def update(self, image, basePos, width, height):
        xb, yb = basePos
        if self.ship.armor != self.hp1:
            if abs(self.ship.armor - self.hp1) > 5:
                # new damage
                self.hp2 = self.hp1
                self.hp1 = self.ship.armor
                self.t = 0
                self.hp1 = self.ship.armor
        if self.t < self.maxT1:
            if self.t + self.dt >= self.maxT1:
                self.dhp = (self.hp1 - self.hp2) / (self.maxT2 - self.maxT1)
        elif self.t < self.maxT2:
            self.hp2 += self.dhp * self.dt
            self.hp2 = self.hp1
        self.t += self.dt

        hp1, hp2 = self.hp1, self.hp2
        rect = Rect((0, 0), (width, hp1/config.MaxArmor * height))
        rect.bottomleft = (xb, yb)
        pygame.draw.rect(image, self.HPColor, rect)
        if hp1 < hp2:
            rect.size = (width, (hp2 - hp1)/config.MaxArmor * height)
            rect.bottomleft = (xb,1 + yb - hp1/config.MaxArmor * height)
            pygame.draw.rect(image, self.HPColorDamage, rect)
Beispiel #2
        def replace_draw(self, screen, camera_offset=(0, 0)):
            if self.image is None:
            if self.ignore_offset:
                x = self._draw_position[0]
                y = self._draw_position[1]
                x = self._draw_position[0] - camera_offset[0]
                y = self._draw_position[1] - camera_offset[1]
            camera_offset = camera_offset[0], camera_offset[1]

            rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=self._draw_position)
            rect.move_ip(0, 0)
            screen_rect = screen.get_rect(topleft=camera_offset)
            overlap = screen_rect.clip(rect)
            overlap.move_ip(-camera_offset[0], -camera_offset[1])
            #0 is to left
            #> is to right
            corner = overlap.topleft
            area = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
            area.size = overlap.size
            if corner[0] == 0:
                area.x = -x
                area.x = 0
            if corner[1] == 0:
                area.y = -y
                area.y = 0

            screen.blit(self.image, overlap, area)
Beispiel #3
 def view_port(self):
     w, h = pygame.display.get_surface().get_size()
     width = 5000 / self.zoom_level
     height = width*(h/w)
     view_port = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
     view_port.size = (width+1, height+1) # +1 to prevent white bars at the bottom or right = self.pos
     return view_port
Beispiel #4
 def get_object_global_rect(self, obj: BoardObject):
     if not hasattr(obj.original, "image"):
         return None
     rect = Rect((0, 0, 0, 0))
     rect.size = math2d.v_mul(obj.original.image.get_size(), 1 / self.__scale) = self.to_global(obj.position)
     return rect
Beispiel #5
    def test_size(self):
        "Changing the size resizes the rect from the top-left corner"
        r = Rect(1, 2, 3, 4)
        new_size = (10, 20)
        old_topleft = r.topleft

