep(1 / 20) except: if not self.closing: raise
class slot: # Canvas in a frame def __init__(self, wnd, x, y, board): self.board = board # colorList = ['red','yellow','blue','purple','pink','black','white','orange','green'] self.frame = Frame(wnd, borderwidth=1, relief='solid') self.frame.grid(column=x, row=y, sticky='EWSN') self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame, width=100, height=100) self.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', lambda _: self.board.makeMove(x)) self.canvas.pack(fill='both', expand=True) # Pass move to game engine and draw a circle def placePiece(self, redTurn): # print("clicked at", event.x, event.y) # # if if redTurn: self.canvas.create_oval(2, 2, 101, 101, fill='red') # self.canvas.create_oval(0,0,int(self.canvas.cget('width'))/2,int(self.canvas.cget('height'))/2, fill='red') else: self.canvas.create_oval(2, 2, 101, 101, fill='yellow')
def set_scrollbar(self): mainframe = Frame(self) mainframe.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1, padx=5) lutCanvas = Canvas(mainframe) lutCanvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) scroll = ttk.Scrollbar(lutCanvas, orient=HORIZONTAL, command=lutCanvas.xview) scroll.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) lutCanvas.configure(xscrollcommand=scroll.set) lutCanvas.bind( '<Configure>', lambda e: lutCanvas.configure(scrollregion=lutCanvas.bbox('all'))) def _on_mouse_wheel(event): lutCanvas.xview_scroll(-1 * int(( / 120)), "units") lutCanvas.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", _on_mouse_wheel) self.write_frame = Frame(lutCanvas) lutCanvas.create_window((0, 0), window=self.write_frame, anchor=NW)
class create_track: def __init__(self, frame, parent, childn): self.frame = frame self.parent = parent self.childn = childn def create_line(self): self.canvas = Canvas() #self.canvas.create_line(10,20,100,200,250,350,40,40) list = [(100, 100), (100, 200), (300, 300), (400, 300), (500, 100)] for x, y in list: print(x) print(y) self.canvas.create_oval(int(x), int(y), int(x) + 50, int(y) + 50) self.canvas.bind() self.canvas.pack() #frame = Frame(root, width=100, height=100) def create_graph(self): pass
def main(): gui = Tk() gui.title("D&C Convex Hull") canvas = Canvas(gui) canvas.focus_set() canvas.bind("<Button-1>", on_left_click) canvas.bind("<Button-3>", on_right_click) canvas.bind("<Motion>", on_mouse_moved) canvas.bind("e", do_pathfinding) canvas.bind("q", place_waypoint) canvas.pack(expand=True, fill="both") gui.mainloop()
def __init__(self, cv: Canvas, callback_click, window_size: WindowSize, board_size: BoardSize, chess_radii=10, theta=0.3): super().__init__(window_size, board_size) def draw_line_fun(x1, y1, x2, y2): cv.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2) def draw_chess_fun(x, y, chess: Chess): rect = (x - chess_radii, y - chess_radii, x + chess_radii, y + chess_radii) cv.create_oval(rect, fill='black' if chess.is_black() else 'white') def draw_text_fun(x, y, text): rect = (x - chess_radii, y - chess_radii, x + chess_radii, y + chess_radii) cv.create_text(x, y, text=text, fill='red', font=("Purisa", 8)) def clear_fun(): cv.delete('all') def _callback_click(event): if callback_click is None: return x, y = event.x, event.y coordinate = self.get_real_coordinate(x, y, theta=theta) if coordinate is not None: x, y = coordinate callback_click(x, y) cv.bind('<Button-1>', _callback_click) self._draw_line_fun, self._draw_chess_fun, self._clear_fun, self._draw_text_fun = \ draw_line_fun, draw_chess_fun, clear_fun, draw_text_fun
class SkeletonAnimationApp(): def __init__(self, master): """Skeleton animation app to help understand more advanced ones.""" master.title("Track mouse with up to " + str(numEvents) + " circles.") self.master = master # keep track of a fixed number of motion events = [] self.canvas = Canvas(master, width=512, height=512) self.canvas.bind("<Motion>", self.track) self.canvas.pack() # Register handler which redraws everything at fixed interval self.master.after(frameDelay, self.drawEverything) def track(self, event): """Refresh event collection and redraw.""", event.y)) if len( > numEvents: del[0] def drawEverything(self): """Draw at timed frequency.""" self.master.after(frameDelay, self.drawEverything) self.visit() def visit (self): """Visit structure and represent graphically.""" self.canvas.delete(ALL) last = None for shape in self.canvas.create_oval(shape[X] - 4, shape[Y] - 4, shape[X] + 4, shape[Y] + 4, fill='black') if last: self.canvas.create_line(shape[X], shape[Y], last[X], last[Y]) last = shape
def main(): squares = {(random.randrange(-15, 15), random.randrange(-15, 15)) for i in range(30)} space = __space_build(squares) space_x, space_y = *zip(*space.keys()), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = min(space_x), max(space_x), min(space_y), max( space_y) master = Tk() canvas_width = (xmax - xmin + 1) * __SQUARE_SIZE canvas_height = (ymax - ymin + 1) * __SQUARE_SIZE w = Canvas(master, width=canvas_width, height=canvas_height) __space_draw(space, w, canvas_width, canvas_height) def onclick(event): x = (event.x // __SQUARE_SIZE) + xmin y = (event.y // __SQUARE_SIZE) + ymin squares.add((x, y)) space = __space_build(squares) __space_draw(space, w, canvas_width, canvas_height) w.bind("<Button-1>", onclick) w.pack() mainloop()
class ScrollLabelFrame(LabelFrame): def __init__(self, parent, label): super().__init__(master=parent, text=label, padx=5, pady=5) self._canvas = Canvas(self, background="#ffffff") self.inner_frame = Frame(self._canvas, background="#ffffff") self._scroll_bar = Scrollbar(self, orient="vertical", command=self._canvas.yview) self._canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self._scroll_bar.set) self._scroll_bar.pack(side="right", fill="y") self._canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) self._canvas_window = self._canvas.create_window( (4, 4), window=self.inner_frame, anchor="nw", #add view port frame to canvas tags="self.inner_frame") self.inner_frame.bind( "<Configure>", self.onFrameConfigure ) # bind an event whenever the size of the viewPort frame changes. self._canvas.bind( "<Configure>", self.onCanvasConfigure ) # bind an event whenever the size of the viewPort frame changes. self.onFrameConfigure(None) def onFrameConfigure(self, event): '''Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame''' self._canvas.configure( scrollregion=self._canvas.bbox("all") ) # whenever the size of the frame changes, alter the scroll region respectively. def onCanvasConfigure(self, event): '''Reset the canvas window to encompass inner frame when required''' canvas_width = event.width self._canvas.itemconfig(self._canvas_window, width=canvas_width)
def __init__(self, parent=None): canvas = Canvas(width=300, height=300, bg='beige') canvas.pack() canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.onStart) # click canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.onGrow) # and drag canvas.bind('<Double-1>', self.onClear) # delete all canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-3>', self.onMove) # move latest self.canvas = canvas self.drawn = None self.kinds = [canvas.create_oval, canvas.create_rectangle]
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ScrollingFrame, self).__init__(**kwargs) style = Style() canvas = Canvas(master=self) scrollbar = Scrollbar(master=self, command=canvas.yview) canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) self.inner = inner = Frame(master=canvas) self.inner.bind( '<Configure>', lambda e: canvas.configure(scrollregion=canvas.bbox('all'))) inner_id = canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=self.inner, anchor='nw') canvas.pack(side='left', fill='both', expand=True) scrollbar.pack(side='right', fill='y') def _bind_mouse(event=None): canvas.bind_all("<4>", _on_mousewheel) canvas.bind_all("<5>", _on_mousewheel) canvas.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", _on_mousewheel) def _unbind_mouse(event=None): canvas.unbind_all("<4>") canvas.unbind_all("<5>") canvas.unbind_all("<MouseWheel>") def _on_mousewheel(event): """Linux uses event.num; Windows / Mac uses""" if event.num == 4 or > 0: canvas.yview_scroll(-1, "units") elif event.num == 5 or < 0: canvas.yview_scroll(1, "units") def _configure_inner(event): # update the scrollbars to match the size of the inner frame size = (inner.winfo_reqwidth(), inner.winfo_reqheight()) canvas.config(scrollregion="0 0 %s %s" % size) if inner.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width(): # update the canvas's width to fit the inner frame canvas.config(width=inner.winfo_reqwidth()) inner.bind('<Configure>', _configure_inner) def _configure_canvas(event): if inner.winfo_reqwidth() != canvas.winfo_width(): # update the inner frame's width to fill the canvas canvas.itemconfigure(inner_id, width=canvas.winfo_width()) canvas.bind('<Configure>', _configure_canvas) canvas.bind("<Enter>", _bind_mouse) canvas.bind("<Leave>", _unbind_mouse)
class BildaufCanvas: def __init__(self, frame, baseheight, bildname, im, pointer): self.frame = frame self.baseheight = baseheight self.bildname = bildname self.pointer = pointer self.canvas = 1 def ShowBild(self, frame, baseheight, bildname, im, pointer):"L") width, height = im.size wpercent = baseheight / height # Bildgroesse anpassen newwidth = width * wpercent newwidth = int(newwidth) newsize = (newwidth, baseheight) # Groesse als tuple imnew = im.resize(newsize) self.canvas = Canvas( frame, height=baseheight, width=baseheight, bg="black" ) # Leinwand = Canvas definieren, auf der das Bild im Frame erscheint self.canvas.pack(padx=5, side="left") self.canvas.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: onenter(pointer)) self.canvas.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: onleave(bildname)) self.canvas.bind("<Double-Button-1>", lambda event: ondouble(pointer)) self.canvas.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage( imnew ) # Bild mit neuen Maßen wird mit der Leinwand = Canvas verbunden bild = self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=self.canvas.image, anchor='nw') # Bild wird angezeigt def ChangeBild(self, frame, baseheight, bildname, im): width, height = im.size wpercent = baseheight / height # Bildgroesse anpassen newwidth = width * wpercent newwidth = int(newwidth) newsize = (newwidth, baseheight) # Groesse als tuple imnew = im.resize(newsize) self.canvas.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage( imnew ) # Bild mit neuen Maßen wird mit der Leinwand = Canvas verbunden bild = self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=self.canvas.image, anchor='nw') # Bild wird angezeigt def deleteBild(self): self.canvas.pack_forget()
def _create_canvas(self, width, height): """ Create a canvas :param width: Width of the canvas :param height: Height of the Canvas :return: Canvas """ canvas = Canvas(self, width=width, height=height) canvas.pack() canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self._key_button_1_press) canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>', self._key_button_1_motion) canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self._key_button_1_release) return canvas
def draw_ROI(img, scale_horizontal, scale_vertical): draw_ROI_window = tk.Toplevel(Globals.tab3) draw_ROI_window.grab_set() local_frame= Frame(draw_ROI_window, bd = 2, relief=SUNKEN) local_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0,weight=1) local_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) local_canvas = Canvas(local_frame, bd=0) local_canvas.grid(row=0,column=0, sticky=N+S+E+W) w = 10 + img.width() h = 10 + img.height() draw_ROI_window.geometry("%dx%d+0+0" % (w, h)) local_canvas.create_image(0,0,image=img,anchor="nw") local_canvas.config(scrollregion=local_canvas.bbox(ALL), cursor='arrow') local_canvas.image= img rectangle = local_canvas.create_rectangle(0,0,0,0,outline='green') def buttonPushed(event): Globals.map_dose_ROI_x_start.set(event.x) Globals.map_dose_ROI_y_start.set(event.y) def buttonMoving(event): local_canvas.coords(rectangle, Globals.map_dose_ROI_x_start.get(), Globals.map_dose_ROI_y_start.get(), \ event.x, event.y) def buttonReleased(event): Globals.map_dose_ROI_x_end.set(event.x) Globals.map_dose_ROI_y_end.set(event.y) local_canvas.coords(rectangle, Globals.map_dose_ROI_x_start.get(), Globals.map_dose_ROI_y_start.get(),\ Globals.map_dose_ROI_x_end.get(), Globals.map_dose_ROI_y_end.get()) local_canvas.itemconfig(rectangle, outline='Blue') answer = messagebox.askquestion("Question","Happy with placement?", parent=draw_ROI_window) if(answer=='yes'): Globals.map_dose_ROI_x_start.set(Globals.map_dose_ROI_x_start.get()*scale_horizontal) Globals.map_dose_ROI_y_start.set(Globals.map_dose_ROI_y_start.get()*scale_vertical) Globals.map_dose_ROI_x_end.set(Globals.map_dose_ROI_x_end.get()*scale_horizontal) Globals.map_dose_ROI_y_end.set(Globals.map_dose_ROI_y_end.get()*scale_vertical) prepare_Image() draw_ROI_window.destroy() local_canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", buttonMoving) local_canvas.bind("<Button-1>", buttonPushed) local_canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", buttonReleased) local_frame.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
def frame_game(self): """Tworzenie obszaru gry""" frame_main = Frame(self.master, width=WINDOW_WIDTH, height=WINDOW_HEIGHT) frame1 = Frame(frame_main) canvas1 = Canvas(frame1, width=WINDOW_WIDTH, height=float((1 / 7) * WINDOW_HEIGHT), background="blue"), y=0) canvas1.pack() frame1.pack(side=TOP) frame2 = Frame(frame_main) canvas2 = Canvas(frame2, width=WINDOW_WIDTH, height=float((6 / 7) * WINDOW_HEIGHT), background="Green"), y=0) canvas2.pack() frame2.pack(side=TOP) frame_main.pack(side=LEFT) self.action.draw_circle(self.table, canvas2) self.action.one_circle(canvas1) self.action.reset_button(self.table, canvas1, canvas2) canvas1.bind( '<Button-1>', lambda e:, canvas1, canvas2, e)) canvas2.bind( '<Button-1>', lambda e:, canvas1, canvas2, e)) canvas1.bind('<Motion>', lambda e: self.action.move_circle(canvas1, e)) canvas2.bind('<Motion>', lambda e: self.action.move_circle(canvas1, e))
