def savePointMatches(img_filename1, img_filename2, pointmatches, directory, params): filename = basename(img_filename1) + '.' + basename( img_filename2) + ".pointmatches.csv" path = os.path.join(directory, filename) try: with open(path, 'w') as csvfile: w = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) # First two rows: parameter names and values keys = params.keys() w.writerow(keys) w.writerow(tuple(params[key] for key in keys)) # PointMatches header w.writerow(PointMatches.csvHeader(next( iter(pointmatches)))) # support both lists and sets # One PointMatch per row for pm in pointmatches: w.writerow(PointMatches.asRow(pm)) # Ensure it's written csvfile.flush() os.fsync(csvfile.fileno()) except: syncPrint("Failed to save pointmatches at %s" % path) syncPrint(str(sys.exc_info()))
def checkParams(params, names, values, epsilon): """ params: the actual parameters to use. names: names of parameters in the CSV file. values: values (as strings) of parameters in the CSV file. """ def report(name, value): syncPrint("Mismatching parameters: '%s' :: %s != %s" % (name, str(params[name]), str(value))) for name, value in izip(names, values): value1 = params.get(name, None) if value1 is None: # parameter in the CSV file header does not exist in params return report(name, value) t1 = type(params[name]) t1 = types.FloatType if t1 == types.IntType else t1 # Make all numbers look like floats t2 = types.ListType if '[' == value[0] else types.FloatType if t1 != t2: return report(name, value) if t1 == types.FloatType: if abs(params[name] - float(value)) > epsilon: return report(name, value) elif t1 == types.ListType: # both are lists for a, b in izip(params[name], imap(float, value[1:-1].split(","))): if abs(a - b) > epsilon: return report(name, value) else: syncPrint("Don't know how to compare type %s with %s" % (str(t1), str(t2))) return False return True
def fetch(url, maximum_try=5): for _ in range(maximum_try): try: html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() return html except BaseException, e: syncPrint('Error: ' + str(e) + '\n' + 'on url: ' + url)
def makeFeatures(img_filename, img_loader, getCalibration, csv_dir, params): """ Helper function to extract features from an image. """ img = img_loader.load(img_filename) # Find a list of peaks by difference of Gaussian peaks = [] sigmaSmaller = params["sigmaSmaller"] sigmaLarger = params["sigmaLarger"] if type(sigmaSmaller) == types.FloatType: sigmaSmaller = [sigmaSmaller] sigmaLarger = [sigmaLarger] for ss, sl in izip(sigmaSmaller, sigmaLarger): peaks.extend( getDoGPeaks(img, getCalibration(img_filename), ss, sl, params['minPeakValue'])) # if 0 == len(peaks): features = [] else: # Create a KDTree-based search for nearby peaks search = makeRadiusSearch(peaks) # Create list of Constellation features features = extractFeatures(peaks, search, params['radius'], params['min_angle'], params['max_per_peak']) if 0 == len(features): syncPrint("No peaks found for %s" % img_filename) # Store features in a CSV file (even if without features) saveFeatures(img_filename, csv_dir, features, params) return features
def plot2DRoiOverZ(imp, roi=None, show=True, XaxisLabel='Z', YaxisLabel='I', Zscale='1.0'): """ Take an ImagePlus and a 2D ROI (optional, can be read from the ImagePlus) and plot the average value of the 2D ROI in each Z slice. Return 4 elements: the two lists of values for the Y (intensity) and X (slice index), and the Plot and PlotWindow instances. """ roi = roi if roi else imp.getRoi() if not roi: syncPrint("Set a ROI first.") return # List of 2D points from where pixel values are to be read points = roiPoints(roi) stack = imp.getStack() intensity = [ sum(stack.getProcessor(slice_index).getf(p.x, p.y) for p in points) / len(points) for slice_index in xrange(1, imp.getNSlices() + 1) ] xaxis = [z * Zscale for z in range(1, imp.getNSlices() + 1)] plot = Plot("Intensity", XaxisLabel, YaxisLabel, xaxis, intensity) if show: win = else: win = None return intensity, xaxis, plot, win
def loadFloatProcessor(filepath, params, scale=True): try: fp = loadImp(filepath).getProcessor().convertToFloatProcessor() # Preprocess images: Gaussian-blur to scale down, then normalize contrast if scale: fp = Filter.createDownsampled(fp, params["scale"], 0.5, 1.6) Util.normalizeContrast(fp) return fp except: syncPrint(sys.exc_info())
def translate(self, dx, dy): a = zeros(2, 'l') self.interval.min(a) width = self.cell_dimensions[0] height = self.cell_dimensions[1] x0 = max(0, min(a[0] + dx, self.img_dimensions[0] - width)) y0 = max(0, min(a[1] + dy, self.img_dimensions[1] - height)) self.interval = FinalInterval([x0, y0], [x0 + width - 1, y0 + height - 1]) syncPrint(str(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(self.interval))) self.cache.clear()
def fit(model, pointmatches, n_iterations, maxEpsilon, minInlierRatio, minNumInliers, maxTrust): """ Fit a model to the pointmatches, finding the subset of inlier pointmatches that agree with a joint transformation model. """ inliers = ArrayList() try: modelFound = model.filterRansac(pointmatches, inliers, n_iterations, maxEpsilon, minInlierRatio, minNumInliers, maxTrust) except NotEnoughDataPointsException, e: syncPrint(str(e)) return False, inliers
