def collecting_tokens(update, context): if DEBUG: print(update) print(2) if update.effective_chat.type == "group": username = update.effective_user.username text = update.message.text.split(' ') print(text) if username in DataPacket.members: if len(text) == 2: if text[1] == DataPacket.members[username]["token"]: DataPacket.members[username]["token_received"] = True IO.save_file_json( Constants.DATA_PATH + Constants.DATA_MEMBERS_FILENAME, DataPacket.members), text=Messages.TOKEN_RECEIVED_FROM % username) tokens_not_received = check_tokens_received(DataPacket.members) if len(tokens_not_received) != 0:, text=Messages.WAITING_FOR_TOKEN_FROM % str(tokens_not_received)) return COLLECTING_TOKENS elif len(tokens_not_received) == 0:, text=Messages.ALL_TOKENS_RECEIVED) return get_seed(update, context) else:, text=Messages.MUST_BE_IN_GROUP) return COLLECTING_TOKENS
def get_theme(update, context): if DEBUG: print(update) if DataPacket.is_seed_generated: if DataPacket.theme is None: DataPacket.theme = DataPacket.make_theme_object() mega_suggestion_list = [] tokens = [] for data in DataPacket.members.values(): mega_suggestion_list += data["suggestions"] tokens += data["token"] DataPacket.theme["theme"] = SeedGenerator.get_theme( mega_suggestion_list, DataPacket.seed) DataPacket.theme["is_theme_generated"] = 1 IO.save_file_json( Constants.DATA_PATH + Constants.DATA_THEME_FILENAME, DataPacket.theme), text=Messages.GENERATED_THEME_IS % DataPacket.theme["theme"]) else:, text=Messages.THEME_ALREADY_SELECTED % "theme") else:, text=Messages.SEED_NOT_GENERATED)
def __init__(self,extractors,iob_directories=[],iob_file=None,label_index=-1): """ Args: extractors: the list of canonical citation extractors to evaluate iob_test_file: the file in IOB format to be used for testing and evaluating the extactors """ # read the test instances from a list of directories containing the test data import logging self.logger = logging.getLogger("CREX.SIMPLEVAL") if(iob_file is None): self.logger.debug(iob_directories) data = [] for directory in iob_directories: data += IO.read_iob_files(directory,".txt") self.test_instances = data else: self.test_instances = IO.file_to_instances(iob_file) self.logger.debug("Found %i instances for test"%len(self.test_instances)) self.extractors = extractors self.output = {} self.error_matrix = None self.label_index = label_index return
def __call__(self, fidx): """ Temporary worker to load data files This function does the actual processing of the correct target values used in the analysis below """ # shorthands fileName = self.filenames[fidx] fileNames = self.filenames setting = self.setting # do control data = np.frombuffer(self.buff).reshape(self.buffshape) node, temp, trial = np.unravel_index(fidx, self.expectedShape, order='F') # control data if '{}' in fileName: # load control; bias correct mi control = IO.loadData(fileName) # panzeri-treves correction mi = control.mi bias = stats.panzeriTrevesCorrection(control.px,\ control.conditional, \ setting.repeat) mi -= bias data[0, trial, temp] = mi[:self.deltas, :].T # nudged data else: targetName = fileName.split('=')[-1].strip( '.pickle') # extract relevant part # extract pulse and only get left part targetName = re.sub('{|}', '', targetName).split(':')[0] # get the idx of the node nodeNames = [] for name, idx in setting.mapping.items(): if name in targetName: nodeNames.append(idx) # print(idx, name, targetName) # load the corresponding dataset to the control controlidx = fidx - node assert '{}' in fileNames[controlidx] # load matching control control = IO.loadData(fileNames[controlidx]) # load nudge sample = IO.loadData(fileName) # impact = stats.KL(control.px, sample.px) impact = stats.KL(sample.px, control.px) # don't use +1 as the nudge has no effect at zero redIm = np.nansum(impact[-self.deltas:], axis=-1).T # TODO: check if this works with tuples (not sure) for name in nodeNames: data[(node - 1) // setting.nNodes + 1, trial, temp, name, :] = redIm.squeeze().T self.pbar.update(1)
def init(): if not IO.file_exists(Constants.DATA_PATH): IO.make_dir(Constants.DATA_PATH) if IO.file_exists(Constants.DATA_PATH + Constants.DATA_MEMBERS_FILENAME + ".json"): data = IO.read_file_json(Constants.DATA_PATH + Constants.DATA_MEMBERS_FILENAME) if data != 0: DataPacket.members = data if len(DataPacket.members) != 0: DataPacket.is_process_started = True
