def get_item_at_pos (self, position):
        """L.get_item_at_pos (...) -> ListItem

        Gets the item at the passed position coordinates.
        eventarea = self.rect_to_client ()
        if not eventarea.collidepoint (position):
            return None
        position = position[0] - eventarea.left, position[1] -
        border = base.GlobalStyle.get_border_size \
                  StyleInformation.get ("ACTIVE_BORDER")) * 2

        posy = self.vadjustment
        items = self.scrolledlist.items
        width = eventarea.width
        bottom = eventarea.bottom
        images = self.images
        spacing = self.scrolledlist.spacing

        for item in items:
            rect = Rect (images [item][1])
            rect.y = posy
            rect.width = width + border
            if rect.bottom > bottom:
                rect.height = bottom - rect.bottom + border
            if rect.collidepoint (position):
                return item
            posy += images[item][1].height + spacing + border
        return None
def calculateIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4):
    p = getIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4)
    if p is not None:
        width = p2[0] - p1[0]
        height = p2[1] - p1[1]
        r1 = Rect(p1, (width, height))
        width = p4[0] - p3[0]
        height = p4[1] - p3[1]
        r2 = Rect(p3, (width, height))
        tolerance = 1
        if r1.width < tolerance:
            r1.width = tolerance
        if r1.height < tolerance:
            r1.height = tolerance
        if r2.width < tolerance:
            r2.width = tolerance
        if r2.height < tolerance:
            r2.height = tolerance
        for point in p:
                res1 = r1.collidepoint(point)
                res2 = r2.collidepoint(point)
                if res1 and res2:
                    point = [int(pp) for pp in point]
                    return point
                str = "point was invalid  ", point
        return None
        return None
def calculateIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4):
	p = getIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4)
	#print p
	if p is not None:	
		width = p2[0] - p1[0]
		height = p2[1] - p1[1]       
		r1 = Rect(p1, (width , height))
		width = p4[0] - p3[0]
		height = p4[1] - p3[1]
		r2 = Rect(p3, (width, height))

		# Ensure both rects have a width and height of at least 'tolerance' else the
		# collidepoint check of the Rect class will fail as it doesn't include the bottom
		# and right hand side 'pixels' of the rectangle
		tolerance = 1
		if r1.width < tolerance:
			r1.width = tolerance
		if r1.height < tolerance:
			r1.height = tolerance
		if r2.width < tolerance:
			r2.width = tolerance
		if r2.height < tolerance:
			r2.height = tolerance

		for point in p:	
				res1 = r1.collidepoint(point)
				res2 = r2.collidepoint(point)
				if res1 and res2:
					point = [int(pp) for pp in point]
					return point
				# sometimes the value in a point are too large for PyGame's Rect class
				#str = "point was invalid  ", point
				#print str
		# This is the case where the infinately long lines crossed but 
		# the line segments didn't
		return None	
		return None
Beispiel #4
    def __draw_bar(self, camera, arg_rect, fraction, col_back, col_0, col_1):
        """ Draw a progress bar """

        # The background

        # The empty portion.
        rect = Rect(arg_rect)
        rect.inflate_ip(-4, -4)

        # The full portion.
        rect.width = int(fraction * rect.width)
Beispiel #5
    def get_item_at_pos(self, position):
        """L.get_item_at_pos (...) -> ListItem

        Gets the item at the passed position coordinates.
        eventarea = self.rect_to_client()
        if not eventarea.collidepoint(position):
            return None
        position = position[0] - eventarea.left, position[1] -

        border = base.GlobalStyle.get_border_size \
                  StyleInformation.get ("ACTIVE_BORDER")) * 2

        posy = self.vadjustment
        items = self.scrolledlist.items
        width = eventarea.width
        bottom = eventarea.bottom
        images = self.images
        spacing = self.scrolledlist.spacing

        for item in items:
            rect = Rect(images[item][1])
            rect.y = posy
            rect.width = width + border
            if rect.bottom > bottom:
                rect.height = bottom - rect.bottom + border
            if rect.collidepoint(position):
                return item
            posy += images[item][1].height + spacing + border
        return None
Beispiel #6
	def create_platforms_rect(self, tiles, layer):
		""" Create a collision rect for each non-empty tile segment, that is, one or more tiles together """
		if len(tiles) < 1:
			return False

		x, y = tiles.pop(0)
		width =['tilewidth']
		height =['tileheight']
		rect = Rect((0, 0, 0, 0))
		rect.left = x * width = y * height
		rect.width = width
		rect.height = height
		# self.platforms.append(Platform(rect, layer))
		n_tiles_x, n_tiles_y = 0, 0

