# Create an excel file for the specified parameters and fetch the Job ID that performed the above task
    createDataFileResponse = createDataFileObj.postData()

    if createDataFileResponse == 'Issue with parameters. Please check':
        print('Issue with Create Data File parameters. Please check')
        jobId = createDataFileResponse

        print('JobId', jobId)

        # Instantiate a Job Object
        jobObj = Job(jobId)

        # Fetch Job Details
        jobResponse = jobObj.fetchJobDetails()

        if jobResponse == 'Issue with parameters. Please check':
            print('Issue with Job parameters. Please check')
            if jobResponse['state'] == 'ERROR':
                print('Error in Job. Please check log.')
                jobStatus = 'RUNNING'
                while jobStatus == 'RUNNING':
                    jobResponse = jobObj.fetchJobDetails()
                    jobStatus = jobResponse['state']

                # Fetch the Job message and convert it to JSON
                jobMessage = json.loads(jobResponse['message'])