def setUp(self): self.pygame = MagicMock() Graphics.pygame = self.pygame self.lib = MagicMock() self.window = MagicMock() = Graphics.Graphics(self.lib)
def __init__(self, canvas, pixels, mainBoard): self.width = (int(canvas['width'])) // pixels self.height = int(canvas['height']) // pixels = Graphics(self, canvas, pixels) self.isMain = mainBoard self.board = [] self.initBoard(self.board)
def new(self): ''' New is used to delete all the existing work. ''' if MainApp.flag: del = Graphics() self.scene = self.graphicsView.setScene(self.scene) self.graphicsView.setMouseTracking(True) self.graphicsView.keyPressEvent = self.deleteCall
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.__players = ('W', 'B') self.__turn = self.__players[0] self.__graphics = Graphics() self.__board = Board() self.__board.initializePieces('g') self.__selectedPiece = None self.__jump = False self.__buttonActions = ['Reset', 'Menu'] self.__backMenu = False self.__buttonSize = [200, 50] self.__endGame = False
def __init__(self, msgbrowser): self.unitOp = [] self.thermoPackage = None self.compounds = None self.flowsheet = None self.conn = defaultdict(list) self.op = defaultdict(list) self.ip = defaultdict(list) self.msg = msgbrowser self.msg.setText("") self.opl = [] self.result = [] = Graphics(self.unitOp)
def __init__(self,msgbrowser, graphicsView): self.unit_operations = [] self.thermo_package = None self.compounds = None self.flowsheet = None self.conn = defaultdict(list) self.op=defaultdict(list) self.ip=defaultdict(list) self.msg = msgbrowser self.graphicsView = graphicsView self.msg.setText("") self.opl=[] self.result=[] = Graphics(self.unit_operations, self.graphicsView) self.scene =
def __init__(self): ''' Initializing the application ''' QMainWindow.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.zoomcount = 0 = Graphics() self.scene = Graphics.flag = MainApp.flag self.previewBtn.setChecked(True) self.editingBtn.toggled.connect(lambda: self.btnState(self.previewBtn)) self.previewBtn.toggled.connect(lambda: self.btnState(self.editingBtn)) self.graphicsView.setScene(self.scene) self.graphicsView.setMouseTracking(True) self.graphicsView.keyPressEvent = self.deleteCall self.menuBar() self.unitOperationListInit()
def __init__(self, screen_size, fps): self._tmx_root = None # Will be used to store the currently loaded tmx-file: self._fps = fps # Save fps self._CLOCK = pygame.time.Clock() # Create pygame.Clock for fps-control self._draw_tile_ids = False # DEBUG: Draw all ids: # Create instance of Graphics-Engine: = Graphics(self,screen_size) # Create instance of World: = World(self) # Create instance of input-engine self.input = Input(self) # Create actors-controller self.actors = GameActorController(self) # Create sound-controller (not jet programmed...) self.sound = Sound(self) # Finally, first map (temporary): self._load_tmx("Forest_N1_1.tmx") # Var changed by self.load_new_level. If not false, in the next update cycle, the level gets loaded. self._load_new_level = False
import pygame from PointVectorSector import * from Graphics import * from Map import * import pygame.gfxdraw graphics = Graphics([1000, 1000]) ScaleFactor = 100 Offset = Point(-50, -50) WorldSize = [10, 10] graphics.DrawGrid(ScaleFactor, WorldSize, Offset) VectorMap = Map(WorldSize) IsDragging = False while True: events = pygame.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() # Is mouse moving? If mousing over a dot then colour # Get the new position of the mouse and draw it on screen # If Dragging then move a line to the mouse prosition if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: graphics.MouseSprite.ChangeText(str(pygame.mouse.get_pos()), pygame.Color('black')) graphics.IsMouseOverGrid(10) if IsDragging == True: graphics.LineDrag.UpdatePoint2(Point(*pygame.mouse.get_pos())) graphics.DrawSprites()
from Graphics import* from Board import* from Player import* from Game import* from Human import* from AgentMinimax import* from SimpleBoard import* import time board = [[0]*8 for i in range(8)] graph=Graphics(600, 504,board) b=Board(board,graph) p1=Human(b,graph,True) p2=AgentMinimax(board,False) g=Game(p1,p2,b,graph)
import sys import numpy as np import cv2 sys.path.append("./") import Graphics activity = [4, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] gui = Graphics.Graphics() for i in range(1000): gui.displayConfig((3, 3), activity) cv2.waitKey(2) if i > 500: activity = [7, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def __init__(self): = Graphics() self.board = Board()
