Example #1
 def findDist(self, **kwargs: {'calc': False}):
         if kwargs.get('calc') == True:
             #c=299792.458* u.km / u.second
             dh = const.c / cosmo.H(0)
             om = 0.27
             ok = 1 - om
             oa = 0
             #E=lambda x: sqrt(om*(1+x)**3+ok*(1+x)**2+oa)
             dc = dh * integrate.quad(
                 lambda x: 1 / (sqrt(om * (1 + x)**3 + ok *
                                     (1 + x)**2 + oa)), 0, self.z)
             dm = dh * (1 / sqrt(ok)) * (
                 (np.exp(sqrt(ok) * (dc / dh)) - np.exp(-sqrt(ok) *
                                                        (dc / dh))) / 2)
             dl = dm * (1 + self.z)
             return dl
             a = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)  #.value * u.Mpc
             return a
         s3 = 'The findDist() function failed for plate-ifu: ' + self.s
         return 0.0
def optical_depth(z):
    c         = const.c.cgs
    H_0       = cosmo.H(0).cgs
    n_H0      = 1.9e-7*uni.cm**(-3)
    sigma_T   = 6.65e-25*uni.cm**2
    omega_m   = 0.308
    omega_lam = 0.692

    return 2*n_H0*sigma_T*c/(3*H_0*omega_m)\
            *(np.sqrt(omega_m*(1 + z)**3 + omega_lam) - 1)
Example #3
 def findDist(self):
     dh = 299792.458 / cosmo.H(0)
     om = 0.27
     ok = 1 - om
     oa = 0
     #E=lambda x: sqrt(om*(1+x)**3+ok*(1+x)**2+oa)
     dc = dh * integrate.quad(
         lambda x: 1 / (sqrt(om * (1 + x)**3 + ok *
                             (1 + x)**2 + oa)), 0, self.z)
     dm = dh * (1 / sqrt(ok) * sinh(sqrt(ok) * (dc / dh)))
     dl = dm * (1 + self.z)
     a = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z).value
     return a
Example #4
def convert_vel_dist(velocity, distance_unit, time_unit):
    """Takes as input a recession velocity in a given unit and converts it to
    a distance using Hubble's law with H(0) from astropy.cosmo
    velocity_unit = distance_unit/time_unit
    #making the velocity magnitude into a quantity
    velocity = make_quantity(velocity, velocity_unit)
    #obtaining distance from Hubble's lsw with H(0) the present day value of H
    distance = velocity / cosmo.H(0)
    #splitting the quantity into its value and distance for output
    distance_magnitude = distance.value
    distance_unit = str(distance.unit)

    return distance_magnitude, distance_unit
Example #5
def blind_distances(final):
    Given an LSS catalog instance with Z filled, 
    return the same instance with (blinded) cosmo

    final:  :class:`astropy.table.Table` 
        LSS catalog Table.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
    lsscatalog: :class:`astropy.table.Table`                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
        LSS catalog Table. 

    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo

    isin                          = final['Z'] > 0. 
    final['COSMO_BLINDCHI'][isin] = (cosmo.H(0) / 100.) * cosmo.comoving_distance(final['Z'][isin])
    return  final
Example #6
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
from astropy import constants as c
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.visualization import quantity_support
import scipy.integrate as integrate
from pynverse import inversefunc

#the speed of light
c = (c.c).to(u.centimeter / u.second)
Pi = math.pi
#Hubble constant in centimeter
H = cosmo.H(0).to(u.centimeter / (u.centimeter * u.second))
#flux limit give by the paperv
FluxLimit = (2.0 * 10**-8) * u.erg / (u.centimeter**2 * u.second)
Omiga = 0.27
X = np.arange(0.1, 10, 0.01)
bound = 0.757

#--------------------LOADING DATA-------------#
x = loadtxt('Desktop/swift_DATA_Yu.txt', unpack=True, usecols=[0])
y = np.log10(loadtxt('Desktop/swift_DATA_Yu.txt', unpack=True, usecols=[1]))
y1 = loadtxt('Desktop/swift_DATA_Yu.txt', unpack=True, usecols=[1])

Eta = []
k = np.arange(0, 3.5, 0.05)
for i in range(len(k)):
    y2 = loadtxt('Desktop/swift_DATA_Yu.txt', unpack=True,
PHY2071: Introduction to Astonomy Comp. Project
E. Schoenrock (c)2016

Script to solve friedmann equations in a FLAT UNIVERSE (K=0). Comparison between matter-dominated scenario
and radiation-dominated scenario

