def initialize(): Logger.createNewLog(purgeLogs) # GUI already initialized on import resolution Client.startClient() Server.startServer() # ControllerClient.startControllerForwarding() Logger.log("DriverStation initialized")
def __init__(self, layers, threshold=0): """ initialize a new network :param layers: list containing number of neurons in each layer with optionally associated weights """ self.layers = [] self.threshold = threshold layer_number = 0 self.outputs = [] # initialize input layer input_layer = layers[0] inputs = 1 if isinstance(input_layer, int): Logger.log( "appending {0} neurons to input layer".format(input_layer), "green") self.layers.append([]) for x in range(input_layer): self.layers[0].append(Neuron(inputs, self.threshold, 0)) # initialize all hidden and output layers inputs = len(self.layers[0]) for (layer_number, layer) in enumerate(layers[1:]): if isinstance(layer, int): Logger.log( "appending {0} neurons to layer {1}".format( layer, layer_number + 1), "green") self.layers.append([]) for x in range(layer): self.layers[-1].append(Neuron(inputs, self.threshold)) inputs = layer
def handleConn(typeOfMessage: messageType, data): with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: attemptedConnections = 0 while True: try: s.connect((IP, PORT)) except ConnectionRefusedError: # if connection refused (server not online, wait for it to start) timeout = 3 sec (NOTE: if experiencing memory/CPU intensive ops this is very memory intensive (1 thread per frame of camera :^)) ) attemptedConnections += 1 if (attemptedConnections >= 3): Logger.log( f"Connection to {(IP, PORT)} refused. Is the server online?" ) return time.sleep(1) continue else: break if (typeOfMessage != # if it is not a camera, it is string s.sendall(typeOfMessage.value.encode() + messageEncoder.encode(data) + EOM) else: s.sendall(typeOfMessage.value.encode() + imageEncoder.encode(data[0], data[1]))
def retrieve(self, probe): bipolar = make_bipolar(probe) flat_probe = [item for sublist in bipolar for item in sublist] Logger.log("retrieving probe:{0}".format(probe)) # stuff with 0's - incomplete information while len(flat_probe) < len(self.neurons): flat_probe.append(0) Logger.log("probe:{0}".format(flat_probe)) # initial state counter = 0 y = flat_probe test = [] while test != self.state_vector: Logger.log("state vector:{0} is not equal to retrieval:{1}".format(unmake_bipolar(self.state_vector, len(charset[probe[0]])), unmake_bipolar(y, len(charset[probe[0]])))) import random r = random.randint(0, len(self.state_vector)-1) self.neurons[r].retrieve(y) y = self.state_vector test = [neuron.test(self.state_vector) for neuron in self.neurons] counter += 1 Logger.log("stable state after {1}:epochs retrieved:{0}".format(self.state_vector, counter)) Logger.log("stable state unbipolarized:{0}".format(unmake_bipolar(self.state_vector, len(charset[probe[0]]))))
def main(rootpath="data/"): logger=Logger(rootpath+"log.txt","",True) configService=ConfigService(rootpath) if not appex.is_running_extension(): print('This script is intended to be run from the sharing extension.') return url = appex.get_url() if not url: console.alert("Error","No input URL found.",'OK', hide_cancel_button=True) if(configService.getLog().getData()==1): logger.error("No input URL found.") return console.hud_alert("正在抓取数据,请等待...","success") appSerVice=AppService(rootpath) res=appSerVice.addApp(url) if(res.equal(ResultEnum.APP_UPDATE)): console.hud_alert("应用更新成功!",'success') elif(res.equal(ResultEnum.SUCCESS)): console.hud_alert("应用添加成功!",'success') else: console.hud_alert(res.getInfo(),'error')
def weight_train(self, desired, layer, output): """ calculates the error gradient desired is either the desired pattern or the error gradient """ if output: self.error_signal = desired - self.output self.error_gradient = self.output * ( 1 - self.output) * self.error_signal # dont apply them yet, we need them for further backpropagation self.weight_corrections = [ self.learning_rate * y.output * self.error_gradient for y in layer ] else: self.error_signal = desired self.error_gradient = self.output * ( 1 - self.output) * self.error_signal self.weight_corrections = [ self.learning_rate * y.output * self.error_gradient for y in layer ] Logger.log( "trained output Neuron to signal:{0}, gradient:{1} and delta:{2}". format(self.error_signal, self.error_gradient, self.weight_corrections))
