Exemple #1
        def test_nurbs_raw_arrays( self ):
            """Test nurbs rendering using raw API calls with arrays"""
            from OpenGL.raw import GLU 
            import numpy
            knots = numpy.array( ( 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1 ), 'f' )
            ctlpoints = numpy.array( [[[-3., -3., -3.],
                [-3., -1., -3.],
                [-3.,  1., -3.],
                [-3.,  3., -3.]],

            [[-1., -3., -3.],
                [-1., -1.,  3.],
                [-1.,  1.,  3.],
                [-1.,  3., -3.]],

            [[ 1., -3., -3.],
                [ 1., -1.,  3.],
                [ 1.,  1.,  3.],
                [ 1.,  3., -3.]],

            [[ 3., -3., -3.],
                [ 3., -1., -3.],
                [ 3.,  1., -3.],
                [ 3.,  3., -3.]]], 'f' )
            theNurb = GLU.gluNewNurbsRenderer()
                8, knots, 8, knots,
                4 * 3, 3, ctlpoints ,
                4, 4, GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3
Exemple #2
    def test_nurbs_raw( self ):
        """Test nurbs rendering using raw API calls"""
        from OpenGL.raw import GLU 
        knots = (constants.GLfloat* 8) ( 0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1 )
        ctlpoints = (constants.GLfloat*(3*4*4))( -3., -3., -3.,
            -3., -1., -3.,
            -3.,  1., -3.,
            -3.,  3., -3.,

        -1., -3., -3.,
            -1., -1.,  3.,
            -1.,  1.,  3.,
            -1.,  3., -3.,

        1., -3., -3.,
             1., -1.,  3.,
             1.,  1.,  3.,
             1.,  3., -3.,

        3., -3., -3.,
            3., -1., -3.,
             3.,  1., -3.,
             3.,  3., -3. )
        theNurb = gluNewNurbsRenderer()
            8, ctypes.byref(knots), 8, ctypes.byref(knots),
            4 * 3, 3, ctypes.byref( ctlpoints ),
            4, 4, GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3
        def test_nurbs(self):
            """Test nurbs rendering"""
            def buildControlPoints():
                ctlpoints = np.zeros((4, 4, 3), "f")
                for u in range(4):
                    for v in range(4):
                        ctlpoints[u][v][0] = 2.0 * (u - 1.5)
                        ctlpoints[u][v][1] = 2.0 * (v - 1.5)
                        if (u == 1 or u == 2) and (v == 1 or v == 2):
                            ctlpoints[u][v][2] = 3.0
                            ctlpoints[u][v][2] = -3.0
                return ctlpoints

            controlPoints = buildControlPoints()
            theNurb = GLU.gluNewNurbsRenderer()
            GLU.gluNurbsProperty(theNurb, GLU.GLU_SAMPLING_TOLERANCE, 25.0)
            GLU.gluNurbsProperty(theNurb, GLU.GLU_DISPLAY_MODE, GLU.GLU_FILL)
            knots = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], "f")
                glRotatef(330.0, 1., 0., 0.)
                glScalef(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)

                    GLU.gluNurbsSurface(theNurb, knots, knots, controlPoints,
Exemple #4
def drawNurbsSurfaces(x,sknots,tknots,color=None,alpha=1.0,normals='auto',samplingTolerance=20.0):
    """Draw a collection of Nurbs surfaces.

    x: (ns,nt,ndim) or (nsurf,ns,nt,ndim) float array:
       (ns,nt) shaped control points array,
       specifying either a single surface or nsurf surfaces defined by the
       same number of control points. ndim can be 3 or 4. If 4, the 4-th
       coordinate is interpreted as a weight for that point.
    sknots: (nsk) or (nsurf,nsk) float array: knot vector, containing
       the parameter values to be used in the s direction of the surface.
       Remark that nsk must be larger than ns. The order of the surface
       in s-direction is nsk-ns and the degree of the s-curves is nsk-ns-1.
       If a single sknot vector is given, the same is used for all surfaces.
       Otherwise, the number of sknot vectors must match the number of nurbs
    tknots: (ntk) or (nsurf,ntk) float array: knot vector, containing
       the parameter values to be used in the t direction of the surface.
       Remark that ntk must be larger than nt. The order of the surface
       in t-direction is ntk-nt and the degree of the t-curves is ntk-nt-1.
       If a single sknot vector is given, the same is used for all surfaces.
       Otherwise, the number of sknot vectors must match the number of nurbs

    If color is given it is an (nsurf,3) array of RGB values.
    import timer
    t = timer.Timer()

    ns,nt,ndim = x.shape[-3:]
    nsk = asarray(sknots).shape[-1]
    ntk = asarray(tknots).shape[-1]
    sorder = nsk-ns
    torder = ntk-nt
    if sorder > 8 or torder > 8:
        utils.warn('Nurbs surfaces of degree > 7 can currently not be drawn! You can approximate the surface by a lower order surface.')

