Beispiel #1
 def tryParse(t : 'Token', typ : 'NounPhraseParseAttr'=NounPhraseParseAttr.NO, max_char_pos : int=0) -> 'NounPhraseToken':
     """ Попробовать создать именную группу с указанного токена
         t(Token): начальный токен
         typ(NounPhraseParseAttr): параметры (можно битовую маску)
         max_char_pos(int): максимальная позиция в тексте, до которой выделять, если 0, то без ограничений
         NounPhraseToken: именная группа или null
     from pullenti.ner.core._NounPraseHelperInt import _NounPraseHelperInt
     res = _NounPraseHelperInt.tryParse(t, typ, max_char_pos)
     if (res is not None): 
         return res
     if ((((typ) & (NounPhraseParseAttr.PARSEPREPOSITION))) != (NounPhraseParseAttr.NO)): 
         if ((isinstance(t, TextToken)) and t.morph.class0_.is_preposition and (t.whitespaces_after_count < 3)): 
             res = _NounPraseHelperInt.tryParse(t.next0_, typ, max_char_pos)
             if (res is not None): 
                 mc = LanguageHelper.getCaseAfterPreposition((t).lemma)
                 res.preposition = t
                 res.begin_token = t
                 if (not ((mc) & res.morph.case_).is_undefined): 
                     res.morph.removeItems(mc, False)
                 elif (t.morph.class0_.is_adverb): 
                     return None
                 return res
     return None
Beispiel #2
 def tryParse(t: 'Token', items: typing.List['NounPhraseItem'],
              attrs: 'NounPhraseParseAttr') -> 'NounPhraseItem':
     if (t is None):
         return None
     t0 = t
     _can_be_surname = False
     _is_doubt_adj = False
     rt = Utils.asObjectOrNull(t, ReferentToken)
     if (rt is not None and rt.begin_token == rt.end_token):
         res = NounPhraseItem.tryParse(rt.begin_token, items, attrs)
         if (res is not None):
             res.begin_token = res.end_token = t
             return res
     if (rt is not None and items is not None and len(items) > 0):
         res = NounPhraseItem(t, t)
         for m in t.morph.items:
             v = NounPhraseItemTextVar(m, None)
             v.normal_value = str(t.getReferent())
         res.can_be_noun = True
         return res
     if (isinstance(t, NumberToken)):
     has_legal_verb = False
     if (isinstance(t, TextToken)):
         if (not t.chars.is_letter):
             return None
         str0_ = (t).term
         if (str0_[len(str0_) - 1] == 'А' or str0_[len(str0_) - 1] == 'О'):
             for wf in t.morph.items:
                 if ((isinstance(wf, MorphWordForm))
                         and (wf).is_in_dictionary):
                     if (wf.class0_.is_verb):
                         mc = t.getMorphClassInDictionary()
                         if (not mc.is_noun and
                             (((attrs) &
                                 == (NounPhraseParseAttr.NO)):
                             if (not LanguageHelper.endsWithEx(
                                     str0_, "ОГО", "ЕГО", None, None)):
                                 return None
                         has_legal_verb = True
                     if (wf.class0_.is_adverb):
                         if (t.next0_ is None or not t.next0_.is_hiphen):
                             if ((str0_ == "ВСЕГО" or str0_ == "ДОМА"
                                  or str0_ == "НЕСКОЛЬКО")
                                     or str0_ == "МНОГО"
                                     or str0_ == "ПОРЯДКА"):
                                 return None
                     if (wf.class0_.is_adjective):
                         if (wf.containsAttr("к.ф.", None)):
                             if (t.getMorphClassInDictionary() ==
                                 _is_doubt_adj = True
         mc0 = t.morph.class0_
         if (mc0.is_proper_surname and not t.chars.is_all_lower):
             for wf in t.morph.items:
                 if (wf.class0_.is_proper_surname
                         and wf.number != MorphNumber.PLURAL):
                     wff = Utils.asObjectOrNull(wf, MorphWordForm)
                     if (wff is None):
                     s = Utils.ifNotNull((Utils.ifNotNull(
                         wff.normal_full, wff.normal_case)), "")
                     if (LanguageHelper.endsWithEx(s, "ИН", "ЕН", "ЫН",
                         if (not wff.is_in_dictionary):
                             _can_be_surname = True
                             return None
                     if (wff.is_in_dictionary
                             and LanguageHelper.endsWith(s, "ОВ")):
                         _can_be_surname = True
         if (mc0.is_proper_name and not t.chars.is_all_lower):
             for wff in t.morph.items:
                 wf = Utils.asObjectOrNull(wff, MorphWordForm)
                 if (wf is None):
                 if (wf.normal_case == "ГОР"):
                 if (wf.class0_.is_proper_name and wf.is_in_dictionary):
                     if (wf.normal_case is None
