    def put(self, _id, **kw):
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_ROUTINGS_PUT):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to update resource routing'))

            db_api.get_resource_routing(context, _id)
        except t_exceptions.ResourceNotFound:
            return utils.format_api_error(404, _('Resource routing not found'))

        if 'routing' not in kw:
            return utils.format_api_error(400, _('Request body not found'))

        update_dict = kw['routing']

        # values to be updated should not be empty
        for field in update_dict:
            value = update_dict.get(field)
            if value is None or len(value.strip()) == 0:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    _("Field %(field)s can not be empty") % {'field': field})

        # the resource type should be properly provisioned.
        if 'resource_type' in update_dict:
            if not constants.is_valid_resource_type(
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, _('There is no such resource type'))

        # the pod with new pod_id should exist in pod table
        if 'pod_id' in update_dict:
            new_pod_id = update_dict.get('pod_id')
                # find the pod through the pod_id and verify whether it exists
                db_api.get_pod(context, new_pod_id)
            except t_exceptions.ResourceNotFound:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    _("The pod %(new_pod_id)s doesn't"
                      " exist") % {'new_pod_id': new_pod_id})
            except Exception as e:
                    'Failed to update resource routing: '
                    '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    500, _('Failed to update resource routing'))

            routing_updated = db_api.update_resource_routing(
                context, _id, update_dict)
            return {'routing': routing_updated}
        except Exception as e:
                'Failed to update resource routing: '
                '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to update resource routing'))
    def put(self, _id, **kw):
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_ROUTINGS_PUT):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to update resource routing'))

            db_api.get_resource_routing(context, _id)
        except t_exceptions.ResourceNotFound:
            return utils.format_api_error(404,
                                          _('Resource routing not found'))

        if 'routing' not in kw:
            return utils.format_api_error(
                400, _('Request body not found'))

        update_dict = kw['routing']

        # values to be updated should not be empty
        for field in update_dict:
            value = update_dict.get(field)
            if value is None or len(value.strip()) == 0:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, _("Field %(field)s can not be empty") % {
                        'field': field})

        # the resource type should be properly provisioned.
        if 'resource_type' in update_dict:
            if not constants.is_valid_resource_type(
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, _('There is no such resource type'))

        # the pod with new pod_id should exist in pod table
        if 'pod_id' in update_dict:
            new_pod_id = update_dict.get('pod_id')
                # find the pod through the pod_id and verify whether it exists
                db_api.get_pod(context, new_pod_id)
            except t_exceptions.ResourceNotFound:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, _("The pod %(new_pod_id)s doesn't"
                           " exist") % {'new_pod_id': new_pod_id})
            except Exception as e:
                LOG.exception('Failed to update resource routing: '
                              '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    500, _('Failed to update resource routing'))

            routing_updated = db_api.update_resource_routing(
                context, _id, update_dict)
            return {'routing': routing_updated}
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception('Failed to update resource routing: '
                          '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to update resource routing'))
    def test_get_list_element_create_fail(self):
        pod = self._prepare_pod()
        resource_id = 'fake_resource_id'
        _type = 'fake_resource'
        ele = {'id': resource_id}
        body = {'name': resource_id}
        routing = api.create_resource_mapping(self.t_ctx, resource_id, None,
                                              pod['pod_id'], self.project_id,
            self.t_ctx, routing['id'], {
                'created_at': constants.expire_time,
                'updated_at': constants.expire_time

        def fake_list_resource(t_ctx, q_ctx, pod, body, _type):
            raise q_exceptions.ConnectionFailed()

                          lock_handle.get_or_create_element, self.t_ctx,
                          self.q_ctx, self.project_id, pod, ele, _type, body,
                          fake_list_resource, create_resource)
        # the original routing is not deleted
        routing = api.get_resource_routing(self.t_ctx, routing['id'])
    def get_one(self, _id):
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_ROUTINGS_SHOW):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to show the resource routing'))

            return {'routing': db_api.get_resource_routing(context, _id)}
        except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
            return utils.format_api_error(404, _('Resource routing not found'))
    def delete(self, _id):
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_ROUTINGS_DELETE):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to delete the resource routing'))

            db_api.get_resource_routing(context, _id)
        except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
            return utils.format_api_error(404,
                                          _('Resource routing not found'))
            db_api.delete_resource_routing(context, _id)
            pecan.response.status = 200
            return pecan.response
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to delete the resource routing: '
                              '%(exception)s '), {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to delete the resource routing'))
    def get_one(self, _id):
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_ROUTINGS_SHOW):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to show the resource routing'))