def __init__(self, parent=None): self.w, self.h = 611, 320 self.merid = 180 master = Tk() master.title('OCR Tools') canvas = Canvas(master, width=self.w, height=self.h) canvas.pack() canvas.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.onStart) canvas.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.onGrow) canvas.bind('<Double-1>', self.onClear) canvas.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.onRelease) self.canvas = canvas self.drawn = None self.kind = canvas.create_rectangle self.coords = [] f_lmap = dirname + '/images/lambert_cylindrical.gif' self.tk_im = PhotoImage(file=f_lmap) self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor="nw", image=self.tk_im)
def createButton(self, btn: int, coords: tuple[int]) -> Canvas: def hoverEvent(clr: str): cnv.itemconfigure(tagOrId=cir, outline=clr) cnv.itemconfigure(tagOrId=poly, outline=clr, fill=clr) cnv = Canvas(master=self, height=BTN_SIZE, width=BTN_SIZE) # create outline cir: int = cnv.create_oval(0, 0, BTN_SIZE - 1, BTN_SIZE - 1, outline=CLR_BTNS) # create symbol poly: int = cnv.create_polygon(*coords, outline=CLR_BTNS, fill=CLR_BTNS) # bind hover/click cnv.bind(sequence='<Enter>', func=lambda _: hoverEvent(CLR_BTN_HOVER)) cnv.bind(sequence='<Leave>', func=lambda _: hoverEvent(CLR_BTNS)) cnv.bind(sequence='<ButtonRelease-1>', func=lambda e, b=btn: self.sendInput(e, b)) # place the canvas cnv.grid(column=[0, 2, 2, 4][btn], row=0) return cnv
def createGUIField(): for i in range(Model.x, 0, -1): for j in range(Model.y - 1, -1, -1): c = Canvas(window, width=currentModeSettings[0], height=currentModeSettings[0], highlightthickness=0) c.create_rectangle(0, 0, currentModeSettings[0], currentModeSettings[0], fill='dark grey', outline='black', width=1) c.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event, row=i - 1, column=j: mouseButton1( event, row, column)) if sys.platform in ("win32", "win64"): # windows: right mouse button = Button3 c.bind("<Button-3>", lambda event, row=i - 1, column=j: mouseButton3( event, row, column)) else: # macOs: right mouse button = Button2 c.bind("<Button-2>", lambda event, row=i - 1, column=j: mouseButton3( event, row, column)) c.grid(row=i, column=j) global firstMove firstMove = True labelGameOver.config(text="") labelNumberOfFlags.config(text=Model.amountMines.__str__())
class GameUI(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, controller): Frame.__init__(self, parent) = Game() self.row, self.col = 0, 0 self.init_UI() def init_UI(self): self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, highlightthickness=0, relief='ridge', bg='gray10' ) self.canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP) Button(self, text='RESTART', height=24, fg='white', bg='gray20', activeforeground='white', activebackground='gray15', border=0, font=('Arial', 12, 'bold'), highlightthickness=0, relief='ridge', command=self.restart ).pack(fill=BOTH, side=BOTTOM) self.draw_grid() self.canvas.bind('<Button-1>', def restart(self): = Game() self.row, self.col = 0, 0 self.canvas.delete('all') self.draw_grid() def draw_grid(self): for i in range( + 1): x0 = MARGIN + i * SIDE y0 = MARGIN x1 = MARGIN + i * SIDE y1 = HEIGHT - MARGIN self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill='gray25') x0 = MARGIN y0 = MARGIN + i * SIDE x1 = HEIGHT - MARGIN y1 = MARGIN + i * SIDE self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill='gray25') self.board = [ [, y) for x in range( + 1) ] for y in range( + 1) ] self.load_board(self.board) def load_board(self, board): for y in range( + 1): for x in range( + 1): player =, x) if player != ' ': self.row, self.col = ( - 1) - x, y self.draw_player(player) def play(self, event): if return x, y = event.x, event.y if MARGIN < x < WIDTH - MARGIN and MARGIN < y < HEIGHT - MARGIN: row, col = int((y - MARGIN) / SIDE), int((x - MARGIN) / SIDE) real_x, real_y = col, ( - 1) - row if, real_y): self.row, self.col = row, col player =, real_y, player) self.draw_player(player) winner = if winner: self.draw_victory(winner) def draw_player(self, player): if self.row >= 0 and self.col >=0: x0 = MARGIN + self.col * SIDE + 1 y0 = MARGIN + self.row * SIDE + 1 x1 = MARGIN + (self.col + 1) * SIDE - 1 y1 = MARGIN + (self.row + 1) * SIDE - 1 self.canvas.create_rectangle( x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=self.get_color(player), outline='' ) x = x0 + SIDE / 2 y = y0 + SIDE / 2 self.canvas.create_text( x, y, text=player, fill='white', font=('Arial', 12) ) def draw_victory(self, winner): x0 = y0 = MARGIN + SIDE * 2 x1 = y1 = MARGIN + SIDE * 8 self.canvas.create_oval( x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=self.get_color(winner), outline='' ) x = y = MARGIN + 4 * SIDE + SIDE message = '{} player wins'.format(winner) self.canvas.create_text( x, y, text=message, fill='white', font=('Arial', 28) ) def get_color(self, player): return 'dark slate gray' if player == 'X' else 'sea green'
class Board(Tk): def __init__(self, width, height, cellSize,player=None,logicBoard=None): """ :param width: largeur du plateau :param height: hauteur du plateau :param cellSize: largeur des cases :param player: joueur :param logicBoard: plateau logique (liste de liste) """ Tk.__init__(self) self.cellSize = cellSize self.guiBoard = Canvas(self, width=width, height=height, bg="bisque") self.currentFixedLabel = FixedLabel(self,"CURRENT PLAYER : ",16,0) self.currentVariableLabel = VariableLabel(self,18,0,"string") self.bluePointsFixedLabel = FixedLabel(self,"BLUE CAPTURES : ",16,2) self.bluePointsVariableLabel = VariableLabel(self,18,2,"integer") self.redPointsFixedLabel = FixedLabel(self,"RED CAPTURES : ",16,4) self.redPointsVariableLabel = VariableLabel(self,18,4,"integer") self.logicBoard=logicBoard if not(logicBoard): self.logicBoard=dr.initBoard(DIMENSION) self.player=player if not(player): self.player=1 self.hasPlayed=False self.hasCaptured=False self.guiBoard.bind("<Button -1>", self.bindEvent) self.initiateBoard() self.guiBoard.grid(rowspan=DIMENSION+1,columnspan=DIMENSION+1,row=0,column=4) def getBoard(self): return(self.logicBoard) def getPlayer(self): return(self.player) def initiateBoard(self): for i in range(DIMENSION): for j in range(DIMENSION): coordX1 = (i * self.cellSize) coordY1 = (j * self.cellSize) coordX2 = coordX1 + self.cellSize coordY2 = coordY1 + self.cellSize color = "white" if i%2 == j%2 else "black" cell = self.logicBoard[j][i] guiCell=self.draw_rectangle(coordX1, coordY1, coordX2, coordY2, color, "r"+str(i)+str(j)) if cell !=0: pawnColor = "red" if cell > 0 else "blue" pawn=self.draw_circle(coordX1, coordY1, coordX2, coordY2, pawnColor, "c"+str(i)+str(j),pawnColor) def draw_rectangle(self,coordX1,coordY1,coordX2,coordY2,color,tags): """ :param coordX1: coordonnée x du coin supérieur gauche du rectangle :param coordY1: coordonnée y du coin supérieur gauche du rectangle :param coordX2: coordonnée x du coin inférieur droit du rectangle :param coordY2: coordonnée y du coin inférieur droit du rectangle :param color: couleur du rectangle :param tags: tags :return: Id du rectangle """ self.guiBoard.create_rectangle(coordX1,coordY1,coordX2,coordY2,fill=color,outline="black",tags=tags) return(self.guiBoard.create_rectangle(coordX1,coordY1,coordX2,coordY2,fill=color,outline="black",tags=tags)) def draw_circle(self, coordX1, coordY1, coordX2,coordY2, color, tags,outline): """ :param coordX1: coordonnée x du coin supérieur gauche du rectangle :param coordY1: coordonnée y du coin supérieur gauche du rectangle :param coordX2: coordonnée x du coin inférieur droit du rectangle :param coordY2: coordonnée y du coin inférieur droit du rectangle :param color: couleur du rectangle :param tags: tags :param outline: couleur du bord du cercle :return: Id du cercle """ return(self.guiBoard.create_oval(coordX1,coordY1,coordX2,coordY2,fill=color,outline=outline,tags=tags)) def findLength(self,i,j,ancientSelectedCellTags): """ :param i: coordonnée de la ligne :param j: coordonnée de la colonne :param ancientSelectedCellTags: tags de la case anciennement selectionnée :return: longueur """ departJ=int(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][1]) departI=int(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][2]) length=None if(departI!=i): isDiago=abs(j-departJ)/abs(i-departI) if(isDiago==1):#la case d'arrivée se trouve sur la diagonale length=( ((j-departJ)**2) + ((i-departI)**2) )**(1/2) #recherche de l'hypothenuse length/=(2)**(1/2) #divisé par racine de 2 car l'hypothenuse d'un triangle avec 2 coté de longueur 1 = racine de 2 return(length) def findDirection(self,i,j,ancientSelectedCellTags): """ :param i: coordonnée de la ligne :param j: coordonnée de la colonne :param ancientSelectedCellTags: tags de la case anciennement selectionnée :return: direction """ dirI=(i-int(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][2]))/abs(i-int(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][2])) dirJ=(j-int(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][1]))/abs(j-int(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][1])) direction="L" if (dirJ==self.player): direction="R" if(dirI==self.player): direction+="B" return(direction) def enfOfGame(self): end=dr.checkEndOfGame(self.logicBoard,self.player) if (end is False): return #le jeu n'est pas fini self.guiBoard.unbind("<Button -1>") if(end!=0): winner="RED PLAYER" if end==1 else "BLUE PLAYER" text=winner + " WON" else: text = "DRAW" FixedLabel(self,text,16,6) def changePlayer(self,cellId,i,j): """ :param cellId: Id du dernier pion joué :param i: coordonnée de la ligne :param j: coordonnée de la colonn """ self.player=-self.player val="RED" if self.player ==1 else "BLUE" self.currentVariableLabel.setVar(val) self.hasPlayed=False self.hasCaptured=False dr.becomeKing(self.logicBoard,j,i) self.enfOfGame() if (dr.isKing(self.logicBoard,j,i)): self.guiBoard.itemconfig(cellId,outline="gold",width=2) def coordToLetter(self,j): """ :param j: coordonée de la colonne :return: coordonnée de la colonne en format lettre """ return(chr(int(j)+97)) def moveGuiPiece(self,i,j,ancientSelectedCellTags,ancientSelectedCellCoordI,ancientSelectedCellCoordJ,ancientSelectedCellId,playerColor): """ :param i: coordonnée de la ligne :param j: coordonnée de la colonn :param ancientSelectedCellTags: tags de la case précédemment sélectionnée :param ancientSelectedCellCoordI: coordonnée x de la case précédemment sélectionnée :param ancientSelectedCellCoordJ: coordonnée y de la case précédemment sélectionnée :param ancientSelectedCellId: id de la case précédemment sélectionnée :param playerColor: couleur du joueur (red ou blue) """ length=self.findLength(j,i,ancientSelectedCellTags)#chercher la longueur du mouvement if (not(length)): return #Le mouvement n'est pas autorisé, case d'arrivée n'est pas sur la diagonale direction=self.findDirection(j,i,ancientSelectedCellTags)#chercher la destination errCode=dr.checkMove(self.logicBoard,ancientSelectedCellCoordI,ancientSelectedCellCoordJ,direction,self.player,moves=length,hasPlayed=self.hasPlayed,hasCaptured=self.hasCaptured) if (errCode==NO_ERROR): #Le mouvement est autorisé dest,cap=dr.movePiece(self.logicBoard,ancientSelectedCellCoordI,ancientSelectedCellCoordJ,direction,moves=length) tag="c"+str(dest[1])+str(dest[0]) self.guiBoard.delete(ancientSelectedCellId)#supression du pion déplacé if (cap): self.guiBoard.delete("c"+str(cap[1])+str(cap[0]))#supression du pion capturé self.hasCaptured=True dr.capture(self.logicBoard,cap[0],cap[1]) if (playerColor=="red"): self.redPointsVariableLabel.setVar(self.redPointsVariableLabel.getVar().get()+1) else: self.bluePointsVariableLabel.setVar(self.bluePointsVariableLabel.getVar().get()+1) destCoordX1,destCoordY1,destCoordX2,destCoordY2=self.getGuiCoord(dest[1],dest[0]) currentCellId=self.draw_circle(destCoordX2,destCoordY2,destCoordX1,destCoordY1, playerColor, tag,playerColor)#placement du pion déplacé if (cap): self.selectPawn(currentCellId,tag)#Après capture, le pion est toujours sélectionné self.hasPlayed=True if(not(self.hasCaptured)): self.changePlayer(currentCellId,i,j)#Aucune capture, changement de joueur else: departA=self.coordToLetter(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][1]) departB=str(int(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][2])+1) destA=self.coordToLetter(i) destB=str(j+1) message="le coup "+departA+departB+"-"+destA+destB+" n'est pas permis"+"\n"+dr.strerr(errCode) MessageBox("ERROR "+str(errCode),message) def selectPawn(self,currentCellId,tag): """ :param currentCellId: id de la case a selectionner :param tag: tags du pion """ self.guiBoard.itemconfig(currentCellId,fill="green",tags=(tag,"selected")) def deselectPawn(self,ancientSelectedCellId,playerColor,ancientSelectedCellTags): """ :param ancientSelectedCellId: id de la case précédemment sélectionnée :param playerColor: couleur du joueur (red ou blue) :param ancientSelectedCellTags: tags de la case précédemment sélectionnée """ self.guiBoard.itemconfig(ancientSelectedCellId,fill=playerColor,tags=ancientSelectedCellTags[0]) def getGuiCoord(self,i,j): """ :param i: coordonnée x :param j: coordonnée y :return: les coordonnées des coins supérieur gauche et inférieur droit de la case """ coordX1 = (i * self.cellSize) coordY1 = (j * self.cellSize) coordX2 = coordX1 + self.cellSize coordY2 = coordY1 + self.cellSize return(coordX1,coordY1,coordX2,coordY2) def bindEvent(self,event): i = int(event.x / self.cellSize) j = int(event.y / self.cellSize) if(dr.outside(self.logicBoard,j,i)): return playerColor="red" if self.player==1 else "blue" if(dr.caseNoire(j,i)):#Si l'on a cliqué sur une case noire coordX1,coordY1,coordX2,coordY2=self.getGuiCoord(i,j) tag="c"+str(i)+str(j) if (dr.isFree(self.logicBoard,j,i)):#Si l'on a cliqué sur une case vide currentCellId=self.guiBoard.find_withtag("r"+str(i)+str(j))[0]#recherche de l'ID de la case vide else:#Si l'on a cliqué sur un pion currentCellId=self.guiBoard.find_withtag(tag)[0]#recherche de l'ID du pion ancientSelectedCellId=self.guiBoard.find_withtag("selected")#recherche de l'ancienne case sélectionée if (ancientSelectedCellId):#Si une case à déjà été sélectionnée ancientSelectedCellId=ancientSelectedCellId[0]#On récupère l'id du tuple ancientSelectedCellTags=self.guiBoard.gettags(ancientSelectedCellId)#On récupère les tags de la case qui était selectionée ancientSelectedCellCoordI=int(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][1]) ancientSelectedCellCoordJ=int(ancientSelectedCellTags[0][2]) if (not(dr.isFree(self.logicBoard,j,i))):#Si on sélectionne une case remplie if (self.hasCaptured==True):#Si l'on a déjà capturé if (ancientSelectedCellCoordJ==j and ancientSelectedCellCoordI==i and dr.playerColor(self.logicBoard[j][i])==self.player): #J'ai cliqué sur moi même : Tour fini self.changePlayer(ancientSelectedCellId,i,j) self.deselectPawn(ancientSelectedCellId,playerColor,ancientSelectedCellTags) return elif (dr.playerColor(self.logicBoard[j][i])==self.player):#Si on selectionne un de nos pions self.deselectPawn(ancientSelectedCellId,playerColor,ancientSelectedCellTags) self.selectPawn(currentCellId,tag) return self.moveGuiPiece(i,j,ancientSelectedCellTags,ancientSelectedCellCoordJ,ancientSelectedCellCoordI,ancientSelectedCellId,playerColor) else:#Aucune case n'était sélectionnée if(not(dr.isFree(self.logicBoard,j,i))): if (dr.playerColor(self.logicBoard[j][i])==self.player): self.selectPawn(currentCellId,tag)