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.constants as s
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo

p_crit = np.square(
    cosmo.H(0) / 100) * 1.87e-29  #critical density of the universe at present
const = (8 * s.pi * s.G) / 3  #Define this as a constant, makes life easier

##Matter Approximation Function
def flat_universe(y, t):
    dy0 = np.sqrt(const * y[1] * np.square(y[0]))  #friedmann eqn
    dy1 = -((3 * y[1]) * dy0) / y[0]  #fluid eqn
    return [dy0, dy1]

##Radiation Approximation Function
def flat_universe_rad(x, t):
    dx0 = np.sqrt(const * x[1] * np.square(x[0]))  #friedmann eqn
    dx1 = -((4 * x[1]) * dx0) / x[0]  #fluid eqn
    return [dx0, dx1]
Example #8
 def comov_vol(z, delta_z, omega_pix):
     return (omega_pix *
             ((cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).value)**2) *
             (sc.c / cosmo.H(z).value) * delta_z
             )  ###how to deal with delta z...
Example #9
 def comov_vol(z, delta_z, omega_pix):
     return (
         omega_pix * ((cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z).value)**2) *
         (sc.c / cosmo.H(0).value) *
         (1 / np.sqrt((0.31 * ((1 + z)**3)) + (0.69))) * ((1 + z)**2) *
         delta_z)  ###how to deal with delta z...
Given the above difference in the speeds of the proton and light, what will be the separation between these high energy proton and photon after:

1.   one year?
2.   Hubble time?
Hubble time is the age of the universe ~ 13.8 Billion years, inverse of which gives the Hubble's constant $H_0$.

# Table of c - v as a function of mass
cmv = c - v
# Calculate the separation over a year
dist = cmv*u.year
disty = dist.decompose() 

# Calculate the Hubble time
t_h = 1/cosmo.H(0).decompose() 
print(f"Hubble constant = {cosmo.H(0):.2f}")
print(f"Hubble time = {t_h:.2e}")
sep = cmv*t_h
seph = sep.decompose() 

print("   mp \t\t     c-v  \t sep. (1yr)    sep. (Hubble)")
for i in range(0,len(cmv),10):
  mpgev = (mpv * c *c).to(u.GeV)[i]
  print(f"{mpgev:8.2f} {cmv[i]:10.2}  {disty[i]:10.2} {seph[i]:10.2}")

### Q 2.3
What will be gamma factor and mass of the proton when the separation after Hubble time is Compton length? 
Example #11
def simplify_catalog(mastercat, quickld=True):
    Removes most of the unnecessary columns from the master catalog and joins
    fields where relevant

    mastercat : astropy.table.Table
        The table from initial_catalog
    quickld : bool
        If True, means do the "quick" version of the luminosity distance
        calculation (takes <1 sec as opposed to a min or so, but is only good
        to a few kpc)
    from astropy import table

    from astropy.constants import c

    ckps = c.to(u.km / u.s).value

    tab = table.Table()

    # use NSA unless it's missing, in which case use LEDA
    ras = mastercat['al2000'] * 15
    ras[~mastercat['RA'].mask] = mastercat['RA'][~mastercat['RA'].mask]
    decs = mastercat['de2000']
    decs[~mastercat['DEC'].mask] = mastercat['DEC'][~mastercat['DEC'].mask]

    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='RA', data=ras, unit=u.deg))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='Dec', data=decs, unit=u.deg))

    pgc = mastercat['pgc'].copy()
    pgc.mask = mastercat['pgc'] < 0
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='PGC#', data=pgc))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='NSAID', data=mastercat['NSAID']))
    #do these in order of how 'preferred' the object name is.
    nameorder = ('Objname', 'Name_eddkk', 'objname', 'Name_2mass'
                 )  # this is: EDD, KK, LEDA, 2MASS
    #need to figure out which has the *largest* name strings, because we have a fixed number of characters
    largestdt = np.dtype('S1')
    for nm in nameorder:
        if mastercat.dtype[nm] > largestdt:
            largestdt = mastercat.dtype[nm]
            largestdtnm = nm
    names = mastercat[largestdtnm].copy(
    )  # these will all be overwritten - just use it for shape
    for nm in nameorder:
        msk = ~mastercat[nm].mask
        names[msk] = mastercat[nm][msk]
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='othername', data=names))

    #After this, everything should have either an NSAID, a PGC#, or a name (or more than one)

    #start with LEDA
    vs = mastercat['v'].astype(float)
    v_errs = mastercat['e_v'].astype(float)