            return {'routing': db_api.get_resource_routing(context, _id)}
        except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
            return utils.format_api_error(
                404, _('Resource routing not found'))
    def delete(self, _id):
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_ROUTINGS_DELETE):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to delete the resource routing'))

            db_api.get_resource_routing(context, _id)
        except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
            return utils.format_api_error(404, _('Resource routing not found'))
            db_api.delete_resource_routing(context, _id)
            pecan.response.status = 200
            return pecan.response
        except Exception as e:
                _LE('Failed to delete the resource routing: '
                    '%(exception)s '), {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to delete the resource routing'))
    def test_get_list_element_create_fail(self):
        pod = self._prepare_pod()
        resource_id = 'fake_resource_id'
        _type = 'fake_resource'
        ele = {'id': resource_id}
        body = {'name': resource_id}
        routing = api.create_resource_mapping(self.t_ctx, resource_id, None,
                                              pod['pod_id'], self.project_id,
        api.update_resource_routing(self.t_ctx, routing['id'],
                                    {'created_at': constants.expire_time,
                                     'updated_at': constants.expire_time})

        def fake_list_resource(t_ctx, q_ctx, pod, body, _type):
            raise q_exceptions.ConnectionFailed()

            q_exceptions.ConnectionFailed, lock_handle.get_or_create_element,
            self.t_ctx, self.q_ctx, self.project_id, pod, ele, _type, body,
            fake_list_resource, create_resource)
        # the original routing is not deleted
        routing = api.get_resource_routing(self.t_ctx, routing['id'])
    def put(self, _id, **kw):
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_ROUTINGS_PUT):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to update resource routing'))

            routing = db_api.get_resource_routing(context, _id)
        except t_exc.ResourceNotFound:
            return utils.format_api_error(404,
                                          _('Resource routing not found'))

        if 'routing' not in kw:
            return utils.format_api_error(
                400, _('Request body not found'))

        update_dict = kw['routing']

        # values to be updated should not be empty
        for field in update_dict:
            value = update_dict.get(field)
            if value is None or len(value.strip()) == 0:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, _("Field %(field)s can not be empty") % {
                        'field': field})

        # the resource type should be properly provisioned.
        if 'resource_type' in update_dict:
            if not constants.is_valid_resource_type(
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, _('There is no such resource type'))

        # verify the integrity: the pod_id and project_id should be bound
        if 'pod_id' in update_dict or 'project_id' in update_dict:
            if 'pod_id' in update_dict:
                pod_id = update_dict['pod_id']
                pod_id = routing['pod_id']

            if 'project_id' in update_dict:
                project_id = update_dict['project_id']
                project_id = routing['project_id']

            bindings = db_api.list_pod_bindings(context,
                                                [{'key': 'pod_id',
                                                  'comparator': 'eq',
                                                  'value': pod_id
                                                 {'key': 'tenant_id',
                                                  'comparator': 'eq',
                                                  'value': project_id}
                                                 ], [])
            if len(bindings) == 0:
                return utils.format_api_error(
                    400, _('The pod_id and project_id have not been '

            routing_updated = db_api.update_resource_routing(
                context, _id, update_dict)
            return {'routing': routing_updated}
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception(_LE('Failed to update resource routing: '
                              '%(exception)s '), {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to update resource routing'))
    def test_post(self, mock_context):
        mock_context.return_value = self.context

        kw_routing = self._prepare_routing_element('subnet')
        id = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)['routing']['id']
        routing = db_api.get_resource_routing(self.context, id)

        self.assertEqual('subnet', routing['resource_type'])

        routings = db_api.list_resource_routings(self.context,
                                                 [{'key': 'resource_type',
                                                   'comparator': 'eq',
        self.assertEqual(1, len(routings))

        # failure case, only admin can create resource routing
        self.context.is_admin = False
        kw_routing = self._prepare_routing_element('subnet')
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 403)

        self.context.is_admin = True

        # failure case, request body not found
        kw_routing1 = {'route':
                       {'top_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
                        'bottom_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing1)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is not given
        kw_routing2 = self._prepare_routing_element('router')
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing2)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is empty
        kw_routing3 = self._prepare_routing_element('router')
        kw_routing3['routing'].update({'top_id': ''})
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing3)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is given value 'None'
        kw_routing4 = self._prepare_routing_element('security_group')
        kw_routing4['routing'].update({'top_id': None})
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing4)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, wrong resource type
        kw_routing6 = self._prepare_routing_element('server')
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, the resource routing already exists
        kw_routing7 = self._prepare_routing_element('router')
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing7)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 409)
    def test_post(self, mock_context):
        mock_context.return_value = self.context