class BoardArea(Observer): ''' Represent the area in which the player will play. @ivar _selection: the current cell selected to move. If there's no selection, the value is None. ''' def __init__(self, game, parent): '''Initialize the canvas, the observers and the mouse bindings.''' Observer.__init__(self) self._game = game self._game.add_observer(self, 'CELL_OFF') self._game.add_observer(self, 'CELL_ON') self._canvas = Canvas(parent, width=280, height=280) self._canvas.config(bg=CONFIG['BOARD_BG_COLOR']) self._canvas.grid(row=0, columnspan=4) self._canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.left_button_pressed) self._selection = None def get_selection(self): '''Getter of _selection.''' return self._selection def set_selection(self, sel): '''Setter of _selection.''' self._selection = sel def left_button_pressed(self, event): '''The mouse left button was pressed, so if there's no selection, it's created, and if the selection exists, attempt to make a movement taking the selection position and the current position.''' pos = self.get_position_from_pixels(event.x, event.y) if pos is not None: if self.get_selection() is None: self.set_selection(pos) self.make_selection(pos) else: move_command = Move(self._game, self.get_selection(), pos) move_command.execute() self.clear_selection(self.get_selection()) self.set_selection(None) def make_selection(self, pos): '''A selection was made.''' self.draw_sel_rect_from_pos(pos, CONFIG['BOARD_SEL_COLOR']) def clear_selection(self, pos): '''No longer selection in the position given.''' self.draw_sel_rect_from_pos(pos, CONFIG['BOARD_BG_COLOR']) def draw_sel_rect_from_pos(self, pos, color): '''Draw the selection rectangle.''' rect_size = CONFIG['BOARD_RECT_SIZE'] origin_x = pos[1] * rect_size origin_y = pos[0] * rect_size self._canvas.create_rectangle(origin_x, origin_y, \ origin_x + rect_size, origin_y + rect_size, outline=color) def update(self, aspect, value): '''The board organisation in the model has changed.''' if aspect == 'CELL_ON': self.draw_circle_from_pos(value, CONFIG['CELL_COLOR']) elif aspect == 'CELL_OFF': self.draw_circle_from_pos(value, CONFIG['HOLE_COLOR']) def draw_circle_from_pos(self, pos, color): '''Draw a cell empty or not empty.''' rect_size = CONFIG['BOARD_RECT_SIZE'] dist = CONFIG['DIST'] origin_x = pos[1] * rect_size + dist origin_y = pos[0] * rect_size + dist corner_x = origin_x + rect_size - dist * 2 corner_y = origin_y + rect_size - dist * 2 self._canvas.create_oval(origin_x, origin_y, \ corner_x, corner_y, fill=color) def get_position_from_pixels(self, x_coord, y_coord): '''Get the board position corresponding with the coordinates given.''' pos_y = int(x_coord / CONFIG['BOARD_RECT_SIZE']) pos_x = int(y_coord / CONFIG['BOARD_RECT_SIZE']) if (pos_x, pos_y) in self._game.get_board(): return (pos_x, pos_y) else: return None
def take_screenshot_crop(path): pimage = _r.take_screenshot() _, _, width, height = pimage.getbbox() displays = _r.get_display_monitors() leftmost, topmost = 0, 0 for d in displays: if d[0] < leftmost: leftmost = d[0] if d[1] < topmost: topmost = d[1] root = Tk() # Creates a Tkinter window root.overrideredirect(True) # Makes the window borderless root.geometry("{0}x{1}+{2}+{3}".format(width, height, leftmost, topmost)) # window size = screenshot size root.config(cursor="crosshair") # Sets the cursor to a crosshair pimage_tk = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pimage) # Converts the PIL.Image into a Tkinter compatible PhotoImage can = Canvas(root, width=width, height=height) # Creates a canvas object on the window can.pack() can.create_image((0, 0), image=pimage_tk, anchor="nw") # Draws the screenshot onto the canvas # This class holds some information about the drawn rectangle class CanInfo: rect = None startx, starty = 0, 0 # Stores the starting position of the drawn rectangle in the CanInfo class def xy(event): CanInfo.startx, CanInfo.starty = event.x, event.y # Redraws the rectangle when the cursor has been moved def capture_motion(event): can.delete(CanInfo.rect) CanInfo.rect = can.create_rectangle(CanInfo.startx, CanInfo.starty, event.x, event.y) # Cancels screen capture def cancel(event): if event.keycode == 27: # cancel when pressing ESC root.destroy() # Saves the image when the user releases the left mouse button def save_img(event): startx, starty = CanInfo.startx, CanInfo.starty endx, endy = event.x, event.y # Puts the starting point in the upper left and the ending point in the lower right corner of the rectangle if startx > endx: startx, endx = endx, startx if starty > endy: starty, endy = endy, starty crop_image = pimage.crop((startx, starty, endx, endy)), "PNG") root.destroy() # Closes the Tkinter window # Binds mouse actions to the functions defined above can.bind("<KeyPress>", cancel) can.bind("<Button-1>", xy) can.bind("<B1-Motion>", capture_motion) can.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", save_img) can.focus_force() # Force focus of capture screen root.mainloop() # Shows the Tk window and loops until it is closed
class Game: gui_amp = 4 FPS = 20 def __init__(self, width, height, block_width, block_height, *, task_type=TaskType.pick, human_play=False, np_random=None): self.width = width self.height = height self.block_width = block_width self.block_height = block_height self.frame_width = width * block_width self.frame_height = height * block_height self.image ='RGB', (self.frame_width, self.frame_height), 'black') self.image_shape = (self.frame_height, self.frame_width, 3) self.draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.image) self.state =None self.first_pick = True self.task_type = task_type self.player_pos = None self.obj_pos = None self.mark_pos = None if np_random is None: np_random = np.random.RandomState() self.randint = np_random.randint self.human_play = human_play if human_play: self.last_act = None = None def _seed(self, np_random): self.randint = np_random.randint def _randpos(self, disables=[]): pos = (self.randint(self.width), self.randint(self.height)) while pos in disables: pos = (self.randint(self.width), self.randint(self.height)) return pos def init(self, show_gui=False): self.show_gui = show_gui if show_gui: if is not None: = Tk() self.canvas = Canvas(, width=self.frame_width * self.gui_amp, height=self.frame_height * self.gui_amp) self.canvas.pack() self.player_pos = self._randpos() self.first_pick = True self.state = State.start if self.task_type & TaskType.pick: self.obj_pos = self._randpos() else: self.state = State.picked if self.task_type & TaskType.put: self.mark_pos = self._randpos([self.obj_pos]) def _get_frame_pos(self, pos): px = pos[0] * self.block_width + self.block_width // 2 py = pos[1] * self.block_height + self.block_height // 2 return px, py def step(self, act): if act is None: return 0 rew = 0 if act in Movesets: x, y = self.player_pos nx, ny = self.player_pos if act == Action.up: (nx, ny) = (x, y-1) elif act == Action.down: (nx, ny) = (x, y+1) elif act == Action.left: (nx, ny) = (x-1, y) elif act == Action.right: (nx, ny) = (x+1, y) real_pos = ( max(0, min(self.width-1, nx)), max(0, min(self.height-1, ny)), ) self.player_pos = real_pos pen = 0 if real_pos == (nx, ny) else -1 rew += pen elif act == Action.pick and self.state == State.start: if self.obj_pos == self.player_pos: self.state = State.picked if self.first_pick: self.first_pick = False rew += 1 if (not self.task_type & TaskType.put): self.state = State.end elif act == Action.put and self.state == State.picked: if self.mark_pos == self.player_pos: self.state = State.end rew += 1 else: self.state = State.start self.obj_pos = self.player_pos if self.state == State.end: rew += 5 return rew def render(self): # clear canvas self.draw.rectangle((0, 0, self.frame_width, self.frame_height), fill='black') # draw obj if self.obj_pos and self.state == State.start: px, py = self._get_frame_pos(self.obj_pos) self.draw.rectangle((px - 2, py - 2, px + 2, py + 2), fill='green') # draw mark if self.mark_pos: px, py = self._get_frame_pos(self.mark_pos) self.draw.rectangle((px - 2, py - 2, px + 2, py + 2), outline='white') # draw player px, py = self._get_frame_pos(self.player_pos) loc = (px - 2, py - 2, px + 2, py + 2) if self.state == State.picked: self.draw.ellipse(loc, fill=(0, 255, 255, 0)) else: self.draw.ellipse(loc, fill='blue') if self.show_gui: gui_img = self.image.resize((self.frame_width * self.gui_amp, self.frame_height * self.gui_amp)) self.pi = ImageTk.PhotoImage(gui_img) canvas_img = self.canvas.create_image(0, 0, anchor=NW, image=self.pi) # self.canvas.create_text((self.width*self.gui_amp-20, 5), # fill='white', text=str(self.)) if not self.human_play: def get_bitmap(self): arr = np.array(self.image.getdata()).reshape(self.image_shape) return arr.astype('float32') / 256.0 def gui_step(self): if self.last_act is not None: rew = self.step(self.last_act) self.last_act = None else: rew = self.step(None) if abs(rew) > 1e-9: print('Get reward = %.2f' % rew) self.render(), self.gui_step) def gui_start(self): self.canvas.bind("<Key>", self.gui_onkey) self.canvas.focus_set(), self.gui_step) def gui_onkey(self, event): if event.keycode == 111 or event.keycode == 8320768: self.last_act = Action.up elif event.keycode == 116 or event.keycode == 8255233: self.last_act = Action.down elif event.keycode == 113 or event.keycode == 8124162: self.last_act = Action.left elif event.keycode == 114 or event.keycode == 8189699: self.last_act = Action.right elif event.keycode == 53 or event.keycode == 458872: self.last_act = Action.pick elif event.keycode == 52 or event.keycode == 393338: self.last_act = Action.put
class TicTacToeGUI: ai = None def __init__(self, master): # Initial Frame self.frame = Frame(master) self.frame.pack(fill="both", expand=True) # Board canvas self.canvas = Canvas(self.frame, width=300, height=300) # Symbol selection buttons self.x_button = Button(self.frame, text='Play as X', height=4, command=self.set_player_x, bg='white', fg='black') self.o_button = Button(self.frame, text='Play as O', height=4, command=self.set_player_o, bg='white', fg='red') # Game start button and info box self.start_button = Button(self.frame, text="START", height=4, command=self.start, bg='white', fg='purple') self.info_box = Label(self.frame, text='Tic Tac Toe Game', height=4, bg='white', fg='blue') self.clean_game_board() def start(self): """Sets up game board, starts a tic tac toe game, and a new AI if one doesn't exist. AI makes first move if playing as X """ self.set_game_board() = TicTacToe() if not = TicTacToeAI() if self.ai_symbol == 'x': self.ai_action() def _board(self): """Draws tic tac toe board""" self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 300, 300, outline="black") self.canvas.create_rectangle(100, 300, 200, 0, outline="black") self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 100, 300, 200, outline="black") def user_action(self, event): """Attempts to take action that matches user click. If the move is valid, then calls the AI to make the next move. If not, displays the error. """ move_x = event.x // 100 move_y = event.y // 100 move_result =, (move_x, move_y)) if move_result == "Success": board_x = (200 * move_x + 100) / 2 board_y = (200 * move_y + 100) / 2 if self.player_symbol == 'x': self.draw_x(board_x, board_y) else: self.draw_o(board_x, board_y) if not self.completed(): # Wait a bit before calling the ai, for visual style self.frame.after(500, self.ai_action) else: self.info_box['text'] = move_result def ai_action(self): """Gets the next move from the AI based on current game state, and plays. """ state = move = move_result =, move) if move_result == "Success": board_x = (200 * move[0] + 100) / 2 board_y = (200 * move[1] + 100) / 2 if self.ai_symbol == 'x': self.draw_x(board_x, board_y) else: self.draw_o(board_x, board_y) self.completed() def completed(self): """Checks the game status. If completed, displays the result, and asks whether the player would like to start another game. """ status = if status == 'e': return False message = "Click to start a new game." if status == 't': message = "Tie game. " + message else: message = "Player " + status.upper() + " has won. " + message self.info_box.pack_forget() self.start_button.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self.start_button["text"] = message self.start_button["command"] = self.clean_game_board def draw_x(self, x, y): self.canvas.create_line(x + 20, y + 20, x - 20, y - 20, width=4, fill="black") self.canvas.create_line(x - 20, y + 20, x + 20, y - 20, width=4, fill="black") def draw_o(self, x, y): self.canvas.create_oval(x + 25, y + 25, x - 25, y - 25, width=4, outline="red") def set_game_board(self): """Hides game start buttons, reveals the game board and info box.""" self.start_button.pack_forget() self.x_button.pack_forget() self.o_button.pack_forget() self.canvas.delete(ALL) self.canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self.info_box.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.user_action) self._board() def clean_game_board(self): """Hides game board and label, reveals game start buttons.""" self.canvas.pack_forget() self.info_box.pack_forget() self.start_button.pack_forget() self.x_button.pack(fill="both", expand=True) self.o_button.pack(fill="both", expand=True) def set_player_x(self): self.player_symbol = 'x' self.ai_symbol = 'o' self.start() def set_player_o(self): self.player_symbol = 'o' self.ai_symbol = 'x' self.start()