		# exclude the tiles we're about to create a platform for
		excluded_tiles = []
		for (n_x, n_y) in tiles:
			if abs(n_x - x) == n_tiles_x and n_y == y:
				rect.width += width
				n_tiles_x += 1
				excluded_tiles.append((n_x, n_y))
			if abs(n_y - y) == n_tiles_y and n_x == x:
				rect.height += height
				n_tiles_y += 1
				excluded_tiles.append((n_x, n_y))

		self.platforms.append(Platform(rect, layer))
		self.create_platforms_rect([t for t in tiles if not t in excluded_tiles], layer)
Beispiel #7
    def draw_sprite(self, sprite, ratio=None):
        if ratio is None:
            ratio = self.ratio

        # calculate the size of the shadow
        w = sprite.rect.width * ratio + 1
        h = w/2
        rect = Rect(0,0,w,h)
        # shrink the shadow according to height
        if hasattr(sprite, "height"):
            height0 = sprite.__class__.height
            ratio = (height0 - sprite.height) / float(height0)
            rect.width = max(8, rect.width * ratio)
            rect.height = max(4, rect.height * ratio)

        # move the the midbottom of the sprite = sprite.rect.midbottom
        rect.x -= 1
        rect.y -= 3

        # if the sprite has a height property, use it to move the shadow
        if hasattr(sprite, "height"):
            rect.y += sprite.height

        # draw to the layer
        pygame.draw.ellipse(self._layer, self.color, rect)
Beispiel #8
 def test_width( self ):
     "Changing the width resizes the rect from the top-left corner"
     r = Rect( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
     new_width = 10
     old_topleft = r.topleft
     old_height = r.height
     r.width = new_width
     self.assertEqual( new_width, r.width )
     self.assertEqual( old_height, r.height )
     self.assertEqual( old_topleft, r.topleft )
Beispiel #9
    def test_width(self):
        "Changing the width resizes the rect from the top-left corner"
        r = Rect(1, 2, 3, 4)
        new_width = 10
        old_topleft = r.topleft
        old_height = r.height

        r.width = new_width
        self.assertEqual(new_width, r.width)
        self.assertEqual(old_height, r.height)
        self.assertEqual(old_topleft, r.topleft)
Beispiel #10
    def makeRooms(self):
        numRooms = random.randint(NUMROOMSMIN, NUMROOMSMAX)
        for roomID in range(numRooms):
            attempts = 0
            room = Rect(0,0,0,0)
            room.width = random.randint(ROOMMIN, ROOMMAX)
            room.height = random.randint(ROOMMIN, ROOMMAX)

            posFound = False
            while not posFound:
                if attempts == MAXROOMALLOCATTEMPTS:
                    #print("Could not resolve room placement for room %i, bailing" % (roomID+1))

                room.x = random.randint(2, WORLDSIZE[0] - 1)
                room.y = random.randint(5, WORLDSIZE[1] - 1)

                if (room.x + room.width) >= (WORLDSIZE[0] - 1) or (room.y + room.height) >= (WORLDSIZE[1] - 4):
                    attempts += 1

                posFound = True

                for r,w in self.roomInfo:
                    if r.inflate(2*ROOMSPACING, 2*ROOMSPACING).colliderect(room):
                        posFound = False
                        attempts += 1

            if not posFound:

            #Place waypoint
            wpX = random.randint(room.x + 1 + int(CORTHICKNESS / 2), room.x + room.width - 1 - int(CORTHICKNESS / 2))
            wpY = random.randint(room.y + 1 + int(CORTHICKNESS / 2), room.y + room.height - 1 - int(CORTHICKNESS / 2) )
            self.roomInfo.append( (room, (wpX, wpY)) )

            for x in range(room.x, room.x + room.width):
                for y in range(room.y, room.y + room.height):
                    self.mapGrid[x][y] = "#"