def __init__(self, inputs, threshold=0, weight=None, activation=None, input_values=None): """ initialize the Neuron """ Logger.log("initializing neuron with {0} inputs".format(inputs)) self.weights = [] self.input_values = [] if activation == None: self.activate = self.__activateSign else: self.activate = activation self.threshold = threshold w = 0 if (weight == None): # Set all the weights and threshold levels of the network to random numbers uniformly distributed inside a small range (Haykin, 1999): # meaning only one random number / number of inputs w = random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5) w = round(w / float(inputs), 2) else: w = round(weight / float(inputs), 2) for x in range(inputs): self.weights.append(w)
def handleConn(connectionInformation): conn: socket.socket = connectionInformation[0] addr = connectionInformation[1] # print('Connected by', addr) # ensure all data is received try: header = messageType(conn.recv(4).decode()) except: # if invalid header is received, ignore the packet return if (header == try: data = b"" while EOM not in data: data += conn.recv(4096) split = data.index(EOM) metaData = json.loads(data[:split]) data = data[split + len(EOM):] while len(data) < metaData["size"]: data += conn.recv(4096) # construct image GUI.cameraBuffer.put_nowait(imageDecoder.decode(metaData, data)) except: # if any error occurs, return without updating cams Logger.logError(print_exc()) return else: data = conn.recv(4096) while EOM not in data: data += conn.recv(4096) # decode data data = data.decode()[0:-len(EOM)] split = data.index(":") GUI.varData[data[0:split]] = data[split + 1:]
def __init__(self, rootpath="data/"): self.rootpath = rootpath dbpath = self.rootpath + "database.db" self.mPriceController = PriceController(dbpath) self.logger = Logger(self.rootpath + "log.txt", "", True)
def __init__(self, layers, learning_rate=1, threshold=None): Logger.log("initializing MLP with {0} layers".format(len(layers))) # sum of all neurons in the mlp self.F = sum(layers) self.layers = [ Layer(neurons, self.F, learning_rate, threshold) for neurons in layers ]
def __init__(self, rootpath="../data/"): self.rootpath = rootpath dbpath = self.rootpath + "database.db" self.mConfigController = ConfigController(dbpath) self.logger = Logger(self.rootpath + "log.txt", "", True)
def __combineInputs(self, inputs): """ lineary combine the neurons input """ x = sum( int(value) * float(self.weights[index]) for (index, value) in enumerate(inputs)) x -= self.threshold Logger.log("activation x = " + str(x) + ", threshold: " + str(self.threshold) + ", weight: " + str(self.weights)) return x
def learn(self, input_vector, neuron_index, state): """ generalized hebbian learning rule """ for j, weight in enumerate(self.weights): if j != neuron_index: dw = 0 if state == input_vector[j]: dw = 1 else: dw = -1 self.weights[j] += dw Logger.log("for weight i:{0} j:{1} - dw = {2} and weight = {3}".format(neuron_index, j, dw, self.weights[j]))
def startControllerServer(): Logger.log("Controller Server Started") while True: try: doServer() except ConnectionAbortedError: Logger.logError(format_exc()) time.sleep(2) continue
def __init__(self, WebInsMgrRef, name): self.WebInsMgrRef = WebInsMgrRef self.Logger = Logger(name, 'WebInstance') self.instance_name = name self.LastAccessTime = str() self.LastEpoch = 0 self.LongLoad = False self.InstanceKeepAliveIns = type(InstanceKeepAlive) self.KeepAlivePythonProcess = None self.port = int(self.WebInsMgrRef.basePort) + int(self.instance_name)
def activate(self, pattern): """ activates the layer using the patterns """ for i, neuron in enumerate(self.neurons): # input layer if not neuron.weights: neuron.output = pattern[i] # processing layers else: neuron.activate(pattern) Logger.log("activated layer: {0}".format(self.output))
