Example #1
def add_highlights(wks,plot,xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,title):
  nboxes = 10
  xbox   = Ngl.fspan(xmin,xmax,nboxes)
  ybox   = [ymin,ymin,ymax,ymax,ymin]
  nboxes = xbox.shape[0]-1

#---Resources for filled purple boxes.
  gnres                 = Ngl.Resources()
  gnres.gsFillColor     = "goldenrod" # "MediumPurple1"
  gnres.gsFillOpacityF  = 0.15

  id = []
  for n in range(0,nboxes-1,2):

#---Resources to outline box of interest
  lnres                  = Ngl.Resources()
  lnres.gsLineThicknessF = 3.0
  border = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,plot,[xmin,xmax,xmax,xmin,xmin],\

  txres                 = Ngl.Resources()
  txres.txFontHeightF   = 0.022
  txres.txFont          = "Helvetica-Bold"
  txres.txJust          = "TopCenter"
  text = Ngl.add_text(wks,plot,title,(xmin+xmax)/2.,ymax-0.05,txres)

def create_rain_bar_plot(wks, rain3h_time, rain3h_sum, rain3h_res):
    rainhist = Ngl.xy(wks, rain3h_time, rain3h_sum, rain3h_res)
    dummy = rain3h_res.trYMinF * numpy.ones([len(rain3h_sum)],

    # check for bars for the first and last value on the x axis
    dx = min(rain3h_time[1:-1] - rain3h_time[0:-2])
    rain3h_res.trXMinF = min(rain3h_time) - dx / 2.
    rain3h_res.trXMaxF = max(rain3h_time) + dx / 2.
    rainhist = Ngl.xy(wks, rain3h_time, dummy, rain3h_res)

    # check where the rain sum is > 0 and craw a bar for it
    above_zero = numpy.greater(rain3h_sum, 0.0)
    ind_above_zero = numpy.nonzero(above_zero)
    num_above = len(ind_above_zero[0])

    px = numpy.zeros(5 * num_above, rain3h_time.dtype.char)
    py = numpy.zeros(5 * num_above, rain3h_sum.dtype.char)

    # bar resource
    pgres = Ngl.Resources()
    pgres.gsFillColor = "green"
    pgres.gsFillOpacityF = 0.75

    taus_above_zero = numpy.take(rain3h_time, ind_above_zero)
    # create bar rectangle
    taus_plus = (taus_above_zero + dx / 2.).astype(rain3h_time.dtype.char)
    taus_minus = (taus_above_zero - dx / 2.).astype(rain3h_time.dtype.char)
    px[0::5] = taus_minus
    px[1::5] = taus_minus
    px[2::5] = taus_plus
    px[3::5] = taus_plus
    px[4::5] = taus_minus
    py[0::5] = rain3h_res.trYMinF
    py[1::5] = numpy.take(rain3h_sum, ind_above_zero)
    py[2::5] = numpy.take(rain3h_sum, ind_above_zero)
    py[3::5] = rain3h_res.trYMinF
    py[4::5] = rain3h_res.trYMinF
    Ngl.add_polygon(wks, rainhist, px, py, pgres)
    return rainhist
Example #3
def add_labelbar(wks,map,cmap):
  gsres = Ngl.Resources()  # Line resources.

  delta_lon = 4.0
  delta_lat = 2.1
  start_lon = -68.
  start_lat = -58.
  txres = Ngl.Resources()          # For labeling the label bar.
  txres.txFontHeightF = 0.015
  gid = []
  lid = []
  tid = []
  for i in range(4,14,1):
    lon0 = start_lon+(i-4)*delta_lon
    lon1 = lon0+delta_lon
    lat0 = start_lat
    lat1 = start_lat+delta_lat
    lons = [lon0,lon1,lon1,lon0,lon0]
    lats = [lat0,lat0,lat1,lat1,lat0]
    gsres.gsFillColor = cmap[i-4]    # Change fill color.
    if (i == 4):
    elif(i == 6):
    elif(i == 8):
    elif(i == 10):
    elif(i == 12):
#-- add polyline to map
box_1 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, map, x, y, plres)

#-- polygon coordinates (Australia)
x = [110., 160., 160., 110., 110.]
y = [-45., -45., -10., -10., -45.]

