def add(self): body = json.loads( ) check = Utils.arg_check(body, ['token', 'latitude', 'longitude']) if (check[0]): return check[1] user_check = Utils.validate_user(body["token"]) if(user_check[0]): return user_check[1] user_id = user_check[1] base = "" params = "latlng={lat},{lon}&sensor={sen}".format( lat=body['latitude'], lon=body['longitude'], sen=True ) url = "{base}{params}".format(base=base, params=params) response = requests.get(url) if (response): content = response.json() if (content and content['results'] and content['results'][0] and content['results'][0]['formatted_address']): savedLocations = Utils.query("""SELECT * FROM Locations WHERE address = %s""", (content['results'][0]['formatted_address'])) #print savedLocations if (len(savedLocations) == 1): location_id = savedLocations[0]["location_id"] elif (len(savedLocations) > 1): return json.JSONEncoder().encode( Utils.status_more( 34, "Inconsistet database" ) ) else: location_id = Utils.execute_id("""INSERT INTO Locations(latitude, longitude, address, place) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)""", (body["latitude"], body["longitude"], content['results'][0]['formatted_address'], "I don't know")) if (location_id != -1): previousUserLocation = Utils.query("""SELECT location_id FROM Users_Locations WHERE user_id = %s ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1""", (user_id)) is_route = False if previousUserLocation: previousLocation = Utils.query("""SELECT * FROM Locations WHERE location_id = %s""", (previousUserLocation[0]["location_id"])) if len(previousLocation) == 1 and self.checkDistance(previousLocation[0]["latitude"], previousLocation[0]["longitude"],body["latitude"],body["longitude"]) == 1: is_route = True Utils.execute("""INSERT INTO Users_Locations(user_id, location_id, time, is_route) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)""", (user_id, location_id,, is_route)) return json.JSONEncoder().encode( Utils.status_more( 0, "OK" ) ) return json.JSONEncoder().encode( Utils.status_more( 35, "Could not save to database" ) ) return json.JSONEncoder().encode( Utils.status_more( 33, "Could not retrieve location information" ) )
def login(self): body = json.JSONDecoder().decode( ) check = Utils.arg_check(body, ["username","password"]) if (check[0]): return check[1] matchingUsers = Utils.query("SELECT * FROM Users u WHERE u.username=%s AND u.password=SHA1(CONCAT(%s, u.salt))", (body["username"], body["password"])) if(len(matchingUsers) == 0): return json.JSONEncoder().encode({ "status" : Utils.status(324,"Could not locate user") }) elif (len(matchingUsers) == 1): sessionID = str(uuid.uuid4()) Utils.execute("INSERT INTO User_Sessions(user_id, session_token) VALUES(%s, %s)",(matchingUsers[0]["user_id"], sessionID)) return json.JSONEncoder().encode({ "token": sessionID, "status" : Utils.status(0, "OK") }) else: return json.JSONEncoder().encode({ "status" : Utils.status(323,"The system is in an invalid state.") })
def getLocationID(self, location): loc_id = Utils.query("SELECT location_id FROM Locations WHERE place = %s", (location[3])) if len(loc_id) > 0: return loc_id[0]["location_id"] else: return Utils.execute_id("""INSERT INTO Locations(latitude, longitude, address, place) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)""", (location[0], location[1], location[2], location[3]))
def login(self, username): #body = json.loads( ) matchingUsers = Utils.query("SELECT team_id FROM Team WHERE teamname=%s", username) if(len(matchingUsers) == 0): return "BAD" elif (len(matchingUsers) == 1): return "OK;%s" % matchingUsers[0]['team_id'] else: return "ERORR"
def getPlayers(self): players = Utils.query("""SELECT player_name, t.bteam_name, team_id FROM player p LEFT JOIN owns o ON = JOIN bteam t ON t.bteam_id = p.bteam_id""", ()) playersString = "" for player in players: playersString += ("%s,%s,%s;" % (player["player_name"],player["bteam_name"],player["team_id"])) return playersString[:-1]
def add_data2(o,occurances): location_id = Utils.execute_id("""INSERT INTO Locations(address) VALUES('The place I am')""",()) user_id = Utils.query("""SELECT user_id FROM User_Sessions WHERE session_token = %s;""", (o.loginResult['token'])) event_id= Utils.execute_id("""INSERT INTO Events(event_type,user_id,name,location_id,locked,deleted) VALUES ('cycle',%s,'test cycle',%s,TRUE,FALSE);""", (user_id[0]["user_id"], location_id)) Utils.execute("""INSERT INTO Cyclical_Events(event_id, cycle_type, occurances) VALUES(%s,'weekly',%s)""", (event_id, json.JSONEncoder().encode(occurances))) return {"location_id" : location_id, "event_id" : event_id }
def getTeamPlayers(self, teamid): players = Utils.query("""SELECT player_name, pos_name, cost, p.pos_id FROM owns o JOIN Player p ON = JOIN Position pos ON p.pos_id = pos.pos_id WHERE team_id = %s""", teamid) playersString = "" for player in players: playersString += ("%s,%s,%s;" % (player["player_name"],player["pos_name"],player["cost"])) return playersString[:-1]
