def main(): screen = Screen() screen.setup(width=500, height=800) user_bet = turtles_colors.index( screen.textinput(title="Make your bet", prompt="Which turtle color will win?")) start_position = 0 for turtle in turtles_colors: color = turtle turtle = Turtle() turtles.append(turtle) turtle.penup() turtle.color(color) turtle.shape("turtle") turtle.setposition( ((-int(screen.window_width() / 2) + 40), int(screen.window_height() / 2) - 50 - start_position)) start_position += 30 winner = race((int(screen.window_width() / 2) - 40)) for turtle in turtles: print(turtles_colors[turtles.index(turtle)].title() + " finished at: " + str(turtle.position()[0])) check_win(winner, user_bet) screen.exitonclick()
def set_up(axis=True, bgcolor='white'): s = Screen() s.setup(700, 700) s.bgcolor(bgcolor) if axis: axis_drawer = Turtle() axis_drawer.color('#A4AEF3') axis_drawer.speed('fastest') axis_drawer.penup() axis_drawer.goto(-s.window_width() / 2 + 30, 0) axis_drawer.pendown() axis_drawer.goto(s.window_width() / 2 - 30, 0) axis_drawer.stamp() axis_drawer.penup() axis_drawer.goto(0, -s.window_height() / 2 + 30) axis_drawer.setheading(90) axis_drawer.pendown() axis_drawer.goto(0, s.window_height() / 2 - 30) axis_drawer.stamp() axis_drawer.penup() axis_drawer.hideturtle() axis_drawer.goto(-s.window_width() / 2 + 30, 5) axis_drawer.write(f"-{int(s.window_width() / 2)}") axis_drawer.goto(s.window_width() / 2 - 50, 5) axis_drawer.write(f"+{int(s.window_width() / 2)}", ) axis_drawer.goto(5, -s.window_height() / 2 + 30) axis_drawer.write(f"-{int(s.window_height() / 2)}") axis_drawer.goto(5, s.window_height() / 2 - 30) axis_drawer.write(f"+{int(s.window_height() / 2)}") return s
class PongGame: def __init__(self): self.running = True self.screen = Screen() self.screen.setup(width=900, height=900) self.boundaries = { "ceiling": self.screen.window_height() // 2 - 60, "right_wall": self.screen.window_width() // 2 - 30, "floor": self.screen.window_height() // -2 + 60, "left_wall": self.screen.window_width() // -2 + 30 } self.player1 = Paddle("left", self.boundaries) self.player2 = Paddle("right", self.boundaries) self.ball = Ball(self.boundaries, (self.player1, self.player2)) self.scoreboard = Scoreboard() self.screen.onkeypress(self.player1.move_up, "w") self.screen.onkeypress(self.player1.move_down, "s") self.screen.onkeypress(self.player2.move_up, "Up") self.screen.onkeypress(self.player2.move_down, "Down") self.screen.onkeyrelease(self.player1.stop, "w") self.screen.onkeyrelease(self.player1.stop, "s") self.screen.onkeyrelease(self.player2.stop, "Up") self.screen.onkeyrelease(self.player2.stop, "Down") self.screen.listen() def run(self): self.ball.tick() self.player1.tick() self.player2.tick() if self.ball.xcor()-1 <= self.boundaries["left_wall"]: self.scoreboard.player2() self.ball.start_over() elif self.ball.xcor()+1 >= self.boundaries["right_wall"]: self.scoreboard.player1() self.ball.start_over() elif (self.ball.ycor() >= self.boundaries["ceiling"] or self.ball.ycor() <= self.boundaries["floor"]): self.ball.y_direction *= -1 elif self.ball.xcor() < 0: player_x, player_y = self.player1.position() if self.ball.xcor() <= player_x and self.ball.ycor() <= player_y + 69 and self.ball.ycor() >= player_y - 69: self.ball.x_direction *= -1 else: player_x, player_y = self.player2.position() if self.ball.xcor() >= player_x and self.ball.ycor() <= player_y + 69 and self.ball.ycor() >= player_y - 69: self.ball.x_direction *= -1 if self.scoreboard.player1score >= 3 or self.scoreboard.player2score >= 3: self.scoreboard.game_over() self.running = False if self.running: self.screen.ontimer(, 1)