        # prepare the foreign key: pod_id
        kw_pod = {'pod': {'region_name': 'pod1', 'az_name': 'az1'}}
        pod_id = pod.PodsController().post(**kw_pod)['pod']['pod_id']

        # a variable used for later test
        project_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()

        kw_routing = {
            'routing': {
                'top_id': '09fd7cc9-d169-4b5a-88e8-436ecf4d0bfe',
                'bottom_id': 'dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                'pod_id': pod_id,
                'project_id': project_id,
                'resource_type': 'subnet'
        id = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)['routing']['id']
        routing = db_api.get_resource_routing(self.context, id)
        self.assertEqual(pod_id, routing['pod_id'])
        self.assertEqual(project_id, routing['project_id'])
        self.assertEqual('subnet', routing['resource_type'])

        routings = db_api.list_resource_routings(
            self.context, [{
                'key': 'top_id',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': '09fd7cc9-d169-4b5a-'
            }, {
                'key': 'pod_id',
                'comparator': 'eq',
                'value': pod_id
            }], [])
        self.assertEqual(1, len(routings))

        # failure case, only admin can create resource routing
        self.context.is_admin = False
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 403)

        self.context.is_admin = True

        # failure case, request body not found
        kw_routing1 = {
            'route': {
                'top_id': '109fd7cc9-d169-4b5a-88e8-436ecf4d0bfe',
                'bottom_id': '2dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                'pod_id': pod_id,
                'project_id': project_id,
                'resource_type': 'subnet'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing1)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is not given
        kw_routing2 = {
            'routing': {
                'bottom_id': '2dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                'pod_id': pod_id,
                'project_id': project_id,
                'resource_type': 'subnet'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing2)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is empty
        kw_routing3 = {
            'routing': {
                'top_id': '',
                'bottom_id': '2dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                'pod_id': pod_id,
                'project_id': project_id,
                'resource_type': 'subnet'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing3)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is given value 'None'
        kw_routing4 = {
            'routing': {
                'top_id': None,
                'bottom_id': '2dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                'pod_id': pod_id,
                'project_id': project_id,
                'resource_type': 'subnet'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing4)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, wrong resource type
        kw_routing6 = {
            'routing': {
                'top_id': '09fd7cc9-d169-4b5a-88e8-436ecf4d0b09',
                'bottom_id': 'dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e2031f',
                'pod_id': pod_id,
                'project_id': project_id,
                'resource_type': 'server'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing6)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, the resource routing already exists
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 409)
    def test_post(self, mock_context):
        mock_context.return_value = self.context

        kw_routing = self._prepare_routing_element('subnet')
        id = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)['routing']['id']
        routing = db_api.get_resource_routing(self.context, id)

        self.assertEqual('subnet', routing['resource_type'])

        routings = db_api.list_resource_routings(self.context,
                                                 [{'key': 'resource_type',
                                                   'comparator': 'eq',
        self.assertEqual(1, len(routings))

        # failure case, only admin can create resource routing
        self.context.is_admin = False
        kw_routing = self._prepare_routing_element('subnet')
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 403)

        self.context.is_admin = True

        # failure case, request body not found
        kw_routing1 = {'route':
                       {'top_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
                        'bottom_id': uuidutils.generate_uuid(),
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing1)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is not given
        kw_routing2 = self._prepare_routing_element('router')
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing2)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is empty
        kw_routing3 = self._prepare_routing_element('router')
        kw_routing3['routing'].update({'top_id': ''})
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing3)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is given value 'None'
        kw_routing4 = self._prepare_routing_element('security_group')
        kw_routing4['routing'].update({'top_id': None})
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing4)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, wrong resource type
        kw_routing6 = self._prepare_routing_element('server')
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, the resource routing already exists
        kw_routing7 = self._prepare_routing_element('router')
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing7)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 409)
    def get_all(self, **kwargs):
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_ROUTINGS_LIST):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to show all resource routings'))

