def test(self, phase): test = {} print '==========================================================' print ' ==== Test map in all ====' print '==========================================================' if phase == 'test' and self.load(self.checkpoint_dir): print(" [*] Load SUCCESS") else: print(" [!] Load failed...") test['qBX'] = self.generate_code(self.query_X, self.bit, "image") test['qBY'] = self.generate_code(self.query_Y, self.bit, "text") test['rBX'] = self.generate_code(self.retrieval_X, self.bit, "image") test['rBY'] = self.generate_code(self.retrieval_Y, self.bit, "text") test['mapi2t'] = calc_map(test['qBX'], test['rBY'], self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) test['mapt2i'] = calc_map(test['qBY'], test['rBX'], self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) test['mapi2i'] = calc_map(test['qBX'], test['rBX'], self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) test['mapt2t'] = calc_map(test['qBY'], test['rBY'], self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) print '==================================================' print '...test map: map(i->t): %3.3f, map(t->i): %3.3f' % (test['mapi2t'], test['mapt2i']) print '...test map: map(t->t): %3.3f, map(i->i): %3.3f' % (test['mapt2t'], test['mapi2i']) print '==================================================' # Save hash code datasetStr = DATA_DIR.split('/')[-1] dataset_bit_net = datasetStr + str(bit) + netStr savePath = '/'.join([os.getcwd(), 'Savecode', dataset_bit_net + '.mat']) if os.path.exists(savePath): os.remove(savePath) sio.savemat(dataset_bit_net, {'Qi': test['qBX'], 'Qt': test['qBY'], 'Di': test['rBX'], 'Dt': test['rBY'], 'retrieval_L': L['retrieval'], 'query_L': L['query']})
def test(self, phase): test = {} print '==========================================================' print ' ==== Test map in all ====' print '==========================================================' if phase == 'test' and self.load(self.checkpoint_dir): print(" [*] Load SUCCESS") else: print(" [!] Load failed...") test['qBX'] = self.generate_code(self.query_X, self.bit, "image") test['qBY'] = self.generate_code(self.query_Y, self.bit, "text") test['rBX'] = self.generate_code(self.retrieval_X, self.bit, "image") test['rBY'] = self.generate_code(self.retrieval_Y, self.bit, "text") test['mapi2t'] = calc_map(test['qBX'], test['rBY'], self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) test['mapt2i'] = calc_map(test['qBY'], test['rBX'], self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) test['mapi2i'] = calc_map(test['qBX'], test['rBX'], self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) test['mapt2t'] = calc_map(test['qBY'], test['rBY'], self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) print '==================================================' print '...test map: map(i->t): %3.3f, map(t->i): %3.3f' % ( test['mapi2t'], test['mapt2i']) print '...test map: map(t->t): %3.3f, map(i->i): %3.3f' % ( test['mapt2t'], test['mapi2i']) print '==================================================' # Save hash code datasetStr = DATA_DIR.split('/')[-1] dataset_bit_net = datasetStr + str(bit) mat_name = dataset_dir + '_' + str(bit) + '.mat' savePath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), mat_name) if os.path.exists(savePath): os.remove(savePath) sio.savemat( dataset_bit_net, { 'Qi': test['qBX'], 'Qt': test['qBY'], 'Di': test['rBX'], 'Dt': test['rBY'], 'retrieval_L': retrieval_L, 'query_L': query_L })
def _Evaluate(self, Modal_X, X_name, Modal_Y, Y_name, query_L, retrieval_L): Hashcodes_QX = self._generate_code(Modal_X, X_name) Hashcodes_QY = self._generate_code(Modal_Y, Y_name) Hashcodes_RX = self._generate_code( Param['Img_retrieval'], "image", ) Hashcodes_RY = self._generate_code( Param['Txt_retrieval'], "text", ) mapx2y = calc_map(Hashcodes_QX, Hashcodes_RY, query_L, retrieval_L) mapx2x = calc_map(Hashcodes_QX, Hashcodes_RX, query_L, retrieval_L) mapy2x = calc_map(Hashcodes_QY, Hashcodes_RX, query_L, retrieval_L) mapy2y = calc_map(Hashcodes_QY, Hashcodes_RY, query_L, retrieval_L) return mapx2y, mapy2x, mapx2x, mapy2y, Hashcodes_QX, Hashcodes_QY, Hashcodes_RX, Hashcodes_RY