        r.size = new_size
        self.assertEqual(new_size, r.size)
        self.assertEqual(old_topleft, r.topleft)
Beispiel #6
 def test_size( self ):
     "Changing the size resizes the rect from the top-left corner"
     r = Rect( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
     new_size = (10,20)
     old_topleft = r.topleft
     r.size = new_size
     self.assertEqual( new_size, r.size )
     self.assertEqual( old_topleft, r.topleft )
Beispiel #7
 def _update (self, col, row, tile_type_id, tile_rect=None):
     if self._cache_graphic:
         if tile_type_id in self._cache:
             g = self._cache[tile_type_id]
             g = self._type_to_graphic(tile_type_id)
             self._cache[tile_type_id] = g
         g = self._type_to_graphic(tile_type_id)
     dest = self._orig_sfc
     if tile_rect is None:
         tile_rect = self.grid.tile_rect(col, row)
     if isinstance(g, (Graphic, pg.Surface, basestring)):
         g = (g,)
     if (g is not None and
         isinstance(g[0], (Graphic, pg.Surface, basestring))):
         sfc = g[0]
         if isinstance(sfc, basestring):
             sfc = self._load_img(sfc)
         elif isinstance(sfc, Graphic):
             sfc = sfc.surface
         if len(g) == 1:
             alignment = rect = None
             if isinstance(g[1], int) or len(g[1]) == 2:
                 alignment = g[1]
                 rect = None
                 alignment = None
                 rect = g[1]
             if len(g) == 3:
                 if rect is None:
                     rect = g[2]
                     alignment = g[2]
         if alignment is None:
             alignment = 0
         if rect is None:
             rect = sfc.get_rect()
         # clip rect to fit in tile_rect
         dest_rect = Rect(rect) =
         fit = dest_rect.clip(tile_rect)
         rect = Rect(rect)
         rect.move_ip(fit.x - dest_rect.x, fit.y - dest_rect.y)
         rect.size = dest_rect.size
         # copy rect to tile_rect with alignment
         pos = gameutil.align_rect(rect, tile_rect, alignment)
         dest.blit(sfc, pos, rect)
         if g is None:
             g = (0, 0, 0, 0)
         # now we have a colour
         dest.fill(gameutil.normalise_colour(g), tile_rect)
     return tile_rect
Beispiel #8
 def on_msg(self, data):
     msgtype, name = data['msg_type'], data['name']
     global myname, mybox
     if msgtype == 'welcome':
         for state in data['pellets']:  # create all pellets
             left, top, width, height = tuple(state)
             pellets.append(Rect(left, top, width, height))
         for pname, state in data['players'].items():  # create all players
             left, top, width, height = tuple(state)
             players[pname] = Rect(left, top, width, height)
         myname, mybox = name, players[name] 
     elif msgtype == 'join' and name != myname:  # ignore my join message
         left, top, width, height = tuple(data['state']) 
         players[name] = Rect(left, top, width, height)
     elif msgtype == 'leave':
         del players[name]
     elif msgtype == 'move' and name != myname:  # ignore my move messages
         if players[name]:  # other player is not dead locally 
             left, top, width, height = tuple(data['state'])
             players[name] = Rect(left, top, width, height)
     elif msgtype == 'eat_pellet':
         if players[name]:  # None if I haven't receive his die msg yet
             players[name].size = tuple(data['size'])
         pellets[data['pellet_index']] = data['new_pellet']
     elif msgtype == 'grow':
         players[name].size = tuple(data['size'])  
     elif msgtype == 'die':
         left, top, width, height = tuple(data['state'])
         players[name] = Rect(left, top, width, height)
         if name == myname:
             mybox = players[myname]
Beispiel #9
 def on_msg(self, data):
     msgtype, name = data['msg_type'], data['name']
     global myname, mybox
     if msgtype == 'welcome':
         for state in data['pellets']:  # create all pellets
             left, top, width, height = tuple(state)
             pellets.append(Rect(left, top, width, height))
         for pname, state in data['players'].items():  # create all players
             left, top, width, height = tuple(state)
             players[pname] = Rect(left, top, width, height)
         myname, mybox = name, players[name] 
     elif msgtype == 'join' and name != myname:  # ignore my join message
         left, top, width, height = tuple(data['state']) 
         players[name] = Rect(left, top, width, height)
     elif msgtype == 'leave':
         del players[name]
     elif msgtype == 'move' and name != myname:  # ignore my move messages
         if players[name]:  # other player is not dead locally 
             left, top, width, height = tuple(data['state'])
             players[name] = Rect(left, top, width, height)
     elif msgtype == 'eat_pellet':
         if players[name]:  # None if I haven't receive their die msg yet
             players[name].size = tuple(data['size'])
         pellets[data['pellet_index']] = data['new_pellet']
     elif msgtype == 'grow':
         players[name].size = tuple(data['size'])  
     elif msgtype == 'die':
         left, top, width, height = tuple(data['state'])
         players[name] = Rect(left, top, width, height)
         if name == myname:
             mybox = players[myname]
Beispiel #10
 def __init__(self, game_objects, rect: pygame.Rect,
              image: pygame.Surface = None):
     self.rect = rect
     if image:
         rect.size = image.get_rect().size
         image = pygame.Surface(rect.size)
     self.image = image
     self.area = None
     self.components = dict()
     self.real_x = self.rect.x
     self.real_y = self.rect.y
     self.game_objects = game_objects
Beispiel #11
                scale /= 1.1
                redraw = False
    if redraw:
        if scale < screen_size[0]/env_size[0]:
            scale = screen_size[0]/env_size[0]
        if scale > 16000/env_size[0]:
            scale = 16000/env_size[0]
        size = (int(env_size[0]*scale), int(env_size[1]*scale))
        background = Surface(size)
        pygame.draw.rect(background, (255,255,255), Rect((0,0), size))
        tree.draw(background, pygame.font.SysFont("Calibri", int(11*scale)), size, scale)
        mouse_pose = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
        background_mouse_pose = (mouse_pose[0]-background_dimensions.left, mouse_pose[1]
        current_scale = scale/prev_scale
        background_dimensions.move_ip(int(-background_mouse_pose[0]*(current_scale-1)), int(-background_mouse_pose[1]*(current_scale-1)))
        background_dimensions.size = size
        x = background_dimensions.width-2000
        y = background_dimensions.height-750
        background_dimensions.clamp_ip(Rect(-x, -y, 2000+2*x, 750+2*y))
        screen.blit(background, background_dimensions)
        prev_scale = scale