def turtle_race(): screen = Screen() distance = [] screen.setup(width=500, height=400) right_width_limit = screen.window_width() - 35 turtles = [("blue", Turtle(shape="turtle")), ("red", Turtle(shape="turtle")), ("green", Turtle(shape="turtle")), ("yellow", Turtle(shape="turtle")), ("black", Turtle(shape="turtle"))] for i in range(len(turtles)): turtle = turtles[i][1] distance.append(0) turtle.speed(4) turtle.color(turtles[i][0]) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x=-240, y=100 - 50 * i) bet = screen.textinput( "MAKE THE BET", prompt="Select the color of winning turtle").lower() while max(distance) <= right_width_limit: for i in range(len(turtles)): step = randint(1, 10) turtles[i][1].forward(step) distance[i] += step if bet == turtles[distance.index(max(distance))][0]: print("YOU WON") else: print( f"You lost the bet,{turtles[distance.index(max(distance))][0]} won the race" ) screen.exitonclick()
class Drawer: def __init__(self, amount: int): self.screen = Screen() self.screen.bgcolor("black") self.screen.screensize(canvwidth=512, canvheight=512) self.w = self.screen.window_width() self.h = self.screen.window_height() t = Turtle() draw_background(t) atexit.register( self.pointers = [Pen(self.w, self.h) for _ in range(amount)] def save(self): print("SAVING!!!!!!!!!") # get the current screen ts = self.pointers[0].t1.getscreen() # save the drawing to a post script ts.getcanvas().postscript(file="art_save.eps") def start(self): while True: for i in self.pointers: i.draw() turtle.update()
def __init__(self, screen: Screen): super(Scoreboard, self).__init__() self.speed("fastest") self.color("white") self.playerAScore = 0 self.playerBScore = 0 self.hideturtle() self.playerALocation = (-screen.window_width() / 2, screen.window_height() / 2) self.playerBLocation = (-screen.window_width() / 2, screen.window_height() / 2) self.__display_score()
def main(): image = 'spots.jpg' rgbs = get_colors(image, 30) turtle = Turtle() screen = Screen() turtle.speed(20) turtle.penup() turtle.setpos(-screen.window_width(), -300) draw_dots(turtle, screen, rgbs) screen.exitonclick()
class Game(): def __init__(self): = Screen()'pink') #, height=h, startx=None, starty=None) self.border = Border() width, height =, print(width, height) self.border.draw_self((width, height)) self.turtle = Arrow(), 'q'), 'Left'), 'Right'), 'Up'), 'Down') self.increase_speed() self.move_arrow() def check_coord(self, x, y): print(x, y) def quit(self): def move_arrow(self): self.turtle.move(), 50) def arrow_left(self): self.turtle.turn_left() def arrow_right(self): self.turtle.turn_right() def arrow_up(self): self.turtle.turn_up() def arrow_down(self): self.turtle.turn_down() def increase_speed(self): self.turtle.speedup(), 3000) def main(self):
def __init__(self, screen: Screen): self.screen = screen self.width = screen.window_width() - 2 * OFFSET self.height = screen.window_height() - 2 * OFFSET - SCORE_SPACE self.turtle = Turtle() self.turtle.hideturtle() self.lanes = [] self.player = Player(min_x=-self.width / 2, max_x=self.width / 2, min_y=-self.height / 2 + 10, max_y=self.height / 2 - 10) self.game_over = GameOver() self.__prepare_listener() self.__prepare_field() self.__prepare_lanes() self.__prepare_game_over()
