Example #1
def gen_dummy_data():
  minlat =   24
  maxlat =   50
  minlon = -125
  maxlon =  -67

#---Size of dummy data. Use smaller values (16x32) for faster code speed
  nlat   =  64
  nlon   = 128

  data   = Ngl.generate_2d_array([nlat,nlon], 10, 19, 0., 100.)
  lat    = Ngl.fspan(minlat,maxlat,nlat)
  lon    = Ngl.fspan(minlon,maxlon,nlon)

  return data,lat,lon
Example #2
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "viewport1")

# Add some named colors. This is no longer needed in PyNGL 1.5.0
#forest_green = numpy.array([ 34, 139,  34])/255.
#navy_blue    = numpy.array([  0,   0, 128])/255.
#brown        = numpy.array([165,  42,  42])/255.
#ig = Ngl.new_color(wks,forest_green[0],forest_green[1],forest_green[2])
#ib = Ngl.new_color(wks,navy_blue[0],   navy_blue[1],   navy_blue[2])
#ir = Ngl.new_color(wks,brown[0],       brown[1],       brown[2])

# Generate some dummy data.

cmin = -19.23
cmax = 16.81

data = Ngl.generate_2d_array([100, 100], 10, 10, cmin, cmax)
nice_min, nice_max, nice_spc = Ngl.nice_cntr_levels(cmin, cmax, cint=3)

# Read in color map so we can subset it
cmap = Ngl.read_colormap_file("nrl_sirkes")

# Set up resources for a contour plot.

cnres = Ngl.Resources()

cnres.nglMaximize = True  # Maximize plot in frame
cnres.nglDraw = False  # Don't draw plot
cnres.nglFrame = False  # Don't advance the frame

cnres.cnFillOn = True  # Turn on contour fill
cnres.cnFillPalette = cmap[:-3, :]
Example #3
                    [0.75,0.50,1.00],[0.50,0.00,1.00],[0.00,0.00,1.00], \
                    [0.00,0.50,1.00],[0.00,1.00,1.00],[0.00,1.00,0.60], \
                    [0.00,1.00,0.00],[0.70,1.00,0.00],[1.00,1.00,0.00], \
                    [1.00,0.75,0.00],[1.00,0.38,0.38],[1.00,0.00,0.38], \
#  Open a workstation.
wres = Ngl.Resources()
wres.wkColorMap = cmap
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "cn12p", wres)

# Generate some dummy data
dirc = Ngl.pynglpath("data")
z = Ngl.generate_2d_array([40, 40], 15, 15, -10., 110.)

# Create contour and map resource lists.
cnres = Ngl.Resources()
mpres = Ngl.Resources()
cnres.nglDraw = False
cnres.nglFrame = False
mpres.nglDraw = False
mpres.nglFrame = False

# Map fill resources.
# To fill map areas, you can first specify a general set
# of areas (mpFillBoundarySets) and then a specific set of
# areas. This allows you to indicate what general areas you always
Example #4
    dmax = dmaxs[n // 3]
    dspa = dspas[n // 3]

    mstart = numpy.random.uniform(10, 25, 1).astype(int)
    mend = numpy.random.uniform(10, 25, 1).astype(int)
    xstart = numpy.random.uniform(dmin, dmin + 2, 1)
    xend = numpy.random.uniform(dmax - 2, dmax, 1)

    #---This is a new resource added in PyNGL 1.5.0
    res.cnFillPalette = colormaps[n // 3]

    res.cnMinLevelValF = dmin
    res.cnMaxLevelValF = dmax
    res.cnLevelSpacingF = dspa

    data = Ngl.generate_2d_array([nlat, nlon], mstart[0], mend[0], xstart[0],

    plots.append(Ngl.contour_map(wks, data, res))

# Resources for panelling
pres = Ngl.Resources()
pres.nglFrame = False
pres.nglPanelLabelBar = True

# Calculate start Y position for first row of plots
height = 0.15  # we know this will be height of small plots
extra = 1.0 - (3 * height)
top = 1.0 - (extra / 2.)

# Draw a title before we draw plots
title = "Multiple panels on one page, 3 different colormaps"
Example #5
    dmax = dmaxs[n / 3]
    dspa = dspas[n / 3]

    mstart = numpy.random.uniform(10, 25, 1).astype(int)
    mend = numpy.random.uniform(10, 25, 1).astype(int)
    xstart = numpy.random.uniform(dmin, dmin + 2, 1)
    xend = numpy.random.uniform(dmax - 2, dmax, 1)

    #---This is a new resource added in PyNGL 1.5.0
    res.cnFillPalette = colormaps[n / 3]

    res.cnMinLevelValF = dmin
    res.cnMaxLevelValF = dmax
    res.cnLevelSpacingF = dspa

    data = Ngl.generate_2d_array([nlat, nlon], mstart, mend, xstart, xend)

    plots.append(Ngl.contour_map(wks, data, res))

# Resources for panelling
pres = Ngl.Resources()
pres.nglFrame = False
pres.nglPanelLabelBar = True

# Calculate start Y position for first row of plots
height = 0.15  # we know this will be height of small plots
extra = 1.0 - (3 * height)
top = 1.0 - (extra / 2.)

# Draw a title before we draw plots
title = "Multiple panels on one page, 3 different colormaps"
Example #6
File: cn12p.py Project: yyr/pyngl
                    [0.75,0.50,1.00],[0.50,0.00,1.00],[0.00,0.00,1.00], \
                    [0.00,0.50,1.00],[0.00,1.00,1.00],[0.00,1.00,0.60], \
                    [0.00,1.00,0.00],[0.70,1.00,0.00],[1.00,1.00,0.00], \
                    [1.00,0.75,0.00],[1.00,0.38,0.38],[1.00,0.00,0.38], \
#  Open a workstation.
wres            = Ngl.Resources()
wres.wkColorMap = cmap
wks_type = "ps"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"cn12p",wres)

# Generate some dummy data
dirc = Ngl.pynglpath("data")
z    = Ngl.generate_2d_array ([40,40],15,15,-10.,110.)
# Create contour and map resource lists.
cnres = Ngl.Resources()
mpres = Ngl.Resources()
cnres.nglDraw  = False
cnres.nglFrame = False
mpres.nglDraw  = False
mpres.nglFrame = False

# Map fill resources.
# To fill map areas, you can first specify a general set
# of areas (mpFillBoundarySets) and then a specific set of
# areas. This allows you to indicate what general areas you always