def __on_receive_input(self, fd, cond): data = code = tuple([ord(c) for c in data if 0x0 < ord(c) < 0xff]) print code if (code == _KEY_REPEAT): if (self.__accept_repeat_time + 1.0 > time.time() > self.__accept_repeat_time): keycode = self.__last_keycode else: return True elif (code == _FLAT_BATTERY and not self.__warned_about_battery): self.call_service(msgs.NOTIFY_SVC_SHOW_MESSAGE, "AppleRemote has weak battery") logging.warning("AppleRemote has weak battery") self.__warned_about_battery = True return True else: keycode = _KEYCODES.get(code) self.__accept_repeat_time = time.time() + 0.5 if (keycode): self.emit_message(keycode) self.__last_keycode = keycode else: logging.warning("AppleRemote sent unknown code: %s", ` code `) return True
def process_IN_CREATE(self, event): print("Create event:", event.pathname)"Create event : " + event.pathname) if (os.path.isdir(event.pathname)): watch_manager.add_watch(event.pathname, config.MONTIOR_MASK, rec=True) else: if (os.path.splitext( event.pathname)[1] == config.IMAGE_FORMAT): #这里只用后缀来判断 不严谨 stream_id = get_path_dir(event.pathname, -1) label, percent = getLabel(stream_id, event.pathname) if (label != -1): #发送label"stream: " + str(stream_id) + " | label " + str(label) + " | percent" + str(percent)) http_notify(config.CLASSIFY_CALLBACK_ADDR, { 'stream_id': stream_id, 'label': label, 'percent': percent }) else: #发送流失败消息 logging.warning("stream " + stream_id + " get -1 from the getLabl") http_notify( config.STREAM_STATUS_CALLBACK_ADDR, { 'stream_id': stream_id, 'code': config.CALLBACK_CODE_ONLINE_ERROR_2 }) if (percent > config.DEFAULT_MIN_PERCENT): os.remove(event.pathname) else: logging.warning("There are error format into! : " + event.pathname)
def fetch_all_from_db(returns): return_raw = 'raw' in returns return_ids = 'ids' in returns return_dates = 'dates' in returns logging.warning(f"Fetching DB: all channels for their ids and dates") res_raw ="""MATCH (c:Channel) RETURN as id, c.updated_at as updated_at, c.added_to_at as added_to_at """).data() res_ids = [o['id'] for o in res_raw] if return_ids else None if return_dates: res_dates = { o['id']: { 'updated_at': datetime.strptime(o['updated_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'), 'added_to_at': datetime.strptime(o['added_to_at'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'), } for o in res_raw } else: res_dates = None if not return_raw: res_raw = None return res_raw, res_ids, res_dates
def blocks_from_api(self): res = [] per = 100 current_page = 0 total_pages = 1 while (current_page < total_pages): self.log( f"Fetching API: all blocks for this channel: page {str(current_page + 1)}/{str(total_pages)}" ) response = requests.request( "GET", "" + str(, timeout=60, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + ARENA_API_TOKEN}, params={ "per": per, "page": current_page + 1 }, ) r = response.json() res += r['contents'] current_page += 1 total_pages = math.ceil(r['length'] / per) self.log(f"Done fetching API: {str(len(res))} blocks") if len(res) != r['length']: logging.warning( f"Promised {str(r['length'])} blocks but gotten {str(len(res))}" ) return res
def parse_url(self, url, headers=''): ''' get soup from url ''' if headers == '': headers = {'User-Agent': self.rotate_UA()} content = None else: # coming from unit testing headers = headers try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) ct = response.headers['Content-Type'].lower().strip() if 'text/html' in ct: content = response.content soup = BeautifulSoup(content, "html.parser") else: content = response.content soup = None except Exception as e: log.warning('Parsing error: %s', e) return False return content, soup, ct
def fetch_all_from_api(user_id): res = [] per = 100 current_page = 0 total_pages = 1 while (current_page < total_pages): logging.warning( f"Fetching API: all channels for user {user_id}: page {str(current_page + 1)}/{str(total_pages)}" ) response = requests.request( "GET", "" + str(user_id) + "/channels", timeout=60, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + ARENA_API_TOKEN}, params={ "per": per, "page": current_page + 1 }, ) r = response.json() res += r['channels'] current_page = r['current_page'] total_pages = r['total_pages'] return res