def setupEngine(use_cuda=True, askForMultipleDevices=False): """ Attempt to load the CUDA libraries. Otherwise use CPU threads. Return a function that creates the ComputeBlockSeqThread(CPU|CUDA)Factory. For the CUDA version to work, do, in Ubuntu 16.04: 1. Download the .deb file for CUDA 10.0 from: 2. Install the CUDA deb package and more: $ sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604-10-0-*deb $ sudo apt-key add /var/cuda-repo-10-0-local-10.0.130-410.48/ $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install cuda 3. Download the FourierConvolutionCUDALib from: 4. Install it: $ cd FourierConvolutionCUDALib/ $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make $ sudo make install """ cuda = None devices = [] idToCudaDevice = {} if use_cuda: so_paths = ["/usr/local/lib/", "/groups/cardona/home/championa/code/FourierConvolutionCUDALib/build-cuda-8-master/src/"] for so_path in so_paths: if os.path.exists(so_path): # Still opens a dialog to ask for the one and only existing library #cuda = NativeLibraryTools.loadNativeLibrary(ArrayList(["FourierConvolutionCuda"]), File(so_path), CUDAFourierConvolution) cuda = Native.loadLibrary(so_path, CUDAFourierConvolution) break if not cuda: # Fire up file dialogs: cuda = NativeLibraryTools.loadNativeLibrary(ArrayList(["fftCUDA", "FourierConvolutionCuda"]), CUDAFourierConvolution) if not cuda: syncPrint("Could not load CUDA JNA library for FFT convolution.") else: syncPrint("Will use CUDA for FFT convolution.") devices = CUDATools.queryCUDADetails(cuda, askForMultipleDevices) idToCudaDevice = {index: device for index, device in enumerate(devices)} # Return function def createFactoryFn(exe, lambda_val, blockSize): if use_cuda and cuda: return ComputeBlockSeqThreadCUDAFactory(exe, MultiViewDeconvolution.minValue, lambda_val, blockSize, cuda, HashMap(idToCudaDevice)) else: return ComputeBlockSeqThreadCPUFactory(exe, MultiViewDeconvolution.minValue, lambda_val, blockSize, ArrayImgFactory(FloatType())) return createFactoryFn
def writeZip(img, path, title=""): if isinstance(img, RandomAccessibleInterval): imp = IL.wrap(img, title) elif isinstance(img, ImagePlus): imp = img if title: imp.setTitle(title) else: syncPrint("Cannot writeZip to %s:\n Unsupported image type %s" % (path, str(type(img)))) return None # FileSaver(imp).saveAsZip(path) return imp
def getAllSets(self, doc=None): '''retrieve all sets in sets page, there might be more than one page, this method did not handle this case.''' if doc is None: url = r'{username}/sets/'.format(username=self.username) doc = self.fetch(url) pattern = r'<a[^>]+href=\"/photos/{username}/sets/(\d+)/[^>]+title=\"(.*?)\"[^>]*>'.format(username=self.username) map = {} for match in re.finditer(pattern, doc): setId = setName = map[setId] = setName syncPrint('Found set id={setId} name={setName}'.format(setId=setId, setName=setName)) return map
def loadMatrices(name, csv_dir): """ Load all matrices as a list of arrays of doubles from a CSV file named <name>.csv """ path = os.path.join(csv_dir, name + ".csv") if not os.path.exists(path): return None try: with open(path, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') # skip header matrices = [array(imap(float, row), 'd') for row in reader if row] return matrices except: syncPrint("Could not load matrices from path %s" % path) syncPrint(str(sys.exc_info()))
def makeLinkedTiles(filepaths, csvDir, params, n_adjacent): ensurePointMatches(filepaths, csvDir, params, n_adjacent) try: tiles = [Tile(TranslationModel2D()) for _ in filepaths] # FAILS when running in parallel, for mysterious reasons related to jython internals, perhaps syncPrint fails #w = ParallelTasks("loadPointMatches") #for i, j, pointmatches in w.chunkConsume(numCPUs() * 2, loadPointMatchesTasks(filepaths, csvDir, params, n_adjacent)): syncPrint("Loading all pointmatches.") for task in loadPointMatchesTasks(filepaths, csvDir, params, n_adjacent): i, j, pointmatches = tiles[i].connect(tiles[j], pointmatches) # reciprocal connection syncPrint("Finsihed loading all pointmatches.") return tiles finally: #w.destroy() pass
def download_and_save_image_file(url, path): '''download image from a image page(not necessarily a .jpg)''' create_path(path) if os.path.isfile(path): syncPrint('%-64s has been downloaded to %s, skip.' % (url, path)) return photoID = BasePhotoCrawler.getPhotoId(url) doc = BasePhotoCrawler.fetch(url + 'sizes/') pattern = r'<img[^>]+src=\"(http://\w+\.staticflickr\.com/\w+/{id}\w+\.(jpg|png))[^>]*>'.format(id=photoID) try: m =, doc).group(1) syncPrint('downloading %-64s to %s' % (url, path)) img = BasePhotoCrawler.fetch(m) open(path, "w+").write(img) except: # (TODO) break down exception handling print 'Error: no regex match in %s' % url
def prepare(index): # Prepare the img for deconvolution: # 0. Transform in one step. # 1. Ensure its pixel values conform to expectations (no zeros inside) # 2. Copy it into an ArrayImg for faster recurrent retrieval of same pixels syncPrint("Preparing %s CM0%i for deconvolution" % (tm_dirname, index)) img = klb_loader.get(filepaths[index]) # of UnsignedShortType imgP = prepareImgForDeconvolution( img, transforms[index], target_interval) # returns of FloatType # Copy transformed view into ArrayImg for best performance in deconvolution imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgP)) #ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgP, imgA.factory()), imgA) ImgUtil.copy(imgP, imgA, n_threads / 2) # parallel copying syncPrint("--Completed preparing %s CM0%i for deconvolution" % (tm_dirname, index)) imgP = None img = None return (index, imgA)
def preload(cachedCellImg, loader, block_size, filepaths): """ Find which is the last cell index in the cache, identify to which block (given the blockSize[2] AKA Z dimension) that index belongs to, and concurrently load all cells (sections) that the Z dimension of the blockSize will need. If they are already loaded, these operations are insignificant. """ exe = newFixedThreadPool(n_threads=min(block_size[2], numCPUs()), name="preloader") try: # The is a ConcurrentHashMap with Long keys, aka numbers cache = cachedCellImg.getCache() f1 = cache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "cache") # LoaderCacheAsCacheAdapter.cache f1.setAccessible(True) softCache = f1.get(cache) cache = None f2 = softCache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "map") # f2.setAccessible(True) keys = sorted(f2.get(softCache).keySet()) if 0 == len(keys): return first = keys[-1] - (keys[-1] % block_size[2]) last = max(len(filepaths), first + block_size[2] - 1) keys = None msg = "Preloading %i-%i" % (first, first + block_size[2] - 1) futures = [] for index in xrange(first, first + block_size[2]): futures.append( exe.submit(TimeItTask(softCache.get, index, loader))) softCache = None # Wait for all count = 1 while len(futures) > 0: r, t = futures.pop(0).get() # t in miliseconds if t > 500: if msg: syncPrint(msg) msg = None syncPrint("preloaded index %i in %f ms" % (first + count, t)) count += 1 if not msg: # msg was printed syncPrint("Completed preloading %i-%i" % (first, first + block_size[2] - 1)) except: syncPrint(sys.exc_info()) finally: exe.shutdown()
