def load_check(name, config, agentConfig): checksd_path = get_checksd_path(getOS()) if checksd_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(checksd_path) check_module = __import__(name) check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for name, clsmember in classes: if clsmember == AgentCheck: continue if issubclass(clsmember, AgentCheck): check_class = clsmember if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: continue else: break if check_class is None: raise Exception( "Unable to import check %s. Missing a class that inherits AgentCheck" % name) init_config = config.get('init_config', None) # init the check class return check_class(name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig)
def load_check(name, config, agentConfig): checksd_path = get_checksd_path(getOS()) if checksd_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(checksd_path) check_module = __import__(name) check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for name, clsmember in classes: if clsmember == AgentCheck: continue if issubclass(clsmember, AgentCheck): check_class = clsmember if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: continue else: break if check_class is None: raise Exception("Unable to import check %s. Missing a class that inherits AgentCheck" % name) init_config = config.get('init_config', None) instances = config.get('instances') # init the check class try: return check_class(name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig, instances=instances) except: # Backwards compatitiblity for old checks that don't support the # instances argument. c = check_class(name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig) c.instances = instances return c
def kill_subprocess(process_obj): try: process_obj.terminate() except AttributeError: # py < 2.6 doesn't support process.terminate() if getOS() == 'windows': import ctypes PROCESS_TERMINATE = 1 handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(handle, -1) ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) else: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
def kill_subprocess(process_obj): try: process_obj.terminate() except AttributeError: # py < 2.6 doesn't support process.terminate() if getOS() == 'windows': import ctypes PROCESS_TERMINATE = 1 handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess( PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(handle, -1) ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) else: os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
def get_check(name, config_str): checksd_path = get_checksd_path(getOS()) if checksd_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(checksd_path) check_module = __import__(name) check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for name, clsmember in classes: if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: check_class = clsmember break if check_class is None: raise Exception("Unable to import check %s. Missing a class that inherits AgentCheck" % name) return check_class.from_yaml(yaml_text=config_str, check_name=name)
def get_check(name, config_str): checksd_path = get_checksd_path(getOS()) if checksd_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(checksd_path) check_module = __import__(name) check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for name, clsmember in classes: if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: check_class = clsmember break if check_class is None: raise Exception( "Unable to import check %s. Missing a class that inherits AgentCheck" % name) agentConfig = {'version': '0.1', 'api_key': 'tota'} return check_class.from_yaml(yaml_text=config_str, check_name=name, agentConfig=agentConfig)
def load_check(name, config, agentConfig): checksd_path = get_checksd_path(getOS()) if checksd_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(checksd_path) check_module = __import__(name) check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for name, clsmember in classes: if clsmember == AgentCheck: continue if issubclass(clsmember, AgentCheck): check_class = clsmember if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: continue else: break if check_class is None: raise Exception( "Unable to import check %s. Missing a class that inherits AgentCheck" % name) init_config = config.get('init_config', None) instances = config.get('instances') # init the check class try: return check_class(name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig, instances=instances) except: # Backwards compatitiblity for old checks that don't support the # instances argument. c = check_class(name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig) c.instances = instances return c