class Camera(Component, IDrawer):
    Class that represents a camera in game. This class is a initial simple camera. In future, hopefully,
    this will have lots of more features.
    A camera is used to draw just a portion of a level or object. A scene can have multiple Cameras.
    A camera will draw all objects that it is on sight (inside the rect that represents this camera).
    The camera itself doesn't have to fill all screen (it does by default), it can fill just a portion of the screen
    by changing its size and position.

    def __init__(self, size=(0, 0)):
        super(Camera, self).__init__()
        self._rect = Rect()

    def in_sight(self, game_object):

        Validate if a game object is visible by this camera.
        :param game_object: Game object to validate if it is on sight
        :return: True if it is visible. False otherwise.

        return game_object.get_component(IDrawable) is not None and self.transform.collidedict(

    def update(self):
        self._rect.x = self.transform.x
        self._rect.y = self.transform.y

    def draw(self):
        Draws a game object (only when 'in_camera' is true) using this camera.
        game_objects_drawable = Game.instance().scene.get_drawables
        for game_object in game_objects_drawable:
            self.draw_game_object(game_object, True)

    def draw_game_object(self, game_object, validate_in_camera=True):
        Draw a game object using this camera.
        :param game_object: Game object to be draw.
        :param validate_in_camera: If true, only draws the object if 'in_sight' is True.
        if not validate_in_camera and self.in_sight(game_object) and game_object.get_component(IDrawable).is_drawing:

    def size(self):
        return self._rect.size

    def size(self, size):
        self._rect = size

    def full_surface(self):
        self.transform.x = 0
        self.transform.y = 0
        self.transform.width = Configuration.instance().screen_size.width
        self.transform.height = Configuration.instance().screen_size.height
Beispiel #13
def main():
    running = True

    size = 1000, 1000

    # these are the width and height of the simulation grid
    grid_x, grid_y = int(argv[1]), int(argv[2])
    # this is how many pixels per cell in the simulation grid
    #   We need to use the grid factor because the pygame window is not
    #   the same width and height of the simulation grid size. Therefore,
    #   we scale the pygame window down to fit the simulation size
    grid_factor_x, grid_factor_y = 1000 / grid_x, 1000 / grid_y

    screen = display.set_mode(size)
    # used to track either the setting of the topleft of a rectangle,
    #   or the bottom right (if bottom right, the rectangle is completed)
    num_clicks_patch = 0
    num_clicks_patch_temp = 0
    num_clicks_exit = 0
    num_clicks_exit_temp = 0
    # the position of the mouse when the left or right mouse button is clicked
    mouse_pos_patch = ()
    mouse_pos_exit = ()
    # the position of the patch's top left corner in pixels
    patch_tl = ()
    # the position of the patch's bottom right corner in pixels
    patch_br = ()
    # the position of the exits's top left corner in pixels
    exit_tl = ()
    # the position of the exits's bottom right corner in pixels
    exit_br = ()
    patch_temp = Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0)
    exit_temp = Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0)
    # a list of patches as pygame rectangles that are being displayed
    #   on screen
    patch_list = []
    # a list of patches removed from the screen. The user can recall these
    #   with a keybind
    patch_discard_list = []
    # a list of exits as pygame rectangles that are being displayed
    #   on screen
    exit_list = []
    # a list of exits removed from the screen. The user can recall these
    #   with a keybind
    exit_discard_list = []
    # a list of 1 pixel-wide pygame rectangles that are drawn to the screen
    #   to create grid lines
    gridline_list = []

    # populate `gridline_list`
    gridline_list = populate_gridline_list(gridline_list, grid_x, grid_y,
                                           grid_factor_x, grid_factor_y)

