Example #1
    def generation(self, GM, nNode, nHost, nSwitch, graph, model, parameters, RL1, dotFormat):
            function to generate flows from a random source to a random destination. The traffic generation model is a Poission process (we fix lambda = arrival rate)

        now1 = time.time()

        EM = EventManager()
        i = 0
        #generate random source and destination of a flow---------------
#        sourceID = 2#random.randint(0, nNode-1)
#        destinationID = 3#random.randint(0, nNode-1)
#        #generate again the destination if it overlaps with the source------------------
#        while(destinationID == sourceID):
#            destinationID = random.randint(0, nNode-1)

#        #flowID of the first flow generated: flowID = 0-------------------
#        flowID = flowID + 1
        flowID = -1 #inizialization of the ID of flows that will be generated
        pkID = 0 #inizialization of the ID of first packet of the flow

        packetsize = 100
        #array that stores all the paths of the other flows present in the system. We need it for the RL alghoritm
#        allpathsRL = []

        allpaths = []

        DemM = DemandMatrix(nHost)
#        print('DM', DemM.getDemandMatrix())

        #NOTE: all the packets belonging to the same flow follow the same path
        PathMODE = str(parameters[5]) #algorithm used to evaluate the path between source and destinatio
        #available options:
        #RL = reinforcement learning
        #OSPF = shortest path = path with the minimum weight = if all the weights are 1, it's the path with the minimum number of hops
        #ECMP = equal cost multi-path = all the shortest paths are evaluated, then, every time a new flow is generated, the shortest path is chosen according to the round-robin tecnique
        pathnotfoud = 0 #index to count how many times the RL algorithm didn't work

        allecmpPaths = all_ecmp_flow(nNode, graph, nHost)
#        print("allecmpPaths {}".format(allecmpPaths))

        now = time.time()
        startTime = now

        istante = time.time()
        #end of the simulation: input parameter
        min = int(parameters[6])
        timeout = time.time() + 60*min #tot minutes from now on
#        print("fine", time.ctime(timeout))
        tempoOra = time.time()
        interArrivalTime = np.random.poisson(50)
#        print("Poisson ", interArrivalTime)
        istante = tempoOra + interArrivalTime
        print("startTime {}, endtime {}, nextarrival {}".format( time.ctime(startTime), time.ctime(timeout), time.ctime(istante)))

        while (tempoOra < timeout):

            tempoOra = time.time()
#            print('now {}', tempoOra)
#            print('next istante {}', istante)

            if(tempoOra >= istante ):
#                print('qui')
#generation of random source and destination (only hosts can be source or destination)
                sourceID = 0#random.randint(0, nHost-1)
                destinationID = 2#random.randint(0, nHost-1)#random.randint(0, nNode-1)
                while(destinationID == sourceID):
                    destinationID = random.randint(0, nHost-1)
                if parameters[5] == 'so':
                #path semi-oblivious
                    DemM.updateDemandMatrix(sourceID, destinationID, packetsize, 1)
                    DM = []
                    DM = DemM.getDemandMatrix()
#                    print('DM 2', DM)

                flowID = flowID + 1
                listSizeQueues = []
                for queueNode in range(nNode):
                print('size nodes', listSizeQueues)
#evaluation of the flows/paths alive every time that a new flow is generated-----
                allpathsRL2 = []
                allpathsRL2 = GM.getalivePaths()
                new_allpathsRL2 = list(allpathsRL2)

#generation of the path according to the chosen MODE------------------------------
                if( PathMODE == 'rl'):

#dummy paths if the current number of active paths is lower than the maximum number of flows that can coexist in the system.

                    if(len(allpathsRL2) < self.nFlow): #numero flussi totali previsti???????????????
                        for l in range(self.nFlow-len(new_allpathsRL2)-1):#numero flussi totali previsti???????????????

                            DummyPath = [0, 0]

#                    print('....allpathsRL2', allpathsRL2)
                    path, win, loop, fail = RL1.testAlgo(8, new_allpathsRL2, graph, model, sourceID, destinationID)
                    if(loop == 1):
                        path, win, loop, fail = RL1.testAlgo(8, new_allpathsRL2, graph, model, destinationID, sourceID)
                        path = list(reversed(path))
                        print("path not found with RL 1")

                        if(loop == 1):
                            print("path not found with RL 2")
                            path = nx.dijkstra_path(graph, sourceID, destinationID)
                            pathnotfoud += 1
                elif(PathMODE == 'ospf'):
                    path = nx.dijkstra_path(graph, sourceID, destinationID)
                elif( PathMODE == 'ecmp'):
                    allecmpPaths, pathIndex, indice_path2, path  = ecmp_path(sourceID, destinationID, allecmpPaths)
                elif( PathMODE == 'so'):
                    allSOpath(dotFormat, DemM.getDemandMatrix(), nHost)
                    path  = semi_oblivious(dotFormat, sourceID, destinationID, nHost)

#                print('alive paths 2.5', GM.getalivePaths())
#                if(len(allpathsRL2) == 0):

#                print('last found path', path)
#                print('alive paths 3', GM.getalivePaths())

#                GM.updatealivepk(flowID, pkID)
                pkID = 0

#                allpathsRL.append(path)
#                print('tutti i path vivi: ', allpathsRL)

    #evaluation of the collisions : overlapping links and nodes among the alive paths
#                allpaths.append(path)

#                min = int(parameters[6])
#                istante += 10
                interArrivalTime2 = np.random.poisson(50)
#                print("Poisson2 ", interArrivalTime2)
                istante += 3#interArrivalTime2
                print('istante', istante)
                timeout2 = istante #time.time() + 60*2 #4 minutes from now
                tempoOra2 = time.time()
                istante2 = tempoOra2 + 1
                print("timeStart {} timeEnd {} istante {}".format(time.ctime(tempoOra2), time.ctime(timeout2), time.ctime(istante2)))

#                allpaths = genPackets(flowID, tempoOra2, timeout2, EM, GM, allpaths)
                Npks = -1
                numpackets = 10
                while(Npks < numpackets):
        #                        print("time {}".format(time.ctime(istante2)))
                    newpk = packet( flowID, pkID, sourceID, sourceID, destinationID, path)
                    savept = path + [flowID, pkID]
                    allpaths.append(path + [flowID, pkID])
                    newpk.updatepathID(flowID, pkID)
                    GM.updatealivepk(flowID, pkID)
                    pkID = pkID + 1
                    EM.GENERATE(GM, newpk, DemM, packetsize)
                    Npks += 1
                    if parameters[5] == 'so':
                    #path semi-oblivious
                        DemM.updateDemandMatrix(sourceID, destinationID, packetsize, 1)
#                        print('DM', DemM.getDemandMatrix())

                allpaths3 = GM.getalivePaths()#alivePaths(allpaths, GM)
                collisionLinks, numLinks, perc_collissionLink = collisions(allpaths3)
#        performanceStatistics()

        return pathnotfoud