def main(): ## create compound yellow/blue turtleshape for planets global s s = Screen() s.setup(1120,840) s.reset() s.tracer(0, 0) t = Turtle() t.pu() t.fd(6) t.begin_poly(), 180) t.end_poly() m1 = t.get_poly() t.begin_poly(),180) t.end_poly() m2 = t.get_poly() planetshape = Shape("compound") planetshape.addcomponent(m1,"orange") planetshape.addcomponent(m2,"blue") s.register_shape("planet", planetshape) #s.tracer(1,0) s.update() ## setup gravitational system gs = GravSys() sun = Star(1000000, Vec(-250,0), Vec(0,-0.35), gs, "circle") sun.color("yellow") sun.pensize(1.8) sun.pu() earth = Star(5000, Vec(450,0), Vec(0,70), gs, "planet") earth.pencolor("green") earth.shapesize(0.8) rm=12.0583 vm=(8.0*5000/rm)**.5 moon = Star(1, Vec(450+rm,0), Vec(0,70+vm), gs, "planet") moon.pencolor("blue") moon.shapesize(0.5) gs.init() gs.start() return "Done!"
def main(): global d, SHS, SF, A A = 42 # answer to the ultimate question ... (you know) SHS = A / 20. SF = 1.0 DSF = 1.0038582416 s = Screen() s.setup(800, 600) s.reset() s.tracer(0) d = Turtle(visible=False) for i in range(6): d.fd(500) d.bk(500) d.left(60) triangles = [] for c in range(-5,6,2): if abs(c) != 1: triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, 1, 1)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, -1, 2)) for c in range(-4,5,2): if c != 0: triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, 2, 2)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, -2, 1)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, -4, 2)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, 4, 1)) for c in range(-3,4,2): triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, 5, 2)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, -5, 1)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, -7, 2)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, 7, 1)) for c in range(-2,3,2): triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, 8, 2)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, -8, 1)) for c in (-1, 1): triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, 1, 1)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(c, -1, 2)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(0, 2, 2)) triangles.append(TriTurtle(0, -2, 1)) s.tracer(1) for phi in range(1,361): SF = SF*DSF s.tracer(0) for t in triangles: t.setturn(phi) #s.tracer(1) s.update() return "DONE!"
if game_over: scoreboard.game_over() replay = screen.textinput("You have Squished our turtle friend", "Enter 1 to restart, 2 to continue 3 to quit:") if replay == "1": car.done() scoreboard.restart() MOVE_INCREMENT = 10 car.create_cars() turtle.restart() screen.listen() elif replay == "2": turtle.restart() scoreboard.game_on() screen.listen() else: turtle.bye() if turtle.ycor() > 250: scoreboard.lx_score() car.create_cars() turtle.restart() MOVE_INCREMENT += 3 time.sleep(0.01) screen.update() screen.exitonclick()
separater_turtle = Turtle() separater_turtle.color("white") separater_turtle.penup() separater_turtle.hideturtle() separater_turtle.setpos((0, -280)) separater_turtle.setheading(90) separater_turtle.pensize(5) while separater_turtle.ycor() < 280: separater_turtle.pendown() separater_turtle.forward(10) separater_turtle.penup() separater_turtle.forward(20) pong_screen.update() separate_screen() players.append(Goalkeeper(1)) players.append(Goalkeeper(2)) ball = Ball() #move the human player up and down pong_screen.onkey(key="Up", fun=players[0].up) pong_screen.onkey(key="Down", fun=players[0].down) pong_screen.onkey(key="W", fun=players[1].up) pong_screen.onkey(key="S", fun=players[1].down) is_game_on = True while is_game_on:
myscreen.setup(width=600, height=600) myplayer = Player() myscreen.listen() myscreen.onkey(myplayer.move, "Up") car = CarManager() scoreboard = Scoreboard() game_is_on = True counter = 0 while game_is_on: time.sleep(0.1) car.move() counter += 1 myscreen.update() if myplayer.ycor() > 280: myplayer.start() scoreboard.point() car.level_up() if counter % 6 == 0: car.create_cars() counter = 0 for i in car.allcars: if i.distance(myplayer) < 20: game_is_on = False scoreboard.game_over()
time.sleep(2) playground.listen() playground.onkey(fun=right.go_up, key="Up") playground.onkey(fun=right.go_down, key="Down") playground.onkey(fun=left.go_up, key="w") playground.onkey(fun=left.go_down, key="s") counter = 0 bouncey = Ball() bouncey.ball_start() announcer.clear() playground.tracer(0) game_continues = True while game_continues: upper_drawer.score = bouncey.score[0] bottom_drawer.score = bouncey.score[1] upper_drawer.display_score(upper_drawer.score) bottom_drawer.display_score(bottom_drawer.score) playground.update() bouncey.move(score_left=bouncey.score[0], score_right=bouncey.score[1]) bouncey.bounce(left, right) playground.update() time.sleep(0.01) if upper_drawer.score >= 25 or bottom_drawer.score >= 25: game_continues = False announcer.write(arg="The game is over as 25 balls were missed", font=("Verdana", 25, "bold")) playground.exitonclick()