#-- polygon resources
pgres = Ngl.Resources()
pgres.gsFillColor = "green"  #-- fill color
pgres.gsFillOpacityF = 0.3  #-- set opacity of polygon

#-- add filled polygon to map
gon_1 = Ngl.add_polygon(wks, map, x, y, pgres)

#-- polygon coordinates (Greenland)
x = [-75., -10., -10., -75., -75.]  #-- define polygon x-array
y = [55., 55., 87., 87., 57.]  #-- define polygon y-array

#-- polygon resources
pres = Ngl.Resources()
pres.gsFillColor = "orange"  #-- fill color
pres.gsFillOpacityF = 0.2  #-- set opacity

#-- add polygon and polyline to map
gon_2 = Ngl.add_polygon(wks, map, x, y, pres)
plres.gsLineColor = "darkorange"  #-- set line color
Example #5
def _plot_trj_marker(wks, plot, x, y, angle, res):
    ''' Plots a single arrow head onto the a trajectory plot

    pgon = _plot_trj_marker(wks, plot, x, y, angle, res)

    wks :              The identifier returned from calling Ngl.open_wks.

    x,y :              The X and Y coordinates of the arrow heads centre.

    xMarker, yMarker : X and Y coordinates in data coordinates of the marker

    angle:             angle relative to the x axis of the marker

    res:               Resource list using following special resources:

    Special resources:

    trjArrowDirection : can be 'pos' or 'neg' to select direction of the arrows

    trjArrowXShapeF   : Array containing the x coordinates of the arrow head
relative to the heads centre.

    trjArrowYShapeF   : Array containing the y  coordinates of the arrow head
relative to the heads centre.

    # get plot centre in data coordinates
    xMid, yMid = [(ngl.get_float(plot, "tr" + ax + "MaxF")
                   + ngl.get_float(plot, "tr" + ax + "MinF")) / 2.
                          for ax in "XY"]

    # rotate arrow
    if res.trjArrowDirection == "neg":
        angle = angle - np.pi

    xMarker = copy.deepcopy(res.trjArrowXShapeF)
    yMarker = copy.deepcopy(res.trjArrowYShapeF)

    # scale marker
    xMarker = xMarker * res.trjArrowXScaleF * res.trjArrowSizeF + xMid
    yMarker = yMarker * res.trjArrowYScaleF * res.trjArrowSizeF + yMid

    xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc = ngl.datatondc(plot, xMarker, yMarker)

    # move centre of mass to origin
    xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc = [xMarker_ndc - np.mean(xMarker_ndc),
                                yMarker_ndc - np.mean(yMarker_ndc)]
    # rotate marker
    xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc = [
                    np.cos(angle) * xMarker_ndc - np.sin(angle) * yMarker_ndc,
                    np.sin(angle) * xMarker_ndc + np.cos(angle) * yMarker_ndc]

    # shift to final position
    xOffset_ndc, yOffset_ndc = ngl.datatondc(plot, x, y)
    xMarker_ndc += xOffset_ndc
    yMarker_ndc += yOffset_ndc

    # convert back to coordinates
    xMarker, yMarker = ngl.ndctodata(plot, xMarker_ndc, yMarker_ndc)

    # filter attributes from res
    for attr in dir(res):
        if not attr[0:2] in ["gs", "__"] or attr[0:3] == "gsn":
            delattr(res, attr)

    return ngl.add_polygon(wks, plot, xMarker, yMarker, res)
Example #6
# Polymarker resources.

gsres.gsMarkerIndex = 16  # dots
gsres.gsMarkerColor = "HotPink"
gsres.gsMarkerSizeF = 0.014  # twice normal size

# Add primitives to plot.  They will be drawn in the order
# they are added, so some primitives may cover other ones.
# Be sure to use unique variable names on the left-hand side
# for the Ngl.add_polyxxxx routines.
prim1 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, xy1, xx, ymidline, gsres)
prim2 = Ngl.add_polygon(wks, xy1, xsquare, ysquare, gsres)
prim3 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, xy1, xx, ytopline, gsres)
prim4 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, xy1, xx, ybotline, gsres)

gsres.gsLineColor = "Green"
prim5 = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, xy1, x[26:37], y[26:37], gsres)
prim6 = Ngl.add_polymarker(wks, xy1, xdots, ydots, gsres)

# New Y points for second XY plot.
y = numpy.cos(3.14159 * x / 32.)

# Create second XY plot, but don't draw it yet.

xy2 = Ngl.xy(wks, x, y, xyres)
Example #7
def histogram(wks, data, res):
    """Plot a histogram.

    The NumPy histogram function is used to define the histogram.