def eva_a_phi(phi): na, nnh, nh, nw = phi # choose a dataset to train (mscoco, flickr8k, flickr30k) dataset = 'mscoco' data_dir = osp.join(DATA_ROOT, dataset) from model.ra import Model # settings mb = 64 # mini-batch size lr = 0.0002 # learning rate # nh = 512 # size of LSTM's hidden size # nnh = 512 # hidden size of attention mlp # nw = 512 # size of word embedding vector # na = 512 # size of the region features after dimensionality reduction name = 'ra' # model name, just setting it to 'ra' is ok. 'ra'='region attention' vocab_freq = 'freq5' # use the vocabulary that filtered out words whose frequences are less than 5 print '... loading data {}'.format(dataset) train_set = Reader(batch_size=mb, data_split='train', vocab_freq=vocab_freq, stage='train', data_dir=data_dir, feature_file='features_30res.h5', topic_switch='off') # change 0, 1000, 82783 valid_set = Reader(batch_size=1, data_split='val', vocab_freq=vocab_freq, stage='val', data_dir=data_dir, feature_file='features_30res.h5', caption_switch='off', topic_switch='off') # change 0, 10, 5000 npatch, nimg = train_set.features.shape[1:] nout = len(train_set.vocab) save_dir = '{}-nnh{}-nh{}-nw{}-na{}-mb{}-V{}'.\ format(dataset.lower(), nnh, nh, nw, na, mb, nout) save_dir = osp.join(SAVE_ROOT, save_dir) model_file, m = find_last_snapshot(save_dir, resume_training=False) os.system('cp model/ {}/'.format(save_dir)) logger = Logger(save_dir)'... building') model = Model(name=name, nimg=nimg, nnh=nnh, nh=nh, na=na, nw=nw, nout=nout, npatch=npatch, model_file=model_file) # start training bs = BeamSearch([model], beam_size=1, num_cadidates=100, max_length=20) best = train(model, bs, train_set, valid_set, save_dir, lr, display=100, starting=m, endding=20, validation=2000, life=10, logger=logger) # change dis1,100; va 2,2000; life 0,10; average_models(best=best, L=6, model_dir=save_dir, model_name=name+'.h5') # L 1, 6 # evaluation'data_dir', data_dir)'save_dir', save_dir) os.system('python') scores = np.load('scores.npy') running_time = np.load('running_time.npy') print 'cider:', scores[-1], 'B1-4,C:', scores, 'running time:', running_time return scores, running_time
def __init__(self, rootpath="../data/"): self.rootpath = rootpath dbpath = self.rootpath + "database.db" self.mAppController = AppController(dbpath) self.mPriceService = PriceService(rootpath) self.mConfigService = ConfigService(rootpath) self.mNotification = Notification("AppWishList") self.logger = Logger(self.rootpath + "log.txt", "", True)
def calibrate(self): Logger.log( "Calibrating IMU, ensure this occured at a time when robot is completely still" ) last = time.time() while (not self.BNO055.calibrated): if (time.time() - last >= 1): results = self.BNO055.calibration_status print( f"\n\nSys status: {results[0]}\nGyro status: {results[1]}\nAccel status: {results[2]}\nMagn status: {results[3]}" ) pass
def initialize(): """Initialize all relevant robot components/tools here""" Logger.createNewLog(purgeLogs) # create daemons # Client.startClient() # Server.startServer() # Cameras.start() # initialize all components here components.append(Drive()) components.append(Manipulator()) Logger.log("Components initialized")
def subscribe(fn): # create wrapper function to manipulate wrapped fn if(not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn)): # ensure function has been defined as async def name(): ... (could add functionality for both but would add like 50 lines and its easy enough to write an asynchronous function that does not need to wait on anything :P) raise SubscriptionException("Cannot subscribe synchronous function to asynchronous event system") if not event_type in subscribers: # add subscribed event to subscription tracker subscribers[event_type] = [] if fn in subscribers[event_type]: # ensure no function is subscribed twice try: raise SubscriptionException("Cannot subscribe function twice") except SubscriptionException: Logger.logError(format_exc()) return fn subscribers[event_type].append(fn) # add function to subscribed event in tracker Logger.log(fn, "successfully subscribed to event " + event_type.__name__) # DEBUG log return fn