screen.title("Snake game") screen.tracer(0) snake = Snake() food = Food() scoreboard = Scoreboard() screen.listen() screen.onkey(fun=snake.up, key="Up") screen.onkey(fun=snake.down, key="Down") screen.onkey(fun=snake.left, key="Left") screen.onkey(fun=snake.right, key="Right") game_is_on = True while game_is_on: screen.update() #making the snake to move continously time.sleep(0.1) snake.move() #detect collision with food if snake.head.distance(food) < 15: food.refresh() snake.extend() scoreboard.increase_score() #detect collision with wall if snake.head.xcor() > 280 or snake.head.xcor() < -280 or snake.head.ycor( ) > 280 or snake.head.ycor() < -280: game_is_on = False scoreboard.game_over()
elif collision( enemy, player ): #if the player and one of the enemies collide then the game is over. bullet.hideturtle() player.hideturtle() for enemy in enemies: enemy.hideturtle() pen.clear() pen.setposition(-300, -50) pen.write("Game Over!", font=("Courier", 80, "bold")) pen.setposition(-300, -100) pen.write("Score: ", font=("Courier", 65, "bold")) pen.setposition(50, -100) pen.write(score, font=("Courier", 65, "bold")) TheGameIsRunning = False if enemy_speed > 20: enemy_speed = 20 if enemy.ycor() < 420 and enemy.ycor() > 300: enemy.sety(1000) if num_enemies == 0: #if all the enemies are dead then the player wins. bullet.hideturtle() player.hideturtle() for enemy in enemies: enemy.hideturtle() pen.clear() pen.setposition(-300, -50) time.sleep(0.02) pen.write("You Win!", font=("Courier", 80, "bold")) TheGameIsRunning = False screen.update() #updates the scree
r_paddle = Paddle(350, 0) l_paddle = Paddle(-350, 0) scoreboard = Scoreboard() # p = Paddle(282,250) s.listen() s.onkey(r_paddle.go_up, "Up") s.onkey(r_paddle.go_down, "Down") s.onkey(l_paddle.go_up, "w") s.onkey(l_paddle.go_down, "s") game_is_on = True while game_is_on: time.sleep(ball.move_speed) s.update() ball.move() if ball.ycor() > 300 or ball.ycor() < -300: ball.collide_wall() if (ball.distance(r_paddle) < 50 and ball.xcor() > 340) or (ball.distance(l_paddle) < 50 and ball.xcor() < -340): ball.collide_paddle() # Detects if the right paddle missies the ball if ball.xcor() > 380: ball.reset_position() scoreboard.l_point() # Detects if the left paddle missies the ball if ball.xcor() < -380: ball.reset_position()
l_paddle = Paddle((-350, 0)) r_paddle = Paddle((350, 0)) ball = Ball() scoreboard = ScoreBoard() screen.onkeypress(l_paddle.move_up, "w") screen.onkeypress(l_paddle.move_down, "s") screen.onkeypress(r_paddle.move_up, "Up") screen.onkeypress(r_paddle.move_down, "Down") game_is_on = True while game_is_on: time.sleep(ball.move_speed) screen.update() # manually animate ball.move() # top and bottom collision if ball.ycor() < -280 or ball.ycor() > 280: ball.bounce_y() # paddle-ball collision - additional checks to check ball hitting the paddle edge if (ball.distance(r_paddle) < 50 and ball.xcor() > 320) or (ball.distance(l_paddle) < 50 and ball.xcor() < -320): ball.bounce_x() # right paddle misses the ball if ball.xcor() > 380: ball.reset_position()
# the tracer function will not show the animation screen.tracer(0) snake = Snake() # there is no need to write snake.create_snake() food = Food() scoreboard = ScoreBoard() screen.listen() screen.onkey(snake.up, 'Up') screen.onkey(snake.down, 'Down') screen.onkey(snake.right, 'Right') screen.onkey(snake.left, 'Left') game_is_on = True while game_is_on: screen.update() # the update function shows the animation time.sleep(0.1) # making the snake's tail to head of snake snake.move() # detect collision with food if snake.head.distance(food) < 15: food.refresh() snake.extend() scoreboard.increase_score() wall_collision = [ snake.head.xcor() > 290, snake.head.xcor() < -290, snake.head.ycor() > 290, snake.head.ycor() < -290, ]
def make_snake(self): for position in STARTING_POSITIONS: self.add_segment(position) screen = Screen() screen.update()