    wks -- Ngl wrokstation.
    data -- 1D array of data to construct a histogram from.
    res -- Ngl resources variable. Valid resources are:
    # Define a function to compute bar locations.
    def bar_position(x, y, dx, ymin, bar_width_perc):
        """Compute the coordinates required to draw a specified bar."""
        dxp = dx * bar_width_perc
        xbar = np.array([x, x+dxp, x+dxp, x, x])
        ybar = np.array([ymin, ymin, y, y, ymin])
        return xbar, ybar
    # Make a local copy of resources so they can be modified.
    res = copy(res)
    # Intercept and turn off draw and frame resources. These will be applied
    # if necessary once the histogram has been constructed.
    frame_on = getattr(res, 'nglFrame', True)
    draw_on = getattr(res, 'nglDraw', True)
    res.nglFrame = False
    res.nglDraw = False
    # Set default values of special resources that will not be recognised by 
    # Ngl.
    resdefaults = {
            'nglHistogramBarWidthPercent': 1.,
            'nglHistogramBinIntervals': None,
            'nglHistogramNumberOfBins': 10,
            'nglxHistogramRange': None,
            'nglxHistogramBarColor': 0,
            'nglxHistogramBarOutlineColor': 1,
            'nglxHistogramDensity': True,
    # Record the values of the special resources, and remove them from the
    # resource list.
    specialres = dict()
    for resname in resdefaults.keys():
        specialres[resname] = getattr(res, resname, resdefaults[resname])
            delattr(res, resname)
        except AttributeError:
    # Work out the values of histogram parameters.
    nbins = specialres['nglHistogramBinIntervals'] or \
    hrange = specialres['nglxHistogramRange']
    density = specialres['nglxHistogramDensity']
    # Compute the histogram with the NumPy routine.
    hist, binedges = np.histogram(data, bins=nbins, range=hrange, density=density)
    dx = binedges[1] - binedges[0]
    ymin = 0.
    # Draw up to three bars, the first and last and the tallest, if they are
    # different. This sets up the plot correctly. The user specified plotting
    # resources are respected during this process. The lines drawn here will
    # be covered by the histogram.
    xdum, ydum = list(), list()
    xbar, ybar = bar_position(binedges[0], hist[0], dx, ymin,      # first bar
    if nbins > 1:
        xbar, ybar = bar_position(binedges[-2], hist[-1], dx, ymin,    # last bar
    i = np.argmax(hist)
    if i not in (0, nbins-1):
        xbar, ybar = bar_position(binedges[i], hist[i], dx, ymin,    # tallest bar
    plot = xy(wks, np.array(xdum), np.array(ydum), res)
    # Create resources for shading the bars and drawing outlines around them.
    fillres = Ngl.Resources()
    fillres.gsFillColor = specialres['nglxHistogramBarColor']
    lineres = Ngl.Resources()
    lineres.gsLineColor = specialres['nglxHistogramBarOutlineColor']
    # Draw the bars and their outlines.
    plot._histbars = list()
    plot._histlines = list()
    for bar in xrange(nbins):
        xbar, ybar = bar_position(binedges[bar], hist[bar], dx, ymin,
        plot._histbars.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks, plot, xbar, ybar, fillres))
        plot._histlines.append(Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, xbar, ybar, lineres))
    # Apply drawing and frame advancing if they were specified in the input
    # resources.
    if draw_on:
    if frame_on:
    # Return a plot identifier.
    return plot
Example #8
res.cnMinLevelValF     = -0.1#0.45#-0.1             #-- contour min. value
res.cnMaxLevelValF     = 2.0#1.5#2.0          #-- contour max. value
res.cnLevelSpacingF    = 0.1#0.05#0.1             #-- contour interval
colors00 = Ngl.read_colormap_file("MPL_RdBu")
ncolors00= colors00.shape[0]
colors0 = colors00[np.linspace(2,ncolors00-1,int((res.cnMaxLevelValF-res.cnMinLevelValF)/res.cnLevelSpacingF),dtype=int),:] 
grey_color = np.expand_dims(np.array([0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1]), axis=0)
colors = np.append(grey_color,colors0[::-1,:],axis=0)

res.cnFillPalette      = colors#'BlWhRe' #'MPL_YlOrRd'         #-- choose color map
plot = []
title = 'CESM all forcing vs '+sf+' foricng~C~FWI >= p'+str(pxx)+' risk ratio'
for pp in range(2,nperiods,1):
 print('period '+str(pp+1))
 res.tiMainString = str(pyear0[pp])+'-'+str(pyear1[pp]) 
 riskratio_cyc, lon_cyc = Ngl.add_cyclic(riskratio_ens_agree_masked[pp,:,:], lon)
 res.sfXArray           =  lon_cyc
 p = Ngl.contour_map(wks,riskratio_cyc,res)
 if pp==(nperiods-1):
  for rr in range(0,n_reg,1):
   poly_y = [df_reg['reg_N'][rr],df_reg['reg_S'][rr],df_reg['reg_S'][rr],df_reg['reg_N'][rr],df_reg['reg_N'][rr]]
   poly_x = [df_reg['reg_E'][rr],df_reg['reg_E'][rr],df_reg['reg_W'][rr],df_reg['reg_W'][rr],df_reg['reg_E'][rr]]
   poly_reg = Ngl.add_polygon(wks,p,poly_x,poly_y,gsres)


Example #9
# Use PyNIO's selection syntax to subset the lat/lon area of interest
overlay_plot = Ngl.contour(wks, u['time|i1 lat|-30:30 lon|-120:120'], ores)

# Overlay the contour plot on the contour/map plot
Ngl.overlay(base_plot, overlay_plot)

# Drawing the base plot draws both plots

# Create the contour/plot again, but with no transparency
del bres.cnFillOpacityF
plot = Ngl.contour_map(wks, u[1, :, :], bres)

