Example #1
    def _parse_record_hy(self, line):
        Parses the 'hypocenter' record HY
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        # unused: location_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        # unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._float(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._int(line[48:51])
        # unused: version_flag = line[51]
        fe_region_number = line[52:55]
        fe_region_name = self._decode_fe_region_number(fe_region_number)
        source_code = line[55:60].strip()

        event = Event()
        # FIXME: a smarter way to define evid?
        evid = date + time
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'event', evid))
        event.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        description = EventDescription(
            type='region name',
        description = EventDescription(
            type='Flinn-Engdahl region',
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo()
        if source_code:
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = source_code
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = 'USGS-NEIC'
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135'))
        origin.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.associated_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        # associated_phase_count can be incremented in records 'P ' and 'S '
        origin.quality.associated_phase_count = 0
        # depth_phase_count can be incremented in record 'S '
        origin.quality.depth_phase_count = 0
        origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
        origin.region = fe_region_name
        return event
Example #2
    def _parse_record_hy(self, line):
        Parses the 'hypocenter' record HY
        date = line[2:10]
        time = line[11:20]
        # unused: location_quality = line[20]
        latitude = self._float(line[21:27])
        lat_type = line[27]
        longitude = self._float(line[29:36])
        lon_type = line[36]
        depth = self._float(line[38:43])
        # unused: depth_quality = line[43]
        standard_dev = self._float(line[44:48])
        station_number = self._int(line[48:51])
        # unused: version_flag = line[51]
        fe_region_number = line[52:55]
        fe_region_name = self._decode_fe_region_number(fe_region_number)
        source_code = line[55:60].strip()

        event = Event()
        # FIXME: a smarter way to define evid?
        evid = date + time
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'event', evid))
        event.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        description = EventDescription(
            type='region name',
        description = EventDescription(
            type='Flinn-Engdahl region',
        origin = Origin()
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'origin', evid))
        origin.resource_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo()
        if source_code:
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = source_code
            origin.creation_info.agency_id = 'USGS-NEIC'
        res_id = '/'.join((res_id_prefix, 'earthmodel/ak135'))
        origin.earth_model_id = ResourceIdentifier(id=res_id)
        origin.time = UTCDateTime(date + time)
        origin.latitude = latitude * self._coordinate_sign(lat_type)
        origin.longitude = longitude * self._coordinate_sign(lon_type)
        origin.depth = depth * 1000
        origin.depth_type = 'from location'
        origin.quality = OriginQuality()
        origin.quality.associated_station_count = station_number
        origin.quality.standard_error = standard_dev
        # associated_phase_count can be incremented in records 'P ' and 'S '
        origin.quality.associated_phase_count = 0
        # depth_phase_count can be incremented in record 'S '
        origin.quality.depth_phase_count = 0
        origin.origin_type = 'hypocenter'
        origin.region = fe_region_name
        return event
# cat = Catalog()
cat.description = "Just a fictitious toy example catalog built from scratch"

e = Event()
e.event_type = "not existing"

o = Origin()
o.time = UTCDateTime(2014, 2, 23, 18, 0, 0)
o.latitude = 47.6
o.longitude = 12.0
o.depth = 10000
o.depth_type = "operator assigned"
o.evaluation_mode = "manual"
o.evaluation_status = "preliminary"
o.region = FlinnEngdahl().get_region(o.longitude, o.latitude)

m = Magnitude()
m.mag = 7.2
m.magnitude_type = "Mw"

m2 = Magnitude()
m2.mag = 7.4
m2.magnitude_type = "Ms"

# also included could be: custom picks, amplitude measurements, station magnitudes,
# focal mechanisms, moment tensors, ...

# make associations, put everything together
e.origins = [o]