Example #1
def box_pyramid_pspec(cube, angular_extent, r_mpc, Zs, kz = None, Nkbins=100, error=False, cosmo=False, return_dV=False):
        Estimate the power spectrum in a "pyramid" appoximation:
            angular_extent = in radians, the width of the box
            For each r_mpc, calculate the width of the projected region from the angular diameter distance.
            In the radial direction, calculate discrete fourier transform. In tangential directions, do FFT.
    Nx, Ny, Nz = cube.shape
    D_mpc = WMAP9.comoving_transverse_distance(Zs).to("Mpc").value
    L = D_mpc * angular_extent   # Transverse lengths in Mpc
    if cosmo:
        # dV = (Nz) = (L/Nx) * (L/Ny) * np.diff(
        pixel_size = angular_extent**2/(Nx * Ny)
        dz_redshift = np.diff(Zs)[0]  # Assume uniform redshift interval
        dV = WMAP9.differential_comoving_volume(Zs).to("Mpc3/sr").value * dz_redshift * pixel_size
        Lz = r_mpc[-1] - r_mpc[0]
        pfact = 1/(L**2 * Lz)
       dV = 1
       pfact = 1/float(Nx*Ny*Nz)
    if kz is None:
        dz = np.abs(r_mpc[-1] - r_mpc[0])/float(Nz)   #Mean spacing
        kz = np.fft.fftfreq(Nz,d=dz) * kfact
        assert kz.size == r_mpc.size
    ## DFT in radial direction
    M = np.exp(np.pi * 2 * (-1j) * np.outer(kz,r_mpc) )
    _c = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.dot(M,x),2, cube)

    ## 2D FFT in the transverse directions
    _c = np.fft.fft2(_c,axes=(0,1))
    _c = _c * dV

    ## kx and ky
    kx = np.array([np.fft.fftfreq(Nx,d=l/Nx) for l in L])*kfact
    ky = np.array([np.fft.fftfreq(Ny,d=l/Ny) for l in L])*kfact
    kx = np.moveaxis(np.tile(kx[:,:,np.newaxis],Ny),[1,2],[0,1])
    ky = np.moveaxis(np.tile(ky[:,:,np.newaxis],Nx),[1,2],[1,0])
    kz = np.tile(kz[np.newaxis,:],Nx*Ny).reshape(Nx,Ny,Nz)

    pk3d = np.abs(_c)**2 * pfact
    results = bin_1d(pk3d,(kx,ky,kz),Nkbins=Nkbins,error=error)
    if return_dV:
        return results, dV
    return results
Example #2
def shell_project_pspec(shell, nside, radius, dims=None,r_mpc=None, hpx_inds = None, N_sections=None,
                     freqs = None, kz=None, method='fft', Nkbins='auto',cosmo=False, error=False):
    """ Estimate the power spectrum of a healpix shell by projecting regions to Cartesian space.
            Shell = (Npix, Nfreq)  Healpix shell, or section of one.
            radius = (analogous to beam width)
            N_sections = Compute the power spectrum for this many regions (like snapshots in observing)
            dims (3) = Box dimensions in Mpc. If not available, check for freqs and use cosmology module
            method = Choose estimator method (lomb-scargle, dft, pyramid)
    ## For now, pick a random point within the (assumed full) spherical shell, and get the pixels within distance radius around it.
    if hpx_inds is None: 
        Npix = hp.nside2npix(nside)
        hpx_inds = np.arange(Npix)
        Npix = hpx_inds.size
    if N_sections is None: N_sections=1

    radius *= np.pi/180.   #Deg2Rad

    if freqs is None and method=='lomb_scargle': raise ValueError(" Frequency data must be provided to use the Lomb-Scargle method ")

    if dims is None:
        if freqs is None:
            if dist is None: raise ValueError("Comoving distance or frequencies must be defined")
            Lx = 2*radius*dist  #Dist = comoving distance in Mpc
            Ly = Lx; Lz = Lx
            Zs = 1420./freqs - 1.
            rcomov = WMAP9.comoving_distance(Zs).to("Mpc").value
            Lz = np.max(rcomov) - np.min(rcomov)
            dist = WMAP9.comoving_transverse_distance(np.mean(Zs)).value    #Identical to comoving if Omega_k = 0
            Lx = 2*radius*dist
            Ly = Lx
        dims = [Lx,Ly,Lz]
    if method=='lomb_scargle' or method=='pyramid':
            Zs = 1420./freqs - 1.
            r_mpc = WMAP9.comoving_distance(Zs).to("Mpc").value

    print 'Dimensions: ',dims

    pk = None
    kbins = None
    errs = None

    ## Loop over sections, choosing a different center each time.
    ## Average power spectrum estimates from different parts of the sky.

    for s in range(N_sections):

        cent = hp.pix2vec(nside,np.random.choice(hpx_inds))
        inds = hp.query_disc(nside,cent,radius)

        print "Section, pixels: ",s, inds.shape
        cube = orthoslant_project(shell, cent, radius)

        #if s==0:
        #    np.savez('projected_cube',cube=cube,dims=dims)
        if method=='lomb_scargle':
            if kz is not None:
                results_i = box_ls_pspec(cube,dims,r_mpc,Nkbins=Nkbins,error=error,kz=kz,cosmo=cosmo)
                results_i = box_ls_pspec(cube,dims,r_mpc,Nkbins=Nkbins,error=error,cosmo=cosmo)
        elif method=='pyramid':
            results_i = box_pyramid_pspec(cube, radius, r_mpc, Zs, Nkbins=Nkbins,error=error,cosmo=cosmo)

            results_i = box_dft_pspec(cube,dims,Nkbins=Nkbins,r_mpc=r_mpc,error=error,cosmo=cosmo)
        if pk is None:
            pk = results_i[1]
            kbins = results_i[0]
            Nkbins = pk.size
            if error:
                errs = results_i[2]
            pk += results_i[1]
            kbins += results_i[0]
            if error:
                errs += results_i[2]
        print s, np.sum(np.isnan(results_i[1]))
    pk /= N_sections
    kbins /= N_sections

    if error:
        errs /= N_sections
        return kbins, pk, errs
        return kbins, pk