        # default value -1 means no pagination, then maximum pagination
        # limit from configuration will be used.
        _limit = kwargs.pop('limit', -1)

            limit = int(_limit)
            limit = utils.get_pagination_limit(limit)
        except ValueError as e:
            LOG.exception('Failed to convert pagination limit to an integer: '
                          '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            msg = (_("Limit should be an integer or a valid literal "
                     "for int() rather than '%s'") % _limit)
            return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        marker = kwargs.pop('marker', None)
        if marker is not None:
                marker = int(marker)
                    # we throw an exception if a marker with
                    # invalid ID is specified.
                    db_api.get_resource_routing(context, marker)
                except t_exceptions.ResourceNotFound:
                    return utils.format_api_error(
                        400, _('Marker %s is an invalid ID') % marker)
            except ValueError as e:
                LOG.exception('Failed to convert page marker to an integer: '
                              '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
                msg = (_("Marker should be an integer or a valid literal "
                         "for int() rather than '%s'") % marker)
                return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        is_valid_filter, filters = self._get_filters(kwargs)

        if not is_valid_filter:
            msg = (_('Unsupported filter type: %(filters)s') % {
                'filters': ', '.join(
                    [filter_name for filter_name in filters])
            return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        if 'id' in filters:
                # resource routing id is an integer.
                filters['id'] = int(filters['id'])
            except ValueError as e:
                LOG.exception('Failed to convert routing id to an integer:'
                              ' %(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
                msg = (_("Id should be an integer or a valid literal "
                         "for int() rather than '%s'") % filters['id'])
                return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        # project ID from client should be equal to the one from
        # context, since only the project ID in which the user
        # is authorized will be used as the filter.
        filters['project_id'] = context.project_id
        expand_filters = [{'key': filter_name, 'comparator': 'eq',
                           'value': filters[filter_name]}
                          for filter_name in filters]
            routings = db_api.list_resource_routings(context, expand_filters,
                                                     limit, marker,
                                                     sorts=[('id', 'desc')])
            links = []
            if len(routings) >= limit:
                marker = routings[-1]['id']
                # if we reach the first element, then no elements in next page,
                # so link to next page won't be provided.
                if marker != 1:
                    base = constants.ROUTING_PATH
                    link = "%s?limit=%s&marker=%s" % (base, limit, marker)

                    links.append({"rel": "next",
                                  "href": link})

            result = {}
            result["routings"] = routings
            if links:
                result["routings_links"] = links
            return result
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.exception('Failed to show all resource routings: '
                          '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to show all resource routings'))
    def test_post(self, mock_context):
        mock_context.return_value = self.context

        # prepare the foreign key: pod_id, project_id
        kw_pod = {'pod': {'pod_name': 'pod1', 'az_name': 'az1'}}
        pod_id = pod.PodsController().post(**kw_pod)['pod']['pod_id']

        kw_binding = {'pod_binding': {'tenant_id': '01', 'pod_id': pod_id}}
        project_id = pod.BindingsController().post(**kw_binding)[

        kw_routing = {'routing':
                      {'top_id': '09fd7cc9-d169-4b5a-88e8-436ecf4d0bfe',
                       'bottom_id': 'dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                       'pod_id': pod_id,
                       'project_id': project_id,
                       'resource_type': 'subnet'
        id = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)['routing']['id']
        routing = db_api.get_resource_routing(self.context, id)
        self.assertEqual(routing['pod_id'], pod_id)
        self.assertEqual(routing['project_id'], project_id)
        self.assertEqual(routing['resource_type'], 'subnet')

        routings = db_api.list_resource_routings(self.context,
                                                 [{'key': 'top_id',
                                                   'comparator': 'eq',
                                                  {'key': 'pod_id',
                                                   'comparator': 'eq',
                                                   'value': pod_id}
                                                  ], [])
        self.assertEqual(len(routings), 1)

        # failure case, only admin can create resource routing
        self.context.is_admin = False
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 403)

        self.context.is_admin = True

        # failure case, request body not found
        kw_routing1 = {'route':
                       {'top_id': '109fd7cc9-d169-4b5a-88e8-436ecf4d0bfe',
                        'bottom_id': '2dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                        'pod_id': pod_id,
                        'project_id': project_id,
                        'resource_type': 'subnet'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing1)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is not given
        kw_routing2 = {'routing':
                       {'bottom_id': '2dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                        'pod_id': pod_id,
                        'project_id': project_id,
                        'resource_type': 'subnet'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing2)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is empty
        kw_routing3 = {'routing':
                       {'top_id': '',
                        'bottom_id': '2dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                        'pod_id': pod_id,
                        'project_id': project_id,
                        'resource_type': 'subnet'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing3)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, top_id is given value 'None'
        kw_routing4 = {'routing':
                       {'top_id': None,
                        'bottom_id': '2dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                        'pod_id': pod_id,
                        'project_id': project_id,
                        'resource_type': 'subnet'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing4)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, the pod_id and the project_id should be bound
        kw_pod2 = {'pod': {'pod_name': 'pod2', 'az_name': 'az1'}}
        pod_id2 = pod.PodsController().post(**kw_pod2)['pod']['pod_id']