class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.pack() self.createWidgets() def generate(self): n = int(self.menu_gen.get()) seed = self.inp_seed.get() self.output = Generator.convert(seed, n) if len(self.output) > 0: self.generated = True self.butt_draw.config( state= 'normal') self.chek_fullscrn.config(state= 'normal') self.clearOutput(self.output) def draw(self, n, step=False): p1, p2 = Draw.move(n) self.curr_canvas.create_line(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1], fill= self.color, width= self.thick) if step: self.curr_canvas.update_idletasks() def do(self, action, step, rainbow): if len(action) > 1: p = action[1] else: p = 1.0 self.timebuff += step cmd = action[0].lower() if cmd == "draw": if rainbow: self.incColor() if self.incThickYN: self.incThick(self.reverseThick, False) elif self.incThickYN: self.incThick(self.reverseThick, True) if self.timebuff > 1.0: truncate = int(self.timebuff) self.after(truncate, self.draw(float(p), True)) self.timebuff -= truncate else: self.draw(float(p)) elif cmd == "turn": Draw.turn(float(p)) elif cmd == "skip": Draw.skip(float(p)) elif cmd == "back": Draw.back(float(p)) elif cmd == "color": if not rainbow: self.color = Color.getHexString(p) elif cmd == "thick": self.thick = int(p) else: print("Unknown command " + cmd) def drawAll(self, newWindow= True): if self.generated == True: self.butt_print.config(state= 'disabled') self.timebuff = 0.0 self.color = Color.white() self.thick = 2 l = float(self.slid_linesize.get()) a = float(self.slid_angle.get()) Draw.init(self.startingPoint, l, a) if self.fullScreen.get() == 1: if newWindow: self.curr_canvas = dc.BigCanvas(self).canvas self.canvas.delete("all") else: self.curr_canvas = self.canvas self.curr_canvas.delete("all") self.curr_canvas.config(bg= Color.getHexString(self.bgColor.get())) rainbow = self.rainbowCheck.get() == 1 if rainbow or self.incThickYN: self.incStep = 1.0/float(self.getDrawCount(self.output)) self.percent = 0.0 for c in self.output: if c == '[': Draw.push() elif c == ']': Draw.pop() else: for r in Rule.getDrawings(): if c == r[0]: if len(r) > 2: params = (r[1], r[2]) else: params = (r[1],) s = float(self.slid_timer.get()), s, rainbow) break self.butt_print.config(state= 'normal') def incColor(self): self.color = Color.getValueByPercent(self.percent) self.percent += self.incStep def incThick(self, reverse, incYN): maxthick = 5 minthick = 1 diff = maxthick - minthick if reverse: result = maxthick - int(diff * self.percent) else: result = minthick + int(diff * self.percent) self.thick = result if incYN: self.percent += self.incStep def getDrawCount(self, s): draw_commands = [] for r in Rule.getDrawings(): if r[1].lower() == "draw": draw_commands.append(r[0]) draw_count = 0; for c in s: for d in draw_commands: if c == d: draw_count += 1 break return draw_count def clearOutput(self, replacement=None): self.text_output.config(state= 'normal') self.text_output.delete(1.0, END) if replacement: self.text_output.insert(END, replacement) self.text_output.config(state= 'disabled') def formatRules(self, rules): ret = [] for r in rules: entry = r[0] + " | " + r[1] if len(r) > 2: entry += " " + r[2] ret.append(entry) return ret def getRuleFromFormatted(self, s): if s: rule = s.split('|') rule[0] = rule[0].strip() rule[1] = rule[1].strip() prod = rule[1].split(" ") if len(prod) == 1: return (rule[0], prod[0]) else: return (rule[0], prod[0], prod[1]) def RefreshLists(self): self.list_prod.delete(0, END) self.list_draw.delete(0, END) l = self.formatRules(Rule.getProductions()) for p in l: self.list_prod.insert(END, p) l = self.formatRules(Rule.getDrawings()) for d in l: self.list_draw.insert(END, d) def AddProductionRule(self, edit=None): rule = dp.AddProductionRuleDialog(self, edit).result if rule: if edit: Rule.removeProd(edit[0]) Rule.AddProduction(rule) self.RefreshLists() def AddDrawingRule(self, edit=None): rule = dd.AddDrawingRuleDialog(self, edit).result if rule: if edit: Rule.removeDraw(edit[0]) Rule.AddDrawing(rule) self.RefreshLists() def EditProductionRule(self): s = self.list_prod.curselection() if s: idx = s[0] rule = (idx,) + self.getRuleFromFormatted(self.list_prod.get(idx)) if rule: self.AddProductionRule(rule) def EditDrawingRule(self): s = self.list_draw.curselection() if s: idx = s[0] rule = (idx,) + self.getRuleFromFormatted(self.list_draw.get(idx)) if rule: self.AddDrawingRule(rule) def DeleteProductionRule(self): s = self.list_prod.curselection() if s: Rule.removeProd(s[0]) self.RefreshLists() def DeleteDrawingRule(self): s = self.list_draw.curselection() if s: Rule.removeDraw(s[0]) self.RefreshLists() def packOutput(self): ret = "" ret += self.packAxiom() ret += self.packProdRules() ret += self.packDrawRules() return ret def packAxiom(self): return "@" + str(self.inp_seed.get()).strip() def packRules(self, rules): ret = "@" for r in rules: ret += "$" + str(r[0]) + "|" + str(r[1]) if len(r) > 2: ret += ":" + str(r[2]) return ret def packProdRules(self): return self.packRules(Rule.getProductions()) def packDrawRules(self): return self.packRules(Rule.getDrawings()) def parseProdRules(self, raw): rules = raw.split('$') for rule in rules: if rule is not "": r = rule.split('|') Rule.AddProduction((r[0], r[1])) def parseDrawRules(self, raw): rules = raw.split('$') for rule in rules: if rule is not "": r = rule.split('|') p = r[1].split(':') if len(p) == 1: tup = (r[0], p[0]) else: tup = (r[0], p[0], p[1]) Rule.AddDrawing(tup) def parseSaveFile(self, s): Rule.wipe() settings = s.split('@') self.inp_seed.set(str(settings[1])) self.parseProdRules(settings[2]) self.parseDrawRules(settings[3]) self.RefreshLists() def save(self): try: filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(**self.file_options['txt']) if filename: f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(self.packOutput()) f.close() except Exception as e: print("File IO error in save\n", e) def load(self): try: filename = filedialog.askopenfilename(**self.file_options['txt']) if filename: f = open(filename, 'r') self.parseSaveFile( f.close() self.slid_linesize.set(1.0) self.slid_timer.set(0.0) self.menu_gen.set(1) self.clearOutput() except Exception as e: print("File IO error in load\n" + e) def help(self): help.HelpDialog(self) def saveImage(self): filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(**self.file_options['ps']) self.curr_canvas.postscript(file=filename, colormode='color') def click(self, event): self.startingPoint = (event.x, event.y) def clickAndRedraw(self, event): self.drawAll(False) def fileOptions(self): self.file_options = {} txt_options = {} ps_options = {} txt_options['defaultextension'] = '.txt' txt_options['filetypes'] = [('Plaintext', '.txt')] txt_options['initialdir'] = 'Patterns' ps_options['defaultextension'] = '.ps' ps_options['filetypes'] = [('Postscript Image', '.ps')] ps_options['initialdir'] = 'Images' self.file_options['txt'] = txt_options self.file_options['ps'] = ps_options def makeMenuBar(self): self.menubar = Menu(self); self.menubar.add_command(label="Save", command= self.menubar.add_command(label="Load", command= self.load) self.menubar.add_command(label="Help", command= root.config(menu= self.menubar) def makeInputFrame(self): self.inp_seed = String() self.bgColor = String() self.gen_value = Int() self.rainbowCheck = Int() self.fram_input = Frame(self, bd= 2, relief=, width= input_frame_width, height= input_frame_height) self.fram_seed = Frame(self.fram_input, bd= 1, relief= self.fram_prod = Frame(self.fram_input, bd= 1, relief= self.fram_draw = Frame(self.fram_input, bd= 1, relief= self.fram_drawParams = Frame(self.fram_input, bd= 1, relief= self.fram_gen = Frame(self.fram_input, bd= 1, relief= self.fram_output = Frame(self.fram_input, bd= 1, relief= self.menu_gen = DropDown(self.fram_gen, textvariable= self.gen_value, state= 'readonly') self.entr_seed = Input(self.fram_seed, textvariable= self.inp_seed) self.text_output = Output(self.fram_output, width= 35, height= 10) self.scrl_output = Scrollbar(self.fram_output) self.list_prod = List(self.fram_prod, selectmode= BROWSE, font= "Courier 8", height= 5) self.list_draw = List(self.fram_draw, selectmode= BROWSE, font= "Courier 8", height= 5) self.slid_linesize = Slider(self.fram_drawParams, from_= 0.1, to= 10.0, orient= HORIZONTAL, resolution= 0.1, length= 180) self.slid_timer = Slider(self.fram_drawParams, from_= 0, to= 2, orient= HORIZONTAL, resolution= 0.02, length= 180) self.slid_angle = Slider(self.fram_drawParams, from_= 0, to= 359, orient= HORIZONTAL, length= 180) self.entr_bgcolor = Input (self.fram_drawParams, textvariable= self.bgColor) self.butt_prodAdd = Button(self.fram_prod, text= "Add", width=8, command= self.AddProductionRule) self.butt_prodEdit = Button(self.fram_prod, text= "Edit", width=8, command= self.EditProductionRule) self.butt_prodDelete = Button(self.fram_prod, text= "Delete", width=8, command= self.DeleteProductionRule) self.butt_drawAdd = Button(self.fram_draw, text= "Add", width=8, command= self.AddDrawingRule) self.butt_drawEdit = Button(self.fram_draw, text= "Edit", width=8, command= self.EditDrawingRule) self.butt_drawDelete = Button(self.fram_draw, text= "Delete", width=8, command= self.DeleteDrawingRule) self.chek_incColor = CheckBox(self.fram_draw, text= "Rainbow", variable= self.rainbowCheck) Label(self.fram_seed, text= "Axiom:", width=8).grid (row=0, column=0) Label(self.fram_prod, text= "Production\nRules:", width=8).grid (row=0, column=0) Label(self.fram_draw, text= "Drawing\nRules:", width=8).grid (row=0, column=0) Label(self.fram_drawParams, text= "Line Size:").grid (row=0, column=0) Label(self.fram_drawParams, text= "Delay (ms):").grid (row=1, column=0) Label(self.fram_drawParams, text= "Starting Angle:").grid (row=2, column=0) Label(self.fram_drawParams, text= "Background Color:").grid (row=3, column=0) Label(self.fram_output, text= "Output:").grid (row=0, column=0) Label(self.fram_gen, text= "Generations:").grid (row=0, column=0) self.gen_value.set(1) self.menu_gen['values'] = tuple(range(1, 13)) self.slid_linesize.set(1.0) self.bgColor.set( Color.default() ) self.text_output.config(state='disabled', yscrollcommand= self.scrl_output.set) self.scrl_output.config(command=self.text_output.yview) self.fram_input.grid (row=0, column=0) self.fram_seed.grid (row=1, column=0, sticky= 'ew') self.fram_prod.grid (row=2, column=0, sticky= 'ew') self.fram_draw.grid (row=3, column=0, sticky= 'ew') self.fram_drawParams.grid (row=4, column=0, sticky= 'ew') self.fram_gen.grid (row=5, column=0, sticky= 'ew') self.fram_output.grid (row=6, column=0, sticky= 'ew') self.entr_seed.grid (row=0, column=1, sticky= 'ew') self.list_prod.grid (row=0, column=1, sticky= 'ew') self.butt_prodAdd.grid (row=1, column=0, sticky= 'ew') self.butt_prodEdit.grid (row=1, column=1, sticky= 'ew') self.butt_prodDelete.grid (row=1, column=2, sticky= 'ew') self.list_draw.grid (row=0, column=1) self.butt_drawAdd.grid (row=1, column=0, sticky= 'ew') self.butt_drawEdit.grid (row=1, column=1, sticky= 'ew') self.butt_drawDelete.grid (row=1, column=2, sticky= 'ew') self.chek_incColor.grid (row=0, column=2) self.slid_linesize.grid (row=0, column=1, sticky= 'ew') self.slid_timer.grid (row=1, column=1, sticky= 'ew') self.slid_angle.grid (row=2, column=1, sticky= 'ew') self.entr_bgcolor.grid (row=3, column=1, sticky= 'ew') self.menu_gen.grid (row=0, column=1, sticky= 'ew') self.text_output.grid (row=1, column=0) self.scrl_output.grid (row=1, column=1, sticky= 'ns') def makeCanvasFrame(self): self.fram_canvas = Frame(self, bd=10, self.canvas = Canvas(self.fram_canvas, width= canvas_width, height= canvas_height) self.fram_canvas.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='nesw') self.canvas.grid(sticky='nesw') self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.curr_canvas = self.canvas def makeIgnitionFrame(self): self.fullScreen = Int() self.fram_ignition = Frame(self, bd=4,, width= ignition_frame_width, height= ignition_frame_height) self.butt_generate = Button(self.fram_ignition, text= " -- GENERATE -- ", width=111, command= self.generate) self.butt_draw = Button(self.fram_ignition, text= " -- DRAW -- ", width=100, command= self.drawAll, state= 'disabled') self.butt_print = Button(self.fram_ignition, text= "Save Image", command= self.saveImage, state= 'disabled') self.chek_fullscrn = CheckBox(self.fram_ignition, text= "Fullscreen", variable= self.fullScreen, state= 'disabled') self.fram_ignition.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2) self.butt_generate.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) self.butt_draw.grid( row=1, column=0) self.butt_print.grid( row=0, column=2, rowspan= 2, sticky='ns') self.chek_fullscrn.grid(row=1, column=1) def createWidgets(self): self.incThickYN = False self.reverseThick = False = RIDGE self.startingPoint = (20, 20) self.generated = False self.fileOptions() self.makeMenuBar() self.makeInputFrame() self.makeCanvasFrame() self.makeIgnitionFrame()