def _get_position(self): if (self.__maybe_eof > 0): return (0, 0) if (self.__media_length == 0): self.__send_cmd("get_time_length") self.__media_length = -1 timeout = time.time() + 1.0 gobject.timeout_add(1000, lambda : False) while (self.__media_length == -1 and time.time() < timeout): gtk.main_iteration(True) if (time.time() >= timeout): logging.warning("timeout reached for mplayer.get_time_length") elif (self.__media_length == -1 and self.__id_length > 0): self.__media_length = self.__id_length #end if self.__media_position = -1 #if (self.__media_length > 0): # self.__send_cmd("get_percent_pos") #else: self.__send_cmd("get_time_pos") timeout = time.time() + 1.0 gobject.timeout_add(1000, lambda : False) while (self.__media_position == -1 and time.time() < timeout): gtk.main_iteration(True) if (time.time() >= timeout): logging.warning("timeout reached for mplayer.get_time_pos") return (self.__media_position, self.__media_length)
async def choose_tasks_action(query: types.CallbackQuery, state: FSMContext): #print("TEXT", try: id_ = int( Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() response = session.query(Task).filter(Task.id_ == id_).all() if len(response) > 0: keyboard = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(resize_keyboard=True) keyboard.row("Delete", "Update") keyboard.add("Cancel") await state.update_data(id_=id_) await bot.send_message( query["from"]["id"], f"Выбрана задача ({id_}). Выберите действие", reply_markup=keyboard) await ManageTasks.waiting_for_action_choice.set() else: await bot.send_message( query["from"]["id"], "Неправильно выбрано действие, выхожу из интерфейса", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) await state.finish() return except Exception as e: logging.warning("SNAFU") logging.warning(str(e)) return
async def send_pm(user: Player, p: bytes) -> None: d = reader.handle_packet(p, (("msg", osuTypes.message),)) msg = d["msg"].msg tarname = d["msg"].tarname if not (target := await glob.players.get(name=tarname)): warning(f"{} tried to send message to offline user {tarname}") return
def _preprocess(self): ''' Load model and set data loader, collect the variable names for sampling, and set activation variables to be persistable. ''' feed_vars = [fluid.framework._get_var(, self._program) \ for var in self._feed_list] self._data_loader = feed_list=feed_vars, capacity=3 * self._batch_size, iterable=True) self._data_loader.set_sample_list_generator(self._dataset.generator( self._batch_size, drop_last=True), places=self._place) # collect the variable names for sampling persistable_var_names = [] for var in self._program.list_vars(): if var.persistable: persistable_var_names.append( for op in self._program.global_block().ops: op_type = op.type if op_type in self._quantizable_op_type: if op_type in ("conv2d", "depthwise_conv2d"): self._quantized_act_var_name.add(op.input("Input")[0]) self._quantized_weight_var_name.add(op.input("Filter")[0]) self._quantized_act_var_name.add(op.output("Output")[0]) elif op_type == "mul": if self._is_input_all_not_persistable( op, persistable_var_names): op._set_attr("skip_quant", True) logging.warning( "Skip quant a mul op for two input variables are not persistable" ) else: self._quantized_act_var_name.add(op.input("X")[0]) self._quantized_weight_var_name.add(op.input("Y")[0]) self._quantized_act_var_name.add(op.output("Out")[0]) else: # process other quantizable op type, the input must all not persistable if self._is_input_all_not_persistable( op, persistable_var_names): input_output_name_list = self._op_real_in_out_name[ op_type] for input_name in input_output_name_list[0]: for var_name in op.input(input_name): self._quantized_act_var_name.add(var_name) for output_name in input_output_name_list[1]: for var_name in op.output(output_name): self._quantized_act_var_name.add(var_name) # set activation variables to be persistable, so can obtain # the tensor data in sample_data for var in self._program.list_vars(): if in self._quantized_act_var_name: var.persistable = True
def fetch_one_from_api(user_id): logging.warning(f"Fetching API: user id {str(user_id)}") response = requests.request( "GET", "" + str(user_id), timeout=60, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + ARENA_API_TOKEN}, ) r = response.json() return r
def go_for_it(test_mode=True): logging.warning("starting backup, starting at user node, user_id " + str(ARENA_USER_ID)) u = User.from_api(user_id=ARENA_USER_ID) u.merge_in_db() u.backup_channels(test_mode=test_mode) logging.warning("backup finished all ok") return "ok"
