文件: models.py 项目: Gastove/vrfy
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(GraderLib, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
     name = self.lib_upload.name.split("/")[-1]
     f = self.lib_upload.read()
     for ps in ProblemSet.objects.all():
         for problem in ps.problems.all().filter(autograde_problem=True):
             tango.upload(problem, ps, name, f)
文件: models.py 项目: ifjorissen/vrfy
 def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super(GraderLib, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
     name = self.lib_upload.name.split("/")[-1]
     f = self.lib_upload.read()
     #(re)upload this library to all the problems in this course
     #to do: this should be a celery task
     for problem in Problem.objects.filter(cs_course=self.cs_course, autograde_problem=True):
         for ps in problem.assigned_to():
             tango.upload(problem, ps, name, f)
文件: admin.py 项目: rcoder/vrfy
    def _open_and_upload(self, obj):
    Helper function that gets called for response change and response add
    It opens a new courselab and then uploads the grading files
        for problem in obj.problems.all().filter(autograde_problem=True):
            # open (make) the courselab on tango server with the callback _upload_ps_files
            tango.open(problem, obj)

            # upload the grader librarires
            for lib in models.GraderLib.objects.all():
                f = lib.lib_upload
                tango.upload(problem, obj, f.name.split("/")[-1], f.read())

            # upload the grading script
            grading = problem.grade_script
            grading_name = grading.name.split("/")[-1]
            tango.upload(problem, obj, grading_name, grading.read())

            # upload the makefile that will run the grading script
            makefile = "autograde:\n	@python3 " + grading_name
            tango.upload(problem, obj, vrfy.settings.MAKEFILE_NAME, makefile)

            # upload all the other files
            for psfile in models.ProblemSolutionFile.objects.filter(problem=problem):
                f = psfile.file_upload
                tango.upload(problem, obj, f.name.split("/")[-1], f.read())
    def _open_and_upload(self, obj):
        Helper function that gets called for response change and response add
        It opens a new courselab and then uploads the grading files
        for problem in obj.problems.all().filter(autograde_problem=True):
            # open (make) the courselab on tango server with the callback
            # _upload_ps_files
            tango.open(problem, obj)

            # upload the grader librarires
            for lib in models.GraderLib.objects.all():
                f = lib.lib_upload
                tango.upload(problem, obj, f.name.split("/")[-1], f.read())

            # upload the grading script
            grading = problem.grade_script
            grading_name = grading.name.split("/")[-1]
            tango.upload(problem, obj, grading_name, grading.read())

            # upload the makefile that will run the grading script
            makefile = 'autograde:\n	@python3 ' + grading_name
            tango.upload(problem, obj, vrfy.settings.MAKEFILE_NAME, makefile)

            # upload all the other files
            for psfile in models.ProblemSolutionFile.objects.filter(
                f = psfile.file_upload
                tango.upload(problem, obj, f.name.split("/")[-1], f.read())
文件: admin.py 项目: Gastove/vrfy
    def response_change(self, request, obj):
        Upload files to Tango I only need to do this when a problem is changed,
        because when a problem is added, it doesn't have a problem set yet.
        if obj.autograde_problem:
            for ps in obj.problemset_set.all():

                # upload the grading script
                grading = obj.grade_script
                grading_name = grading.name.split("/")[-1]
                tango.upload(obj, ps, grading_name, grading.read())

                # upload the makefile that will run the grading script
                makefile = 'autograde:\n	@python3 ' + grading_name
                tango.upload(obj, ps, vrfy.settings.MAKEFILE_NAME, makefile)

                # upload problemsolutionfiles
                for psfile in models.ProblemSolutionFile.objects.filter(
                    f = psfile.file_upload
                    tango.upload(obj, ps, f.name.split("/")[-1], f.read())

        return super(ProblemAdmin, self).response_change(request, obj)
    def response_change(self, request, obj):
        Upload files to Tango I only need to do this when a problem is changed,
        because when a problem is added, it doesn't have a problem set yet.
        if obj.autograde_problem:
            for ps in obj.problemset_set.all():

                # upload the grading script
                grading = obj.grade_script
                grading_name = grading.name.split("/")[-1]
                tango.upload(obj, ps, grading_name, grading.read())

                # upload the makefile that will run the grading script
                makefile = 'autograde:\n	@python3 ' + grading_name
                tango.upload(obj, ps, vrfy.settings.MAKEFILE_NAME, makefile)

