def to_string(self,
               short_variant: bool,
               lang: 'MorphLang' = None,
               lev: int = 0) -> str:
     nam = None
     for l_ in range(2):
         for s in self.slots:
             if (((s.type_name == UnitReferent.ATTR_NAME and short_variant))
                     or ((s.type_name == UnitReferent.ATTR_FULLNAME
                          and not short_variant))):
                 val = Utils.asObjectOrNull(s.value, str)
                 if (lang is not None and l_ == 0):
                     if (lang.is_ru != LanguageHelper.is_cyrillic(val)):
                 nam = val
         if (nam is not None):
     if (nam is None):
         nam = self.get_string_value(UnitReferent.ATTR_NAME)
     pow0_ = self.get_string_value(UnitReferent.ATTR_POW)
     if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(pow0_) or lev > 0):
         return Utils.ifNotNull(nam, "?")
     res = ("{0}{1}".format(nam, pow0_) if
            (pow0_[0] != '-') else "{0}<{1}>".format(nam, pow0_))
     if (not short_variant and self.is_unknown):
         res = ("(?)" + res)
     return res
 def run(self, text: str, only_tokenizing: bool, dlang: 'MorphLang',
         progress: EventHandler,
         good_text: bool) -> typing.List['MorphToken']:
     """ Произвести морфологический анализ текста
         text(str): исходный текст
         lang: язык (если null, то попробует определить)
         typing.List[MorphToken]: последовательность результирующих морфем
     if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(text)):
         return None
     twr = TextWrapper(text, good_text)
     twrch = twr.chars
     res = list()
     uni_lex = dict()
     term0 = None
     pure_rus_words = 0
     pure_ukr_words = 0
     pure_by_words = 0
     pure_kz_words = 0
     tot_rus_words = 0
     tot_ukr_words = 0
     tot_by_words = 0
     tot_kz_words = 0
     i = 0
     first_pass2884 = True
     while True:
         if first_pass2884: first_pass2884 = False
         else: i += 1
         if (not (i < twr.length)): break
         ty = InnerMorphology._get_char_typ(twrch[i])
         if (ty == 0):
         if (ty > 2):
             j = (i + 1)
             j = (i + 1)
             while j < twr.length:
                 if (InnerMorphology._get_char_typ(twrch[j]) != ty):
                 j += 1
         wstr = text[i:i + j - i]
         term = None
         if (good_text):
             term = wstr
             trstr = LanguageHelper.transliteral_correction(
                 wstr, term0, False)
             term = LanguageHelper.correct_word(trstr)
         if (Utils.isNullOrEmpty(term)):
             i = (j - 1)
         lang = InnerMorphology.__detect_lang(twr, i, j - 1, term)
         if (lang == MorphLang.UA):
             pure_ukr_words += 1
         elif (lang == MorphLang.RU):
             pure_rus_words += 1
         elif (lang == MorphLang.BY):
             pure_by_words += 1
         elif (lang == MorphLang.KZ):
             pure_kz_words += 1
         if ((((lang) & MorphLang.RU)) != MorphLang.UNKNOWN):
             tot_rus_words += 1
         if ((((lang) & MorphLang.UA)) != MorphLang.UNKNOWN):
             tot_ukr_words += 1
         if ((((lang) & MorphLang.BY)) != MorphLang.UNKNOWN):
             tot_by_words += 1
         if ((((lang) & MorphLang.KZ)) != MorphLang.UNKNOWN):
             tot_kz_words += 1
         if (ty == 1):
             term0 = term
         lemmas = None
         if (ty == 1 and not only_tokenizing):
             wraplemmas12 = RefOutArgWrapper(None)
             inoutres13 = Utils.tryGetValue(uni_lex, term, wraplemmas12)
             lemmas = wraplemmas12.value
             if (not inoutres13):
                 lemmas = InnerMorphology.UniLexWrap._new11(lang)
                 uni_lex[term] = lemmas
         tok = MorphToken()
         tok.term = term
         tok.begin_char = i
         if (i == 733860):
         tok.end_char = (j - 1)
         tok.tag = (lemmas)
         i = (j - 1)
     def_lang = MorphLang(dlang)
     if (pure_rus_words > pure_ukr_words and pure_rus_words > pure_by_words
             and pure_rus_words > pure_kz_words):
         def_lang = MorphLang.RU
     elif (tot_rus_words > tot_ukr_words and tot_rus_words > tot_by_words
           and tot_rus_words > tot_kz_words):
         def_lang = MorphLang.RU
     elif (pure_ukr_words > pure_rus_words
           and pure_ukr_words > pure_by_words
           and pure_ukr_words > pure_kz_words):
         def_lang = MorphLang.UA
     elif (tot_ukr_words > tot_rus_words and tot_ukr_words > tot_by_words
           and tot_ukr_words > tot_kz_words):
         def_lang = MorphLang.UA
     elif (pure_kz_words > pure_rus_words and pure_kz_words > pure_ukr_words
