Example #1
    def _parse_record_ah(self, line, event):
        Parses the 'additional hypocenter' record AH
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        # unused: hypocenter_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        # unused: preliminary_flag = line[37]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        # unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._float_unused(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._int_unused(line[48:51])
        phase_number = self._int_unused(line[51:55])
        source_code = line[56:60].strip()

        evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid, source_code.lower()))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id=source_code)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        origin.quality.used_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.used_phase_count = phase_number
        origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
Example #2
    def _parse_record_ah(self, line, event):
        Parses the 'additional hypocenter' record AH
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        # unused: hypocenter_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        # unused: preliminary_flag = line[37]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        # unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._float_unused(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._int_unused(line[48:51])
        phase_number = self._int_unused(line[51:55])
        source_code = line[56:60].strip()

        evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid, source_code.lower()))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(agency_id=source_code)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        origin.quality.used_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.used_phase_count = phase_number
        origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
Example #3
    def _parse_record_hy(self, line):
        Parses the 'hypocenter' record HY
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        # unused: location_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        # unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._float(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._int(line[48:51])
        # unused: version_flag = line[51]
        fe_region_number = line[52:55]
        fe_region_name = self._decode_fe_region_number(fe_region_number)
        source_code = line[55:60].strip()

        event = Event()
        # FIXME: a smarter way to define evid?
        evid = date + time
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'event', evid))
        event.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        description = EventDescription(
            type='region name',
        description = EventDescription(
            type='Flinn-Engdahl region',
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo()
        if source_code:
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = source_code
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = 'USGS-NEIC'
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135'))
        origin.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.associated_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        # associated_phase_count can be incremented in records 'P ' and 'S '
        origin.quality.associated_phase_count = 0
        # depth_phase_count can be incremented in record 'S '
        origin.quality.depth_phase_count = 0
        origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
        origin.region = fe_region_name
        return event
Example #4
    def _parse_record_hy(self, line):
        Parses the 'hypocenter' record HY
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        # unused: location_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        # unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._float(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._int(line[48:51])
        # unused: version_flag = line[51]
        fe_region_number = line[52:55]
        fe_region_name = self._decode_fe_region_number(fe_region_number)
        source_code = line[55:60].strip()

        event = Event()
        # FIXME: a smarter way to define evid?
        evid = date + time
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'event', evid))
        event.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        description = EventDescription(
            type='region name',
        description = EventDescription(
            type='Flinn-Engdahl region',
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo()
        if source_code:
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = source_code
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = 'USGS-NEIC'
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135'))
        origin.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.associated_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        # associated_phase_count can be incremented in records 'P ' and 'S '
        origin.quality.associated_phase_count = 0
        # depth_phase_count can be incremented in record 'S '
        origin.quality.depth_phase_count = 0
        origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
        origin.region = fe_region_name
        return event
Example #5
    def _parse_record_dp(self, line, event):
        Parses the 'source parameter data - primary' record Dp
        source_contributor = line[2:6].strip()
        computation_type = line[6]
        exponent = self._int_zero(line[7])
        scale = math.pow(10, exponent)
        centroid_origin_time = line[8:14] + '.' + line[14]
        orig_time_stderr = line[15:17]
        if orig_time_stderr == 'FX':
            orig_time_stderr = 'Fixed'
            orig_time_stderr = \
                self._float_with_format(orig_time_stderr, '2.1', scale)
        centroid_latitude = self._float_with_format(line[17:21], '4.2')
        lat_type = line[21]
        if centroid_latitude is not None:
            centroid_latitude *= self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        lat_stderr = line[22:25]
        if lat_stderr == 'FX':
            lat_stderr = 'Fixed'
            lat_stderr = self._float_with_format(lat_stderr, '3.2', scale)
        centroid_longitude = self._float_with_format(line[25:30], '5.2')
        lon_type = line[30]
        if centroid_longitude is not None:
            centroid_longitude *= self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        lon_stderr = line[31:34]
        if lon_stderr == 'FX':
            lon_stderr = 'Fixed'
            lon_stderr = self._float_with_format(lon_stderr, '3.2', scale)
        centroid_depth = self._float_with_format(line[34:38], '4.1')
        depth_stderr = line[38:40]
        if depth_stderr == 'FX' or depth_stderr == 'BD':
            depth_stderr = 'Fixed'
            depth_stderr = self._float_with_format(depth_stderr, '2.1', scale)
        station_number = self._int_zero(line[40:43])
        component_number = self._int_zero(line[43:46])
        station_number2 = self._int_zero(line[46:48])
        component_number2 = self._int_zero(line[48:51])
        # unused: half_duration = self._float_with_format(line[51:54], '3.1')
        moment = self._float_with_format(line[54:56], '2.1')
        moment_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[56:58], '2.1')
        moment_exponent = self._int(line[58:60])
        if (moment is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)
        if (moment_stderr is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment_stderr *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)

        evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
        # Create a new origin only if centroid time is defined:
        origin = None
        if centroid_origin_time.strip() != '.':
            origin = Origin()
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin',
                               evid, source_contributor.lower(),
                               'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
            origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            origin.creation_info = \
            date = event.origins[0].time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
            origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + centroid_origin_time)
            # Check if centroid time is on the next day:
            if origin.time < event.origins[0].time:
                origin.time += timedelta(days=1)
            self._store_uncertainty(origin.time_errors, orig_time_stderr)
            origin.latitude = centroid_latitude
            origin.longitude = centroid_longitude
            origin.depth = centroid_depth * 1000
            if lat_stderr == 'Fixed' and lon_stderr == 'Fixed':
                origin.epicenter_fixed = True
            if depth_stderr == 'Fixed':
                origin.depth_type = 'operator assigned'
                origin.depth_type = 'from location'
                                        depth_stderr, scale=1000)
            quality = OriginQuality()
            quality.used_station_count = \
                station_number + station_number2
            quality.used_phase_count = \
                component_number + component_number2
            origin.quality = quality
            origin.origin_type = 'centroid'
        focal_mechanism = FocalMechanism()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'focalmechanism',
                           evid, source_contributor.lower(),
                           'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
        focal_mechanism.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        focal_mechanism.creation_info = \
        moment_tensor = MomentTensor()
        if origin is not None:
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = origin.resource_id
            # this is required for QuakeML validation:
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'no-origin'))
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = \
        for mag in event.magnitudes:
            if mag.creation_info.agency_id == source_contributor:
                moment_tensor.moment_magnitude_id = mag.resource_id
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'momenttensor',
                           evid, source_contributor.lower(),
                           'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
        moment_tensor.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        moment_tensor.scalar_moment = moment
        data_used = DataUsed()
        data_used.station_count = station_number + station_number2
        data_used.component_count = component_number + component_number2
        if computation_type == 'C':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=CMT'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # CMT algorithm uses long-period body waves,
            # very-long-period surface waves and
            # intermediate period surface waves (since 2004
            # for shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes
            # --Ekstrom et al., 2012)
            data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
        if computation_type == 'M':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=moment_tensor'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used by
            # "moment tensor" algorithm.
            data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
        elif computation_type == 'B':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=broadband_data'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: is 'combined' correct here?
            data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
        elif computation_type == 'F':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=P-wave_first_motion'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            data_used.wave_type = 'P waves'
        elif computation_type == 'S':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=scalar_moment'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used
            # for scalar moment determination.
            data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
        moment_tensor.data_used = [data_used]
        focal_mechanism.moment_tensor = moment_tensor
        return focal_mechanism
Example #6
    def _parse_record_dp(self, line, event):
        Parses the 'source parameter data - primary' record Dp
        source_contributor = line[2:6].strip()
        computation_type = line[6]
        exponent = self._int_zero(line[7])
        scale = math.pow(10, exponent)
        centroid_origin_time = line[8:14] + '.' + line[14]
        orig_time_stderr = line[15:17]
        if orig_time_stderr == 'FX':
            orig_time_stderr = 'Fixed'
            orig_time_stderr = \
                self._float_with_format(orig_time_stderr, '2.1', scale)
        centroid_latitude = self._float_with_format(line[17:21], '4.2')
        lat_type = line[21]
        if centroid_latitude is not None:
            centroid_latitude *= self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        lat_stderr = line[22:25]
        if lat_stderr == 'FX':
            lat_stderr = 'Fixed'
            lat_stderr = self._float_with_format(lat_stderr, '3.2', scale)
        centroid_longitude = self._float_with_format(line[25:30], '5.2')
        lon_type = line[30]
        if centroid_longitude is not None:
            centroid_longitude *= self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        lon_stderr = line[31:34]
        if lon_stderr == 'FX':
            lon_stderr = 'Fixed'
            lon_stderr = self._float_with_format(lon_stderr, '3.2', scale)
        centroid_depth = self._float_with_format(line[34:38], '4.1')
        depth_stderr = line[38:40]
        if depth_stderr == 'FX' or depth_stderr == 'BD':
            depth_stderr = 'Fixed'
            depth_stderr = self._float_with_format(depth_stderr, '2.1', scale)
        station_number = self._int_zero(line[40:43])
        component_number = self._int_zero(line[43:46])
        station_number2 = self._int_zero(line[46:48])
        component_number2 = self._int_zero(line[48:51])
        # unused: half_duration = self._float_with_format(line[51:54], '3.1')
        moment = self._float_with_format(line[54:56], '2.1')
        moment_stderr = self._float_with_format(line[56:58], '2.1')
        moment_exponent = self._int(line[58:60])
        if (moment is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)
        if (moment_stderr is not None) and (moment_exponent is not None):
            moment_stderr *= math.pow(10, moment_exponent)