def get_data(self, url): content, soup, ct = self.parse_url(url) product_list, prod_name_l, prod_price_l, prod_minorder_l, prod_suppliers_l, prod_asin_l = [], [], [], [], [], [] try: # dissect soup for soup_src in soup.find_all( "div", { "class": "organic-offer-wrapper organic-gallery-offer-inner m-gallery-product-item-v2 img-switcher-parent" }): product_names = self.extract_text_vtags( soup_src, 'h4', prod_name_l) product_prices = self.extract_text_vattributes( soup_src, {"data-e2e-name": "price@@normal"}, prod_price_l) product_min_orders = self.extract_text_vattributes( soup_src, {"data-e2e-name": "minOrder"}, prod_minorder_l) product_suppliers = self.extract_text_vattributes( soup_src, {"flasher-type": "supplierName"}, prod_suppliers_l) #generating dict to csv output product_dict = { 'Item Name': product_names, 'Price Range': product_prices, 'Minimum Order': product_min_orders, 'Supplier': product_suppliers }'Product List: %s', product_dict) try: df = pd.DataFrame(product_dict) # saving the dataframe to csv file_name = 'outputs/extract_file_{}-{}.csv'.format( str(, str(random.randrange(0, 999999))) df.to_csv(file_name) except Exception as e: log.warning('Generating csv report error: %s', e) # save to db return False except Exception as e: log.warning('Generating data error: %s', e) return False
def join_match(self, match: Match, pw: str) -> None: if self.match: self.enqueue(writer.matchJoinFail()) return if self is not if pw != warning( f"{} tried to join multiplayer {} with incorrect password", ) self.enqueue(writer.matchJoinFail()) return if not (id := match.next_free()): self.enqueue(writer.matchJoinFail()) return
def fetch_all_from_db(returns): return_raw = 'raw' in returns return_ids = 'ids' in returns return_dates = 'dates' in returns logging.warning(f"Fetching DB: all blocks for their ids") res_raw ="""MATCH (c:Block) RETURN as id """).data() res_ids = [o['id'] for o in res_raw] if return_ids else None res_dates = None if not return_raw: res_raw = None return res_raw, res_ids, res_dates
def handle_COM_EV_APP_STARTED(self): logging.profile(values.START_TIME, "[app] startup complete") # load state try: path, play_files, play_folder, current_file = state.load( _STATEFILE) path_stack = [] for p in path: f = self.call_service(msgs.CORE_SVC_GET_FILE, p) if (f): path_stack.append(f) self.emit_message(msgs.CORE_EV_FOLDER_VISITED, f) #end if #end for self.__browser.set_path_stack(path_stack) #self.__play_files = [ self.call_service(msgs.CORE_SVC_GET_FILE, p) # for p in play_files # if self.call_service(msgs.CORE_SVC_GET_FILE, p) ] self.__play_folder = self.call_service(msgs.CORE_SVC_GET_FILE, play_folder) self.__current_file = self.call_service(msgs.CORE_SVC_GET_FILE, current_file) except: logging.warning("could not restore navigator state:\n%s", logging.stacktrace()) self.__arr.set_visible(True) self.render() if (values.uri and (values.uri.startswith("http://") or os.path.exists(values.uri))): ext = os.path.splitext(values.uri)[1] mimetype = mimetypes.ext_to_mimetype(ext) f = self.call_service( msgs.CORE_SVC_GET_FILE, "adhoc://" + File.pack_path("/", values.uri, mimetype)) self.__load_file(f, True)
def typecheck_field_access(node, c, method, t_i, c_i): if != 'FieldAccess': logging.error('FATAL ERROR: invalid node %s for field access' % sys.exit(1) receiver_type = typecheck_expr(node[1][0], c, method, t_i, c_i) field_name = node[0][0].value.value if receiver_type == None: logging.warning("FATAL: FieldAccess") return if is_array_type(receiver_type): if field_name == 'length': node.typ = 'Int' return 'Int' else: logging.error('Invalid field access on array type %s' % receiver_type) sys.exit(42) elif primitives.is_primitive(receiver_type) == True: logging.error('Invalid field access on primitive type %s' % receiver_type) else: field_decl = name_resolve.field_accessable(c_i, t_i, receiver_type, field_name,, False) if field_decl is None: logging.error('Cannot access field %s of type %s from class %s' % (field_name, receiver_type, sys.exit(42) elif 'Static' in field_decl.obj.mods: logging.error('Instance field method on non-static field') sys.exit(42) else: node.typ = field_decl[1].canon return node.typ