scoreboard = Scoreboard() # Control snake screen.listen() # starting listening for keystroke: up, down, left, right screen.onkey(snake.up, "Up") # bind Up from keyboard to snake object function up screen.onkey(snake.down, "Down") screen.onkey(snake.left, "Left") screen.onkey(snake.right, "Right") # move Snake: tail will follow head game_is_on = True while game_is_on: # only update screen when all segments move forward # screen is updating every 0.1 sec, delay 0.1 sec and refresh screen screen.update( ) # animation is updated, we can see snake move to next position. time.sleep( 0.1) # sleep by 1 sec, add 1 sec delay after each segment moves. snake.move() # Detect collision with food if snake.head.distance( food ) < 15: # if detect collision with food, food size is 10 x 10 pixel, 15 pixel is a number after trying many time food.refresh() # food should move to new random position snake.extend() scoreboard.increase_score() # increase score on scoreboard # Detect collision with wall if snake.head.xcor() > 280 or snake.head.xcor() < -280 or snake.head.ycor( ) > 280 or snake.head.ycor() < -280:
from turtle import Turtle, Screen def drawSquare(turtle): turtle.goto(100, 0) turtle.goto(100, 100) turtle.goto(0, 100) turtle.goto(0, 0) screen = Screen() screen.tracer(0, 0) screen.onclick(lambda x, y: screen.update()) turtle = Turtle() drawSquare(turtle) screen.mainloop()
class MazeGraphics(object): def __init__(self, config): self.width = config.getValueAsInt("maze", "maze_size") self.height = config.getValueAsInt("maze", "maze_size") self.bg_color = config.getValue("maze", "bg_color") self.line_color = config.getValue("maze", "line_color") self.line_centroid_color = config.getValue("maze", "line_centroid_color") self.forward_centroid_color = config.getValue("maze", "forward_centroid_color") self.reverse_centroid_color = config.getValue("maze", "reverse_centroid_color") self.path_color = config.getValue("maze", "path_color") self.screen = Screen() self.setupTurtle(self.width, self.height) def setupTurtle(self, width, height): self.screen.tracer(False) self.screen.screensize(width, height) # some basic turtle settings self.screen.setworldcoordinates(-1, -1, width + 1, height + 1) self.screen.title("Random Turtle Maze") self.screen.bgcolor(self.bg_color) self.screen.delay(None) self.designer = Turtle(visible=False) def drawGrid(self): for i in xrange(0, self.width + 1): self.drawXLines(i, self.width, self.line_color) for i in xrange(0, self.height + 1): self.drawYLines(i, self.width, self.line_color) self.screen.update() def drawXLines(self, position, width, color): self.drawLines(position, 0, width, color, 90) def drawYLines(self, position, width, color): self.drawLines(0, position, width, color, 0) def drawLines(self, xPosition, yPosition, width, color, heading): self.designer.up() self.designer.setposition(xPosition, yPosition) self.designer.color(color) self.designer.down() self.designer.setheading(heading) self.designer.forward(width) self.designer.up() def drawCentroid(self, cell, color): """ Draw a centroid for animation purposes but then overwrite it. """ self.designer.setposition(cell.centroid), color) self.screen.update(), self.bg_color) def removeWall(self, posx, posy, heading, color): """ We tear down walls to build the maze """ self.designer.up() self.designer.setposition(posx, posy) self.designer.down() self.designer.color(color) self.designer.setheading(heading) self.designer.forward(1) self.designer.up() self.screen.update() def drawPath(self, cell1, cell2): """ This draws a line for the solution as it's worked out. """ self.designer.setposition(cell1.centroid) self.designer.color(self.path_color) direction = self.getDirection(cell1, cell2) if direction == "N": self.designer.setheading(90) self.designer.down() self.designer.forward(1) self.designer.up() elif direction == "S": self.designer.setheading(270) self.designer.down() self.designer.forward(1) self.designer.up() elif direction == "W": self.designer.setheading(0) self.designer.down() self.designer.forward(1) self.designer.up() elif direction == "E": self.designer.setheading(0) self.designer.down() self.designer.backward(1) self.designer.up() self.drawCentroid(cell2, self.line_centroid_color) self.screen.update() def getDirection(self, currCell, nextCell): direction = None if nextCell.x < currCell.x: direction = "E" elif nextCell.x > currCell.x: direction = "W" elif nextCell.y < currCell.y: direction = "S" elif nextCell.y > currCell.y: direction = "N" return direction
score = create_shape(0,260,1,1) score.hideturtle() score.write(f"{player_1.p_name} : {player_1.score}\t\t{player_2.p_name} : {player_2.score}", align="center", font=("Arial", 24, "bold")) wind.listen() wind.onkeypress(player_1.up, "s") wind.onkeypress(player_1.down, "w") wind.onkeypress(player_2.up, "Up") wind.onkeypress(player_2.down, "Down"), False) player_1.dy = -1 while True: try: wind.update() if game_type == "1": player_1.sety(player_1.ycor() + player_1.dy) if player_1.ycor() > 250: player_1.dy *= -1 if player_1.ycor() < -250: player_1.dy *= -1 if player_1.score == 10 or player_2.score == 10: winner = create_shape(-200, 200, 1, 1) winner.color("orange") winner.hideturtle() w = player_1 if player_1.score > player_2.score else player_2 winner.write(f"{w.p_name} Win :)", align="center", font=("Arial", 36, "bold")) res = messagebox.askokcancel("Play Again", "do you want to play again")