        evid = event.resource_id.id.split('/')[-1]
        # Create a new origin only if centroid time is defined:
        origin = None
        if centroid_origin_time.strip() != '.':
            origin = Origin()
            res_id = '/'.join(
                (res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid, source_contributor.lower(),
                 'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
            origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            origin.creation_info = \
            date = event.origins[0].time.strftime('%Y%m%d')
            origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + centroid_origin_time)
            # Check if centroid time is on the next day:
            if origin.time < event.origins[0].time:
                origin.time += timedelta(days=1)
            self._store_uncertainty(origin.time_errors, orig_time_stderr)
            origin.latitude = centroid_latitude
            origin.longitude = centroid_longitude
            origin.depth = centroid_depth * 1000
            if lat_stderr == 'Fixed' and lon_stderr == 'Fixed':
                origin.epicenter_fixed = True
                    self._lon_err_to_deg(lon_stderr, origin.latitude))
            if depth_stderr == 'Fixed':
                origin.depth_type = 'operator assigned'
                origin.depth_type = 'from location'
            quality = OriginQuality()
            quality.used_station_count = \
                station_number + station_number2
            quality.used_phase_count = \
                component_number + component_number2
            origin.quality = quality
            origin.origin_type = 'centroid'
        focal_mechanism = FocalMechanism()
        res_id = '/'.join(
            (res_id_prefix, 'focalmechanism', evid, source_contributor.lower(),
             'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
        focal_mechanism.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        focal_mechanism.creation_info = \
        moment_tensor = MomentTensor()
        if origin is not None:
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = origin.resource_id
            # this is required for QuakeML validation:
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'no-origin'))
            moment_tensor.derived_origin_id = \
        for mag in event.magnitudes:
            if mag.creation_info.agency_id == source_contributor:
                moment_tensor.moment_magnitude_id = mag.resource_id
        res_id = '/'.join(
            (res_id_prefix, 'momenttensor', evid, source_contributor.lower(),
             'mw' + computation_type.lower()))
        moment_tensor.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        moment_tensor.scalar_moment = moment
        data_used = DataUsed()
        data_used.station_count = station_number + station_number2
        data_used.component_count = component_number + component_number2
        if computation_type == 'C':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=CMT'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # CMT algorithm uses long-period body waves,
            # very-long-period surface waves and
            # intermediate period surface waves (since 2004
            # for shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes
            # --Ekstrom et al., 2012)
            data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
        if computation_type == 'M':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=moment_tensor'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used by
            # "moment tensor" algorithm.
            data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
        elif computation_type == 'B':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=broadband_data'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: is 'combined' correct here?
            data_used.wave_type = 'combined'
        elif computation_type == 'F':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=P-wave_first_motion'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            data_used.wave_type = 'P waves'
        elif computation_type == 'S':
            res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'methodID=scalar_moment'))
            focal_mechanism.method_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
            # FIXME: not sure which kind of data is used
            # for scalar moment determination.
            data_used.wave_type = 'unknown'
        moment_tensor.data_used = [data_used]
        focal_mechanism.moment_tensor = moment_tensor
        return focal_mechanism
Example #7
def _read_single_event(event_file, locate_dir, units, local_mag_ph):
    Parse an event file from QuakeMigrate into an obspy Event object.

