Example #1
def attach_new_origin(
    old_event: Event,
    new_event: Event,
    new_origin: Origin,
    preferred: bool,
    index: Optional[int] = None,
) -> Catalog:
    Attach a new origin to an existing events object.

    old_event : obspy.core.event.Event
        The old event that will receive the new origin
    new_event : obspy.core.event.Event
        The new event that contains the origin, needed for merging picks
        that may not exist in old_event
    new_origin : obspy.core.event.Origin
        The new origin that will be attached to old_event
    preferred : bool
        If True mark the new origin as the preferred_origin
    index : int or None
        The origin index of old_cat that new_origin will overwrite, if None
        append the new_origin to old_cat.origins

        modifies old_cat in-place, returns old_catalog
    # make sure all the picks/amplitudes in new_event are also in old_event
    merge_events(old_event, new_event, delete_old=False)
    # point the arrivals in the new origin at the old picks
    _associate_picks(old_event, new_event, new_origin)
    # append the origin
    if index is not None:  # if this origin is to replace another
            old_ori = old_event.origins[index]
        except IndexError:
            msg = ("%d is not valid for an origin list of length %d") % (
            msg += " appending new origin to end of list"
            # set resource id and creation info
            new_origin.resource_id = old_ori.resource_id
            new_origin.creation_info = old_ori.creation_info
            old_event.origins[index] = new_origin
    # bump origin creation info
    # set preferred
    if preferred:
        old_event.preferred_origin_id = new_origin.resource_id
    return old_event
Example #2
    def _parseRecordAH(self, line, event):
        Parses the 'additional hypocenter' record AH
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        #unused: hypocenter_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        #unused: preliminary_flag = line[37]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        #unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._floatUnused(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._intUnused(line[48:51])
        phase_number = self._intUnused(line[51:55])
        source_code = line[56:60].strip()

        evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid, source_code.lower()))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id=source_code)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinateSign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinateSign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        origin.quality.used_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.used_phase_count = phase_number
        origin.type = 'hypocenter'
Example #3
    def _parse_record_ah(self, line, event):
        Parses the 'additional hypocenter' record AH
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        # unused: hypocenter_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        # unused: preliminary_flag = line[37]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        # unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._float_unused(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._int_unused(line[48:51])
        phase_number = self._int_unused(line[51:55])
        source_code = line[56:60].strip()

        evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid, source_code.lower()))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id=source_code)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        origin.quality.used_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.used_phase_count = phase_number
        origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
Example #4
    def _parse_record_hy(self, line):
        Parses the 'hypocenter' record HY
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        # unused: location_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        # unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._float(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._int(line[48:51])
        # unused: version_flag = line[51]
        fe_region_number = line[52:55]
        fe_region_name = self._decode_fe_region_number(fe_region_number)
        source_code = line[55:60].strip()

        event = Event()
        # FIXME: a smarter way to define evid?
        evid = date + time
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'event', evid))
        event.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        description = EventDescription(
            type='region name',
        description = EventDescription(
            type='Flinn-Engdahl region',
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo()
        if source_code:
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = source_code
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = 'USGS-NEIC'
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135'))
        origin.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.associated_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        # associated_phase_count can be incremented in records 'P ' and 'S '
        origin.quality.associated_phase_count = 0
        # depth_phase_count can be incremented in record 'S '
        origin.quality.depth_phase_count = 0
        origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
        origin.region = fe_region_name
        return event
Example #5
    def _parse_record_hy(self, line):
        Parses the 'hypocenter' record HY
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        # unused: location_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        # unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._float(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._int(line[48:51])
        # unused: version_flag = line[51]
        fe_region_number = line[52:55]
        fe_region_name = self._decode_fe_region_number(fe_region_number)
        source_code = line[55:60].strip()

        event = Event()
        # FIXME: a smarter way to define evid?
        evid = date + time
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'event', evid))
        event.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        description = EventDescription(
            type='region name',
        description = EventDescription(
            type='Flinn-Engdahl region',
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo()
        if source_code:
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = source_code
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = 'USGS-NEIC'
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135'))
        origin.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.associated_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        # associated_phase_count can be incremented in records 'P ' and 'S '
        origin.quality.associated_phase_count = 0
        # depth_phase_count can be incremented in record 'S '
        origin.quality.depth_phase_count = 0
        origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
        origin.region = fe_region_name
        return event
Example #6
    def _parseRecordDp(self, line, event):
        Parses the 'source parameter data - primary' record Dp
        source_contributor = line[2:6].strip()
        computation_type = line[6]
        exponent = self._intZero(line[7])
        scale = math.pow(10, exponent)
        centroid_origin_time = line[8:14] + '.' + line[14]
        orig_time_stderr = line[15:17]
        if orig_time_stderr == 'FX':
            orig_time_stderr = 'Fixed'
            orig_time_stderr =\
                self._floatWithFormat(orig_time_stderr, '2.1', scale)
        centroid_latitude = self._floatWithFormat(line[17:21], '4.2')
        lat_type = line[21]
        if centroid_latitude is not None:
            centroid_latitude *= self._coordinateSign(lat_type)
        lat_stderr = line[22:25]
        if lat_stderr == 'FX':
            lat_stderr = 'Fixed'
            lat_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(lat_stderr, '3.2', scale)
        centroid_longitude = self._floatWithFormat(line[25:30], '5.2')
        lon_type = line[30]
        if centroid_longitude is not None:
            centroid_longitude *= self._coordinateSign(lon_type)
        lon_stderr = line[31:34]
        if lon_stderr == 'FX':
            lon_stderr = 'Fixed'
            lon_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(lon_stderr, '3.2', scale)
        centroid_depth = self._floatWithFormat(line[34:38], '4.1')
        depth_stderr = line[38:40]
        if depth_stderr == 'FX' or depth_stderr == 'BD':
            depth_stderr = 'Fixed'
            depth_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(depth_stderr, '2.1', scale)
        station_number = self._intZero(line[40:43])
        component_number = self._intZero(line[43:46])
        station_number2 = self._intZero(line[46:48])
        component_number2 = self._intZero(line[48:51])
        #unused: half_duration = self._floatWithFormat(line[51:54], '3.1')
        moment = self._floatWithFormat(line[54:56], '2.1')
        moment_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(line[56:58], '2.1')
        moment_exponent = self._int(line[58:60])
        if (moment is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)
        if (moment_stderr is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment_stderr *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)

        evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
        #Create a new origin only if centroid time is defined:
        origin = None
        if centroid_origin_time.strip() != '.':
            origin = Origin()
            res_id = '/'.join(
                (res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid, source_contributor.lower(),
                 'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
            origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            origin.creation_info =\
            date = event.origins[0].time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
            origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + centroid_origin_time)
            #Check if centroid time is on the next day:
            if origin.time < event.origins[0].time:
                origin.time += timedelta(days=1)
            self._storeUncertainty(origin.time_errors, orig_time_stderr)
            origin.latitude = centroid_latitude
            origin.longitude = centroid_longitude
            origin.depth = centroid_depth * 1000
            if lat_stderr == 'Fixed' and lon_stderr == 'Fixed':
                origin.epicenter_fixed = True
                    self._lonErrToDeg(lon_stderr, origin.latitude))
            if depth_stderr == 'Fixed':
                origin.depth_type = 'operator assigned'
                origin.depth_type = 'from location'
            quality = OriginQuality()
            quality.used_station_count =\
                station_number + station_number2
            quality.used_phase_count =\
                component_number + component_number2
            origin.quality = quality
            origin.type = 'centroid'
        focal_mechanism = FocalMechanism()
        res_id = '/'.join(
            (res_id_prefix, 'focalmechanism', evid, source_contributor.lower(),
             'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
        focal_mechanism.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        focal_mechanism.creation_info =\
        moment_tensor = MomentTensor()
        if origin is not None:
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = origin.resource_id
            #this is required for QuakeML validation:
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'no-origin'))
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id =\
        for mag in event.magnitudes:
            if mag.creation_info.agency_id == source_contributor:
                moment_tensor.moment_magnitude_id = mag.resource_id
        res_id = '/'.join(
            (res_id_prefix, 'momenttensor', evid, source_contributor.lower(),
             'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
        moment_tensor.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        moment_tensor.scalar_moment = moment
        data_used = DataUsed()
        data_used.station_count = station_number + station_number2
        data_used.component_count = component_number + component_number2
        if computation_type == 'C':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=CMT'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            #CMT algorithm uses long-period body waves,
            #very-long-period surface waves and
            #intermediate period surface waves (since 2004
            #for shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes
            # --Ekstrom et al., 2012)
            data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
        if computation_type == 'M':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=moment_tensor'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            #FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used by
            #"moment tensor" algorithm.
            data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
        elif computation_type == 'B':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=broadband_data'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            #FIXME: is 'combined' correct here?
            data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
        elif computation_type == 'F':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=P-wave_first_motion'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            data_used.wave_type = 'P waves'
        elif computation_type == 'S':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=scalar_moment'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            #FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used
            #for scalar moment determination.
            data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
        moment_tensor.data_used = data_used
        focal_mechanism.moment_tensor = moment_tensor
        return focal_mechanism
Example #7
    def _parse_first_line_origin(self, line, event, magnitudes):
        Parse the first line of origin data.

