Example #1
def add_key_frames(request, image_sequence_id):
        image_sequence = ImageSequence.objects.get(pk=image_sequence_id)
    except ImageSequence.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404('Image sequence does not exist')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        frame_list = request.POST.getlist('frames')
        if len(frame_list) == 0:
            messages.error(request, 'You must select at least 1 frame')
            # Add frames to db
            for frame_nr in frame_list:
                # Create image
                image = Image()
                image.filename = image_sequence.format.replace('#', str(frame_nr))
                image.dataset = image_sequence.dataset

                # Create associated key frame
                key_frame = KeyFrame()
                key_frame.frame_nr = int(frame_nr)
                key_frame.image_sequence = image_sequence
                key_frame.image = image

            messages.success(request, 'The image sequence and frames were stored.')
            return redirect('annotation:datasets')

    return render(request, 'annotation/add_key_frames.html', {'image_sequence': image_sequence})
Example #2
def import_images(path, dataset):
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
        for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.png'):
            image = Image()
            image.filename = os.path.join(root, filename)
            image.dataset = dataset
            print('Saved image ', image.filename)
Example #3
    def from_file(filename, page, fileobj=None, newpath=None, upload=None, **kwargs):

        if not newpath:
            newpath = g.images_path

        # We dont' want drive letters or other path elements showing up here...
        # Unfortunately, basename only handles path seperators from the
        # platform it's running on (ie. on unix, it fails to handle windows
        # paths, so we have to convert the path seperators to match the local
        # platform.
        from communityalmanac.lib.helpers import normalize_filename
        filename = normalize_filename(filename)

        _, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)

        if not mimetype.startswith('image/'):
            raise ValueError(u'Invalid image file %s' % filename)

        if upload is not None:
            fileobj = upload.file

        assert fileobj is not None, 'Programming error: file object not set'
        image_data = fileobj.read()
        new_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())
        path = os.path.join(newpath, new_uuid) + ext
        with open(path, 'w') as f:

        image = Image(**kwargs)
        image.order = len(page.media)
        image.path = path
        image.filename = filename
        return image
Example #4
def add_key_frames(request, image_sequence_id):
        image_sequence = ImageSequence.objects.get(pk=image_sequence_id)
    except ImageSequence.DoesNotExist:
        raise Http404('Image sequence does not exist')

    if request.method == 'POST':
        frame_list = request.POST.getlist('frames')
        if len(frame_list) == 0:
            messages.error(request, 'You must select at least 1 frame')
            # Add frames to db
            for frame_nr in frame_list:
                # Create image
                image = Image()
                image.filename = image_sequence.format.replace(
                    '#', str(frame_nr))
                image.dataset = image_sequence.dataset

                # Create associated key frame
                key_frame = KeyFrame()
                key_frame.frame_nr = int(frame_nr)
                key_frame.image_sequence = image_sequence
                key_frame.image = image

                             'The image sequence and frames were stored.')
            return redirect('annotation:datasets')

    return render(request, 'annotation/add_key_frames.html',
                  {'image_sequence': image_sequence})
Example #5
def import_images(path, dataset):
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
        for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.png'):
            image = Image()
            image.filename = os.path.join(root, filename)
            image.dataset = dataset
            print('Saved image ', image.filename)
Example #6
def prepare_image(image: Image) -> Image:
    allowed_colors = 0xF
    image_filename = image.filename
    palette_indexes = set(image.tobytes())

    # If the image had transparent rows or columns, crop them out for efficiency
    border_color = get_transparency(image)
    solid_top = True
    solid_left = True
    image_width_in_pixels, image_height_in_pixels = image.size

    while solid_top or solid_left:
        pixel_data = image.convert('RGBA')
        current_color = border_color
        for x in range(image_width_in_pixels):
            # Scan the top and bottom rows of pixels, cropping out the row if it is fully transparent
            if not current_color == pixel_data.getpixel((x, 0))[3]:
                solid_top = False
            if not solid_top:
            if x == image_width_in_pixels - 1 and solid_top:
                # If the top row was fully transparent, crop it out
                image = image.crop((0, 1, image_width_in_pixels, image_height_in_pixels))
                image_width_in_pixels, image_height_in_pixels = image.size

        for y in range(image_height_in_pixels):
            # Scan the left and right columns of pixels, cropping out the column if it is fully transparent
            current_color = border_color
            if not current_color == pixel_data.getpixel((0, y))[3]:
                solid_left = False
            if not solid_left:
            if y == image_height_in_pixels - 1 and solid_left:
                # If the left column was fully transparent, crop it out
                image = image.crop((1, 0, image_width_in_pixels, image_height_in_pixels))
                image_width_in_pixels, image_height_in_pixels = image.size

    # Tiles are 8x8, so we ensure the image's width and height are divisible by 8
    image_width_in_pixels, image_height_in_pixels = image.size
    if not image_width_in_pixels % 8 == 0:
        border_width = 8 - (image_width_in_pixels % 8)
        image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=(0, 0, border_width, 0), fill=border_color)

    if not image_height_in_pixels % 8 == 0:
        border_width = 8 - (image_height_in_pixels % 8)
        image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=(0, 0, 0, border_width), fill=border_color)

    # If the image has too many colors, convert it into a form with reduced colors
    if max(palette_indexes) > allowed_colors:
        if image.mode == "P":
            # Images already in P mode cannot be converted to P mode to shrink their allowed colors, so
            #   temporarily convert them back to RGB
            image = image.convert("RGB")
        image = image.convert("P", palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=allowed_colors)

    image.filename = image_filename
    return image
Example #7
    def create(user, image: Image, caption: str, tags: [tag.Tag]):
        Create a post..
        :param image: Post's image.
        :param caption: Caption provided with the post.
        :param tags: List of this post's tags.
        :type user: user.User
        :return: The id of the newly created post.

        resized_image = images.resize_image(image, config.IMAGE_DIMENSION)

        create_post_query = f"""
            INSERT INTO Post
            NULL, {user.id}, NOW(), "{caption}"

            SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID();

        iterable = user.cursor.execute(create_post_query, multi=True)
        # 4 request are made a the same time. The third is the select one.
        index = 0
        result: list = []

        for i in iterable:
            if index == 2:
                result = i.fetchall()
            index += 1

        post_id = result[0]["LAST_INSERT_ID()"]

        image.filename = f"{post_id}.png"
        # Dir where the image is stored.
        final_image_path = os.path.join(user.directory, image.filename)
        # Saving image.

        for i in tags:
            except errors.UserNotExisting:
                    f"User not existing. post_id : {post_id}, user_id : {i.user_id}"
        return Post(id=post_id, user=user)