Example #1
def update(val):
      zL,zS = slzL.val,slzS.val
      xL,yL = slxL.val, slyL.val
      ML,eL,PAL = slML.val,sleL.val,slPAL.val
      sh,sha = slss.val,slsa.val
      xs,ys = slxs.val, slys.val
      Fs,ws = slFs.val, slws.val
      ns,ars,pas = slns.val,slars.val,slPAs.val
      newDd = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zL).value
      newDs = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zS).value
      newDds= cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(zL,zS).value
      newLens = vl.SIELens(zLens,xL,yL,10**ML,eL,PAL)
      newShear = vl.ExternalShear(sh,sha)
      newSource = vl.SersicSource(zS,True,xs,ys,Fs,ws,ns,ars,pas)
      xs,ys = vl.LensRayTrace(xim,yim,[newLens,newShear],newDd,newDs,newDds)
      imbg = vl.SourceProfile(xim,yim,newSource,[newLens,newShear])
      imlensed = vl.SourceProfile(xs,ys,newSource,[newLens,newShear])
      caustics = vl.CausticsSIE(newLens,newDd,newDs,newDds,newShear)


      mu = imlensed.sum()*(xim[0,1]-xim[0,0])**2 / newSource.flux['value']
      ax.text(0.9,1.05,'$\\mu$ = {0:.2f}'.format(mu),transform=ax.transAxes)

      for i in range(caustics.shape[0]):

Example #2
def create_modelimage(lens,source,xmap,ymap,xemit,yemit,indices,
      Creates a model lensed image given the objects and map
      coordinates specified.  Supposed to be common for both
      image fitting and visibility fitting, so we don't need
      any data here.

            A 2D array representing the field evaluated at
            xmap,ymap with all sources included.
            A numpy array of length N_sources containing the
            magnifications of each source (1 if unlensed).
      lens = list(np.array([lens]).flatten()) # Ensure lens(es) are a list
      source = list(np.array([source]).flatten()) # Ensure source(s) are a list
      mus = np.zeros(len(source))
      immap, imsrc = np.zeros(xmap.shape), np.zeros(xemit.shape)

      # If we didn't get pre-calculated distances, figure them here assuming WMAP9
      if np.any((Dd is None,Ds is None, Dds is None)):
            from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9 as cosmo
            Dd = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(lens[0].z).value
            Ds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(source[0].z).value
            Dds= cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(lens[0].z,source[0].z).value

      # Do the raytracing for this set of lens & shear params
      xsrc,ysrc = LensRayTrace(xemit,yemit,lens,Dd,Ds,Dds)

      if sourcedatamap is not None: # ... then particular source(s) are specified for this map
            for jsrc in sourcedatamap:
                  if source[jsrc].lensed: 
                        ims = SourceProfile(xsrc,ysrc,source[jsrc],lens)
                        imsrc += ims
                        mus[jsrc] = ims.sum()*(xemit[0,1]-xemit[0,0])**2./source[jsrc].flux['value']
                  else: immap += SourceProfile(xmap,ymap,source[jsrc],lens); mus[jsrc] = 1.
      else: # Assume we put all sources in this map/field
            for j,src in enumerate(source):
                  if src.lensed: 
                        ims = SourceProfile(xsrc,ysrc,src,lens)
                        imsrc += ims
                        mus[j] = ims.sum()*(xemit[0,1]-xemit[0,0])**2./src.flux['value']
                  else: immap += SourceProfile(xmap,ymap,src,lens); mus[j] = 1.

      # Try to reproduce matlab's antialiasing thing; this uses a 3lobe lanczos low-pass filter
      imsrc = Image.fromarray(imsrc)
      resize = np.array(imsrc.resize((int(indices[1]-indices[0]),int(indices[3]-indices[2])),Image.ANTIALIAS))
      immap[indices[2]:indices[3],indices[0]:indices[1]] += resize

      # Flip image to match sky coords (so coordinate convention is +y = N, +x = W, angle is deg E of N)
      immap = immap[::-1,:]