def request(self): body = json.JSONDecoder().decode( ) check = Utils.arg_check(body, ["token","buddy"]) if (check[0]): return check[1] # Find the user ID of the person making the request. user_check = Utils.validate_user(body["token"]) if(user_check[0]): return user_check[1] user_id = user_check[1] matching_users = Utils.query("""SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username=%s OR email=%s""", (body["buddy"],body["buddy"])) if len(matching_users) == 0: return json.JSONEncoder().encode( Utils.status_more( 112, "Could not locate user" ) ) matching_user = matching_users[0] if matching_user["user_id"] == user_id: return json.JSONEncoder().encode( Utils.status_more( 115, "Cannot be buddies with yourself" ) ) in_buddies = Utils.query("""SELECT * FROM Buddies WHERE (requester_id = %s AND requestee_id = %s) OR (requester_id = %s AND requestee_id = %s)""", (user_id,matching_user["user_id"],matching_user["user_id"],user_id)) if any(in_buddies): return json.JSONEncoder().encode( Utils.status_more( 115, "Cannot request buddy when you are already buddies or there is already a pending request between you." ) ) try: Utils.execute("""INSERT INTO Buddies(requester_id, requestee_id, approved) VALUE(%s,%s,0)""", (user_id,matching_user["user_id"])) except Exception: return json.JSONEncoder().encode({"status": Utils.status(3981,"Could not request buddy")}) return json.JSONEncoder().encode(Utils.status_more(0, "OK"))
def get_movies(user_id): last_location = Utils.query("SELECT * FROM Users_Locations ul JOIN Locations l ON ul.location_id = l.location_id WHERE user_id = %s ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 1",(user_id)) if not last_location: return None print("" + urllib.quote_plus(last_location[0]["address"])) response = urlopen("" + urllib.quote_plus(last_location[0]["address"])) html = soup = BeautifulSoup(html) theaters = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "theater"}) theater_movie = [(i,len(i.find_all("div",{"class":"movie"}))) for i in theaters] theater = max(theater_movie,key = lambda x: x[1])[0] #use the theater that has the most movies playing. It seems like a good idea at least s = theater.find("div",{"class":"info"}).get_text() m ="(.*) - \(\d\d\d\) \d\d\d-\d\d\d\d",s) address = now = begin = (now + timedelta(minutes=30)).time() end = (now + timedelta(hours=2)).time() movies = theater.find_all("div",{"class":"movie"}) movie_results = [] for movie in movies: name = movie.find("div",{"class":"name"}).get_text() times = movie.find("div",{"class":"times"}).get_text() times = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', times).encode('ascii','ignore') am = [] pm = [] if "am" in times: times = times.split("am") am = times[0].strip().split(" ") pm = times[1].strip().replace("pm","").split(" ") else: pm = times.replace("pm","").split(" ") am = [datetime.strptime(a + " AM","%I:%M %p").time() for a in am] pm = [datetime.strptime(a + " PM","%I:%M %p").time() for a in pm] times = am + pm soon_times = [i for i in times if i > begin and i < end] if soon_times: m = {"name":name,"near_times":[i.isoformat() for i in soon_times]} movie_results.append(m) if movie_results: results = {"location":address,"movies":movie_results} else: results = None return results
def auction(self): bid = Utils.query("""SELECT player_name, teamname, bid, image, bteam_name, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT pos_name ORDER BY pos_name DESC SEPARATOR '# ') as pos_name From bid b JOIN player p ON = JOIN team t ON t.team_id = b.team_id JOIN bteam bt ON bt.bteam_id = p.bteam_id LEFT JOIN canplay cp ON = LEFT JOIN position pos ON pos.pos_id = cp.pos_id GROUP BY player_name""", ()) if(len(bid) == 0): return "OK;Auction Will Resume Shortly,,-,,,,placheholder" return "OK;%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (bid[0]['player_name'],bid[0]['teamname'],bid[0]['bid'], bid[0]['image'],bid[0]['bteam_name'],bid[0]['pos_name'])
def pending_requests(self): body = json.JSONDecoder().decode( ) check = Utils.arg_check(body, ["token"]) if (check[0]): return check[1] # Find the user ID of the person making the request. user_check = Utils.validate_user(body["token"]) if(user_check[0]): return user_check[1] user_id = user_check[1] requests = Utils.query("""SELECT user_id,username,email FROM Users u JOIN Buddies b ON u.user_id = b.requester_id WHERE b.requestee_id=%s AND b.approved=0""", (user_id)) return json.JSONEncoder().encode( {"status": Utils.status(0,"OK"),"requests":requests } )
def team(self, teamid): playersOnTeam = Utils.query("""SELECT p.player_name, o.cost, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT pos.pos_name ORDER BY pos.pos_name DESC SEPARATOR '# ') as pos_name, o.seasonsHeld FROM Player p JOIN bteam b ON b.bteam_id = p.bteam_id JOIN canplay cp ON = JOIN position pos ON pos.pos_id = cp.pos_id JOIN Owns o ON = JOIN Team t ON t.team_id = o.team_id AND t.team_id =%s GROUP BY p.player_name ORDER BY pos.sortOrder""", teamid) team = "" for player in playersOnTeam: team += ("%s,%s,%s,%s;" % (player["player_name"],player["cost"],player["pos_name"], player["seasonsHeld"])) return team