def createConnector(self, xy): gf = Graphics.Connector(xy[0], xy[1], canvas=self.canvas, zoom=self.getZoom(), eventHandler=self.mainHandler) self.appendGF(gf) self.undoStack.append((self.undo_create, [[gf]])) return gf
def openOLD(self): if (0): return [] elif (1): fileName = os.path.join(self.modelPath, 'graph_' + self.className + '.gf1') if (os.path.exists(fileName)): f = open(fileName, 'r') else: return [] try: gfList = pickle.load(f) except ImportError: print "Failed to load pickled graphic data" return [] # Get the scripting stuff out of the way... self.scripting = gfList[0] if (self.scripting.getRunTimeChange()): self.menuBar.getModelMenu().entryconfigure( 0, label="Changes at run-time ENABLED") else: self.menuBar.getModelMenu().entryconfigure( 0, label="Changes at run-time DISABLED") for gf in gfList[1:]: gf.setCanvas(self.canvas) gf.setEventHandler(self.mainHandler) return gfList[1:] elif (0): return [ Graphics.Rectangle(50, 50, 90, 90, canvas=self.canvas, outline="black", fill="blue", width=2, eventHandler=self.mainHandler), Graphics.Oval(50, 50, 90, 90, canvas=self.canvas, outline="black", fill="green", eventHandler=self.mainHandler), Graphics.Text(70, 90, canvas=self.canvas, zoom=1.00, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, text="text", fill="red"), Graphics.Connector(100, 100, canvas=self.canvas, zoom=1.00, eventHandler=self.mainHandler), Graphics.Polygon([50, 50, 90, 90, 32, 2], canvas=self.canvas, outline="green", fill="purple", width=2, eventHandler=self.mainHandler), Graphics.Line([50, 10, 50, 50, 132, 50], canvas=self.canvas, fill="black", eventHandler=self.mainHandler), Graphics.Composite([ Graphics.Rectangle(50, 20, 140, 100, canvas=self.canvas, outline="black", fill="yellow", width=2, eventHandler=self.mainHandler), Graphics.Rectangle(50, 50, 100, 120, canvas=self.canvas, outline="black", fill="purple", width=2, eventHandler=self.mainHandler), Graphics.Oval(70, 20, 40, 90, canvas=self.canvas, outline="black", fill="green", width=2, eventHandler=self.mainHandler), Graphics.Oval(50, 50, 40, 20, canvas=self.canvas, outline="black", fill="gray", width=2, eventHandler=self.mainHandler) ], canvas=self.canvas, zoom=100, eventHandler=self.mainHandler) ]
def open(self): """ Tries to open an existing graphical form in the AToM3 format and to reproduce it on canvas """ fileName = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(self.modelPath, 'graph_' + self.className + '.py')) if (not os.path.exists(fileName)): return [] nameClass = "graph_" + self.className dc = Tkinter.Canvas(self.root) # File is already loaded if nameClass in sys.modules.keys(): del sys.modules[nameClass] # Make sure we can reach the path and import from it sys.path.append(self.modelPath) # Load it in memory try: exec "import graph_" + self.className + "\n" sys.path = sys.path[:-1] except SyntaxError: # class Name not valid sys.path = sys.path[:-1] print "Syntax Error, Could not open graphical file", self.className self.debug() return [] except IOError: # could not open file (?) sys.path = sys.path[:-1] print "IO Error, Could not open graphical file", self.className self.debug() return [] except ImportError: # could not open file... print "Import Error, Could not open graphical file", self.className self.debug() sys.path = sys.path[:-1] return [] try: # obtain the class object className = eval('graph_' + self.className + '.graph_' + self.className) except: print 'WARNING:', 'graph_'+self.className+'.graph_'+self.className, \ 'not found' return [] new_obj = className(0, 0) # create an instance of the new class new_obj.DrawObject(dc) # draw the object # Get the constraints constraintList = [] for constraint in new_obj.constraintList: constraintList.append(constraint.getValue()) self.scripting.setConstraintList(constraintList) self.scripting.setRunTimeChange(new_obj.ChangesAtRunTime) GFlist = [] # List with the handles of all the shapes drawn handleList = [] for handle in dc.find_withtag(new_obj.tag): if (not handle in handleList): handleList.append(handle) # Get the connectors in self.connectors for handle in new_obj.connectors: x0, y0, x1, y1 = dc.coords(handle) if (new_obj.namedConnectors.has_key(handle)): name = new_obj.namedConnectors[handle] gf = Graphics.NamedConnector(x0, y0, canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, name=name) else: gf = Graphics.Connector(x0, y0, canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler) GFlist.append(gf) # Get the drawn semantic attributes... handleAttributeDict = dict() for attribute in new_obj.attr_display.keys(): handleAttributeDict[new_obj.attr_display[attribute]] = attribute # Get the image dict, if any if (hasattr(new_obj, 'imageDict')): Graphics.Image.IMAGE_DICT = new_obj.imageDict # Get the GraphicalForm objects objectNumberPattern = re.compile('\Agf(\d*)\Z') for