def runJob(model, settings, simulationRoot): """ Run the job and stops process if taking too long" """ global rootDirectory # check if the file is already there else skip fn = createJob(model, settings, simulationRoot) if os.path.exists(fn): print(f'{fn} exists') return 0 if settings.get('pulse'): trial = settings.get('trial') mag = settings.get('ratio')[0] control = f'data/trial={trial}_r={mag}_{{}}.pickle' control = os.path.join(simulationRoot, control) snapshots = {} # try to load the snapshots # redundant check if run on separate process while not snapshots: try: snapshots = IO.loadPickle(control).snapshots except: time.sleep(1) else: snaps = {} for k in 'nSamples burninSamples steps'.split(): snaps[k] = settings.get(k) snapshots = infcy.getSnapShots(model, **snaps) conditional, px, mi = infcy.runMC(model, snapshots, deltas, repeats) store = dict(\ mi = mi,\ conditional = conditional,\ px = px,\ snapshots = snapshots) # empty vector to safe disk space if settings.get('pulse'): for i in 'mi conditional snapshots'.split(): store[i] = [] sr = IO.SimulationResult(**store) IO.savePickle(fn, sr, verbose=1) checkTime()
def checkTime(): """ Save state on exit """ import inspect global PID if time.time() > THRESHOLD: globs = {} for k, v in globals().copy().items(): if not inspect.ismodule(v) and not isinstance( v, argparse.ArgumentParser): globs[k] = v if PID is None: PID = 1234 simFile = f'sim-{PID}' IO.savePickle(simFile, globs) sys.exit()
def collecting_suggestions(update, context): if DEBUG: print(update) suggestions = update.message.text.split(',') for suggestion in suggestions: suggestion = suggestion.lower() if len(suggestion) == 0: continue if suggestion in DataPacket.members[ update.effective_user.username]["suggestions"]: continue DataPacket.members[ update.effective_user.username]["suggestions"].append(suggestion) IO.save_file_json(Constants.DATA_PATH + Constants.DATA_MEMBERS_FILENAME, DataPacket.members), text=Messages.SUGGESTIONS_ADDED) return finished_adding_suggestions(update, context)
def create_datasets(self): """ TODO """ from miguno.partitioner import * from miguno.crossvalidationdataconstructor import * from citation_extractor.Utils import IO positive_labels = ["B-REFSCOPE","I-REFSCOPE","B-AAUTHOR","I-AAUTHOR","B-REFAUWORK","I-REFAUWORK","B-AWORK","I-AWORK"] if(self.culling_size is not None): positives_negatives = [(n,IO.instance_contains_label(inst,positive_labels)) for n,inst in enumerate(self.culled_instances)] positives = [self.culled_instances[i[0]] for i in positives_negatives if i[1] is True] negatives = [self.culled_instances[i[0]] for i in positives_negatives if i[1] is False] else: positives_negatives = [(n,IO.instance_contains_label(inst,positive_labels)) for n,inst in enumerate(self.test_instances)] positives = [self.test_instances[i[0]] for i in positives_negatives if i[1] is True] negatives = [self.test_instances[i[0]] for i in positives_negatives if i[1] is False]"%i Positive instances"%len(positives))"%i Negative instances"%len(negatives))"%i Total instances"%(len(positives)+len(negatives))) self.dataSets_iterator = CrossValidationDataConstructor(positives, negatives, numPartitions=self.fold_number, randomize=False).getDataSets() pass
def generate_token(update, context): if DEBUG: print(update) print("User %s requested token" % update.effective_user.username) if DataPacket.is_process_started: if update.effective_chat.type != "group": username = update.effective_user.username if username not in DataPacket.members: member = DataPacket.make_member_object(username) DataPacket.members.update(member) DataPacket.members[username]["token"] = str(uuid.uuid4()) IO.save_file_json( Constants.DATA_PATH + Constants.DATA_MEMBERS_FILENAME, DataPacket.members), text=Messages.GENERATED_TOKEN_IS % DataPacket.members[username]["token"]) print("\tToken generated: %s" % DataPacket.members[username]["token"]) else:, text=Messages.TOKEN_ALREADY_GENERATED % DataPacket.members[username]["token"]) print("\tUser already has token: %s" % DataPacket.members[username]["token"]) else:, text=Messages.CANNOT_REQUEST_TOKEN_IN_GROUP) else:, text=Messages.SELECTION_NOT_STARTED)
