Example #1
def prims_algorithm_mst(graph):
  Prim's algorithm, this algorithm
  has the same time complexity as Djikstra's
  single source shorted path algorithm.

  This particular algorithm is

  O((V ** 2) + (V * E))

  but with a priority queue or vEB tree this can be reduced

  O((V * log(V)) + (V * E))

  a time complexity equivalent to Djikstra's

    if not isinstance(graph, Graph):
        raise TypeError('this function expects an instance of Graph')
    queue = PriorityQueue(graph)
    root = None
    nodes = {u: TreeNode(u) for u in graph.vertices}
    while not queue.is_empty():
        u = queue.pop_min()
        if root is None:
            root = nodes[u]
        for v in graph.adj[u]:
            if queue.contains(v):
                queue.update(v, graph.weights[(u, v)])
                nodes[v].parent = nodes[u]
    for n in nodes:
        node = nodes[n]
        if node.parent is not None:
    return root