def runJob(model, settings, simulationRoot): """ Run the job and stops process if taking too long" """ global rootDirectory # check if the file is already there else skip fn = createJob(model, settings, simulationRoot) if os.path.exists(fn): print(f'{fn} exists') return 0 if settings.get('pulse'): trial = settings.get('trial') mag = settings.get('ratio')[0] control = f'data/trial={trial}_r={mag}_{{}}.pickle' control = os.path.join(simulationRoot, control) snapshots = {} # try to load the snapshots # redundant check if run on separate process while not snapshots: try: snapshots = IO.loadPickle(control).snapshots except: time.sleep(1) else: snaps = {} for k in 'nSamples burninSamples steps'.split(): snaps[k] = settings.get(k) snapshots = infcy.getSnapShots(model, **snaps) conditional, px, mi = infcy.runMC(model, snapshots, deltas, repeats) store = dict(\ mi = mi,\ conditional = conditional,\ px = px,\ snapshots = snapshots) # empty vector to safe disk space if settings.get('pulse'): for i in 'mi conditional snapshots'.split(): store[i] = [] sr = IO.SimulationResult(**store) IO.savePickle(fn, sr, verbose=1) checkTime()
head, tail = os.path.split(f) print(tail) data = IO.loadPickle(head, tail) gname = os.path.splitext(tail)[0].split('_Tc_results')[0] result = IO.TempsResult(data['temps'], data['mags'], data['abs_mags'], \ data['sus'], data['binder'], data['T_c'], data['T_d'], data['T_o'], gname) dir = f'backup/tempsData/{head}' os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) result.saveToPickle(dir) """ directory = 'output_systemEntropyGreedy' for f in find_files(f'../masterthesis_casperscode/{directory}', 'simulation_results', 'dict.pickle'): head, tail = os.path.split(f) print(tail) data = IO.loadPickle(head, tail) #type = data['type'] #data.pop('type') result = IO.SimulationResult(**data) t = tail.split('_')[-2] print(t) dir = f'backup/{directory}/{head}' os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) result.saveToPickle(dir, timestamp=t)
import networkx as nx, \ itertools, scipy,\ os, pickle, \ sys, \ multiprocessing as mp, json,\ datetime, sys, \ scipy, \ time parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file') if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args() print(args, args.file) runFile = args.file for k, v in IO.loadPickle(runFile).items(): globals()[k] = v modelSettings = dict(\ graph = graph,\ temperature = 0,\ updateType = updateType,\ magSide = magSide,\ nudgeType = nudgeType) model = FastIsing.Ising(**modelSettings) magRange = np.array([CHECK]).ravel() # magRange = array([.9, .2]) fitTemps = np.linspace(0, graph.number_of_nodes() / 2, tempres) mag, sus = model.matchMagnetization(temps = fitTemps,\ n = int(1e3), burninSamples = 0)
from Utils import IO from Toolbox import infcy # init arg parse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file') import time if __name__ == '__main__': # load settings # parse input args = parser.parse_args() runFile = args.file # load data to global print("IM AM IN RUNFILE", runFile) settings = IO.loadPickle(runFile) model = settings.get('model') # init model # run experiment if not settings.get('pulse'): # run snapshots (cheap enough) snaps = {k : settings.get(k) for\ k in 'nSamples burninSamples steps'.split()\ } snapshots = infcy.getSnapShots(model, **snaps) # load nudges else: # think of something to extract the control trial = settings.get('trial')
loadGraph = '' if __name__ == '__main__': graphs = [] N = 10 if not loadGraph: for i in range(10): r = np.random.rand() * (1 - .2) + .2 # g = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, 2) # g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, r) # g = nx.duplication_divergence_graph(N, r) # graphs.append(g) else: print('running craph graph') graph = IO.loadPickle(loadGraph) graphs.append(graph) # w = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(N, 2) # g = nx.expected_degree_graph(w) # g = sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key = lambda x: len(x))[-1] #for i, j in g.edges(): # g[i][j]['weight'] = np.random.rand() * 2 - 1 # graphs.append(g) # graphs[0].add_edge(0,0) # for j in np.int32(np.logspace(0, np.log10(N-1), 5)): # graphs.append(nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, j)) dataDir = 'Graphs' # relative path careful df = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/Graph_min1_1.csv', header=0, index_col=0) h = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/External_min1_1.csv', header=0, index_col=0)
for (root, dir, files) in os.walk(file): for f in files: fn = os.path.join(root, f) if f.endswith('settings.pickle'): oldSettings = fn break if not oldSettings: oldSettings = os.path.join(file.replace('data', ''), 'settings.pickle') # TODO: change rootDirectory = simulationRoot = file # oldSettings = os.path.join(file, 'settings.pickle') # create backup s = IO.loadPickle(oldSettings) # overwrite values for k, oldValue in s.items(): newValue = settings.get(k) if not newValue: print(f'Overwriting {k} : {oldValue}') settings[k] = oldValue IO.savePickle(oldSettings + f"{}.bk", s, verbose=1) newSettings = oldSettings # for clarity IO.savePickle(newSettings, settings) print(settings)
distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] print(f'mixing time = {burninSteps}') print(f'correlation time = {distSamples}') except:['python3', '', f'{args.T}', f'{args.dir}', f'{args.graph}', \ '--maxcorrtime', '10000', \ '--maxmixing', '10000']) mixingResults = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'mixingResults') corrTimeSettings = IO.loadResults(targetDirectory, 'corrTimeSettings') burninSteps = mixingResults['burninSteps'] distSamples = mixingResults['distSamples'] # try to load neighbourhood shell data. If it doesn't exist yet, generate it try: if len(args.neighboursDir) > 0: neighboursG = IO.loadPickle(args.neighboursDir, 'neighboursG') else: neighboursG = IO.loadPickle(targetDirectory, 'neighboursG') except: print(f'determining neighbours') neighboursG = model.neighboursAtDistAllNodes(nodes, maxDist) if len(args.neighboursDir) > 0: os.makedirs(args.neighboursDir, exist_ok=True) IO.savePickle(args.neighboursDir, 'neighboursG', neighboursG) else: IO.savePickle(targetDirectory, 'neighboursG', neighboursG) snapshotSettings = dict( \ nSamples = args.numSamples, \ burninSteps = burninSteps, \
genDataFile = lambda x: f'dataset{idx}' graphs = [] N = 10 # loadGraph = 'rerunthese.pickle2' loadGraph = '' if not loadGraph: for i in range(10): r = np.random.rand() * (1 - .2) + .2 # g = nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, 2) g = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(N, r) # g = nx.duplication_divergence_graph(N, r) graphs.append(g) else: for graph in IO.loadPickle(loadGraph)['graphs']: graphs.append(graph) # w = nx.utils.powerlaw_sequence(N, 2) # g = nx.expected_degree_graph(w) # g = sorted(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(g), key = lambda x: len(x))[-1] #for i, j in g.edges(): # g[i][j]['weight'] = np.random.rand() * 2 - 1 # graphs.append(g) # graphs[0].add_edge(0,0) # for j in np.int32(np.logspace(0, np.log10(N-1), 5)): # graphs.append(nx.barabasi_albert_graph(N, j)) # dataDir = 'Graphs' # relative path careful # df = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/Graph_min1_1.csv', header = 0, index_col = 0) # h = IO.readCSV(f'{dataDir}/External_min1_1.csv', header = 0, index_col = 0)