    event_file : `pathlib.Path` object
        Path to .event file to read.
    locate_dir : `pathlib.Path` object
        Path to locate directory (contains "events", "picks" etc. directories).
    units : {"km", "m"}
        Grid projection coordinates for QM LUT (determines units of depths and
        uncertainties in the .event files).
    local_mag_ph : {"S", "P"}
        Amplitude measurement used to calculate local magnitudes.

    event : `obspy.Event` object
        Event object populated with all available information output by
        :class:`~quakemigrate.signal.scan.locate()`, including event locations
        and uncertainties, picks, and amplitudes and magnitudes if available.


    # Parse information from event file
    event_info = pd.read_csv(event_file).iloc[0]
    event_uid = str(event_info["EventID"])

    # Set distance conversion factor (from units of QM LUT projection units).
    if units == "km":
        factor = 1e3
    elif units == "m":
        factor = 1
        raise AttributeError(f"units must be 'km' or 'm'; not {units}")

    # Create event object to store origin and pick information
    event = Event()
    event.extra = AttribDict()
    event.resource_id = str(event_info["EventID"])
    event.creation_info = CreationInfo(author="QuakeMigrate",

    # Add COA info to extra
    event.extra.coa = {"value": event_info["COA"], "namespace": ns}
    event.extra.coa_norm = {"value": event_info["COA_NORM"], "namespace": ns}
    event.extra.trig_coa = {"value": event_info["TRIG_COA"], "namespace": ns}
    event.extra.dec_coa = {"value": event_info["DEC_COA"], "namespace": ns}
    event.extra.dec_coa_norm = {
        "value": event_info["DEC_COA_NORM"],
        "namespace": ns

    # Determine location of cut waveform data - add to event object as a
    # custom extra attribute.
    mseed = locate_dir / "raw_cut_waveforms" / event_uid
    event.extra.cut_waveforms_file = {
        "value": str(mseed.with_suffix(".m").resolve()),
        "namespace": ns
    if (locate_dir / "real_cut_waveforms").exists():
        mseed = locate_dir / "real_cut_waveforms" / event_uid
        event.extra.real_cut_waveforms_file = {
            "value": str(mseed.with_suffix(".m").resolve()),
            "namespace": ns
    if (locate_dir / "wa_cut_waveforms").exists():
        mseed = locate_dir / "wa_cut_waveforms" / event_uid
        event.extra.wa_cut_waveforms_file = {
            "value": str(mseed.with_suffix(".m").resolve()),
            "namespace": ns

    # Create origin with spline location and set to preferred event origin.
    origin = Origin()
    origin.method_id = "spline"
    origin.longitude = event_info["X"]
    origin.latitude = event_info["Y"]
    origin.depth = event_info["Z"] * factor
    origin.time = UTCDateTime(event_info["DT"])
    event.origins = [origin]
    event.preferred_origin_id = origin.resource_id

    # Create origin with gaussian location and associate with event
    origin = Origin()
    origin.method_id = "gaussian"
    origin.longitude = event_info["GAU_X"]
    origin.latitude = event_info["GAU_Y"]
    origin.depth = event_info["GAU_Z"] * factor
    origin.time = UTCDateTime(event_info["DT"])

    ouc = OriginUncertainty()
    ce = ConfidenceEllipsoid()
    ce.semi_major_axis_length = event_info["COV_ErrY"] * factor
    ce.semi_intermediate_axis_length = event_info["COV_ErrX"] * factor
    ce.semi_minor_axis_length = event_info["COV_ErrZ"] * factor
    ce.major_axis_plunge = 0
    ce.major_axis_azimuth = 0
    ce.major_axis_rotation = 0
    ouc.confidence_ellipsoid = ce
    ouc.preferred_description = "confidence ellipsoid"