    #Now add vhelio from the the EDD
    eddvhel = mastercat['Vhel_eddkk']
    vs[~eddvhel.mask] = eddvhel[~eddvhel.mask]
    #EDD has no v-errors, so mask them
    v_errs[~eddvhel.mask] = 0
    v_errs.mask[~eddvhel.mask] = True

    #then the NSA *observed* velocity, if available (NOT the same as distance)
    vs[~mastercat['Z'].mask] = mastercat['Z'][~mastercat['Z'].mask] * ckps
    v_errs.mask[~mastercat['Z'].mask] = True
    #v_errs[~mastercat['Z_ERR'].mask] = mastercat['Z_ERR'][~mastercat['Z_ERR'].mask] * ckps

    #finally, KK when present if its not available from one of the above
    kkvh = mastercat['Vh']
    vs[~kkvh.mask] = kkvh[~kkvh.mask]
    #KK has no v-errors, so mask them
    v_errs[~kkvh.mask] = 0
    v_errs.mask[~kkvh.mask] = True

    #start with all inf, and all masked
    dist = np.ones_like(mastercat['Dist_edd']) * np.inf
    dist.mask[:] = True

    #first populate those that are in EDD with CMD-based distance
    msk = mastercat['So_eddkk'] == 1
    dist[msk] = mastercat['Dist_edd'][msk]

    #now populate from the NSA if not in the above
    msk = (dist.mask) & (~mastercat['ZDIST'].mask)
    dist[msk] = mastercat['ZDIST'][msk] * ckps / WMAP9.H(0).value

    #finally, add in anything in the KK that's not elsewhere
    msk = (dist.mask) & (~mastercat['Dist_kk'].mask)
    dist[msk] = mastercat['Dist_kk'][msk]

    # #for those *without* EDD or KK, use the redshift's luminosity distance
    # premsk = dist.mask.copy()
    # zs = vs[premsk]/ckps
    # if quickld:
    #     ldx = np.linspace(zs.min(), zs.max(), 1000)
    #     ldy = WMAP9.luminosity_distance(ldx).to(u.Mpc).value
    #     ld = np.interp(zs, ldx, ldy)
    # else:
    #     ld = WMAP9.luminosity_distance(zs).to(u.Mpc).value
    # dist[premsk] = ld
    # dist.mask[premsk] = vs.mask[premsk]

    distmod = 5 * np.log10(dist) + 25  # used in phot section

    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio', data=vs))
    #decided to remove v-errors
    #tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='vhelio_err', data=v_errs))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='distance', data=dist, unit=u.Mpc))

        table.MaskedColumn(name='r', data=mastercat['ABSMAG_r'] + distmod))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='i', data=mastercat['ABSMAG_i'] + distmod))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='z', data=mastercat['ABSMAG_z'] + distmod))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='I', data=mastercat['it']))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='K', data=mastercat['K_tc']))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='K_err', data=mastercat['e_K']))

    #Stellar mass/SFR
                           data=mastercat['MASS'] *
                           (WMAP9.H(0).value / 100)**-2))
    tab.add_column(table.MaskedColumn(name='SFR_B300', data=mastercat['B300']))
        table.MaskedColumn(name='SFR_B1000', data=mastercat['B1000']))

    return tab
Example #12
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const

c = const.c.cgs  # speed of light in cgs
H0 = cosmo.H(0).cgs  # Hubble constant in cgs
Sigma_T = 6.65e-25 * u.cm**2  # Thomson cross section of molecule [cm^2]
O_m = 0.308  # energy density parameter for mass
O_lambda = 0.692  # energy density parameter for lambda

def tau_e(z):
    Returns the optical depth for the ionized intergalactic medium
    as a function of redshift z.

    z: redshift at which the optical depth is to be calculated
    _z = np.linspace(
        0, z, 100)  # New redshift array to define limits in the integral
    numerator = Sigma_T * 1.9e-7 * u.cm**-3 * (1 + _z)**2
    denominator = H0 * np.sqrt(O_m * (1 + _z)**3 + O_lambda)
    integral = c * numerator / denominator
    res = np.trapz(integral, _z)
    return (res)

Example #13
def lce_norm(ns):
	return f*H/k_unit/(1+step2z[ns])
Example #14
	def lce_norm():
		return f*H/k_unit/(1+z)/300000
Example #15
# Author = Z. Yasemin Kalender

#table  and plot packages
from astropy.io import ascii
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.io import fits
# cosmology packages
from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
from astropy.cosmology import FlatwCDM, FlatLambdaCDM
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.cosmology import Planck13, z_at_value