def fitModel(img1_filename, img2_filename, img_loader, getCalibration, csv_dir, model, exe, params): """ The model can be any subclass of mpicbg.models.Affine3D, such as: TranslationModel3D, RigidModel3D, SimilarityModel3D, AffineModel3D, InterpolatedAffineModel3D Returns the transformation matrix as a 1-dimensional array of doubles, which is the identity when the model cannot be fit. """ pointmatches = findPointMatches(img1_filename, img2_filename, img_loader, getCalibration, csv_dir, exe, params) if 0 == len(pointmatches): modelFound = False else: modelFound, inliers = fit(model, pointmatches, params["n_iterations"], params["maxEpsilon"], params["minInlierRatio"], params["minNumInliers"], params["maxTrust"]) if modelFound: syncPrint( "Found %i inliers for:\n %s\n %s" % (len(inliers), basename(img1_filename), basename(img2_filename))) a = nativeArray('d', [3, 4]) model.toMatrix( a) # Can't use model.toArray: different order of elements matrix = a[0] + a[1] + a[2] # Concat: flatten to 1-dimensional array: else: syncPrint("Model not found for:\n %s\n %s" % (img1_filename, img2_filename)) # Return identity matrix = array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], 'd') syncPrint("found %i pointmatches, with matrix:\n[%s]\nbetween \n %s\n %s" % \ (len(pointmatches), ", ".join("%.2f" % v for v in matrix), basename(img1_filename), basename(img2_filename))) return matrix
def saveMatrices(name, matrices, csv_dir): """ Store all matrices in a CSV file named <name>.csv """ path = os.path.join(csv_dir, name + ".csv") try: with open(path, 'w') as csvfile: w = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) # Write header: 12 m<i><j> names # handle 2D (length 6) and 3D matrices (length 12) iseq, jseq = ((0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2, 3)) if 12 == len(matrices[0]) else ((0, 1), (0, 1, 2)) w.writerow(tuple("m%i%i" % (i, j) for i in iseq for j in jseq)) for matrix in matrices: w.writerow(matrix) csvfile.flush() os.fsync(csvfile.fileno()) except: syncPrint("Failed to save matrices at path %s" % path) syncPrint(str(sys.exc_info()))
def saveFeatures(img_filename, directory, features, params): path = os.path.join(directory, basename(img_filename)) + ".features.csv" try: with open(path, 'w') as csvfile: w = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC) # First two rows: parameter names and values keys = params.keys() w.writerow(keys) w.writerow(tuple(params[key] for key in keys)) # Feature header w.writerow(Constellation.csvHeader()) # One row per Constellation feature for feature in features: w.writerow(feature.asRow()) # Ensure it's written csvfile.flush() os.fsync(csvfile.fileno()) except: syncPrint("Failed to save features at %s" % path) syncPrint(str(sys.exc_info()))
def loadFeatures(img_filename, directory, params, validateOnly=False, epsilon=0.00001, verbose=True): """ Attempts to load features from filename + ".features.csv" if it exists, returning a list of Constellation features or None. params: dictionary of parameters with which features are wanted now, to compare with parameter with which features were extracted. In case of mismatch, return None. epsilon: allowed error when comparing floating-point values. validateOnly: if True, return after checking that parameters match. """ try: csvpath = os.path.join(directory, basename(img_filename) + ".features.csv") if os.path.exists(csvpath): with open(csvpath, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') # First line contains parameter names, second line their values if not checkParams(params,,, epsilon): return None if validateOnly: return True # would return None above, which is falsy # skip header with column names features = [ Constellation.fromRow(map(float, row)) for row in reader ] if verbose: syncPrint("Loaded %i features for %s" % (len(features), img_filename)) return features else: if verbose: syncPrint("No stored features found at %s" % csvpath) return None except: syncPrint("Could not load features for %s" % img_filename) syncPrint(str(sys.exc_info())) return None
def loadPointMatches(img1_filename, img2_filename, directory, params, epsilon=0.00001, verbose=True): """ Attempts to load point matches from filename1 + '.' + filename2 + ".pointmatches.csv" if it exists, returning a list of PointMatch instances or None. params: dictionary of parameters with which pointmatches are wanted now, to compare with parameter with which pointmatches were made. In case of mismatch, return None. epsilon: allowed error when comparing floating-point values. """ try: csvpath = os.path.join( directory, basename(img1_filename) + '.' + basename(img2_filename) + ".pointmatches.csv") if not os.path.exists(csvpath): if verbose: syncPrint("No stored pointmatches found at %s" % csvpath) return None with open(csvpath, 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') # First line contains parameter names, second line their values if not checkParams(params,,, epsilon): return None # skip header with column names pointmatches = PointMatches.fromRows(reader).pointmatches if verbose: syncPrint("Loaded %i pointmatches for %s, %s" % (len(pointmatches), img1_filename, img2_filename)) return pointmatches except: syncPrint("Could not load pointmatches for pair %s, %s" % (img1_filename, img2_filename)) syncPrint(str(sys.exc_info())) return None
def keyPressed(self, event): try: dx, dy =, (0, 0)) if dx + dy == 0: return syncPrint("Translating source") if event.isShiftDown(): dx *= self.shift dy *= self.shift if event.isAltDown(): dx *= self.alt dy *= self.alt syncPrint("... by x=%i, y=%i" % (dx, dy)) self.cellGet.translate(dx, dy) self.imp.updateAndDraw() event.consume() except: syncPrint(str(sys.exc_info()))
