class Homography():
    def __init__(self, pnts_pattern=np.float32([[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]])):
        self.process = Utils()
        self.pnts_pattern = pnts_pattern

    def read_image(self, image, scale=1):
        size_y, size_x = image.shape[:2]
        image_resized = cv2.resize(image, (size_x*scale, size_y*scale), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        # Show image and wait for 2 clicks.
        cv2.imshow("Image", image_resized)
        pts_image_resized = self.process.points_average(image_resized)
        pts_image = pts_image_resized/scale
        return pts_image

    def calculate(self, pnts):
        hom, status_1 = cv2.findHomography(pnts, self.pnts_pattern)
        return hom

    def scale(self, hom):
        s = np.mean([hom[0, 0], hom[1, 1]])
        return s

    def transform(self, hom, pnts):
        pnts = np.float32([
            np.dot(hom, np.array([pnt[0], pnt[1], 1])) for pnt in pnts])
        pnts = np.float32([pnt / pnt[2] for pnt in pnts])
        return pnts[:, :2]
class TCP_to_cam():
    def __init__(self):
        self.process = Utils()

    def read_image(self, image, scale):
        # Read source image.
        (size_x, size_y, colors) = image.shape
        image_resized = cv2.resize(image, (size_x*scale, size_y*scale), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        # Show image and wait for 2 clicks.
        cv2.imshow("Image", image_resized)
        pts_image_resized = self.process.points_average(image_resized, 2)
        pts_image = pts_image_resized/scale
        return pts_image

    def calculate_perp_bisector(self, pnts1, pnts2, pnts3, pnts4, pnts5, pnts6, pnts7):
        pb = []
        for k in range(len(pnts1)):
            pb.append(Perp_bisector(pnts1[k], pnts3[k]))
            pb.append(Perp_bisector(pnts2[k], pnts4[k]))
            pb.append(Perp_bisector(pnts3[k], pnts5[k]))
            pb.append(Perp_bisector(pnts4[k], pnts6[k]))
            pb.append(Perp_bisector(pnts5[k], pnts7[k]))
            pb.append(Perp_bisector(pnts6[k], pnts7[k]))
        return pb

    def calculate_intersection(self, pb_1, pb_2, pb_3, pb_4, pb_5, pb_6):
        i_12 = Intersection(pb_1, pb_2)
        i_23 = Intersection(pb_2, pb_3)
        i_34 = Intersection(pb_3, pb_4)
        i_46 = Intersection(pb_4, pb_6)
        int_x = [i_12.x, i_23.x, i_34.x, i_46.x]
        int_y = [i_12.y, i_23.y, i_34.y, i_46.y]
        print 'X:', int_x
        print 'Y:', int_y
        x = np.mean(int_x)
        y = np.mean(int_y)
        return x, y
文件: tcp.py 项目: openlmd/mashes
class TCP():
    def __init__(self):
        self.process = Utils()

    def read_image(self, image, scale):
        # Read source image.
        (size_y, size_x, colors) = image.shape
        image_resized = cv2.resize(image, (size_x*scale, size_y*scale), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
        # Show image and wait for 2 clicks.
        cv2.imshow("Image", image_resized)
        pts_image_resized = self.process.points_average(image_resized, 1)
        pts_image = pts_image_resized/scale
        return pts_image

    def calculate_perp_bisector(self, pxl_pnts):
        pb = []
        results = itertools.combinations(range(len(pxl_pnts)), 2)
        # convert the combination iterator into a numpy array
        combs = np.array(list(results))
        for k in combs:
            pb.append(Perp_bisector(pxl_pnts[k[0]][0], pxl_pnts[k[1]][0]))
        return pb

    def calculate_intersection(self, pbs):
        intc = []
        results = itertools.combinations(range(len(pbs)), 2)
        # convert the combination iterator into a numpy array
        combs = np.array(list(results))
        for k in combs:
            intc.append(Intersection(pbs[k[0]], pbs[k[1]]))
        int_x = []
        int_y = []
        for i in intc:
        # print "Intersection points: "
        # print 'X:', int_x
        # print 'Y:', int_y
        # print " "
        x = np.mean(int_x)
        y = np.mean(int_y)
        return x, y

    def calculate_origin(self, pxl_pnts):
        pbs = self.calculate_perp_bisector(pxl_pnts)
        xc, yc = self.calculate_intersection(pbs)
        pxl_origin = np.float32([[xc, yc]])
        return pxl_origin

    def calculate_translation_x(self, pnts1, pnts3, dist):
        ds = []
        for i in range(0, len(pnts1)):
            ds_i = Translation(pnts1[i], pnts3[i])
        d_x = []
        d_y = []
        angle = []
        s = []
        for i in range(0, len(ds)):
            if ds[i].dx < 0 and ds[i].dy < 0:
                angle.append(math.atan(ds[i].dx/ds[i].dy) + math.pi/2)
            elif ds[i].dx < 0 and ds[i].dy > 0:
                angle.append(math.atan(ds[i].dx/ds[i].dy) - math.pi/2)
        a = np.mean(angle)
        s = np.mean(s)
        factor = dist/s
        print "Scale factor:", factor, "Angle:", math.degrees(a)
        return a, factor

    def calculate_translation_y(self, pnts1, pnts2, dist):
        ds = []
        for i in range(0, len(pnts1)):
            ds_i = Translation(pnts1[i], pnts2[i])
        d_x = []
        d_y = []
        angle = []
        s = []
        for i in range(0, len(ds)):
            if ds[i].dx > 0 and ds[i].dy < 0:
                angle.append(math.atan((-1)*ds[i].dy/ds[i].dx) + math.pi/2)
            elif ds[i].dx < 0 and ds[i].dy < 0:
                angle.append(math.atan((-1)*ds[i].dy/ds[i].dx) - math.pi/2)
        a = np.mean(angle)
        s = np.mean(s)
        factor = dist/s
        print "Scale factor:", factor, "Angle:", math.degrees(a)
        return a, factor

    def calculate_orientation(self, pnts_origin, pnts_x, pnts_y, d_x, d_y):
        angle_y, factor_a = self.calculate_translation_y(pnts_origin, pnts_y, d_y)
        angle_x, factor_b = self.calculate_translation_x(pnts_origin, pnts_x, d_x)
        factor = np.mean([factor_a, factor_b])
        print " "
        a_y = math.degrees(angle_y)
        a_x = math.degrees(angle_x)
        if -5 < (a_y - a_x) < 5:
            angle_y = np.mean([angle_y, angle_x])
            angle_x = angle_y
        return factor, angle_y, angle_x

    def calculate_matrix(self, xc, yc, a):
        tcp_h_cam = [[math.cos(a), (-1)*math.sin(a), xc], [math.sin(a), math.cos(a), yc], [0, 0, 1]]
        return tcp_h_cam

    def transform(self, hom, pnts):
        pnts = np.float32([
            np.dot(hom, np.array([pnt[0], pnt[1], 1])) for pnt in pnts])
        pnts = np.float32([pnt / pnt[2] for pnt in pnts])
        return pnts[:, :2]