def activate(self, inputs=None): """ calculate the network's output, this is the first step in backpropagation learning """ if inputs != None: self.assignInput(inputs) inputs = None for (index, layer) in enumerate(self.layers): self.outputs = [] self.outputs.extend(neuron.output(inputs) for neuron in layer) inputs = self.outputs Logger.log("layer {0} output = {1}".format(index, self.outputs)) return self.outputs
def __init__(self, F, learning_rate, threshold): """ F - number of all neurons in the network """ self.weights = [] import random if not threshold: self.threshold = random.uniform(-2.4/F, 2.4/F) else: self.threshold = threshold self.output = None self.learning_rate = learning_rate Logger.log("initializing Neuron")
def __init__(self, F, learning_rate, threshold): """ F - number of all neurons in the network """ self.weights = [] import random if not threshold: self.threshold = random.uniform(-2.4 / F, 2.4 / F) else: self.threshold = threshold self.output = None self.learning_rate = learning_rate Logger.log("initializing Neuron")
def learn(self, M, epochs=1, learning_rate = .1, forgetting_factor = .01): """ a method for network learning M - the patterns """ for e in range(epochs): for m in M: for i, neuron in enumerate(self.neurons): bipolar = make_bipolar(m) flat_input = [item for sublist in bipolar for item in sublist] neuron.learn(flat_input, i, flat_input[i]) Logger.log("I've learned:") for i, neuron in enumerate(self.neurons): Logger.log("w{0}: {1}".format(i, neuron.weights))
def weight_train(self, desired, layer, output): """ calculates the error gradient desired is either the desired pattern or the error gradient """ if output: self.error_signal = desired - self.output self.error_gradient = self.output * (1 - self.output) * self.error_signal # dont apply them yet, we need them for further backpropagation self.weight_corrections = [self.learning_rate * y.output * self.error_gradient for y in layer] else: self.error_signal = desired self.error_gradient = self.output * (1 - self.output) * self.error_signal self.weight_corrections = [self.learning_rate * y.output * self.error_gradient for y in layer] Logger.log("trained output Neuron to signal:{0}, gradient:{1} and delta:{2}".format(self.error_signal, self.error_gradient, self.weight_corrections))
def main(config): loader = Loader(config) base = Base(config, loader) make_dirs(base.output_path) make_dirs(base.save_logs_path) make_dirs(base.save_model_path) logger = Logger(os.path.join(base.save_logs_path, 'log.txt')) logger(config) if config.mode == 'train': if config.resume_train_epoch >= 0: base.resume_model(config.resume_train_epoch) start_train_epoch = config.resume_train_epoch else: start_train_epoch = 0 if config.auto_resume_training_from_lastest_step: root, _, files = os_walk(base.save_model_path) if len(files) > 0: indexes = [] for file in files: indexes.append(int( file.replace('.pkl', '').split('_')[-1])) indexes = sorted(list(set(indexes)), reverse=False) base.resume_model(indexes[-1]) start_train_epoch = indexes[-1] logger( 'Time: {}, automatically resume training from the latest step (model {})' .format(time_now(), indexes[-1])) for current_epoch in range(start_train_epoch, config.total_train_epoch): base.save_model(current_epoch) if current_epoch < config.use_graph: _, result = train_meta_learning(base, loader) logger('Time: {}; Epoch: {}; {}'.format( time_now(), current_epoch, result)) if current_epoch + 1 >= 1 and (current_epoch + 1) % 40 == 0: mAP, CMC = test(config, base, loader) logger( 'Time: {}; Test on Target Dataset: {}, \nmAP: {} \n Rank: {}' .format(time_now(), config.target_dataset, mAP, CMC)) else: _, result = train_with_graph(config, base, loader) logger('Time: {}; Epoch: {}; {}'.format( time_now(), current_epoch, result)) if current_epoch + 1 >= 1 and (current_epoch + 1) % 5 == 0: mAP, CMC = test_with_graph(config, base, loader) logger( 'Time: {}; Test on Target Dataset: {}, \nmAP: {} \n Rank: {}' .format(time_now(), config.target_dataset, mAP, CMC)) elif config.mode == 'test': base.resume_model(config.resume_test_model) mAP, CMC = test_with_graph(config, base, loader) logger('Time: {}; Test on Target Dataset: {}, \nmAP: {} \n Rank: {}'. format(time_now(), config.target_dataset, mAP, CMC))