class ProblemBrowser(object): def __init__(self): self.action = None self.root = root = Tk() root.title('Never gonna fold you up') root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) root.pack_propagate(True) scrollbar = Scrollbar(root, orient=tkinter.VERTICAL) self.problem_list = Listbox(root, exportselection=False, yscrollcommand=scrollbar.set) self.problem_list.pack(expand=True, fill=tkinter.BOTH, side=tkinter.LEFT) scrollbar.config(command=self.problem_list.yview) scrollbar.pack(side=tkinter.LEFT, fill=tkinter.Y) self.problem_list.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', lambda evt: self.populate_problem_canvas()) self.problem_canvas = Canvas(root, bd=1, relief=tkinter.SUNKEN, width=500, height=500) self.problem_canvas.pack(expand=True, fill=tkinter.BOTH, side=tkinter.LEFT) self.problem_canvas.bind("<Configure>", lambda evt: self.populate_problem_canvas()) button_frame = Frame(root) button_frame.pack(fill=tkinter.Y, side=tkinter.LEFT) # Reposition the figure so it's center of mass is at 0.5, 0.5 v = IntVar() self.center_cb = Checkbutton(button_frame, text="center", variable=v, command=lambda: self.populate_problem_canvas()) self.center_cb.var = v self.center_cb.pack(side=tkinter.TOP) # Use meshes.reconstruct_facets instead of polygon/hole logic. v = IntVar() self.reconstruct_cb = Checkbutton(button_frame, text="reconstruct", variable=v, command=lambda: self.populate_problem_canvas()) self.reconstruct_cb.var = v self.reconstruct_cb.pack(side=tkinter.TOP) self.populate_problems() self.current_problem_name = None self.current_problem = None def populate_problems(self): self.problem_list.delete(0, tkinter.END) for file in sorted((get_root() / 'problems').iterdir()): self.problem_list.insert(tkinter.END, file.stem) def populate_problem_canvas(self): sel = self.problem_list.curselection() if not sel: return assert len(sel) == 1 name = self.problem_list.get(sel[0]) if name != self.current_problem_name: self.current_problem_name = name self.current_problem = load_problem(name) if self.current_problem: p = self.current_problem if self.center_cb.var.get(): p = center_problem(p) if self.reconstruct_cb.var.get(): facets = meshes.reconstruct_facets(p) facets = meshes.keep_real_facets(facets, p) skeleton = [e for f in facets for e in edges_of_a_facet(f)] p = Problem(facets, skeleton) draw_problem(self.problem_canvas, p) def run(self): self.root.mainloop() def close(self): if self.root: self.root.destroy() self.root = None
class SkylineUI(Frame): """ GUI for the skyline game """ def __init__(self, parent, game): = game self.parent = parent Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.row, self.col = 0, 0 self.__initUI() def __initUI(self): self.parent.title("Skyline") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT) self.canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP) clear_button = Button(self, text="Reset", command=self.__clear_answers) clear_button.pack(fill=BOTH, side=BOTTOM) self.__draw_grid() self.__draw_game() self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.__cell_clicked) self.canvas.bind("<Key>", self.__key_pressed) def __draw_grid(self): """ Draws grid divided with blue lines into 3x3 squares """ for i in range( + 3): color = "blue" if i % 6 == 0 else "gray" if i == 1 or i == + 1: color = "red" x0 = MARGIN + i * SIDE y0 = MARGIN x1 = MARGIN + i * SIDE y1 = HEIGHT - MARGIN self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color) x0 = MARGIN y0 = MARGIN + i * SIDE x1 = WIDTH - MARGIN y1 = MARGIN + i * SIDE self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color) def __draw_game(self): self.canvas.delete("numbers") for i in range(0, for j in range(0, answer =[i][j] #if answer != 0: x = MARGIN + (j+1) * SIDE + SIDE / 2 y = MARGIN + (i+1) * SIDE + SIDE / 2 original =[i][j] color = "black" if answer == 0 else "sea green" self.canvas.create_text( x, y, text=answer, tags="numbers", fill=color ) self.__draw_hints() def __clear_answers(self): self.canvas.delete("victory") self.__draw_game() def __draw_cursor(self): self.canvas.delete("cursor") if self.row >= 0 and self.col >= 0: x0 = MARGIN + self.col * SIDE + 1 y0 = MARGIN + self.row * SIDE + 1 x1 = MARGIN + (self.col + 1) * SIDE - 1 y1 = MARGIN + (self.row + 1) * SIDE - 1 self.canvas.create_rectangle( x0, y0, x1, y1, outline="red", tags="cursor" ) def __cell_clicked(self, event): if return x, y = event.x, event.y if (MARGIN < x < WIDTH - MARGIN and MARGIN < y < HEIGHT - MARGIN): self.canvas.focus_set() # get row and col numbers from x,y coordinates row, col = (y - MARGIN) / SIDE, (x - MARGIN) / SIDE # if cell was selected already - deselect it if (row, col) == (self.row, self.col): self.row, self.col = -1, -1 else: self.row, self.col = int(row), int(col) else: self.row, self.col = -1, -1 self.__draw_cursor() def __key_pressed(self, event): if return if self.row >= 0 and self.col >= 0 and event.char in "1234":[self.row-1][self.col-1] = int(event.char) self.col, self.row = -1, -1 self.__draw_game() self.__draw_cursor() if self.__draw_victory() def __draw_victory(self): # create text x = y = MARGIN + 3 * SIDE + SIDE / 2 self.canvas.create_text( x, y, text="You win!", tags="victory", fill="orange", font=("Arial", 32) ) def __draw_hints(self): #draw top hints: for i in range(0, color = "red" hint =[i] if hint == 0: color="white" x = SIDE + MARGIN + i * SIDE + SIDE / 2 y = MARGIN + 0 * SIDE + SIDE / 2 self.canvas.create_text( x, y, text=hint, tags="numbers", fill=color ) #draw bottom hints: for i in range(0, color = "red" hint =[i] if hint == 0: color="white" x = SIDE + MARGIN + i * SIDE + SIDE / 2 y = MARGIN + ( * SIDE + SIDE / 2 self.canvas.create_text( x, y, text=hint, tags="numbers", fill=color ) #draw left hints: for i in range(0, color = "red" hint =[i] if hint == 0: color="white" x = MARGIN + 0 * SIDE + SIDE / 2 y = MARGIN + (i+1) * SIDE + SIDE / 2 self.canvas.create_text( x, y, text=hint, tags="numbers", fill=color ) #draw right hints: for i in range(0, color = "red" hint =[i] if hint == 0: color="white" x = MARGIN + ( * SIDE + SIDE / 2 y = MARGIN + (i+1) * SIDE + SIDE / 2 self.canvas.create_text( x, y, text=hint, tags="numbers", fill=color )
class AppLogic(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, tk_root): self.root = tk_root threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.turn = 0 self.update = False self.x = -1 self.y = -1 self.start() def run(self): self.game_gui = Canvas(self.root, width=600, height=600, background='green') self.game_gui.bind("<Button-1>", self.game_gui.focus_set() self.game_gui.bind("<Key>", self.key) self.game_gui.pack() for i in range(1, 8): self.game_gui.create_line(0, i*75, 600, i*75) self.game_gui.create_line(i*75, 0, i*75, 600) self.pieces = [] for i in range(8): self.pieces.append([]) for j in range(8): self.pieces[i].append(self.game_gui.create_oval(i*75+5, j*75+5, (i+1)*75-5, (j+1)*75-5, fill="green", outline="green")) self.root.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_closing) self.root.resizable(0,0) self.running = True config = EvaluateConfig() tf_util.update_memory(config.gpu_mem_fraction) AIPlayer.create_if_nonexistant(config) = Othello() if(random() > 0.5): self.human = 1 else: self.human = -1 ai = create_player(config.model_1, config) #print("You are playing against", config.model_1) #print("Playing games with %d simulations per move" % self.side = -1 self.draw_board() self.value = ai.evaluate(, self.side) while self.running and not #play move if self.side != self.human: self.value = ai.evaluate(, self.side) self.root.title("Othello (Thinking of Move) Current Value: %0.2f (1 white wins, -1 black wins)" % self.value) self.root.config(cursor="wait") t = ai.pick_move(, self.side)[0], t[1], self.side) self.draw_board() self.side *= -1 self.value = ai.evaluate(, self.side) else: if len( == 0: self.side *= -1 continue if self.side == -1: color = "black" else: color = "white" self.root.title("Othello (Play as %s) Current Value: %0.2f (1 white wins, -1 black wins)" % (color, self.value)) self.root.config(cursor="") if self.update: self.update = False if (self.x, self.y) in, self.y, self.side) self.draw_board() self.side *= -1 time.sleep(0.01) self.root.config(cursor="") if self.human == self.root.title("Othello (You Win!)") elif == 0: self.root.title("Othello (Its a draw!)") else: self.root.title("Othello (You Lose!)") def key(self, event): if event.char == "z": self.human *= -1 def click(self, event): self.game_gui.focus_set() if self.human == self.side and not self.update: if self.x != event.x//75 or self.y != event.y//75: self.update = True self.x = event.x//75 self.y = event.y//75 def on_closing(self): self.running = False self.root.destroy() def draw_board(self): for i in range(8): for j in range(8): if[i, j] == 1: self.game_gui.itemconfig(self.pieces[i][j], fill="white") if[i, j] == -1: self.game_gui.itemconfig(self.pieces[i][j], fill="black")
class KlicketyGUI: """Interface pour le jeu Klickety.""" def __init__(self): # initialisation des structures de données ---------------------------- self.dim_plateau = (10, # nombre de colonnes du plateau 16) # nombre de lignes du plateau self.cote_case = 32 # la longueur du côté d'un bloc à dessiner self.largeur_plateau = self.cote_case * self.dim_plateau[0] self.hauteur_plateau = self.cote_case * self.dim_plateau[1] self.plateau = [] self.compteur_de_coups = 0 # initialisation des éléments graphiques ------------------------------ self.window = Tk() # la fenêtre principale self.window.resizable(0, 0) # empêcher les redimensionnements self.partie_haut = Frame(self.window, width=self.largeur_plateau, height=self.hauteur_plateau) self.partie_haut.pack(side=TOP) self.partie_bas = Frame(self.window) self.partie_bas.pack(side=BOTTOM) # le canevas affichant le plateau de jeu self.plateau_affiche = Canvas(self.partie_haut, width=self.largeur_plateau, height=self.hauteur_plateau) self.plateau_affiche.pack() self.plateau_affiche.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', self.clicPlateau) # le bouton "Réinitialiser" self.btn = Button(self.partie_bas, text='Réinitialiser', command=self.reinitialiserJeu) self.btn.pack(fill=BOTH) # Zone d'affichage du nombre de coups self.nb_coups_affiche = Canvas(self.partie_bas, width=self.largeur_plateau, height=32) self.nb_coups_affiche.create_text( self.largeur_plateau // 2, self.cote_case // 2, text="Coups effectués: 0", fill="black" ) self.nb_coups_affiche.pack(fill=BOTH) # affichage du nombre de blocs restants self.nb_blocs_affiche = Canvas(self.partie_bas, width=self.largeur_plateau, height=32) self.nb_blocs_affiche.pack(fill=BOTH) self.reinitialiserJeu() self.window.title('Klickety') self.window.mainloop() def rafraichirNombreBlocs(self, piece=None): """Rafraîchit l'affichage du nombre de blocs restants, sur base de la pièce que l'on vient de retirer.""" self.nb_blocs_affiche.delete(ALL) if piece is None: # appel initial, tous les blocs sont encore présents self.nb_blocs = self.dim_plateau[0] * self.dim_plateau[1] else: # soustraire du nombre de blocs celui de la pièce retirée self.nb_blocs -= len(piece) self.nb_blocs_affiche.create_text( self.largeur_plateau // 2, self.cote_case // 2, text="Blocs restants: " + str(self.nb_blocs), fill="black" ) def compteCoups(self, compteur_de_coups): """Compte le nombre de coups effectués durant cette partie.""" self.nb_coups_affiche.delete(ALL) self.nb_coups_affiche.create_text( self.largeur_plateau // 2, self.cote_case // 2, text="Coups effectués: " + str(compteur_de_coups), fill="black" ) def rafraichirPlateau(self): """Redessine le plateau de jeu à afficher.""" # tracer les blocs self.plateau_affiche.delete(ALL) couleur_fond = "black" for i in range(self.dim_plateau[0]): # par défaut 10 for j in range(self.dim_plateau[1]): # par défaut 16 case = self.plateau[i][j] if case is not None: # afficher le pion self.plateau_affiche.create_rectangle( i * self.cote_case, j * self.cote_case, (i + 1) * self.cote_case, (j + 1) * self.cote_case, outline=case, fill=case ) else: self.plateau_affiche.create_rectangle( i * self.cote_case, j * self.cote_case, (i + 1) * self.cote_case, (j + 1) * self.cote_case, outline=couleur_fond, fill=couleur_fond ) # tracer le contour des pièces # 1) tracer les séparations entre deux pièces adjacentes de # couleurs différentes dans la même colonne for i in range(0, self.dim_plateau[0]): # par défaut 10 colonne = self.plateau[i] for j in range(1, self.dim_plateau[1]): # par défaut 16 if colonne[j - 1] != colonne[j]: self.plateau_affiche.create_rectangle( (i) * self.cote_case, j * self.cote_case, (i + 1) * self.cote_case, j * self.cote_case, outline=couleur_fond, fill=couleur_fond, width=1 ) # 2) tracer les séparations entre deux pièces adjacentes de # couleurs différentes dans la même ligne for i in range(1, self.dim_plateau[0]): # par défaut 10 for j in range(0, self.dim_plateau[1]): # par défaut 16 if self.plateau[i - 1][j] != self.plateau[i][j]: self.plateau_affiche.create_rectangle( (i) * self.cote_case, j * self.cote_case, (i) * self.cote_case, (j + 1) * self.cote_case, outline=couleur_fond, fill=couleur_fond, width=1 ) def clicPlateau(self, event): """Récupère les coordonnées de la case sélectionnée, et joue le coup correspondant s'il est permis.""" # remarque: le canevas de tkinter interprète (i, j) géométriquement # (au lieu de (ligne, colonne)), d'où l'inversion de coordonnées dans # la ligne ci-dessous (i, j) = (event.x // self.cote_case, event.y // self.cote_case) if self.plateau[i][j] is not None: piece = set() detecterPiece(self.plateau, i, j, piece, self.plateau[i][j]) #print (piece) if len(piece) > 1: # si la pièce est valide, on la retire # retirer la piece en mettant ses cases à None for (p, q) in piece: self.plateau[p][q] = None # faire descendre les blocs situés au-dessus de la pièce mettreAJour(self.plateau, piece) # tasser le restant du plateau en supprimant les colonnes vides eliminerColonnesVides(self.plateau) # rafraîchir le plateau pour répercuter les modifications self.rafraichirPlateau() self.rafraichirNombreBlocs(piece) self.compteur_de_coups += 1 self.compteCoups(self.compteur_de_coups) messagevictoire = partieFinie(self.plateau) if messagevictoire: self.plateau_affiche.create_text( int(self.plateau_affiche.cget("width")) // 2, self.cote_case // 2, text=messagevictoire, font=tkinter.font.Font( family="Courier", size=12, weight=tkinter.font.BOLD ), fill="red" ) def reinitialiserJeu(self): """Réinitialise le plateau de jeu et les scores.""" self.reinitialiserPlateau() self.rafraichirNombreBlocs() # réinitialiser le nombre de coups self.compteur_de_coups = 0 self.nb_coups_affiche.delete(ALL) self.nb_coups_affiche.create_text(self.largeur_plateau // 2, self.cote_case // 2, text="Coups effectués: " + str(self.compteur_de_coups), fill="black") def reinitialiserPlateau(self): """Réinitialise le plateau de jeu.""" # réinitialiser la matrice self.plateau = initialiserPlateau(*self.dim_plateau) # réinitialiser l'affichage self.plateau_affiche.delete(ALL) if self.plateau: self.rafraichirPlateau()