def ensurePointMatches(filepaths, csvDir, params, n_adjacent): """ If a pointmatches csv file doesn't exist, will create it. """ w = ParallelTasks("ensurePointMatches", exe=newFixedThreadPool(numCPUs())) exeload = newFixedThreadPool() try: count = 1 for result in w.chunkConsume( numCPUs() * 2, pointmatchingTasks(filepaths, csvDir, params, n_adjacent, exeload)): if result: # is False when CSV file already exists syncPrint("Completed %i/%i" % (count, len(filepaths) * n_adjacent)) count += 1 syncPrint("Awaiting all remaining pointmatching tasks to finish.") w.awaitAll() syncPrint("Finished all pointmatching tasks.") except: print sys.exc_info() finally: exeload.shutdown() w.destroy()
def export8bitN5( filepaths, img_dimensions, matrices, name, exportDir, interval, gzip_compression=6, invert=True, CLAHE_params=[400, 256, 3.0], copy_threads=2, n5_threads=0, # 0 means as many as CPU cores block_size=[128, 128, 128]): """ Export into an N5 volume, in parallel, in 8-bit. name: name to assign to the N5 volume. img3D: the serial sections to export. exportDir: the directory into which to save the N5 volume. interval: for cropping. gzip_compression: defaults to 6 as suggested by Saalfeld. block_size: defaults to 128x128x128 px. """ dims = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(interval) voldims = [dims[0], dims[1], len(filepaths)] cell_dimensions = [dims[0], dims[1], 1] def asNormalizedUnsignedByteArrayImg(interval, invert, blockRadius, n_bins, slope, matrices, copy_threads, index, imp): sp = imp.getProcessor() # ShortProcessor sp.setRoi(interval.min(0), interval.min(1), interval.max(0) - interval.min(0) + 1, interval.max(1) - interval.min(1) + 1) sp = sp.crop() if invert: sp.invert() ImagePlus("", sp), blockRadius, n_bins, slope, None ) # far less memory requirements than NormalizeLocalContrast, and faster. minimum, maximum = autoAdjust(sp) # Transform and convert image to 8-bit, mapping to display range img = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts( sp.getPixels(), [sp.getWidth(), sp.getHeight()]) sp = None affine = AffineTransform2D() affine.set(matrices[index]) imgI = Views.interpolate(Views.extendZero(img), NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) imgA = RealViews.transform(imgI, affine) imgT = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(imgA, img)) imgMinMax = convert(imgT, RealUnsignedByteConverter(minimum, maximum), UnsignedByteType) aimg = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img)) ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgMinMax, aimg.factory()), aimg, copy_threads) img = imgI = imgA = imgT = imgMinMax = None return aimg blockRadius, n_bins, slope = CLAHE_params loader = SectionCellLoader( filepaths, asArrayImg=partial(asNormalizedUnsignedByteArrayImg, interval, invert, blockRadius, n_bins, slope, matrices, copy_threads)) # How to preload block_size[2] files at a time? Or at least as many as numCPUs()? # One possibility is to query the for its entries, using a ScheduledExecutorService, # and preload sections ahead for the whole blockSize[2] dimension. cachedCellImg = lazyCachedCellImg(loader, voldims, cell_dimensions, UnsignedByteType, BYTE) def preload(cachedCellImg, loader, block_size, filepaths): """ Find which is the last cell index in the cache, identify to which block (given the blockSize[2] AKA Z dimension) that index belongs to, and concurrently load all cells (sections) that the Z dimension of the blockSize will need. If they are already loaded, these operations are insignificant. """ exe = newFixedThreadPool(n_threads=min(block_size[2], numCPUs()), name="preloader") try: # The is a ConcurrentHashMap with Long keys, aka numbers cache = cachedCellImg.getCache() f1 = cache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "cache") # LoaderCacheAsCacheAdapter.cache f1.setAccessible(True) softCache = f1.get(cache) cache = None f2 = softCache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "map") # f2.setAccessible(True) keys = sorted(f2.get(softCache).keySet()) if 0 == len(keys): return first = keys[-1] - (keys[-1] % block_size[2]) last = max(len(filepaths), first + block_size[2] - 1) keys = None msg = "Preloading %i-%i" % (first, first + block_size[2] - 1) futures = [] for index in xrange(first, first + block_size[2]): futures.append( exe.submit(TimeItTask(softCache.get, index, loader))) softCache = None # Wait for all count = 1 while len(futures) > 0: r, t = futures.pop(0).get() # t in miliseconds if t > 500: if msg: syncPrint(msg) msg = None syncPrint("preloaded index %i in %f ms" % (first + count, t)) count += 1 if not msg: # msg was printed syncPrint("Completed preloading %i-%i" % (first, first + block_size[2] - 1)) except: syncPrint(sys.exc_info()) finally: exe.shutdown() preloader = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor() preloader.scheduleWithFixedDelay( RunTask(preload, cachedCellImg, loader, block_size), 10, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) try: syncPrint("N5 directory: " + exportDir + "\nN5 dataset name: " + name + "\nN5 blockSize: " + str(block_size)) writeN5(cachedCellImg, exportDir, name, block_size, gzip_compression_level=gzip_compression, n_threads=n5_threads) finally: preloader.shutdown()
def __init__(self, keys): if type(keys).__name__ == 'str': key = str(keys).lower() elif type(keys).__name__ == 'list': key = '+'.join(str(keys).lower()) else: syncPrint(type(keys).__name__) self.key = key super(SearchResultCrawler, self).__init__()
def loadImp(filepath): # Images are TIFF with bit pack compression: can't byte-read array syncPrint("Loading image " + filepath) return IJ.openImage(filepath)