loadGraph = '' if __name__ == '__main__': graphs = [] N = 10 if not loadGraph: for i in range(10): r = np.random.rand() * (1 - .2) + .2 # g = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, 2) # g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, r) # g = nx.duplication_divergence_graph(N, r) # graphs.append(g) else: print('running craph graph') graph = IO.loadPickle(loadGraph) graphs.append(graph) # w = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(N, 2) # g = nx.expected_degree_graph(w) # g = sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key = lambda x: len(x))[-1] #for i, j in g.edges(): # g[i][j]['weight'] = np.random.rand() * 2 - 1 # graphs.append(g) # graphs[0].add_edge(0,0) # for j in np.int32(np.logspace(0, np.log10(N-1), 5)): # graphs.append(nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, j)) dataDir = 'Graphs' # relative path careful df = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/Graph_min1_1.csv', header=0, index_col=0) h = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/External_min1_1.csv', header=0, index_col=0)
networkSettings = dict( \ path = args.graph, \ size = N, \ fixedNodes = args.nodes ) # setup Ising model with N=networkSize spin flip attempts per simulation step modelSettings = dict( \ temperature = T, \ updateType = 'async' ,\ magSide = args.magSide if args.magSide in ['pos', 'neg'] else '' ) model = fastIsing.Ising(graph, **modelSettings) try: mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] except:['python3', '', f'{args.T}', f'{args.dir}', f'{args.graph}', \ '--maxcorrtime', '10000', \ '--maxmixing', '10000']) mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] systemSnapshotSettings = dict( \
# m.equilibriate(magRatios, eqSettings) combinations = itertools.product(\ m.matched['ratios'].items(),\ pulseSizes, \ range(settings.get('nTrials')) ) settings['graph'] = g # setup filepaths now = simulationRoot = os.path.join(\ rootDirectory, now) print(f"Making {simulationRoot}") os.makedirs(simulationRoot, exist_ok=1) settings['equilibrium'] = m.matched IO.savePickle(os.path.join(simulationRoot, 'settings'),\ settings) for (ratio, pulse, trial) in combinations: # tmp added properties settings['trial'] = trial settings['ratio'] = ratio if pulse: for node in m.graph.nodes(): tmp = copy.deepcopy(m) tmp.t = ratio[1] intervention = {node: pulse} tmp.nudges = intervention settings['pulse'] = intervention
snapshots.append(s) MI, HX = computeMI_cond(model, node, minDist, maxDist, allNeighbours_G, snapshots, nTrials, nSamples, modelSettings) MIs_cond[T] = MI snapshotSettingsJoint = dict( \ nSamples = args.numSamplesJoint, \ repeats = args.repeats, \ burninSteps = args.burninSteps, \ distSamples = args.distSamples, \ maxDist = maxDist, \ nBins = args.bins ) IO.saveSettings(targetDirectory, snapshotSettingsJoint, 'jointSnapshots') allNeighbours_G_allNodes = model.neighboursAtDistAllNodes( nodes, maxDist) avgSnapshots, avgSystemSnapshots, fullSnapshots = simulation.getJointSnapshotsPerDistNodes(model, nodes, \ allNeighbours_G_allNodes, \ **snapshotSettingsJoint, threads=nthreads, \ initStateIdx=1, getFullSnapshots=1) MI, corr = infoTheory.pairwiseMI_allNodes( model, nodes, fullSnapshots.reshape( (args.repeats * args.numSamplesJoint, -1)), distMax=maxDist)
from Utils import IO, stats, misc, plotting as plotz from functools import partial """ - work from a folder directory """ # standard stuff #root = '/run/media/casper/test/1550482875.0001953/' root = 'Data/cveltere/2019-05-09T16:10:34.645885' root = '/run/media/casper/fc7e7a2a-73e9-41fe-9020-f721489b1900/cveltere' root = 'Data/2019-05-13T13:34:02.290439' root = 'Data/1548025318.5751357' root = 'Data/new3' #root = '/run/media/casper/4fdab2ee-95ad-4fc5-8027-8d079de9d4f8/Data/1548025318' data = IO.DataLoader(root) # extracts data folders settings = {key : IO.Settings(root) for key in data} # load corresponding settings centralities = { r'$c_i^{deg}$' : partial(, weight = 'weight'), \ r'$c_i^{betw}$': partial(nx.betweenness_centrality, weight = 'weight'),\ r'$c_i^{ic}$' : partial(nx.information_centrality, weight = 'weight'),\ r'$c_i^{ev}$' : partial(nx.eigenvector_centrality, weight = 'weight'),\ } copying build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.7/Toolbox/ -> Toolbox #centralities = {key : partial(value, weight = 'weight') for key, value in nx.__dict__.items() if '_centrality' in key} figDir = '../thesis/figures/' information_impact = '$\mu_i$' causal_impact = '$\gamma_i$'