# Set resources for a partially transparent polygon.
gnres = Ngl.Resources()
gnres.gsFillOpacityF = 0.6  # mostly opaque
gnres.gsFillColor = "white"

lat_box = [-30, -30, 30, 30, -30]
lon_box = [-120, 120, 120, -120, -120]

# Add a partially opaque filled polygon box to the filled contours
gsid = Ngl.add_polygon(wks, plot, lon_box, lat_box, gnres)

# This draws the filled contours with the partially opaque box on top.

Example #10

plres = Ngl.Resources()  # resources for polylines
plres.gsLineColor = "navyblue"
plres.gsLineThicknessF = 2.0  # default is 1.0
plres.gsSegments = segments[:, 0]

# This can be slow. Need to investigate.
lnid = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, lon, lat, plres)

Ngl.draw(plot)  # This draws map and attached polylines
Ngl.frame(wks)  # Advance frame.

# Second frame: filled polygons
plot = Ngl.map(wks, res)  # Just create map, don't draw it.

colors = ["antiquewhite3","brown3","navyblue","orange",\

plres.gsColors = colors
gnid = Ngl.add_polygon(wks, plot, lon, lat, plres)

Ngl.draw(plot)  # This draws map and attached polygons
Ngl.frame(wks)  # Advance frame.

gscolors[varM >= varMax]        =  colors[(nlevs-1)+2] #-- set color index for cells greater than levels[nlevs-1]
gscolors[np.nonzero(varM.mask)] =  20               #-- set color index for missing values

#-- set polygon resources
pgres                   =  Ngl.Resources()
pgres.gsEdgesOn         =  True                     #-- draw the edges
pgres.gsFillIndex       =  0                        #-- solid fill
pgres.gsLineColor       = 'black'                   #-- edge line color
pgres.gsLineThicknessF  =  0.7                      #-- line thickness
pgres.gsColors          =  gscolors                 #-- use color array
pgres.gsSegments        =  range(0,len(vlon[:,0])*3,3) #-- define segments array

x1d, y1d = np.ravel(vlon), np.ravel(vlat)           #-- convert to 1D-arrays

#-- add polygons to map
polyg  = Ngl.add_polygon(wks1,map,x1d,y1d,pgres)

#-- add a labelbar
lbres                   =  Ngl.Resources()
lbres.vpWidthF          =  0.85
lbres.vpHeightF         =  0.15
lbres.lbOrientation     = 'Horizontal'
lbres.lbFillPattern     = 'SolidFill'
lbres.lbMonoFillPattern =  21                       #-- must be 21 for color solid fill
lbres.lbMonoFillColor   =  False                    #-- use multiple colors
lbres.lbFillColors      =  colors                   #-- indices from loaded colormap
lbres.lbBoxCount        =  len(colormap[colors,:])
lbres.lbLabelFontHeightF=  0.014
lbres.lbLabelAlignment  = 'InteriorEdges'
lbres.lbLabelStrings    =  labels
gscolors[varM >= varMax]        = nlevs+1  #-- set color index for cells greater than levels[nlevs-1]
gscolors[np.nonzero(varM.mask)] = -1       #-- set color index for missing locations

#-- set polygon resources
pgres                   =  Ngl.Resources()
pgres.gsEdgesOn         =  True                     #-- draw the edges
pgres.gsFillIndex       =  0                        #-- solid fill
pgres.gsLineColor       = 'black'                   #-- edge line color
pgres.gsLineThicknessF  =  0.7                      #-- line thickness
pgres.gsColors          =  colormap[gscolors,:]     #-- use color array
pgres.gsSegments        =  range(0,len(vlon[:,0])*3,3) #-- define segments array for fast draw

lon1d, lat1d = np.ravel(vlon), np.ravel(vlat)           #-- convert to 1D-arrays

#-- add polygons to map
polyg  = Ngl.add_polygon(wks,map,lon1d,lat1d,pgres)

#-- add a labelbar
lbres                   =  Ngl.Resources()
lbres.vpWidthF          =  0.85
lbres.vpHeightF         =  0.15
lbres.lbOrientation     = 'Horizontal'
lbres.lbFillPattern     = 'SolidFill'
lbres.lbMonoFillPattern =  21                       #-- must be 21 for color solid fill
lbres.lbMonoFillColor   =  False                    #-- use multiple colors
lbres.lbFillColors      =  colormap
lbres.lbLabelFontHeightF=  0.014
lbres.lbLabelAlignment  = 'InteriorEdges'
lbres.lbLabelStrings    =  labels

lb = Ngl.labelbar_ndc(wks,nlevs+1,labels,0.1,0.24,lbres)
Example #13
  if (unemp[i] >= 0.02 and unemp[i] < 0.03):
     plres.gsFillColor = colors[1]

  if (unemp[i] >= 0.03 and unemp[i] < 0.04):
     plres.gsFillColor = colors[2]

  if (unemp[i] >= 0.04):
     plres.gsFillColor = colors[3]

  startSegment = geometry[i][geom_segIndex]
  numSegments  = geometry[i][geom_numSegs]
  lines = []
  for seg in range(startSegment, startSegment+numSegments):
    startPT = segments[seg, segs_xyzIndex]
    endPT = startPT + segments[seg, segs_numPnts] - 1
    lines.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks, plot, lon[startPT:endPT],  \
                                 lat[startPT:endPT], plres))
    segNum = segNum + 1