def Simulate(Mol, Simulations): if 'Graphics' in Simulations: #Save a graph of the molecule and the 4 states around the Fermi Energy Graph = Graphics() Graph.SetMolecule(Mol) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Molecule.png", part='Molecule') Graph.UpdateAtomSel( np.array([ np.real(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 2] * np.conjugate(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 2])), np.zeros(Mol.N) ])) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Orbital - H**O 2.png", part='Molecule') Graph.UpdateAtomSel( np.array([ np.real(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 1] * np.conjugate(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 1])), np.zeros(Mol.N) ])) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Orbital - H**O 1.png", part='Molecule') Graph.UpdateAtomSel( np.array([ np.real(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 0] * np.conjugate(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 - 0])), np.zeros(Mol.N) ])) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Orbital - LUMO 1.png", part='Molecule') Graph.UpdateAtomSel( np.array([ np.real(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 + 1] * np.conjugate(Mol.eigvec[0][:, Mol.N / 2 + 1])), np.zeros(Mol.N) ])) Graph.Save(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + " - Orbital - LUMO 2.png", part='Molecule') if 'Lifting' in Simulations: #Set up the plots fig = plt.figure() axLift, axOrbs = [fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1), fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)] #Load and plot the experimental data if available for root, dirs, files in os.walk(Mol.szOutputFolder + 'Experimental Data/'): for file in files: print(file) header, values = ImportData(Mol.szOutputFolder + 'Experimental Data/' + file) axLift.plot(10 * values[:, 0], values[:, 1], 'k', marker='.', lw=0, label=file, alpha=0.1) #Create MD folder if it did not already exists if not os.path.exists(Mol.szOutputFolder + 'MD'): os.makedirs(Mol.szOutputFolder + 'MD') #Perform lifting simulation MD = MD_Lifting(Mol) dz = np.linspace(0, np.max(Mol.Atom[:, 1]) - 0.1, 50) # Mol.SetBias(0.01) I = MD.PerformLifting(dz, export=['param', 'dzI', 'xyz'], axOrb=axOrbs) #Plot tweaking and saving axLift.plot(dz, np.log(I), color='midnightblue', label='Simulated', lw=2, alpha=0.8) axLift.plot(dz, np.log(I), color='midnightblue', label='Simulated', lw=0, alpha=0.8, marker='o', markersize=10) # axLift.legend() # axLift.set_title('Lifting') axLift.set_xlabel('$\Delta \ z [A]$') axLift.set_ylabel('$ln(I)$') axLift.set_xlim([np.min(dz), np.max(dz)]) ymin, ymax = np.min(np.log(I)), np.max(np.log(I)) axLift.set_ylim( [ymin - 0.1 * (ymax - ymin), ymax + 0.1 * (ymax - ymin)]) # #Plot Beta factor # axBeta = axLift.twinx() # axBeta.plot((dz[0:-4]+dz[4:])/2, (np.log(I[0:-4])-np.log(I[4:]))/(dz[4]-dz[0])*10, c='r', alpha=0.5, lw=2) # axBeta.set_ylabel('$Beta$') axOrbs.set_title('Orbitals') axOrbs.set_xlabel('$\Delta z [A]$') axOrbs.set_ylabel('$E_{Fermi} [eV]$') axOrbs.legend(['H**O 2', 'H**O 1', 'LUMO 1', 'LUMO 2']) fig.set_size_inches(20.5, 6.5) mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 20}) fig.savefig(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + ' - Lifting vs Current.png', dpi=fig.dpi) if 'LiftingSpectroscopy' in Simulations: #Set up parameters and perform simulation MD = MD_Lifting(Mol) dz = np.linspace(0, np.max(Mol.Atom[:, 1]) - 0.1, 50) neg_bias = -np.linspace(0.015, 0.5, 100)[::-1] pos_bias = np.linspace(0.005, 0.5, 100) I = MD.PerformLiftingSpectroscopy(dz, np.concatenate((neg_bias, pos_bias)), export=['dz-V-I']) I = [I[:, 0:len(neg_bias)], I[:, len(neg_bias):]] #Set up the figure c = mcolors.ColorConverter().to_rgb fig = plt.figure() axI, axdIdV, axBeta = [ fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 1), fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 2), fig.add_subplot(1, 3, 3) ] #Plot ln(I) data BIAS, DZ = [[None, None], [None, None]] for i, bias in enumerate([neg_bias, pos_bias]): BIAS[i], DZ[i] = np.meshgrid(bias, dz) im = axI.contourf(np.concatenate([DZ[0], DZ[1]], axis=1), np.concatenate([BIAS[0], BIAS[1]], axis=1), np.log(abs(np.concatenate([I[0], I[1]], axis=1))), 