def __init__(self): self.__is_connected = True self.__click_count = 0 self.__click_handler = None Component.__init__(self) # monitor headset button try: bus = maemo.get_system_bus() obj = bus.get_object(_HAL_SERVICE, _HEADSET_PATH) device = dbus.Interface(obj, _HAL_DEVICE_IFACE) device.connect_to_signal("Condition", self.__on_hal_condition) except: logging.warning("unable to monitor headset button") # monitor AVRCP try: bus = maemo.get_system_bus() obj = bus.get_object(_HAL_SERVICE, _AVRCP_PATH) device = dbus.Interface(obj, _HAL_DEVICE_IFACE) device.connect_to_signal("Condition", self.__on_hal_condition) except: logging.warning("unable to monitor AVRCP status") # monitor headset status try: fd = open(_HEADPHONE_SYS, "r") self.__on_connect(None, None) self.__watcher = gobject.io_add_watch(fd, gobject.IO_PRI, self.__on_connect) except: logging.warning("unable to monitor headset connection") # set up speaker control try: bus = maemo.get_session_bus() obj = bus.get_object("", "/com/nokia/osso_hp_ls_controller") self.__speaker = dbus.Interface( obj, "") except: logging.warning("cannot force loudspeaker") self.__speaker = None
def on_disconnect(self, notice): logging.warning(notice)
def log(self, message, error=False): msg = f"Block {str(self.class_).ljust(5)[0:5]} {str(}: {message}" if error: logging.error(msg) else: logging.warning(msg)
def on_warning(self, warning): logging.warning(warning)
def log(self, message): logging.warning( f"Channel {str(} {str(self.title).ljust(10)[0:10]}: {message}" )
#对应文件夹是/data/model/{{ stream_id }}/ logging.debug('model exists') http_notify( config.STREAM_STATUS_CALLBACK_ADDR, { 'stream_id': child.stream_id, 'code': config.CALLBACK_CODE_MANUAL_MODEL_EXISTS }) else: logging.debug('model not exists') elif (child.stream_status == config.STREAM_STATUS_ONLINE): logging.debug("SUCCESS online process") #online截图程序运行成功 else: #进程执行失败 logging.warning("ERROR! pid is: " + str( + " | stream id is " + str(child.stream_id)) if (child.stream_status == config.STREAM_STATUS_COLLECTION): logging.warning("ERROR collect process") #进程执行错误一般就是断流了 http_notify( config.STREAM_STATUS_CALLBACK_ADDR, { 'stream_id': child.stream_id, 'code': config.CALLBACK_CODE_COLLECT_ERROR_1 }) elif (child.stream_status == config.STREAM_STATUS_MANUAL): logging.warning("ERROR manual process") elif (child.stream_status == config.STREAM_STATUS_ONLINE): logging.warning("ERROR online process") http_notify( config.STREAM_STATUS_CALLBACK_ADDR, { 'stream_id': child.stream_id,
def on_timeout(self): logging.warning('TIMEOUT')
path_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) path = path_root + '/../' + config.DATA_DIR s3 = boto3.resource('s3') if args.summarize: print 'Generating summary of', file_name, '...' summary_name = SUMMARY_TEMPLATE.format(date_to_copy) cmd = "awk 'NR == 1 || NR % {freq} == 0' {path}/{source} > {path}/{dest}" cmd = cmd.format(freq=config.SUMMARIZE_FREQUENCY, path=path, source=file_name, dest=summary_name) try:, shell=True) print 'Summary created!' except OSError as ex: logging.warning(ex) print 'Summary creation failed for reason:', ex try: upload_file(summary_name, path) print 'Summary copied!' except OSError as ex: logging.warning(ex) print 'Summary copy failed for reason:', ex print '[{}] Copying tweets from {}...'.format(today, file_name) try: upload_file(file_name, path) print 'Tweets copied!' except OSError as ex: logging.warning(ex)
def typecheck_expr(node, c, method, t_i, c_i): # see if type for expr has already been resolved if hasattr(node, 'typ') and node.typ != None: return node.typ t = None # DO STUFF HERE... if == 'Assignment': t = typecheck_assignment(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'MethodInvocation': t = typecheck_method_invocation(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'CreationExpression': t = typecheck_creation(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif in ['AndExpression', 'OrExpression']: t = typecheck_conditional(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif in ['EqualExpression', 'NotEqualExpression']: t = typecheck_equality(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif in ['LessThanExpression', 'LessThanEqualExpression', 'GreaterThanExpression', 'GreaterThanEqualExpression']: t = typecheck_relational(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif in ['AddExpression', 'SubtractExpression']: t = typecheck_add(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif in ['MultiplyExpression', 'DivideExpression', 'ModuloExpression']: t = typecheck_mult(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif in ['NotExpression', 