def load_check(name, config, agentConfig): checksd_path = get_checksd_path(getOS()) if checksd_path not in sys.path: sys.path.append(checksd_path) check_module = __import__(name) check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for name, clsmember in classes: if clsmember == AgentCheck: continue if issubclass(clsmember, AgentCheck): check_class = clsmember if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: continue else: break if check_class is None: raise Exception("Unable to import check %s. Missing a class that inherits AgentCheck" % name) init_config = config.get('init_config', None) # init the check class return check_class(name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig)
def load_check_directory(agentConfig): ''' Return the checks from checks.d. Only checks that have a configuration file in conf.d will be returned. ''' from util import yaml, yLoader from checks import AgentCheck checks = [] log = logging.getLogger('checks') osname = getOS() checks_path = get_checksd_path(osname) confd_path = get_confd_path(osname) check_glob = os.path.join(checks_path, '*.py') # Update the python path before the import sys.path.append(checks_path) # For backwards-compatability with old style checks, we have to load every # checks.d module and check for a corresponding config OR check if the old # config will "activate" the check. # # Once old-style checks aren't supported, we'll just read the configs and # import the corresponding check module for check in glob.glob(check_glob): check_name = os.path.basename(check).split('.')[0] try: check_module = __import__(check_name) except: log.exception('Unable to import check module from checks.d' % check_name) continue check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for name, clsmember in classes: if clsmember == AgentCheck: continue if issubclass(clsmember, AgentCheck): check_class = clsmember if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: continue else: break if not check_class: log.error('No check class (inheriting from AgentCheck) found in' % check_name) continue # Check if the config exists OR we match the old-style config conf_path = os.path.join(confd_path, '%s.yaml' % check_name) if os.path.exists(conf_path): f = open(conf_path) try: check_config = yaml.load(, Loader=yLoader) assert check_config is not None f.close() except: f.close() log.exception("Unable to parse yaml config in %s" % conf_path) continue elif hasattr(check_class, 'parse_agent_config'): # FIXME: Remove this check once all old-style checks are gone try: check_config = check_class.parse_agent_config(agentConfig) except Exception, e: continue if not check_config: continue d = [ "Configuring %s in datadog.conf is deprecated." % (check_name), "Please use conf.d. In a future release, support for the", "old style of configuration will be dropped.", ] log.warn(" ".join(d)) else: log.debug('No conf.d/%s.yaml found for checks.d/' % (check_name, check_name)) continue # Look for the per-check config, which *must* exist if not check_config.get('instances'): log.error("Config %s is missing 'instances'" % conf_path) continue # Accept instances as a list, as a single dict, or as non-existant instances = check_config.get('instances', {}) if type(instances) != type([]): instances = [instances] # Init all of the check's classes with init_config = check_config.get('init_config', {}) # init_config: in the configuration triggers init_config to be defined # to None. if init_config is None: init_config = {} instances = check_config['instances'] try: c = check_class(check_name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig, instances=instances) except TypeError, e: # Backwards compatibility for checks which don't support the # instances argument in the constructor. c = check_class(check_name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig) c.instances = instances
def get_config(parse_args = True, cfg_path=None, init_logging=False, options=None): if parse_args: options, args = get_parsed_args() elif not options: args = None # General config agentConfig = { 'check_freq': DEFAULT_CHECK_FREQUENCY, 'debug_mode': False, 'dogstatsd_interval': DEFAULT_STATSD_FREQUENCY, 'dogstatsd_normalize': 'yes', 'dogstatsd_port': 8125, 'dogstatsd_target': 'http://localhost:17123', 'graphite_listen_port': None, 'hostname': None, 'listen_port': None, 'tags': None, 'use_ec2_instance_id': False, # DEPRECATED 'version': get_version(), 'watchdog': True, } dogstatsd_interval = DEFAULT_STATSD_FREQUENCY # Config handling try: # Find the right config file path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = os.path.dirname(path) config_path = get_config_path(cfg_path, os_name=getOS()) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(skip_leading_wsp(open(config_path))) if init_logging: initialize_logging(config_path, os_name=getOS()) # bulk import for option in config.options('Main'): agentConfig[option] = config.get('Main', option) # # Core config # # FIXME unnecessarily complex if config.has_option('Main', 'use_dd'): agentConfig['use_dd'] = config.get('Main', 'use_dd').lower() in ("yes", "true") else: agentConfig['use_dd'] = True if options is not None and options.use_forwarder: listen_port = 17123 if config.has_option('Main', 'listen_port'): listen_port = int(config.get('Main', 'listen_port')) agentConfig['dd_url'] = "http://localhost:" + str(listen_port) elif options is not None and not options.disable_dd and options.dd_url: agentConfig['dd_url'] = options.dd_url else: agentConfig['dd_url'] = config.get('Main', 'dd_url') if agentConfig['dd_url'].endswith('/'): agentConfig['dd_url'] = agentConfig['dd_url'][:-1] # Whether also to send to Pup if config.has_option('Main', 'use_pup'): agentConfig['use_pup'] = config.get('Main', 'use_pup').lower() in ("yes", "true") else: agentConfig['use_pup'] = True if agentConfig['use_pup']: if config.has_option('Main', 'pup_url'): agentConfig['pup_url'] = config.get('Main', 'pup_url') else: agentConfig['pup_url'] = 'http://localhost:17125' pup_port = 17125 if config.has_option('Main', 'pup_port'): agentConfig['pup_port'] = int(config.get('Main', 'pup_port')) # Increases the frequency of statsd metrics when only sending to Pup if not agentConfig['use_dd'] and agentConfig['use_pup']: dogstatsd_interval = PUP_STATSD_FREQUENCY if not agentConfig['use_dd'] and not agentConfig['use_pup']: sys.stderr.write("Please specify at least one endpoint to send metrics to. This can be done in datadog.conf.") exit(2) # Which API key to use agentConfig['api_key'] = config.get('Main', 'api_key') # Debug mode agentConfig['debug_mode'] = config.get('Main', 'debug_mode').lower() in ("yes", "true") # local traffic only? Default to no agentConfig['non_local_traffic'] = False if config.has_option('Main', 'non_local_traffic'): agentConfig['non_local_traffic'] = config.get('Main', 'non_local_traffic').lower() in ("yes", "true") # DEPRECATED if config.has_option('Main', 'use_ec2_instance_id'): use_ec2_instance_id = config.get('Main', 'use_ec2_instance_id') # translate yes into True, the rest into False agentConfig['use_ec2_instance_id'] = (use_ec2_instance_id.lower() == 'yes') if config.has_option('Main', 'check_freq'): try: agentConfig['check_freq'] = int(config.get('Main', 'check_freq')) except: pass # Disable Watchdog (optionally) if config.has_option('Main', 'watchdog'): if config.get('Main', 'watchdog').lower() in ('no', 'false'): agentConfig['watchdog'] = False # Optional graphite listener if config.has_option('Main','graphite_listen_port'): agentConfig['graphite_listen_port'] = int(config.get('Main','graphite_listen_port')) else: agentConfig['graphite_listen_port'] = None # Dogstatsd config dogstatsd_defaults = { 'dogstatsd_port' : 8125, 'dogstatsd_target' : 'http://localhost:17123', 'dogstatsd_interval' : dogstatsd_interval, 'dogstatsd_normalize' : 'yes', } for key, value in dogstatsd_defaults.iteritems(): if config.has_option('Main', key): agentConfig[key] = config.get('Main', key) else: agentConfig[key] = value # normalize 'yes'/'no' to boolean dogstatsd_defaults['dogstatsd_normalize'] = _is_affirmative(dogstatsd_defaults['dogstatsd_normalize']) # optionally send dogstatsd data directly to the agent. if config.has_option('Main', 'dogstatsd_use_ddurl'): use_ddurl = _is_affirmative(config.get('Main', 'dogstatsd_use_ddurl')) if use_ddurl: agentConfig['dogstatsd_target'] = agentConfig['dd_url'] # Optional config # FIXME not the prettiest code ever... if config.has_option('Main', 'use_mount'): agentConfig['use_mount'] = config.get('Main', 'use_mount').lower() in ("yes", "true", "1") if config.has_option('datadog', 'ddforwarder_log'): agentConfig['has_datadog'] = True # Dogstream config if config.has_option("Main", "dogstream_log"): # Older version, single log support log_path = config.get("Main", "dogstream_log") if config.has_option("Main", "dogstream_line_parser"): agentConfig["dogstreams"] = ':'.join([log_path, config.get("Main", "dogstream_line_parser")]) else: agentConfig["dogstreams"] = log_path elif config.has_option("Main", "dogstreams"): agentConfig["dogstreams"] = config.get("Main", "dogstreams") if config.has_option("Main", "nagios_perf_cfg"): agentConfig["nagios_perf_cfg"] = config.get("Main", "nagios_perf_cfg") if config.has_section('WMI'): agentConfig['WMI'] = {} for key, value in config.items('WMI'): agentConfig['WMI'][key] = value except ConfigParser.NoSectionError, e: sys.stderr.write('Config file not found or incorrectly formatted.\n') sys.exit(2)
