Example #1
class Player:
	def __init__(self, health, house, xp, level, spell_level, potion_level, spell_energy, stamina, speed, x, y, bx, by, backgrounds, difficulty, location):
		# initialize all variables
		#these variables store self-explanatory things
		self.health = health
		self.max_health = health
		self.xp = xp
		self.house = house
		self.level = level
		self.spell_level = spell_level
		self.spell_energy = spell_energy
		self.max_spell_energy = spell_energy
		self.potion_level = potion_level
		self.stamina = stamina
		self.max_stamina = stamina
		self.angle_speed = speed * cos(radians(45))
		self.straight_speed = speed
		self.x = x
		self.y = y
		self.bx = bx
		self.by = by
		self.playerRect = Rect(x, y, 22, 45) 
		self.width = self.playerRect[2]
		self.height = self. playerRect[3]
		self.spell_list = []
		self.attack_spells = []
		self.difficulty = difficulty
		self.kills = 0

				#there are 3 spells availible in total, player starts off with 2, needs to unlock the third 
		self.spell_list.append(self.learnSpell("lumos", "Illuminate the tip of the caster's wand", 0, 1, 0))
		self.spell_list.append(self.learnSpell("wingardium leviosa", "Make objects fly or levitate", 0, 1, 0))
				#The values of "house" are obtained after clicking on the house in the menu
		##The following if tree assigns the values for the player's attackes based on which house was chosen
		#Eg. some attacks are more powerful while other attacks drain more energy
		#arguments (name,description,damage,level,drain)
		if self.house == "slytherin":
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Expulso", "Light dameage, no energy drain", 15, 1, 5))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Imerio", "Moderate damage, low energy", 20, 1, 10))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Crucio", "Heavy damage, costs more energy", 30, 1, 35))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Stupefy", "Weakens next enemy attack", 5, 1, 15))

		if self.house == "hufflepuff":
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Expulso", "Light dameage, no energy drain", 5, 1, 0))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Imerio", "Moderate damage, low energy", 10, 1, 5))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Crucio", "Heavy damage, costs more energy", 10, 1, 10))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Stupefy", "Weakens next enemy attack", 0, 1, 10))

		if self.house == "ravenclaw":
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Expulso", "Light dameage, no energy drain", 10, 1, 0))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Imerio", "Moderate damage, low energy", 10, 1, 5))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Crucio", "Heavy damage, costs more energy", 15, 1, 10))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Stupefy", "Weakens next enemy attack", 0, 1, 10))

		if self.house == "gryffindor":
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Expulso", "Light dameage, no energy drain", 10, 1, 5))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Imerio", "Moderate damage, low energy", 13, 1, 10))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Crucio", "Heavy damage, costs more energy", 15, 1, 13))
			self.attack_spells.append(self.learnSpell("Stupefy", "Weakens next enemy attack", 2, 1, 10))

		self.selected_spell = self.spell_list[0] #for the inventory system, player clicks the spell that they choose
		self.direction = "left"
		self.location = location
		self.attacking = False
		self.sprint_multiplyer = 2
		self.hit_box = Rect(self.x, self.y + 26, self.width, 20)

		self.del_num = False

				#stores the attributes of the blue blobs that spawn on the ground
		self.blob_list = []
		for i in range(50):
			self.blob_list.append(Blob(self, backgrounds))

	def analyzeInput(self, camera, pressed, sprite, gates, background, collision_mask, music):
		"Centralized method that analyzes inputs and calls adequate functions"

		self.hit_box = Rect(self.x, self.y + 26, self.width, 20)

		sprite.showBackground(background[self.location], self.bx, self.by, camera)

		for i in range(len(self.blob_list)):
			#if self.hit_box.colliderect(self.blob_list[i].getRect()):
			#	print("fight")
			#	self.battle = Battle(self, Enemy(self.difficulty), self.location)
			self.blob_list[i].show(camera, collision_mask)

		# coordinates to check players location relative to the map, not screen
		check_x = self.x + self.width/2 - self.bx
		check_y = self.y + self.height/2 - self.by