def fill_coordinate(coordinate, num_rows, num_columns, fill_color="green", space_from_edge=10): turtle.color(fill_color) turtle.fillcolor(fill_color) rows = num_rows + 1 columns = num_columns + 1 screen = Screen() width, height = screen.window_width(), screen.window_height() distanceX = width / columns distanceY = height / rows # x -> represents columns # y -> represents rows Y, X = coordinate[0], coordinate[1] # this is tested in MAC environment and the coordinate calculation is based on the mac-os display grid startX = -width / 2 + X * distanceX + space_from_edge startY = height / 2 - Y * distanceY - space_from_edge turtle.begin_fill() turtle.up() turtle.goto(startX, startY) turtle.down() # draw top turtle.forward(distanceX) # draw right turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(distanceY) # draw bottom turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(distanceX) # draw left turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(distanceY) turtle.right(90) turtle.end_fill() # reset colors back to default turtle.color("black") turtle.fillcolor("white") return []
class Window: def __init__(self, w=.9, h=.9, x=0, y=0): self.screen = Screen() self.screen.setup(w, h, x, y) self.screen.bgcolor("wheat") self.screen.colormode(255) self.screen_width = (((self.screen.window_width()) * .98) // 12) * 12 self.screen_height = (((self.screen.window_height()) * .95) // 12) * 12 self.width = self.screen_width / 2 self.height = self.screen_height / 2 def pen(self): turt = RawTurtle(self.screen) turt.speed(0) turt.up() turt.goto(-self.width, self.height) turt.down() return turt
def main(): # Setup board and its components game_board = Screen() game_board.setup(width=800, height=600) game_board.bgcolor("black") game_board.tracer(0) game_board.listen() scoreboard = Scoreboard((0, game_board.window_height()/2-40)) paddle_one = Paddle(((game_board.window_width()/2)-40, 25)) paddle_two = Paddle((-(game_board.window_width()/2)+40, 25)) ball = Ball() # Setup generic keys game_board.onkey(game_board.bye, "Escape") game_board.onkey(ball.increase_speed, "KP_Add") game_board.onkey(ball.decrease_speed, "KP_Subtract") # Setup player keys game_board.onkey(paddle_one.up, "Up") game_board.onkey(paddle_one.down, "Down") game_board.onkey(paddle_two.up, "q") game_board.onkey(paddle_two.down, "a") # Run the game game_is_on = True while game_is_on: game_board.update() time.sleep(ball.game_speed) ball.move() # bounce off top/bottom wall if ball.ycor() > (game_board.window_height()/2-20) or ball.ycor() < -game_board.window_height()/2+20: ball.change_direction() # hit paddle if (ball.xcor() > game_board.window_width()/2 - 70 and paddle_one.distance(ball) < 50) or \ (ball.xcor() < -game_board.window_width()/2 + 70 and paddle_two.distance(ball) < 50): ball.change_direction(True) # Randomly increase the game speed a little if randint(0, 3) == 2: ball.game_speed *= 0.9 # hit back wall and score point if ball.xcor() > game_board.window_width()/2 - 20: scoreboard.update_score(1) ball.reset_game() if ball.xcor() < -game_board.window_width()/2 + 20: scoreboard.update_score(0) ball.reset_game() game_board.exitonclick()
def get_screen(): screen = Screen() screen.setup(*conf.SCREEN_SIZE) screen.bgcolor(conf.BACKGROUND) screen.tracer(conf.TRACER) screen.delay(conf.DELAY) screen.title(conf.TITLE) screen.speed = conf.SPEED screen.winheight = screen.window_height() * .95 screen.winwidth = screen.window_width() * .95 screen.width = screen.winwidth // 2 screen.height = screen.winheight // 2 screen.blockwidth = conf.BLOCK_WIDTH screen.increment = screen.blockheight = conf.BLOCK_HEIGHT screen.base = screen.height screen.start = -screen.width + screen.blockwidth screen.blocks = int(((screen.width * 2) - (screen.blockwidth * 2)) // (screen.blockwidth + 1)) screen.gradient = gradient(conf.GRADIENT, screen.blocks) return screen