def get_config(parse_args=True, cfg_path=None, init_logging=False, options=None): if parse_args: options, args = get_parsed_args() elif not options: args = None # General config agentConfig = { 'check_freq': DEFAULT_CHECK_FREQUENCY, 'debug_mode': False, 'dogstatsd_interval': DEFAULT_STATSD_FREQUENCY, 'dogstatsd_normalize': 'yes', 'dogstatsd_port': 8125, 'dogstatsd_target': 'http://localhost:17123', 'graphite_listen_port': None, 'hostname': None, 'listen_port': None, 'tags': None, 'use_ec2_instance_id': False, # DEPRECATED 'version': get_version(), 'watchdog': True, } dogstatsd_interval = DEFAULT_STATSD_FREQUENCY # Config handling try: # Find the right config file path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = os.path.dirname(path) config_path = get_config_path(cfg_path, os_name=getOS()) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(skip_leading_wsp(open(config_path))) if init_logging: initialize_logging(config_path, os_name=getOS()) # bulk import for option in config.options('Main'): agentConfig[option] = config.get('Main', option) # # Core config # if config.has_option('Main', 'use_dd'): agentConfig['use_dd'] = config.get('Main', 'use_dd').lower() in ("yes", "true") else: agentConfig['use_dd'] = True if options is not None and options.use_forwarder: listen_port = 17123 if config.has_option('Main', 'listen_port'): listen_port = config.get('Main', 'listen_port') agentConfig['dd_url'] = "http://localhost:" + str(listen_port) elif options is not None and not options.disable_dd and options.dd_url: agentConfig['dd_url'] = options.dd_url else: agentConfig['dd_url'] = config.get('Main', 'dd_url') if agentConfig['dd_url'].endswith('/'): agentConfig['dd_url'] = agentConfig['dd_url'][:-1] # Whether also to send to Pup if config.has_option('Main', 'use_pup'): agentConfig['use_pup'] = config.get('Main', 'use_pup').lower() in ("yes", "true") else: agentConfig['use_pup'] = True if agentConfig['use_pup']: if config.has_option('Main', 'pup_url'): agentConfig['pup_url'] = config.get('Main', 'pup_url') else: agentConfig['pup_url'] = 'http://localhost:17125' pup_port = 17125 if config.has_option('Main', 'pup_port'): agentConfig['pup_port'] = int(config.get('Main', 'pup_port')) # Increases the frequency of statsd metrics when only sending to Pup if not agentConfig['use_dd'] and agentConfig['use_pup']: dogstatsd_interval = PUP_STATSD_FREQUENCY if not agentConfig['use_dd'] and not agentConfig['use_pup']: sys.stderr.write( "Please specify at least one endpoint to send metrics to. This can be done in datadog.conf." ) exit(2) # Which API key to use agentConfig['api_key'] = config.get('Main', 'api_key') # Debug mode agentConfig['debug_mode'] = config.get( 'Main', 'debug_mode').lower() in ("yes", "true") # DEPRECATED if config.has_option('Main', 'use_ec2_instance_id'): use_ec2_instance_id = config.get('Main', 'use_ec2_instance_id') # translate yes into True, the rest into False agentConfig['use_ec2_instance_id'] = ( use_ec2_instance_id.lower() == 'yes') if config.has_option('Main', 'check_freq'): try: agentConfig['check_freq'] = int( config.get('Main', 'check_freq')) except: pass # Disable Watchdog (optionally) if config.has_option('Main', 'watchdog'): if config.get('Main', 'watchdog').lower() in ('no', 'false'): agentConfig['watchdog'] = False # Optional graphite listener if config.has_option('Main', 'graphite_listen_port'): agentConfig['graphite_listen_port'] = int( config.get('Main', 'graphite_listen_port')) else: agentConfig['graphite_listen_port'] = None # Dogstatsd config dogstatsd_defaults = { 'dogstatsd_port': 8125, 'dogstatsd_target': 'http://localhost:17123', 'dogstatsd_interval': dogstatsd_interval, 'dogstatsd_normalize': 'yes', } for key, value in dogstatsd_defaults.iteritems(): if config.has_option('Main', key): agentConfig[key] = config.get('Main', key) else: agentConfig[key] = value # normalize 'yes'/'no' to boolean dogstatsd_defaults['dogstatsd_normalize'] = _is_affirmative( dogstatsd_defaults['dogstatsd_normalize']) # optionally send dogstatsd data directly to the agent. if config.has_option('Main', 'dogstatsd_use_ddurl'): use_ddurl = _is_affirmative( config.get('Main', 'dogstatsd_use_ddurl')) if use_ddurl: agentConfig['dogstatsd_target'] = agentConfig['dd_url'] # Optional config # FIXME not the prettiest code ever... if config.has_option('Main', 'use_mount'): agentConfig['use_mount'] = config.get( 'Main', 'use_mount').lower() in ("yes", "true", "1") if