      # last, correct for pixel size.
      immap *= (xmap[0,1]-xmap[0,0])**2.

      return immap,mus
Example #3
def conversion_factor(cc):
    '''cc is a ClusterConfig object, defined in cluster_config.py'''
    alt_cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(70, cc.wl_omega_m)

    dd1 = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(cc.redshift)
    ds1 = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(z_src_infinity)
    dds1 = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(cc.redshift, z_src_infinity)

    dd2 = alt_cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(cc.redshift)
    ds2 = alt_cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(cc.src_redshift)
    dds2 = alt_cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(cc.redshift,

    crit_surf_density_1 = lensing_crit_surf_density(ds1, dd1, dds1)
    crit_surf_density_2 = lensing_crit_surf_density(ds2, dd2, dds2)
    return crit_surf_density_2 / crit_surf_density_1
Example #4
def lens_astropy():
    import pylab as pl
    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9
    zl = np.linspace(0.01, 1.9, 100)
    zs = 2.
    wa = []
    wc = []
    angs = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(zs).value
    chis = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zs).value
    for zi in zl:
        angl = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(zi).value
        angls = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(zi,zs).value
        chil = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zi).value
        chils = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zs).value-WMAP9.comoving_distance(zi).value
        wa.append(angl * angls / angs)
        wc.append(chil * chils / chis / (1+zi))
    pl.plot(zl, wa)
    pl.plot(zl, wc, ls='--')
Example #5
def lens_astropy():
    import pylab as pl
    from astropy.cosmology import WMAP9
    zl = np.linspace(0.01, 1.9, 100)
    zs = 2.
    wa = []
    wc = []
    angs = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(zs).value
    chis = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zs).value
    for zi in zl:
        angl = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance(zi).value
        angls = WMAP9.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(zi, zs).value
        chil = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zi).value
        chils = WMAP9.comoving_distance(zs).value - WMAP9.comoving_distance(
        wa.append(angl * angls / angs)
        wc.append(chil * chils / chis / (1 + zi))
    pl.plot(zl, wa)
    pl.plot(zl, wc, ls='--')
Example #6
def update(val):
      zL,zS = slzL.val,slzS.val
      xL,yL = slxL.val, slyL.val
      ML,eL,PAL = slML.val,sleL.val,slPAL.val
      sh,sha = slss.val,slsa.val
      newDd = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zL).value
      newDs = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zS).value
      newDds= cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(zL,zS).value
      newLens = vl.SIELens(zLens,xL,yL,10**ML,eL,PAL)
      newShear = vl.ExternalShear(sh,sha)
      xsource,ysource = vl.LensRayTrace(xim,yim,[newLens,newShear],newDd,newDs,newDds)
      caustics = vl.CausticsSIE(newLens,newDd,newDs,newDds,newShear)
      for i in range(caustics.shape[0]):
      #for i in range(len(xs)):
      #      p[i].set_xdata(xs[i])
      #      p[i].set_ydata(ys[i])
Example #7
File: ml.py Project: jpierel14/sntd
def microcaustic_field_to_curve(field, time, zl, zs, velocity=(10**4)*(u.kilometer/u.s), M=(1*u.solMass).to(u.kg), width_in_einstein_radii=10,
                                loc='Random', plot=False, ax=None, showCurve=True, rescale=True):
    Convolves an expanding photosphere (achromatic disc) with a microcaustic to generate a magnification curve.

    field:  :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        An opened fits file of a microcaustic, can be generated by realizeMicro
    time: :class:`numpy.array`
        Time array you want for microlensing magnification curve, explosion time is 0
    zl: float
        redshift of the lens
    zs: float
        redshift of the source
    velocity: float* :class:`astropy.units.Unit`
        The average velocity of the expanding photosphere
    M: float* :class:`~astropy.units.Unit`
        The mass of the deflector
    width_in_einstein_radii: float
        The width of your map in units of Einstein radii
    loc: str or tuple
        Random is defualt for location of the supernova, or pixel (x,y) coordiante can be specified
    plot: bool
        If true, plots the expanding photosphere on the microcaustic
    ax: `~matplotlib.pyplot.axis`
        An optional axis object to plot on. If you want to show the curve, this should be a list
        like this: [main_ax,lower_ax]
    showCurve: bool
        If true, the microlensing curve is plotted below the microcaustic
    rescale: bool
        If true, assumes image needs to be rescaled: (x-1024)/256
    time: :class:`numpy.array`
        The time array for the magnification curve
    dmag: :class:`numpy.array`
        The magnification curve.