# Make a labelbar...
labels = [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ]

lres                    = Ngl.Resources()
lres.vpWidthF           = 0.50             # location
lres.vpHeightF          = 0.05             # " " 
lres.lbPerimOn          = False            # Turn off perimeter.
lres.lbOrientation      = "Horizontal"     # Default is vertical.
lres.lbLabelAlignment   = "BoxCenters"     # Default is "BoxCenters".
lres.lbFillColors       = colors
lres.lbMonoFillPattern  = True             # Fill them all solid.
Example #14
res.tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.01
res.tiYAxisOffsetXF    = -.017

res.xyLineColor        = "transparent"
plot = Ngl.xy(wks,range(1,6),arr,res)

# Fill area above Y=0 pink, and below Y=0 light blue.
fillres = Ngl.Resources()
fillbox = []

fillres.gsFillColor = "pink"
fillbox.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks,plot, \

fillres.gsFillColor = "LightBlue"
fillbox.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks,plot, \

# Draw some boxes and bars on the XY plot using calls to Ngl.add_polyline.
# First draw a thick line at Y = 0.
lineres                  = Ngl.Resources()
lineres.gsLineThicknessF = 3.
zero_line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,plot,[res.trXMinF,res.trXMaxF],
Example #15
pgres = Ngl.Resources()
pgres.gsFillColor = "green"

taus_above_zero = numpy.take(taus, ind_above_zero)
px[0::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
px[1::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
px[2::5] = (taus_above_zero + dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
px[3::5] = (taus_above_zero + dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
px[4::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx / 2.).astype(taus.dtype.char)
py[0::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
py[1::5] = numpy.take(rain03, ind_above_zero)
py[2::5] = numpy.take(rain03, ind_above_zero)
py[3::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
py[4::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
polyg = Ngl.add_polygon(wks, rainhist, px, py, pgres)

# For the outlines, we don't need the fifth point.
polyl = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, rainhist, px, py, pgres)
temptmsz = Ngl.xy(wks, taus, tempht, tempsfc_res)

# ---------------------- overlay, draw, and advance frame ---------
Ngl.overlay(rhfill, templine)  # Overlay temperature contour on rh plot.
Ngl.overlay(rhfill, windlayer)  # Overlay windbarbs on rh plot.

Example #16
gscolors[varM >= varMax]        = nlevs+1  #-- set color index for cells greater than levels[nlevs-1]
gscolors[np.nonzero(varM.mask)] = -1       #-- set color index for missing locations

#-- set polygon resources
pgres                   =  Ngl.Resources()
pgres.gsEdgesOn         =  True                     #-- draw the edges
pgres.gsFillIndex       =  0                        #-- solid fill
pgres.gsLineColor       = 'black'                   #-- edge line color
pgres.gsLineThicknessF  =  0.7                      #-- line thickness
pgres.gsColors          =  colormap[gscolors,:]     #-- use color array
pgres.gsSegments        =  range(0,len(vlon[:,0])*3,3) #-- define segments array for fast draw

lon1d, lat1d = np.ravel(vlon), np.ravel(vlat)           #-- convert to 1D-arrays

#-- add polygons to map
polyg  = Ngl.add_polygon(wks,map,lon1d,lat1d,pgres)

#-- add a labelbar
lbres                   =  Ngl.Resources()
lbres.vpWidthF          =  0.85
lbres.vpHeightF         =  0.15
lbres.lbOrientation     = 'Horizontal'
lbres.lbFillPattern     = 'SolidFill'
lbres.lbMonoFillPattern =  21                       #-- must be 21 for color solid fill
lbres.lbMonoFillColor   =  False                    #-- use multiple colors
lbres.lbFillColors      =  colormap
lbres.lbLabelFontHeightF=  0.014
lbres.lbLabelAlignment  = 'InteriorEdges'
lbres.lbLabelStrings    =  labels

lb = Ngl.labelbar_ndc(wks,nlevs+1,labels,0.1,0.24,lbres)
Example #17
res.tiYAxisFontHeightF = 0.01
res.tiYAxisOffsetXF = -.017

res.xyLineColor = "transparent"

plot = Ngl.xy(wks, list(range(1, 6)), arr, res)

# Fill area above Y=0 pink, and below Y=0 light blue.
fillres = Ngl.Resources()
fillbox = []

fillres.gsFillColor = "pink"
fillbox.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks,plot, \

fillres.gsFillColor = "LightBlue"
fillbox.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks,plot, \