        :type line: str
        :param line: Line to parse.
        :type event: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event`
        :param event: Event of the origin.
        :type magnitudes: list of
        :param magnitudes: Store magnitudes in a list to keep
            their positions.
        :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.origin.Origin`,
        :returns: Parsed origin or None, resource identifier of the
        magnitude_types = []
        magnitude_values = []
        magnitude_station_counts = []

        fields = self.fields['line_1']

        time_origin = line[fields['time']].strip()
        time_fixed_flag = line[fields['time_fixf']].strip()
        latitude = line[fields['lat']].strip()
        longitude = line[fields['lon']].strip()
        epicenter_fixed_flag = line[fields['epicenter_fixf']].strip()
        depth = line[fields['depth']].strip()
        depth_fixed_flag = line[fields['depth_fixf']].strip()
        phase_count = line[fields['n_def']].strip()
        station_count = line[fields['n_sta']].strip()
        azimuthal_gap = line[fields['gap']].strip()
        author = line[fields['author']].strip()
        origin_id = line[fields['id']].strip()

        origin = Origin()
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()

            origin.time = UTCDateTime(time_origin.replace('/', '-'))
            origin.latitude = float(latitude)
            origin.longitude = float(longitude)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            self._warn('Missing origin data, skipping event')
            return None, None

        origin.time_fixed = time_fixed_flag.lower() == 'f'
        origin.epicenter_fixed = epicenter_fixed_flag.lower() == 'f'

            # Convert value from km to m
            origin.depth = float(depth) * 1000
        except ValueError:
            origin.depth_type = DEPTH_TYPES[depth_fixed_flag]
        except KeyError:
            origin.depth_type = OriginDepthType('from location')
            origin.quality.used_phase_count = int(phase_count)
            origin.quality.associated_phase_count = int(phase_count)
        except ValueError:
            origin.quality.used_station_count = int(station_count)
            origin.quality.associated_station_count = int(station_count)
        except ValueError:
            origin.quality.azimuthal_gap = float(azimuthal_gap)
        except ValueError:

        self.author = author
        origin.creation_info = self._get_creation_info()

        public_id = "origin/%s" % origin_id
        origin_res_id = self._get_res_id(public_id)

        for i in range(3):
                magnitude = Magnitude()
                magnitude.creation_info = self._get_creation_info()
                magnitude.magnitude_type = magnitude_types[i]
                magnitude.mag = float(magnitude_values[i])
                magnitude.station_count = int(magnitude_station_counts[i])
                magnitude.origin_id = origin_res_id
            except ValueError:
                # Magnitude can be empty but we need to keep the
                # position between mag1, mag2 or mag3.

        return origin, origin_res_id
Example #8
File: core.py Project: bmorg/obspy
def read_nlloc_hyp(filename, coordinate_converter=None, picks=None, **kwargs):
    Reads a NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase file to a
    :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object.

    .. note::

        Coordinate conversion from coordinate frame of NonLinLoc model files /
        location run to WGS84 has to be specified explicitly by the user if

    .. note::

        An example can be found on the :mod:`~obspy.nlloc` submodule front
        page in the documentation pages.

    :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode.
    :type coordinate_converter: func
    :param coordinate_converter: Function to convert (x, y, z)
        coordinates of NonLinLoc output to geographical coordinates and depth
        in meters (longitude, latitude, depth in kilometers).
        If left `None` NonLinLoc (x, y, z) output is left unchanged (e.g. if
        it is in geographical coordinates already like for NonLinLoc in
        global mode).
        The function should accept three arguments x, y, z and return a
        tuple of three values (lon, lat, depth in kilometers).
    :type picks: list of :class:`~obspy.core.event.Pick`
    :param picks: Original picks used to generate the NonLinLoc location.
        If provided, the output event will include the original picks and the
        arrivals in the output origin will link to them correctly (with their
        `pick_id` attribute). If not provided, the output event will include
        (the rather basic) pick information that can be reconstructed from the
        NonLinLoc hypocenter-phase file.
    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
    if not hasattr(filename, "read"):
        # Check if it exists, otherwise assume its a string.
            with open(filename, "rt") as fh:
                data = fh.read()
                data = filename.decode()
                data = str(filename)
            data = data.strip()
        data = filename.read()
        if hasattr(data, "decode"):
            data = data.decode()

    lines = data.splitlines()

    # remember picks originally used in location, if provided
    original_picks = picks
    if original_picks is None:
        original_picks = []

    # determine indices of block start/end of the NLLOC output file
    indices_hyp = [None, None]
    indices_phases = [None, None]
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.startswith("NLLOC "):
            indices_hyp[0] = i
        elif line.startswith("END_NLLOC"):
            indices_hyp[1] = i
        elif line.startswith("PHASE "):
            indices_phases[0] = i
        elif line.startswith("END_PHASE"):
            indices_phases[1] = i
    if any([i is None for i in indices_hyp]):
        msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt,"
               " could not detect 'NLLOC' and 'END_NLLOC' lines.")
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    # strip any other lines around NLLOC block
    lines = lines[indices_hyp[0]:indices_hyp[1]]

    # extract PHASES lines (if any)
    if any(indices_phases):
        if not all(indices_phases):
            msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt, 'PHASE' block is corrupt.")
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        i1, i2 = indices_phases
        lines, phases_lines = lines[:i1] + lines[i2 + 1:], lines[i1 + 1:i2]
        phases_lines = []

    lines = dict([line.split(None, 1) for line in lines])
    line = lines["SIGNATURE"]

    line = line.rstrip().split('"')[1]
    signature, version, date, time = line.rsplit(" ", 3)
    creation_time = UTCDateTime().strptime(date + time, str("%d%b%Y%Hh%Mm%S"))

    # maximum likelihood origin location info line
    line = lines["HYPOCENTER"]

    x, y, z = map(float, line.split()[1:7:2])

    if coordinate_converter:
        x, y, z = coordinate_converter(x, y, z)

    # origin time info line
    line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"]

    year, month, day, hour, minute = map(int, line.split()[1:6])
    seconds = float(line.split()[6])
    time = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds)

    # distribution statistics line
    line = lines["STATISTICS"]
    covariance_XX = float(line.split()[7])
    covariance_YY = float(line.split()[13])
    covariance_ZZ = float(line.split()[17])
    stats_info_string = str(
        "Note: Depth/Latitude/Longitude errors are calculated from covariance "
        "matrix as 1D marginal (Lon/Lat errors as great circle degrees) "
        "while OriginUncertainty min/max horizontal errors are calculated "
        "from 2D error ellipsoid and are therefore seemingly higher compared "
        "to 1D errors. Error estimates can be reconstructed from the "
        "following original NonLinLoc error statistics line:\nSTATISTICS " +

    # goto location quality info line
    line = lines["QML_OriginQuality"].split()

    (assoc_phase_count, used_phase_count, assoc_station_count,
     used_station_count, depth_phase_count) = map(int, line[1:11:2])
    stderr, az_gap, sec_az_gap = map(float, line[11:17:2])
    gt_level = line[17]
    min_dist, max_dist, med_dist = map(float, line[19:25:2])

    # goto location quality info line
    line = lines["QML_OriginUncertainty"]

    hor_unc, min_hor_unc, max_hor_unc, hor_unc_azim = \
        map(float, line.split()[1:9:2])

    # assign origin info
    event = Event()
    cat = Catalog(events=[event])
    o = Origin()
    event.origins = [o]
    o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
    o.quality = OriginQuality()
    ou = o.origin_uncertainty
    oq = o.quality

    cat.creation_info.creation_time = UTCDateTime()
    cat.creation_info.version = "ObsPy %s" % __version__
    event.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,
    event.creation_info.version = version
    o.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,

    # negative values can appear on diagonal of covariance matrix due to a
    # precision problem in NLLoc implementation when location coordinates are
    # large compared to the covariances.
    o.longitude = x
        o.longitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_XX))
    except ValueError:
        if covariance_XX < 0:
            msg = ("Negative value in XX value of covariance matrix, not "
                   "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
                   "still be set in origin uncertainty).")
    o.latitude = y
        o.latitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_YY))
    except ValueError:
        if covariance_YY < 0:
            msg = ("Negative value in YY value of covariance matrix, not "
                   "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
                   "still be set in origin uncertainty).")
    o.depth = z * 1e3  # meters!
    o.depth_errors.uncertainty = sqrt(covariance_ZZ) * 1e3  # meters!
    o.depth_errors.confidence_level = 68
    o.depth_type = str("from location")
    o.time = time

    ou.horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc
    ou.min_horizontal_uncertainty = min_hor_unc
    ou.max_horizontal_uncertainty = max_hor_unc
    # values of -1 seem to be used for unset values, set to None
    for field in ("horizontal_uncertainty", "min_horizontal_uncertainty",
        if ou.get(field, -1) == -1:
            ou[field] = None
            ou[field] *= 1e3  # meters!
    ou.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc_azim
    ou.preferred_description = str("uncertainty ellipse")
    ou.confidence_level = 68  # NonLinLoc in general uses 1-sigma (68%) level

    oq.standard_error = stderr
    oq.azimuthal_gap = az_gap
    oq.secondary_azimuthal_gap = sec_az_gap
    oq.used_phase_count = used_phase_count
    oq.used_station_count = used_station_count
    oq.associated_phase_count = assoc_phase_count
    oq.associated_station_count = assoc_station_count
    oq.depth_phase_count = depth_phase_count
    oq.ground_truth_level = gt_level
    oq.minimum_distance = kilometer2degrees(min_dist)
    oq.maximum_distance = kilometer2degrees(max_dist)
    oq.median_distance = kilometer2degrees(med_dist)

