Example #1
def numpy_to_imgmsg(image, stamp=None):
    from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
    rosimage = Image()
    rosimage.height = image.shape[0]
    rosimage.width = image.shape[1]
    if image.dtype == numpy.uint8:
        rosimage.encoding = '8UC%d' % image.shape[2]
        rosimage.step = image.shape[2] * rosimage.width
        rosimage.data = image.ravel().tolist()
        rosimage.encoding = '32FC%d' % image.shape[2]
        rosimage.step = image.shape[2] * rosimage.width * 4
        rosimage.data = numpy.array(image.flat, dtype=numpy.float32).tostring()
    if stamp is not None:
        rosimage.header.stamp = stamp
    return rosimage
Example #2
    def _publish_image(self):
        Publish latest camera image as Image with CameraInfo.

        # only publish if we have a subscriber
        if self._image_pub.get_num_connections() == 0:

        # get latest image from vectors's camera
        camera_image = self._vector.camera.latest_image
        if camera_image is not None:
            # convert image to gray scale
            img = camera_image.convert('RGB')
            # 640,360 image size?
            # img = camera_image
            ros_img = Image()
            ros_img.encoding = 'rgb8'
            ros_img.width = img.size[0]
            ros_img.height = img.size[1]
            ros_img.step = ros_img.width
            ros_img.data = img.tobytes()
            ros_img.header.frame_id = 'vector_camera'
            # vector_time = camera_image.image_recv_time
            # ros_img.header.stamp = rospy.Time.from_sec(vector_time)
            ros_img.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            # publish images and camera info
Example #3
    def applyDistortionMap(self, map, inplace=False, order=0):
        # for some reason, isinstance(map, fisheye.DistortionMap)
        # or isinstance(map, DistortionMap) does not work?!
        # this solves it...
        if not map.__class__.__name__ == "DistortionMap":
            raise TypeError("map has to be a DistortionMap")

        if not np.shape(self.data)[:2] == map.src_shape:
            logger.warning("Map source shape is not defined or does not match!")

        if inplace: image = self # operate on this image
        else:       image = Image( self ) # copy over this image

        # apply map
        logger.debug("applying distortion map...")

        # This is NOT very elegant...
        # I don't know a better possibility to loop over the last index
        # than this. The problem is, that a grayscale image has no third index.
        # ...
        if len(np.shape(image.data)) == 3:
            for layer in range(np.shape(image.data)[2]):
                layerout = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(
                    input = self.data[:,:,layer],
                    coordinates = map.T, # map has to be transposed somehow
                    order = order
                try:    out = np.dstack( (out, layerout) ) # add to stack
                except: out = layerout # first addition
            image.data = out # set image data
            #image.data = scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter(image.data,(5,5,1))
        else: # only 2 dim...
            image.data = scipy.ndimage.interpolation.map_coordinates(
                input = image.data,
                coordinates = map.T, # map has to be transposed somehow
                order = order
            #image.data = scipy.ndimage.filters.median_filter(image.data,(5,5))

        # set coordinates from DistortionMap
        image.coordinates = map.out_coord
        logger.debug("done applying distortion map.")

        if not inplace: # return new image if not inplace
            return image
Example #4
def pil_to_imgmsg(image, encodingmap={'L': 'mono8', 'RGB': 'rgb8', 'RGBA': 'rgba8', 'YCbCr': 'yuv422'},
                        PILmode_channels={'L': 1, 'RGB': 3, 'RGBA': 4, 'YCbCr': 3}):
    # import roslib  # @UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport
# import rospy  # @UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport
    from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
# from sensor_msgs.msg import CompressedImage  # @UnusedImport @UnresolvedImport

    rosimage = Image()
    # adam print 'Channels image.mode: ',PILmode_channels[image.mode]
    rosimage.encoding = encodingmap[image.mode]
    (rosimage.width, rosimage.height) = image.size
    rosimage.step = PILmode_channels[image.mode] * rosimage.width
    rosimage.data = image.tostring()
    return rosimage
Example #5
def getTextureImagePair(imageName):
        Generate a single texture ID and image pair.
    textureImage = Image()
    textureID = glGenTextures(1)
        imageFile = open(imageName)
        textureImage.sizeX = imageFile.size[0]
        textureImage.sizeY = imageFile.size[1]
        textureImage.data = imageFile.tobytes("raw", "RGBX", 0, -1)

    return (textureID, textureImage)
Example #6
    def callback(self, data):


        points_msg = Image()
        bridge = CvBridge()
        IMAGE_HEIGHT = 171
        IMAGE_WIDTH = 224
        points_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        points_msg.header.frame_id = "camera_depth_optical_frame"
        points_msg.encoding = "32FC1"
        points_msg.height = IMAGE_HEIGHT
        points_msg.width = IMAGE_WIDTH
        points_msg.data = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(points_img, '32FC1').data
        points_msg.is_bigendian = 0
        points_msg.step = points_msg.width * 4

        cvImage = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(points_img, encoding='passthrough')
        cvImPub = rospy.Publisher('/cvImage_array', Image, queue_size=1)
Example #7
def from_file(file_path):
    """ Creates an Image instance from a png file.
    file_path : str
        The path to the png file.
    image : Image
        The image instance
    palette : agb.palette
        The palette of the image
    with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
        reader = png.Reader(f)
        width, height, data, attributes = reader.read()
        image = Image(None, width, height, depth=attributes['bitdepth'])
        image.data = np.array([*data]).T
        colors = attributes['palette']
        _palette = palette.Palette(colors)
        return image, _palette
Example #8
 def open(filepath):
     pim = PIL.Image.open(filepath)
     im = Image(*pim.size)
     im.data = multiprocessing.RawArray('B', [v for rgb in pim.getdata() for val in rgb])
     return im