config.has_option('datadog', 'ddforwarder_log'): agentConfig['has_datadog'] = True # Dogstream config if config.has_option("Main", "dogstream_log"): # Older version, single log support log_path = config.get("Main", "dogstream_log") if config.has_option("Main", "dogstream_line_parser"): agentConfig["dogstreams"] = ':'.join( [log_path, config.get("Main", "dogstream_line_parser")]) else: agentConfig["dogstreams"] = log_path elif config.has_option("Main", "dogstreams"): agentConfig["dogstreams"] = config.get("Main", "dogstreams") if config.has_option("Main", "nagios_perf_cfg"): agentConfig["nagios_perf_cfg"] = config.get( "Main", "nagios_perf_cfg") if config.has_section('WMI'): agentConfig['WMI'] = {} for key, value in config.items('WMI'): agentConfig['WMI'][key] = value except ConfigParser.NoSectionError, e: sys.stderr.write('Config file not found or incorrectly formatted.\n') sys.exit(2)
def load_check_directory(agentConfig): ''' Return the checks from checks.d. Only checks that have a configuration file in conf.d will be returned. ''' from util import yaml, yLoader from checks import AgentCheck checks = [] log = logging.getLogger('checks') osname = getOS() checks_path = get_checksd_path(osname) confd_path = get_confd_path(osname) check_glob = os.path.join(checks_path, '*.py') # Update the python path before the import sys.path.append(checks_path) # For backwards-compatability with old style checks, we have to load every # checks.d module and check for a corresponding config OR check if the old # config will "activate" the check. # # Once old-style checks aren't supported, we'll just read the configs and # import the corresponding check module for check in glob.glob(check_glob): check_name = os.path.basename(check).split('.')[0] try: check_module = __import__(check_name) except: log.exception('Unable to import check module from checks.d' % check_name) continue check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for name, clsmember in classes: if clsmember == AgentCheck: continue if issubclass(clsmember, AgentCheck): check_class = clsmember if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: continue else: break if not check_class: log.error('No check class (inheriting from AgentCheck) found in' % check_name) continue # Check if the config exists OR we match the old-style config conf_path = os.path.join(confd_path, '%s.yaml' % check_name) if os.path.exists(conf_path): f = open(conf_path) try: check_config = yaml.load(, Loader=yLoader) assert check_config is not None f.close() except: f.close() log.exception("Unable to parse yaml config in %s" % conf_path) continue elif hasattr(check_class, 'parse_agent_config'): # FIXME: Remove this check once all old-style checks are gone check_config = check_class.parse_agent_config(agentConfig) if not check_config: continue else: log.debug('No conf.d/%s.yaml found for checks.d/' % (check_name, check_name)) continue # Look for the per-check config, which *must* exist if not check_config.get('instances'): log.error("Config %s is missing 'instances'" % conf_path) continue # Accept instances as a list, as a single dict, or as non-existant instances = check_config.get('instances', {}) if type(instances) != type([]): instances = [instances] # Init all of the check's classes with init_config = check_config.get('init_config', {}) # init_config: in the configuration triggers init_config to be defined # to None. if init_config is None: init_config = {} init_config['instances_number'] = len(instances) check_class = check_class(check_name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig) # Add custom pythonpath(s) if available if 'pythonpath' in check_config: pythonpath = check_config['pythonpath'] if not isinstance(pythonpath, list): pythonpath = [pythonpath] sys.path.extend(pythonpath) log.debug('Loaded check.d/' % check_name) checks.append({ 'name': check_name, 'instances': check_config['instances'], 'class': check_class })'checks.d checks: %s' % [c['name'] for c in checks]) return checks