    # main game loop will run until the user clicks the exit button in the top right corner (Windows)
    while running:
        # event loop
        for pygame_event in event.get():
            # if the user hits the window's exit button, stop the app
            if pygame_event.type == QUIT:
                running = False
            # if the user hits the mouse button in the app window
            if pygame_event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and mouse.get_focused():
                # return a list of booleans for the three major buttons on a mouse:
                #   left mouse, right mouse, and middle mouse. If an element is True,
                #   the corresponding button is pressed
                mouse_depressed = mouse.get_pressed(num_buttons=3)
                # if the user clicks ONLY the left mouse button, they are creating
                #   a patch.
                if mouse_depressed[0] and not mouse_depressed[2]:
                    # get the mouse's position with respect to the window
                    mouse_pos_patch = mouse.get_pos()
                    num_clicks_patch += 1
                    num_clicks_patch_temp = num_clicks_patch
                # if the user clicks ONLY the right mouse button, they are creating
                #   an exit.
                if mouse_depressed[2] and not mouse_depressed[0]:
                    mouse_pos_exit = mouse.get_pos()
                    num_clicks_exit += 1
                    num_clicks_exit_temp = num_clicks_exit
            if pygame_event.type == KEYDOWN and key.get_focused():
                # return a list of booleans for all the keys on the keyboard
                #   If an element is True, the corresponding key is pressed
                keys_depressed = key.get_pressed()
                # if the user presses CTRL+Z, remove the previously added patches
                #   from most recent to least recent
                if keys_depressed[K_LCTRL] and keys_depressed[
                        K_z] and not keys_depressed[K_LSHIFT]:
                    # if the user has begun to create a new patch, they can
                    #   cancel it by hitting CTRL+Z. Otherwise, CTRL+Z removes a
                    #   patch that has already been drawn
                    if patch_list and num_clicks_patch == 0:
                        print("Number of patches:", len(patch_list))
                        patch_tl = ()
                        num_clicks_patch = 0
                        num_clicks_patch_temp = 0
                        print("Undid patch topleft!")
                # if the user pressed CTRL+SHIFT+Z, remove the previously added exits
                #   from most recent to least recent
                elif keys_depressed[K_LSHIFT] and keys_depressed[
                        K_LCTRL] and keys_depressed[K_z]:
                    # if the user has begun to create a new exit, they can
                    #   cancel it by hitting CTRL+SHIFT+Z. Otherwise, CTRL+SHIFT+Z removes a
                    #   exit that has already been drawn
                    if exit_list and num_clicks_exit == 0:
                        print("Number of exits:", len(exit_list))
                        exit_tl = ()
                        num_clicks_exit = 0
                        num_clicks_exit_temp = 0
                        print("Undid exit topleft!")
                # if the user presses CTRL+Y, restore the previously removed patch
                #   from the discard patch list from most recent to least recent
                if keys_depressed[K_LCTRL] and keys_depressed[
                        K_y] and not keys_depressed[K_LSHIFT]:
                    # the user can only restore a deleted patch if they haven't
                    #   started drawing another one. Easy fix for this: press CTRL+Z
                    #   to undo the topleft of the already-begun patch, then do CTRL+Y
                    if patch_discard_list and num_clicks_patch == 0:
                        print("Number of patches:", len(patch_list))
                # if the user pressed CTRL+SHIFT+Y, restore the previously removed exit
                #   from the discard exit list from most recent to least recent
                elif keys_depressed[K_LSHIFT] and keys_depressed[
                        K_LCTRL] and keys_depressed[K_y]:
                    # the user can only restore a deleted exit if they haven't
                    #   started drawing another one. Easy fix for this: press CTRL+SHIFT+Z
                    #   to undo the topleft of the already-begun exit, then do CTRL+SHIFT+Y
                    if exit_discard_list and num_clicks_exit == 0:
                        print("Number of exits:", len(exit_list))

        # if the user has clicked the mouse once, store the mouse position
        #   as the top left of the rectangle to be drawn
        if num_clicks_patch_temp == 1:
            patch_tl = mouse_pos_patch
            num_clicks_patch_temp = 0
            patch_temp.topleft = patch_tl
            print("Patch topleft set at", patch_tl)
        # if the user has clicked the mouse for the second time,
        elif num_clicks_patch_temp == 2:
            patch_br = mouse_pos_patch
                Rect(patch_tl[0], patch_tl[1], patch_br[0] - patch_tl[0],
                     patch_br[1] - patch_tl[1]))
            num_clicks_patch = 0
            num_clicks_patch_temp = 0
            print("Number of patches:", len(patch_list))

