Example #1
def tricolour(wks, xll, yll, height):
    #  Colors
    blue_index = Ngl.new_color(wks, 0.00, 0.15, 0.50)
    white_index = Ngl.new_color(wks, 1.00, 1.00, 1.00)
    red_index = Ngl.new_color(wks, 1.00, 0.10, 0.14)
    width = 1.5 * height
    xx = numpy.zeros(5, 'f')
    yy = numpy.zeros(5, 'f')
    #  Draw blue bar.
    xx = [xll, xll + width / 3., xll + width / 3., xll, xll]
    yy = [yll, yll, yll + height, yll + height, yll]
    pres = Ngl.Resources()
    pres.gsFillColor = blue_index
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xx, yy, pres)
    #  Draw white bar.
    xx = [xll+width/3., xll + 2.*width/3., xll + 2.*width/3., \
             xll+width/3., xll+width/3.]
    pres.gsFillColor = white_index
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xx, yy, pres)
    #  Draw red bar.
    xx = [xll+2.*width/3., xll + width, xll + width,  \
             xll+2.*width/3., xll+2.*width/3.]
    pres.gsFillColor = red_index
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xx, yy, pres)
    xx = [xll, xll + width, xll + width, xll, xll]
    #  Perimeter.
    pres.gsLineColor = 1
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xx, yy, pres)
Example #2
  x[4], y[4] = x[0]                , y[0]

#  Convert the integer color values obtained from the
#  named color chart (as entered above) to floating 
#  point numbers in the range 0. to 1.
  r, g, b = colors[i][0]/255., colors[i][1]/255., colors[i][2]/255.
  poly_res.gsFillColor = [r,g,b]   # Ngl.new_color(wks, r, g, b)
#  Draw a white outline if the color is black, otherwise draw a colored box.
  if (labels[i] == "Black"):
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, x, y, poly_res)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, x, y, poly_res)
#  Label the boxes.
  text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.017
  Ngl.text_ndc(wks, labels[i], 0.5*(x[0]+x[1]), y[0] + 0.0125, text_res)
  rgb_label = "R=%4.2f G=%4.2f B=%4.2f" % (r, g, b)
  text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.015
  Ngl.text_ndc(wks, rgb_label, 0.5*(x[0]+x[1]), y[3] - 0.0125, text_res)

#  Plot top and bottom labels.
text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.025
Ngl.text_ndc(wks, "Sixteen Sample Colors", 0.5, 0.96, text_res)
text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.018
Example #3
# Set up info for box.
width  = 0.07          # Box width
height = 0.05          # Box height

# Set coordinates for top left corner of the eight boxes.
xpos   = [0.20,0.40,0.60,0.80,0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80]
ypos   = [0.13,0.13,0.13,0.13,0.055,0.055,0.055,0.055]

# Text resources.
txres               = Ngl.Resources()
txres.txFontHeightF = 0.015              # Decrease size of font
txres.txJust        = "CenterLeft"       # Left justify

nboxes = len(xpos)
for i in xrange(nboxes):
  xp   = xpos[i]
  yp   = ypos[i]
  xbox = [xp,xp+width,xp+width,xp,xp]
  ybox = [yp,yp,yp-height,yp-height,yp]

  gsres.gsFillColor = colors[i+2]

  Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox,gsres)    # Fill the box
  Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks,xbox,ybox)         # Outline the box


Ngl.frame(wks)          # Now advance the frame.

Example #4
#  Convert the integer color values obtained from the
#  named color chart (as entered above) to floating 
#  point numbers in the range 0. to 1. (as required 
#  by "Ngl.new_color").
  r, g, b = colors[i][0]/255., colors[i][1]/255., colors[i][2]/255.
  poly_res.gsFillColor = Ngl.new_color(wks, r, g, b)
#  Draw a white outline if the color is black, otherwise draw a colored box.
  if (labels[i] == "Black"):
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, x, y, poly_res)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, x, y, poly_res)
#  Label the boxes.
  text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.017
  Ngl.text_ndc(wks, labels[i], 0.5*(x[0]+x[1]), y[0] + 0.0125, text_res)
  rgb_label = "R=%4.2f G=%4.2f B=%4.2f" % (r, g, b)
  text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.015
  Ngl.text_ndc(wks, rgb_label, 0.5*(x[0]+x[1]), y[3] - 0.0125, text_res)

#  Plot top and bottom labels.
text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.025
Ngl.text_ndc(wks, "Sixteen Sample Colors", 0.5, 0.96, text_res)
text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.018
Example #5
def draw_gons(xshift=0.0, yshift=0.0):
    gnres = Ngl.Resources()  # Polygon resources

    # The filled diamond
    gnres.gsFillColor = 98
    xdia = numpy.array([0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.10, 0.00]) + xshift
    ydia = numpy.array([0.10, 0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.10]) + yshift
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xdia, ydia, gnres)