networkSettings = dict( \ path = args.graph, \ size = N ) # setup Ising model with N=networkSize spin flip attempts per simulation step modelSettings = dict( \ temperature = T, \ updateType = 'async' ,\ magSide = args.magSide if args.magSide in ['pos', 'neg'] else '' ) model = fastIsing.Ising(graph, **modelSettings) try: mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] except:['python3', '', f'{T}', f'{args.dir}', f'{args.graph}', \ '--maxcorrtime', '10000', \ '--maxmixing', '10000']) mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] systemSnapshotSettings = dict( \
import networkx as nx, \ itertools, scipy,\ os, pickle, \ sys, \ multiprocessing as mp, json,\ datetime, sys, \ scipy, \ time parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file') if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() print(args, args.file) runFile = args.file for k, v in IO.loadPickle(runFile).items(): globals()[k] = v modelSettings = dict(\ graph = graph,\ temperature = 0,\ updateType = updateType,\ magSide = magSide,\ nudgeType = nudgeType) model = FastIsing.Ising(**modelSettings) magRange = np.array([CHECK]).ravel() # magRange = array([.9, .2]) fitTemps = np.linspace(0, graph.number_of_nodes() / 2, tempres) mag, sus = model.matchMagnetization(temps = fitTemps,\ n = int(1e3), burninSamples = 0)
networkSettings = dict( \ path = args.graph, \ size = N, \ nodes = nodes ) # setup Ising model with N=networkSize spin flip attempts per simulation step modelSettings = dict( \ temperature = T, \ updateType = 'async' ,\ magSide = args.magSide if args.magSide in ['pos', 'neg'] else '' ) model = fastIsing.Ising(graph, **modelSettings) try: mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] except: # try to load data containing mixing and correlation time. If it doesn't exist # yet, use '' script to generate it['python3', '', f'{args.T}', f'{args.dir}', f'{args.graph}', \ '--maxcorrtime', '10000', \ '--maxmixing', '10000']) mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples']
temps = np.linspace(args.minT, args.maxT, args.numT) nSamples = int(1e4) burninSteps = int(1e4) magSide = '' updateType = 'async' targetDirectory = f'{os.getcwd()}/{args.dir}' os.makedirs(targetDirectory, exist_ok=True) settings = dict( nSamples = nSamples, \ burninSteps = burninSteps, \ updateMethod = updateType ) IO.saveSettings(targetDirectory, settings) for i, g in enumerate(ensemble): graph = nx.read_gpickle(g) filename = os.path.split(g)[-1].strip('.gpickle') modelSettings = dict(\ graph = graph,\ updateType = updateType,\ magSide = magSide ) model = fastIsing.Ising(**modelSettings) Tc = Tc_idx = -1 while Tc < 0:
from Utils import IO from Toolbox import infcy # init arg parse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file') import time if __name__ == '__main__': # load settings # parse input args = parser.parse_args() runFile = args.file # load data to global print("IM AM IN RUNFILE", runFile) settings = IO.loadPickle(runFile) model = settings.get('model') # init model # run experiment if not settings.get('pulse'): # run snapshots (cheap enough) snaps = {k : settings.get(k) for\ k in 'nSamples burninSamples steps'.split()\ } snapshots = infcy.getSnapShots(model, **snaps) # load nudges else: # think of something to extract the control trial = settings.get('trial')
def read_instances(directories): result = [] for d in directories: result += IO.read_iob_files(d) return result
genDataFile = lambda x: f'dataset{idx}' graphs = [] N = 10 # loadGraph = 'rerunthese.pickle2' loadGraph = '' if not loadGraph: for i in range(10): r = np.random.rand() * (1 - .2) + .2 # g = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, 2) g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, r) # g = nx.duplication_divergence_graph(N, r) graphs.append(g) else: for graph in IO.loadPickle(loadGraph)['graphs']: graphs.append(graph) # w = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(N, 2) # g = nx.expected_degree_graph(w) # g = sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key = lambda x: len(x))[-1] #for i, j in g.edges(): # g[i][j]['weight'] = np.random.rand() * 2 - 1 # graphs.append(g) # graphs[0].add_edge(0,0) # for j in np.int32(np.logspace(0, np.log10(N-1), 5)): # graphs.append(nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, j)) # dataDir = 'Graphs' # relative path careful # df = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/Graph_min1_1.csv', header = 0, index_col = 0) # h = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/External_min1_1.csv', header = 0, index_col = 0)