class Game(): """Make the game loop into a class. Responsible for drawing and updating all our objects""" def __init__(self): # Set up the screen self.screen = Screen() self.screen.bgcolor("black") self.screen.setup(width=650, height=700) self.screen.title("Space Invaders") self.screen.bgpic("assets\\sprites\\space_invaders_background.gif") # Register the shapes self.screen.register_shape("assets\\sprites\\invader.gif") self.screen.register_shape("assets\\sprites\\player.gif") # initial objects self.player = Player() self.bullet = Bullet(self.player) self.score = Score() self.border = Border() self.game_over = False # Create invaders self.number_of_enemies = 5 self.enemies = [] for i in range(self.number_of_enemies): self.enemies.append(Invader()) # Create keyboard bindings self.screen.listen() self.screen.onkey(self.player.move_left, "Left") self.screen.onkey(self.player.move_right, "Right") self.screen.onkey(self.bullet.fire_bullet, "space") def play_sound(self, filename): winsound.PlaySound("assets\\sounds\\{}".format(filename), winsound.SND_ASYNC) def run(self): """Make the game loop a function.""" while True: # When game_over is set, stop updating objects if not self.game_over: # for each enemy for invader in self.enemies: # Move the enemy left/right invader.move_left_right() # get the enemy back and down if (invader.xcor() < -280 or invader.xcor() > 280): # Move all enemies down for enemy in self.enemies: enemy.move_down() # Change enemy direction enemy.invader_speed *= -1 if invader.ycor() < -250: self.game_over = True print("Game Over") if is_collision(self.bullet, invader) == True: self.play_sound("explosion.wav") self.bullet.reset_positon() self.score.change_score(10) invader.reset_positon() if is_collision(self.player, invader) == True: self.player.hideturtle() invader.hideturtle() self.game_over = True print("Game Over") # Move the bullet if self.bullet.state == "fire": self.bullet.move_up() # Check to see if bullet has gone to the top if self.bullet.ycor() > 275: self.bullet.reset_positon() # Display the screen. self.screen.update() else: break # pause game input("Press enter to finish")
class NCSimVisualizer: def __init__(self, cfg_os): # Create Screen Object self.screen = Screen() # Add app icon LOGO_PATH = "assets/favicon.ico" # do not forget "@" symbol and .xbm format for Ubuntu LOGO_LINUX_PATH = "@assets/favicon_linux.xbm" # Use the same Tk root with turtle: # noinspection PyProtectedMember # assert isinstance(self.screen._root, tk.Tk) # True # noinspection PyProtectedMember self.root = self.screen.getcanvas().winfo_toplevel() self.root.title("Network Coding Simulator") if cfg_os.lower() == "linux": self.root.iconbitmap(LOGO_LINUX_PATH) else: self.root.iconbitmap(LOGO_PATH) # tkinter use same root self.controls = tk.Frame(self.root) # Create Screen Layout Cursor self.layout_cursor = Turtle() self.layout_cursor.penup() self.layout_cursor.pensize(3) self.layout_cursor.color("slate grey") # Create Screen Message Cursor self.msg_cursor = Turtle() self.msg_cursor.penup() self.msg_cursor.color("midnight blue") # Create Screen coverage Cursor self.coverage_cursor = Turtle() self.coverage_cursor.penup() self.coverage_cursor.pensize(2) self.coverage_cursor.color("saddle brown") # Create Screen Send Packet Cursor self.snd_pckt = Turtle() self.snd_pckt.penup() self.snd_pckt.pensize(2) self.snd_pckt.color("saddle brown") # Call Screen Init Method self.screen_init() def screen_init(self): # Set Screen Dimensions and Coloring self.screen.setup(TOTAL_WIDTH, TOTAL_HEIGHT) self.screen.bgcolor(SCREEN_BGCOLOR) self.layout_cursor.color("slate grey") self.layout_cursor.setposition(-((TOTAL_WIDTH / 2) - SCREEN_MARGIN), -((TOTAL_HEIGHT / 2) - SCREEN_MARGIN)) self.layout_cursor.speed(8) self.layout_cursor.pendown() self.layout_cursor.fd(SCREEN_WIDTH) self.layout_cursor.rt(-90) self.layout_cursor.fd(SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.layout_cursor.rt(-90) self.layout_cursor.fd(SCREEN_WIDTH) self.layout_cursor.rt(-90) self.layout_cursor.fd(SCREEN_HEIGHT) self.layout_cursor.setheading(90) self.layout_cursor.fd(MESSAGE_MARGIN) self.layout_cursor.setheading(0) self.layout_cursor.fd(SCREEN_WIDTH) self.layout_cursor.penup() self.layout_cursor.speed("fastest") self.layout_cursor.color("midnight blue") x_cor = 0 y_cor = int((TOTAL_HEIGHT / 2) - (3 / 4 * HEAD_MARGIN)) self.layout_cursor.setposition(x_cor, y_cor) self.layout_cursor.write(f"{SCREEN_HEADER}", align="Center", font=("Calibri", HEADER_FONT_SIZE, "bold")) x_cor = 20 - (int(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)) y_cor = (int(TOTAL_HEIGHT / 2)) - (HEAD_MARGIN + 40) self.layout_cursor.setposition(x_cor, y_cor) self.layout_cursor.write(f"Topology: {TOPOLOGY_TYPE.title()}", align="Left", font=("Calibri", TEXT_FONT_SIZE, "bold")) x_cor = (int(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)) - 20 y_cor = (int(TOTAL_HEIGHT / 2)) - (HEAD_MARGIN + 40) self.layout_cursor.setposition(x_cor, y_cor) self.layout_cursor.write(f"Nodes: {NUM_OF_NODES}", align="Right", font=("Calibri", TEXT_FONT_SIZE, "bold")) self.visual_output_msg("This where the text message appears") # Stop Auto-update Screen changes self.screen.tracer(0) def visual_output_msg(self, message): x_cor = 20 - (int(SCREEN_WIDTH / 2)) y_cor = (SCREEN_MARGIN + 15) - (int(TOTAL_HEIGHT / 2)) self.msg_cursor.setposition(x_cor, y_cor) self.msg_cursor.clear() self.msg_cursor.write(f"{message}", align="Left", font=("Calibri", TEXT_FONT_SIZE, "bold")) def visual_send_packet(self, tx_node, rx_nodes): # draw arrow for all neighbors for rx_node in rx_nodes: self.snd_pckt.setposition(tx_node.pos()) self.snd_pckt.pendown() self.snd_pckt.setheading(self.snd_pckt.towards(rx_node.pos())) self.snd_pckt.setposition(rx_node.pos()) self.snd_pckt.bk(11) # Drawing arrow head self.snd_pckt.left(45) self.snd_pckt.backward(10) self.snd_pckt.forward(10) self.snd_pckt.right(90) self.snd_pckt.backward(10) self.snd_pckt.penup() def clear_send_packets(self): self.snd_pckt.pd() self.snd_pckt.clear() self.snd_pckt.pu() def show_coverage(self, node): self.coverage_cursor.goto(node.xcor(), node.ycor() - node.coverage) self.coverage_cursor.pendown() self.coverage_cursor.penup() self.coverage_cursor.goto(node.pos()) def hide_coverage(self): self.coverage_cursor.pendown() self.coverage_cursor.clear() self.coverage_cursor.penup() def screen_refresh(self): self.screen.update() def mainloop(self): while True: try: self.root.update() self.root.update_idletasks() except Exception as exp: print(exp) print("bye") break
def main(): screen = Screen() screen.setup(width=800, height=600) screen.bgcolor('black') screen.title('Pong Game') screen.tracer(0) score_board = ScoreBoard() score_board.display_score() CenterLine() player1 = Paddle((350, 0)) player2 = Paddle((-350, 0)) ball = Ball() screen.onkey(player1.move_up, 'Up') screen.onkey(player1.move_down, 'Down') screen.onkey(player2.move_up, 'w') screen.onkey(player2.move_down, 's') screen.listen() def game_continue(): if messagebox.askretrycancel("Game Over!!", "Wanna play again? "): screen.clear() main() running = True while running: time.sleep(0.05) screen.update() if score_board.check_win(): score_board.final_result() ball.hideturtle() break if ball.ispoint_wait: if ball.point_wait < 50: ball.point_wait += 1 continue else: ball.ispoint_wait = False ball.point_wait = 1 screen.update() ball.move() # for not repeating collision if the distance is small if player1.is_collided: if player1.safe_count < 5: player1.safe_count += 1 else: player1.is_collided = False player1.safe_count = 1 elif player2.is_collided: if player2.safe_count < 5: player2.safe_count += 1 else: player2.is_collided = False player2.safe_count = 1 if ball.ycor() > 265 or ball.ycor() < -270: ball.wall_collision() if ball.xcor() < 370 and ball.distance( player1) < 45 and not player1.is_collided: ball.paddle_collision() ball.hit_count += 1 ball.hit = True player1.is_collided = True elif ball.xcor() > -370 and ball.distance( player2) < 45 and not player2.is_collided: ball.paddle_collision() ball.hit_count += 1 ball.hit = True player2.is_collided = True if ball.hit_count % 2 == 0 and ball.hit_count != 0 and ball.hit: if ball.bounce_speed < 0: ball.bounce_speed -= 1.5 else: ball.bounce_speed += 1.5 ball.bounce_x = ball.bounce_speed ball.hit = False if ball.xcor() > 380: score_board.clear() score_board.score1 += 1 score_board.display_score() ball.ispoint_wait = True ball.ball_reset() elif ball.xcor() < -380: score_board.clear() score_board.score2 += 1 score_board.display_score() ball.ispoint_wait = True ball.ball_reset() screen.update() time.sleep(1) game_continue() screen.bye() screen.exitonclick()
starting_positions = [(0, 0), (-20, 0), (-40, 0)] snake = Snake() food = Food() scoreboard = Scoreboard() screen.listen() screen.onkey(snake.up, "Up") screen.onkey(snake.down, "Down") screen.onkey(snake.left, "Left") screen.onkey(snake.right, "Right") game_is_on = True while game_is_on: screen.update() # 每個方塊都移動完再 update 視窗 time.sleep(0.1) # 控制每次 update 視窗的間隔時間 snake.move() # Detect collision with food if snake.head.distance(food) < 15: food.refresh() snake.extend() scoreboard.increase_score() # Detect collision with wall if snake.head.xcor() > 300 or snake.head.xcor() < -300 or snake.head.ycor( ) > 300 or snake.head.ycor() < -300: # game_is_on = False # scoreboard.game_over() scoreboard.reset()