    D = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(
        zl, zs)*cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zs)/cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zl)
    D = D.to(u.m)
        print('Assuming mass is in kg.')
    einsteinRadius = np.sqrt(4*const.G*M*D/const.c**2)
    einsteinRadius = einsteinRadius.to(u.kilometer)
        print('Assuming velocity is in km/s.')
        velocity *= (u.kilometer/u.s)

    h, w = field.shape

    height = width_in_einstein_radii*einsteinRadius.value
    width = width_in_einstein_radii*einsteinRadius.value

    pixwidth = width/w
    pixheight = height/h
    if pixwidth != pixheight:
        print('Hmm, you are not using squares...')
    maxRadius = ((np.max(time)*u.d).to(u.s))*velocity
    maxRadius = maxRadius.value
    maxx = int(math.floor(maxRadius/pixwidth))
    maxy = int(math.floor(maxRadius/pixheight))
    mlimage = field[maxx:-maxx][maxy:-maxy]

    if loc == 'Random' or not isinstance(loc, (list, tuple)):
        loc = (int(np.random.uniform(maxx, w-maxx)),
               int(np.random.uniform(maxy, h-maxy)))

    tempTime = np.array([((x*u.d).to(u.s)).value for x in time])
    snSize = velocity.value*tempTime/pixwidth

    dmag = mu_from_image(field, loc, snSize, 'disk', plot,
                         time, ax, showCurve, rescale, width_in_einstein_radii)

    return(time, dmag)
Example #8
File: ml.py Project: arseeq/sntd
def microcaustic_field_to_curve(field,
                                velocity=(10**4) * (u.kilometer / u.s),
                                M=(1 * u.solMass).to(u.kg),
    """Convolves an expanding photosphere (achromatic disc) with a microcaustic to generate a magnification curve.

    field:  :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        An opened fits file of a microcaustic, can be generated by realizeMicro
    time: :class:`numpy.array`
        Time array you want for microlensing magnification curve, explosion time is 0
    zl: float
        redshift of the lens
    zs: float
        redshift of the source
    velocity: float* :class:`astropy.units.Unit`
        The average velocity of the expanding photosphere
    M: float* :class:`astropy.units.Unit`
        The mass of the deflector
    loc: str or tuple
        Random is defualt for location of the supernova, or pixel (x,y) coordiante can be specified
    plot: Boolean
        If true, plots the expanding photosphere on the microcaustic

    time: :class:`numpy.array`
        The time array for the magnification curve
    dmag: :class:`numpy.array`
        The magnification curve.

    D = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(
        zl, zs) * cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(
            zs) / cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zl)
    D = D.to(u.m)
        print('Assuming mass is in kg.')
    einsteinRadius = np.sqrt(4 * const.G * M * D / const.c**2)
    einsteinRadius = einsteinRadius.to(u.kilometer)
        velocity.to(u.kilometer / u.s)
        print('Assuming velocity is in km/s.')
        velocity *= (u.kilometer / u.s)

    h, w = field.shape

    height = 10 * einsteinRadius.value
    width = 10 * einsteinRadius.value
    pixwidth = width / w
    pixheight = height / h
    if pixwidth != pixheight:
        print('Hmm, you are not using squares...')
    maxRadius = ((np.max(time) * u.d).to(u.s)) * velocity
    maxRadius = maxRadius.value
    maxx = int(math.floor(maxRadius / pixwidth))
    maxy = int(math.floor(maxRadius / pixheight))
    mlimage = field[maxx:-maxx][maxy:-maxy]

    if loc == 'Random' or not isinstance(loc, (list, tuple)):
        loc = (int(np.random.uniform(maxx, w - maxx)),
               int(np.random.uniform(maxy, h - maxy)))

    tempTime = np.array([((x * u.d).to(u.s)).value for x in time])
    snSize = velocity.value * tempTime / pixwidth

    dmag = mu_from_image(field, loc, snSize, 'disk', plot, time)

    return (time, dmag)
Example #9
xim,yim = np.meshgrid(xim,yim)

zLens,zSource = 0.8,5.656
xLens,yLens = 0.,0.
MLens,eLens,PALens = 2.87e11,0.5,70.
xSource,ySource,FSource,sSource,nSource,arSource,PAsource = 0.216,0.24,0.02,0.1,0.8,0.7,120.-90
shear,shearangle = 0.12, 120.

Lens = vl.SIELens(zLens,xLens,yLens,MLens,eLens,PALens)
Shear = vl.ExternalShear(shear,shearangle)
Source = vl.SersicSource(zSource,True,xSource,ySource,FSource,sSource,nSource,arSource,PAsource)
Dd = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zLens).value
Ds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(zSource).value
Dds = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance_z1z2(zLens,zSource).value

xsource,ysource = vl.LensRayTrace(xim,yim,[Lens,Shear],Dd,Ds,Dds)

imbg = vl.SourceProfile(xim,yim,Source,[Lens,Shear])
imlensed = vl.SourceProfile(xsource,ysource,Source,[Lens,Shear])
caustics = vl.CausticsSIE(Lens,Dd,Ds,Dds,Shear)

f = pl.figure(figsize=(12,6))
ax = f.add_subplot(111,aspect='equal')

cmbg = cm.cool
cmbg._lut[0,-1] = 0.