		# draw door depending on player's location
		for i in range(len(gates)):
			gates[i].idle(camera, self)

		if self.attacking == False:
			if self.direction == "":
				sprite.displayIdle(self, camera)
				sprite.changeSprite(self, camera)
			self.attacking = sprite.inGameAttack(self, camera, self.attacking)
		if not self.getCollision(collision_mask[self.location], background[self.location], gates, camera, music, background):
			self.move(pressed, camera, sprite, background[self.location])


	def changeDirection(self, pressed):
		"Change the direction used to affect player"

		self.direction = ""

				#controlled with WASD
		if pressed[K_w]:
			self.direction += "up"
		if pressed[K_a]:
			self.direction += "left"
		if pressed[K_s]:
			self.direction += "down"
		if pressed[K_d]:
			self.direction += "right"
		if pressed[K_a] and pressed[K_d] or pressed[K_w] and pressed[K_s]:
			self.direction = ""

		if len(self.direction) >= 6:
			self.speed = self.angle_speed
			self.speed = self.straight_speed

	def move(self, pressed, camera, sprite, back_image):
		"Move player"

		# Moving left and right
		if self.bx > 0 or self.x < 415:
			if self.bx >= 0:
				self.bx = 0
						#shift and WASD sprints 
			if pressed[K_LSHIFT] and self.stamina > 1.0:
				if self.direction.find("left") != -1:
					self.x -= self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("right") != -1:
					self.x += self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("left") != -1:
					self.x -= self.speed
				if self.direction.find("right") != -1:
					self.x += self.speed

		elif self.bx < -back_image.get_width()+camera.get_width() or self.x > 435:
			if self.bx <= -back_image.get_width()+camera.get_width():
				self.bx = -back_image.get_width()+camera.get_width()

			if pressed[K_LSHIFT] and self.stamina > 1.0:
				if self.direction.find("left") != -1:
					self.x -= self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("right") != -1:
					self.x += self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("left") != -1:
					self.x -= self.speed
				if self.direction.find("right") != -1:
					self.x += self.speed

			if pressed[K_LSHIFT] and self.stamina > 1.0:
				if self.direction.find("left") != -1:
					self.bx += self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("right") != -1:
					self.bx -= self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("left") != -1:
					self.bx += self.speed
				if self.direction.find("right") != -1:
					self.bx -= self.speed

		# Moving up and down
		if self.by > 0 or self.y < 290:
			if self.by >= 0:
				self.by = 0

			if pressed[K_LSHIFT] and self.stamina > 1.0:
				if self.direction.find("up") != -1:
					self.y -= self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("down") != -1:
					self.y += self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("up") != -1:
					self.y -= self.speed
				if self.direction.find("down") != -1:
					self.y += self.speed

		elif self.by < -back_image.get_height()+camera.get_height() or self.y > 310:
			if self.by <= -back_image.get_height()+camera.get_height():
				self.by = -back_image.get_height()+camera.get_height()

			if pressed[K_LSHIFT] and self.stamina > 1.0:
				if self.direction.find("up") != -1:
					self.y -= self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("down") != -1:
					self.y += self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("up") != -1:
					self.y -= self.speed
				if self.direction.find("down") != -1:
					self.y += self.speed

			if pressed[K_LSHIFT] and self.stamina > 1.0:
				if self.direction.find("up") != -1:
					self.by += self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("down") != -1:
					self.by -= self.speed * self.sprint_multiplyer
					self.stamina -= 0.05
				if self.direction.find("up") != -1:
					self.by += self.speed
				if self.direction.find("down") != -1:
					self.by -= self.speed

	def getCollision(self, collision_mask, back_image, gates, camera, music, backgrounds):
		"Check player's position against mask to see if it collides"
		check_x = self.hit_box[0] + self.hit_box[2]/2 - self.bx
		check_y = self.hit_box[1] + self.hit_box[3]/2 - self.by

		if self.direction.find("up") != -1:
			check_y -= self.hit_box[3]/2
		if self.direction.find("left") != 1:
			check_x -= self.hit_box[2]/2
		if self.direction.find("down") != -1:
			check_y += self.hit_box[3]/2
		if self.direction.find("right") != 1:
			check_x += self.hit_box[2]/2