class App: def __init__(self, master): frame = Frame(master, borderwidth=5) frame.grid(column=0, row=0, pady=5) self.state = [] self.states = 256 self.laststate = 2 # 0=Black, 1=White, 2=Transp. self.size = 16 self.gridsz = 20 for x in range(1024): self.state.append(2) self.screen = Canvas(frame, height=320, width=320, bg=color[2]) self.screen.bind("<Button-1>", self.scrnclick1) self.screen.bind("<Button-3>", self.scrnclick2) self.screen.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.scrndrag) for x in range(16): self.screen.create_line((x * 20, 0, x * 20, 320), fill=color[3]) self.screen.create_line((0, x * 20, 320, x * 20), fill=color[3]) self.screen.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=5) frame2 = Frame(master, borderwidth=5) frame2.grid(column=0, row=1, pady=5) self.clear = Button(frame2, text="Clear", command=self.clearit) self.clear.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=20) self.doit = Button(frame2, text="Print", command=self.doit) self.doit.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=20) #self.doitlab = Label(frame2, text="(Output to stdout)"); #self.doitlab.grid(row=1, column=1); self.parse = Button(frame2, text="Parse", command=self.parsetext) self.parse.grid(row=0, column=2, pady=20) self.large = 0 self.dummy = IntVar() self.largeb = Checkbutton(frame2, text="Large", var=self.dummy, command=self.changesize) self.largeb.grid(row=0, column=3, pady=20) self.prev = Canvas(frame2, height=17, width=17, bg=color[2], relief=RIDGE) self.prev.grid(row=0, column=4, pady=20, padx=20) # DataParsers self.bmlabel = Label(frame2, text="Bitmap Data (paste hex from code)") self.bmlabel.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=5, sticky="W") self.bmentry = Text(frame2, width=80, height=9, font="Times 8") self.bmentry.bind("<Leave>", self.bmtextpaste) self.bmentry.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=5, pady=5) self.msklabel = Label(frame2, text="Mask Data (paste hex from code)") self.msklabel.grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=5, sticky="W") self.mskentry = Text(frame2, width=80, height=9, font="Times 8") self.mskentry.bind("<Leave>", self.msktextpaste) self.mskentry.grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=5, pady=5) def changesize(self): self.large = ~self.large if self.large: self.size = 32 self.gridsz = 10 self.states = 1024 oldstate = self.state self.state = [] for n in range(1024): col = (n // 2) % 16 row = int(n // 64) self.state.append(oldstate[16 * row + col]) oldstate = [] else: self.size = 16 self.gridsz = 20 self.states = 256 oldstate = self.state self.state = [] for n in range(1024): if not((n % 2) or ((n // 32) % 2)): self.state.append(oldstate[n]) for n in range(256, 1024): self.state.append(2) oldstate = [] # Insert scaling here self.updatescrn() self.prev.config(width=self.size + 1, height=self.size + 1) for n in range(self.states): self.updateprev(n) #self.prev.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=self.gridsz, pady=self.gridsz) def scrnclick1(self, event): self.scrnclick(event, 1) def scrnclick2(self, event): self.scrnclick(event, -1) def scrnclick(self, event, direction): if (event.x > 319) or (event.y > 319) or (event.x < 0) or (event.y < 0): return n = (event.x // self.gridsz) + self.size * (event.y // self.gridsz) self.state[n] += direction self.state[n] %= 3 row = n % self.size col = n // self.size self.screen.create_rectangle((self.gridsz * row + 1, self.gridsz * col + 1, self.gridsz * row + self.gridsz - 1, self.gridsz * col + self.gridsz - 1), fill=color[self.state[n]], outline="") self.laststate = self.state[n] self.updateprev(n) def scrndrag(self, event): if (event.x > 319) or (event.y > 319) or (event.x < 0) or (event.y < 0): return n = (event.x // self.gridsz) + self.size * (event.y // self.gridsz) row = n % self.size col = n // self.size self.screen.create_rectangle((self.gridsz * row + 1, self.gridsz * col + 1, self.gridsz * row + self.gridsz - 1, self.gridsz * col + self.gridsz - 1), fill=color[self.laststate], outline="") self.state[n] = self.laststate self.updateprev(n) def updateprev(self, n): x = n % self.size + 1 y = n // self.size + 1 if self.large: pad = 12 else: pad = 20 self.prev.create_line(x + 1, y + 1, x + 2, y + 1, fill=color[self.state[n]]) self.prev.grid(row=0, column=4, padx=pad, pady=pad) def updatescrn(self): self.screen.create_rectangle(0, 0, 320, 320, fill=color[2]) for x in range(self.size): self.screen.create_line((x * self.gridsz, 0, x * self.gridsz, 320), fill=color[3]) self.screen.create_line((0, x * self.gridsz, 320, x * self.gridsz), fill=color[3]) for n in range(self.states): row = n % self.size col = n // self.size self.screen.create_rectangle((self.gridsz * row + 1, self.gridsz * col + 1, self.gridsz * row + self.gridsz - 1, self.gridsz * col + self.gridsz - 1), fill=color[self.state[n]], outline="") def bmtextpaste(self, event): string = self.bmentry.get(1.0, END) self.bmentry.delete(1.0, END) string = string.replace("\t", "") self.bmentry.insert(END, string) def msktextpaste(self, event): string = self.mskentry.get(1.0, END) self.mskentry.delete(1.0, END) string = string.replace("\t", "") self.mskentry.insert(END, string) def parsetext(self): bmstring = self.bmentry.get(1.0, END) bmstring = bmstring.replace(",", " ") bmstring = bmstring.split() mskstring = self.mskentry.get(1.0, END) mskstring = mskstring.replace(",", " ") mskstring = mskstring.split() if len(bmstring) != len(mskstring): print("Mismatched data. Bitmap and mask must be same size,") return elif not (len(bmstring) == 32 or len(bmstring) == 128): print("Size Error, input must be 32 or 128 hex bytes. ") return for n in range(self.states): self.state[n] = 0 m = 0 for entry in bmstring: e = int(entry, 16) for bit in range(8): self.state[m] = (e & 1) e = e >> 1 m += 1 m = 0 for entry in mskstring: e = int(entry, 16) for bit in range(8): if not (e & 1): self.state[m] = 2 e = e >> 1 m += 1 self.updatescrn() for n in range(self.states): self.updateprev(n) def clearit(self): for n in range(self.states): self.state[n] = 2 self.updateprev(n) self.updatescrn() self.bmentry.delete(0.0, END) self.mskentry.delete(0.0, END) def doit(self): mask = [] bitmap = [] numbytes = self.size * self.size // 8 for i in range(numbytes): m = 0 b = 0 for j in range(8): m <<= 1 b <<= 1 if (self.state[(i * 8) + (7 - j)] != 2): m |= 1 if (self.state[(i * 8) + (7 - j)] == 1): b |= 1 #print((i * 8) + (7 - j), self.state[(i * 8) + (7 - j)], m) mask.append(m) bitmap.append(b) print("\n\nstatic char bitmap[] = {", end=' ') for i in range(numbytes): b1 = bitmap[i] if not(i % 8): print("\n\t", end=' ') print("0x%(b1)02x, " % vars(), end=' ') print("\n};") print("\nstatic char mask[] = {", end=' ') for i in range(numbytes): b1 = mask[i] if not(i % 8): print("\n\t", end=' ') print("0x%(b1)02x, " % vars(), end=' ') print("\n};")
pos = my_hero.findPosition(my_coord) try: if my_coord[pos-1].get("t") == 0 and pos % 10 > 0: my_coord[pos]["h"] = 0 my_coord[pos-1]["h"] = 1 my_hero.charType = PhotoImage(file = "assets/hero-left.png") except: pass my_map.SetTiles(canvas, my_coord, my_hero) def moveTheCharRight(event): global my_coord global my_hero pos = my_hero.findPosition(my_coord) try: if my_coord[pos+1].get("t") == 0 and pos % 10 < 9: my_coord[pos]["h"] = 0 my_coord[pos+1]["h"] = 1 my_hero.charType = PhotoImage(file = "assets/hero-right.png") except: pass my_map.SetTiles(canvas, my_coord, my_hero) canvas.bind("s", moveTheCharDown) canvas.bind("w", moveTheCharUp) canvas.bind("a", moveTheCharLeft) canvas.bind("d", moveTheCharRight) canvas.pack() canvas.focus_set() root.mainloop()
else: xplus = x+1; if y == 99: yplus = 0; else: yplus = y+1; neighbours = board[xplus][yplus] + board[xplus][y] + board[xplus][yminus] + board[x][yplus] + board[x][yminus] + board[xminus][yplus] + board[xminus][y] + board[xminus][yminus]; if neighbours == 3: nboard[x][y] = 1; elif neighbours != 2: nboard[x][y] = 0; else: nboard[x][y] = board[x][y] board, nboard = nboard, board; def loop(*args): if state: makeTurn(); redraw(); canvas.after(10, func=loop); def switchState(*args): global state; state = not state; if state: loop(); canvas.bind("<Button-1>",diviveIntervention); canvas.bind("<Button-3>",switchState); canvas.mainloop();
class SudokuUI(Frame): """ The Tkinter UI, responsible for displaying the UI. """ def __init__(self, parent, game): = game self.parent = parent Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.row, self.col = 0, 0 self.__initUI() def __initUI(self): self.parent.title("Sudoku") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) # Use all available space self.canvas = Canvas(self, width=WIDTH, heigh=HEIGHT) self.canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP) # Pull board to top of frame clear_button = Button(self, text="Clear answers", command=self.__clear_answers) clear_button.pack(fill=BOTH, side=BOTTOM) self.__draw_grid() self.__draw_puzzle() self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.__cell_clicked) self.canvas.bind("<Key>", self.__key_pressed) def __draw_grid(self): """ Draws grid divided with blue lines into 3 x 3 grid :return: """ for i in range(10): color = 'blue' if i % 3 == 0 else "gray" x0 = MARGIN + i * SIDE y0 = MARGIN x1 = MARGIN + i * SIDE y1 = HEIGHT - MARGIN self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color) x0 = MARGIN y0 = MARGIN + i * SIDE x1 = WIDTH - MARGIN y1 = MARGIN + i * SIDE self.canvas.create_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, fill=color) def __draw_puzzle(self): self.canvas.delete("numbers") for i in xrange(9): for j in xrange(9): answer =[i][j] if answer != 0: x = MARGIN + j * SIDE + SIDE / 2 y = MARGIN + i * SIDE + SIDE / 2 original =[i][j] color = "black" if answer == original else "sea green" self.canvas.create_text(x, y, text=answer, tags="number", fill=color) def __clear_answers(self): self.canvas.delete("victory") self.__draw_puzze() def __cell_clicked(self, event): # event has x, y coords of mouse click if return x, y = event.x, event.y if (MARGIN < x < WIDTH - MARGIN) and (MARGIN < Y < HEIGHT - MARGIN): self.canvas.focus_set() # get row and col numbers from x, y coords row, col = (y - MARGIN) / SIDE, (x - MARGIN) / SIDE # if cell already selected then deselect it if (row, col) == (self.row, self.col): self.row, self.col = -1, -1 # outside the grid elif[row][col] == 0: self.row, self.col = row, col self.__draw_cursor() def __draw_cursor(self): self.canvas.delete("cursor") if self.row >= 0 and self.col >= 0: x0 = MARGIN + self.col * SIDE + 1 y0 = MARGIN + self.row * SIDE + 1 x1 = MARGIN + (self.col + 1) * SIDE - 1 y1 = MARGIN + (self.row + 1) * SIDE - 1 self.canvas.create_rectangle( x0, y0, x1, y1, outline ="red", tags ="cursor" )
class LpoView(Frame): """ This class implements a LPO widget. This class use a canvas to draw the Hasse diagram of a LPO. """ def __init__(self, parent): """ This method creates a new, emtpy LpoView. """ Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.__parent = parent self.__initUI() self.__lpo = None def __initUI(self): """ Set up user interface. """ self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.__canvas = Canvas(self) # canvas for LPO self.__canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) # Scroll with mouse drag gestures self.__canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.__scroll_start) self.__canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.__scroll_move) def __scroll_start(self, event): """ Scroll LPO with mouse gestures: Start of scroll event. """ self.__canvas.scan_mark(event.x, event.y) def __scroll_move(self, event): """ Scroll LPO with mouse gestures: Drag event. """ self.__canvas.scan_dragto(event.x, event.y, gain=1) def showLpo(self, lpo_to_show): """ This method show the given LPO in this LpoView. """ self.__lpo = lpo_to_show # set LPO reference self.__drawLpo() # create LPO graph def __drawLpo(self): """ This method draws the LPO. """ # draw LPO arcs (arc layer is behind event layer) for arc in self.__lpo.arcs: # LPOs consists of all transitive arcs, the view shows only user defined arcs. if arc.user_drawn == True: self.__drawArc(arc) # draw events for id, event in self.__drawEvent(event) def __drawEvent(self, event): """ Draw the given event. """ self.__canvas.create_rectangle(event.position[0] - 10, event.position[1] - 10, event.position[0] + 10, event.position[1] + 10, outline="#000", fill="#AAAAAA", width=2) self.__canvas.create_text(event.position[0], event.position[1] + 20, text=event.label) def __drawArc(self, arc): """ Draw the given arc. """ start_event =[arc.source] # get start event end_event =[] # get end event intersections = self.__calculateIntersections(start_event, end_event) # calculate intersection points # start point of arc start = start_event.position[0] + intersections[0][0], start_event.position[1] + intersections[0][1] # end point of arc end = end_event.position[0] + intersections[1][0], end_event.position[1] + intersections[1][1] # create line with arrow head as end self.__canvas.create_line(start[0], start[1], end[0], end[1], arrow=LAST, arrowshape=(8.6, 10, 5), width=2) def __calculateIntersections(self, start, end): """ Calculate intersection point of start and end events with the arc. This method calculates two vectors which describe the intersection point of the arc from the given start event to the given end event. """ # vector from the center of the start event to the center of the end event vector = float(end.position[0] - start.position[0]), float(end.position[1] - start.position[1]) #calculate a factor to scale the x-component to 10px (half of side length) fact = 1 if vector[0] != 0: fact = 10 / math.fabs(vector[0]) # scale the vector start_vector = vector[0] * fact, vector[1] * fact # if y-component of vector is larger than 10px or x-component is 0, scale with y-component if math.fabs(start_vector[1]) > 10 or vector[0] == 0: fact = 10 / math.fabs(vector[1]) start_vector = vector[0] * fact, vector[1] * fact #calculate intersection for arc end if vector[0] != 0: fact = 10 / math.fabs(vector[0]) end_vector = -vector[0] * fact, -vector[1] * fact if math.fabs(end_vector[1]) > 10 or vector[0] == 0: fact = 10 / math.fabs(vector[1]) end_vector = -vector[0] * fact, -vector[1] * fact return start_vector, end_vector
