Example #1
   def get(self):   
        ## retrieving GET request parameters
        ## dimensions
        nb_col = int(self.request.get("width"))
        nb_line = int(self.request.get("height"))
        ## robot parameters
        robot_start = self.request.get("start").split(',')
        robot_startx = int(robot_start[0])
        robot_starty = int(robot_start[1])
        robot_dest = self.request.get("dest").split(',')
        robot_destx = int(robot_dest[0])
        robot_desty = int(robot_dest[1])
        robot_direction = self.request.get("direction")
        def selectDirection(direct):
            if direct == 'NORTH' :
                return 'nord'
            if direct == 'SOUTH':
                return 'sud'
            if direct == 'EAST' :
                return 'est'
            if direct == 'WEST' :
                return 'ouest'
        grid_obstacles = self.request.get("obs").split(' ')[:-1]  # the last item is would be a blank so we remove it
        arr_obs = []
        for i in range(len(grid_obstacles)):
            cur_tuple = grid_obstacles[i][1:-1].split(',')

            arr_obs.append((int(cur_tuple[0]), int(cur_tuple[1])))

        # had to switch the dimensions parameters again so nb_line comes before nb_col
        warehouse = Warehouse(None, nb_line, nb_col, (robot_startx, robot_starty), (robot_destx, robot_desty), selectDirection(robot_direction), arr_obs)
        path, dist = warehouse.ShortestPath()

        if path is False:
            self.response.out.write('no path found')
Example #2
def get_warehouses():
    liste_warehouse = []
    id = 0
    for i in parse_and_format.read_file()["warehouses"]:
        position = {
            "x": int(i["row"]),
            "y": int(i["column"])
        liste_warehouse.append(Warehouse.Warehouse(position, i["items"], id))
        id += 1
    return liste_warehouse
Example #3
            delivered = n
            self.currentPayloadWeight -= self.payload[objet]
            delivered = self.payload[objet]
            self.payload[objet] = 0

        return self.command([1].deliver(objet, n))

    def __str__(self):
        return "Drone , maxPayload : " + str(self.payloadWeight) + "\n"
        + "payload [" + str(self.payload) + "]\n"
        + "current weight " + str(self.currentPayloadWeight)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    D = Drone((10, 10), 30, [1, 1, 1, 1])
    W = Warehouse.Warehouse((2, 5), {0: 5, 2: 6, 4: 7})
    print D
    print D.goto((24, 34))
    print D.gotoWH(W)
    print D.load(0, 4, W)
    print D.unload(0, 1, W)
    D.takeCommand('W', [4])
    print D.busy
    print D.busy
    print "BONGEOURRE"
Example #4
File: main.py Project: essenceD/GB
import Product as Pr
import Warehouse as Wh
import funcs as fn
from datetime import datetime as dt

storage = Wh.Warehouse()
    f'----{dt.today().strftime("%d.%m.%Y")}----Database launched.--------')
while True:
    print('\n\t\t********** MAIN MENU **********')
    com = input('Press 1 to SHOW\n'
                'Press 2 to CREATE\n'
                'Press 3 to ADD new product\n'
                'Press 4 to MOVE\n'
                'Press 5 to DO\n'
                'Press 6 to EXIT DataBase\n'
                'COMMAND: ')
        isinstance(com, int)
    except ValueError:
        print('Choose something by pressing similar button!')
        if int(com) == 1:
        elif int(com) == 2:
        elif int(com) == 3:
            while True:
                ask = input(
                    'Press 0 to go back\nPress 1 to go next\nCOMMAND: ')
Example #5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import Warehouse
from time import sleep

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1)
[M,fig,ax] = Warehouse.Warehouse(fig,ax)


for y in range(0,7):
    #Draw Robot
    robot = patches.Rectangle((6,y),4,6,linewidth=1,edgecolor='black',facecolor='red')
    #Clear Robot
#Turn Right
Row = 12
for x in range(6,50):
    #Draw Robot
    robot = patches.Rectangle((x,6),6,4,linewidth=1,edgecolor='black',facecolor='red')
    #Check Matrix M[Row][x] for Box - if Box, scan Bar Code
    #If no box, continue to move
    #Clear Robot
Example #6
            self.canvas.move(self.shelf, (point.x - self.point.x) * self.unit_size, 0)
            self.canvas.move(self.shelf_id, (point.x - self.point.x) * self.unit_size, 0)
            next_point = Point(self.point.x + 1, self.point.y)
            self.point = next_point

        # Move Up
        if self.point.x == point.x and self.point.y > point.y:
            self.canvas.move(self.shelf, 0, (point.y - self.point.y) * self.unit_size)
            self.canvas.move(self.shelf_id, 0, (point.y - self.point.y) * self.unit_size)
            next_point = Point(self.point.x, self.point.y - 1)
            self.point = next_point