           and pure_kz_words > pure_by_words):
         def_lang = MorphLang.KZ
     elif (tot_kz_words > tot_rus_words and tot_kz_words > tot_ukr_words
           and tot_kz_words > tot_by_words):
         def_lang = MorphLang.KZ
     elif (pure_by_words > pure_rus_words and pure_by_words > pure_ukr_words
           and pure_by_words > pure_kz_words):
         def_lang = MorphLang.BY
     elif (tot_by_words > tot_rus_words and tot_by_words > tot_ukr_words
           and tot_by_words > tot_kz_words):
         if (tot_rus_words > 10 and tot_by_words > (tot_rus_words + 20)):
             def_lang = MorphLang.BY
         elif (tot_rus_words == 0 or tot_by_words >= (tot_rus_words * 2)):
             def_lang = MorphLang.BY
     if (((def_lang.is_undefined or def_lang.is_ua)) and tot_rus_words > 0):
         if (((tot_ukr_words > tot_rus_words
               and InnerMorphology.M_ENGINE_UA.language.is_ua))
                 or ((tot_by_words > tot_rus_words
                      and InnerMorphology.M_ENGINE_BY.language.is_by))
                 or ((tot_kz_words > tot_rus_words
                      and InnerMorphology.M_ENGINE_KZ.language.is_kz))):
             cou0 = 0
             tot_kz_words = 0
             tot_ukr_words = tot_kz_words
             tot_by_words = tot_ukr_words
             tot_rus_words = tot_by_words
             for kp in uni_lex.items():
                 lang = MorphLang()
                 wraplang14 = RefOutArgWrapper(lang)
                 kp[1].word_forms = self.__process_one_word(
                     kp[0], wraplang14)
                 lang = wraplang14.value
                 if (kp[1].word_forms is not None):
                     for wf in kp[1].word_forms:
                         lang |= wf.language
                 kp[1].lang = lang
                 if (lang.is_ru):
                     tot_rus_words += 1
                 if (lang.is_ua):
                     tot_ukr_words += 1
                 if (lang.is_by):
                     tot_by_words += 1
                 if (lang.is_kz):
                     tot_kz_words += 1
                 if (lang.is_cyrillic):
                     cou0 += 1
                 if (cou0 >= 100):
             if (tot_rus_words > ((math.floor(tot_by_words / 2)))
                     and tot_rus_words > ((math.floor(tot_ukr_words / 2)))):
                 def_lang = MorphLang.RU
             elif (tot_ukr_words > ((math.floor(tot_rus_words / 2)))
                   and tot_ukr_words > ((math.floor(tot_by_words / 2)))):
                 def_lang = MorphLang.UA
             elif (tot_by_words > ((math.floor(tot_rus_words / 2)))
                   and tot_by_words > ((math.floor(tot_ukr_words / 2)))):
                 def_lang = MorphLang.BY
         elif (def_lang.is_undefined):
             def_lang = MorphLang.RU
     cou = 0
     tot_kz_words = 0
     tot_ukr_words = tot_kz_words
     tot_by_words = tot_ukr_words
     tot_rus_words = tot_by_words
     for kp in uni_lex.items():
         lang = def_lang
         if (lang.is_undefined):
             if (tot_rus_words > tot_by_words
                     and tot_rus_words > tot_ukr_words
                     and tot_rus_words > tot_kz_words):
                 lang = MorphLang.RU
             elif (tot_ukr_words > tot_rus_words
                   and tot_ukr_words > tot_by_words
                   and tot_ukr_words > tot_kz_words):
                 lang = MorphLang.UA
             elif (tot_by_words > tot_rus_words
                   and tot_by_words > tot_ukr_words
                   and tot_by_words > tot_kz_words):
                 lang = MorphLang.BY
             elif (tot_kz_words > tot_rus_words
                   and tot_kz_words > tot_ukr_words
                   and tot_kz_words > tot_by_words):
                 lang = MorphLang.KZ
         wraplang15 = RefOutArgWrapper(lang)
         kp[1].word_forms = self.__process_one_word(kp[0], wraplang15)
         lang = wraplang15.value
         kp[1].lang = lang
         if ((((lang) & MorphLang.RU)) != MorphLang.UNKNOWN):
             tot_rus_words += 1
         if ((((lang) & MorphLang.UA)) != MorphLang.UNKNOWN):
             tot_ukr_words += 1
         if ((((lang) & MorphLang.BY)) != MorphLang.UNKNOWN):
             tot_by_words += 1
         if ((((lang) & MorphLang.KZ)) != MorphLang.UNKNOWN):
             tot_kz_words += 1
         if (progress is not None):
             self.__on_progress(cou, len(uni_lex), progress)
         cou += 1
     debug_token = None
     empty_list = None
     for r in res:
         uni = Utils.asObjectOrNull(r.tag, InnerMorphology.UniLexWrap)
         r.tag = None
         if (uni is None or uni.word_forms is None
                 or len(uni.word_forms) == 0):