ball = Ball() #Create scoreboard from scoreboard class scoreboard = Scoreboard() scoreboard.update_scoreboard() game_is_on = True #Boolean to keep game running #Functions to control the two paddles from the listen function screen.onkey(fun=paddle_r.move_up, key="Up") screen.onkey(fun=paddle_r.move_down, key="Down") screen.onkey(fun=paddle_l.move_up, key="w") screen.onkey(fun=paddle_l.move_down, key="s") while game_is_on: #Loop to keep updating screen time.sleep(0.1) #Timer to slow down loop screen.update() #Manually update screen since tracer function disabled the updating ball.start_moving() #Function from ball class to move the ball # Detect wall collision if ball.ycor() > 290 or ball.ycor() < -290: #If ball hits the top and bottom of screen it will bounce off ball.y_bounce() # Detect collision with right paddle if ball.distance(paddle_r) < 50 and ball.xcor() > 320 or ball.distance(paddle_l) < 50 and ball.xcor() < -320: ball.x_bounce() #If ball hits one of the paddles it will bounce off and pick up speed ball.increase_speed() # Detect back wall collision if ball.xcor() > 380: ball.reset_ball() #If ball hits right wall behind the paddle the ball resets and the left player gets a point scoreboard.l_point()
# Enemy ships movement control variables index_movement = 0 enemy_movement = [10, 10, -10, -10, -10, -10, 10, 10] # The enemy ships can only move left (- negative values) or right (positive values) # by the following values # player lives lives = 3 points = 0 score = Scoreboard(lives, points) game_is_on = True while game_is_on: time.sleep(0.02) game_screen.update() player_ship_x_position = player_ship.xcor() # check if player bullet reach end of screen and delete them if so for bullet in player_bullets: if bullet.ycor() >= Y_WALL: player_bullets.remove(bullet) else: bullet.bullet_moving() # shoot enemy bullets and move the ships if (time.time() - timer) > difference: if number_bullets >= len(enemy.ships_list): number_bullets = len(enemy.ships_list) shot_bullet_enemy(enemy.ships_list, number_bullets) enemy.moving(enemy_movement[index_movement])
paddle_2 = Paddle((-360, 0)) ball = Ball() scoreboard = Scoreboard() # game input controls screen.listen() screen.onkey(paddle_1.go_up, "Up") screen.onkey(paddle_1.go_down, "Down") screen.onkey(paddle_2.go_up, "a") screen.onkey(paddle_2.go_down, "z") # game loop while game_is_on: time.sleep(ball.move_speed) screen.update() # removes starting animations ball.move() # detect collision with floor or ceiling if ball.ycor() > 280 or ball.ycor() < -280: ball.bounce_y() # detect collision with paddles if ball.distance(paddle_1) < 50 and ball.xcor() > 320 or ball.distance( paddle_2) < 50 and ball.xcor() < -330: ball.bounce_x() # detect collision with back walls if ball.xcor() > 380: ball.move_speed = 0.1 time.sleep(0.3) ball.goto(0, 0) ball.x_move *= -1 scoreboard.player_2_point()
pantalla.tracer(0) serpiente = Serpientes() comida = Comida() puntaje = Puntaje() pantalla.listen() pantalla.onkey(serpiente.arriba, "Up") pantalla.onkey(serpiente.abajo, "Down") pantalla.onkey(serpiente.izquierda, "Left") pantalla.onkey(serpiente.derecha, "Right") juego_encendido = True while juego_encendido: pantalla.update() time.sleep(0.1) serpiente.movimiento() #Detectar contacto con la comida if serpiente.head.distance(comida) < 15: comida.refrescar() serpiente.extender() puntaje.mostrar_puntaje() #Detectar contacto con paredes (Game over) if serpiente.head.xcor() > 290 or serpiente.head.xcor( ) < -290 or serpiente.head.ycor() > 290 or serpiente.head.ycor() < -290: juego_encendido = False puntaje.juego_terminado()
class Application: def __init__(self, apptitle): # Constants self.task_list = [ "1", # Draw the UK Flag "2", # Draw the Australia flag "3", # Exit ] # Variable initializations self.task = "" self.apptitle = apptitle # Initialize Turtle graphic engine def __init_gui__(self): # Screen initializations = Screen() 0 ) # Turn off turtle animation for instant rendering, to be used with win.update() # Pen initializations self.pen = Turtle() self.pen.hideturtle() # Main loop def main(self): # Menu loop: Display a console menu in this format: # # *************************** # 1. Draw UK flag # 2. Draw Australia flag # 3. Exit # Enter an option (1/2/3): # # Then execute the task according to user input, display an error message if user input is invalid while self.task not in self.task_list: print( "***************************\n1. Draw UK flag\n2. Draw Australia flag\n3. Exit" ) self.task = input("Enter an option (1/2/3): ") if self.task == self.task_list[0]: self.__init_gui__()"United Kingdoms Flag") flag = UKFlag(self.pen) flag.draw() elif self.task == self.task_list[1]: self.__init_gui__()"Australia Flag") flag = AustraliaFlag(self.pen) flag.draw() elif self.task == self.task_list[2]: print("Program exits. Have a nice day!") else: print("Invalid option")