                             or not wf.normal_case.startswith("ЛЮБ")):
                         if (mc0.is_adjective
                                 and t.morph.containsAttr("неизм.", None)):
                         elif (
                             (((attrs) &
                              ) == (NounPhraseParseAttr.REFERENTCANBENOUN)):
                             if (items is None or (len(items) < 1)):
                                 return None
                             if (not items[0].is_std_adjective):
                                 return None
         if (mc0.is_adjective and t.morph.items_count == 1):
             if (t.morph.getIndexerItem(0).containsAttr("в.ср.ст.", None)):
                 return None
         mc1 = t.getMorphClassInDictionary()
         if (mc1 == MorphClass.VERB):
             return None
         if (((((attrs) & (NounPhraseParseAttr.IGNOREPARTICIPLES)))
              == (NounPhraseParseAttr.IGNOREPARTICIPLES)
              and t.morph.class0_.is_verb and not t.morph.class0_.is_noun)
                 and not t.morph.class0_.is_proper):
             for wf in t.morph.items:
                 if (wf.class0_.is_verb):
                     if (wf.containsAttr("дейст.з.", None)):
                         if (LanguageHelper.endsWith((t).term, "СЯ")):
                             return None
     t1 = None
     for k in range(2):
         t = (Utils.ifNotNull(t1, t0))
         if (k == 0):
             if ((((isinstance(t0, TextToken))) and t0.next0_ is not None
                  and t0.next0_.is_hiphen)
                     and t0.next0_.next0_ is not None):
                 if (not t0.is_whitespace_after
                         and not t0.morph.class0_.is_pronoun):
                     if (not t0.next0_.is_whitespace_after):
                         t = t0.next0_.next0_
                     elif (t0.next0_.next0_.chars.is_all_lower
                           and LanguageHelper.endsWith((t0).term, "О")):
                         t = t0.next0_.next0_
         it = NounPhraseItem._new470(t0, t, _can_be_surname)
         if (t0 == t and (isinstance(t0, ReferentToken))):
             it.can_be_noun = True
             it.morph = MorphCollection(t0.morph)
         can_be_prepos = False
         for v in t.morph.items:
             wf = Utils.asObjectOrNull(v, MorphWordForm)
             if (v.class0_.is_preposition):
                 can_be_prepos = True
             if (v.class0_.is_adjective
                     or ((v.class0_.is_pronoun
                          and not v.class0_.is_personal_pronoun)) or
                 ((v.class0_.is_noun and (isinstance(t, NumberToken))))):
                 if (NounPhraseItem.tryAccordVariant(
                         items, (0 if items is None else len(items)), v)):
                     is_doub = False
                     if (v.containsAttr("к.ф.", None)):
                     if (v.containsAttr("собир.", None)
                             and not ((isinstance(t, NumberToken)))):
                         if (wf is not None and wf.is_in_dictionary):
                             return None
                     if (v.containsAttr("сравн.", None)):
                     ok = True
                     if (isinstance(t, TextToken)):
                         s = (t).term
                         if (s == "ПРАВО" or s == "ПРАВА"):
                             ok = False
                         elif (LanguageHelper.endsWith(s, "ОВ")
                               and t.getMorphClassInDictionary().is_noun):
                             ok = False
                         elif (wf is not None
                               and ((wf.normal_case == "САМ"
                                     or wf.normal_case == "ТО"))):
                             ok = False
                     elif (isinstance(t, NumberToken)):
                         if (v.class0_.is_noun
                                 and t.morph.class0_.is_adjective):
                             ok = False
                         elif (t.morph.class0_.is_noun and ((
                             (attrs) &
                               == (NounPhraseParseAttr.NO)):
                             ok = False
                     if (ok):
                         it.adj_morph.append(NounPhraseItemTextVar(v, t))
                         it.can_be_adj = True
                         if (_is_doubt_adj and t0 == t):
                             it.is_doubt_adjective = True
                         if (has_legal_verb and wf is not None
                                 and wf.is_in_dictionary):
                             it.can_be_noun = True
             can_be_noun_ = False
             if (isinstance(t, NumberToken)):
             elif (v.class0_.is_noun
                   or ((wf is not None and wf.normal_case == "САМ"))):
                 can_be_noun_ = True
             elif (v.class0_.is_personal_pronoun):
