    def __init__(self, proc, timeout=30):
        Class constructor. The arguments are as follows.
          * proc - the 'Proc' or 'SSH' object that defines the host to operate on. This object will
                   keep a 'proc' reference and use it in various methods.
          * timeout - longest time in seconts to wait for data in the trace buffer.

        self._reader = None
        self._proc = proc
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.raw_line = None

        mntpoint = FSHelpers.mount_debugfs(proc=proc)
        self.ftpath = mntpoint.joinpath("tracing/trace")
        self.ftpipe_path = mntpoint.joinpath("tracing/trace_pipe")

        for path in (self.ftpath, self.ftpipe_path):
            if not FSHelpers.isfile(path, proc=proc):
                raise ErrorNotSupported(
                    f"linux kernel function trace file was not found at "

        cmd = f"cat {self.ftpipe_path}"
        name = "stale wult function trace reader process"
        ProcHelpers.kill_processes(cmd, log=True, name=name, proc=self._proc)
        self._reader = self._proc.run_async(cmd, shell=True)
    def __init__(self,
        The class constructor. The arguments are as follows.
          * proc - the 'Proc' or 'SSH' object that defines the host to run the measurements on.
          * ifname - the network interface name to use for measuring the latency.
          * res - the 'WORawResult' object to store the results at.
          * ndlrunner_bin - path to the 'ndlrunner' helper.
          * cstats - True: collect C-state statistics, fail if 'turbostat' not found.
                     None: collect C-state statistics, only if 'turbostat' is found.
                     False: do not collect C-state statistics.
          * ts_bin - path to the 'turbostat' tool, default is just "turbostat".
          * ldist - for how far in the future the delayed network packets should be scheduled in
                    microseconds. Default is [5000, 10000] microseconds.

        self._proc = proc
        self._ifname = ifname
        self._res = res
        self._ndlrunner_bin = ndlrunner_bin
        self._run_ts = cstats
        self._ts_bin = ts_bin
        self._ldist = ldist
        self._ts_heading = ""

        self._ndl_lines = None
        self._drv = None
        self._rtd_path = None
        self._ndlrunner = None
        self._colmap = None
        self._progress = None
        self._max_rtd = 0
        self._post_trigger = None
        self._post_trigger_thresh = None
        self._etfqdisc = None
        self._nmcli = None
        self._netif = None


        self._progress = _ProgressLine.ProgressLine(period=1)
        self._drv = KernelModule.KernelModule(proc, "ndl")

        mntpath = FSHelpers.mount_debugfs(proc=proc)
        self._rtd_path = mntpath.joinpath(f"{self._drv.name}/rtd")
        self._etfqdisc = _ETFQdisc.ETFQdisc(ifname, proc=proc)
    def __init__(self, devid, cpunum, proc, ldist=None, force=False):
        Initialize a class instance for a PCI device 'devid'. The arguments are as follows.
          * devid - the device "ID", which can be a PCI address or a network interface name.
          * cpunum - the measured CPU number.
          * proc - the host to operate on. This object will keep a 'proc' reference and use it in
                   various methods
          * ldist - how far in future should the delayed event be scheduled.
          * force - initialize measurement device, even if it is already in use.

        self._cpunum = cpunum
        self._proc = proc
        self._ldist = ldist
        self._drv = None
        self._saved_drvname = None
        self.dev = None
        self._basedir = None
        self._enable_path = None
        self._main_drv = None

        # This is a debugging option that allows to disable automatic wult modules unloading on
        # 'close()'.
        self.unload = True
        # Whether kernel messages should be monitored. They are very useful if something goes wrong.
        self.dmesg = True

        self.dev = Devices.WultDevice(devid, cpunum, proc, force=force)

        self._main_drv = KernelModule.KernelModule(proc, "wult")
        self._drv = KernelModule.KernelModule(proc, self.dev.drvname)

        mntpoint = FSHelpers.mount_debugfs(proc=proc)
        self._basedir = mntpoint / "wult"
        self._enable_path = self._basedir / "enabled"

        msg = f"Compatible device '{self.dev.info['name']}'{proc.hostmsg}:\n" \
              f" * Device ID: {self.dev.info['devid']}\n" \
              f"   - {self.dev.info['descr']}"