def draw_graph(num_rows, num_columns, space_from_edge=10): columns = num_columns + 1 rows = num_rows + 1 screen = Screen() width, height = screen.window_width(), screen.window_height() x = -(width / 2 - space_from_edge) distanceX = width / columns for _ in range(columns): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, (height / 2)) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto((x, -(height / 2))) x += distanceX y = height / 2 - space_from_edge distanceY = height / rows for _ in range(rows): turtle.penup() turtle.goto((width / 2), y) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto((-(width / 2)), y) y -= distanceY
def d(): t.setheading(0) t.forward(100) def right(): t.setheading(0) t.forward(100) def s(): t.setheading(270) t.forward(100) def down(): t.setheading(270) t.forward(100) screen =Screen() screen.window_height() screen.window_width() screen.listen() screen.onkey(up, "Up") screen.onkey(down, "Down") screen.onkey(left, "Left") screen.onkey(right, "Right") screen.onkeypress(a, "a") screen.onkeypress(s, "s") screen.onkeypress(w, "w") screen.onkeypress(d, "d") screen.mainloop()
while gameIsOn: screen.update() if playerOne.distance(ball) < 15: BALL_UP = True BALL_RIGHT = True BALL_DOWN = False BALL_LEFT = False elif playerTwo.distance(ball) < 15: BALL_DOWN = True BALL_LEFT = True BALL_UP = False BALL_RIGHT = False if ball.xcor() >= (screen.window_width() // 2) or ball.xcor() < (-1 * screen.window_width() // 2): ball.penup() ball.setpos(0, 0) randomNum = randrange(10) print(randomNum) if randomNum > 5: BALL_UP = True BALL_RIGHT = True BALL_DOWN = False BALL_LEFT = False else: BALL_UP = True BALL_LEFT = True BALL_DOWN = False BALL_RIGHT = False
Simple version of the classic Asteroids video game. Implemented with Turtle graphics from Python standard turtle module. Adapted from "Python Programming Fundamentals" by Kent Lee """ from time import sleep from turtle import Turtle, Screen import turtle import random import math screen = Screen() screenMinX = -screen.window_width() / 2 screenMinY = -screen.window_height() / 2 screenMaxX = screen.window_width() / 2 screenMaxY = screen.window_height() / 2 screen.setworldcoordinates(screenMinX, screenMinY, screenMaxX, screenMaxY) screen.bgcolor("black") offscreen_x = screenMinX - 100 t = Turtle() t.penup() t.speed(0) t.goto(0, screenMaxY - 20) t.color('grey')
# Нарисуйте «бабочку» из окружностей. Используйте функцию, рисующую окружность. import time from turtle import Turtle, Screen count = 8 screen = Screen() WIDTH = screen.window_width() turtle = Turtle(visible=False) turtle.shape('turtle') turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-WIDTH/2 + 200, 0) turtle.pendown() turtle.right(-90) for _ in range(count):, 180), 180) time.sleep(1)
# 180 degrees means "draw a semicircle" * ss / 2, 180) c = bw spr.addCurr(c) else: self.t.setheading(270) # 270 degrees is straight down * ss / 2, 180) c += ss spr.addCurr(c) # mandelbrot = Mandelbrot() # # for x in range(-150, 255): # for y in range(-150, 255): # mandelbrot.computeCardinality(turtleConvert(x, y)) # self.t.color(mandelbrot.getColor()) # self.t.goto(x, y) # self.t.up() # self.t.goto(x+1, -150) # self.t.down() # screen.update() def turtleConvert(x, y): # converts from turtle pixels to the complex plane return complex(x / 100, y / 100) screen = Screen() dummy = Display(screen, 1 / 2 - screen.window_width() / 2, screen.window_height() / 2 - 1 / 2) screen.mainloop()
from turtle import Turtle, Screen # import another_module franklin = Turtle() # my_number = another_module.another_variable my_screen = Screen() franklin.shape('turtle') franklin.color('green', 'black') franklin.isvisible() franklin.forward(99) print(my_screen.canvheight) print(my_screen.window_width()) my_screen.exitonclick() from prettytable import PrettyTable table = PrettyTable() table.add_column('Pokemon Name', ['Pikachu', 'Squirtle', 'Charmander']) table.add_column('Type', ['Electric', 'Water', 'Fire']) table.align = "l" print(table)