if len(sys.argv) == 3: username = sys.argv[2] ready = True crawler = UserCrawler(username) elif str(op).lower() == 'tag': # tag if len(sys.argv) == 3: tag = sys.argv[2] ready = True crawler = TagCrawler(tag) elif str(op).lower() == 'search': # search if len(sys.argv) >= 3: keywords = sys.argv[2:] ready = True crawler = SearchResultCrawler(keywords) if not ready: syncPrint('invalid usage, read README.') sys.exit(1) # Let the crawler finish after an input. # (TODO) need to find a better way to interact with user. # Currently the program expect an input to exit, even when crawling finish for all # photos(eg. user crawling). raw_input() syncPrint('Exiting...') crawler.finish()
def extractBlockMatches(filepath1, filepath2, params, csvDir, exeload, load): """ filepath1: the file path to an image of a section. filepath2: the file path to an image of another section. params: dictionary of parameters necessary for BlockMatching. exeload: an ExecutorService for parallel loading of image files. load: a function that knows how to load the image from the filepath. return False if the CSV file already exists, True if it has to be computed. """ # Skip if pointmatches CSV file exists already: csvpath = os.path.join( csvDir, basename(filepath1) + '.' + basename(filepath2) + ".pointmatches.csv") if os.path.exists(csvpath): return False try: # Load files in parallel futures = [ exeload.submit(Task(load, filepath1)), exeload.submit(Task(load, filepath2)) ] fp1 = futures[0].get( ) # FloatProcessor, already Gaussian-blurred, contrast-corrected and scaled! fp2 = futures[1].get() # FloatProcessor, idem # Define points from the mesh sourcePoints = ArrayList() # List to fill sourceMatches = ArrayList( ) # of PointMatch from filepath1 to filepath2 # Don't use blockmatching if the dimensions are different use_blockmatching = fp1.getWidth() == fp2.getWidth() and fp1.getHeight( ) == fp2.getHeight() if use_blockmatching: # Fill the sourcePoints mesh = TransformMesh(params["meshResolution"], fp1.width, fp1.height) PointMatch.sourcePoints(mesh.getVA().keySet(), sourcePoints) syncPrint("Extracting block matches for \n S: " + filepath1 + "\n T: " + filepath2 + "\n with " + str(sourcePoints.size()) + " mesh sourcePoints.") # Run BlockMatching.matchByMaximalPMCCFromPreScaledImages( fp1, fp2, params["scale"], # float params["blockRadius"], # X params["blockRadius"], # Y params["searchRadius"], # X params["searchRadius"], # Y params["minR"], # float params["rod"], # float params["maxCurvature"], # float sourcePoints, sourceMatches) # At least some should match to accept the translation if len(sourceMatches) < max(20, len(sourcePoints) / 5) / 2: syncPrint( "Found only %i blockmatching pointmatches (from %i source points)" % (len(sourceMatches), len(sourcePoints))) syncPrint("... therefore invoking SIFT pointmatching for:\n S: " + basename(filepath1) + "\n T: " + basename(filepath2)) # Can fail if there is a shift larger than the searchRadius # Try SIFT features, which are location independent # # Images are now scaled: load originals futures = [ exeload.submit( Task(loadFloatProcessor, filepath1, params, scale=False)), exeload.submit( Task(loadFloatProcessor, filepath2, params, scale=False)) ] fp1 = futures[0].get() # FloatProcessor, original fp2 = futures[1].get() # FloatProcessor, original # Images can be of different size: scale them the same way area1 = fp1.width * fp1.height area2 = fp2.width * fp2.height if area1 == area2: paramsSIFT1 = params["paramsSIFT"].clone() paramsSIFT1.maxOctaveSize = int( max(1024, fp1.width * params["scale"])) paramsSIFT1.minOctaveSize = int(paramsSIFT1.maxOctaveSize / pow(2, paramsSIFT1.steps)) paramsSIFT2 = paramsSIFT1 else: bigger, smaller = (fp1, fp2) if area1 > area2 else (fp2, fp1) target_width_bigger = int( max(1024, bigger.width * params["scale"])) if 1024 == target_width_bigger: target_width_smaller = int(1024 * float(smaller.width) / bigger.width) else: target_width_smaller = smaller.width * params["scale"] # paramsSIFT1 = params["paramsSIFT"].clone() paramsSIFT1.maxOctaveSize = target_width_bigger paramsSIFT1.minOctaveSize = int(paramsSIFT1.maxOctaveSize / pow(2, paramsSIFT1.steps)) paramsSIFT2 = params["paramsSIFT"].clone() paramsSIFT2.maxOctaveSize = target_width_smaller paramsSIFT2.minOctaveSize = int(paramsSIFT2.maxOctaveSize / pow(2, paramsSIFT2.steps)) ijSIFT1 = SIFT(FloatArray2DSIFT(paramsSIFT1)) features1 = ArrayList() # of Point instances ijSIFT1.extractFeatures(fp1, features1) ijSIFT2 = SIFT(FloatArray2DSIFT(paramsSIFT2)) features2 = ArrayList() # of Point instances ijSIFT2.extractFeatures(fp2, features2) # Vector of PointMatch instances sourceMatches = FloatArray2DSIFT.createMatches( features1, features2, 1.5, # max_sd TranslationModel2D(), Double.MAX_VALUE, params["rod"]) # rod: ratio of best vs second best # Store pointmatches savePointMatches(os.path.basename(filepath1), os.path.basename(filepath2), sourceMatches, csvDir, params) return True except: syncPrint(sys.exc_info()) syncPrint("".join(traceback.format_exception()), out="stderr")
def findPointMatches(img1_filename, img2_filename, img_loader, getCalibration, csv_dir, exe, params, verbose=True): """ Attempt to load them from a CSV file, otherwise compute them and save them. """ names = set([ "minPeakValue", "sigmaSmaller", "sigmaLarger", # DoG peak params "radius", "min_angle", "max_per_peak", # Constellation params "angle_epsilon", "len_epsilon_sq" ]) # pointmatches params pm_params = {k: params[k] for k in names} # Attempt to load pointmatches from CSV file pointmatches = loadPointMatches(img1_filename, img2_filename, csv_dir, pm_params, verbose=verbose) if pointmatches is not None: return pointmatches # Load features from CSV files # otherwise compute them and save them. img_filenames = [img1_filename, img2_filename] names = set([ "minPeakValue", "sigmaSmaller", "sigmaLarger", "radius", "min_angle", "max_per_peak" ]) feature_params = {k: params[k] for k in names} csv_features = [ loadFeatures(img_filename, csv_dir, feature_params, verbose=verbose) for img_filename in img_filenames ] # If features were loaded, just return them, otherwise compute them (and save them to CSV files) futures = [ Getter(fs) if fs else