class Graph(object): def __init__(self, title="GoBang15", gem_sz=600, board_sz=15): self.title = title = gem_sz self.board_cols = board_sz self.board_rows = board_sz self.init_root() self.init_canvas() self.init_bind() def init_root(self): self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.title(self.title) self.root.geometry(str( + "x" + str( def init_canvas(self): self.canvas = Canvas(self.root,width=600,height=600,borderwidth=3,background='white') self.canvas.pack() # CheckerBoard self.startX = (600 - 15 * 30) / 2 self.startY = (600 - 15 * 30) / 2 for num in range(0, self.board_cols + 1): self.canvas.create_line(self.startX + num * 30, 0 + self.startY, self.startX + num * 30, self.startY + 450, width=2) for num in range(0, self.board_rows + 1): self.canvas.create_line(self.startX + 0, self.startY + num * 30, self.startX + 450, self.startY + num * 30, width=2) def init_bind(self): global msg global player_id global player_move self.root.bind("<<showmsg>>", lambda event: self.show_msg(event, msg)) self.canvas.bind("<<update>>", lambda event: self.update_graph(event,player_id, player_move)) def show(self): self.root.mainloop() def cross(self, X, Y): """ :param X: 小方格左上角的坐标 :param Y: """ cross_sz = 10 self.canvas.create_line(X + cross_sz, Y + cross_sz, X - cross_sz, Y - cross_sz, width=4, fill="red") self.canvas.create_line(X - cross_sz, Y + cross_sz, X + cross_sz, Y - cross_sz, width=4, fill="red") def circle(self, X, Y): d = 20 self.canvas.create_oval(X - d / 2, Y - d / 2, X + d / 2, Y + d / 2, width=4, outline='green') def update_graph(self, event, player_id, move): # AI确定落子位置后,在tkinter上显示出来 row, col = move boardX = col * 30 + self.startX boardY = row * 30 + self.startY if player_id == 1: self.cross(boardX + 15, boardY + 15) #AI用cross else: + 15, boardY + 15) def show_msg(self, event, msg): tk.messagebox.showinfo(title="Game Over", message=msg)
mouseI.parentOn(cx,cy) mouseI.draw() """ Global Variables, main script """ #global variables WIDTH, HEIGHT = 640, 480 mouseDown = 0 #window initialization, more declarations gwindow = Tk() canvas = Canvas(gwindow, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg="#000000") canvas.pack() mouseI = GraphWindow(100,100,25,25,"blue") mouseI.setCanvas(canvas) iwindow = Tk() canvasi = Canvas(iwindow, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg="#000000") canvasi.pack() mouseI.addInfoWindow(canvasi) #bind in mouse handlers canvas.bind("<Button-1>", mouseDown) canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", mouseUp) canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", mouseClick) #initial draw and start loop mouseI.draw() mainloop()
def simulation_canvas (parent,**config): global the_canvas the_canvas = Canvas(parent,**config) the_canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease>", lambda event : model.mouse_click(event.x,event.y)) return the_canvas
class BoardArea(Observer): ''' Represent the area in which the player will play. @ivar _regions: Dictionary <game cell, screen rectangle> @ivar _selection: the current cell selected to move. If there's no selection, the value is None. ''' def __init__(self, game, parent): '''Initialize the canvas, the observers and the mouse bindings.''' Observer.__init__(self) self._game = game self._game.add_observer(self, 'CELL_OFF') self._game.add_observer(self, 'CELL_ON') self._canvas = Canvas(parent, bg=BOARD_BG_COLOR, width=280, height=280) self._canvas.grid(row=0, columnspan=3) self._canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self.left_button_pressed) self._regions = {} self.__init_regions(self._game) self._selection = None def get_selection(self): '''Getter of _selection.''' return self._selection def set_selection(self, sel): '''Setter of _selection.''' self._selection = sel def __init_regions(self, game): '''Complete the _regions dictionary.''' canvas_x = 0 canvas_y = 0 for x_index in range(7): for y_index in range(7): if (x_index, y_index) in game.get_board(): self._regions[(x_index, y_index)] = \ Rectangle((canvas_x, canvas_y), \ (canvas_x + BOARD_RECTANGLE_SIZE - 1, \ canvas_y + BOARD_RECTANGLE_SIZE - 1)) canvas_x += BOARD_RECTANGLE_SIZE canvas_x = 0 canvas_y += BOARD_RECTANGLE_SIZE def left_button_pressed(self, event): '''The mouse left button was pressed, so if there's no selection, it's created, and if the selection exists, attempt to make a movement taking the selection position and the current position.''' pos = self.get_position_from_pixels(event.x, event.y) if pos is not None: if self.get_selection() is None: self.set_selection(pos) self.make_selection(pos) else: self._game.move(self.get_selection(), pos) self.clear_selection(self.get_selection()) self.set_selection(None) def make_selection(self, pos): '''A selection was made.''' self.__selection(pos, BOARD_SEL_COLOR) def clear_selection(self, pos): '''No longer selection in the position given.''' self.__selection(pos, BOARD_BG_COLOR) def __selection(self, pos, color): '''Draw the selection rectangle.''' self._regions[pos].display_on(self._canvas, outline=color) def update(self, aspect, value): '''The board organization in the model has changed.''' if aspect == 'CELL_ON': self.draw_circle_from_rect(self._regions[value], \ CELL_NOT_EMPTY_COLOR) elif aspect == 'CELL_OFF': self.draw_circle_from_rect(self._regions[value], \ CELL_EMPTY_COLOR) def draw_circle_from_rect(self, rect, color): '''Draw a cell empty or not empty.''' origin_x = rect.upper_left()[0] + DIST origin_y = rect.upper_left()[1] + DIST corner_x = rect.lower_right()[0] - DIST corner_y = rect.lower_right()[1] - DIST self._canvas.create_oval(origin_x, origin_y, \ corner_x, corner_y, fill=color) def get_position_from_pixels(self, x_coord, y_coord): '''Get the board position corresponding with the coordinates given.''' for cell, rect in self._regions.items(): if rect.contains((x_coord, y_coord)): return cell return None
class QuickHull(Tk): def __init__(self,points): Tk.__init__(self) board = Frame(self) self.title("Diagram") width = 800 #setting height and width height = 600 windowx = self.winfo_screenwidth() windowy = self.winfo_screenheight() x = (windowx - width)/2 #getting center y = (windowy - height)/2 self.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (width,height,x,y)) #creates window of size _width by _height, and positions it at the center of the screen board.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.canvas = Canvas(board,height=600,width=800,background="white"),y=0) self.drawPoints(points) #Draw points and the first line from the highest an lowest points def point(event): #Add points by clicking on the screen self.canvas.create_text(event.x, event.y,text = "+") points.append([event.x,event.y]) def start(): if(points != []): startB.destroy() quickHullStart(points) self.nextButton() self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", point) startB = Button(self, text = "Start QuickHull", command = start) startB.pack() self.mainloop() def nextButton(self): #Button that steps forward one step in the QuickHull def callBack(): self.animate() continueB = Button(self, text="-->",command=callBack),y=550) def animate(self): #animation loop if(triList == []): self.onExit() return self.canvas.create_polygon(triList.pop(0),fill="red",outline="black") def onExit(self): #Window popup signaling that the Quick Hull is complete alert = Tk() finish = Window(alert) finish.config(title="Complete",w = 200, h=50) finish.positionWindow() done = Label(alert,text="QuickHull Complete") done.pack() ok = Button(alert,text="OK",command=alert.destroy) ok.pack() alert.mainloop() return def drawPoints(self,points): #Draw points Imported from a file for p in points: self.canvas.create_text(p[0],p[1],text="+")
can.delete(line1[int(y/50)]) can.delete(line2[int(y/50)]) line1[int(y/50)] = [can.create_line(pos1, fill='#000')] line2[int(y/50)] = [can.create_line(pos2, fill='#f00', dash=(3, 2))] can.update() """ 본문 캔버스를 선언하고 원과 선들을 초기화 """ master = Tk() can = Canvas(master, width=500, height=500) obj = can.create_oval(240, 240, 260, 260, fill='#aafcdf') can.pack() # 라인 초기화 line1 = [can.create_line(0, 0, 1, 1)]*11 line2 = [can.create_line(0, 0, 1, 1)]*11 # 애니메이션 구동 can.after(0, web) onTarget = False # bind: 미리 정해져 있는 입력에 따라서 함수를 실행 # 사용자의 드래그 동작은 클릭과 클릭한 후 이동으로 구성되어 있다. can.bind('<Button-1>', onClick) can.bind('<B1-Motion>', onDrag) master.mainloop()
class ImageViewer(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master=master, bg="gray", width=600, height=400) self.shown_image = None self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.crop_start_x = 0 self.crop_start_y = 0 self.crop_end_x = 0 self.crop_end_y = 0 self.draw_ids = list() self.rectangle_id = 0 self.ratio = 0 self.canvas = Canvas(self, bg="gray", width=600, height=400), rely=0.5, anchor=CENTER) def show_image(self, img=None): self.clear_canvas() if img is None: image = self.master.processed_image.copy() else: image = img image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) height, width, channels = image.shape ratio = height / width new_width = width new_height = height if height > self.winfo_height() or width > self.winfo_width(): if ratio < 1: new_width = self.winfo_width() new_height = int(new_width * ratio) else: new_height = self.winfo_height() new_width = int(new_height * (width / height)) self.shown_image = cv2.resize(image, (new_width, new_height)) self.shown_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.fromarray( self.shown_image)) self.ratio = height / new_height self.canvas.config(width=new_width, height=new_height) self.canvas.create_image(new_width / 2, new_height / 2, anchor=CENTER, image=self.shown_image) def activate_draw(self): self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress>", self.start_draw) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.draw) self.master.is_draw_state = True def activate_crop(self): self.canvas.bind("<ButtonPress>", self.start_crop) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.crop) self.canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease>", self.end_crop) self.master.is_crop_state = True def deactivate_draw(self): self.canvas.unbind("<ButtonPress>") self.canvas.unbind("<B1-Motion>") self.master.is_draw_state = False def deactivate_crop(self): self.canvas.unbind("<ButtonPress>") self.canvas.unbind("<B1-Motion>") self.canvas.unbind("<ButtonRelease>") self.master.is_crop_state = False def start_draw(self, event): self.x = event.x self.y = event.y def draw(self, event): self.draw_ids.append( self.canvas.create_line(self.x, self.y, event.x, event.y, width=2, fill="red", capstyle=ROUND, smooth=True)) cv2.line(self.master.processed_image, (int(self.x * self.ratio), int(self.y * self.ratio)), (int(event.x * self.ratio), int(event.y * self.ratio)), (0, 0, 255), thickness=int(self.ratio * 2), lineType=8) self.x = event.x self.y = event.y def start_crop(self, event): self.crop_start_x = event.x self.crop_start_y = event.y def crop(self, event): if self.rectangle_id: self.canvas.delete(self.rectangle_id) self.crop_end_x = event.x self.crop_end_y = event.y self.rectangle_id = self.canvas.create_rectangle(self.crop_start_x, self.crop_start_y, self.crop_end_x, self.crop_end_y, width=1) def end_crop(self, event): if self.crop_start_x <= self.crop_end_x and self.crop_start_y <= self.crop_end_y: start_x = int(self.crop_start_x * self.ratio) start_y = int(self.crop_start_y * self.ratio) end_x = int(self.crop_end_x * self.ratio) end_y = int(self.crop_end_y * self.ratio) elif self.crop_start_x > self.crop_end_x and self.crop_start_y <= self.crop_end_y: start_x = int(self.crop_end_x * self.ratio) start_y = int(self.crop_start_y * self.ratio) end_x = int(self.crop_start_x * self.ratio) end_y = int(self.crop_end_y * self.ratio) elif self.crop_start_x <= self.crop_end_x and self.crop_start_y > self.crop_end_y: start_x = int(self.crop_start_x * self.ratio) start_y = int(self.crop_end_y * self.ratio) end_x = int(self.crop_end_x * self.ratio) end_y = int(self.crop_start_y * self.ratio) else: start_x = int(self.crop_end_x * self.ratio) start_y = int(self.crop_end_y * self.ratio) end_x = int(self.crop_start_x * self.ratio) end_y = int(self.crop_start_y * self.ratio) x = slice(start_x, end_x, 1) y = slice(start_y, end_y, 1) self.master.processed_image = self.master.processed_image[y, x] self.show_image() def clear_canvas(self): self.canvas.delete("all") def clear_draw(self): self.canvas.delete(self.draw_ids)