def get_config(parse_args=True, cfg_path=None, init_logging=False, options=None): if parse_args: options, args = get_parsed_args() elif not options: args = None # General config agentConfig = { "check_freq": DEFAULT_CHECK_FREQUENCY, "debug_mode": False, "dogstatsd_interval": DEFAULT_STATSD_FREQUENCY, "dogstatsd_normalize": "yes", "dogstatsd_port": 8125, "dogstatsd_target": "http://localhost:17123", "graphite_listen_port": None, "hostname": None, "listen_port": None, "tags": None, "use_ec2_instance_id": False, # DEPRECATED "version": get_version(), "watchdog": True, } dogstatsd_interval = DEFAULT_STATSD_FREQUENCY # Config handling try: # Find the right config file path = os.path.realpath(__file__) path = os.path.dirname(path) config_path = get_config_path(cfg_path, os_name=getOS()) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(skip_leading_wsp(open(config_path))) if init_logging: initialize_logging(config_path, os_name=getOS()) # bulk import for option in config.options("Main"): agentConfig[option] = config.get("Main", option) # # Core config # # FIXME unnecessarily complex if config.has_option("Main", "use_dd"): agentConfig["use_dd"] = config.get("Main", "use_dd").lower() in ("yes", "true") else: agentConfig["use_dd"] = True if options is not None and options.use_forwarder: listen_port = 17123 if config.has_option("Main", "listen_port"): listen_port = int(config.get("Main", "listen_port")) agentConfig["dd_url"] = "http://localhost:" + str(listen_port) elif options is not None and not options.disable_dd and options.dd_url: agentConfig["dd_url"] = options.dd_url else: agentConfig["dd_url"] = config.get("Main", "dd_url") if agentConfig["dd_url"].endswith("/"): agentConfig["dd_url"] = agentConfig["dd_url"][:-1] # Whether also to send to Pup if config.has_option("Main", "use_pup"): agentConfig["use_pup"] = config.get("Main", "use_pup").lower() in ("yes", "true") else: agentConfig["use_pup"] = True if agentConfig["use_pup"]: if config.has_option("Main", "pup_url"): agentConfig["pup_url"] = config.get("Main", "pup_url") else: agentConfig["pup_url"] = "http://localhost:17125" pup_port = 17125 if config.has_option("Main", "pup_port"): agentConfig["pup_port"] = int(config.get("Main", "pup_port")) # Increases the frequency of statsd metrics when only sending to Pup if not agentConfig["use_dd"] and agentConfig["use_pup"]: dogstatsd_interval = PUP_STATSD_FREQUENCY if not agentConfig["use_dd"] and not agentConfig["use_pup"]: sys.stderr.write( "Please specify at least one endpoint to send metrics to. This can be done in datadog.conf." ) exit(2) # Which API key to use agentConfig["api_key"] = config.get("Main", "api_key") # Debug mode agentConfig["debug_mode"] = config.get("Main", "debug_mode").lower() in ("yes", "true") # local traffic only? Default to no agentConfig["non_local_traffic"] = False if config.has_option("Main", "non_local_traffic"): agentConfig["non_local_traffic"] = config.get("Main", "non_local_traffic").lower() in ("yes", "true") # DEPRECATED if config.has_option("Main", "use_ec2_instance_id"): use_ec2_instance_id = config.get("Main", "use_ec2_instance_id") # translate yes into True, the rest into False agentConfig["use_ec2_instance_id"] = use_ec2_instance_id.lower() == "yes" if config.has_option("Main", "check_freq"): try: agentConfig["check_freq"] = int(config.get("Main", "check_freq")) except: pass # Disable Watchdog (optionally) if config.has_option("Main", "watchdog"): if config.get("Main", "watchdog").lower() in ("no", "false"): agentConfig["watchdog"] = False # Optional graphite listener if config.has_option("Main", "graphite_listen_port"): agentConfig["graphite_listen_port"] = int(config.get("Main", "graphite_listen_port")) else: agentConfig["graphite_listen_port"] = None # Dogstatsd config dogstatsd_defaults = { "dogstatsd_port": 8125, "dogstatsd_target": "http://localhost:17123", "dogstatsd_interval": dogstatsd_interval, "dogstatsd_normalize": "yes", } for key, value in dogstatsd_defaults.iteritems(): if config.has_option("Main", key): agentConfig[key] = config.get("Main", key) else: agentConfig[key] = value # normalize 'yes'/'no' to boolean dogstatsd_defaults["dogstatsd_normalize"] = _is_affirmative(dogstatsd_defaults["dogstatsd_normalize"]) # optionally send dogstatsd data directly to the agent. if config.has_option("Main", "dogstatsd_use_ddurl"): use_ddurl = _is_affirmative(config.get("Main", "dogstatsd_use_ddurl")) if use_ddurl: agentConfig["dogstatsd_target"] = agentConfig["dd_url"] # Optional config # FIXME not the prettiest code ever... if config.has_option("Main", "use_mount"): agentConfig["use_mount"] = config.get("Main", "use_mount").lower() in ("yes", "true", "1") if config.has_option("datadog", "ddforwarder_log"): agentConfig["has_datadog"] = True # Dogstream config if config.has_option("Main", "dogstream_log"): # Older version, single log support log_path = config.get("Main", "dogstream_log") if config.has_option("Main", "dogstream_line_parser"): agentConfig["dogstreams"] = ":".join([log_path, config.get("Main", "dogstream_line_parser")]) else: agentConfig["dogstreams"] = log_path elif config.has_option("Main", "dogstreams"): agentConfig["dogstreams"] = config.get("Main", "dogstreams") if config.has_option("Main", "nagios_perf_cfg"): agentConfig["nagios_perf_cfg"] = config.get("Main", "nagios_perf_cfg") if config.has_section("WMI"): agentConfig["WMI"] = {} for key, value in config.items("WMI"): agentConfig["WMI"][key] = value except ConfigParser.NoSectionError, e: sys.stderr.write("Config file not found or incorrectly formatted.\n") sys.exit(2)