def Train(self): init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer() self.var['F'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.bit) #Img self.var['B_F'] = np.sign(self.var['F']) # Img self.var['Fea_F'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, SEMANTIC_EMBED) #Img self.var['G'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.bit) #Txt self.var['B_G'] = np.sign(self.var['G']) #Txt self.var['Fea_G'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, SEMANTIC_EMBED) #Txt self.var['H'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.bit) #Label self.var['B_H'] = np.sign(self.var['H']) #Label self.var['M'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.bit) #Graph self.var['B_M'] = np.sign(self.var['M']) #Graph self.var['Fea_M'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, SEMANTIC_EMBED) #Graph self.var['L_H'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.numClass) self.var['L_M'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.numClass) # var['LABEL_L'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.numClass) # var['LABEL_I'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.numClass) # var['LABEL_T'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.numClass) # var['feat_I'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.SEMANTIC_EMBED) # var['feat_T'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.SEMANTIC_EMBED) # var['feat_L'] = np.random.randn(self.num_train, self.SEMANTIC_EMBED) # Iterations for epoch in range(Epoch): results = {} results['loss_labNet'] = [] results['loss_imgNet'] = [] results['loss_txtNet'] = [] results['Loss_D'] = [] results['mapl2l'] = [] results['mapi2i'] = [] results['mapt2t'] = [] if epoch % 1 == 0: print '++++++++Start train++++++++' if epoch <= MAX_ITER: for idx in range(10): # Train learn_rate = self.lr_lab, feed_dict={['epoch']: epoch}) self.train_lab(learn_rate) qBL = self.generate_code(self.query_L, self.bit, "label") rBL = self.generate_code(self.retrieval_L, self.bit, "label") mapl2l = calc_map(qBL, rBL, self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) print '==================================================' print '...test map: map(l->l): {0}'.format(mapl2l) print '==================================================' for idx in range(5): # Train learn_rate = self.lr_txt, feed_dict={['epoch']: epoch}) self.train_txt( learn_rate, update='label') # original effective loss # self.train_txt(learn_rate, update='self') # self.train_txt(learn_rate, update='g') qBY = self.generate_code(self.query_Y, self.bit, "text") rBL = self.generate_code(self.retrieval_L, self.bit, "label") qBL = self.generate_code(self.query_L, self.bit, "label") rBY = self.generate_code(self.retrieval_Y, self.bit, "text") mapy2l = calc_map(qBY, rBL, self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) mapl2y = calc_map(qBL, rBY, self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) print '==================================================' print '...test map: map(y->l): {0}'.format(mapy2l) print '...test map: map(l->y): {0}'.format(mapl2y) print '==================================================' for idx in range(5): # Train learn_rate = self.lr_img, feed_dict={['epoch']: epoch}) self.train_img( learn_rate, update='label') # original effective loss # self.train_img(learn_rate, update='self') # self.train_img(learn_rate, update='g') qBX = self.generate_code(self.query_X, self.bit, "image") rBL = self.generate_code(self.retrieval_L, self.bit, "label") qBL = self.generate_code(self.query_L, self.bit, "label") rBX = self.generate_code(self.retrieval_X, self.bit, "image") mapx2l = calc_map(qBX, rBL, self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) mapl2x = calc_map(qBL, rBX, self.query_L, self.retrieval_L) print '==================================================' print '...test map: map(x->l): {0}'.format(mapx2l) print '...test map: map(l->x): {0}'.format(mapl2x) print '==================================================' for idx in range(5): # Train learn_rate = self.lr_gph, feed_dict={['epoch']: epoch}) self.train_whole(learn_rate) for idx in range(5): # Train learn_rate = self.lr_txt, feed_dict={['epoch']: epoch}) self.train_txt(learn_rate, update='g') for idx in range(5): # Train learn_rate = self.lr_img, feed_dict={['epoch']: epoch}) self.train_img(learn_rate, update='g') print "********test************" self.test(self.phase)
def test_validation(B, query_L, train_L, qBX, qBY): mapi2t = calc_map(qBX, B, query_L, train_L) mapt2i = calc_map(qBY, B, query_L, train_L) return mapi2t, mapt2i
