    def _generate_report(self):
        """Put together the final HTML report."""

        _LOG.info("Generating the HTML report.")

        # Make sure the output directory exists.
            self.outdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        except OSError as err:
            raise Error(f"failed to create directory '{self.outdir}': {err}")

        raw_stats_paths, descr_paths = self._copy_raw_data()

        # Find the styles and templates paths.
        templdir = FSHelpers.search_for_app_data(
            pathdescr="HTML report Jinja2 templates")
        csspath = FSHelpers.search_for_app_data(
            "wult", Path("css/style.css"), pathdescr="HTML report CSS file")

        # Copy the styles file to the output directory.
        dstpath = self.outdir.joinpath("style.css")
            shutil.copyfile(csspath, dstpath)
        except OSError as err:
            raise Error(
                f"failed to copy CSS file from '{csspath}' to '{dstpath}':\n{err}"

        # The summary table is only included into the main HTML page.
        sum_tbl = self._prepare_summary_table(raw_stats_paths, descr_paths)
        links_tbl = self._prepare_links_table()

        # Each column name gets its own HTML page.
        for colname, pinfos in self._pinfos.items():
            stats_tbl = self._prepare_stats_table(pinfos)

            # Render the template.
            jenv = Jinja2.build_jenv(templdir,
            jenv.globals["stats_tbl"] = stats_tbl
            jenv.globals["pinfos"] = pinfos
            jenv.globals["colname"] = colname
            jenv.globals["title_descr"] = self.title_descr
            jenv.globals["toolname"] = self._refinfo["toolname"]

            if sum_tbl:
                jenv.globals["sum_tbl"] = sum_tbl
                jenv.globals["links_tbl"] = links_tbl
                templfile = outfile = "index.html"
                sum_tbl = None
                templfile = "metric.html"
                outfile = links_tbl[colname]["fname"]

    def get_path_pairs(proc, toolname, helperpath):
        Yield paths for 'toolname' driver and helpertool source code and deployables. Arguments are
        same as in 'is_deploy_needed()'.

        lproc = Procs.Proc()

        for path, is_drv in [(_DRV_SRC_SUBPATH, True), (_HELPERS_SRC_SUBPATH, False)]:
            srcpath = FSHelpers.search_for_app_data(toolname, path / toolname, default=None)
            # Some tools may not have helpers.
            if not srcpath:

            for deployable in _get_deployables(srcpath, lproc):
                deploypath = None
                # Deployable can be driver module or helpertool.
                if is_drv:
                    deploypath = _get_module_path(proc, deployable)
                    if helperpath and helperpath.name == deployable:
                        deploypath = helperpath
                        deploypath = get_helpers_deploy_path(proc, toolname)
                        deploypath = Path(deploypath, "bin", deployable)
                yield srcpath, deploypath
    def __init__(self, name):
        The class constructor. The arguments are as follows.
          * name - name of the tool to load the definitions for (e.g., 'wult').

        self.name = name
        self.info = None
        self.vanilla_info = None

        path = FSHelpers.search_for_app_data("wult", Path(f"defs/{name}.yml"),
                                             pathdescr=f"{name} datapoints definitions file")
        self.info = self.vanilla_info = YAML.load(path)
def _deploy_prepare(args, toolname, minkver):
    Validate command-line arguments of the "deploy" command and prepare for builing the helpers and
    drivers. The arguments are as follows.
      o args - the command line arguments.
      o toolname - name of the tool being deployed (e.g., 'ndl').
      o minkver - the minimum required version number.