def generate_25_dots_with_5_per_line(): # 5 dots per line # default is pointing north, turn it to east leonardo.right(90) overall_height = screen.canvheight.real overall_width = screen.canvwidth.real number_of_lines = int(input("How many number of lines do you want to draw? ")) number_of_dots_per_line = int(input("How many number of dots per line? ")) dot_size = 10 v_spacing = (screen.window_height()) / (number_of_lines + 1) h_spacing = (screen.window_width()) / (number_of_dots_per_line + 1) for line in range(1, number_of_lines + 1): y = line * v_spacing for dot in range(1, number_of_dots_per_line + 1): x = dot * h_spacing leonardo.penup() leonardo.goto(x, y) leonardo.pendown(), random.choice(rgbs)) print(leonardo.shapesize()) screen.exitonclick()
from turtle import Turtle, Screen, Shape from random import randint # SCREEN screen = Screen() screen.setup(600, 400) # width, height screen.tracer(0) # We'll handle displaying of frames ourselves # PLAY AREA play_top = screen.window_height() / 2 - 100 # top of screen minus 100 units play_bottom = -screen.window_height() / 2 + 100 # 100 from bottom play_left = -screen.window_width() / 2 + 50 # 50 from left play_right = screen.window_width() / 2 - 50 # 50 from right area = Turtle() area.hideturtle() area.penup() area.goto(play_right, play_top) area.pendown() area.goto(play_left, play_top) area.goto(play_left, play_bottom) area.goto(play_right, play_bottom) area.goto(play_right, play_top) # PADDLES L = Turtle() R = Turtle() L.penup() R.penup() # Paddles shape paddle_w_half = 10 / 2 # 10 units wide paddle_h_half = 40 / 2 # 40 units high paddle_shape = Shape("compound") paddle_points = ((-paddle_h_half, -paddle_w_half), (-paddle_h_half, paddle_w_half),
from turtle import Turtle,Screen s = Screen() s.setup(1000,600) altura = s.window_height() ancho = s.window_width() print("altura:",altura,"\nancho",ancho)
from breakout_game import BreakoutGame screen = Screen() screen.bgcolor("black") screen.setup(width=500, height=900) screen.title("Breakout") screen.tracer(0) # SET INITIAL LEVEL INITIAL_LEVEL = 2 # Screen Dimension Variables SCREEN_TOP = screen.window_height() / 2 SCREEN_BOTTOM = screen.window_height() / 2 * -1 SCREEN_LEFT = screen.window_width() / 2 * -1 SCREEN_RIGHT = screen.window_width() / 2 SCREEN_DIMS = [(SCREEN_LEFT, SCREEN_RIGHT), (SCREEN_BOTTOM, SCREEN_TOP)] # Initialise Game breakout_game = BreakoutGame(initial_level=INITIAL_LEVEL, screen_dims=SCREEN_DIMS) # The game is watching your moves screen.listen() screen.onkey(fun=breakout_game.paddle.move_left, key="Left") screen.onkey(fun=breakout_game.paddle.move_right, key="Right") game_is_on = True while game_is_on: # Update the screen
def segment_B(turtle): # right upper turtle.setposition(turtle.xcor() + 10 * SCALE, turtle.ycor() + 10 * SCALE) def segment_C(turtle): # right lower turtle.setposition(turtle.xcor() + 10 * SCALE, turtle.ycor() - 10 * SCALE) def segment_D(turtle): # bottom turtle.setheading(90) turtle.sety(turtle.ycor() - 20 * SCALE) def segment_E(turtle): # left lower turtle.setposition(turtle.xcor() - 10 * SCALE, turtle.ycor() - 10 * SCALE) def segment_F(turtle): # left upper turtle.setposition(turtle.xcor() - 10 * SCALE, turtle.ycor() + 10 * SCALE) def segment_G(turtle): # center turtle.setheading(90) segments = [segment_G, segment_F, segment_E, segment_D, segment_C, segment_B, segment_A] digits = Turtle('segment', False) digits.speed('fastest') digits.shape('segment') digits.penup() digits.setx(SPACING - screen.window_width() / 2) display_number(digits, "0123456789ABCDEF")