# Draw some boxes and bars on the XY plot using calls to Ngl.add_polyline.
# First draw a thick line at Y = 0.
lineres = Ngl.Resources()
lineres.gsLineThicknessF = 3.
zero_line = Ngl.add_polyline(wks, plot, [res.trXMinF, res.trXMaxF], [0., 0.],
Example #18
#-- set polygon resources
pgres = Ngl.Resources()
pgres.gsEdgesOn = True  #-- draw the edges
pgres.gsFillIndex = 0  #-- solid fill
pgres.gsLineColor = 'black'  #-- edge line color
pgres.gsLineThicknessF = 0.7  #-- line thickness
pgres.gsColors = gscolors  #-- use color array
pgres.gsSegments = list(range(0,
                              len(vlon[:, 0]) * 3,
                              3))  #-- define segments array

x1d, y1d = np.ravel(vlon), np.ravel(vlat)  #-- convert to 1D-arrays

#-- add polygons to map
polyg = Ngl.add_polygon(wks1, map, x1d, y1d, pgres)

#-- add a labelbar
lbres = Ngl.Resources()
lbres.vpWidthF = 0.85
lbres.vpHeightF = 0.15
lbres.lbOrientation = 'Horizontal'
lbres.lbFillPattern = 'SolidFill'
lbres.lbMonoFillPattern = 21  #-- must be 21 for color solid fill
lbres.lbMonoFillColor = False  #-- use multiple colors
lbres.lbFillColors = colors  #-- indices from loaded colormap
lbres.lbBoxCount = len(colormap[colors, :])
lbres.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.014
lbres.lbLabelAlignment = 'InteriorEdges'
lbres.lbLabelStrings = labels
Example #19
def simple_grid_fill(xaxis, yaxis, grid, cfg):
    Generate a simple plot, but we already have the data!
    tmpfp = tempfile.mktemp()
    rlist = Ngl.Resources()
    if cfg.has_key("wkColorMap"):
        rlist.wkColorMap = cfg['wkColorMap']
    #rlist.wkOrientation = "landscape"

    # Create Workstation
    wks = Ngl.open_wks( "ps",tmpfp,rlist)
    if cfg.has_key("_conus"):
        res = conus()
    elif cfg.get("_midwest", False):
        res = midwest()
    elif cfg.get("_louisiana", False):
        res = louisiana2()
        res = iowa2()

    if cfg.has_key("_MaskZero"):
        mask = numpy.where( grid <= 0.01, True, False)
        grid = numpy.ma.array(grid, mask=mask)
    for key in cfg.keys():
        if key == 'wkColorMap' or key[0] == "_":
        setattr(res, key, cfg[key])
    res.sfXArray = xaxis
    res.sfYArray = yaxis
    # Generate Contour
    contour = Ngl.contour_map(wks,grid,res)

#    if cfg.has_key("_showvalues") and cfg['_showvalues']:
#        txres              = Ngl.Resources()
#        txres.txFontHeightF = 0.012
#        for i in range(len(xaxis)):
#            if cfg.has_key("_valuemask") and cfg['_valuemask'][i] is False:
#                continue
#            Ngl.add_text(wks, contour, cfg["_format"] % vals[i], 
#                     lons[i], lats[i],txres)

    if cfg.has_key('_drawx'):
        for lo, la in zip(cfg['_drawx'], cfg['_drawy']):
            #print 'Adding Polygon!'
            plres  = Ngl.Resources() 
            plres.gsEdgesOn   = True      
            plres.gsEdgeColor = "black"
            plres.gsFillColor = -1
            Ngl.add_polygon(wks, contour, lo, la, plres)

    if cfg.get("_showvalues", False):
        txres              = Ngl.Resources()
        txres.txFontHeightF = 0.012
        (rows, cols) = numpy.shape(xaxis)
        for row in range(rows):
            for col in range(cols):
                if xaxis[row,col] > res.mpMinLonF and xaxis[row,col] < res.mpMaxLonF and yaxis[row,col] > res.mpMinLatF and yaxis[row,col] < res.mpMaxLatF:
                    Ngl.add_text(wks, contour, cfg["_format"] % grid[row, col], 
                                 xaxis[row, col], yaxis[row, col], txres)

    if cfg.get('_watermark', True):
    manual_title(wks, cfg)
    del wks

    return tmpfp
Example #20
print "++ min/max vlat: ", np.min(vlat), np.max(vlat)

#-- set polygon resources
pgres                             =  Ngl.Resources()
pgres.gsEdgesOn                   =  True                 #-- draw the edges
pgres.gsFillIndex                 =  0                    #-- solid fill
pgres.gsLineColor                 = "black"               #-- edge line color
pgres.gsLineThicknessF            =  0.7                  #-- line thickness
pgres.gsColors                    =  gscolors             #-- use color array
pgres.gsSegments                  =  range(0,len(vlon[:,0])*3,3)  #-- define segments array

x1d  =  np.ravel(vlon)                                    #-- 1D-array
y1d  =  np.ravel(vlat)                                    #-- 1D-array