#This ends the game when a player has a score of 100, and announces the winner. if self.score > 95: self.pen.goto(0,0) self.pen.color('black') self.pen.fillcolor('black') self.pen.shapesize(outline=20) self.pen.write('Player {} is the winner!'.format(self.player), align='center', font=('courier', 40, 'bold')) wn.mainloop() #Creates two player instances player1 = Snake((-30,30), 'red', '1', -200, 360) player2 = Snake((30,30), 'blue', '2', 200, 360) #creates the game loop that calls the functions on the instances. while True: player1.move('a', 'd', 'w', 's') player1.border_c() player1.turn() player1.scores() player2.move('j', 'l', 'i', 'k') player2.turn() player2.border_c() player2.scores() wn.update() wn.mainloop()
class Game(): def __init__(self): self.gameRunns = True self.gamePaused = True self.screen = Screen() self.screen.setup(width=SCREEN_WIDTH, height=SCREEN_HIGHT) self.screen.bgcolor("black") self.screen.tracer(0) self.screen.title("...SnAkE....") self.screen.onkeypress(self.pauseMode, "space") self.screen.onkeypress(self.exitGame, "Escape") def pauseMode(self): self.gamePaused = not self.gamePaused def exitGame(self): print("closing") self.gameRunns = False def play(self): GameBoard(SCREEN_WIDTH) snake = Snake(3) snake.registerKeyListener(self.screen) food = Food() scoreBoard = ScoreBoard() while self.gameRunns: start = time.time() if not self.gamePaused: scoreBoard.update_scoreboard() snake.move() if self.recognize_collision(snake, food, scoreBoard): snake.hide() food.hide() scoreBoard.game_over() snake.reset() else: scoreBoard.pause() snake.hide() food.hide() self.screen.update() time.sleep(max(1.0 / snake.speed - (time.time() - start), 0)) self.screen.exitonclick() def recognize_collision(self, snake, food, scoreBoard): game_over = False if snake.head.distance(food) < COLLISION_DISTANCE: snake.extend() food.refresh() scoreBoard.increase_score() if snake.head.xcor() > 298 or snake.head.xcor( ) < -298 or snake.head.ycor() > 298 or snake.head.ycor() < -298: return True for segment in snake.snake[1:]: if snake.head.distance(segment) < COLLISION_DISTANCE: return True
scr.tracer(0) scr.listen() game_end = False player_1 = Paddle("Player_1") player_2 = Paddle("Player_2") field = Field() score = ScoreBoard() ball = Ball() def is_game_over(): global game_end game_end = True while not game_end: scr.update() scr.onkeypress(fun=is_game_over, key="e") scr.onkeypress(fun=player_1.move_up, key="Up") scr.onkeypress(fun=player_1.move_down, key="Down") scr.onkeypress(fun=player_2.move_up, key="w") scr.onkeypress(fun=player_2.move_down, key="s") ball.move(player_1, player_2, score) t.sleep(0.001)
class Game: def __init__(self): self.screen = Screen() self.artist = Turtle(visible=False) self.artist.up() self.artist.speed("slowest") self.snake = Snake() = Food(100, 0) self.counter = 0 self.commandpending = False #command pending self.screen.tracer(0) self.screen.listen() self.screen.onkey(self.snakedown, "Down") self.screen.onkey(self.snakeup, "Up") self.screen.onkey(self.snakeleft, "Left") self.screen.onkey(self.snakeright, "Right") def snakeup(self): if not self.commandpending: self.commandpending = True self.snake.moveup() self.commandpending = False def snakedown(self): if not self.commandpending: self.commandpending = True self.snake.movedown() self.commandpending = False def snakeleft(self): if not self.commandpending: self.commandpending = True self.snake.moveleft() self.commandpending = False def snakeright(self): if not self.commandpending: self.commandpending = True self.snake.moveright() self.commandpending = False def nextFrame(self): self.artist.clear() if (self.snake.nextposition[0], self.snake.nextposition[1]) == (, self.snake.eatFood() else: self.snake.moveOneStep() if self.counter == 10: self.counter = 0 else: self.counter += 1 # show the food and snake self.snake.drawself(self.artist) self.screen.update() self.screen.ontimer(lambda: self.nextFrame(), 100)
snake = Snake() food = Food() scores = ScoreBoard() sc.listen() sc.onkey(snake.up, "Up") sc.onkey(snake.down, "Down") sc.onkey(snake.left, "Left") sc.onkey(snake.right, "Right") game = True while game: sc.update() time.sleep(0.1) snake.move() if snake.head.distance(food) < 15: food.refresh() snake.extend() scores.update_score() if snake.head.xcor() > 280 or snake.head.xcor() < -280 or snake.head.ycor() > 280 or snake.head.ycor() < -280: game = False scores.game_over() for segments in snake.turtle_list[1:]: if snake.head.distance(segments) < 10: game = False