    # go through all phase info lines
    for line in phases_lines:
        line = line.split()
        arrival = Arrival()
        station = str(line[0])
        phase = str(line[4])
        arrival.phase = phase
        arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(float(line[21]))
        arrival.azimuth = float(line[23])
        arrival.takeoff_angle = float(line[24])
        arrival.time_residual = float(line[16])
        arrival.time_weight = float(line[17])
        pick = Pick()
        wid = WaveformStreamID(station_code=station)
        date, hourmin, sec = map(str, line[6:9])
        t = UTCDateTime().strptime(date + hourmin, "%Y%m%d%H%M") + float(sec)
        pick.waveform_id = wid
        pick.time = t
        pick.time_errors.uncertainty = float(line[10])
        pick.phase_hint = phase
        pick.onset = ONSETS.get(line[3].lower(), None)
        pick.polarity = POLARITIES.get(line[5].lower(), None)
        # try to determine original pick for each arrival
        for pick_ in original_picks:
            wid = pick_.waveform_id
            if station == wid.station_code and phase == pick_.phase_hint:
                pick = pick_
            # warn if original picks were specified and we could not associate
            # the arrival correctly
            if original_picks:
                msg = ("Could not determine corresponding original pick for "
                       "arrival. "
                       "Falling back to pick information in NonLinLoc "
                       "hypocenter-phase file.")
        arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id

    return cat
Example #9
def outputOBSPY(hp, event=None, only_fm_picks=False):
    Make an Event which includes the current focal mechanism information from HASH
    Use the 'only_fm_picks' flag to only include the picks HASH used for the FocalMechanism.
    This flag will replace the 'picks' and 'arrivals' lists of existing events with new ones.
    hp    : hashpy.HashPype instance
    event : obspy.core.event.Event
    only_fm_picks : bool of whether to overwrite the picks/arrivals lists
    Event will be new if no event was input, FocalMech added to existing event
    # Returns new (or updates existing) Event with HASH solution
    n = hp.npol
    if event is None:
        event = Event(focal_mechanisms=[], picks=[], origins=[])
        origin = Origin(arrivals=[])
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(hp.tstamp)
        origin.latitude = hp.qlat
        origin.longitude = hp.qlon
        origin.depth = hp.qdep
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.icusp)
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/Origin/{0}'.format(
        for _i in range(n):
            p = Pick()
            p.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i])
            p.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:nsl/Pick/{0}'.format(
            p.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(network_code=hp.snet[_i],
            if hp.p_pol[_i] > 0:
                p.polarity = 'positive'
                p.polarity = 'negative'
            a = Arrival()
            a.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i])
            a.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:nsl/Arrival/{0}'.format(
            a.azimuth = hp.p_azi_mc[_i, 0]
            a.takeoff_angle = 180. - hp.p_the_mc[_i, 0]
            a.pick_id = p.resource_id
        event.preferred_origin_id = origin.resource_id.resource_id
    else:  # just update the changes
        origin = event.preferred_origin()
        picks = []
        arrivals = []
        for _i in range(n):
            ind = hp.p_index[_i]
            a = origin.arrivals[ind]
            p = a.pick_id.getReferredObject()
            a.takeoff_angle = hp.p_the_mc[_i, 0]
        if only_fm_picks:
            origin.arrivals = arrivals
            event.picks = picks
    # Use me double couple calculator and populate planes/axes etc
    x = hp._best_quality_index
    # Put all the mechanisms into the 'focal_mechanisms' list, mark "best" as preferred
    for s in range(hp.nmult):
        dc = DoubleCouple([hp.str_avg[s], hp.dip_avg[s], hp.rak_avg[s]])
        ax = dc.axis
        focal_mech = FocalMechanism()
        focal_mech.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime(),
        focal_mech.triggering_origin_id = origin.resource_id
        focal_mech.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(
            'smi:hash/FocalMechanism/{0}/{1}'.format(hp.icusp, s + 1))
        focal_mech.method_id = ResourceIdentifier('HASH')
        focal_mech.nodal_planes = NodalPlanes()
        focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane1)
        focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane2)
        focal_mech.principal_axes = PrincipalAxes()
        focal_mech.principal_axes.t_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['T']['azimuth'],
        focal_mech.principal_axes.p_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['P']['azimuth'],
        focal_mech.station_polarity_count = n
        focal_mech.azimuthal_gap = hp.magap
        focal_mech.misfit = hp.mfrac[s]
        focal_mech.station_distribution_ratio = hp.stdr[s]
                    focal_mech.resource_id.resource_id + '/comment/quality')))
        if s == x:
            event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = focal_mech.resource_id.resource_id
    return event
Example #10
def read_nlloc_hyp(filename, coordinate_converter=None, picks=None, **kwargs):
    Reads a NonLinLoc Hypocenter-Phase file to a
    :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog` object.

    .. note::

        Coordinate conversion from coordinate frame of NonLinLoc model files /
        location run to WGS84 has to be specified explicitly by the user if

    .. note::

        An example can be found on the :mod:`~obspy.io.nlloc` submodule front
        page in the documentation pages.

    :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode.
    :type coordinate_converter: func
    :param coordinate_converter: Function to convert (x, y, z)
        coordinates of NonLinLoc output to geographical coordinates and depth
        in meters (longitude, latitude, depth in kilometers).
        If left ``None``, NonLinLoc (x, y, z) output is left unchanged (e.g. if
        it is in geographical coordinates already like for NonLinLoc in
        global mode).
        The function should accept three arguments x, y, z (each of type
        :class:`numpy.ndarray`) and return a tuple of three
        :class:`numpy.ndarray` (lon, lat, depth in kilometers).
    :type picks: list of :class:`~obspy.core.event.Pick`
    :param picks: Original picks used to generate the NonLinLoc location.
        If provided, the output event will include the original picks and the
        arrivals in the output origin will link to them correctly (with their
        ``pick_id`` attribute). If not provided, the output event will include
        (the rather basic) pick information that can be reconstructed from the
        NonLinLoc hypocenter-phase file.
    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
    if not hasattr(filename, "read"):
        # Check if it exists, otherwise assume its a string.
            with open(filename, "rt") as fh:
                data = fh.read()
                data = filename.decode()
                data = str(filename)
            data = data.strip()
        data = filename.read()
        if hasattr(data, "decode"):
            data = data.decode()

    lines = data.splitlines()

    # remember picks originally used in location, if provided
    original_picks = picks
    if original_picks is None:
        original_picks = []

    # determine indices of block start/end of the NLLOC output file
    indices_hyp = [None, None]
    indices_phases = [None, None]
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.startswith("NLLOC "):
            indices_hyp[0] = i
        elif line.startswith("END_NLLOC"):
            indices_hyp[1] = i
        elif line.startswith("PHASE "):
            indices_phases[0] = i
        elif line.startswith("END_PHASE"):
            indices_phases[1] = i
    if any([i is None for i in indices_hyp]):
        msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt,"
               " could not detect 'NLLOC' and 'END_NLLOC' lines.")
        raise RuntimeError(msg)
    # strip any other lines around NLLOC block
    lines = lines[indices_hyp[0]:indices_hyp[1]]

    # extract PHASES lines (if any)
    if any(indices_phases):
        if not all(indices_phases):
            msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt, 'PHASE' block is corrupt.")
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        i1, i2 = indices_phases
        lines, phases_lines = lines[:i1] + lines[i2 + 1:], lines[i1 + 1:i2]
        phases_lines = []

    lines = dict([line.split(None, 1) for line in lines])
    line = lines["SIGNATURE"]

    line = line.rstrip().split('"')[1]
    signature, version, date, time = line.rsplit(" ", 3)
    creation_time = UTCDateTime().strptime(date + time, str("%d%b%Y%Hh%Mm%S"))

    # maximum likelihood origin location info line
    line = lines["HYPOCENTER"]

    x, y, z = map(float, line.split()[1:7:2])

    if coordinate_converter:
        x, y, z = coordinate_converter(x, y, z)

    # origin time info line
    line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"]

    year, month, day, hour, minute = map(int, line.split()[1:6])
    seconds = float(line.split()[6])
    time = UTCDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds)