    # The filled four squares
    gnres.gsFillColor = 8
    xbox = numpy.array([0.00, 0.05, 0.05, 0.00, 0.00]) + xshift
    ybox = numpy.array([0.00, 0.00, 0.05, 0.05, 0.00]) + yshift

    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xbox, ybox, gnres)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xbox + 0.15, ybox, gnres)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xbox, ybox + 0.15, gnres)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xbox + 0.15, ybox + 0.15, gnres)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbox, ybox)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbox + 0.15, ybox)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbox, ybox + 0.15)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbox + 0.15, ybox + 0.15)

    # The shaded slanted boxes attaching the squares
    gnres.gsFillColor = 73
    xbt1 = numpy.array([0.05, 0.10, 0.10, 0.05, 0.05]) + xshift
    ybt1 = numpy.array([0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.05, 0.00]) + yshift
    xbt2 = ybt1
    ybt2 = xbt1
    xbt3 = xbt1 + 0.05
    ybt3 = ybt1 + 0.10
    xbt4 = ybt3
    ybt4 = xbt3
    gnres.gsFillColor = 1
    gnres.gsFillIndex = 17
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xbt1, ybt1, gnres)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xbt2, ybt2, gnres)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xbt3, ybt3, gnres)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xbt4, ybt4, gnres)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbt1, ybt1, gnres)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbt2, ybt2, gnres)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbt3, ybt3, gnres)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbt4, ybt4, gnres)

    xtb1 = numpy.array([0.10, 0.15, 0.15, 0.10, 0.10]) + xshift
    ytb1 = numpy.array([0.05, 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.05]) + yshift
    xtb2 = ytb1
    ytb2 = xtb1
    xtb3 = xtb1 - 0.05
    ytb3 = ytb1 + 0.10
    xtb4 = ytb3
    ytb4 = xtb3
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xtb1, ytb1, gnres)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xtb2, ytb2, gnres)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xtb3, ytb3, gnres)
    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xtb4, ytb4, gnres)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xtb1, ytb1, gnres)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xtb2, ytb2, gnres)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xtb3, ytb3, gnres)
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xtb4, ytb4, gnres)
Example #6
                iItem = i + j * shape[0]
            if (iItem + 1) > rlist["lgItemCount"]:
            _lg_add_legend_item(wks, rlist["lgItemOrder"][iItem],
                                (itemsXY[0][j], itemsXY[1][i]), itemsWH, rlist)

def _lg_add_legend_perim(wks, (x, y), (w, h), res):
    bres = {}
    bres["gsEdgesOn"] = res["lgPerimOn"]
    for key in _filter_keys(res, "lgPerimFill"):
        bres["gsFill" + key] = res["lgPerimFill" + key]
    for key in _filter_keys(res, "lgPerim", exceptions=("On"),
        bres["gsEdge" + key] = res["lgPerim" + key]
    ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, *_xywh2corners((x, y), (w, h)),

def _lg_add_legend_title(wks, (iXY, iWH), res):
    if not res["lgTitleOn"]:
    x, y = list(res["vpXY"])
    w, h = list(res["vpWH"])
    offset = {"Top": (0, -res["lgTitleOffsetF"] * res["vpWH"][1]),
              "Bottom": (0, res["lgTitleOffsetF"] * res["vpWH"][1]),
              "Left": (res["lgTitleOffsetF"] * res["vpWH"][0], 0),
              "Right": (-res["lgTitleOffsetF"] * res["vpWH"][0], 0)}
    if res["lgTitlePosition"] in ("Top", "Bottom"):
        w = res["lgTitleExtentF"] * (res["vpWH"][1]
                        - res["margin"]["Top"] - res["margin"]["Bottom"])
        if res["lgTitlePosition"] == "Top":
Example #7
def draw_gons(xshift=0.0,yshift=0.0):
  gnres = Ngl.Resources()    # Polygon resources

# The filled diamond
  gnres.gsFillColor = "lightpink1"
  xdia = numpy.array([0.00,0.10,0.20,0.10,0.00]) + xshift
  ydia = numpy.array([0.10,0.00,0.10,0.20,0.10]) + yshift

# The filled four squares
  gnres.gsFillColor = "lightslateblue"
  xbox = numpy.array([0.00,0.05,0.05,0.00,0.00]) + xshift
  ybox = numpy.array([0.00,0.00,0.05,0.05,0.00]) + yshift

  Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks,xbox,     ybox,     gnres)
  Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks,xbox+0.15,ybox,     gnres)
  Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks,xbox,     ybox+0.15,gnres)
  Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks,xbox,     ybox)
  Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks,xbox,     ybox+0.15)