    args.tmpdir = None
    args.kver = None

    if not args.ihost:
        args.ihost = "localhost"
    if not args.bhost:
        args.bhost = args.ihost

    if args.ihost != args.bhost and not args.bhost == "localhost":
        raise Error("build host (--build-host) must be the local host or the same as deploy host "

    if args.ihost == "localhost" and args.bhost == "localhost":
        for attr in ("username", "privkey", "timeout"):
            if getattr(args, attr) is not None:
                _LOG.warning("ignoring the '--%s' option as it not useful for a local host", attr)

    if not args.timeout:
        args.timeout = 8
        args.timeout = Trivial.str_to_num(args.timeout)
    if not args.username:
        args.username = "******"

    if args.privkey and not args.privkey.is_dir():
        raise Error(f"path '{args.privkey}' does not exist or it is not a directory")

    if hasattr(args, "drvsrc"):
        if not args.drvsrc:
            args.drvsrc = FSHelpers.search_for_app_data("wult", _DRV_SRC_SUBPATH/f"{toolname}",
                                                        pathdescr=f"{toolname} drivers sources")

        if not args.drvsrc.is_dir():
            raise Error(f"path '{args.drvsrc}' does not exist or it is not a directory")

    if hasattr(args, "helpersrc"):
        if not args.helpersrc:
            args.helpersrc = FSHelpers.search_for_app_data("wult",
                                                           pathdescr=f"{toolname} helper sources")
        if not args.helpersrc.is_dir():
            raise Error(f"path '{args.helpersrc}' does not exist or it is not a directory")

    with contextlib.closing(get_proc(args, args.bhost)) as proc:
        if not FSHelpers.which("make", default=None, proc=proc):
            raise Error(f"please, install the 'make' tool{proc.hostmsg}")

        if not args.ksrc:
            args.kver = KernelVersion.get_kver(proc=proc)
            if not args.ksrc:
                args.ksrc = Path(f"/lib/modules/{args.kver}/build")
            args.ksrc = FSHelpers.abspath(args.ksrc, proc=proc)

        if not FSHelpers.isdir(args.ksrc, proc=proc):
            raise Error(f"kernel sources directory '{args.ksrc}' does not exist{proc.hostmsg}")

        if not args.kver:
            args.kver = KernelVersion.get_kver_ktree(args.ksrc, proc=proc)

        _LOG.info("Kernel sources path: %s", args.ksrc)
        _LOG.info("Kernel version: %s", args.kver)

        if KernelVersion.kver_lt(args.kver, minkver):
            raise Error(f"version of the kernel{proc.hostmsg} is {args.kver}, and it is not new "
                        f"enough.\nPlease, use kernel version {minkver} or newer.")

        args.tmpdir = FSHelpers.mktemp(prefix=f"{toolname}-", proc=proc)

        if hasattr(args, "drvsrc"):
            _LOG.debug("copying the drivers to %s:\n   '%s' -> '%s'",
                       proc.hostname, args.drvsrc, args.tmpdir)
            proc.rsync(f"{args.drvsrc}/", args.tmpdir / "drivers", remotesrc=False, remotedst=True)
            args.drvsrc = args.tmpdir / "drivers"
            _LOG.info("Drivers will be compiled on host '%s'", proc.hostname)

        if hasattr(args, "helpersrc"):
            _LOG.debug("copying the helpers to %s:\n  '%s' -> '%s'",
                       proc.hostname, args.helpersrc, args.tmpdir)
            proc.rsync(f"{args.helpersrc}/", args.tmpdir / "helpers", remotesrc=False,
            args.helpersrc = args.tmpdir / "helpers"
            _LOG.info("Helpers will be compiled on host '%s'", proc.hostname)

    with contextlib.closing(get_proc(args, args.ihost)) as proc:
        if not args.kmodpath:
            args.kmodpath = Path(f"/lib/modules/{args.kver}")
        if not FSHelpers.isdir(args.kmodpath, proc=proc):
            raise Error(f"kernel modules directory '{args.kmodpath}' does not exist{proc.hostmsg}")

        _LOG.info("Drivers will be deployed to '%s'%s", args.kmodpath, proc.hostmsg)
        _LOG.info("Kernel modules path%s: %s", proc.hostmsg, args.kmodpath)

        if hasattr(args, "helpersrc"):
            if not args.helpers_path:
                args.helpers_path = get_helpers_deploy_path(proc, toolname)
            _LOG.info("Helpers will be deployed to '%s'%s", args.helpers_path, proc.hostmsg)