def post_event(event_type: Event, *args, **kwargs): """Post event and notify subscribers""" if not event_type in subscribers: print(f"Event '{event_type}' was posted, but either does not exist or has no subscribers") return # create list of coroutines to run coros:list[Coroutine] = [] for fn in subscribers[event_type]: try: coros.append(fn(*args, **kwargs)) # create coroutines and add to list except TypeError: # if type error happens, attempted to create coroutine with arguments not accepted by it (not a big deal, log and move on) Logger.log(f"Attempted to create coroutine from function {fn} with arguments: {args} , {kwargs}") continue res = # run all coroutines for i, result in enumerate(res): if result is not None: # if coroutine returned value, log and move on Logger.log(f"Function: {subscribers[event_type][i]} returned {result} when called on event bus")
def __init__(self, args): now_time = datetime.datetime.strftime(, '%m%d-%H%M%S') args.cur_dir = os.path.join(args.exp_dir, now_time) args.log_path = os.path.join(args.cur_dir, 'train.log') args.best_model_path = os.path.join(args.cur_dir, 'best_model.pth') self.args = args mkdir(self.args.exp_dir) mkdir(self.args.cur_dir) self.log = Logger(self.args.log_path, level='debug').logger self.log.critical("args: \n{}".format(to_str_args(self.args))) self.train_loader = dataset=CUB200Dataset(root=self.args.root, train=True), batch_size=self.args.batch_size, num_workers=self.args.num_workers, pin_memory=self.args.pin_memory, shuffle=True) self.test_loader = dataset=CUB200Dataset(root=self.args.root, train=False), batch_size=self.args.batch_size, num_workers=self.args.num_workers, pin_memory=self.args.pin_memory, shuffle=False) self.model = torchvision.models.resnet18(pretrained=True) self.model.fc = nn.Linear(in_features=self.model.fc.in_features, out_features=self.args.num_classes) self.model.cuda() self.criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( params=self.model.parameters(), ) if self.args.optim_type == 'Adam' else torch.optim.SGD( params=self.model.parameters(),, momentum=self.args.momentum, weight_decay=self.args.decay) self.log.critical("model: \n{}".format(self.model)) self.log.critical("torchsummary: \n{}".format( summary(model=self.model, input_size=(3, 224, 224)))) self.log.critical("criterion: \n{}".format(self.criterion)) self.log.critical("optimizer: \n{}".format(self.optimizer))
def initialize(self): """ initializes the neuron weights """ for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): try: layer.assign_weights(self.layers[i+1], self.F) Logger.log("assigned weights to layer {0}".format(i+2)) except IndexError: Logger.log("finished assigning weights") for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): Logger.log("initialized layer {0}".format(i+1)) for j, n in enumerate(layer.neurons): Logger.log("neuron {0}:{1} weights {2}".format(i+1, j+1, n.weights))
def __init__(self): # Grab the relevant servos from the map self.elbow_servo = MANIP_SERVOS["MANIP_ELBOW_SERVO"] self.elbow_servo2 = MANIP_SERVOS["MANIP_ELBOW_SERVO_2"] self.level_servo = MANIP_SERVOS["MANIP_LEVEL_SERVO"] self.wrist_servo = MANIP_SERVOS["MANIP_WRIST_SERVO"] self.clamp_servo = MANIP_SERVOS["MANIP_CLAMP_SERVO"] self.enabled = False self.chicken = False self.clamp = False self.elbow_angle = 90 self.elbow_angle_old = 90 self.wrist_angle = 90 self.wrist_angle_old = 90 self.level_angle = 90 self.level_angle_old = 90 self.elbow_tune = 11 self.elbow_tune2 = 12 self.level_tune = 0 self.wrist_tune = 15 self.x_velocity = 0 self.y_velocity = 0 self.VELOCITY_SCALING_FACTOR = .1 # SUBJECT TO CHANGE self.VELOCITY_IGNORE = .1 # Tunes how sensitive joystick is to changes self.ELBOW_ANGLE_MAX = 180 self.ELBOW_ANGLE_MIN = 0 self.LEVEL_ANGLE_MAX = 180 self.LEVEL_ANGLE_MIN = 0 self.WRIST_ANGLE_MAX = 180 self.WRIST_ANGLE_MIN = 0 self.wrist_servo.angle = 90 + self.wrist_tune self.elbow_servo.angle = 90 + self.elbow_tune self.elbow_servo2.angle = 90 + self.elbow_tune2 self.level_servo.angle = 90 + self.level_tune self.clamp_servo.angle = 85 Logger.log("MANIPULATOR CONSTRUCTED")