        #Sort rooms in order of Y coordinates
        self.roomInfo.sort(key=lambda r: r[0].y)
Beispiel #11
    def _DrawTextLines(self, lines):
        linepadding =1 
        textlines = []
        totalrect = Rect(0,0,0,0)
        for line in lines:
            text = self.font.render(line, 1, (255,255,255))
            rect = text.get_rect()
            totalrect.inflate_ip(0, rect.height + linepadding)
            if rect.width > totalrect.width:
                totalrect.width = rect.width


        textsurf = Surface(totalrect.size, pygame.SRCALPHA)
        topoffset = 0
        for linesurf in textlines:
            topoffset += linesurf.get_rect().height
        return textsurf
Beispiel #12
    def _DrawTextLines(self, lines):
        linepadding = 1
        textlines = []
        totalrect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        for line in lines:
            text = self.font.render(line, 1, (255, 255, 255))
            rect = text.get_rect()
            totalrect.inflate_ip(0, rect.height + linepadding)
            if rect.width > totalrect.width:
                totalrect.width = rect.width


        textsurf = Surface(totalrect.size, pygame.SRCALPHA)
        topoffset = 0
        for linesurf in textlines:
            textsurf.blit(linesurf, (0, topoffset))
            topoffset += linesurf.get_rect().height
        return textsurf
Beispiel #13
def rounded_rect(surface: Surface, rect: Rect, colour: Colour,
                 corner_radius: int):
    ''' Draw a rectangle with rounded corners.
    Would prefer this: 
        pygame.draw.rect(surface, colour, rect, border_radius=corner_radius)
    but this option is not yet supported in my version of pygame so do it ourselves.

    We use anti-aliased circles to make the corners smoother
    if rect.width < 2 * corner_radius or rect.height < 2 * corner_radius:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Both height (rect.height) and width (rect.width) must be > 2 * corner radius ({corner_radius})"

    corner_radius = int(corner_radius)

    # need to use anti aliasing circle drawing routines to smooth the corners
    circle(surface, rect.left + corner_radius, + corner_radius,
           corner_radius, colour)
    circle(surface, rect.right - corner_radius - 1, + corner_radius,
           corner_radius, colour)
    circle(surface, rect.left + corner_radius, rect.bottom - corner_radius - 1,
           corner_radius, colour)
    circle(surface, rect.right - corner_radius - 1,
           rect.bottom - corner_radius - 1, corner_radius, colour)

    rect_tmp = Rect(rect)

    rect_tmp.width -= 2 * corner_radius =
    draw_rect(surface, colour, rect_tmp)

    rect_tmp.width = rect.width
    rect_tmp.height -= 2 * corner_radius =
    draw_rect(surface, colour, rect_tmp)
def calculateIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4):
   p = getIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4)
   if p is not None:               
       width = p2[0] - p1[0]
       height = p2[1] - p1[1]       
       r1 = Rect(p1, (width , height))
       width = p4[0] - p3[0]
       height = p4[1] - p3[1]
       r2 = Rect(p3, (width, height))
       # Ensure both rects have a width and height of at least 'tolerance' else the
       # collidepoint check of the Rect class will fail as it doesn't include the bottom
       # and right hand side 'pixels' of the rectangle
       tolerance = 1
       if r1.width &lt; tolerance:
        r1.width = tolerance
       if r1.height &lt; tolerance:
        r1.height = tolerance
Beispiel #15
       width = p2[0] - p1[0]
       height = p2[1] - p1[1]       
       r1 = Rect(p1, (width , height))
       width = p4[0] - p3[0]
       height = p4[1] - p3[1]
       r2 = Rect(p3, (width, height))