		# Left and right checking is weird, this compensates for that
		if self.direction.find("right") != -1:
			mask_col = collision_mask.get_at((int(check_x) + 9, int(check_y)))
		elif self.direction.find("left") != -1:
			mask_col = collision_mask.get_at((int(check_x) - 9, int(check_y)))
			mask_col = collision_mask.get_at((int(check_x), int(check_y)))

		for i in range(len(self.blob_list)):
			if self.blob_list[i].getRect().collidepoint((check_x, check_y)):
				self.battle = Battle(self, Enemy(self.difficulty), self.location)
				result = self.battle.battleControl(camera, music)
				self.del_num = i

				music[self.location + " battle"].halt()

		if self.del_num != False:
			del self.blob_list[self.del_num]
			self.del_num = False
			self.kills += 1

		# Check for wall collisions
		if mask_col == (255, 0, 0, 255):
			return True
		# Check for door collisions
		elif mask_col == (255, 255, 0, 255):
			self.interactDoor(gates, camera, music, backgrounds)
			return False

	def interactDoor(self, gates, camera, music, backgrounds):
		"Check which door the player has collided with and act accordingly"
		for i in range(len(gates)):
			if self.x > gates[i].getX() and self.x < gates[i].getX()+gates[i].getWidth():
				gates[i].open(camera, self, backgrounds)
				self.location = gates[i].getNewLocation()
				self.bx = -(gates[i].getNewX() - 425)
				self.by = -(gates[i].getNewY() - 300)


	def createBlobs(self, backgrounds):
		self.blob_list = []
		for i in range(50):
			self.blob_list.append(Blob(self, backgrounds))

	def learnSpell(self, name, description, power, level, energy):
		"Add spell to the player's spell list" #the inventory spells
		return (Spells(name, description, power, level, energy))

	def regenerate(self):
		"regenerate health, stamina, and energy over time"
		if self.stamina < self.max_stamina:
			self.stamina += 0.04
		if self.spell_energy < self.max_spell_energy:
			self.spell_energy += 0.09

	# get meathods
	def getSpeed(self):
		"get speed of object"
		return self.speed
	def getX(self):
		"get x position of object"
		return self.x
	def getY(self):
		"get y position of object"
		return self.y
	def getWidth(self):
		"get width of player"
		return self.width

	def getBX(self):
		"get bx of player"
		return self.bx

	def getBY(self):
		"get by of player"
		return self.by
	def getHeight(self):
		"get length of player"
		return self.height
	def getRect(self):
		"get the rect of object"
		return self.playerRect
	def getHealth(self):
		"get health of player"
		return self.health

	def getSpellList(self):
		"get the list possible spells player can currently cast"
		return self.spell_list

	def getAttackSpells(self):
		"get list  of spells player can use in battle"
		return self.attack_spells

	def getSelectedSpell(self):
		"get the current spell the user has selected"
		return self.selected_spell

	def getStamina(self):
		"get the player's stamina"
		return self.stamina

	def getSpellEnergy(self):
		"get the spell energy of player"
		return self.spell_energy

	def getDirection(self):
		"get the direction of the player"
		return self.direction

	def getHouse(self):
		"get the house of player"
		return self.house

	def getLocation(self):
		"get the current location of the player"
		return self.location

	def getLevel(self):
		"level of player"
		return self.level

	def getPotionLevel(self):
		"inventory spells"
		return self.potion_level

	def getSpellLevel(self):
		return self.spell_level

	def getXP(self):
		return self.xp

	def getDifficulty(self):
		return self.difficulty

	def getKills(self):
		return self.kills

	# set methods
	def setSelectedSpell(self, spell):
		"changes the spell chooses"
		self.selected_spell = spell

	def drainEnergy(self, energy):
		"drains the users energy when an attack is used"
		self.spell_energy -= energy

	def takeDamage(self, damage):
		"Reduce player health based on attack used"
		self.health -= damage