100, cmap=make_colormap([c('white'), c('midnightblue')])) axI.set_ylabel('$Bias$ [$V$]') axI.set_xlabel('$\Delta z \ [\AA{}]$') fig.colorbar(im, ax=axI, label='$ln(I)$') #Plot dI/dV data dIdV, mBIAS, mDZ = [[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]] for i, bias in enumerate([neg_bias, pos_bias]): dIdV[i] = (I[i][:, 1:] - I[i][:, 0:-1]) / (bias[1] - bias[0]) mBIAS[i], mDZ[i] = np.meshgrid(0.5 * (bias[1:] + bias[0:-1]), dz) im = axdIdV.contourf(np.concatenate([mDZ[0], mDZ[1]], axis=1), np.concatenate([mBIAS[0], mBIAS[1]], axis=1), np.log(np.concatenate([dIdV[0], dIdV[1]], axis=1)), 100, cmap=make_colormap([c('white'), c('darkgreen')])) axdIdV.set_ylabel('$Bias$ [$V$]') axdIdV.set_xlabel('$\Delta z \ [\AA{}]$') fig.colorbar(im, ax=axdIdV, label='$ln(dI/dV)$') #Plot beta factor Beta, BIAS, DZ = [[None, None], [None, None], [None, None]] for i, bias in enumerate([neg_bias, pos_bias]): Beta[i] = (np.log(abs(I[i][1:, :])) - np.log(abs(I[i][0:-1, :]))) / (dz[1] - dz[0]) BIAS[i], DZ[i] = np.meshgrid(bias, 0.5 * (dz[1:] + dz[0:-1])) im = axBeta.contourf(np.concatenate([DZ[0], DZ[1]], axis=1), np.concatenate([BIAS[0], BIAS[1]], axis=1), np.concatenate([Beta[0], Beta[1]], axis=1), 100, cmap=make_colormap([c('darkred'), c('white')])) axBeta.set_ylabel('$Bias$ [$V$]') axBeta.set_xlabel('$\Delta \ z$ [$\AA{}]$') fig.colorbar(im, ax=axBeta, label='$Beta factor$') mpl.rcParams.update({'font.size': 42}) fig.set_size_inches(100.5, 13.5) fig.savefig(Mol.szOutputFolder + Mol.Name + ' - LiftingSpectroscopy.png', dpi=fig.dpi) if 'MD' in Simulations: #Perform a molecular dynamics simulation only MD = MD_Lifting(Mol) MD.PerformLiftingMD(np.linspace(0, np.max(Mol1.Atom[:, 1]) - 0.1, 50), export=['xyz'])
MAGENTA = (255, 0, 255) TRANS = (1, 1, 1) pygame.init() cameraPosition = gameMath.Vector2(0, 0) zoom = 1 relativeZoom = 1 cameraOnSnake = 0 menuScreen = True infoScreen = False startGameTime = 0 lastInfo = 0 debugTime = 0 graphics = Graphics(windowWidth, windowHeight, pixelScale) game = Game() clock = pygame.time.Clock() font = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 12) gameSpeed = 1 realTime = 0 fps = 0 running = True while running: # ----------------- EVENTS ------------------------ for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False
from Pente import * import time moveSequence = input('Enter the move sequence: ') delay = int(input('Enter the time delay (0 to wait for user input): ')) size = int(input('Enter the width of the graphics window (0 for text mode): ')) if size > 0: from Graphics import * g = Graphics(size) else: g = None state = Pente() print(state) if delay > 0: time.sleep(delay) else: input('Hit enter to continue') for m in moveSequence.strip().split(): a = ( ord(m[0]) - ord('A'), ord(m[1]) - ord('A') ) state = state.result(a) if state.getTurn() % 2 == 0: print(f'White moves {m}') else: print(f'Black moves {m}') print() print(state)
I *= 1 / (2 * np.pi) * 0.00662361795 * 10**9 return I if __name__ == '__main__': from Molecule import * from Graphics import Graphics # Mol = CGNR(23, 8, 8, 1, 4) Mol = ZGNR(5, 100) Mol.SetGam_b(0.05) Mol.UpdateMolecule(bNext=False) Mol.UpdateSystem(bNext=False) Mol.UpdateGates(Gmin=-3 + Mol.Efermi, Gmax=3 + Mol.Efermi) Mol.GetDOS() Graph = Graphics() Graph.SetMolecule(Mol) # Mol1 = Molecule() # Mol1.AddAtom('C', 0, 0, 0) # Mol1.AddAtom('C', 1.41, 0, 0) # Mol1.SetLead(0, 'Left') # Mol1.SetLead(0, 'Right') # Mol1.SetGam_LR(5.6, 5.6) # Mol1 = Graphene(3,3, 'Armchair') # Mol1 = Graphene(6,401, 'Zigzag') # Mol1 = Graphene(4, 41, 'Zigzag') # Atom, x, y, z = Mol1.GetCoord() # xavg = np.mean(x) # for i in reversed(range(len(x))):
# Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives, unchanged, to the next generation. if _world[i][j] == 1 and (neg[i][j] == 2 or neg[i][j] == 3): _world[i][j] = 1 # Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours will come to life. if _world[i][j] == 0 and neg[i][j] == 3: _world[i][j] = 1 return _world def run(init, draw_every = 1, delay = 0.1, gen = 500): ui.draw(init, 1) for ev in range(1, gen): init = evolution(init) print("\rEvolution:\t", ev, sep = "", end = "") if ev % draw_every == 0: sleep(delay) ui.draw(init, ev) ui.wait() world = flower # random_world(60, 60, prob = 0.5) ui = Graphics(len(world), len(world[0]), box_width=12) run(init = world, draw_every = 1, delay = 0.3, gen = 100)