class Window: def __init__(self, size): # Some basic stuff. self.window = Screen() self.window.title("Pong Game for AGH") self.window.bgcolor("white") self.window.setup( width=size[0], height=size[1] ) # Set size from file. (It is converted to tuple before). self.window.tracer(0) # Allow draw things immediately. self.vertical_margin = 60 # Margin for area. self.horizontal_margin = 20 # Setting our game area - place where ball is moving and paddles. = self.window.window_height() / 2 - self.vertical_margin self.bottom = -self.window.window_height() / 2 + self.vertical_margin self.left = -self.window.window_width() / 2 + self.horizontal_margin self.right = self.window.window_width() / 2 - self.horizontal_margin # Making (drawing) area. self.area = Turtle() self.area.hideturtle() # Hide turtle on the screen. self.area.penup() # No drawing when moving. self.area.goto(self.right, self.area.pendown() # Pull the pen down - start drawing. self.area.goto(self.left, self.area.goto(self.left, self.bottom) self.area.goto(self.right, self.bottom) self.area.goto(self.right, # Initialization of score writing and pause text. self.score_turtle = Turtle() self.score_turtle.penup() self.score_turtle.hideturtle() self.pause_text = Turtle() self.pause_text.hideturtle() def update(self): # Update method for main. self.window.update() def add_shape(self, shape, str): # Add shape to window. self.window.register_shape(str, shape) def get_area(self): # Return area size. (Needed for ball and paddles) area = [] area.append( area.append(self.bottom) area.append(self.left) area.append(self.right) return area def write_scores(self, score): self.score_turtle.clear() # Go to above and below paddles and write score. self.score_turtle.goto( 0, self.window.window_height() / 2 - self.vertical_margin) self.score_turtle.write(score[0], align="center", font=("Arial", 32, "bold")) self.score_turtle.goto( 0, -self.window.window_height() / 2 + self.vertical_margin / 6) self.score_turtle.write(score[1], align="center", font=("Arial", 32, "bold")) def write_pause(self, pause): if pause == True: self.pause_text.penup() # No drawing when moving. self.pause_text.goto(0, 0) # Go to middle of the screen and write. self.pause_text.write("PAUSE. CLICK P AGAIN TO RESUME", align="center", font=("Arial", 18, "bold")) if pause == False: self.pause_text.undo() # Undo previously written text.
class Game: def __init__(self): # game object has a screen, a turtle, a basic snake and a food self.screen = Screen() self.artist = Turtle(visible=False) self.artist.up() self.artist.speed("slowest") self.snake = Snake() = Food(100, 0) self.counter = 0 # this will be used later self.commandpending = False # as will this self.screen.tracer(0) # follow it so far? self.screen.listen() self.screen.onkey(self.snakedown, "Down") self.screen.onkey(self.snakeup, "Up") self.screen.onkey(self.snakeleft, "Left") self.screen.onkey(self.snakeright, "Right") def nextFrame(self): self.artist.clear() if (self.snake.nextposition[0], self.snake.nextposition[1]) == (, self.snake.eatFood() else: self.snake.moveOneStep() if self.counter == 10: # makes the food flash slowly self.counter = 0 else: self.counter += 1 # show the food and snake self.snake.drawself(self.artist) self.screen.update() self.screen.ontimer(lambda: self.nextFrame(), 100) def snakeup(self): if not self.commandpending: self.commandpending = True self.snake.moveup() self.commandpending = False def snakedown(self): if not self.commandpending: self.commandpending = True self.snake.movedown() self.commandpending = False def snakeleft(self): if not self.commandpending: self.commandpending = True self.snake.moveleft() self.commandpending = False def snakeright(self): if not self.commandpending: self.commandpending = True self.snake.moveright() self.commandpending = False
tileSize = 32 number_of_initial_live_tiles = 100 numberOfTiles = [map_size, map_size] screenSize = [ numberOfTiles[0] * (tileSize + 1) - 1, numberOfTiles[1] * (tileSize + 1) - 1 ] screen = Screen() screen.setup(screenSize[0], screenSize[1]) screen.setworldcoordinates(-10, -20 - screenSize[1], 20 + screenSize[0], 10) screen.bgcolor("black") screen.tracer(0, 0) #for making drawing instant screen.onclick(close) game = Gameboard(numberOfTiles, tileSize, screenSize, screen) sim = Simulation(game) random_tuples = np.random.randint(0, map_size, (number_of_initial_live_tiles, 2)).tolist() for tpl in random_tuples: sim.add_live_cell(tpl) while not shutdown: sim.update_state() screen.update() #for making drawing instant sleep(0.1) screen.mainloop()