    # distribution statistics line
    line = lines["STATISTICS"]
    covariance_xx = float(line.split()[7])
    covariance_yy = float(line.split()[13])
    covariance_zz = float(line.split()[17])
    stats_info_string = str(
        "Note: Depth/Latitude/Longitude errors are calculated from covariance "
        "matrix as 1D marginal (Lon/Lat errors as great circle degrees) "
        "while OriginUncertainty min/max horizontal errors are calculated "
        "from 2D error ellipsoid and are therefore seemingly higher compared "
        "to 1D errors. Error estimates can be reconstructed from the "
        "following original NonLinLoc error statistics line:\nSTATISTICS " +

    # goto location quality info line
    line = lines["QML_OriginQuality"].split()

    (assoc_phase_count, used_phase_count, assoc_station_count,
     used_station_count, depth_phase_count) = map(int, line[1:11:2])
    stderr, az_gap, sec_az_gap = map(float, line[11:17:2])
    gt_level = line[17]
    min_dist, max_dist, med_dist = map(float, line[19:25:2])

    # goto location quality info line
    line = lines["QML_OriginUncertainty"]

    hor_unc, min_hor_unc, max_hor_unc, hor_unc_azim = \
        map(float, line.split()[1:9:2])

    # assign origin info
    event = Event()
    cat = Catalog(events=[event])
    o = Origin()
    event.origins = [o]
    o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
    o.quality = OriginQuality()
    ou = o.origin_uncertainty
    oq = o.quality

    cat.creation_info.creation_time = UTCDateTime()
    cat.creation_info.version = "ObsPy %s" % __version__
    event.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,
    event.creation_info.version = version
    o.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,

    # negative values can appear on diagonal of covariance matrix due to a
    # precision problem in NLLoc implementation when location coordinates are
    # large compared to the covariances.
    o.longitude = x
        o.longitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_xx))
    except ValueError:
        if covariance_xx < 0:
            msg = ("Negative value in XX value of covariance matrix, not "
                   "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
                   "still be set in origin uncertainty).")
    o.latitude = y
        o.latitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_yy))
    except ValueError:
        if covariance_yy < 0:
            msg = ("Negative value in YY value of covariance matrix, not "
                   "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
                   "still be set in origin uncertainty).")
    o.depth = z * 1e3  # meters!
    o.depth_errors.uncertainty = sqrt(covariance_zz) * 1e3  # meters!
    o.depth_errors.confidence_level = 68
    o.depth_type = str("from location")
    o.time = time

    ou.horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc
    ou.min_horizontal_uncertainty = min_hor_unc
    ou.max_horizontal_uncertainty = max_hor_unc
    # values of -1 seem to be used for unset values, set to None
    for field in ("horizontal_uncertainty", "min_horizontal_uncertainty",
        if ou.get(field, -1) == -1:
            ou[field] = None
            ou[field] *= 1e3  # meters!
    ou.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc_azim
    ou.preferred_description = str("uncertainty ellipse")
    ou.confidence_level = 68  # NonLinLoc in general uses 1-sigma (68%) level

    oq.standard_error = stderr
    oq.azimuthal_gap = az_gap
    oq.secondary_azimuthal_gap = sec_az_gap
    oq.used_phase_count = used_phase_count
    oq.used_station_count = used_station_count
    oq.associated_phase_count = assoc_phase_count
    oq.associated_station_count = assoc_station_count
    oq.depth_phase_count = depth_phase_count
    oq.ground_truth_level = gt_level
    oq.minimum_distance = kilometer2degrees(min_dist)
    oq.maximum_distance = kilometer2degrees(max_dist)
    oq.median_distance = kilometer2degrees(med_dist)

    # go through all phase info lines
    for line in phases_lines:
        line = line.split()
        arrival = Arrival()
        station = str(line[0])
        phase = str(line[4])
        arrival.phase = phase
        arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(float(line[21]))
        arrival.azimuth = float(line[23])
        arrival.takeoff_angle = float(line[24])
        arrival.time_residual = float(line[16])
        arrival.time_weight = float(line[17])
        pick = Pick()
        wid = WaveformStreamID(station_code=station)
        date, hourmin, sec = map(str, line[6:9])
        t = UTCDateTime().strptime(date + hourmin, "%Y%m%d%H%M") + float(sec)
        pick.waveform_id = wid
        pick.time = t
        pick.time_errors.uncertainty = float(line[10])
        pick.phase_hint = phase
        pick.onset = ONSETS.get(line[3].lower(), None)
        pick.polarity = POLARITIES.get(line[5].lower(), None)
        # try to determine original pick for each arrival
        for pick_ in original_picks:
            wid = pick_.waveform_id
            if station == wid.station_code and phase == pick_.phase_hint:
                pick = pick_
            # warn if original picks were specified and we could not associate
            # the arrival correctly
            if original_picks:
                msg = ("Could not determine corresponding original pick for "
                       "arrival. "
                       "Falling back to pick information in NonLinLoc "
                       "hypocenter-phase file.")
        arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id

    return cat
Example #11
    def _parseRecordDp(self, line, event):
        Parses the 'source parameter data - primary' record Dp
        source_contributor = line[2:6].strip()
        computation_type = line[6]
        exponent = self._intZero(line[7])
        scale = math.pow(10, exponent)
        centroid_origin_time = line[8:14] + "." + line[14]
        orig_time_stderr = line[15:17]
        if orig_time_stderr == "FX":
            orig_time_stderr = "Fixed"
            orig_time_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(orig_time_stderr, "2.1", scale)
        centroid_latitude = self._floatWithFormat(line[17:21], "4.2")
        lat_type = line[21]
        if centroid_latitude is not None:
            centroid_latitude *= self._coordinateSign(lat_type)
        lat_stderr = line[22:25]
        if lat_stderr == "FX":
            lat_stderr = "Fixed"
            lat_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(lat_stderr, "3.2", scale)
        centroid_longitude = self._floatWithFormat(line[25:30], "5.2")
        lon_type = line[30]
        if centroid_longitude is not None:
            centroid_longitude *= self._coordinateSign(lon_type)
        lon_stderr = line[31:34]
        if lon_stderr == "FX":
            lon_stderr = "Fixed"
            lon_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(lon_stderr, "3.2", scale)
        centroid_depth = self._floatWithFormat(line[34:38], "4.1")
        depth_stderr = line[38:40]
        if depth_stderr == "FX" or depth_stderr == "BD":
            depth_stderr = "Fixed"
            depth_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(depth_stderr, "2.1", scale)
        station_number = self._intZero(line[40:43])
        component_number = self._intZero(line[43:46])
        station_number2 = self._intZero(line[46:48])
        component_number2 = self._intZero(line[48:51])
        # unused: half_duration = self._floatWithFormat(line[51:54], '3.1')
        moment = self._floatWithFormat(line[54:56], "2.1")
        moment_stderr = self._floatWithFormat(line[56:58], "2.1")
        moment_exponent = self._int(line[58:60])
        if (moment is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)
        if (moment_stderr is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment_stderr *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)

        evid = event.resource_id.id.split("/")[-1]
        # Create a new origin only if centroid time is defined:
        origin = None
        if centroid_origin_time.strip() != ".":
            origin = Origin()
            res_id = "/".join(
                (res_id_prefix, "origin", evid, source_contributor.lower(), "mw" + computation_type.lower())
            origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id=source_contributor)
            date = event.origins[0].time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
            origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + centroid_origin_time)
            # Check if centroid time is on the next day:
            if origin.time < event.origins[0].time:
                origin.time += timedelta(days=1)
            self._storeUncertainty(origin.time_errors, orig_time_stderr)
            origin.latitude = centroid_latitude
            origin.longitude = centroid_longitude
            origin.depth = centroid_depth * 1000
            if lat_stderr == "Fixed" and lon_stderr == "Fixed":
                origin.epicenter_fixed = True
                self._storeUncertainty(origin.latitude_errors, self._latErrToDeg(lat_stderr))
                self._storeUncertainty(origin.longitude_errors, self._lonErrToDeg(lon_stderr, origin.latitude))
            if depth_stderr == "Fixed":
                origin.depth_type = "operator assigned"
                origin.depth_type = "from location"
                self._storeUncertainty(origin.depth_errors, depth_stderr, scale=1000)
            quality = OriginQuality()
            quality.used_station_count = station_number + station_number2
            quality.used_phase_count = component_number + component_number2
            origin.quality = quality
            origin.type = "centroid"
        focal_mechanism = FocalMechanism()
        res_id = "/".join(
            (res_id_prefix, "focalmechanism", evid, source_contributor.lower(), "mw" + computation_type.lower())
        focal_mechanism.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        focal_mechanism.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id=source_contributor)
        moment_tensor = MomentTensor()
        if origin is not None:
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = origin.resource_id
            # this is required for QuakeML validation:
            res_id = "/".join((res_id_prefix, "no-origin"))
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        for mag in event.magnitudes:
            if mag.creation_info.agency_id == source_contributor:
                moment_tensor.moment_magnitude_id = mag.resource_id
        res_id = "/".join(
            (res_id_prefix, "momenttensor", evid, source_contributor.lower(), "mw" + computation_type.lower())
        moment_tensor.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        moment_tensor.scalar_moment = moment
        self._storeUncertainty(moment_tensor.scalar_moment_errors, moment_stderr)
        data_used = DataUsed()
        data_used.station_count = station_number + station_number2
        data_used.component_count = component_number + component_number2
        if computation_type == "C":
            res_id = "/".join((res_id_prefix, "methodID=CMT"))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # CMT algorithm uses long-period body waves,
            # very-long-period surface waves and
            # intermediate period surface waves (since 2004
            # for shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes
            # --Ekstrom et al., 2012)
            data_used.wave_type = "combined"
        if computation_type == "M":
            res_id = "/".join((res_id_prefix, "methodID=moment_tensor"))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used by
            # "moment tensor" algorithm.
            data_used.wave_type = "unknown"
        elif computation_type == "B":
            res_id = "/".join((res_id_prefix, "methodID=broadband_data"))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: is 'combined' correct here?
            data_used.wave_type = "combined"
        elif computation_type == "F":
            res_id = "/".join((res_id_prefix, "methodID=P-wave_first_motion"))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            data_used.wave_type = "P waves"
        elif computation_type == "S":
            res_id = "/".join((res_id_prefix, "methodID=scalar_moment"))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used
            # for scalar moment determination.
            data_used.wave_type = "unknown"
        moment_tensor.data_used = data_used
        focal_mechanism.moment_tensor = moment_tensor
        return focal_mechanism
Example #12
    def _parse_first_line_origin(self, line, event, magnitudes):
        Parse the first line of origin data.