##### Some Cosmological Constants..
H0 = cosmo.H(0)
cosmo = FlatwCDM(name='SNLS3+WMAP7', H0=71.58, Om0=0.262, w0=-1.016)


path = '/Users/zeynepyaseminkalender/Documents/MyFiles_Pyhton/week5'

#obtaining Data needed

Friedman_data9 = Table.read('friedman_table9.fit')


#redshift value
z_values = Friedman_data9["zCMB"]
Example #16
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.misc import factorial
import numpy.random as rm
import scipy.stats as stats
from multiprocessing import Pool, Process, freeze_support
import multiprocessing
import argparse

G = ct.G
c = ct.c
Msun = 1.989e30
pi = ct.pi

noisecurvepts = 900

Hubble_Parameter = WMAP9.H(0.0).value  #km/sec/Mpc
h = Hubble_Parameter / 100.0
Omega_M = WMAP9.Om(0.0)
Omega_vac = 1.0 - Omega_M

#this is to cut out scale factors that occur before the first real mergers?????
def scaleadjustfunc(scale_factor):
    change = (scale_factor <= 1.0 / 138.0)
    keep = (scale_factor > 1.0 / 138.0)
    return scale_factor * keep + (1.0 / 138.0) * change

def Least_squared_binned_fit(counts):
    atest = np.linspace(0.001, 20.0, 10000)
    chisquared = np.zeros(len(atest))
Example #17

### 3.3 Negatons as possible candidates for dark matter and dark energy

Gravitationally, dark matter (DM) behaves like baryonic matter, i.e. they have $P=+nm_{DM} v^2$. Therefore DM cannot consist dominantly of negatons. In any case the flux of negatons required to significantly affect masses and evolution of supermassive black holes and even large objects (large capture cross section) like red supergiants is very large. For a billion solar mass black hole, the flux required to significantly alter its mass over the Hubble time ($t_H \approx 4.45\times10^{17} s$) is given as:

$f=\frac{M_{BH}}{(m \times t_H \times A_{BH})}  \approx 2.44\times10^{22} m^{-2} s^{-1} \quad (9)$

where, $A_{BH} \approx 10^{26} m^2$ is the horizon area of the black hole, and the negaton mass, $m$ is taken to be of the order of the proton mass. And similarly we can work out the flux required to alter the evolution of red supergiants as, $f \approx 10^{16} m^{-2} s^{-1}$. These are much higher than the expected DM density of $\approx 2\times 10^{-27} kgm^{-3}$. So negative mass particles cannot be a source of DM. And in any case their energy density being negative, they will not be suitable candidates.  

m_bh = 1.e9 * M_sun 
a_bh = (16 * math.pi * G**2 * m_bh**2) / c**4
t_h = 1/cosmo.H(0).decompose() 
flux = m_bh / (t_h * a_bh * m_p)
print("Hubble constant = {0:.2e}".format(cosmo.H(0)))
print("Hubble time = {0:.2e}".format(t_h))
print("flux = {0:.2e}".format(flux))

But dark energy (DE) can result from negatons through $P=-nmc^2$ (negative $\rho$ implying repulsive gravity). So density of such particles giving rise to DE can be estimated as follows. Assuming a separation between the particles of a Compton length, i.e. $\hbar/mc$, which is also positive for negatons (since both ℏ and m are negative) (negatons also obey the quantum uncertainty principle), the density is given by, $\frac{m}{(\hbar/mc)^3} =\frac{m^4 c^3}{\hbar ^3}$ , which is negative (since $m^4$ is positive and $\hbar^3$ is negative for negatons). Equating this to the observed DE density, $\rho_{DE}\approx 7\times 10^{-27} kgm^{-3}$, we can estimate the mass of these particles as:

$m=\left(\frac{\rho_{DE} \hbar^3}{c^3}\right)^{1/4}\approx 4\times 10^{-39} kg \quad (10)$

For these negative mass particles to make up dark energy of density $\approx 7\times 10^{-27} kgm^{-3}$, the number density is given by, $n \times m \approx 7\times 10^{-27} kgm^{-3}$. This gives:

$n\approx 10^{12} m^{-3} \quad (11)$

At earlier epochs (high $z$), the matter (and DM) densities would have been higher and as the Universe expands, the negative pressure due to the negatons starts to dominate, hence accounting for the accelerated expansion of the Universe observed at the present epoch.
Example #18
def set_value(x):
    LOG.info('Setting value...')
    return cosmo.H(0).value