graphicalForm in new_obj.graphForms: handle = graphicalForm.getHandler() objectNumber = int( coords = dc.coords(handle) objectType = dc.type(handle) # Attribute --- Special Text if (handleAttributeDict.has_key(handle)): attribute = handleAttributeDict[handle] fontObject = graphicalForm.getFont() if (fontObject): if (fontObject.cget('weight') == 'bold'): bold = True else: bold = False if (fontObject.cget('slant') == 'bold'): italic = True else: italic = False GFlist.append( Graphics.Attribute( coords[0], coords[1], canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, fill=dc.itemcget(handle, "fill"), text=attribute, anchor=dc.itemcget(handle, "anchor"), family=fontObject.cget('family'), size=int(float(fontObject.cget('size'))), bold=bold, savedNumber=objectNumber, width=int(float(dc.itemcget(handle, "width"))), italic=italic, underline=int(float( fontObject.cget('underline'))))) # Backward compatibility with graphical appearences that don't have # a font object. NOTE: Font type & size info is neccessarily lost. else: GFlist.append( Graphics.Attribute( coords[0], coords[1], canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, fill=dc.itemcget(handle, "fill"), text=attribute, width=int(float(dc.itemcget(handle, "width"))), anchor=dc.itemcget(handle, "anchor"), savedNumber=objectNumber)) elif (objectType == 'text'): fontObject = graphicalForm.getFont() if (fontObject): if (fontObject.cget('weight') == 'bold'): bold = True else: bold = False if (fontObject.cget('slant') == 'bold'): italic = True else: italic = False GFlist.append( Graphics.Text( coords[0], coords[1], canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, fill=dc.itemcget(handle, "fill"), text=dc.itemcget(handle, "text"), anchor=dc.itemcget(handle, "anchor"), family=fontObject.cget('family'), size=int(float(fontObject.cget('size'))), bold=bold, savedNumber=objectNumber, width=int(float(dc.itemcget(handle, "width"))), italic=italic, underline=int(float( fontObject.cget('underline'))))) # Backward compatibility with graphical appearences that don't have # a font object. NOTE: Font type & size info is neccessarily lost. else: GFlist.append( Graphics.Text(coords[0], coords[1], canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, fill=dc.itemcget(handle, "fill"), text=dc.itemcget(handle, "text"), width=int( float(dc.itemcget(handle, "width"))), anchor=dc.itemcget(handle, "anchor"), savedNumber=objectNumber)) elif (objectType == 'line'): if (dc.itemcget(handle, "smooth") == 'bezier'): smooth = True else: smooth = False GFlist.append( Graphics.Line(coords, canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, fill=dc.itemcget(handle, "fill"), stipple=dc.itemcget(handle, "stipple"), arrow=dc.itemcget(handle, "arrow"), capstyle=dc.itemcget(handle, "capstyle"), joinstyle=dc.itemcget(handle, "joinstyle"), smooth=smooth, savedNumber=objectNumber, width=int(float(dc.itemcget(handle, "width"))))) elif (objectType == 'polygon'): if (dc.itemcget(handle, "smooth") == 'bezier'): smooth = True else: smooth = False GFlist.append( Graphics.Polygon(coords, canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, fill=dc.itemcget(handle, "fill"), stipple=dc.itemcget(handle, "stipple"), smooth=smooth, outline=dc.itemcget(handle, "outline"), savedNumber=objectNumber, width=int( float(dc.itemcget(handle, "width"))))) elif (objectType == 'oval'): x0, y0, x1, y1 = coords GFlist.append( Graphics.Oval(x0, y0, x1, y1, canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, fill=dc.itemcget(handle, "fill"), outline=dc.itemcget(handle, "outline"), width=int(float(dc.itemcget(handle, "width"))), savedNumber=objectNumber, stipple=dc.itemcget(handle, "stipple"))) elif (objectType == 'rectangle'): x0, y0, x1, y1 = coords GFlist.append( Graphics.Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, fill=dc.itemcget(handle, "fill"), outline=dc.itemcget(handle, "outline"), width=int( float(dc.itemcget(handle, "width"))), savedNumber=objectNumber, stipple=dc.itemcget(handle, "stipple"))) elif (objectType == 'image'): fileName = graphicalForm.getImageFilename() if (not Graphics.Image.IMAGE_DICT.has_key(fileName)): print "ERROR: could not load image " + fileName + "... SKIPPED" continue ''' pathName = '' for path in sys.path: if( not os.path.isdir( path ) ): continue if( pathName ): break for file in os.listdir( path ): if( file == fileName ): pathName = os.path.join( path, fileName ) break if( not fileName ): print "ERROR: could not load image " + fileName + "... SKIPPED" continue ''' GFlist.append( Graphics.Image(coords[0], coords[1], canvas=self.canvas, eventHandler=self.mainHandler, savedNumber=objectNumber, filename=fileName)) else: print "WARNING: Attempted to load unsupported objectType: " + str( objectType) #print GFlist dc.destroy() return GFlist