'NegateExpression']: t = typecheck_unary(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'PostfixExpression': t = typecheck_postfix(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'CastExpression': t = typecheck_cast_expression(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'InstanceofExpression': t = typecheck_instanceof(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif in ['BinaryAndExpression', 'BinaryOrExpression']: t = typecheck_eager_boolean(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) # Statements elif == 'ReturnStatement': t = typecheck_return(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'IfStatement': t = typecheck_if(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'WhileStatement': t = typecheck_while(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'ForStatement': t = typecheck_for(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'LocalVariableDeclaration' or == 'FieldDeclaration': t = typecheck_local_var_decl(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) # Primarys elif == 'Literal': t = typecheck_literal(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'This': t = elif == 'FieldAccess': t = typecheck_field_access(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'ArrayAccess': t = typecheck_array_access(node, c, method, t_i, c_i) elif == 'ExclusiveOrExpression': logging.error("SHOULD NOT SEE THESE") sys.exit(1) else: logging.warning("typecheck could not run on " + if not isinstance(t, str) and t != None: logging.warning("typecheck found a non-type",, t) # set type node.typ = t # return the type return t
async def auth(_name: str, md5: str, req: Request) -> bool: name = unquote(_name) if not (player := await glob.players.find_login(name, md5)): warning(f"{name} failed authentication") return False
file_name = obj.key date_to_copy = file_name.split('tweets.')[1].split('.summary.json')[0] print 'Downloading', file_name s3.Bucket(config.SUMMARY_BUCKET).download_file( file_name, '{}/{}'.format(path, file_name)) print 'Generating CSV of', file_name, '...' csv_name = SUMMARY_CSV_TEMPLATE.format(date_to_copy) try: to_csv('{}/{}'.format(path, file_name), '{}/{}'.format(path, csv_name), level=3) print 'CSV created!' except Exception as ex: logging.warning(ex) print 'CSV creation failed for reason:', ex try: upload_file(csv_name, path, config.SUMMARY_CSV_BUCKET) print 'CSV copied!' except OSError as ex: logging.warning(ex) print 'Copy failed for reason:', ex else: os.remove('{}/{}'.format(path, csv_name)) print 'CSV deleted!' print 'Deleting {}...'.format(file_name) os.remove('{}/{}'.format(path, file_name)) print 'File deleted!'
): # format client data (hash, utc etc.) & ensure it is valid request.resp_headers[ "cho-token" ] = "no" # client knows there is something up if we set token to 'no' return writer.userID(-2) username = base_info[0] pw = base_info[ 1 ].encode() # password in md5 form, we will use this to compare against db's stored bcrypt later user = await glob.db.fetchrow("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = %s", [username]) if ( not user ): # ensure user actually exists before attempting to do anything else warning(f"User {username} does not exist.") request.resp_headers[ "cho-token" ] = "no" # client knows there is something up if we set token to 'no' return writer.userID(-1) # if server is migrated then passwords are previously stored as bcrypt # lets check if we need to convert and do so if needed if glob.config.server_migration and ( "$" in user["pw"] and len(user["pw"]) == 60 ): user_pw = user["pw"].encode() if not bcrypt.checkpw(pw, user_pw): warning( f"{username}'s login attempt failed: provided an incorrect password",
def log(self, message): logging.warning( f"User {str(} {str(self.slug).ljust(10)[0:10]}: {message}")
embed.set_author( url=f"https://{glob.config.domain}/u/{}", icon_url=f"https://a.{glob.config.domain}/{}",, ) embed.add_field( name="New banned user", value=f"{} has been banned by {} for {reason}.", inline=True, ) wh.add_embed(embed) await warning(f"{} has been banned for {reason}.") async def freeze(self, reason: str, fr: "Player") -> None: expire = + timedelta(days=7) if self.frozen: return # ? self.frozen = True self.freeze_timer = expire.timestamp() await self.add_priv(Privileges.Frozen) await glob.db.execute( "UPDATE users SET freeze_timer = %s WHERE id = %s", [self.freeze_timer,], )