        # the tenant_id binds with pod_id rather than pod_id2
        kw_binding2 = {'pod_binding': {'tenant_id': '02', 'pod_id': pod_id}}
        project_id2 = pod.BindingsController().post(**kw_binding2)[

        kw_routing5 = {'routing':
                       {'top_id': '09fd7cc9-d169-4b5a-88e8-436ecf4d0bfe',
                        'bottom_id': 'dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e20ef',
                        'pod_id': pod_id2,
                        'project_id': project_id2,
                        'resource_type': 'subnet'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing5)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, wrong resource type
        kw_routing6 = {'routing':
                       {'top_id': '09fd7cc9-d169-4b5a-88e8-436ecf4d0b09',
                        'bottom_id': 'dc80f9de-abb7-4ec6-ab7a-94f8fd1e2031f',
                        'pod_id': pod_id,
                        'project_id': project_id,
                        'resource_type': 'server'
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing6)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 400)

        # failure case, the resource routing already exists
        res = self.controller.post(**kw_routing)
        self._validate_error_code(res, 409)
    def get_all(self, **kwargs):
        context = t_context.extract_context_from_environ()

        if not policy.enforce(context, policy.ADMIN_API_ROUTINGS_LIST):
            return utils.format_api_error(
                403, _('Unauthorized to show all resource routings'))

        # default value -1 means no pagination, then maximum pagination
        # limit from configuration will be used.
        _limit = kwargs.pop('limit', -1)

            limit = int(_limit)
            limit = utils.get_pagination_limit(limit)
        except ValueError as e:
                'Failed to convert pagination limit to an integer: '
                '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            msg = (_("Limit should be an integer or a valid literal "
                     "for int() rather than '%s'") % _limit)
            return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        marker = kwargs.pop('marker', None)
        if marker is not None:
                marker = int(marker)
                    # we throw an exception if a marker with
                    # invalid ID is specified.
                    db_api.get_resource_routing(context, marker)
                except t_exceptions.ResourceNotFound:
                    return utils.format_api_error(
                        _('Marker %s is an invalid ID') % marker)
            except ValueError as e:
                    'Failed to convert page marker to an integer: '
                    '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
                msg = (_("Marker should be an integer or a valid literal "
                         "for int() rather than '%s'") % marker)
                return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        is_valid_filter, filters = self._get_filters(kwargs)

        if not is_valid_filter:
            msg = (_('Unsupported filter type: %(filters)s') % {
                ', '.join([filter_name for filter_name in filters])
            return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        if 'id' in filters:
                # resource routing id is an integer.
                filters['id'] = int(filters['id'])
            except ValueError as e:
                    'Failed to convert routing id to an integer:'
                    ' %(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
                msg = (_("Id should be an integer or a valid literal "
                         "for int() rather than '%s'") % filters['id'])
                return utils.format_api_error(400, msg)

        # project ID from client should be equal to the one from
        # context, since only the project ID in which the user
        # is authorized will be used as the filter.
        filters['project_id'] = context.project_id
        expand_filters = [{
            'key': filter_name,
            'comparator': 'eq',
            'value': filters[filter_name]
        } for filter_name in filters]
            routings = db_api.list_resource_routings(context,
                                                     sorts=[('id', 'desc')])
            links = []
            if len(routings) >= limit:
                marker = routings[-1]['id']
                # if we reach the first element, then no elements in next page,
                # so link to next page won't be provided.
                if marker != 1:
                    base = constants.ROUTING_PATH
                    link = "%s?limit=%s&marker=%s" % (base, limit, marker)

                    links.append({"rel": "next", "href": link})

            result = {}
            result["routings"] = routings
            if links:
                result["routings_links"] = links
            return result
        except Exception as e:
                'Failed to show all resource routings: '
                '%(exception)s ', {'exception': e})
            return utils.format_api_error(
                500, _('Failed to show all resource routings'))