#-- draw polygons
polyg  = Ngl.add_polygon(wks1,map,x1d,y1d,pgres)          #-- add polygons to map

#-- labelbar resources
lbres                             =  Ngl.Resources()
lbres.vpWidthF                    =  0.85                 #-- labelbar width
lbres.vpHeightF                   =  0.15                 #-- labelbar height
lbres.lbOrientation               = "Horizontal"          #-- labelbar orientation
lbres.lbFillPattern               = "SolidFill"           #-- labelbar box fill style
lbres.lbMonoFillPattern           =  21                   #-- labelbar box fill pattern
lbres.lbMonoFillColor             =  False                #-- use multiple colors
lbres.lbFillColors                =  colors               #-- set color array
lbres.lbLabelFontHeightF          =  0.014                #-- labelbar label font size
lbres.lbLabelAlignment            = "InteriorEdges"       #-- draw labels between boxes

#-- add labelbar to workstation
lb = Ngl.labelbar_ndc(wks1,nlevels,labels,0.1,0.2,lbres)
Example #21
pgres             = Ngl.Resources()
pgres.gsFillColor = "green"

taus_above_zero = Numeric.take(taus,ind_above_zero)
px[0::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
px[1::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
px[2::5] = (taus_above_zero + dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
px[3::5] = (taus_above_zero + dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
px[4::5] = (taus_above_zero - dx/2.).astype(taus.typecode())
py[0::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
py[1::5] = Numeric.take(rain03,ind_above_zero)
py[2::5] = Numeric.take(rain03,ind_above_zero)
py[3::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
py[4::5] = rain_res.trYMinF
polyg    = Ngl.add_polygon(wks,rainhist,px,py,pgres)

# For the outlines, we don't need the fifth point.
polyl    = Ngl.add_polyline(wks,rainhist,px,py,pgres)
temptmsz  = Ngl.xy(wks,taus,tempht,tempsfc_res)

# ---------------------- overlay, draw, and advance frame ---------
Ngl.overlay(rhfill,templine)   # Overlay temperature contour on rh plot.
Ngl.overlay(rhfill,windlayer)  # Overlay windbarbs on rh plot.

Example #22
  if (unemp[i] >= 0.02 and unemp[i] < 0.03):
     plres.gsFillColor = colors[1]

  if (unemp[i] >= 0.03 and unemp[i] < 0.04):
     plres.gsFillColor = colors[2]

  if (unemp[i] >= 0.04):
     plres.gsFillColor = colors[3]

  startSegment = geometry[i][geom_segIndex]
  numSegments  = geometry[i][geom_numSegs]
  lines = []
  for seg in range(startSegment, startSegment+numSegments):
    startPT = segments[seg, segs_xyzIndex]
    endPT = startPT + segments[seg, segs_numPnts] - 1
    lines.append(Ngl.add_polygon(wks, plot, lon[startPT:endPT],  \
                                 lat[startPT:endPT], plres))
    segNum = segNum + 1


# Make a labelbar...
labels = [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ]

lres                    = Ngl.Resources()
lres.vpWidthF           = 0.50             # location
lres.vpHeightF          = 0.05             # " " 
lres.lbPerimOn          = False            # Turn off perimeter.
lres.lbOrientation      = "Horizontal"     # Default is vertical.
lres.lbLabelAlignment   = "BoxCenters"     # Default is "BoxCenters".
lres.lbFillColors       = colors
lres.lbMonoFillPattern  = True             # Fill them all solid.
Example #23
def popsicle_diagram(restartfile, param_file, pftcolors, stemcolor=159, file=None, title=None, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, yrange=None, colormap=None, title_charsize=0.75, aspect_ratio=None, makepng=False, png_dens=pngdens, use_wks=None, showjupyter=False):

    if use_wks == None:
        plot_type = get_workstation_type(file)
        wks_res = Ngl.Resources()
        if plot_type == 'x11':
            wks_res.wkPause = False
        elif plot_type == 'png':
            wks_res.wkWidth = page_width * 100
            wks_res.wkHeight = page_height * 100
            wks_res.wkPaperWidthF = page_width
            wks_res.wkPaperHeightF = page_height
            wks_res.wkOrientation = "portrait"
        if not colormap == None:
            colormap = parse_colormap(colormap)
            wks_res.wkColorMap = colormap
        wks = Ngl.open_wks(plot_type,file,wks_res)
        if wks < 0 and plot_type == "x11":
            wks = Ngl.open_wks(plot_type,file,wks_res)
        wks = use_wks

    resources = Ngl.Resources()

    #cdkif plot_type != 'png':
    resources.nglDraw = False

    #cdkif plot_type != 'png':
    resources.nglFrame = False

    if title != None:
        resources.tiMainString = title

    if xtitle != None:
        resources.tiXAxisString = xtitle

    if ytitle != None:
        resources.tiYAxisString = ytitle

    if yrange != None:
        resources.trYMinF = np.min(yrange)
        resources.trYMaxF = np.max(yrange)

    resources.trXMinF = 0.
    resources.trXMaxF = 1.