        :type line: str
        :param line: Line to parse.
        :type event: :class:`~obspy.core.event.event.Event`
        :param event: Event of the origin.
        :type magnitudes: list of
        :param magnitudes: Store magnitudes in a list to keep
            their positions.
        :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.origin.Origin`,
        :returns: Parsed origin or None, resource identifier of the
        magnitude_types = []
        magnitude_values = []
        magnitude_station_counts = []

        fields = self.fields['line_1']

        time_origin = line[fields['time']].strip()
        time_fixed_flag = line[fields['time_fixf']].strip()
        latitude = line[fields['lat']].strip()
        longitude = line[fields['lon']].strip()
        epicenter_fixed_flag = line[fields['epicenter_fixf']].strip()
        depth = line[fields['depth']].strip()
        depth_fixed_flag = line[fields['depth_fixf']].strip()
        phase_count = line[fields['n_def']].strip()
        station_count = line[fields['n_sta']].strip()
        azimuthal_gap = line[fields['gap']].strip()
        author = line[fields['author']].strip()
        origin_id = line[fields['id']].strip()

        origin = Origin()
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()

            origin.time = UTCDateTime(time_origin.replace('/', '-'))
            origin.latitude = float(latitude)
            origin.longitude = float(longitude)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            self._warn('Missing origin data, skipping event')
            return None, None

        origin.time_fixed = time_fixed_flag.lower() == 'f'
        origin.epicenter_fixed = epicenter_fixed_flag.lower() == 'f'

            # Convert value from km to m
            origin.depth = float(depth) * 1000
        except ValueError:
            origin.depth_type = DEPTH_TYPES[depth_fixed_flag]
        except KeyError:
            origin.depth_type = OriginDepthType('from location')
            origin.quality.used_phase_count = int(phase_count)
            origin.quality.associated_phase_count = int(phase_count)
        except ValueError:
            origin.quality.used_station_count = int(station_count)
            origin.quality.associated_station_count = int(station_count)
        except ValueError:
            origin.quality.azimuthal_gap = float(azimuthal_gap)
        except ValueError:

        self.author = author
        origin.creation_info = self._get_creation_info()

        public_id = "origin/%s" % origin_id
        origin_res_id = self._get_res_id(public_id)

        for i in range(3):
                magnitude = Magnitude()
                magnitude.creation_info = self._get_creation_info()
                magnitude.magnitude_type = magnitude_types[i]
                magnitude.mag = float(magnitude_values[i])
                magnitude.station_count = int(magnitude_station_counts[i])
                magnitude.origin_id = origin_res_id
            except ValueError:
                # Magnitude can be empty but we need to keep the
                # position between mag1, mag2 or mag3.

        return origin, origin_res_id
Example #13
    def _parse_record_dp(self, line, event):
        Parses the 'source parameter data - primary' record Dp
        source_contributor = line[2:6].strip()
        computation_type = line[6]
        exponent = self._int_zero(line[7])
        scale = math.pow(10, exponent)
        centroid_origin_time = line[8:14] + '.' + line[14]
        orig_time_stderr = line[15:17]
        if orig_time_stderr == 'FX':
            orig_time_stderr = 'Fixed'
            orig_time_stderr = \
                self._float_with_format(orig_time_stderr, '2.1', scale)
        centroid_latitude = self._float_with_format(line[17:21], '4.2')
        lat_type = line[21]
        if centroid_latitude is not None:
            centroid_latitude *= self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        lat_stderr = line[22:25]
        if lat_stderr == 'FX':
            lat_stderr = 'Fixed'
            lat_stderr = self._float_with_format(lat_stderr, '3.2', scale)
        centroid_longitude = self._float_with_format(line[25:30], '5.2')
        lon_type = line[30]
        if centroid_longitude is not None:
            centroid_longitude *= self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        lon_stderr = line[31:34]
        if lon_stderr == 'FX':
            lon_stderr = 'Fixed'
            lon_stderr = self._float_with_format(lon_stderr, '3.2', scale)
        centroid_depth = self._float_with_format(line[34:38], '4.1')
        depth_stderr = line[38:40]
        if depth_stderr == 'FX' or depth_stderr == 'BD':
            depth_stderr = 'Fixed'
            depth_stderr = self._float_with_format(depth_stderr, '2.1', scale)
        station_number = self._int_zero(line[40:43])
        component_number = self._int_zero(line[43:46])
        station_number2 = self._int_zero(line[46:48])
        component_number2 = self._int_zero(line[48:51])
        # unused: half_duration = self._float_with_format(line[51:54], '3.1')
        moment = self._float_with_format(line[54:56], '2.1')
        moment_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[56:58], '2.1')
        moment_exponent = self._int(line[58:60])
        if (moment is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)
        if (moment_stderr is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment_stderr *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)

        evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
        # Create a new origin only if centroid time is defined:
        origin = None
        if centroid_origin_time.strip() != '.':
            origin = Origin()
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin',
                               evid, source_contributor.lower(),
                               'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
            origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            origin.creation_info = \
            date = event.origins[0].time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
            origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + centroid_origin_time)
            # Check if centroid time is on the next day:
            if origin.time < event.origins[0].time:
                origin.time += timedelta(days=1)
            self._store_uncertainty(origin.time_errors, orig_time_stderr)
            origin.latitude = centroid_latitude
            origin.longitude = centroid_longitude
            origin.depth = centroid_depth * 1000
            if lat_stderr == 'Fixed' and lon_stderr == 'Fixed':
                origin.epicenter_fixed = True
            if depth_stderr == 'Fixed':
                origin.depth_type = 'operator assigned'
                origin.depth_type = 'from location'
                                        depth_stderr, scale=1000)
            quality = OriginQuality()
            quality.used_station_count = \
                station_number + station_number2
            quality.used_phase_count = \
                component_number + component_number2
            origin.quality = quality
            origin.origin_type = 'centroid'
        focal_mechanism = FocalMechanism()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'focalmechanism',
                           evid, source_contributor.lower(),
                           'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
        focal_mechanism.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        focal_mechanism.creation_info = \
        moment_tensor = MomentTensor()
        if origin is not None:
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = origin.resource_id
            # this is required for QuakeML validation:
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'no-origin'))
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = \
        for mag in event.magnitudes:
            if mag.creation_info.agency_id == source_contributor:
                moment_tensor.moment_magnitude_id = mag.resource_id
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'momenttensor',
                           evid, source_contributor.lower(),
                           'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
        moment_tensor.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        moment_tensor.scalar_moment = moment
        data_used = DataUsed()
        data_used.station_count = station_number + station_number2
        data_used.component_count = component_number + component_number2
        if computation_type == 'C':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=CMT'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # CMT algorithm uses long-period body waves,
            # very-long-period surface waves and
            # intermediate period surface waves (since 2004
            # for shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes
            # --Ekstrom et al., 2012)
            data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
        if computation_type == 'M':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=moment_tensor'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used by
            # "moment tensor" algorithm.
            data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
        elif computation_type == 'B':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=broadband_data'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: is 'combined' correct here?
            data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
        elif computation_type == 'F':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=P-wave_first_motion'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            data_used.wave_type = 'P waves'
        elif computation_type == 'S':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=scalar_moment'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used
            # for scalar moment determination.
            data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
        moment_tensor.data_used = [data_used]
        focal_mechanism.moment_tensor = moment_tensor
        return focal_mechanism
Example #14
def outputOBSPY(hp, event=None, only_fm_picks=False):
    Make an Event which includes the current focal mechanism information from HASH
    Use the 'only_fm_picks' flag to only include the picks HASH used for the FocalMechanism.
    This flag will replace the 'picks' and 'arrivals' lists of existing events with new ones.
    hp    : hashpy.HashPype instance
    event : obspy.core.event.Event
    only_fm_picks : bool of whether to overwrite the picks/arrivals lists
    Event will be new if no event was input, FocalMech added to existing event
    # Returns new (or updates existing) Event with HASH solution
    n = hp.npol
    if event is None:
	event = Event(focal_mechanisms=[], picks=[], origins=[])
	origin = Origin(arrivals=[])
	origin.time = UTCDateTime(hp.tstamp)
	origin.latitude = hp.qlat
	origin.longitude = hp.qlon
	origin.depth = hp.qdep
	origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.icusp)
	origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/Origin/{0}'.format(hp.icusp))
	for _i in range(n):
	    p = Pick()
	    p.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i])
	    p.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/Pick/{0}'.format(p.creation_info.version))
	    p.waveform_id = WaveformStreamID(network_code=hp.snet[_i], station_code=hp.sname[_i], channel_code=hp.scomp[_i])
	    if hp.p_pol[_i] > 0:
		p.polarity = 'positive'
		p.polarity = 'negative'
	    a = Arrival()
	    a.creation_info = CreationInfo(version=hp.arid[_i])
	    a.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/Arrival/{0}'.format(p.creation_info.version))
	    a.azimuth = hp.p_azi_mc[_i,0]
	    a.takeoff_angle = 180. - hp.p_the_mc[_i,0]
	    a.pick_id = p.resource_id
	event.preferred_origin_id = str(origin.resource_id)
    else: # just update the changes
	origin = event.preferred_origin()
	picks = []
	arrivals = []
	for _i in range(n):
	    ind = hp.p_index[_i]
	    a = origin.arrivals[ind]
	    p = a.pick_id.getReferredObject()
	    a.takeoff_angle = hp.p_the_mc[_i,0]
	if only_fm_picks:
	    origin.arrivals = arrivals
	    event.picks = picks
    # Use me double couple calculator and populate planes/axes etc
    x = hp._best_quality_index
    # Put all the mechanisms into the 'focal_mechanisms' list, mark "best" as preferred
    for s in range(hp.nmult):
        dc = DoubleCouple([hp.str_avg[s], hp.dip_avg[s], hp.rak_avg[s]])
        ax = dc.axis
        focal_mech = FocalMechanism()
        focal_mech.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=UTCDateTime(), author=hp.author)
        focal_mech.triggering_origin_id = origin.resource_id
        focal_mech.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier('smi:hash/FocalMechanism/{0}/{1}'.format(hp.icusp, s+1))
        focal_mech.method_id = ResourceIdentifier('HASH')
        focal_mech.nodal_planes = NodalPlanes()
        focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane1)
        focal_mech.nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane(*dc.plane2)
        focal_mech.principal_axes = PrincipalAxes()
        focal_mech.principal_axes.t_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['T']['azimuth'], plunge=ax['T']['dip'])
        focal_mech.principal_axes.p_axis = Axis(azimuth=ax['P']['azimuth'], plunge=ax['P']['dip'])
        focal_mech.station_polarity_count = n
        focal_mech.azimuthal_gap = hp.magap
        focal_mech.misfit = hp.mfrac[s]
        focal_mech.station_distribution_ratio = hp.stdr[s]
            Comment(hp.qual[s], resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(str(focal_mech.resource_id) + '/comment/quality'))
        if s == x:
            event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = str(focal_mech.resource_id)
    return event
Example #15
    def build(self):
        Build an obspy moment tensor focal mech event

        This makes the tensor output into an Event containing:
        1) a FocalMechanism with a MomentTensor, NodalPlanes, and PrincipalAxes
        2) a Magnitude of the Mw from the Tensor

        Which is what we want for outputting QuakeML using
        the (slightly modified) obspy code.

        filehandle => open file OR str from filehandle.read()

        event => instance of Event() class as described above
        p = self.parser
        event         = Event(event_type='earthquake')
        origin        = Origin()
        focal_mech    = FocalMechanism()
        nodal_planes  = NodalPlanes()
        moment_tensor = MomentTensor()
        principal_ax  = PrincipalAxes()
        magnitude     = Magnitude()
        data_used     = DataUsed()
        creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id='NN')
        ev_mode = 'automatic'
        ev_stat = 'preliminary'
        evid = None
        orid = None
        # Parse the entire file line by line.
        for n,l in enumerate(p.line):
            if 'REVIEWED BY NSL STAFF' in l:
                ev_mode = 'manual'
                ev_stat = 'reviewed'
            if 'Event ID' in l:
                evid = p._id(n)
            if 'Origin ID' in l:
                orid = p._id(n)
            if 'Ichinose' in l:
                moment_tensor.category = 'regional'
            if re.match(r'^\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}', l):
                ev = p._event_info(n)
            if 'Depth' in l:
                derived_depth = p._depth(n)
            if 'Mw' in l:
                magnitude.mag = p._mw(n) 
                magnitude.magnitude_type = 'Mw'
            if 'Mo' in l and 'dyne' in l:
                moment_tensor.scalar_moment = p._mo(n)
            if 'Percent Double Couple' in l:
                moment_tensor.double_couple = p._percent(n)
            if 'Percent CLVD' in l:
                moment_tensor.clvd = p._percent(n)
            if 'Epsilon' in l:
                moment_tensor.variance = p._epsilon(n)
            if 'Percent Variance Reduction' in l:
                moment_tensor.variance_reduction = p._percent(n)
            if 'Major Double Couple' in l and 'strike' in p.line[n+1]:
                np = p._double_couple(n)
                nodal_planes.nodal_plane_1 = NodalPlane(*np[0])
                nodal_planes.nodal_plane_2 = NodalPlane(*np[1])
                nodal_planes.preferred_plane = 1
            if 'Spherical Coordinates' in l:
                mt = p._mt_sphere(n)
                moment_tensor.tensor = Tensor(
                    m_rr = mt['Mrr'],
                    m_tt = mt['Mtt'],
                    m_pp = mt['Mff'],
                    m_rt = mt['Mrt'],
                    m_rp = mt['Mrf'],
                    m_tp = mt['Mtf'],
            if 'Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Major Double Couple' in l:
                ax = p._vectors(n)
                principal_ax.t_axis = Axis(ax['T']['trend'], ax['T']['plunge'], ax['T']['ev'])
                principal_ax.p_axis = Axis(ax['P']['trend'], ax['P']['plunge'], ax['P']['ev'])
                principal_ax.n_axis = Axis(ax['N']['trend'], ax['N']['plunge'], ax['N']['ev'])
            if 'Number of Stations' in l:
                data_used.station_count = p._number_of_stations(n)
            if 'Maximum' in l and 'Gap' in l:
                focal_mech.azimuthal_gap = p._gap(n)
            if re.match(r'^Date', l):
                creation_info.creation_time = p._creation_time(n)
        # Creation Time
        creation_info.version = orid
        # Fill in magnitude values
        magnitude.evaluation_mode = ev_mode
        magnitude.evaluation_status = ev_stat
        magnitude.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
        magnitude.resource_id = self._rid(magnitude)
        # Stub origin
        origin.time = ev.get('time')
        origin.latitude = ev.get('lat')
        origin.longitude = ev.get('lon')
        origin.depth = derived_depth * 1000.
        origin.depth_type = "from moment tensor inversion"
        origin.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
         # Unique from true origin ID
        _oid = self._rid(origin)
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(str(_oid) + '/mt')
        del _oid
        # Make an id for the MT that references this origin
        ogid = str(origin.resource_id)
        doid = ResourceIdentifier(ogid, referred_object=origin)
        # Make an id for the moment tensor mag which references this mag
        mrid = str(magnitude.resource_id)
        mmid = ResourceIdentifier(mrid, referred_object=magnitude)
        # MT todo: could check/use URL for RID if parsing the php file
        moment_tensor.evaluation_mode = ev_mode
        moment_tensor.evaluation_status = ev_stat
        moment_tensor.data_used = data_used
        moment_tensor.moment_magnitude_id = mmid
        moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = doid
        moment_tensor.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
        moment_tensor.resource_id = self._rid(moment_tensor)
        # Fill in focal_mech values
        focal_mech.nodal_planes  = nodal_planes
        focal_mech.moment_tensor = moment_tensor
        focal_mech.principal_axes = principal_ax
        focal_mech.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
        focal_mech.resource_id = self._rid(focal_mech)
        # add mech and new magnitude to event
        event.focal_mechanisms = [focal_mech]
        event.magnitudes = [magnitude]
        event.origins = [origin]
        event.creation_info = creation_info.copy()
        # If an MT was done, that's the preferred mag/mech
        event.preferred_magnitude_id = str(magnitude.resource_id)
        event.preferred_focal_mechanism_id = str(focal_mech.resource_id)
        if evid:
            event.creation_info.version = evid
        event.resource_id = self._rid(event)
        self.event = event
Example #16
    def _map_join2origin(self, db):
        Return an Origin instance from an dict of CSS key/values
        db : dict of key/values of CSS fields related to the origin (see Join)


        Any object that supports the dict 'get' method can be passed as
        input, e.g. OrderedDict, custom classes, etc.
        origin <- origerr (outer)