             if (empty_list is None):
                 empty_list = list()
             r.word_forms = empty_list
             if (uni is not None):
                 r.language = uni.lang
             r.word_forms = uni.word_forms
         if (r.begin_char == 733860):
             debug_token = r
     if (not good_text):
         i = 0
         first_pass2885 = True
         while True:
             if first_pass2885: first_pass2885 = False
             else: i += 1
             if (not (i < (len(res) - 2))): break
             ui0 = twrch[res[i].begin_char]
             ui1 = twrch[res[i + 1].begin_char]
             ui2 = twrch[res[i + 2].begin_char]
             if (ui1.is_quot):
                 p = res[i + 1].begin_char
                 if ((p >= 2 and "БбТт".find(text[p - 1]) >= 0 and
                      ((p + 3) < len(text)))
                         and "ЕеЯяЁё".find(text[p + 1]) >= 0):
                     wstr = LanguageHelper.transliteral_correction(
                             res[i + 2].get_source_text(text))), None,
                     li = self.__process_one_word0(wstr)
                     if (li is not None and len(li) > 0
                             and li[0].is_in_dictionary):
                         res[i].end_char = res[i + 2].end_char
                         res[i].term = wstr
                         res[i].word_forms = li
                         del res[i + 1:i + 1 + 2]
                 elif ((ui1.is_apos and p > 0 and str.isalpha(text[p - 1]))
                       and ((p + 1) < len(text))
                       and str.isalpha(text[p + 1])):
                     if (def_lang == MorphLang.UA
                             or (((res[i].language) & MorphLang.UA)) !=
                             or (((res[i + 2].language) & MorphLang.UA)) !=
                         wstr = LanguageHelper.transliteral_correction(
                                 res[i + 2].get_source_text(text))), None,
                         li = self.__process_one_word0(wstr)
                         okk = True
                         if (okk):
                             res[i].end_char = res[i + 2].end_char
                             res[i].term = wstr
                             if (li is None):
                                 li = list()
                             res[i].word_forms = li
                             if (li is not None and len(li) > 0):
                                 res[i].language = li[0].language
                             del res[i + 1:i + 1 + 2]
             elif (((ui1.uni_char == '3' or ui1.uni_char == '4'))
                   and res[i + 1].length == 1):
                 src = ("З" if ui1.uni_char == '3' else "Ч")
                 i0 = i + 1
                 if ((res[i].end_char + 1) == res[i + 1].begin_char
                         and ui0.is_cyrillic):
                     i0 -= 1
                     src = (res[i0].get_source_text(text) + src)
                 i1 = i + 1
                 if ((res[i + 1].end_char + 1) == res[i + 2].begin_char
                         and ui2.is_cyrillic):
                     i1 += 1
                     src += res[i1].get_source_text(text)
                 if (len(src) > 2):
                     wstr = LanguageHelper.transliteral_correction(
                         LanguageHelper.correct_word(src), None, False)
                     li = self.__process_one_word0(wstr)
                     if (li is not None and len(li) > 0
                             and li[0].is_in_dictionary):
                         res[i0].end_char = res[i1].end_char
                         res[i0].term = wstr
                         res[i0].word_forms = li
                         del res[i0 + 1:i0 + 1 + i1 - i0]
             elif ((ui1.is_hiphen and ui0.is_letter and ui2.is_letter)
                   and res[i].end_char > res[i].begin_char
                   and res[i + 2].end_char > res[i + 2].begin_char):
                 newline = False
                 sps = 0
                 j = (res[i + 1].end_char + 1)
                 while j < res[i + 2].begin_char:
                     if (text[j] == '\r' or text[j] == '\n'):
                         newline = True
                         sps += 1
                     elif (not Utils.isWhitespace(text[j])):
                         sps += 1
                     j += 1
                 full_word = LanguageHelper.correct_word(
                     res[i].get_source_text(text) +
                     res[i + 2].get_source_text(text))
                 if (not newline):
                     if (full_word in uni_lex or full_word == "ИЗЗА"):
                         newline = True
                     elif (text[res[i + 1].begin_char] == (chr(0x00AD))):
                         newline = True
