Beispiel #1
 def process(self, word : str) -> typing.List['MorphWordForm']:
     """ Обработка одного слова
         word(str): слово должно быть в верхнем регистре
     if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(word)): 
         return None
     res = None
     if (len(word) > 1): 
         i = 0
         while i < len(word): 
             ch = word[i]
             if (LanguageHelper.isCyrillicVowel(ch) or LanguageHelper.isLatinVowel(ch)): 
             i += 1
         if (i >= len(word)): 
             return res
     mvs = [ ]
     tn = self.m_root
     i = 0
     while i <= len(word): 
         if (tn.lazy_pos > 0): 
         if (tn.rules is not None): 
             word_begin = None
             word_end = None
             if (i == 0): 
                 word_end = word
             elif (i < len(word)): 
                 word_end = word[i:]
                 word_end = ""
             if (res is None): 
                 res = list()
             for r in tn.rules: 
                 wrapmvs14 = RefOutArgWrapper(None)
                 inoutres15 = Utils.tryGetValue(r.variants, word_end, wrapmvs14)
                 mvs = wrapmvs14.value
                 if (inoutres15): 
                     if (word_begin is None): 
                         if (i == len(word)): 
                             word_begin = word
                         elif (i > 0): 
                             word_begin = word[0:0+i]
                             word_begin = ""
                     r.processResult(res, word_begin, mvs)
         if (tn.nodes is None or i >= len(word)): 
         ch = ord(word[i])
         wraptn16 = RefOutArgWrapper(None)
         inoutres17 = Utils.tryGetValue(tn.nodes, ch, wraptn16)
         tn = wraptn16.value
         if (not inoutres17): 
         i += 1
     need_test_unknown_vars = True
     if (res is not None): 
         for r in res: 
             if ((r.class0_.is_pronoun or r.class0_.is_noun or r.class0_.is_adjective) or (r.class0_.is_misc and r.class0_.is_conjunction) or r.class0_.is_preposition): 
                 need_test_unknown_vars = False
             elif (r.class0_.is_adverb and r.normal_case is not None): 
                 if (not LanguageHelper.endsWithEx(r.normal_case, "О", "А", None, None)): 
                     need_test_unknown_vars = False
                 elif (r.normal_case == "МНОГО"): 
                     need_test_unknown_vars = False
             elif (r.class0_.is_verb and len(res) > 1): 
                 ok = False
                 for rr in res: 
                     if (rr != r and rr.class0_ != r.class0_): 
                         ok = True
                 if (ok and not LanguageHelper.endsWith(word, "ИМ")): 
                     need_test_unknown_vars = False
     if (need_test_unknown_vars and LanguageHelper.isCyrillicChar(word[0])): 
         gl = 0
         sog = 0
         j = 0
         while j < len(word): 
             if (LanguageHelper.isCyrillicVowel(word[j])): 
                 gl += 1
                 sog += 1
             j += 1
         if ((gl < 2) or (sog < 2)): 
             need_test_unknown_vars = False
     if (need_test_unknown_vars and res is not None and len(res) == 1): 
         if (res[0].class0_.is_verb): 
             if ("н.вр." in res[0].misc.attrs and "нес.в." in res[0].misc.attrs and not "страд.з." in res[0].misc.attrs): 
                 need_test_unknown_vars = False
             elif ("б.вр." in res[0].misc.attrs and "сов.в." in res[0].misc.attrs): 
                 need_test_unknown_vars = False
             elif (res[0].normal_case is not None and LanguageHelper.endsWith(res[0].normal_case, "СЯ")): 
                 need_test_unknown_vars = False
         if (res[0].class0_.is_undefined and "прдктв." in res[0].misc.attrs): 
             need_test_unknown_vars = False
     if (need_test_unknown_vars): 
         if (self.m_root_reverce is None): 
             return res
         tn = self.m_root_reverce
         tn0 = None
         for i in range(len(word) - 1, -1, -1):
             if (tn.lazy_pos > 0): 
             ch = ord(word[i])
             if (tn.nodes is None): 
             wrapnext18 = RefOutArgWrapper(None)
             inoutres19 = Utils.tryGetValue(tn.nodes, ch, wrapnext18)
             next0_ = wrapnext18.value
             if (not inoutres19): 
             tn = next0_
             if (tn.lazy_pos > 0): 
             if (tn.reverce_variants is not None): 
                 tn0 = tn
         else: i = -1
         if (tn0 is not None): 
             glas = i < 4
             while i >= 0: 
                 if (LanguageHelper.isCyrillicVowel(word[i]) or LanguageHelper.isLatinVowel(word[i])): 
                     glas = True
                 i -= 1
             if (glas): 
                 for mv in tn0.reverce_variants: 
                     if (((not mv.class0_.is_verb and not mv.class0_.is_adjective and not mv.class0_.is_noun) and not mv.class0_.is_proper_surname and not mv.class0_.is_proper_geo) and not mv.class0_.is_proper_secname): 
                     ok = False
                     for rr in res: 
                         if (rr.is_in_dictionary): 
                             if (rr.class0_ == mv.class0_ or rr.class0_.is_noun): 
                                 ok = True
                             if (not mv.class0_.is_adjective and rr.class0_.is_verb): 