def __init__(self, agentConfig, emitters, systemStats): self.agentConfig = agentConfig # system stats is generated by config.get_system_stats self.agentConfig['system_stats'] = systemStats # agent config is used during checks, system_stats can be accessed through the config self.os = getOS() self.plugins = None self.emitters = emitters self.metadata_interval = int( agentConfig.get('metadata_interval', 10 * 60)) self.metadata_start = time.time() socket.setdefaulttimeout(15) self.run_count = 0 self.continue_running = True # Unix System Checks self._unix_system_checks = { 'disk': u.Disk(checks_logger), 'io': u.IO(), 'load': u.Load(checks_logger), 'memory': u.Memory(checks_logger), 'network': u.Network(checks_logger), 'processes': u.Processes(), 'cpu': u.Cpu(checks_logger) } # Win32 System `Checks self._win32_system_checks = { 'disk': w32.Disk(checks_logger), 'io': w32.IO(checks_logger), 'proc': w32.Processes(checks_logger), 'memory': w32.Memory(checks_logger), 'network': w32.Network(checks_logger), 'cpu': w32.Cpu(checks_logger) } # Old-style metric checks self._couchdb = CouchDb(checks_logger) self._mongodb = MongoDb(checks_logger) self._mysql = MySql(checks_logger) self._rabbitmq = RabbitMq() self._ganglia = Ganglia(checks_logger) self._cassandra = Cassandra() self._dogstream = Dogstreams.init(checks_logger, self.agentConfig) self._ddforwarder = DdForwarder(checks_logger, self.agentConfig) self._ec2 = EC2(checks_logger) # Metric Checks self._metrics_checks = [ ElasticSearch(checks_logger), Jvm(checks_logger), Tomcat(checks_logger), ActiveMQ(checks_logger), Solr(checks_logger), WMICheck(checks_logger), Memcache(checks_logger), ] # Custom metric checks for module_spec in [ s.strip() for s in self.agentConfig.get('custom_checks', '').split(',') ]: if len(module_spec) == 0: continue try: self._metrics_checks.append( modules.load(module_spec, 'Check')(checks_logger))"Registered custom check %s" % module_spec) except Exception, e: logger.exception('Unable to load custom check module %s' % module_spec)
def load_check_directory(agentConfig): ''' Return the checks from checks.d. Only checks that have a configuration file in conf.d will be returned. ''' from util import yaml, yLoader from checks import AgentCheck checks = [] log = logging.getLogger('checks') osname = getOS() checks_path = get_checksd_path(osname) confd_path = get_confd_path(osname) check_glob = os.path.join(checks_path, '*.py') # Update the python path before the import sys.path.append(checks_path) # For backwards-compatability with old style checks, we have to load every # checks.d module and check for a corresponding config OR check if the old # config will "activate" the check. # # Once old-style checks aren't supported, we'll just read the configs and # import the corresponding check module for check in glob.glob(check_glob): check_name = os.path.basename(check).split('.')[0] try: check_module = __import__(check_name) except: log.exception('Unable to import check module from checks.d' % check_name) continue check_class = None classes = inspect.getmembers(check_module, inspect.isclass) for name, clsmember in classes: if clsmember == AgentCheck: continue if issubclass(clsmember, AgentCheck): check_class = clsmember if AgentCheck in clsmember.__bases__: continue else: break if not check_class: log.error( 'No check class (inheriting from AgentCheck) found in' % check_name) continue # Check if the config exists OR we match the old-style config conf_path = os.path.join(confd_path, '%s.yaml' % check_name) if os.path.exists(conf_path): f = open(conf_path) try: check_config = yaml.load(, Loader=yLoader) assert check_config is not None f.close() except: f.close() log.exception("Unable to parse yaml config in %s" % conf_path) continue elif hasattr(check_class, 'parse_agent_config'): # FIXME: Remove this check once all old-style checks are gone check_config = check_class.parse_agent_config(agentConfig) if not check_config: continue else: log.debug('No conf.d/%s.yaml found for checks.d/' % (check_name, check_name)) continue # Look for the per-check config, which *must* exist if not check_config.get('instances'): log.error("Config %s is missing 'instances'" % conf_path) continue # Accept instances as a list, as a single dict, or as non-existant instances = check_config.get('instances', {}) if type(instances) != type([]): instances = [instances] # Init all of the check's classes with init_config = check_config.get('init_config', {}) # init_config: in the configuration triggers init_config to be defined # to None. if init_config is None: init_config = {} init_config['instances_number'] = len(instances) check_class = check_class(check_name, init_config=init_config, agentConfig=agentConfig) # Add custom pythonpath(s) if available if 'pythonpath' in check_config: pythonpath = check_config['pythonpath'] if not isinstance(pythonpath, list): pythonpath = [pythonpath] sys.path.extend(pythonpath) log.debug('Loaded check.d/' % check_name) checks.append({ 'name': check_name, 'instances': check_config['instances'], 'class': check_class })'checks.d checks: %s' % [c['name'] for c in checks]) return checks
def __init__(self, agentConfig, emitters, systemStats): self.agentConfig = agentConfig # system stats is generated by config.get_system_stats self.agentConfig['system_stats'] = systemStats # agent config is used during checks, system_stats can be accessed through the config self.os = getOS() self.plugins = None self.emitters = emitters self.metadata_interval = int(agentConfig.get('metadata_interval', 10 * 60)) self.metadata_start = time.time() socket.setdefaulttimeout(15) self.run_count = 0 self.continue_running = True # Unix System Checks self._unix_system_checks = { 'disk': u.Disk(checks_logger), 'io': u.IO(), 'load': u.Load(checks_logger), 'memory': u.Memory(checks_logger), 'network': u.Network(checks_logger), 'processes': u.Processes(), 'cpu': u.Cpu(checks_logger) } # Win32 System `Checks self._win32_system_checks = { 'disk': w32.Disk(checks_logger), 'io': w32.IO(checks_logger), 'proc': w32.Processes(checks_logger), 'memory': w32.Memory(checks_logger), 'network': w32.Network(checks_logger), 'cpu': w32.Cpu(checks_logger) } # Old-style metric checks self._couchdb = CouchDb(checks_logger) self._mongodb = MongoDb(checks_logger) self._mysql = MySql(checks_logger) self._rabbitmq = RabbitMq() self._ganglia = Ganglia(checks_logger) self._cassandra = Cassandra() self._dogstream = Dogstreams.init(checks_logger, self.agentConfig) self._ddforwarder = DdForwarder(checks_logger, self.agentConfig) self._ec2 = EC2(checks_logger) # Metric Checks self._metrics_checks = [ ElasticSearch(checks_logger), WMICheck(checks_logger), Memcache(checks_logger), ] # Custom metric checks for module_spec in [s.strip() for s in self.agentConfig.get('custom_checks', '').split(',')]: if len(module_spec) == 0: continue try: self._metrics_checks.append(modules.load(module_spec, 'Check')(checks_logger))"Registered custom check %s" % module_spec) except Exception, e: logger.exception('Unable to load custom check module %s' % module_spec)
def __init__(self, agentConfig, emitters): self.agentConfig = agentConfig self.os = getOS() self.plugins = None self.emitters = emitters self.checksLogger = logging.getLogger('checks') self.metadata_interval = int(agentConfig.get('metadata_interval', 10 * 60)) self.metadata_start = time.time() socket.setdefaulttimeout(15) # Unix System Checks self._unix_system_checks = { 'disk': u.Disk(self.checksLogger), 'io': u.IO(), 'load': u.Load(self.checksLogger), 'memory': u.Memory(self.checksLogger), 'network': u.Network(self.checksLogger), 'processes': u.Processes(), 'cpu': u.Cpu() } # Win32 System Checks self._win32_system_checks = { 'disk': w32.Disk(self.checksLogger), 'io': w32.IO(self.checksLogger), 'proc': w32.Processes(self.checksLogger), 'memory': w32.Memory(self.checksLogger), 'network': w32.Network(self.checksLogger), 'cpu': w32.Cpu(self.checksLogger) } # Old-style metric checks self._apache = Apache(self.checksLogger) self._couchdb = CouchDb(self.checksLogger) self._mongodb = MongoDb(self.checksLogger) self._mysql = MySql(self.checksLogger) self._rabbitmq = RabbitMq() self._ganglia = Ganglia(self.checksLogger) self._cassandra = Cassandra() self._dogstream = Dogstreams.init(self.checksLogger, self.agentConfig) self._ddforwarder = DdForwarder(self.checksLogger, self.agentConfig) self._ec2 = EC2(self.checksLogger) # Metric Checks self._metrics_checks = [ Varnish(self.checksLogger), ElasticSearch(self.checksLogger), Jvm(self.checksLogger), Tomcat(self.checksLogger), ActiveMQ(self.checksLogger), Solr(self.checksLogger), WMICheck(self.checksLogger), Nginx(self.checksLogger), Memcache(self.checksLogger), ] # Custom metric checks for module_spec in [s.strip() for s in self.agentConfig.get('custom_checks', '').split(',')]: if len(module_spec) == 0: continue try: self._metrics_checks.append(modules.load(module_spec, 'Check')(self.checksLogger))"Registered custom check %s" % module_spec) except Exception, e: self.checksLogger.exception('Unable to load custom check module %s' % module_spec)