Example #1
File: main.py Project: amoliu/gps
def main( controller_type, training_data, policy_file, gps_params = gps_params_default ):
	sys.path.append( gps_params[ 'caffe_path' ] )
	# create controller
	if controller_type == 'cartpole':
		C = controller.CartPole()
		C.set_system_cost( x0=np.array( [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ] ), u0=0.0, Wx=np.eye( 4 ), Wu=1e-3 )
		print( 'not implemented: ' + controller_type )
	x_len = C.get_x_len()
	u_len = C.get_u_len()
	gps_params[ 'x_len' ] = x_len
	gps_params[ 'u_len' ] = u_len

	# load training data
	f = h5py.File( 'data.h5', 'r' )
	xu_train_orig = f[ 'x' ].value
#	if 'o' not in f:
#		print( 'WARNING: observations not in data' )
#		o_train_orig = None
#	else:
#		o_train_orig = f[ 'o' ]
#		o_train_orig = o_train_orig[ ::gps_params[ 'resample' ]	]
	o_train = None

	if xu_train_orig.ndim == 2:
		xu_train_orig = xu_train_orig[ :, 1: ]	# TODO - at the moment 1st column is time

		s = xu_train_orig.shape
		xu_train_orig = xu_train_orig.reshape( (1,s[0], s[1]) )

	resample_idx = range( 0, xu_train_orig.shape[1], gps_params[ 'resample' ] )

	xu_train_orig = np.take( xu_train_orig, resample_idx, axis=1 )
	xu_train = xu_train_orig
	x_train = xu_train_orig[ :,:, :x_len ]
	u_train = xu_train_orig[ :,:, x_len ]			# TODO check table organisation

	gps = GPS( gps_params )
	training_errors = []
	# loop untill convergence:
	for k in range( gps_params[ 'K'] ):
		print( 'running for k: {0}'.format( k ) )

		# execute gps
		policy, training_error = gps.train( xu_train, o_train, C.get_system_cost(), gps_params )
		training_errors.append( training_error )

		# run on controller and collect the data
		xu_run = C.run( policy )

		# merge data
		xu_train = gps.merge_data( xu_train, o_train, xu_run, o_run )
Example #2
def main(controller_type,


    # create controller
    if controller_type == 'cartpole':
        C = controller.CartPole()
        C.set_system_cost(x0=np.array([0, 0, 0, 0]),
        print('not implemented: ' + controller_type)

    x_len = C.get_x_len()
    u_len = C.get_u_len()
    gps_params['x_len'] = x_len
    gps_params['u_len'] = u_len

    # load training data
    f = h5py.File('data.h5', 'r')
    xu_train_orig = f['x'].value

    #	if 'o' not in f:
    #		print( 'WARNING: observations not in data' )
    #		o_train_orig = None
    #	else:
    #		o_train_orig = f[ 'o' ]
    #		o_train_orig = o_train_orig[ ::gps_params[ 'resample' ]	]
    o_train = None

    if xu_train_orig.ndim == 2:
        xu_train_orig = xu_train_orig[:,
                                      1:]  # TODO - at the moment 1st column is time

        s = xu_train_orig.shape
        xu_train_orig = xu_train_orig.reshape((1, s[0], s[1]))

    resample_idx = range(0, xu_train_orig.shape[1], gps_params['resample'])

    xu_train_orig = np.take(xu_train_orig, resample_idx, axis=1)
    xu_train = xu_train_orig
    x_train = xu_train_orig[:, :, :x_len]
    u_train = xu_train_orig[:, :, x_len]  # TODO check table organisation

    gps = GPS(gps_params)
    training_errors = []

    # loop untill convergence:
    for k in range(gps_params['K']):
        print('running for k: {0}'.format(k))

        # execute gps
        policy, training_error = gps.train(xu_train, o_train,
                                           C.get_system_cost(), gps_params)

        # run on controller and collect the data
        xu_run = C.run(policy)

        # merge data
        xu_train = gps.merge_data(xu_train, o_train, xu_run, o_run)