def on_message(client, userdata, msg): if (msg.payload == "1"): print "on" GPIO.output(PINNR, True) else: print "off" GPIO.Output(PINNR, False)
def main(): while True: dab_data = compare_transmission() light_level = dab_data[0] on_time = dab_data[1] off_time = dab_data[2] if check_light_level(light_level): gpio.output(7, gpio.HIGH) sleep(on_time) gpio.Output(7, gpio.LOW) sleep(off_time)
reading = dht11.DHT11(pin=27) while True: result = dist = checkdist() endpoint = '' if result.is_valid(): print("DateTime : " + str( print("temp %d C" % result.temperature) print("Measured Distance = %.1f cm" % dist) payload = {'Distance': dist, 'Temperature': result.temperature} req =, json=payload) print(req.text) if result.temperature > 60: GPIO.Output(fan, True) time.sleep(1) if checkdist() < 200: print("motion detected") if 180 < checkdist() < 200: pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(10) elif 160 < checkdist() < 180: pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(20) elif 140 < checkdist() < 160: pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(30) elif 120 < checkdist() < 140: pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(40) elif 100 < checkdist() < 120: pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(60) elif 80 < checkdist() < 100: pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(70)
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #import the RPi.GPIO import time.sleep #import sleep-function to wait x seconds GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #configure GPIO as BCM GPIO.setup(4, GPIO.OUT) #Set BCM Pin 4 as Output-Pin (3.3V) my_pwm = GPIO.PWM(4, 100) #Setup PWM for BCM Pin 4 with 100 Hz my_pwm.start(0) #Start my_pwm with DutyCycle of 0 (basically off) for i in range(0, 100): my_pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(i) #Turn LED from Off to full brightness time.sleep(5) #Wait 5 Seconds before dimming the LED back again for i in range(100, 0): my_pwm.ChangeDutyCycle(i) #Turn LED from ON to Off time.sleep(5) #Wait 5 Seconds before exiting GPIO.Output( 4, False) #If loop stopped, make shure, that there is no power on BCM Pin 4 GPIO.cleanup() #Clean up after using GPIO
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #import the RPi.GPIO import time.sleep #import sleep-function to wait x seconds GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #configure GPIO as BCM GPIO.setup(4, GPIO.OUT) #Set BCM Pin 4 as Output-Pin (3.3V) limit = int(input("How often blink the LED? ")) seconds = int(input("How many seconds for the cycle? ")) i = 0 #Setup Counter i as 0 while i < limit: #start loop that runs 10 times GPIO.Output(4, True) #Set Output of BCM Pin 4 on High/True) -> LED ON time.sleep(seconds) #Wait Seconds after turning on GPIO.Output(4, False) #Set Output of BCM Pin 4 on Low/False -> LED OFF time.sleep(seconds) # Wait Seconds after turning off i += 1 #Add 1 to the counter of the loop GPIO.Output( 4, False) #If loop stopped, make shure, that there is no power on BCM Pin 4 GPIO.cleanup() #Clean up after using GPIO