        # if the user has clicked the mouse once, store the mouse position
        #   as the top left of the rectangle to be drawn
        if num_clicks_exit_temp == 1:
            exit_tl = mouse_pos_exit
            num_clicks_exit_temp = 0
            exit_temp.topleft = exit_tl
            print("Exit topleft set at", exit_tl)
        # if the user has clicked the mouse for the second time,
        elif num_clicks_exit_temp == 2:
            exit_br = mouse_pos_exit
                Rect(exit_tl[0], exit_tl[1], exit_br[0] - exit_tl[0],
                     exit_br[1] - exit_tl[1]))
            num_clicks_exit = 0
            num_clicks_exit_temp = 0
            print("Number of exits:", len(exit_list))

        # first blacken the screen
        # draw the grid lines
        for gridline in gridline_list:
            draw.rect(screen, "blue", gridline)
        # draw the patches on top of the grid lines
        for patch in patch_list:
            draw.rect(screen, "white", patch, width=1)
        # then draw the exits over the grid lines and patches
        for exit in exit_list:
            draw.rect(screen, "red", exit)
        # if the user has clicked to begin drawing either a patch
        #   or an exit, display the box growing and shrinking as they
        #   move their mouse so they can see what the patch/exit will look
        #   like when it's drawn
        if num_clicks_patch == 1:
            patch_temp.size = tuple(
                map(sub, mouse.get_pos(), patch_temp.topleft))
            # we'll use `patch_temp_copy` to display a proper rectangle if the user defines
            #   `patch_temp`'s topleft and then moves the mouse above or farther left than
            #   that point. Doing so creates a negative width/height in the rectangle which
            #   does not draw to the screen without glitching. Normalizing the rectangle
            #   removes the negative width/height and reassigns the topleft point in the process.
            #   Without using a copy of `patch_temp`, its top left would change every game loop,
            #   and the rectangle would not change with mouse movement correctly. If this
            #   description doesn't make sense, just trust me. If you're the kind of person
            #   who likes to define the bottom right corner first, this code lets you see
            #   that normalized (looks like a rectangle, not a cross road) rectangle change
            #   size as your mouse moves around :D
            patch_temp_copy = Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0)
            # I have to define `patch_temp_copy` like this instead of `patch_temp_copy = patch_temp`
            #   since that would just make `patch_temp_copy` an alias of `patch_temp`
            patch_temp_copy.topleft = patch_temp.topleft
            patch_temp_copy.size = patch_temp.size
            draw.rect(screen, "white", patch_temp_copy, width=1)
            print(patch_temp_copy.size, "    ", end='\r')
        if num_clicks_exit == 1:
            # same theory as with `patch_temp_copy` so I'm not gonna repeat it...
            exit_temp.size = tuple(map(sub, mouse.get_pos(),
            exit_temp_copy = Rect(-1, -1, 0, 0)
            exit_temp_copy.topleft = exit_temp.topleft
            exit_temp_copy.size = exit_temp.size
            draw.rect(screen, "red", exit_temp_copy)
            print(exit_temp_copy.size, "    ", end='\r')

        # this updates the contents of the surface

        # if the user has clicked the exit button, ask them if they either want to create
        #   the terrain or completely exit the editor. Give them a second chance if they
        #   want to quit. That way they don't accidentally lose their progress.
        if not running:
            response = input(
                "Would you like to create the terrain with this model? (y/n) ")
            if response == 'y':
                # create the terrain grid from the rectangles drawn in the pygame window
                terrain_grid = create_terrain_grid(patch_list, exit_list,
                                                   grid_x, grid_y,
                # draw converted rectangles to the .txt file
                output_to_file(grid_x, grid_y, terrain_grid)
                # save the pygame screen as a .png to use as the background image of the simulation
                #   visualization .gif
                # update the patches document in the `params.json` file
                update_patches(patch_list, grid_factor_x, grid_factor_y)
            elif response == 'n':
                second_response = input("Are you sure? (Y/N) ")
                if second_response == "Y":
                    print("Quitting terrain editor.")
                elif second_response == "N":
                    running = True
                    print("Continuing terrain editor.")
                    running = True
                        "Invalid response ('Y' or 'N' only, please). Continuing terrain editor."
                running = True
                    "Invalid response ('y' or 'n' only, please). Continuing terrain editor."