exe.submit( Task(makeFeatures, img_filename, img_loader, getCalibration, csv_dir, feature_params)) for fs, img_filename in izip(csv_features, img_filenames) ] features = [f.get() for f in futures] if verbose: for img_filename, fs in izip(img_filenames, features): syncPrint("Found %i constellation features in image %s" % (len(fs), basename(img_filename))) # Compare all possible pairs of constellation features: the PointMatches pointmatches_nearby = params.get('pointmatches_nearby', 0) if 1 == pointmatches_nearby: # Use a RadiusNeighborSearchOnKDTree pm = PointMatches.fromNearbyFeatures( params['pointmatches_search_radius'], features[0], features[1], params["angle_epsilon"], params["len_epsilon_sq"]) else: if 2 == pointmatches_nearby: method = PointMatches.fromFeaturesScaleInvariant else: # 0 method = PointMatches.fromFeatures # All to all pm = method(features[0], features[1], params["angle_epsilon"], params["len_epsilon_sq"]) if verbose: syncPrint("Found %i point matches between:\n %s\n %s" % \ (len(pm.pointmatches), basename(img1_filename), basename(img2_filename))) # Store as CSV file savePointMatches(img1_filename, img2_filename, pm.pointmatches, csv_dir, pm_params) # return pm.pointmatches
def report(name, value): syncPrint("Mismatching parameters: '%s' :: %s != %s" % (name, str(params[name]), str(value)))
def computeOptimizedTransforms(img_filenames, img_loader, getCalibration, csv_dir, exe, modelclass, params, verbose=True): """ Compute transforms for all images at once, simultaneously considering registrations between image i to image i+1, i+2 ... i+n, where n is params["n_adjacent"]. Alternatively, if the params["all_to_all"] exists and is truthy, all tiles will be connected to all tiles. Then all matches are optimized together using mpicbg.models.TileConfiguration. Fixed tiles are specified in a list of indices with params["fixed_tile_index"]. Expects, in total: * params["n_adjacent"] or params["all_to_all"] * params["fixed_tile_index"] (when absent, defaults to [0]: a list with the first tile index in it) * params["maxAllowedError"] * params["maxPlateauwidth"] * params["maxIterations"] * params["damp"] Returns a list of affine 3D matrices, each a double[] with 12 values, corresponding to the img_filenames. """ # Ensure features exist in CSV files, or create them ensureFeaturesForAll(img_filenames, img_loader, getCalibration, csv_dir, params, exe, verbose=verbose) # One Tile per time point tiles = [Tile(modelclass()) for _ in img_filenames] # Extract pointmatches from img_filename i to all in range(i+1, i+n) def findPointMatchesProxy(i, j): pointmatches = findPointMatches(img_filenames[i], img_filenames[j], img_loader, getCalibration, csv_dir, exe, params, verbose=verbose) return i, j, pointmatches # futures = [] if params.get("all_to_all", False): for i, j in combinations(xrange(len(img_filenames)), 2): futures.append(exe.submit(Task(findPointMatchesProxy, i, j))) else: n = params["n_adjacent"] for i in xrange(len(img_filenames) - n + 1): for inc in xrange(1, n): # All features were extracted already, so the 'exe' won't be used in findPointMatches futures.append( exe.submit(Task(findPointMatchesProxy, i, i + inc))) # Join tiles with tiles for which pointmatches were computed for f in futures: i, j, pointmatches = f.get() if 0 == len(pointmatches): syncPrint("Zero pointmatches for %i vs %i" % (i, j)) continue syncPrint("connecting tile %i with %i" % (i, j)) tiles[i].connect(tiles[j], pointmatches) # reciprocal connection # Optimize tile pose tc = TileConfiguration() tc.addTiles(tiles) fixed_tile_indices = params.get("fixed_tile_indices", [0]) # default: fix first tile syncPrint("Fixed tile indices: %s" % str(fixed_tile_indices)) for index in fixed_tile_indices: tc.fixTile(tiles[index]) # if TranslationModel3D != modelclass: syncPrint("Running TileConfiguration.preAlign, given %s" % modelclass.getSimpleName()) tc.preAlign() else: syncPrint("No prealign, model is %s" % modelclass.getSimpleName()) # maxAllowedError = params["maxAllowedError"] maxPlateauwidth = params["maxPlateauwidth"] maxIterations = params["maxIterations"] damp = params["damp"] tc.optimizeSilentlyConcurrent(ErrorStatistic(maxPlateauwidth + 1), maxAllowedError, maxIterations, maxPlateauwidth, damp) # TODO problem: can fail when there are 0 inliers # Return model matrices as double[] arrays with 12 values matrices = [] for tile in tiles: a = nativeArray('d', [3, 4]) tile.getModel().toMatrix( a) # Can't use model.toArray: different order of elements matrices.append(a[0] + a[1] + a[2]) # Concat: flatten to 1-dimensional array return matrices
def multiviewDeconvolution(images, blockSizes, PSF_kernels, n_iterations, lambda_val=0.0006, weights=None, filterBlocksForContent=False, PSF_type=PSFTYPE.INDEPENDENT, exe=None, printFn=syncPrint): """ Apply Bayesian-based multi-view deconvolution to the list of images, returning the deconvolved image. Uses Stephan Preibisch's library, currently available with the BigStitcher Fiji update site. images: a list of images, registered and all with the same dimensions. blockSizes: how to chop up the volume of each image for parallel processing. When None, a single block with the image dimensions is used, plus half of the transformed kernel dimensions for that view. PSF_kernels: the images containing the point spread function for each input image. Requirement: the dimensions must be an odd number. n_iterations: the number of iterations for the deconvolution. A number between 10 and 50 is desirable. The more iterations, the higher the computational cost. lambda_val: default is 0.0006 as recommended by Preibisch. weights: a list of FloatType images with the weight for every pixel. If None, then all pixels get a value of 1. filterBlocksForContent: whether to check before processing a block if the block has any data in it. Default is False. PSF_type: defaults to PSFTYPE.INDEPENDENT. exe: a thread pool for concurrent execution. If None, a new one is created, using as many threads as