class InstanceKeepAlive(object): def __init__(self, session, WebInsMgrRef): import subprocess self.WebInsMgrRef = WebInsMgrRef self.Logger = Logger(session, 'InstanceKeepAlive') self.session = session self.LastTime = self.CheckTime() self.port = int(WebInsMgrRef.basePort) + int(self.session) self.KeepAlivePython = [ 'import time,subprocess', 'session = %d' % (int(session)), 'while True:', ' time.sleep(200)', " subp = subprocess.Popen(['curl', '' %(int(session))])" ] subprocess.Popen( ['rm', '-f', '' % (int(self.port))]) time.sleep(2) to_open = '' % (self.port) pyKeepAlive = open(to_open, 'w') for eachLine in self.KeepAlivePython: pyKeepAlive.write('%s\n' % (eachLine)) pyKeepAlive.close() self.KeepAlivePythonProcess = subprocess.Popen( ['python', '' % (self.port)]) def Update(self): self.Logger.addLog("Update called") self.LastTime = self.CheckTime() NewTime = int(time.time()) self.Logger.addLog(self.LastTime) self.Logger.addLog(NewTime) if (NewTime - self.LastTime) > 1200: if self.WebInsMgrRef.InstanceList[int( self.session)].LongLoad == True: return True else: self.Logger.addLog( "Session Inactive after more than 900 seconds, closing %d" % (self.session)) self.KeepAlivePythonProcess.kill() return False self.WebInsMgrRef.CleanUpSession(self.session) else: return True def CheckTime(self): try: return self.WebInsMgrRef.InstanceList[int(self.session)].LastEpoch except: return 0
def train(self, exp_name, params, logname): self.logger = Logger(params, logname) sgd = optimizers.SGD(lr=params["learning_rate"], momentum=0.0, decay=0.0, nesterov=False) self.model.compile(optimizer=sgd, loss='mean_squared_error') if exp_name == "lowest": for i in range(params["repeats"]): pair = self.play_games(params["num_batch"]) self.train_on_played_games_lowest(pair[0], pair[1], params) + "-model")
def test(self, fundamental_memories): fundamental_memories.append("abcd.efg") for fundamental_memory in fundamental_memories: Logger.log("testing fundamental memory:{0} with state vector:{1}".format(fundamental_memory, self.state_vector)) corelation = [] bipolar = make_bipolar(fundamental_memory) flat_memory = [item for sublist in bipolar for item in sublist] Logger.log("{0} length: {1}".format(fundamental_memory, len(flat_memory))) for i in flat_memory: x_mi = i # there is no sign function in python... :D y_mi = self.neurons[i].test(flat_memory) if x_mi == y_mi: corelation.append(True) response = [n.test(flat_memory) for n in self.neurons] Logger.log("{0}: {1}".format(fundamental_memory, unmake_bipolar(response, len(charset[fundamental_memory[0]])))) Logger.log("{0}: {1}".format(fundamental_memory, len(corelation)))
def train(model, beam_searcher, train_set, valid_set, save_dir, lr, display=100, starting=0, endding=20, validation=2000, patience=10, logger=None): """ display: output training infomation every 'display' mini-batches starting: the starting snapshots, > 0 when resuming training endding: the least training snapshots validation: evaluate on validation set every 'validation' mini-batches patience: increase of endding when finds better model """ train_func, _ = adam_optimizer(model, lr=lr) print '... training' logger = Logger(save_dir) if logger is None else logger timer = Timer() loss = 0 imb = starting * validation best = -1 best_snapshot = -1 timer.tic() while imb < endding*validation: imb += 1 x = train_set.iterate_batch() loss += train_func(*x)[0] / display if imb % display == 0:'snapshot={}, iter={}, loss={:.6f}, time={:.1f} sec'.format(imb/validation, imb, loss, timer.toc())) timer.tic() loss = 0 if imb % validation == 0: saving_index = imb/validation model.save_to_dir(save_dir, saving_index) try: scores = validate(beam_searcher, valid_set, logger) if scores[3] > best: best = scores[3] best_snapshot = saving_index endding = max(saving_index+patience, endding)' ---- this Bleu-4 = [%.3f], best Bleu-4 = [%.3f], endding -> %d' % \ (scores[3], best, endding)) except OSError: print '[Ops!! OS Error]''Training done, best snapshot is [%d]' % best_snapshot) return best_snapshot