# update B var['B'] = np.sign(gamma * (var['F'] + var['G'])) # calculate loss loss_ = calc_loss(var['B'], var['F'], var['G'], Sim, gamma, eta) print '...epoch: %3d, loss: %3.3f, comment: update B' % (epoch + 1, loss_) result['loss'].append(loss_) print ' procedure finish' qBX = generate_image_code(image_input, cur_f_batch, query_x, bit, _meanpix) qBY = generate_text_code(text_input, cur_g_batch, query_y, bit) rBX = generate_image_code(image_input, cur_f_batch, retrieval_x, bit, _meanpix) rBY = generate_text_code(text_input, cur_g_batch, retrieval_y, bit) mapi2t = calc_map(qBX, rBY, query_L, retrieval_L) mapt2i = calc_map(qBY, rBX, query_L, retrieval_L) print '...test map: map(i->t): %3.3f, map(t->i): %3.3f' % (mapi2t, mapt2i) result['mapi2t'] = mapi2t result['mapt2i'] = mapt2i result['lr'] = lr fp = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(result, fp) fp.close()
def main(): gpuconfig = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=per_process_gpu_memory_fraction)) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = GPU_ID with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session(config=gpuconfig) as sess: # config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) # config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True # sess = tf.Session(config=config) # construct image network image_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, IMAGE_DIM]) net = img_net_strucuture(image_input, IMAGE_DIM, HIDDEN_DIM, output_dim) cur_f_batch = tf.transpose(net['fc8']) # (output_dim,2000) # construct text network text_input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, ) + (1, TEXT_DIM, 1)) # [None,TEXT_DIM] cur_g_batch = txt_net_strucuture(text_input, TEXT_DIM, output_dim) cur_g_batch = tf.transpose(cur_g_batch) # (output_dim,2000) # training DCMH algorithm train_L = all_label[train_list] # label (1500,10) train_x = img_fea[all_train_list] # img (2000,4096) train_y = txt_fea[all_train_list] # txt (2000,100) query_L = all_label[test_list] query_x = img_fea[test_list] query_y = txt_fea[test_list] retrieval_L = all_label[all_train_list] # (2000,10) retrieval_x = img_fea[all_train_list] #(2000,4096) retrieval_y = txt_fea[all_train_list] #(2000,100) # train+semi 的标签信息 train_L (2000,10) train_L = np.concatenate((train_L, pred_label), axis=0) # 构建相似性矩阵 (2000,2000) 和总的训练样本数量一致 Sim = calc_neighbor(train_L, train_L) var = {} lr = np.linspace(np.power(10, -1.5), np.power(10, -6.), MAX_ITER) var['lr'] = lr var['batch_size'] = batch_size var['F'] = np.random.randn(output_dim, num_train + num_semi) var['G'] = np.random.randn(output_dim, num_train + num_semi) var['B'] = np.sign(var['F'] + var['G']) var['unupdated_size'] = unupdated_size ph = {} ph['lr'] = tf.placeholder('float32', (), name='lr') ph['S_x'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [batch_size * 2, num_train + num_semi], name='pS_x') ph['S_y'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [num_train + num_semi, batch_size * 2], name='pS_y') ph['F'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [output_dim, num_train + num_semi], name='pF') ph['G'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [output_dim, num_train + num_semi], name='pG') ph['F_'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [output_dim, unupdated_size], name='unupdated_F') ph['G_'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [output_dim, unupdated_size], name='unupdated_G') ph['b_batch'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [output_dim, batch_size * 2], name='b_batch') ph['ones_'] = tf.constant(np.ones([unupdated_size, 1], 'float32')) ph['ones_batch'] = tf.constant(np.ones([batch_size * 2, 1], 'float32')) # comprehensive distance-preserving ph['Im'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [batch_size, output_dim], name='Image') # batch_size的前一半,图像维度 ph['Im_n'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [batch_size, output_dim], name='Image_n') # batch_size的前一半,图像维度的一半 ph['Im1'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [batch_size, output_dim], name='Image1') # batch_size的后一半,图像维度 ph['Im1_n'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [batch_size, output_dim], name='Image1_n') # batch_size的后一半,图像维度的一半 ph['Tx'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [batch_size, output_dim], name='Text') ph['Tx_n'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [batch_size, output_dim], name='Text_n') # batch_size的前一半,文本维度的一半 