        # Move Down
        if self.point.x == point.x and self.point.y < point.y:
            self.canvas.move(self.shelf, 0, (point.y - self.point.y) * self.unit_size)
            self.canvas.move(self.shelf_id, 0, (point.y - self.point.y) * self.unit_size)
            next_point = Point(self.point.x, self.point.y + 1)
            self.point = next_point


# If the show_animation boolean is True in Warehouse.py,
# we will create the Tkinter application and run the Warehouse simulation from here
if Warehouse.show_animation:
    root = tk.Tk()
    App = Application(master=root)

Example #7
def readFile(fileName):
    f = ""

    with open(fileName) as file:
        f = file.read()

    f = f.split("\n")

    firstLine = f[0]
    firstLine = firstLine.split(" ")

    gridx = int(firstLine[0])
    gridy = int(firstLine[1])
    droneCount = int(firstLine[2])
    maxCommands = int(firstLine[3])
    maxPayload = int(firstLine[4])

    secLine = f[1]

    productCount = int(secLine)

    thLine = f[2]
    thLine = thLine.split(" ")

    for i in thLine:
        i = int(i)

    productWeights = thLine

    warehouseCount = int(f[3])

    newF = f[4:]

    listofwarehouseobjects = []

    for i in xrange(0, warehouseCount):
        print "loading warehouse: " + str(i)
        flin = newF[0]
        flin = flin.split(" ")

        location = [int(flin[0]), int(flin[1])]

        flin2 = newF[1]
        flin2 = flin2.split(" ")

        wobj = Warehouse.warehouse(location, flin2)


        newF = newF[2:]
    """print productWeights

    print "Gridx " + str(gridx)
    print "Gridy " + str(gridy)
    print "dronecount " + str(droneCount)
    print "maxcommands " + str(maxCommands)
    print "maxpayload " + str(maxPayload)
    print "product count " + str(productCount)
    print "warehouseCount " + str(warehouseCount)"""

    nOrders = newF[0]
    newF = newF[1:]

    orderList = []

    for i in xrange(0, len(nOrders)):
        line = newF[0]
        line = line.split(" ")
        line[0] = int(line[0])
        line[1] = int(line[1])
        olocation = line
        oquan = int(newF[1])
        line = newF[2]
        line = line.split(" ")
        for j in xrange(0, len(line)):
            line[j] = int(line[j])
        oids = line
        obj = order.order(i, olocation, oquan, oids)

        newF = newF[3:]

    return gridx, gridy, listofwarehouseobjects, droneCount, maxCommands, maxPayload, orderList, productWeights
def readFile(fileName):
    f = ""

    with open(fileName) as file:
        f = file.read()

    f = f.split("\n")

    firstLine = f[0]
    firstLine = firstLine.split(" ")

    gridx = int(firstLine[0])
    gridy = int(firstLine[1])
    droneCount = int(firstLine[2])
    maxCommands = int(firstLine[3])
    maxPayload = int(firstLine[4])

    secLine = f[1]

    productCount = int(secLine)

    thLine = f[2]
    thLine = thLine.split(" ")

    for i in thLine:
        i = int(i)

    productWeights = thLine

    warehouseCount = int(f[3])
    newF = f[4:]

    listofwarehouseobjects = []

    for i in xrange(0, warehouseCount):
        print "loading warehouse: " + str(i)
        flin = newF[0]
        flin = flin.split(" ")

        location = [int(flin[0]), int(flin[1])]

        flin2 = newF[1]
        flin2 = flin2.split(" ")

        wobj = Warehouse.warehouse(location, flin2)


        newF = newF[2:]

    """print productWeights

    print "Gridx " + str(gridx)
    print "Gridy " + str(gridy)
    print "dronecount " + str(droneCount)
    print "maxcommands " + str(maxCommands)
    print "maxpayload " + str(maxPayload)
    print "product count " + str(productCount)
    print "warehouseCount " + str(warehouseCount)"""

    nOrders = newF[0]
    newF = newF[1:]

    orderList = []

    for i in xrange(0, len(nOrders)):
        line = newF[0]
        line = line.split(" ")
        line[0] = int(line[0])
        line[1] = int(line[1])
        olocation = line
        oquan = int(newF[1])
        line = newF[2]
        line = line.split(" ")
        for j in xrange(0, len(line)):
            line[j] = int(line[j])
        oids = line
        obj = order.order(i, olocation, oquan, oids)

        newF = newF[3:]

    return gridx, gridy, listofwarehouseobjects, droneCount, maxCommands, maxPayload, orderList, productWeights