    # Set uncertainties for both as the gaussian uncertainties
    for origin in event.origins:
        origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(
            event_info["GAU_ErrX"] * factor / 1e3)
        origin.latitude_errors.uncertainty = kilometer2degrees(
            event_info["GAU_ErrY"] * factor / 1e3)
        origin.depth_errors.uncertainty = event_info["GAU_ErrZ"] * factor
        origin.origin_uncertainty = ouc

    # Add OriginQuality info to each origin?
    for origin in event.origins:
        origin.origin_type = "hypocenter"
        origin.evaluation_mode = "automatic"

    # --- Handle picks file ---
    pick_file = locate_dir / "picks" / event_uid
    if pick_file.with_suffix(".picks").is_file():
        picks = pd.read_csv(pick_file.with_suffix(".picks"))
        return None

    for _, pickline in picks.iterrows():
        station = str(pickline["Station"])
        phase = str(pickline["Phase"])
        wid = WaveformStreamID(network_code="", station_code=station)

        for method in ["modelled", "autopick"]:
            pick = Pick()
            pick.extra = AttribDict()
            pick.waveform_id = wid
            pick.method_id = method
            pick.phase_hint = phase
            if method == "autopick" and str(pickline["PickTime"]) != "-1":
                pick.time = UTCDateTime(pickline["PickTime"])
                pick.time_errors.uncertainty = float(pickline["PickError"])
                pick.extra.snr = {
                    "value": float(pickline["SNR"]),
                    "namespace": ns
            elif method == "modelled":
                pick.time = UTCDateTime(pickline["ModelledTime"])

    # --- Handle amplitudes file ---
    amps_file = locate_dir / "amplitudes" / event_uid
    if amps_file.with_suffix(".amps").is_file():
        amps = pd.read_csv(amps_file.with_suffix(".amps"))

        i = 0
        for _, ampsline in amps.iterrows():
            wid = WaveformStreamID(seed_string=ampsline["id"])
            noise_amp = ampsline["Noise_amp"] / 1000  # mm to m
            for phase in ["P_amp", "S_amp"]:
                amp = Amplitude()
                if pd.isna(ampsline[phase]):
                amp.generic_amplitude = ampsline[phase] / 1000  # mm to m
                amp.generic_amplitude_errors.uncertainty = noise_amp
                amp.unit = "m"
                amp.type = "AML"
                amp.method_id = phase
                amp.period = 1 / ampsline[f"{phase[0]}_freq"]
                amp.time_window = TimeWindow(
                # amp.pick_id = ?
                amp.waveform_id = wid
                # amp.filter_id = ?
                amp.magnitude_hint = "ML"
                amp.evaluation_mode = "automatic"
                amp.extra = AttribDict()
                    amp.extra.filter_gain = {
                        "value": ampsline[f"{phase[0]}_filter_gain"],
                        "namespace": ns
                    amp.extra.avg_amp = {
                        "value": ampsline[f"{phase[0]}_avg_amp"] / 1000,  # m
                        "namespace": ns
                except KeyError:

                if phase[0] == local_mag_ph and not pd.isna(ampsline["ML"]):
                    i += 1
                    stat_mag = StationMagnitude()
                    stat_mag.extra = AttribDict()
                    # stat_mag.origin_id = ? local_mag_loc
                    stat_mag.mag = ampsline["ML"]
                    stat_mag.mag_errors.uncertainty = ampsline["ML_Err"]
                    stat_mag.station_magnitude_type = "ML"
                    stat_mag.amplitude_id = amp.resource_id
                    stat_mag.extra.picked = {
                        "value": ampsline["is_picked"],
                        "namespace": ns
                    stat_mag.extra.epi_dist = {
                        "value": ampsline["epi_dist"],
                        "namespace": ns
                    stat_mag.extra.z_dist = {
                        "value": ampsline["z_dist"],
                        "namespace": ns



        mag = Magnitude()
        mag.extra = AttribDict()
        mag.mag = event_info["ML"]
        mag.mag_errors.uncertainty = event_info["ML_Err"]
        mag.magnitude_type = "ML"
        # mag.origin_id = ?
        mag.station_count = i
        mag.evaluation_mode = "automatic"
        mag.extra.r2 = {"value": event_info["ML_r2"], "namespace": ns}

        event.magnitudes = [mag]
        event.preferred_magnitude_id = mag.resource_id

    return event