                # upload problemsolutionfiles
                for psfile in models.ProblemSolutionFile.objects.filter(
                    f = psfile.file_upload
                    tango.upload(obj, ps, f.name.split("/")[-1], f.read())

        return super(ProblemAdmin, self).response_change(request, obj)
文件: tasks.py 项目: ifjorissen/vrfy
def send_file_to_tango(self, ps_id, p_id, reedie_id, localfile, file_data):
  given the pk for a :model:`course.StudentProblemSolution`, figure out if it needs to get sent to tango
  #try to get the problem, the reedie, and the problem set
  reedie = Reedie.objects.get(pk=reedie_id)
  ps = ProblemSet.objects.get(pk=ps_id, pub_date__lte=timezone.now(), cs_section__in=reedie.enrolled.all())
  problem = Problem.objects.get(pk=p_id)
  r = tango.upload(problem, ps, localfile, file_data)
  if r.status_code is not 200:
    message="Failed to upload file"
    self.retry(message=message, countdown=1)
  return r
def send_file_to_tango(self, ps_id, p_id, reedie_id, localfile, file_data):
  given the pk for a :model:`course.StudentProblemSolution`, figure out if it needs to get sent to tango
    #try to get the problem, the reedie, and the problem set
    reedie = Reedie.objects.get(pk=reedie_id)
    ps = ProblemSet.objects.get(pk=ps_id,
    problem = Problem.objects.get(pk=p_id)
    r = tango.upload(problem, ps, localfile, file_data)
    if r.status_code is not 200:
        message = "Failed to upload file"
        self.retry(message=message, countdown=1)
    return r
文件: views.py 项目: rcoder/vrfy
def problem_submit(request, ps_id, p_id):
  if request.method == 'POST':#make sure the user doesn't type this into the address bar
    ps = _get_problem_set(ps_id, request.user.reedie)
    problem = get_object_or_404(Problem, pk=p_id)

    #create / get the student problem set and update the submission time (reflects latest attempt)
    student_ps_sol, sp_set_created = StudentProblemSet.objects.get_or_create(problem_set=ps, user=request.user.reedie, defaults={'submitted': timezone.now()})

    student_psol, sp_sol_created = StudentProblemSolution.objects.get_or_create(problem=problem, student_problem_set=student_ps_sol)
    student_psol.submitted = timezone.now()
    student_psol.attempt_num += 1 

    #create the student result set & problem
    # result_set, prs_created = ProblemResultSet.objects.get_or_create(sp_set = student_ps_sol, user=request.user, problem_set=ps)
    mytimestamp = None
    if not problem.autograde_problem: #if its not being autograded, we should set the timestamp here; if it is, tango will set it
      mytimestamp = timezone.now()
    prob_result = ProblemResult.objects.create(attempt_num=student_psol.attempt_num, sp_sol=student_psol, sp_set=student_ps_sol, user=request.user.reedie, problem=problem, timestamp=mytimestamp)
    additional_files = 0
    files = []#for the addJob
    #getting all the submitted files
    for name, f in request.FILES.items():
      print(name, ADDITIONAL_FILE_NAME)
      if ADDITIONAL_FILE_NAME in name:
        required_pf = None
        if additional_files < MAX_ADDITIONAL_FILES:
          additional_files += 1
          return render(request, '403.html', {'exception': "You can't upload more than " + str(MAX_ADDITIONAL_FILES) + " additional files."}, status=403)
          #raise PermissionDenied()
        required_pf = RequiredProblemFilename.objects.get(problem=problem, file_title=name)

      if required_pf == None or not required_pf.force_rename: 
        name = f.name#if the file should not be renamed, give it the name as it was uploaded
        #we also need to check if it has the same name as any of the grader files
        for gfile in chain(problem.problemsolutionfile_set.all(), GraderLib.objects.all(),[problem.grade_script.name.split("/")[-1]]):
          if name == str(gfile):
            return render(request, '403.html', {'exception': name + " is an invalid filename."}, status=403)
            #raise PermissionDenied(name + " is an invalid filename.")
      localfile = name + "-"+ request.user.username
      if problem.autograde_problem:
        r = tango.upload(problem, ps, localfile, f.read())
        files.append({"localFile" : localfile, "destFile":name})#for the addJob command

      attempts = student_psol.attempt_num
      new_prob_file = StudentProblemFile.objects.create(required_problem_filename=required_pf, student_problem_solution = student_psol, submitted_file=f, attempt_num = attempts)

    if problem.autograde_problem:#these operatons are only required for autograding
      #add grader libraries
      for lib in GraderLib.objects.all():
        name = lib.lib_upload.name.split("/")[-1]
        files.append({"localFile" : name, "destFile": name})

      #getting all the grader files
      grading = problem.grade_script
      name = grading.name.split("/")[-1]
      files.append({"localFile" : name, "destFile": name})

      for psfile in ProblemSolutionFile.objects.filter(problem=problem):
        name = psfile.file_upload.name.split("/")[-1]
        files.append({"localFile" : name, "destFile": name})

      #upload the json data object
      tango_data = json.dumps({"attempts": student_psol.attempt_num, "timedelta": student_psol.is_late()})
      data_name = "data.json" + "-" + request.user.username
      tango.upload(problem, ps, data_name, tango_data)
      files.append({"localFile" : data_name, "destFile": "data.json"})

      #making Tango run the files
      jobName = tango.get_jobName(problem, ps, request.user.username)
      r = tango.addJob(problem, ps, files, jobName, jobName)
      if r.status_code is not 200:
        return redirect('500.html')
        response = r.json()
        student_psol.job_id = response["jobId"]
        prob_result.job_id = response["jobId"]
    return redirect('course:submit_success', ps_id, p_id)
    raise Http404("Don't do that")