def backpropagate(self, pattern): Logger.log("beginning backpropagation of pattern {0}".format(pattern[1])) Logger.log("training output layer") self.layers[-1].backpropagate(pattern[1], self.layers[-2], True) current = self.layers[-1] backward = self.layers[1:-1] backward.reverse() for i, layer in enumerate(backward): Logger.log("training hidden layer {0}".format(len(self.layers)-i-1)) layer.backpropagate(None, current) current = layer for layer in self.layers[1:]: for neuron in layer.neurons: neuron.update_weight()
def __init__(self, neurons, F, learning_rate, threshold): Logger.log("initializing Layer with {0} neurons".format(neurons)) self.neurons = [Neuron(F, learning_rate, threshold) for neuron in range(neurons)]
if inn == None: inn = urls if neurons == None: neurons = 40 hophop = HopfieldNet(neurons, threshold) hophop.learn(inn) hophop.test(inn) if retrieve != None: hophop.retrieve(retrieve) if __name__ == "__main__": """ the main routine """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "i:n:r:t:dm", ["input=", "manual", "neurons=", "retrieve=", "threshold="]) except getopt.GetoptError: sys.exit(2) Logger.output("options: {0}".format(opts)) Logger.output("arguments: {0}".format(args)) neurons = None inn = None retrieve = None threshold = -1 for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("--manual"): inn = args if opt in ("-n", "--neurons"): neurons = int(arg) if opt == '-d': Logger.debug = True if opt in ("-r", "--retrieve"):
def activate(self, pattern): """ activates the mlp using the patterns """ Logger.log("activating input layer") self.layers[0].activate(pattern[0]) for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers[1:]): layer.activate(self.layers[i].output)
train_set = Reader(batch_size=mb, data_split='train', vocab_freq=vocab_freq, stage='train', data_dir=data_dir, feature_file='features_1res.h5', topic_switch='off') valid_set = Reader(batch_size=1, data_split='val', vocab_freq=vocab_freq, stage='val', data_dir=data_dir, feature_file='features_1res.h5', caption_switch='off', topic_switch='off') nimg = train_set.features.shape[-1] nout = len(train_set.vocab) save_dir = '{}-{}-nh{}-nw{}-mb{}-V{}'.\ format(dataset.lower(), task, nh, nw, mb, nout) save_dir = osp.join(SAVE_ROOT, save_dir) model_file, m = find_last_snapshot(save_dir, resume_training=True) os.system('cp model/ {}/'.format(save_dir)) # backup the model description logger = Logger(save_dir)'... building') model = Model(name=name, nimg=nimg, nh=nh, nw=nw, nout=nout, model_file=model_file) if task == 'ss': from import Model # settings mb = 64 # mini-batch size lr = 0.0001 # learning rate nh = 512 # size of LSTM's hidden size nw = 512 # size of word embedding vector name = 'ss' # model name, just setting it to 'sf' is ok. 'sf'='scene factor' vocab_freq = 'freq5' # use the vocabulary that filtered out words whose frequences are less than 5 print '... loading data {}'.format(dataset) train_set = Reader(batch_size=mb, data_split='train', vocab_freq=vocab_freq, stage='train',
def __init__(self, layers, learning_rate = 1, threshold = None): Logger.log("initializing MLP with {0} layers".format(len(layers))) # sum of all neurons in the mlp self.F = sum(layers) self.layers = [Layer(neurons, self.F, learning_rate, threshold) for neurons in layers]
def __init__(self, neurons = 40, threshold = -1): Logger.output("creating network") self.neurons = [Neuron(i, neurons, threshold) for i in range(neurons)] Logger.output("created network with {0} neurons".format(len(self.neurons)))
help='generates unit tests for the C++ matrix kernels.') l_commandLineParser.add_argument('--generatePerformanceModel', action='store_true', help='generates a theoretical performance model.') l_commandLineParser.add_argument('--numberOfQuantities', help='If you do not know what you are doing, set it to 9.') l_commandLineArguments = l_commandLineParser.parse_args() ### ### Main ### l_logger.printWelcomeMessage() # construct configuration numberOfQuantities = 9 if l_commandLineArguments.numberOfQuantities is not None: numberOfQuantities = int(l_commandLineArguments.numberOfQuantities) if l_commandLineArguments.generateMatrixKernels == None: l_configuration = tools.Configuration.Configuration() else: l_configuration = tools.Configuration.Configuration( i_matricesDir = l_commandLineArguments.generateMatrixKernels[0], i_maximumOrder = 8, i_pathToSparseDenseConfigs = l_commandLineArguments.generateMatrixKernels[1], i_pathToGemmCodeGenerator = l_commandLineArguments.generateMatrixKernels[2],