CPUs are available. printFn: the function to use for printing error messages. Defaults to syncPrint (thread-safe access to the built-in `print` function). Returns an imglib2 ArrayImg, or None if something went wrong. """ mvd_exe = exe if not exe: mvd_exe = newFixedThreadPool() # as many threads as CPUs try: mvd_weights = weights if not weights: mvd_weights = repeat(Views.interval(ConstantRandomAccessible(FloatType(1), images[0].numDimensions()), FinalInterval(images[0]))) for i, PSF_kernel in enumerate(PSF_kernels): for d in xrange(PSF_kernel.numDimensions()): if 0 == PSF_kernel.dimension(d) % 2: printFn("for image at index %i, PSF kernel dimension %i is not odd." % (i, d)) return None if not blockSizes: # Whole image dimensions + half of the transformed PSF kernel dimensions kernel_max = int(max(PSF_kernel.dimension(d) for d in xrange(PSF_kernel.numDimensions()) for PSF_kernel in PSF_kernels) * 2) syncPrint("kernel max dimension *2: %i" % kernel_max) blockSizes = [] for image in images: blockSizes.append([image.dimension(d) + kernel_max for d in xrange(image.numDimensions())]) syncPrint("blockSize:" + str(blockSizes[-1])) cptf = createFactory(mvd_exe, lambda_val, blockSizes[0]) # TODO which blockSize to give here? filterBlocksForContent = False # Run once with True, none were removed dviews = [DeconView(mvd_exe, img, weight, PSF_kernel, PSF_type, blockSize, 1, filterBlocksForContent) for img, blockSize, weight, PSF_kernel in izip(images, blockSizes, mvd_weights, PSF_kernels)] decon = MultiViewDeconvolutionSeq(DeconViews(dviews, mvd_exe), n_iterations, PsiInitBlurredFusedFactory(), cptf, ArrayImgFactory(FloatType())) if not decon.initWasSuccessful(): printFn("Something went wrong initializing MultiViewDeconvolution") return None else: decon.runIterations() return decon.getPSI() finally: # Only shut down the thread pool if it was created here if not exe: mvd_exe.shutdownNow()
def prepare(index): # Prepare the img for deconvolution: # 0. Transform in one step. # 1. Ensure its pixel values conform to expectations (no zeros inside) # 2. Copy it into an ArrayImg for faster recurrent retrieval of same pixels syncPrint("Preparing %s CM0%i for deconvolution" % (tm_dirname, index))
def export8bitN5( filepaths, loadFn, img_dimensions, matrices, name, exportDir, interval, gzip_compression=6, invert=True, CLAHE_params=[400, 256, 3.0], n5_threads=0, # 0 means as many as CPU cores block_size=[128, 128, 128]): """ Export into an N5 volume, in parallel, in 8-bit. filepaths: the ordered list of filepaths, one per serial section. loadFn: a function to load a filepath into an ImagePlus. name: name to assign to the N5 volume. matrices: the list of transformation matrices (each one is an array), one per section exportDir: the directory into which to save the N5 volume. interval: for cropping. gzip_compression: defaults to 6 as suggested by Saalfeld. 0 means no compression. invert: Defaults to True (necessary for FIBSEM). Whether to invert the images upon loading. CLAHE_params: defaults to [400, 256, 3.0]. If not None, the a list of the 3 parameters needed for a CLAHE filter to apply to each image. n5_threads: defaults to 0, meaning as many as CPU cores. block_size: defaults to 128x128x128 px. A list of 3 integer numbers, the dimensions of each individual block. """ dims = Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(interval) voldims = [dims[0], dims[1], len(filepaths)] cell_dimensions = [dims[0], dims[1], 1] def asNormalizedUnsignedByteArrayImg(interval, invert, blockRadius, n_bins, slope, matrices, index, imp): sp = imp.getProcessor() # ShortProcessor # Crop to interval if needed x = interval.min(0) y = interval.min(1) width = interval.max(0) - interval.min(0) + 1 height = interval.max(1) - interval.min(1) + 1 if 0 != x or 0 != y or sp.getWidth() != width or sp.getHeight( ) != height: sp.setRoi(x, y, width, height) sp = sp.crop() if invert: sp.invert() ImagePlus("", sp), blockRadius, n_bins, slope, None ) # far less memory requirements than NormalizeLocalContrast, and faster. minimum, maximum = autoAdjust(sp) # Transform and convert image to 8-bit, mapping to display range img = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts( sp.getPixels(), [sp.getWidth(), sp.getHeight()]) sp = None imp = None # Must use linear interpolation for subpixel precision affine = AffineTransform2D() affine.set(matrices[index]) imgI = Views.interpolate(Views.extendZero(img), NLinearInterpolatorFactory()) imgA = RealViews.transform(imgI, affine) imgT = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(imgA, img)) # Convert to 8-bit imgMinMax = convert2(imgT, RealUnsignedByteConverter(minimum, maximum), UnsignedByteType, randomAccessible=False) # use IterableInterval aimg = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img)) # ImgUtil copies multi-threaded, which is not appropriate here as there are many other images being copied too #ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgMinMax, aimg.factory()), aimg) # Single-threaded copy copier = createBiConsumerTypeSet(UnsignedByteType) LoopBuilder.setImages(imgMinMax, aimg).forEachPixel(copier) img = imgI = imgA = imgMinMax = imgT = None return aimg blockRadius, n_bins, slope = CLAHE_params # A CacheLoader that interprets the list of filepaths as a 3D volume: a stack of 2D slices loader = SectionCellLoader( filepaths, asArrayImg=partial(asNormalizedUnsignedByteArrayImg, interval, invert, blockRadius, n_bins, slope, matrices), loadFn=loadFn) # How to preload block_size[2] files at a time? Or at least as many as numCPUs()? # One possibility is to query the for its entries, using a ScheduledExecutorService, # and preload sections ahead for the whole blockSize[2] dimension. cachedCellImg = lazyCachedCellImg(loader, voldims, cell_dimensions, UnsignedByteType, BYTE) exe_preloader = newFixedThreadPool(n_threads=min( block_size[2], n5_threads if n5_threads > 0 else numCPUs()), name="preloader") def preload(cachedCellImg, loader, block_size, filepaths, exe): """ Find which is the last cell index in the cache, identify to which block (given the blockSize[2] AKA Z dimension) that index belongs to, and concurrently load all cells (sections) that the Z dimension of the blockSize will need. If they are already loaded, these operations are insignificant. """ try: # The is a ConcurrentHashMap with Long keys, aka numbers cache = cachedCellImg.getCache() f1 = cache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "cache") # LoaderCacheAsCacheAdapter.cache f1.setAccessible(True) softCache = f1.get(cache) cache = None f2 = softCache.getClass().getDeclaredField( "map") # f2.setAccessible(True) keys = sorted(f2.get(softCache).keySet()) if 0 == len(keys): return first = max(0, keys[-1] - (keys[-1] % block_size[2])) last = min(len(filepaths), first + block_size[2]) - 1 keys = None syncPrintQ("### Preloading %i-%i ###" % (first, last)) futures = [] for index in xrange(first, last + 1): futures.append( exe.submit(TimeItTask(softCache.get, index, loader))) softCache = None # Wait for all loaded_any = False count = 0 while len(futures) > 0: r, t = futures.pop(0).get() # waits for the image to load if t > 1000: # in miliseconds. Less than this is for sure a cache hit, more a cache miss and reload loaded_any = True r = None # t in miliseconds syncPrintQ("preloaded index %i in %f ms" % (first + count, t)) count += 1 if not loaded_any: syncPrintQ("Completed preloading %i-%i" % (first, first + block_size[2] - 1)) except: syncPrintQ(sys.exc_info()) preloader = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor() preloader.scheduleWithFixedDelay( RunTask(preload, cachedCellImg, loader, block_size, filepaths, exe_preloader), 10, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS) try: syncPrint("N5 directory: " + exportDir + "\nN5 dataset name: " + name + "\nN5 blockSize: " + str(block_size)) writeN5(cachedCellImg, exportDir, name, block_size, gzip_compression_level=gzip_compression, n_threads=n5_threads) finally: preloader.shutdown() exe_preloader.shutdown()
def registerDeconvolvedTimePoints(targetDir, params, modelclass, exe=None, verbose=True, subrange=None): """ Can only be run after running deconvolveTimePoints, because it expects deconvolved images to exist under <targetDir>/deconvolved/, with a name pattern like: TM_\d+_CM0\d_CM0\ Tests if files exist first, if not, will stop execution. Will write the features, pointmatches and registration affine matrices into a csv folder under targetDir. If a CSV file with the affine transform matrices exist, it will read them out and provide the 4D img right away. Else, it will check which files are missing their features and pointmatches as CSV files, create them, and ultimately create the CSV filew ith the affine transform matrices, and then provide the 4D img. targetDir: the directory containing the deconvolved images. params: for feature extraction and registration. modelclass: the model to use, e.g. Translation3D, AffineTransform3D. exe: the ExecutorService to use (optional). subrange: the range of time point indices to process, as enumerated by the folder name, i.e. the number captured by /TM(\d+)/ Returns an imglib2 4D img with the registered deconvolved 3D stacks.""" deconvolvedDir = os.path.join(targetDir, "deconvolved") # A folder for features, pointmatches and matrices in CSV format csv_dir = os.path.join(deconvolvedDir, "csvs") if not os.path.exists(csv_dir): os.mkdir(csv_dir) # A datastructure to represent the timepoints, each with two filenames timepoint_views = defaultdict(defaultdict) pattern = re.compile("^TM(\d+)_(CM0\d-CM0\d)$") for filename in sorted(os.listdir(deconvolvedDir)): m = re.match(pattern, filename) if m: stime, view = m.groups() timepoint_views[int(stime)][view] = filename # Filter by specified subrange, if any if subrange: subrange = set(subrange) for time in timepoint_views.keys( ): # a list copy of the keys, so timepoints can be modified if time not in subrange: del timepoint_views[time] # Register only the view CM00-CM01, given that CM02-CM03 has the same transform matrices_name = "matrices-%s" % modelclass.getSimpleName() matrices = None if os.path.exists(os.path.join(csv_dir, matrices_name + ".csv")): matrices = loadMatrices(matrices_name, csv_dir) if len(matrices) != len(timepoint_views): syncPrint( "Ignoring existing matrices CSV file: length (%i) doesn't match with expected number of timepoints (%i)" % (len(matrices), len(timepoint_views))) matrices = None if not matrices: original_exe = exe if not exe: exe = newFixedThreadPool() try: # Deconvolved images are isotropic def getCalibration(img_filepath): return [1, 1, 1] timepoints = [] # sorted filepaths = [] # sorted for timepoint, views in sorted(timepoint_views.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(0)): timepoints.append(timepoint) filepaths.append( os.path.join(deconvolvedDir, views["CM00-CM01"])) # #matrices_fwd = computeForwardTransforms(filepaths, ImageJLoader(), getCalibration, # csv_dir, exe, modelclass, params, exe_shutdown=False) #matrices = [affine.getRowPackedCopy() for affine in asBackwardConcatTransforms(matrices_fwd)] matrices = computeOptimizedTransforms(filepaths, ImageJLoader(), getCalibration, csv_dir, exe, modelclass, params, verbose=verbose) saveMatrices(matrices_name, matrices, csv_dir) finally: if not original_exe: exe.shutdownNow() # Was created new # Convert matrices into twice as many affine transforms affines = [] for matrix in matrices: aff = AffineTransform3D() aff.set(*matrix) affines.append(aff) affines.append(aff) # twice: also for the CM02-CM03 # Show the registered deconvolved series as a 4D volume. filepaths = [] for timepoint in sorted(timepoint_views.iterkeys()): views = timepoint_views.get(timepoint) for view_name in sorted(views.keys()): # ["CM00-CM01", "CM02-CM03"] filepaths.append(os.path.join(deconvolvedDir, views[view_name])) img = Load.lazyStack( filepaths, TransformedLoader(ImageJLoader(), dict(izip(filepaths, affines)), asImg=True)) return img