class text_canvas(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, font_size, input_handler, filename): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.text_font = tkFont.Font( family='Monaco', size=font_size, weight='bold' ) self.filename = filename self.cheight, self.cwidth = font_size, self.text_font.measure('c') self.line_num_spacing = 50 self.line_height = ( (self.winfo_screenheight() - self.cheight)//(self.cheight + 2) - 4 ) self.init_UI(input_handler) def init_UI(self, input_handler): self.parent.title('') self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.init_canvas(input_handler) def get_dimensions(self): """ Getting the dimensions might be helpful for plugin writers """ return { 'cheight': self.cheight, 'cwidth': self.cwidth, 'line_num_spacing': self.line_num_spacing, 'line_height': self.line_height, 'screen_width': self.winfo_screenwidth(), 'screen_height': self.winfo_screenheight() } def init_canvas(self, input_handler): self.canvas = Canvas( self, highlightthickness=0, width=self.winfo_screenwidth(), height=self.winfo_screenheight(), bg=options['background_color'] ) self.canvas.pack() self.canvas.focus_set() self.bind_events(input_handler) def clear_all(self): self.canvas.delete('all') def get_line_height(self): """ return number of lines per page """ return self.line_height def get_grid_y(self, y): """ return character height * y in addition distane of the spaces inbetwen """ return self.cheight * y + (y * 2) def write_line_grid(self, y, line): """ Write to line of text on grid using tokens passed in """ for token in line: self.write_text_grid(token[0], y, token[1], token[2]) def write_text_grid(self, x, y, text, color=options['text_color']): """ Write text to x, y location on grid """ x_val = self.cwidth * x + self.line_num_spacing y_val = self.cheight * y + (y * 2) # 2 pixel spacing between each line self.canvas.create_text( x_val, y_val, anchor='nw', text=text, font=self.text_font, fill=color ) def write_status_line( self, text, textcolor=options['status_text_color'], backgroundcolor=options['status_background_color'] ): """ Writen a line of text to status line this function could take in different data if desired """ y = self.line_height + 1 self.canvas.create_rectangle( 0, self.cheight * y + (y * 2), self.winfo_screenwidth(), self.cheight * y + (y * 2) + self.cheight + 4, fill=backgroundcolor, outline=backgroundcolor ) self.write_text_grid(0, self.line_height + 1, text, textcolor) def draw_highlight_grid( self, y, x1, x2, highlightcolor=options['text_highlight_color'] ): """ Draw highlights onto text canvas i.e selections during visual mode """ y_val = self.cheight * y + (y * 2) x1_val = self.cwidth * x1 + self.line_num_spacing x2_val = self.cwidth * x2 + self.line_num_spacing self.canvas.create_rectangle( x1_val, y_val, x2_val, y_val + self.cheight + 4, fill=highlightcolor, outline=highlightcolor ) def draw_line_numbers( self, start, highlightcolor=options['line_num_highlight_color'], textcolor=options['line_num_text_color'] ): self.canvas.create_rectangle( 0, 0, self.line_num_spacing / 2, self.winfo_screenheight(), fill=highlightcolor, outline=highlightcolor ) for i in range(self.line_height + 1): self.canvas.create_text( 0, self.cheight * i + (i * 2), anchor='nw', text=str(start + i), font=self.text_font, fill=textcolor ) def draw_cursor( self, x, y, highlightcolor=options['cursor_highlight_color'], cursorcolor=options['cursor_color'] ): """ draw cursor as well as line and column highlights TODO: users should have the option to disable line and column highlights """ x_val = self.cwidth * x + self.line_num_spacing y_val = self.cheight * y + (y * 2) self.canvas.create_rectangle( 0, y_val, self.winfo_screenwidth(), y_val + self.cheight + 4, fill=highlightcolor, outline=highlightcolor ) self.canvas.create_rectangle( x_val, 0, x_val + self.cwidth, self.winfo_screenheight(), fill=highlightcolor, outline=highlightcolor ) self.canvas.create_rectangle( x_val, y_val, x_val + self.cwidth, y_val + self.cheight + 4, fill=cursorcolor, outline=cursorcolor ) def draw_rectangle_absolute( self, x1, y1, x2, y2, color ): """ draw rectangle onto screen TODO: flesh out what this function should actually look like """ self.canvas.create_rectangle( x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=color, outline=color ) def bind_events(self, input_handler): """ bind events for use in input_handler TODO: this should be cleaned up ideally into a separate handler list """ input_handler.set_GUI_reference(self) self.canvas.bind('<Key>', input_handler.key) self.canvas.bind_all('<Escape>', input_handler.escape) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-a>', input_handler.control_a) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-b>', input_handler.control_b) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-c>', input_handler.control_c) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-d>', input_handler.control_d) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-e>', input_handler.control_e) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-f>', input_handler.control_f) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-g>', input_handler.control_g) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-h>', input_handler.control_h) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-i>', input_handler.control_i) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-j>', input_handler.control_j) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-k>', input_handler.control_k) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-l>', input_handler.control_l) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-m>', input_handler.control_m) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-n>', input_handler.control_n) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-o>', input_handler.control_o) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-p>', input_handler.control_p) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-q>', input_handler.control_q) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-r>', input_handler.control_r) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-s>', input_handler.control_s) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-t>', input_handler.control_t) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-u>', input_handler.control_u) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-v>', input_handler.control_v) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-w>', input_handler.control_w) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-x>', input_handler.control_x) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-y>', input_handler.control_y) self.canvas.bind_all('<Control-z>', input_handler.control_z) self.canvas.bind_all("<MouseWheel>", input_handler.mouse_scroll) self.canvas.bind_all( '<Control-braceright>', input_handler.control_braceright ) self.canvas.bind_all( '<Control-braceleft>', input_handler.control_braceleft )
class Scene(object): def __init__(self, master, device, mouse_tracking=False): self.master = master self.device = device self.frame = tk.Frame(master) self.feedbackButton = tk.Button( self.frame, text="Feedback window", width=25, command=self.open_feedback ) self.feedbackButton.pack() self.explore_canvas = Canvas(master, width=500, height=500) self.explore_canvas.pack() if mouse_tracking: self.explore_canvas.bind( '<Motion>', lambda event, device=device: motion(event, device)) self.enable_position_feedback() self.network_drawings = [] self.frame.pack() = None self.update() def activate_key_listening(self, listener): # Will focus frame, needed for key binding self.explore_canvas.bind( "<Button-1>", lambda event, frame=self.explore_canvas: focus(event, frame) ) self.explore_canvas.bind( "<Key>", lambda event: listener.update_pressed_key(str(event.char)) ) def desactivate_key_listening(self): self.explore_canvas.unbind("<Button-1>") self.explore_canvas.unbind("<Key>") def enable_position_feedback(self): self.device_cursor = self.explore_canvas.create_oval( self.device.position.x - 2.5, self.device.position.y - 2.5, self.device.position.x + 2.5, self.device.position.y + 2.5) def draw_network(self, network): self.explore_canvas.delete('all') self.enable_position_feedback() for node in network.nodes: pos_x = node.x - 5 pos_y = node.y - 5 self.explore_canvas.create_oval( pos_x, pos_y, pos_x + 10, pos_y + 10, fill="blue") for link in network.links: pt_a = link.first pt_b = link.sec self.explore_canvas.create_line( pt_a.x, pt_a.y, pt_b.x, pt_b.y) def update(self): coords = self.explore_canvas.coords(self.device_cursor) if len(coords) <= 3: self.master.after(50, self.update) return center = ((coords[0] + coords[2]) / 2, (coords[1] + coords[3]) / 2) self.explore_canvas.move( self.device_cursor, self.device.position.x - center[0], self.device.position.y - center[1]) if and not self.master.after(50, self.update) def open_feedback(self): self.feedbackWindow = tk.Toplevel(self.master) = Feedback(self.feedbackWindow, self.device)
class IsometricViewer: def __init__(self, width, height): self.width = width self.height = height self.wireframe = True self.drawables = [] self.items = {} self.text = "" self.theta = 0 self.phi = 0 self.scale = 0 self.x_offset = 0 self.y_offset = 0 self.canvas = Canvas(Tk(), width=self.width, height=self.height) self.reset_viewport() self.init_gui() @property def camera_coords(self): return Point3(math.cos(self.theta) * math.cos(self.phi), -math.sin(self.theta) * math.cos(self.phi), math.sin(self.phi)) def reset_viewport(self): self.theta = math.pi / 8 self.phi = math.pi / 16 self.scale = 1 self.x_offset = self.width / 2 self.y_offset = self.height / 2 def init_gui(self): self.canvas.pack() self.canvas.focus_set() self.canvas.bind("<Up>", self._callback_commandline_up) self.canvas.bind("<Down>", self._callback_commandline_down) self.canvas.bind("<Left>", self._callback_commandline_left) self.canvas.bind("<Right>", self._callback_commandline_right) self.canvas.bind("=", self._callback_commandline_equal) self.canvas.bind("-", self._callback_commandline_minus) self.canvas.bind("<Shift-Up>", self._callback_commandline_shift_up) self.canvas.bind("<Shift-Down>", self._callback_commandline_shift_down) self.canvas.bind("<Shift-Left>", self._callback_commandline_shift_left) self.canvas.bind("<Shift-Right>", self._callback_commandline_shift_right) self.canvas.bind("<Shift-Return>", self._callback_commandline_shift_return) self.canvas.bind("<Button-1>", self._callback_button_1) self.canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", self._callback_button_1_motion) def add_drawable(self, drawable): assert isinstance(drawable, Drawable) self.drawables.append(drawable) def project(self, point): projected = point.rotate(self.theta, self.phi) return Point2(projected.y * self.scale + self.x_offset, -projected.z * self.scale + self.y_offset) def unproject(self, point): return point.rotate(0, -self.phi).rotate(-self.theta, 0) def move_camera(self, theta, phi): self.theta += theta if self.theta > 2 * math.pi: self.theta -= 2 * math.pi elif self.theta < 0: self.theta += 2 * math.pi if -math.pi / 2 <= self.phi + phi <= math.pi / 2: self.phi += phi def clear(self): for item in self.items: self.canvas.delete(item) def draw_line(self, owner, p1, p2, **kargs): assert isinstance(p1, Point3) assert isinstance(p2, Point3) p1 = self.project(p1) p2 = self.project(p2) item = self.canvas.create_line(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, **kargs) self.items[item] = owner return item def draw_ellipse(self, owner, corners, **kargs): assert all(isinstance(p, Point3) for p in corners) item = self.draw_polygon(owner, corners, outline="#000000", smooth=1, **kargs) self.items[item] = owner return item def draw_polygon(self, owner, pts, **kargs): assert all(isinstance(p, Point3) for p in pts) args = [] for p in pts: p = self.project(p) args.extend((p.x, p.y)) item = self.canvas.create_polygon(*args, **kargs) self.items[item] = owner return item def draw_wireframe(self): for drawable in self.drawables: drawable.draw_wireframe(self) def draw(self): for drawable in self.drawables: drawable.draw(self) def update(self): self.clear() header = [ "(theta, phi): ({:.3f}, {:.3f})".format(self.theta, self.phi), "(x, y, z): {}".format(self.camera_coords), ] text = "\n".join(header) + "\n\n" + self.text item = self.canvas.create_text((10, 10), anchor="nw", text=text) self.items[item] = None if self.wireframe: self.draw_wireframe() else: self.draw() def display(self): self.update() mainloop() def _callback_commandline_up(self, event): self.move_camera(0, math.pi / 16) self.update() def _callback_commandline_down(self, event): self.move_camera(0, -math.pi / 16) self.update() def _callback_commandline_left(self, event): self.move_camera(math.pi / 16, 0) self.update() def _callback_commandline_right(self, event): self.move_camera(-math.pi / 16, 0) self.update() def _callback_commandline_equal(self, event): self.scale *= 1.2 self.update() def _callback_commandline_minus(self, event): self.scale /= 1.2 self.update() def _callback_commandline_shift_up(self, event): self.y_offset -= 10 self.update() def _callback_commandline_shift_down(self, event): self.y_offset += 10 self.update() def _callback_commandline_shift_left(self, event): self.x_offset -= 10 self.update() def _callback_commandline_shift_right(self, event): self.x_offset += 10 self.update() def _callback_commandline_shift_return(self, event): self.reset_viewport() self.update() def _callback_button_1(self, event): text = [] closest = self.canvas.find_closest(event.x, event.y)[0] overlapping = self.canvas.find_overlapping(event.x, event.y, event.x+1, event.y+1) if closest in overlapping and closest in self.items and self.items[closest] is not None: text.append(self.items[closest].clicked(self, event, closest)) self.text = "\n".join(text) self.update() def _callback_button_1_motion(self, event): pass