        #-- Basic location ------------------------------------------
        origin = Origin()
        origin.latitude = db.get('lat')
        origin.longitude = db.get('lon')
        origin.depth = _km2m(db.get('depth'))
        origin.time = _utc(db.get('time'))
        origin.extra = {}
        #-- Quality -------------------------------------------------
        quality = OriginQuality(
            associated_phase_count = db.get('nass'),
            used_phase_count = db.get('ndef'),
            standard_error = db.get('sdobs'),
        origin.quality = quality

        #-- Solution Uncertainties ----------------------------------
        # in CSS the ellipse is projected onto the horizontal plane
        # using the covariance matrix
        uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
        a = _km2m(db.get('smajax'))
        b = _km2m(db.get('sminax'))
        s = db.get('strike')
        dep_u = _km2m(db.get('sdepth'))
        time_u = db.get('stime')

        uncertainty.max_horizontal_uncertainty = a
        uncertainty.min_horizontal_uncertainty = b
        uncertainty.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = s
        uncertainty.horizontal_uncertainty = a
        uncertainty.preferred_description = "horizontal uncertainty"

        if db.get('conf') is not None:
            uncertainty.confidence_level = db.get('conf') * 100.  

        if uncertainty.horizontal_uncertainty is not None:
            origin.origin_uncertainty = uncertainty

        #-- Parameter Uncertainties ---------------------------------
        if all([a, b, s]):
            n, e = _get_NE_on_ellipse(a, b, s)
            lat_u = _m2deg_lat(n)
            lon_u = _m2deg_lon(e, lat=origin.latitude)
            origin.latitude_errors = {'uncertainty': lat_u} 
            origin.longitude_errors = {'uncertainty': lon_u}
        if dep_u:
            origin.depth_errors = {'uncertainty': dep_u}
        if time_u:
            origin.time_errors = {'uncertainty': time_u}

        #-- Analyst-determined Status -------------------------------
        posted_author = _str(db.get('auth'))
        mode, status = self.get_event_status(posted_author)
        origin.evaluation_mode = mode
        origin.evaluation_status = status
        # Save etype per origin due to schema differences...
        css_etype = _str(db.get('etype'))
        # Compatible with future patch rename "_namespace" -> "namespace"
        origin.extra['etype'] = {
            'value': css_etype, 
            'namespace': CSS_NAMESPACE

        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(
            creation_time = _utc(db.get('lddate')),
            agency_id = self.agency, 
            version = db.get('orid'),
            author = posted_author,
        origin.resource_id = self._rid(origin)
        return origin
Example #17
def _read_single_hypocenter(lines, coordinate_converter, original_picks):
    Given a list of lines (starting with a 'NLLOC' line and ending with a
    'END_NLLOC' line), parse them into an Event.
        # some paranoid checks..
        assert lines[0].startswith("NLLOC ")
        assert lines[-1].startswith("END_NLLOC")
        for line in lines[1:-1]:
            assert not line.startswith("NLLOC ")
            assert not line.startswith("END_NLLOC")
    except Exception:
        msg = ("This should not have happened, please report this as a bug at "
        raise Exception(msg)

    indices_phases = [None, None]
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.startswith("PHASE "):
            indices_phases[0] = i
        elif line.startswith("END_PHASE"):
            indices_phases[1] = i

    # extract PHASES lines (if any)
    if any(indices_phases):
        if not all(indices_phases):
            msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt, 'PHASE' block is corrupt.")
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        i1, i2 = indices_phases
        lines, phases_lines = lines[:i1] + lines[i2 + 1:], lines[i1 + 1:i2]
        phases_lines = []

    lines = dict([line.split(None, 1) for line in lines[:-1]])
    line = lines["SIGNATURE"]

    line = line.rstrip().split('"')[1]
    signature, version, date, time = line.rsplit(" ", 3)
    # new NLLoc > 6.0 seems to add prefix 'run:' before date
    if date.startswith('run:'):
        date = date[4:]
    signature = signature.strip()
    creation_time = UTCDateTime.strptime(date + time, str("%d%b%Y%Hh%Mm%S"))

    if coordinate_converter:
        # maximum likelihood origin location in km info line
        line = lines["HYPOCENTER"]
        x, y, z = coordinate_converter(*map(float, line.split()[1:7:2]))
        # maximum likelihood origin location lon lat info line
        line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"]
        y, x, z = map(float, line.split()[8:13:2])

    # maximum likelihood origin time info line
    line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"]

    year, mon, day, hour, min = map(int, line.split()[1:6])
    seconds = float(line.split()[6])
    time = UTCDateTime(year, mon, day, hour, min, seconds, strict=False)

    # distribution statistics line
    line = lines["STATISTICS"]
    covariance_xx = float(line.split()[7])
    covariance_yy = float(line.split()[13])
    covariance_zz = float(line.split()[17])
    stats_info_string = str(
        "Note: Depth/Latitude/Longitude errors are calculated from covariance "
        "matrix as 1D marginal (Lon/Lat errors as great circle degrees) "
        "while OriginUncertainty min/max horizontal errors are calculated "
        "from 2D error ellipsoid and are therefore seemingly higher compared "
        "to 1D errors. Error estimates can be reconstructed from the "
        "following original NonLinLoc error statistics line:\nSTATISTICS " +

    # goto location quality info line
    line = lines["QML_OriginQuality"].split()

    (assoc_phase_count, used_phase_count, assoc_station_count,
     used_station_count, depth_phase_count) = map(int, line[1:11:2])
    stderr, az_gap, sec_az_gap = map(float, line[11:17:2])
    gt_level = line[17]
    min_dist, max_dist, med_dist = map(float, line[19:25:2])

    # goto location quality info line
    line = lines["QML_OriginUncertainty"]

    if "COMMENT" in lines:
        comment = lines["COMMENT"].strip()
        comment = comment.strip('\'"')
        comment = comment.strip()

    hor_unc, min_hor_unc, max_hor_unc, hor_unc_azim = \
        map(float, line.split()[1:9:2])

    # assign origin info
    event = Event()
    o = Origin()
    event.origins = [o]
    event.preferred_origin_id = o.resource_id
    o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
    o.quality = OriginQuality()
    ou = o.origin_uncertainty
    oq = o.quality
    o.comments.append(Comment(text=stats_info_string, force_resource_id=False))
    event.comments.append(Comment(text=comment, force_resource_id=False))

    # SIGNATURE field's first item is LOCSIG, which is supposed to be
    # 'Identification of an individual, institiution or other entity'
    # according to
    # http://alomax.free.fr/nlloc/soft6.00/control.html#_NLLoc_locsig_
    # so use it as author in creation info
    event.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,
    o.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,

    # negative values can appear on diagonal of covariance matrix due to a
    # precision problem in NLLoc implementation when location coordinates are
    # large compared to the covariances.
    o.longitude = x
        o.longitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_xx))
    except ValueError:
        if covariance_xx < 0:
            msg = ("Negative value in XX value of covariance matrix, not "
                   "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
                   "still be set in origin uncertainty).")
    o.latitude = y
        o.latitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_yy))
    except ValueError:
        if covariance_yy < 0:
            msg = ("Negative value in YY value of covariance matrix, not "
                   "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
                   "still be set in origin uncertainty).")
    o.depth = z * 1e3  # meters!
    o.depth_errors.uncertainty = sqrt(covariance_zz) * 1e3  # meters!
    o.depth_errors.confidence_level = 68
    o.depth_type = str("from location")
    o.time = time

    ou.horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc
    ou.min_horizontal_uncertainty = min_hor_unc
    ou.max_horizontal_uncertainty = max_hor_unc
    # values of -1 seem to be used for unset values, set to None
    for field in ("horizontal_uncertainty", "min_horizontal_uncertainty",
        if ou.get(field, -1) == -1:
            ou[field] = None
            ou[field] *= 1e3  # meters!
    ou.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc_azim
    ou.preferred_description = str("uncertainty ellipse")
    ou.confidence_level = 68  # NonLinLoc in general uses 1-sigma (68%) level

    oq.standard_error = stderr
    oq.azimuthal_gap = az_gap
    oq.secondary_azimuthal_gap = sec_az_gap
    oq.used_phase_count = used_phase_count
    oq.used_station_count = used_station_count
    oq.associated_phase_count = assoc_phase_count
    oq.associated_station_count = assoc_station_count
    oq.depth_phase_count = depth_phase_count
    oq.ground_truth_level = gt_level
    oq.minimum_distance = kilometer2degrees(min_dist)
    oq.maximum_distance = kilometer2degrees(max_dist)
    oq.median_distance = kilometer2degrees(med_dist)