                                 ok = True
                     if (ok): 
                     if (len(mv.tail) > 0 and not LanguageHelper.endsWith(word, mv.tail)): 
                     r = MorphWordForm(mv, word)
                     if (not MorphWordForm._hasMorphEquals(res, r)): 
                         r.undef_coef = mv.coef
                         if (res is None): 
                             res = list()
     if (word == "ПРИ" and res is not None): 
         for i in range(len(res) - 1, -1, -1):
             if (res[i].class0_.is_proper_geo): 
                 del res[i]
         else: i = -1
     if (res is None or len(res) == 0): 
         return None
     MorphEngine.__sort(res, word)
     for v in res: 
         if (v.normal_case is None): 
             v.normal_case = word
         if (v.class0_.is_verb): 
             if (v.normal_full is None and LanguageHelper.endsWith(v.normal_case, "ТЬСЯ")): 
                 v.normal_full = v.normal_case[0:0+len(v.normal_case) - 2]
         v.language = self.language
         if (v.class0_.is_preposition): 
             v.normal_case = LanguageHelper.normalizePreposition(v.normal_case)
     mc = MorphClass()
     for i in range(len(res) - 1, -1, -1):
         if (not res[i].is_in_dictionary and res[i].class0_.is_adjective and len(res) > 1): 
             if ("к.ф." in res[i].misc.attrs or "неизм." in res[i].misc.attrs): 
                 del res[i]
         if (res[i].is_in_dictionary): 
             mc.value |= res[i].class0_.value
     else: i = -1
     if (mc == MorphClass.VERB and len(res) > 1): 
         for r in res: 
             if (r.undef_coef > (100) and r.class0_ == MorphClass.ADJECTIVE): 
                 r.undef_coef = (0)
     if (len(res) == 0): 
         return None
     return res
Beispiel #2
 def getNormalCaseText(self,
                       mc: 'MorphClass' = None,
                       single_number: bool = False,
                       gender: 'MorphGender' = MorphGender.UNDEFINED,
                       keep_chars: bool = False) -> str:
     from pullenti.ner.core.MiscHelper import MiscHelper
     empty = True
     if (mc is not None and mc.is_preposition):
         return LanguageHelper.normalizePreposition(self.term)
     for it in self.morph.items:
         if (mc is not None and not mc.is_undefined):
             cc = (it.class0_.value) & (mc.value)
             if (cc == 0):
             if (MorphClass.isMiscInt(cc) and not MorphClass.isProperInt(cc)
                     and mc.value != it.class0_.value):
         wf = Utils.asObjectOrNull(it, MorphWordForm)
         normal_full = False
         if (gender != MorphGender.UNDEFINED):
             if ((((it.gender) & (gender))) == (MorphGender.UNDEFINED)):
                 if ((gender == MorphGender.MASCULINE and
                      ((it.gender != MorphGender.UNDEFINED or it.number
                        == MorphNumber.PLURAL)) and wf is not None)
                         and wf.normal_full is not None):
                     normal_full = True
                 elif (gender == MorphGender.MASCULINE
                       and it.class0_.is_personal_pronoun):
         if (not it.case_.is_undefined):
             empty = False
         if (wf is not None):
             if (single_number and it.number == MorphNumber.PLURAL
                     and wf.normal_full is not None):
                 le = len(wf.normal_case)
                 if ((le == (len(wf.normal_full) + 2) and le > 4
                      and wf.normal_case[le - 2] == 'С')
                         and wf.normal_case[le - 1] == 'Я'):
                     res = wf.normal_case
                     res = (wf.normal_full
                            if normal_full else wf.normal_full)
                 res = (wf.normal_full if normal_full else
                        (Utils.ifNotNull(wf.normal_case, self.term)))
             if (single_number and mc is not None
                     and mc == MorphClass.NOUN):
                 if (res == "ДЕТИ"):
                     res = "РЕБЕНОК"
             if (keep_chars):
                 if (self.chars.is_all_lower):
                     res = res.lower()
                 elif (self.chars.is_capital_upper):
                     res = MiscHelper.convertFirstCharUpperAndOtherLower(
             return res
     if (not empty):
         return None
     te = None
     if (single_number and mc is not None):
         bi = MorphBaseInfo._new549(MorphClass(mc), gender,
         vars0_ = Morphology.getWordform(self.term, bi)
         if (vars0_ is not None):
             te = vars0_
     if (self.chars.is_cyrillic_letter and te is None
             and len(self.term) > 3):
         ch0 = self.term[len(self.term) - 1]
         ch1 = self.term[len(self.term) - 2]
         if (ch0 == 'М' and ((ch1 == 'О' or ch1 == 'А'))):
             te = self.term[0:0 + len(self.term) - 2]
         elif (not LanguageHelper.isCyrillicVowel(ch1)
               and LanguageHelper.isCyrillicVowel(ch0)):
             te = self.term[0:0 + len(self.term) - 1]
     if (te is None):
         te = self.term
     if (keep_chars):
         if (self.chars.is_all_lower):
             return te.lower()
         elif (self.chars.is_capital_upper):
             return MiscHelper.convertFirstCharUpperAndOtherLower(te)
     return te