                     elif (LanguageHelper.ends_with_ex(
                             res[i].get_source_text(text), "О", "о", None,
                             None) and len(res[i + 2].word_forms) > 0
                           and res[i + 2].word_forms[0].is_in_dictionary):
                         if (text[res[i + 1].begin_char] == '¬'):
                             li = self.__process_one_word0(full_word)
                             if (li is not None and len(li) > 0
                                     and li[0].is_in_dictionary):
                                 newline = True
                     elif ((res[i].end_char + 2) == res[i + 2].begin_char):
                         if (not str.isupper(text[res[i + 2].begin_char])
                                 and (sps < 2) and len(full_word) > 4):
                             newline = True
                             if ((i + 3) < len(res)):
                                 ui3 = twrch[res[i + 3].begin_char]
                                 if (ui3.is_hiphen):
                                     newline = False
                     elif (((res[i].end_char + 1) == res[i + 1].begin_char
                            and sps > 0 and (sps < 3))
                           and len(full_word) > 4):
                         newline = True
                 if (newline):
                     li = self.__process_one_word0(full_word)
                     if (li is not None and len(li) > 0
                             and ((li[0].is_in_dictionary
                                   or full_word in uni_lex))):
                         res[i].end_char = res[i + 2].end_char
                         res[i].term = full_word
                         res[i].word_forms = li
                         del res[i + 1:i + 1 + 2]
             elif ((ui1.is_letter and ui0.is_letter and res[i].length > 2)
                   and res[i + 1].length > 1):
                 if (ui0.is_upper != ui1.is_upper):
                 if (not ui0.is_cyrillic or not ui1.is_cyrillic):
                 newline = False
                 j = (res[i].end_char + 1)
                 while j < res[i + 1].begin_char:
                     if (twrch[j].code == 0xD or twrch[j].code == 0xA):
                         newline = True
                     j += 1
                 if (not newline):
                 full_word = LanguageHelper.correct_word(
                     res[i].get_source_text(text) +
                     res[i + 1].get_source_text(text))
                 if (not full_word in uni_lex):
                 li = self.__process_one_word0(full_word)
                 if (li is not None and len(li) > 0
                         and li[0].is_in_dictionary):
                     res[i].end_char = res[i + 1].end_char
                     res[i].term = full_word
                     res[i].word_forms = li
                     del res[i + 1]
     i = 0
     first_pass2886 = True
     while True:
         if first_pass2886: first_pass2886 = False
         else: i += 1
         if (not (i < len(res))): break
         mt = res[i]
         mt.char_info = CharsInfo()
         ui0 = twrch[mt.begin_char]
         ui00 = UnicodeInfo.ALL_CHARS[ord((res[i].term[0]))]
         j = (mt.begin_char + 1)
         while j <= mt.end_char:
             if (ui0.is_letter):
             ui0 = twrch[j]
             j += 1
         if (ui0.is_letter):
             res[i].char_info.is_letter = True
             if (ui00.is_latin):
                 res[i].char_info.is_latin_letter = True
             elif (ui00.is_cyrillic):
                 res[i].char_info.is_cyrillic_letter = True
             if (res[i].language == MorphLang.UNKNOWN):
                 if (LanguageHelper.is_cyrillic(mt.term)):
                     res[i].language = (MorphLang.RU if
                                        def_lang.is_undefined else def_lang)
             if (good_text):
             all_up = True
             all_lo = True
             j = mt.begin_char
             while j <= mt.end_char:
                 if (twrch[j].is_upper or twrch[j].is_digit):
                     all_lo = False
                     all_up = False
                 j += 1
             if (all_up):
                 mt.char_info.is_all_upper = True
             elif (all_lo):
                 mt.char_info.is_all_lower = True
             elif (((ui0.is_upper or twrch[mt.begin_char].is_digit))
                   and mt.end_char > mt.begin_char):
                 all_lo = True
                 j = (mt.begin_char + 1)
                 while j <= mt.end_char:
                     if (twrch[j].is_upper or twrch[j].is_digit):
                         all_lo = False
                     j += 1
                 if (all_lo):