    # go through all phase info lines
    for line in phases_lines:
        line = line.split()
        arrival = Arrival()
        station = str(line[0])
        phase = str(line[4])
        arrival.phase = phase
        arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(float(line[21]))
        arrival.azimuth = float(line[23])
        arrival.takeoff_angle = float(line[24])
        arrival.time_residual = float(line[16])
        arrival.time_weight = float(line[17])
        pick = Pick()
        # network codes are not used by NonLinLoc, so they can not be known
        # when reading the .hyp file.. to conform with QuakeML standard set an
        # empty network code
        wid = WaveformStreamID(network_code="", station_code=station)
        # have to split this into ints for overflow to work correctly
        date, hourmin, sec = map(str, line[6:9])
        ymd = [int(date[:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8])]
        hm = [int(hourmin[:2]), int(hourmin[2:4])]
        t = UTCDateTime(*(ymd + hm), strict=False) + float(sec)
        pick.waveform_id = wid
        pick.time = t
        pick.time_errors.uncertainty = float(line[10])
        pick.phase_hint = phase
        pick.onset = ONSETS.get(line[3].lower(), None)
        pick.polarity = POLARITIES.get(line[5].lower(), None)
        # try to determine original pick for each arrival
        for pick_ in original_picks:
            wid = pick_.waveform_id
            if station == wid.station_code and phase == pick_.phase_hint:
                pick = pick_
            # warn if original picks were specified and we could not associate
            # the arrival correctly
            if original_picks:
                msg = ("Could not determine corresponding original pick for "
                       "arrival. "
                       "Falling back to pick information in NonLinLoc "
                       "hypocenter-phase file.")
        arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id


    return event
Example #18
def _read_single_hypocenter(lines, coordinate_converter, original_picks):
    Given a list of lines (starting with a 'NLLOC' line and ending with a
    'END_NLLOC' line), parse them into an Event.
        # some paranoid checks..
        assert lines[0].startswith("NLLOC ")
        assert lines[-1].startswith("END_NLLOC")
        for line in lines[1:-1]:
            assert not line.startswith("NLLOC ")
            assert not line.startswith("END_NLLOC")
    except Exception:
        msg = ("This should not have happened, please report this as a bug at "
        raise Exception(msg)

    indices_phases = [None, None]
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.startswith("PHASE "):
            indices_phases[0] = i
        elif line.startswith("END_PHASE"):
            indices_phases[1] = i

    # extract PHASES lines (if any)
    if any(indices_phases):
        if not all(indices_phases):
            msg = ("NLLOC HYP file seems corrupt, 'PHASE' block is corrupt.")
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        i1, i2 = indices_phases
        lines, phases_lines = lines[:i1] + lines[i2 + 1:], lines[i1 + 1:i2]
        phases_lines = []

    lines = dict([line.split(None, 1) for line in lines[:-1]])
    line = lines["SIGNATURE"]

    line = line.rstrip().split('"')[1]
    signature, version, date, time = line.rsplit(" ", 3)
    # new NLLoc > 6.0 seems to add prefix 'run:' before date
    if date.startswith('run:'):
        date = date[4:]
    signature = signature.strip()
    creation_time = UTCDateTime.strptime(date + time, str("%d%b%Y%Hh%Mm%S"))

    if coordinate_converter:
        # maximum likelihood origin location in km info line
        line = lines["HYPOCENTER"]
        x, y, z = coordinate_converter(*map(float, line.split()[1:7:2]))
        # maximum likelihood origin location lon lat info line
        line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"]
        y, x, z = map(float, line.split()[8:13:2])

    # maximum likelihood origin time info line
    line = lines["GEOGRAPHIC"]

    year, mon, day, hour, min = map(int, line.split()[1:6])
    seconds = float(line.split()[6])
    time = UTCDateTime(year, mon, day, hour, min, seconds, strict=False)

    # distribution statistics line
    line = lines["STATISTICS"]
    covariance_xx = float(line.split()[7])
    covariance_yy = float(line.split()[13])
    covariance_zz = float(line.split()[17])
    stats_info_string = str(
        "Note: Depth/Latitude/Longitude errors are calculated from covariance "
        "matrix as 1D marginal (Lon/Lat errors as great circle degrees) "
        "while OriginUncertainty min/max horizontal errors are calculated "
        "from 2D error ellipsoid and are therefore seemingly higher compared "
        "to 1D errors. Error estimates can be reconstructed from the "
        "following original NonLinLoc error statistics line:\nSTATISTICS " +

    # goto location quality info line
    line = lines["QML_OriginQuality"].split()

    (assoc_phase_count, used_phase_count, assoc_station_count,
     used_station_count, depth_phase_count) = map(int, line[1:11:2])
    stderr, az_gap, sec_az_gap = map(float, line[11:17:2])
    gt_level = line[17]
    min_dist, max_dist, med_dist = map(float, line[19:25:2])

    # goto location quality info line
    line = lines["QML_OriginUncertainty"]

    if "COMMENT" in lines:
        comment = lines["COMMENT"].strip()
        comment = comment.strip('\'"')
        comment = comment.strip()

    hor_unc, min_hor_unc, max_hor_unc, hor_unc_azim = \
        map(float, line.split()[1:9:2])

    # assign origin info
    event = Event()
    o = Origin()
    event.origins = [o]
    event.preferred_origin_id = o.resource_id
    o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
    o.quality = OriginQuality()
    ou = o.origin_uncertainty
    oq = o.quality
    o.comments.append(Comment(text=stats_info_string, force_resource_id=False))
    event.comments.append(Comment(text=comment, force_resource_id=False))

    # SIGNATURE field's first item is LOCSIG, which is supposed to be
    # 'Identification of an individual, institiution or other entity'
    # according to
    # http://alomax.free.fr/nlloc/soft6.00/control.html#_NLLoc_locsig_
    # so use it as author in creation info
    event.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,
    o.creation_info = CreationInfo(creation_time=creation_time,

    # negative values can appear on diagonal of covariance matrix due to a
    # precision problem in NLLoc implementation when location coordinates are
    # large compared to the covariances.
    o.longitude = x
        o.longitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_xx))
    except ValueError:
        if covariance_xx < 0:
            msg = ("Negative value in XX value of covariance matrix, not "
                   "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
                   "still be set in origin uncertainty).")
    o.latitude = y
        o.latitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(sqrt(covariance_yy))
    except ValueError:
        if covariance_yy < 0:
            msg = ("Negative value in YY value of covariance matrix, not "
                   "setting longitude error (epicentral uncertainties will "
                   "still be set in origin uncertainty).")
    o.depth = z * 1e3  # meters!
    o.depth_errors.uncertainty = sqrt(covariance_zz) * 1e3  # meters!
    o.depth_errors.confidence_level = 68
    o.depth_type = str("from location")
    o.time = time

    ou.horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc
    ou.min_horizontal_uncertainty = min_hor_unc
    ou.max_horizontal_uncertainty = max_hor_unc
    # values of -1 seem to be used for unset values, set to None
    for field in ("horizontal_uncertainty", "min_horizontal_uncertainty",
        if ou.get(field, -1) == -1:
            ou[field] = None
            ou[field] *= 1e3  # meters!
    ou.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = hor_unc_azim
    ou.preferred_description = str("uncertainty ellipse")
    ou.confidence_level = 68  # NonLinLoc in general uses 1-sigma (68%) level

    oq.standard_error = stderr
    oq.azimuthal_gap = az_gap
    oq.secondary_azimuthal_gap = sec_az_gap
    oq.used_phase_count = used_phase_count
    oq.used_station_count = used_station_count
    oq.associated_phase_count = assoc_phase_count
    oq.associated_station_count = assoc_station_count
    oq.depth_phase_count = depth_phase_count
    oq.ground_truth_level = gt_level
    oq.minimum_distance = kilometer2degrees(min_dist)
    oq.maximum_distance = kilometer2degrees(max_dist)
    oq.median_distance = kilometer2degrees(med_dist)

    # go through all phase info lines
    for line in phases_lines:
        line = line.split()
        arrival = Arrival()
        station = str(line[0])
        phase = str(line[4])
        arrival.phase = phase
        arrival.distance = kilometer2degrees(float(line[21]))
        arrival.azimuth = float(line[23])
        arrival.takeoff_angle = float(line[24])
        arrival.time_residual = float(line[16])
        arrival.time_weight = float(line[17])
        pick = Pick()
        # network codes are not used by NonLinLoc, so they can not be known
        # when reading the .hyp file.. to conform with QuakeML standard set an
        # empty network code
        wid = WaveformStreamID(network_code="", station_code=station)
        # have to split this into ints for overflow to work correctly
        date, hourmin, sec = map(str, line[6:9])
        ymd = [int(date[:4]), int(date[4:6]), int(date[6:8])]
        hm = [int(hourmin[:2]), int(hourmin[2:4])]
        t = UTCDateTime(*(ymd + hm), strict=False) + float(sec)
        pick.waveform_id = wid
        pick.time = t
        pick.time_errors.uncertainty = float(line[10])
        pick.phase_hint = phase
        pick.onset = ONSETS.get(line[3].lower(), None)
        pick.polarity = POLARITIES.get(line[5].lower(), None)
        # try to determine original pick for each arrival
        for pick_ in original_picks:
            wid = pick_.waveform_id
            if station == wid.station_code and phase == pick_.phase_hint:
                pick = pick_
            # warn if original picks were specified and we could not associate
            # the arrival correctly
            if original_picks:
                msg = ("Could not determine corresponding original pick for "
                       "arrival. "
                       "Falling back to pick information in NonLinLoc "
                       "hypocenter-phase file.")
        arrival.pick_id = pick.resource_id


    return event