def project_east_west(self, dataset, experiment, best_fit=True): X = self.OBS[string.upper(dataset)] fingerprint = getattr(self, experiment) westsolver = fingerprint.solvers["west"] westfac = da.get_orientation(westsolver) time_plot(westfac * westsolver.projectField(X.reshaped["west"])[:, 0], label="WEST", color=get_colors("west")) eastsolver = fingerprint.solvers["east"] eastfac = da.get_orientation(eastsolver) time_plot(eastfac * eastsolver.projectField(X.reshaped["east"])[:, 0], label="EAST", color=get_colors("east")) plt.legend() plt.ylabel("Projection onto " + fingerprint.experiment + " fingerprint") if best_fit: y = westfac * westsolver.projectField(X.reshaped["west"])[:, 0] t = cmip5.get_plottable_time(y) p = np.polyfit(t, y.asma(), 1) plt.plot(t, np.polyval(p, t), "--", color=get_colors("west")) y = eastfac * eastsolver.projectField(X.reshaped["east"])[:, 0] t = cmip5.get_plottable_time(y) p = np.polyfit(t, y.asma(), 1) plt.plot(t, np.polyval(p, t), "--", color=get_colors("east"))
def get_crossing_time(region, variable, scenario, month): vcert = stats.norm.interval(.99)[1] mfile = get_file(region, variable, scenario, month) if mfile is None: crossing_time = None else: f = data = f(variable + "_SN") avg = MV.average(data, axis=0) threshexceed = np.where(np.abs(avg) > vcert)[0] #If it never exceeds the threshold, return None if len(threshexceed) == 0: return (None) #If it hasn't exceeded the threshold by the last time step, return None if len(avg) - 1 not in threshexceed: return (None) if len(np.where(np.diff(threshexceed) > 1)[0]) > 0: isnot1 = np.max(np.where(np.diff(threshexceed) > 1)[0]) + 1 else: isnot1 = 0 staysabove = int(threshexceed[isnot1]) crossing_time = int(cmip5.get_plottable_time(data)[staysabove]) f.close() return (crossing_time)
def get_slopes(c,yrs,plot = False): """ get non-overlapping trends in concatenated control run """ trends =[]) start = 0 end = yrs if plot: Ntot = float(len(c)/yrs) while end < len(c): ctrunc = c[start:end] #if len(ctrunc.compressed()) == len(ctrunc): if True: # Express in "per decade" units. All control runs are in days. slope0,intercept0 = genutil.statistics.linearregression(ctrunc) slope = slope0*3650. if plot: xax = cmip5.get_plottable_time(ctrunc) plt.plot(xax,ctrunc.asma(),color = cm.RdYlBu(float(start/yrs)/Ntot)) plt.plot(xax,float(slope0)*ctrunc.getTime()[:]+float(intercept0),color ="k",linewidth = 3) trends = np.append(trends,slope) start = end end += yrs trends = MV.masked_where(np.isnan(trends),trends) trends = trends.compressed() return trends
def time_plot(x,ax=None,**kwargs): """ plot a cdms time series """ t = cmip5.get_plottable_time(x) if ax is None: ax=plt.gca() ax.plot(t,x.asma(),**kwargs)
def plot_h85_trends(H85): x = cmip5.get_plottable_time(H85) nmod = H85.shape[0] cmap = cm.magma for i in range(nmod): if not H85[i].mask[0]: time_plot(H85[i], lw=.5, alpha=.5, color=cm.magma(float(i) / float(nmod))) p =, H85[i], 1) plt.plot(x, np.polyval(p, x), color=cm.magma(float(i) / float(nmod)))
def project_multi(X, fingerprint, best_fit=True): multisolver = fingerprint.solvers["multi"] multifac = da.get_orientation(multisolver) time_plot(multifac * multisolver.projectField(X)[:, 0], label="MULTI", color=get_colors("multi")) plt.legend() plt.ylabel("Projection onto " + fingerprint.experiment + " fingerprint") if best_fit: y = multifac * multisolver.projectField(X)[:, 0] t = cmip5.get_plottable_time(y) p = np.polyfit(t, y.asma(), 1) plt.plot(t, np.polyval(p, t), "--", color=get_colors("multi"))