def run(self): """ TODO """ iterations = [] results = {} results_by_entity = {} # first lets' create test and train set for each iteration for x,iter in enumerate(self.dataSets_iterator):"Iteration %i"%(x+1)) train_set=[] test_set=[] for y,set in enumerate(iter): for n,group in enumerate(set): if(y==0): train_set+=group else: test_set+=group iterations.append((train_set,test_set)) # let's go through all the iterations for i,iter in enumerate(iterations): results["iter-%i"%(i+1)] = {} results_by_entity["iter-%i"%(i+1)] = {} train_file="%sfold_%i.train"%(self.evaluation_dir,i+1) test_file="%sfold_%i.test"%(self.evaluation_dir,i+1) IO.write_iob_file(iter[0],train_file) IO.write_iob_file(iter[1],test_file) # the following line is a bit of a workaround # to avoid recomputing the features when training # each new classifier, I take them from the file created # to train the CRF model (which should always be the first extractor # to be evaluated). filename = "%sfold_%i.train.train"%(self.extractors[0][1].TEMP_DIR,(i+1)),'r','utf-8') data = f.close() feature_sets=[[[token.split('\t')[:len(token.split('\t'))-1],token.split('\t')[len(token.split('\t'))-1:]] for token in instance.split('\n')] for instance in data.split('\n\n')] order = FeatureExtractor().get_feature_order() labelled_feature_sets=[] for instance in feature_sets: for token in instance: temp = [{order[n]:feature for n,feature in enumerate(token[0])},token[1][0]] labelled_feature_sets.append(temp)"read %i labelled instances"%len(feature_sets)) for n,extractor in enumerate(self.extractors): extractor_settings = extractor[1] extractor_name = extractor[0] results["iter-%i"%(i+1)][extractor_name] = {}"Running iteration #%i with extractor %s"%(i+1,extractor_name)) extractor_settings.DATA_FILE = train_file if(extractor_settings.CLASSIFIER is not None): extractor = citation_extractor(extractor_settings, extractor_settings.CLASSIFIER,labelled_feature_sets) else: extractor = citation_extractor(extractor_settings) se = SimpleEvaluator([(extractor_name, extractor),],iob_file=test_file) results["iter-%i"%(i+1)][extractor_name] = se.eval()[extractor_name][0] results_by_entity["iter-%i"%(i+1)][extractor_name] = SimpleEvaluator.calc_stats_by_entity(se.eval()[extractor_name][1])["iter-%i"%(i+1)][extractor_name]) return results,results_by_entity
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, scipy, multiprocessing as mp, os, \ re, networkx as nx from tqdm import tqdm from Utils import IO, stats, misc, plotting as plotz from functools import partial """ - work from a folder directory """ # standard stuff #root = '/run/media/casper/test/1550482875.0001953/' root = '/home/casper/projects/information_impact/Data/1548025318.5751357' data = IO.DataLoader(root) # extracts data folders settings = {key: IO.Settings(root) for key in data} # load corresponding settings centralities = { r'$c_i^{deg}$' : partial(, weight = 'weight'), \ r'$c_i^{betw}$': partial(nx.betweenness_centrality, weight = 'weight'),\ r'$c_i^{ic}$' : partial(nx.information_centrality, weight = 'weight'),\ r'$c_i^{ev}$' : partial(nx.eigenvector_centrality, weight = 'weight'),\ } figDir = '../thesis/figures/' information_impact = '$\mu_i$' causal_impact = '$\gamma_i$' # %% # begin the uggliness
args = parser.parse_args() T = args.T #float(sys.argv[1]) targetDirectory = args.dir #sys.argv[2] os.makedirs(targetDirectory, exist_ok=True) # load network graph = nx.read_gpickle(args.graph) N = len(graph) networkSettings = dict( \ path = args.graph, \ nNodes = N ) IO.saveSettings(targetDirectory, networkSettings, 'network') # setup Ising model with nNodes spin flip attempts per simulation step modelSettings = dict( \ temperature = T, \ updateType = 'async' ,\ magSide = '' ) #IO.saveSettings(targetDirectory, modelSettings, 'model') model = fastIsing.Ising(graph, **modelSettings) #print(model.mapping) #print(list(graph)) # determine mixing/correlation time mixingTimeSettings = dict( \