# The shaded slanted boxes attaching the squares
  gnres.gsFillColor = "cyan"
  xbt1 = numpy.array([0.05,0.10,0.10,0.05,0.05]) + xshift
  ybt1 = numpy.array([0.00,0.05,0.10,0.05,0.00]) + yshift
  xbt2 = ybt1
  ybt2 = xbt1
  xbt3 = xbt1 + .05
  ybt3 = ybt1 + .10
  xbt4 = ybt3
  ybt4 = xbt3
  gnres.gsFillColor = "black"
  gnres.gsFillIndex = 17

  xtb1 = numpy.array([0.10,0.15,0.15,0.10,0.10]) + xshift
  ytb1 = numpy.array([0.05,0.00,0.05,0.10,0.05]) + yshift
  xtb2 = ytb1
  ytb2 = xtb1
  xtb3 = xtb1 - .05
  ytb3 = ytb1 + .10
  xtb4 = ytb3
  ytb4 = xtb3
Example #8
File: traj1.py Project: akrherz/me
txres.txFont   = 22
for i in xrange(4,14,1):
  x0 = startx+(i-4)*delx
  x1 = x0+delx
  x2 = x1
  x3 = x0
  x4 = x0
  x = [x0,x1,x2,x3,x4]
  y0 = starty
  y1 = y0
  y2 = y1+dely
  y3 = y2
  y4 = y0
  y = [y0,y1,y2,y3,y4]
  gsres.gsFillColor = i    # Change fill color.
  if (i == 4):
  elif(i == 6):
  elif(i == 8):
  elif(i == 10):
  elif(i == 12):

#  Draw the trajectories.
Example #9
        #  Loop on the saturations.
        sindex = 0
        for saturation in saturations:
            r, g, b = Ngl.hsvrgb(hue, saturation, value)
            poly_res.gsFillColor = [r, g, b]  # Ngl.new_color(wks,r,g,b)
            rlen = 0.25 * (3. * saturation + 1.)
            x[1] = math.cos(angle1) * rlen
            y[1] = math.sin(angle1) * rlen
            x[2] = math.cos(angle2) * rlen
            y[2] = math.sin(angle2) * rlen
            xc = 0.1 + (x +
                        1.2) / 3.  #  Conceptual user space is [-1.2, 1.2] in
            yc = 0.1 + (y +
                        1.2) / 3.  #  X and Y -- map to [0.1, 0.9] NDC space.
            Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xc, yc, poly_res)
            x[0] = x[1]
            x[3] = x[2]
            y[0] = y[1]
            y[3] = y[2]
            #  Label the saturation levels (the zero saturation
            #  level at the center of the wheel is not labeled).
            if (saturation != 0.):
                text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.022
                text_res.txJust = "CenterCenter"
                slabel = "S = %4.2f" % (saturation)
                Ngl.text_ndc(wks, slabel, 0.5, slab_y[sindex], text_res)
                sindex = sindex + 1
Example #10
# Set up info for box.
width = 0.07  # Box width
height = 0.05  # Box height

# Set coordinates for top left corner of the eight boxes.
xpos = [0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80, 0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80]
ypos = [0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.13, 0.055, 0.055, 0.055, 0.055]

# Text resources.
txres = Ngl.Resources()
txres.txFontHeightF = 0.015  # Decrease size of font
txres.txJust = "CenterLeft"  # Left justify

nboxes = len(xpos)
for i in xrange(nboxes):
    xp = xpos[i]
    yp = ypos[i]
    xbox = [xp, xp + width, xp + width, xp, xp]
    ybox = [yp, yp, yp - height, yp - height, yp]

    gsres.gsFillColor = colors[i + 2]

    Ngl.polygon_ndc(wks, xbox, ybox, gsres)  # Fill the box
    Ngl.polyline_ndc(wks, xbox, ybox)  # Outline the box

    Ngl.text_ndc(wks, labels[i], xp + width + 0.005, yp - height / 2., txres)

Ngl.frame(wks)  # Now advance the frame.

Example #11
#  Loop on the saturations.
     sindex = 0
     for saturation in saturations:
       r,g,b = Ngl.hsvrgb(hue,saturation,value)
       poly_res.gsFillColor = Ngl.new_color(wks,r,g,b)
       rlen = 0.25*(3.*saturation + 1.)
       x[1] = math.cos(angle1) * rlen
       y[1] = math.sin(angle1) * rlen
       x[2] = math.cos(angle2) * rlen
       y[2] = math.sin(angle2) * rlen
       xc = 0.1 + (x + 1.2)/3.  #  Conceptual user space is [-1.2, 1.2] in
       yc = 0.1 + (y + 1.2)/3.  #  X and Y -- map to [0.1, 0.9] NDC space.
       x[0] = x[1]
       x[3] = x[2]
       y[0] = y[1]
       y[3] = y[2]
#  Label the saturation levels (the zero saturation 
#  level at the center of the wheel is not labeled).
       if (saturation != 0.):
         text_res.txFontHeightF = 0.022
         text_res.txJust = "CenterCenter" 
         slabel = "S = %4.2f" % (saturation)
         Ngl.text_ndc(wks, slabel, 0.5, slab_y[sindex],text_res)
         sindex = sindex+1