Exemple #1
    def getValidParams():
        params = Job.getValidParams()

        params.addRequiredParam('chunks', "The number of PBS chunks.")
        # Only one of either of the next two paramteres can be specified
        params.addParam('mpi_procs', "The number of MPI processes per chunk.")
            "The total number of MPI processes to use divided evenly among chunks."

        params.addParam('place', 'scatter:excl',
                        "The PBS job placement scheme to use.")
        params.addParam('walltime', '4:00:00',
                        "The requested walltime for this job.")
        params.addParam('no_copy', "A list of files specifically not to copy")
        params.addParam('copy_files', "A list of files specifically to copy")

            'combine_streams', '#PBS -j oe',
            "Combine stdout and stderror into one file (needed for NO EXPECTED ERR)"
            'threads', '--n-threads=THREADS',
            "The number of threads to run per MPI process.")
        params.addStringSubParam('queue', '#PBS -q QUEUE',
                                 "Which queue to submit this job to.")
        params.addStringSubParam('module', 'module load MODULE',
                                 'moose-dev-gcc', "The module to load.")
            'cli_args', 'CLI_ARGS',
            "Any extra command line arguments to tack on.")
            'notifications', '#PBS -m NOTIFICATIONS',
            "The PBS notifications to enable: 'b' for begin, 'e' for end, 'a' for abort."
            'notify_address', '#PBS -M NOTIFY_ADDRESS',
            "The email address to use for PBS notifications")

        # Soft linked output during run
            'soft_link_output', False,
            "Create links to your STDOUT and STDERR files in your working directory during the run."

                                "The full path to the application to run.")
        params.addRequiredParam('input_file', "The input file name.")

        return params
Exemple #2
    def getValidParams():
        params = Job.getValidParams()

        params.addRequiredParam("chunks", "The number of PBS chunks.")
        # Only one of either of the next two paramteres can be specified
        params.addParam("mpi_procs", "The number of MPI processes per chunk.")
        params.addParam("total_mpi_procs", "The total number of MPI processes to use divided evenly among chunks.")

        params.addParam("place", "scatter:excl", "The PBS job placement scheme to use.")
        params.addParam("walltime", "4:00:00", "The requested walltime for this job.")
        params.addParam("no_copy", "A list of files specifically not to copy")
        params.addParam("copy_files", "A list of files specifically to copy")

            "combine_streams", "#PBS -j oe", "Combine stdout and stderror into one file (needed for NO EXPECTED ERR)"
        params.addStringSubParam("threads", "--n-threads=THREADS", "The number of threads to run per MPI process.")
        params.addStringSubParam("queue", "#PBS -q QUEUE", "Which queue to submit this job to.")
        params.addStringSubParam("module", "module load MODULE", "moose-dev-gcc", "The module to load.")
        params.addStringSubParam("cli_args", "CLI_ARGS", "Any extra command line arguments to tack on.")
            "#PBS -m NOTIFICATIONS",
            "The PBS notifications to enable: 'b' for begin, 'e' for end, 'a' for abort.",
            "notify_address", "#PBS -M NOTIFY_ADDRESS", "The email address to use for PBS notifications"

        # Soft linked output during run
            "Create links to your STDOUT and STDERR files in your working directory during the run.",

        params.addRequiredParam("moose_application", "The full path to the application to run.")
        params.addRequiredParam("input_file", "The input file name.")

        return params