size = N, \ nodes = nodes ) # setup Ising model with N=networkSize spin flip attempts per simulation step modelSettings = dict( \ temperature = T, \ updateType = 'async' ,\ magSide = args.magSide if args.magSide in ['pos', 'neg'] else '' ) model = fastIsing.Ising(graph, **modelSettings) # try to load data containing mixing and correlation time. If it doesn't exist # yet, use '' script to generate it try: mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] print(f'mixing time = {burninSteps}') print(f'correlation time = {distSamples}') except:['python3', '', f'{args.T}', f'{args.dir}', f'{args.graph}', \ '--maxcorrtime', '10000', \ '--maxmixing', '10000']) mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] # try to load neighbourhood shell data. If it doesn't exist yet, generate it
head, tail = os.path.split(f) print(tail) data = IO.loadPickle(head, tail) gname = os.path.splitext(tail)[0].split('_Tc_results')[0] result = IO.TempsResult(data['temps'], data['mags'], data['abs_mags'], \ data['sus'], data['binder'], data['T_c'], data['T_d'], data['T_o'], gname) dir = f'backup/tempsData/{head}' os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) result.saveToPickle(dir) """ directory = 'output_systemEntropyGreedy' for f in find_files(f'../masterthesis_casperscode/{directory}', 'simulation_results', 'dict.pickle'): head, tail = os.path.split(f) print(tail) data = IO.loadPickle(head, tail) #type = data['type'] #data.pop('type') result = IO.SimulationResult(**data) t = tail.split('_')[-2] print(t) dir = f'backup/{directory}/{head}' os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) result.saveToPickle(dir, timestamp=t)
sr = IO.SimulationResult(**store) IO.savePickle(fn, sr, verbose=1) checkTime() # init models if __name__ == "__main__": M = settings.get('model') args = parser.parse_args() file, PID = args.file, print(file, PID) # this should only be run once per call if not file: g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(3, np.random.uniform(0, 1)) PSYCHO = True if PSYCHO: df = IO.readCSV('Graphs/Graph_min1_1.csv', header = 0,\ index_col = 0) h = IO.readCSV('Graphs/External_min1_1.csv', header = 0,\ index_col = 0) g = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(df) attr = { node: dict(H=row['externalField']) for node, row in h.iterrows() } nx.set_node_attributes(g, attr) modelSettings['magSide'] = '' settings['modelSettings'] = modelSettings m = M(graph = g, \ **settings.get('modelSettings'), \ equilibrium = equilibrium) matched = m.matched
networkSettings = dict( \ path = args.graph, \ size = N, \ node = node ) # setup Ising model with N=networkSize spin flip attempts per simulation step modelSettings = dict( \ temperature = T, \ updateType = 'async' ,\ magSide = args.magSide if args.magSide in ['pos', 'neg'] else '' ) model = fastIsing.Ising(graph, **modelSettings) try: mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] except:['python3', '', f'{T}', f'{args.dir}', f'{args.graph}', \ '--maxcorrtime', '10000', \ '--maxmixing', '10000']) mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] allNeighbours_G, allNeighbours_idx = model.neighboursAtDist(node, maxDist)
import time from Utils.stats import KL, JS deltas = 200 repeats = int(1e4) start = time.time() N = 5 # repeats? #nudges[-1] = np.inf #graph = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(10, 2) graph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(5, .2) #graph = nx.read_weighted_edgelist('Graphs/aves-barn-swallow-non-physical.edges') # %% #graph = nx.krackhardt_kite_graph() dataDir = 'Graphs' # relative path careful df = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/Graph_min1_1.csv', header=0, index_col=0) h = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/External_min1_1.csv', header=0, index_col=0) #graph = nx.from_pandas_adjacency(df) #graph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(10, .3) #graph = nx.path_graph(5) #graph = nx.Graph() #graph.add_edge(0,1) #graph.add_edge(1,2) #graph.add_edge(2,0) #graph[0][1]['weight'] = 10 #attr = {} #graph = nx.krackhardt_kite_graph() graph = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(5, .3) #for node, row in h.iterrows(): # attr[node] = dict(H = row['externalField'], nudges = 0)