from self_organising_map import SelfOrganisingMap from voronoi import Voronoi from tools import SpacialGenerator, Logger import sys, getopt # the 'main' routine if __name__ == "__main__": try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "x:y:n:l:m:s:e:d", ["dim_x=", "dim_y=", "neurons=", "learning=", "min_euclidean=", "spacial=", "epochs="]) except getopt.GetoptError: sys.exit(2) Logger.output("options: {0}".format(opts)) Logger.output("arguments: {0}".format(args)) neurons = 10 x = 800 y = 600 learning_rate = 0.1 min_euclidean = 0.01 epochs = 1000 spacial = SpacialGenerator.line for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-x", "--dim_x"): x = int(arg) if opt in ("-y", "--dim_y"): y = int(arg) if opt in ("-n", "--neurons"):
class Collection(object): def __init__(self, rootdir, dbname='jukepoksi'): self.rootdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(rootdir))) self.db = pymongo.Connection()[dbname] self.f_id = [] self.d_id = [] self.logger = Logger() #for t in self.db.tracks.find(): #self.ids.append(t['_id']) def _insert(self, collection, entry): entry.update(entry_id = len(self.ids)) try: oid = self.db[collection].insert(entry) print 'DEBUG: Inserted entry %s into collection %s' % (entry, collection) self.ids.append(oid) except pymongo.errors.InvalidStringData: pass def _file_entry(self, path): assert os.path.isfile(path) filedir = os.path.dirname(path) filename = os.path.basename(path) filetype = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] entry = { 'f_id' : len(self.f_id), 'fpath' : path, 'fname' : filename, 'ftype' : filetype } try: f = mutagen.File(path, easy=True) except: f = None if f: fileinfo = { 'album' : f.tags.get('album'), 'artist' : f.tags.get('artist'), 'bitrate' : getattr(, 'bitrate', 0), 'description' : f.tags.get('description'), 'genre' : f.tags.get('genre'), 'length' : getattr(, 'length', 0.0), 'mtime' : mtime(path), 'title' : f.tags.get('title'), 'tracknumber' : f.tags.get('tracknumber') } entry.update(fileinfo) return entry def _dir_entry(self, path, dirs, files): assert os.path.isdir(path) entry = { 'd_id' : len(self.d_id), 'dname' : path, 'dirs' : dirs, 'files' : files, 'mtime' : mtime(path) } return entry def _insert_file(self, path): assert os.path.isfile(path) self.logger.log('Adding file: %s ... ' % (path), newline=False) f_entry = self._file_entry(path) try: f_oid = self.db.files.insert(f_entry) self.f_id.append(f_oid) self.logger.log('Done') except InvalidStringData: self.logger.log('ERROR, paskaa') f_oid = None finally: self.logger.dec() return f_oid def _insert_dir(self, dirname): assert os.path.isdir(dirname) self.logger.log('Entering dir: %s' % (dirname)) files = [] dirs = [] for fname in os.listdir(dirname): path = os.path.join(dirname, fname) if os.path.isfile(path): if is_supported(path): f_oid = self._insert_file(path) if f_oid: files.append(f_oid) elif os.path.isdir(path): d_oid = self._insert_dir(path) if d_oid: self.d_id.append(d_oid) dirs.append(d_oid) d_entry = self._dir_entry(dirname, dirs, files) d_oid = self.db.dirs.insert(d_entry) self.logger.log('Leaving dir: %s' % (dirname)) self.logger.dec() return d_oid def update(self): self.logger.log('Starting database update') self.db.files.drop() self.db.dirs.drop() self._insert_dir(self.rootdir) self.logger.log('Database update done') self.logger.dec() def open(self, f_id): f_oid = self.f_id[f_id] ffile = self.db.files.find_one(f_oid) print 'DEBUG: Opening file: %s' % (ffile['fpath']) return audiofile(ffile['fpath'].encode('utf-8'))
def __init__(self, rootdir, dbname='jukepoksi'): self.rootdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(rootdir))) self.db = pymongo.Connection()[dbname] self.f_id = [] self.d_id = [] self.logger = Logger()