                 if (items is None or len(items) == 0):
                     can_be_noun_ = True
                     for it1 in items:
                         if (it1.is_verb):
                             return None
                     if (len(items) == 1):
                         if (items[0].can_be_adj_for_personal_pronoun):
                             can_be_noun_ = True
             elif ((v.class0_.is_pronoun and
                    ((items is None or len(items) == 0 or
                      ((len(items) == 1
                        and items[0].can_be_adj_for_personal_pronoun))))
                    and wf is not None) and
                   ((((wf.normal_case == "ТОТ" or wf.normal_full == "ТО"
                       or wf.normal_case == "ТО") or wf.normal_case == "ЭТО"
                      or wf.normal_case == "ВСЕ") or wf.normal_case == "ЧТО"
                     or wf.normal_case == "КТО"))):
                 if (wf.normal_case == "ВСЕ"):
                     if (t.next0_ is not None
                             and t.next0_.isValue("РАВНО", None)):
                         return None
                 can_be_noun_ = True
             elif (wf is not None and ((Utils.ifNotNull(
                     wf.normal_full, wf.normal_case))) == "КОТОРЫЙ"):
                 return None
             elif (v.class0_.is_proper and (isinstance(t, TextToken))):
                 if (t.length_char > 4 or v.class0_.is_proper_name):
                     can_be_noun_ = True
             if (can_be_noun_):
                 if (NounPhraseItem.tryAccordVariant(
                         items, (0 if items is None else len(items)), v)):
                     it.noun_morph.append(NounPhraseItemTextVar(v, t))
                     it.can_be_noun = True
         if (t0 != t):
             for v in it.adj_morph:
                 v.correctPrefix(Utils.asObjectOrNull(t0, TextToken), False)
             for v in it.noun_morph:
                 v.correctPrefix(Utils.asObjectOrNull(t0, TextToken), True)
         if (k == 1 and it.can_be_noun and not it.can_be_adj):
             if (t1 is not None):
                 it.end_token = t1
                 it.end_token = t0.next0_.next0_
             for v in it.noun_morph:
                 if (v.normal_value is not None
                         and (v.normal_value.find('-') < 0)):
                     v.normal_value = "{0}-{1}".format(
                             None, False, MorphGender.UNDEFINED, False))
         if (it.can_be_adj):
             if (NounPhraseItem.__m_std_adjectives.tryParse(
                     it.begin_token, TerminParseAttr.NO) is not None):
                 it.is_std_adjective = True
         if (can_be_prepos and it.can_be_noun):
             if (items is not None and len(items) > 0):
                 npt1 = NounPhraseHelper.tryParse(
                                     | (NounPhraseParseAttr.PARSEPRONOUNS) |
                                     NounPhraseParseAttr), 0)
                 if (npt1 is not None and npt1.end_char > t.end_char):
                     return None
                 npt1 = NounPhraseHelper.tryParse(
                     Utils.valToEnum((NounPhraseParseAttr.PARSEPRONOUNS) |
                                     NounPhraseParseAttr), 0)
                 if (npt1 is not None):
                     mc = LanguageHelper.getCaseAfterPreposition((t).lemma)
                     if (not ((mc) & npt1.morph.case_).is_undefined):
                         return None
         if (it.can_be_noun or it.can_be_adj or k == 1):
             if (it.begin_token.morph.class0_.is_pronoun):
                 tt2 = it.end_token.next0_
                 if ((tt2 is not None and tt2.is_hiphen
                      and not tt2.is_whitespace_after)
                         and not tt2.is_whitespace_before):
                     tt2 = tt2.next0_
                 if (isinstance(tt2, TextToken)):
                     ss = (tt2).term
                     if ((ss == "ЖЕ" or ss == "БЫ" or ss == "ЛИ")
                             or ss == "Ж"):
                         it.end_token = tt2
                     elif (ss == "НИБУДЬ" or ss == "ЛИБО"
                           or (((ss == "ТО" and tt2.previous.is_hiphen))
                               and it.can_be_adj)):
                         it.end_token = tt2
                         for m in it.adj_morph:
                             m.normal_value = "{0}-{1}".format(
                                 m.normal_value, ss)
                             if (m.single_number_value is not None):
                                 m.single_number_value = "{0}-{1}".format(
                                     m.single_number_value, ss)
             return it
         if (t0 == t):
             if (t0.isValue("БИЗНЕС", None) and t0.next0_ is not None
                     and t0.next0_.chars == t0.chars):
                 t1 = t0.next0_
             return it
     return None