    resources.tiMainFontHeightF = 0.025 * title_charsize

    resources.tmXBMajorLengthF        = 0.01
    resources.tmXBMajorOutwardLengthF = 0.01
    resources.tmYLMajorLengthF        = 0.01    
    resources.tmYLMajorOutwardLengthF = 0.01

    resources.tmXBMinorOn    = False
    resources.tmYLMinorOn    = False

    resources.tmXTOn          = False
    resources.tmYROn          = False
    resources.tmXBOn          = False
    resources.tmXBLabelsOn    = False

    if aspect_ratio != None:
        if aspect_ratio > 1.:
            resources.vpHeightF =  0.6  / aspect_ratio
            resources.vpWidthF =  0.6  * aspect_ratio

    resources.trXMinF = 0.
    resources.trXMaxF = 1.
    if yrange == None:
        yrange = [0, np.ma.max(restartfile.variables['fates_height'][:])]
    resources.trYMinF = np.min(yrange)
    resources.trYMaxF = np.max(yrange)

    dummies = np.ma.masked_all(3)
    plot = Ngl.xy(wks, dummies, dummies, resources)

    #### the main logic all goes here.  ####

    # first calculate the crown areas of each cohort
    cohort_crownareas = carea_allom(restartfile, param_file)

    max_coh_per_patch = 100
    max_cohorts = len(restartfile.variables['fates_CohortsPerPatch'][:])
    max_patches = max_cohorts / max_coh_per_patch
    maxcanlev = restartfile.variables['fates_canopy_layer'][:].max()
    cohort_rhs = np.zeros(maxcanlev)
    ## iterate over patches
    patch_area_sofar = 0.
    vline_res = Ngl.Resources
    vline_res.gsLineThicknessF = .01
    crown_res = Ngl.Resources()
    crown_res.gsLineColor            = "black"
    crown_res.gsLineThicknessF       = .01
    crown_res.gsEdgesOn              = True
    crown_res.gsFillOpacityF         = 0.5
    shadow_res = Ngl.Resources()
    shadow_res.gsFillColor            = "black"
    shadow_res.gsEdgesOn              = False
    stem_res1 = Ngl.Resources()
    stem_res1.gsLineThicknessF       = 1.
    stem_res1.gsEdgesOn              = True
    stem_res1.gsLineColor            = "black"
    stem_res2 = Ngl.Resources()
    stem_res2.gsEdgesOn              = False
    stem_res2.gsFillOpacityF         = 1.
    for i in range(max_patches):
        ## draw thin vertical line at patch lower boundary edge to delineate patches
        patch_lower_edge = 1.-patch_area_sofar - restartfile.variables['fates_area'][i*max_coh_per_patch]/1e4
        zlx = [patch_lower_edge, patch_lower_edge]
        zly = [0., 1000.]
        Ngl.add_polyline(wks,plot, zlx, zly, vline_res)
        ## iterate over cohorts
        for l in range(maxcanlev-1,-1,-1):
            shadow_res.gsFillOpacity = l * 0.5
            cohort_rhs = 1. - patch_area_sofar
            if restartfile.variables['fates_CohortsPerPatch'][i*max_coh_per_patch] > 0:
                for j in range(restartfile.variables['fates_CohortsPerPatch'][i*max_coh_per_patch]-1,-1,-1):
                    cindx = i * max_coh_per_patch + j
                    if restartfile.variables['fates_canopy_layer'][cindx]-1 == l:
                        rhs = cohort_rhs
                        lhs = rhs - cohort_crownareas[cindx]/1e4
                        ctop = restartfile.variables['fates_height'][cindx]
                        cbot = ctop * 0.6
                        crown_res.gsFillColor = pftcolors[restartfile.variables['fates_pft'][cindx]-1]
                        px = [rhs,rhs,lhs,lhs,rhs]
                        py = [ctop,cbot,cbot,ctop,ctop]
                        stem_center = (lhs + rhs) /2.
                        stem_width = .00001 * restartfile.variables['fates_dbh'][cindx]
                        stem_res2.gsFillColor = stemcolor
                        sx = [stem_center+stem_width,stem_center+stem_width,stem_center-stem_width,stem_center-stem_width,stem_center+stem_width]
                        sy = [cbot,0.,0.,cbot,cbot]
                        if l > 0:
                        cohort_rhs = lhs
                        #if lhs < patch_lower_edge:
                        #    raise Exception
        ## get cohort properties: height, upper horizontal edge, crown area, pft, canopy layer
        ## draw cohort as popsicle
        patch_area_sofar = patch_area_sofar + restartfile.variables['fates_area'][i*max_coh_per_patch]/1e4
    if use_wks == None:
        if not file==None:
            if makepng or showjupyter:
                pdf_to_png(file, density=png_dens)
            if jupyter_avail and showjupyter:
                print(' ')
                print('showing file '+file)
        return plot