from random import randint import platform if (platform.system() == "Windows"): import winsound limit = int(input("Lütfen bir hedef skor giriniz")) screen = Screen() screen.setup(750, 500) if (platform.system() == "Windows"): winsound.PlaySound('hello.wav', winsound.SND_FILENAME) screen.tracer(0) play_top = screen.window_height() / 2 - 100 play_bottom = -screen.window_height() / 2 + 100 play_left = -screen.window_width() / 2 + 50 play_right = screen.window_width() / 2 - 50 area = Turtle() area.hideturtle() area.penup() area.goto(play_right, play_top) area.pendown() area.goto(play_left, play_top) area.goto(play_left, play_bottom) area.goto(play_right, play_bottom) area.goto(play_right, play_top) L = Turtle() R = Turtle() L.penup() R.penup()
from turtle import Turtle, Screen # Screen screen = Screen() screen.setup(640, 450) # width, height screen.tracer(0) # We'll handle displaying of frames ourselves screen.bgcolor("Indigo") # Area play_top = screen.window_height() / 2 - 45 # top of screen minus 45 units play_bottom = -screen.window_height() / 2 + 45 # 45 from bottom play_left = -screen.window_width() / 2 + 64 # 64 from left play_right = screen.window_width() / 2 - 64 # 64 from right border_width = 26 border = border_width / 2 area = Turtle() area.color("Thistle", "Azure") area.begin_fill() area.pensize(border_width) area.hideturtle() area.penup() area.goto(play_right, play_top) area.pendown() area.goto(play_left, play_top) area.goto(play_left, play_bottom) area.goto(play_right, play_bottom) area.goto(play_right, play_top) area.end_fill()
x1 = min(p[0] for p in poly) y1 = min(p[1] for p in poly) x2 = max(p[0] for p in poly) y2 = max(p[1] for p in poly) return x1 < x < x2 and y1 < y < y2 def notsafe(turtle): position = turtle.position() return inside(position, circle) and not inside(position, redcross) wn = Screen() wn.bgcolor('lightgreen') WIDTH = wn.window_width() layout = Turtle(visible=False) layout.speed('fastest') layout.penup() # turtle.shape("square") x=15 def north(x): turtle.seth(90) turtle.forward(x) def hitnorth(): north(x) def south(x):
from random import randint, choice from turtle import Turtle, Screen import time screen = Screen() screen.tracer(0) width, height = screen.window_width() - 30, screen.window_height( ) - 30 # -30 to account for window borders, etc. maker1 = Turtle(visible=False) maker2 = maker1.clone() maker3 = maker1.clone() maker4 = maker1.clone() maker1.goto(50, 50) # top right maker2.goto(50, -50) # bottom right maker3.goto(-50, -50) # bottom left maker4.goto(-50, 50) # top left n = randint(1, 360) m = randint(0, 100) r = randint(0, 50) d = choice([True, False]) def out_of_bounds(turtle): return not (-width // 2 < turtle.xcor() < width // 2 and -height // 2 < turtle.ycor() < height // 2)
# [] {} from turtle import Turtle, Screen from random import randint screen = Screen() screen.setup(width=800, height=400) user_bet = screen.textinput( title="Make your bet", prompt="Which turtle will win the race? Enter a color: ") colors = ["red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"] x = -(screen.window_width() / 2) + 20 y = -100 turtles = [] for i in range(len(colors)): turtles.append(Turtle(shape="turtle")) turtles[i].penup() turtles[i].color(colors[i]) turtles[i].goto(x=x, y=y) y += 40 stop = False while not stop: for turtle in turtles: speed = randint(0, 20) turtle.forward(speed) if turtle.xcor() >= (screen.window_width() / 2) - 25: stop = True if turtle.color()[0] == user_bet: print( f"You've won! The {turtle.color()[0]} turtle is the winner!"