       # Ensure both rects have a width and height of at least 'tolerance' else the
       # collidepoint check of the Rect class will fail as it doesn't include the bottom
       # and right hand side 'pixels' of the rectangle
       tolerance = 1
       if r1.width < tolerance:
            r1.width = tolerance
       if r1.height < tolerance:
            r1.height = tolerance
       if r2.width < tolerance:
            r2.width = tolerance
       if r2.height < tolerance:
            r2.height = tolerance

       for point in p:                 
               res1 = r1.collidepoint(point)
               res2 = r2.collidepoint(point)
               if res1 and res2:
def intersection_pt(p1, p2, p3, p4):
	p = getIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4)
	if p is not None:               
		width = p2[0] - p1[0]
		height = p2[1] - p1[1]       
		r1 = Rect(p1, (width , height))

		width = p4[0] - p3[0]
		height = p4[1] - p3[1]
		r2 = Rect(p3, (width, height))
	   # Ensure both rects have a width and height of at least 'tolerance' else the
	   # collidepoint check of the Rect class will fail as it doesn't include the bottom
	   # and right hand side 'pixels' of the rectangle
		tolerance = 1
		if r1.width <tolerance:
			r1.width = tolerance
		if r1.height <tolerance:
			r1.height = tolerance
		if r2.width <tolerance:
			r2.width = tolerance
		if r2.height <tolerance:
			r2.height = tolerance
		for point in p:                 
				res1 = r1.collidepoint(point)
				res2 = r2.collidepoint(point)
				if res1 and res2:
					point = [int(pp) for pp in point]                                
					return point
				# sometimes the value in a point are too large for PyGame's Rect class
				str = "point was invalid  ", point                
				print str
		# This is the case where the infinately long lines crossed but 
		# the line segments didn't
		return None            
		return None
# # Test script below...
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# 	# line 1 and 2 cross, 1 and 3 don't but would if extended, 2 and 3 are parallel
# 	# line 5 is horizontal, line 4 is vertical
# 	p1 = (1,5)
# 	p2 = (4,7)
# 	p3 = (4,5)
# 	p4 = (3,7)
# 	p5 = (4,1)
# 	p6 = (3,3)
# 	p7 = (3,1)
# 	p8 = (3,10)
# 	p9 =  (0,6)
# 	p10 = (5,6)
# 	p11 = (472.0, 116.0)
# 	p12 = (542.0, 116.0)  
# 	assert None != calculateIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4), "line 1 line 2 should intersect"
# 	assert None != calculateIntersectPoint(p3, p4, p1, p2), "line 2 line 1 should intersect"
# 	assert None == calculateIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p5, p6), "line 1 line 3 shouldn't intersect"
# 	assert None == calculateIntersectPoint(p3, p4, p5, p6), "line 2 line 3 shouldn't intersect"
# 	assert None != calculateIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p7, p8), "line 1 line 4 should intersect"
# 	assert None != calculateIntersectPoint(p7, p8, p1, p2), "line 4 line 1 should intersect"
# 	assert None != calculateIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p9, p10), "line 1 line 5 should intersect"
# 	assert None != calculateIntersectPoint(p9, p10, p1, p2), "line 5 line 1 should intersect"
# 	assert None != calculateIntersectPoint(p7, p8, p9, p10), "line 4 line 5 should intersect"
# 	assert None != calculateIntersectPoint(p9, p10, p7, p8), "line 5 line 4 should intersect"
# 	print "\nSUCCESS! All asserts passed for doLinesIntersect"
Beispiel #17
def calculateIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4):

    p = getIntersectPoint(p1, p2, p3, p4)

    if p is not None:
        width = p2[0] - p1[0]
        height = p2[1] - p1[1]
        r1 = Rect(p1, (width, height))

        width = p4[0] - p3[0]
        height = p4[1] - p3[1]
        r2 = Rect(p3, (width, height))

        # Ensure both rects have a width and height of at least 'tolerance' else the
        # collidepoint check of the Rect class will fail as it doesn't include the bottom
        # and right hand side 'pixels' of the rectangle
        tolerance = 1
        if r1.width < tolerance:
            r1.width = tolerance

        if r1.height < tolerance:
            r1.height = tolerance

        if r2.width < tolerance:
            r2.width = tolerance

        if r2.height < tolerance:
            r2.height = tolerance

        for point in p:
                res1 = r1.collidepoint(point)
                res2 = r2.collidepoint(point)
                if res1 and res2:
                    point = [int(pp) for pp in point]
                    return point
                # sometimes the value in a point are too large for PyGame's Rect class
                str = "point was invalid  ", point

        # This is the case where the infinately long lines crossed but
        # the line segments didn't
        return None

        return None