ph['Tx1'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [batch_size, output_dim], name='Text1') ph['Tx1_n'] = tf.placeholder('float32', [batch_size, output_dim], name='Text1_n') # batch_size的后一半,文本维度的一半 theta_x = 1.0 / 2 * tf.matmul( tf.transpose(cur_f_batch), ph['G']) # (2000,64) (64,2000) => (2000,2000) theta_y = 1.0 / 2 * tf.matmul(tf.transpose(ph['F']), cur_g_batch) # DCMH image loss logloss_x = -tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(ph['S_x'], theta_x) - (tf.log(1.0 + tf.exp(-tf.abs(theta_x))) + tf.maximum(0.0, theta_x))) quantization_x = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow((ph['b_batch'] - cur_f_batch), 2)) balance_x = tf.reduce_sum( tf.pow( tf.matmul(cur_f_batch, ph['ones_batch']) + tf.matmul(ph['F_'], ph['ones_']), 2)) loss1_x = tf.div(logloss_x + gamma * quantization_x + eta * balance_x, float((num_train + num_semi) * batch_size)) # CDPAE image loss D_x = tf.reshape( tf.sqrt( tf.multiply(cos_dis(ph['Im'], ph['Im1']), cos_dis(ph['Tx'], ph['Tx1'])) + 0.00001), [batch_size, 1]) loss2_x = cos_loss(ph['Im_n'], ph['Tx_n']) + cos_loss( ph['Im1_n'], ph['Tx1_n']) # L_pair I1_x = tf.reshape(cos_dis(ph['Im_n'], ph['Im1_n']), [batch_size, 1]) T1_x = tf.reshape(cos_dis(ph['Tx_n'], ph['Tx1_n']), [batch_size, 1]) I2_x = tf.reshape(cos_dis(ph['Im_n'], ph['Tx1_n']), [batch_size, 1]) T2_x = tf.reshape(cos_dis(ph['Tx_n'], ph['Im1_n']), [batch_size, 1]) lo2 = tf.abs(I2_x - D_x) + tf.abs(T2_x - D_x) lo3 = tf.abs(I1_x - D_x) + tf.abs(T1_x - D_x) loss3_x = tf.reduce_mean(lo2) # L_heter loss4_x = tf.reduce_mean(lo3) # L_homo loss_x = loss1_x + loss2_x + (loss3_x + loss4_x) * 0.3 # DCMH text loss logloss_y = -tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(ph['S_y'], theta_y) - (tf.log(1.0 + tf.exp(-tf.abs(theta_y))) + tf.maximum(0.0, theta_y))) quantization_y = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow((ph['b_batch'] - cur_g_batch), 2)) balance_y = tf.reduce_sum( tf.pow( tf.matmul(cur_g_batch, ph['ones_batch']) + tf.matmul(ph['G_'], ph['ones_']), 2)) loss1_y = tf.div(logloss_y + gamma * quantization_y + eta * balance_y, float((num_train + num_semi) * batch_size)) # CDPAE text loss D_y = tf.reshape( tf.sqrt( tf.multiply(cos_dis(ph['Im'], ph['Im1']), cos_dis(ph['Tx'], ph['Tx1'])) + 0.00001), [batch_size, 1]) loss2_y = cos_loss(ph['Im_n'], ph['Tx_n']) + cos_loss( ph['Im1_n'], ph['Tx1_n']) # L_pair I1_y = tf.reshape(cos_dis(ph['Im_n'], ph['Im1_n']), [batch_size, 1]) T1_y = tf.reshape(cos_dis(ph['Tx_n'], ph['Tx1_n']), [batch_size, 1]) I2_y = tf.reshape(cos_dis(ph['Im_n'], ph['Tx1_n']), [batch_size, 1]) T2_y = tf.reshape(cos_dis(ph['Tx_n'], ph['Im1_n']), [batch_size, 1]) lo2 = tf.abs(I2_y - D_y) + tf.abs(T2_y - D_y) lo3 = tf.abs(I1_y - D_y) + tf.abs(T1_y - D_y) loss3_y = tf.reduce_mean(lo2) # L_heter loss4_y = tf.reduce_mean(lo3) # L_homo loss_y = loss1_y + loss2_y + (loss3_y + loss4_y) * 0.3 # 优化器 optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(ph['lr']) gradient_x = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss_x) gradient_y = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss_y) train_step_x = optimizer.apply_gradients(gradient_x) train_step_y = optimizer.apply_gradients(gradient_y) loss_ = calc_loss(var['B'], var['F'], var['G'], Sim, gamma, eta) print('epoch: %3d, loss: %3.3f' % (0, loss_)) result = {} result['loss'] = [] result['imapi2t'] = [] result['imapt2i'] = [] print(' procedure starts') for epoch in range(MAX_ITER): lr = var['lr'][epoch] # update F var['F'] = train_img_net(image_input, cur_f_batch, var, ph, train_x, train_L, lr, train_step_x, Sim) # update G var['G'] = train_txt_net(text_input, cur_g_batch, var, ph, train_y, train_L, lr, train_step_y, Sim) # update B var['B'] = np.sign(gamma * (var['F'] + var['G'])) # calculate loss loss_ = calc_loss(var['B'], var['F'], var['G'], Sim, gamma, eta) print('...epoch: %3d, loss: %3.3f, comment: update B' % (epoch + 1, loss_)) result['loss'].append(loss_) print(' procedure finish') # 测试集 qBX = generate_image_code(image_input, cur_f_batch, query_x, output_dim) qBY = generate_text_code(text_input, cur_g_batch, query_y, output_dim) # 检索数据库 rBX = generate_image_code(image_input, cur_f_batch, query_x, output_dim) rBY = generate_text_code(text_input, cur_g_batch, query_y, output_dim) # MAP PR mapi2t = calc_map(qBX, rBY, query_L, query_L, "i2t") mapt2i = calc_map(qBY, rBX, query_L, query_L, "t2i") print('test map: map(i->t): %3.3f, map(t->i): %3.3f' % (mapi2t, mapt2i))