                     mt.char_info.is_capital_upper = True
                 elif (twrch[mt.end_char].is_lower
                       and (mt.end_char - mt.begin_char) > 1):
                     all_up = True
                     j = mt.begin_char
                     while j < mt.end_char:
                         if (twrch[j].is_lower):
                             all_up = False
                         j += 1
                     if (all_up):
                         mt.char_info.is_last_lower = True
         if (mt.char_info.is_last_lower and mt.length > 2
                 and mt.char_info.is_cyrillic_letter):
             pref = text[mt.begin_char:mt.begin_char + mt.end_char -
             ok = False
             for wf in mt.word_forms:
                 if (wf.normal_case == pref or wf.normal_full == pref):
                     ok = True
             if (not ok):
                 mt.word_forms = list(mt.word_forms)
                     0, MorphWordForm._new16(pref, MorphClass.NOUN, 1))
     if (good_text or only_tokenizing):
         return res
     i = 0
     first_pass2887 = True
     while True:
         if first_pass2887: first_pass2887 = False
         else: i += 1
         if (not (i < len(res))): break
         if (res[i].length == 1 and res[i].char_info.is_latin_letter):
             ch = res[i].term[0]
             if (ch == 'C' or ch == 'A' or ch == 'P'):
             is_rus = False
             for ii in range(i - 1, -1, -1):
                 if ((res[ii].end_char + 1) != res[ii + 1].begin_char):
                 elif (res[ii].char_info.is_letter):
                     is_rus = res[ii].char_info.is_cyrillic_letter
             if (not is_rus):
                 ii = i + 1
                 while ii < len(res):
                     if ((res[ii - 1].end_char + 1) != res[ii].begin_char):
                     elif (res[ii].char_info.is_letter):
                         is_rus = res[ii].char_info.is_cyrillic_letter
                     ii += 1
             if (is_rus):
                 res[i].term = LanguageHelper.transliteral_correction(
                     res[i].term, None, True)
                 res[i].char_info.is_cyrillic_letter = True
                 res[i].char_info.is_latin_letter = True
     for r in res:
         if (r.char_info.is_all_upper or r.char_info.is_capital_upper):
             if (r.language.is_cyrillic):
                 ok = False
                 for wf in r.word_forms:
                     if (wf.class0_.is_proper_surname):
                         ok = True
                 if (not ok):
                     r.word_forms = list(r.word_forms)
                         r.term, r.word_forms)
     for r in res:
         for mv in r.word_forms:
             if (mv.normal_case is None):
                 mv.normal_case = r.term
     i = 0
     while i < (len(res) - 2):
         if (res[i].char_info.is_latin_letter
                 and res[i].char_info.is_all_upper and res[i].length == 1):
             if (twrch[res[i + 1].begin_char].is_quot
                     and res[i + 2].char_info.is_latin_letter
                     and res[i + 2].length > 2):
                 if ((res[i].end_char + 1) == res[i + 1].begin_char and
                     (res[i + 1].end_char + 1) == res[i + 2].begin_char):
                     wstr = "{0}{1}".format(res[i].term, res[i + 2].term)
                     li = self.__process_one_word0(wstr)
                     if (li is not None):
                         res[i].word_forms = li
                     res[i].end_char = res[i + 2].end_char
                     res[i].term = wstr
                     if (res[i + 2].char_info.is_all_lower):
                         res[i].char_info.is_all_upper = False
                         res[i].char_info.is_capital_upper = True
                     elif (not res[i + 2].char_info.is_all_upper):
                         res[i].char_info.is_all_upper = False
                     del res[i + 1:i + 1 + 2]
         i += 1
     i = 0
     first_pass2888 = True
     while True:
         if first_pass2888: first_pass2888 = False
         else: i += 1
         if (not (i < (len(res) - 1))): break
         if (not res[i].char_info.is_letter
                 and not res[i + 1].char_info.is_letter
                 and (res[i].end_char + 1) == res[i + 1].begin_char):
             if (twrch[res[i].begin_char].is_hiphen
                     and twrch[res[i + 1].begin_char].is_hiphen):
                 if (i == 0 or not twrch[res[i - 1].begin_char].is_hiphen):
                 if ((i + 2) == len(res)
                         or not twrch[res[i + 2].begin_char].is_hiphen):
                 res[i].end_char = res[i + 1].end_char
                 del res[i + 1]
     return res