    if x.ndim == 3:
        x = x.reshape(-1,ns,nt,ndim)
        if color is not None and color.ndim == 3:
            color = color.reshape(-1,ns,nt,color.shape[-1])

    if color is not None:
        pf.debug('Coords shape: %s' % str(x.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
        pf.debug('Color shape: %s' % str(color.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
        if color.ndim == 1:
            pf.debug('Single color',pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
        elif color.ndim == 2 and color.shape[0] == x.shape[0]:
            pf.debug('Element color: %s' % color.shape[0],pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
        elif color.shape == x.shape[:-1] + (3,):
            pf.debug('Vertex color: %s' % str(color.shape[:-1]),pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
            raise ValueError,"Number of colors (%s) should equal 1 or the number of faces(%s) or the number of faces * number of vertices" % (color.shape[0],x.shape[0])

        pf.debug("Color shape = %s" % str(color.shape),pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
        if color.shape[-1] not in (3,4):
            raise ValueError,"Expected 3 or 4 color components"

    if normals == 'auto':

    # The following uses:
    # x: (nsurf,ns,nt,4)
    # sknots: (nsknots) or (nsurf,nsknots)
    # tknots: (ntknots) or (nsurf,ntknots)
    # color: None or (4) or (nsurf,4) or (nsurf,ns,nt,4)
    # samplingTolerance

    if pf.options.fastnurbs:
        x = x.astype(float32)
        sknots = sknots.astype(float32)
        tknots = tknots.astype(float32)
        if color is not None:
            color = color.astype(float32)

            if color.shape[-1] == 3:
                # gluNurbs always wants 4 colors
                color = growAxis(color,3,axis=-1,fill=alpha)

        nb = drawgl.draw_nurbs_surfaces(x,sknots,tknots,color,alpha,samplingTolerance)

        nurb = GLU.gluNewNurbsRenderer()
        if not nurb:
            raise RuntimeError,"Could not create a new NURBS renderer"


        mode = {3:GL.GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3, 4:GL.GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4}[ndim]

        if color is not None and color.ndim == 1:
            # Handle single color
            pf.debug('Set single color: OK',pf.DEBUG.DRAW)
            color = None

        si = sknots
        ti = tknots
        for i,xi in enumerate(x):
            if color is not None and color.ndim == 2:
                # Handle element color
            if sknots.ndim > 1:
                si = sknots[i]
            if tknots.ndim > 1:
                ti = tknots[i]
            if color is not None and color.ndim == 4:
                # Handle vertex color
                ci = color[i]
                if ci.shape[-1] == 3:
                    # gluNurbs always wants 4 colors
                    ci = growAxis(ci,1,axis=-1,fill=alpha)


    print("drawNurbsSurfaces: %s seconds" % t.seconds())
def drawNurbsSurfaces(x, sknots, tknots, color=None, normals="auto", samplingTolerance=10.0):
    """Draw a collection of Nurbs surfaces.

    x: (ns,nt,ndim) or (nsurf,ns,nt,ndim) float array:
       (ns,nt) shaped control points array,
       specifying either a single surface or nsurf surfaces defined by the
       same number of control points. ndim can be 3 or 4. If 4, the 4-th
       coordinate is interpreted as a weight for that point.
    sknots: (nsk) or (nsurf,nsk) float array: knot vector, containing
       the parameter values to be used in the s direction of the surface.
       Remark that nsk must be larger than ns. The order of the surface
       in s-direction is nsk-ns and the degree of the s-curves is nsk-ns-1.
       If a single sknot vector is given, the same is used for all surfaces.
       Otherwise, the number of sknot vectors must match the number of nurbs
    tknots: (ntk) or (nsurf,ntk) float array: knot vector, containing
       the parameter values to be used in the t direction of the surface.
       Remark that ntk must be larger than nt. The order of the surface
       in t-direction is ntk-nt and the degree of the t-curves is ntk-nt-1.
       If a single sknot vector is given, the same is used for all surfaces.
       Otherwise, the number of sknot vectors must match the number of nurbs

    If color is given it is an (nsurf,3) array of RGB values.
    if normals == "auto":
    nurb = GLU.gluNewNurbsRenderer()
    if not nurb:
        raise RuntimeError, "Could not create a new NURBS renderer"
    ns, nt, ndim = x.shape[-3:]
    nsk = asarray(sknots).shape[-1]
    ntk = asarray(tknots).shape[-1]
    sorder = nsk - ns
    torder = ntk - nt
    if sorder > 8 or torder > 8:
        import warnings

            "Nurbs surfaces of degree > 7 can currently not be drawn! You can approximate the surface by a lower order surface."
    mode = {3: GL.GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3, 4: GL.GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4}[ndim]
    # x = x.reshape(-1,ns,nt,ndim)
    if color is not None:
        pf.debug("Color shape: %s" % str(color.shape))
        pf.debug("Coords shape: %s" % str(x.shape))
        # color = color.reshape(-1,3)
        if color.ndim == 1:
            # Handle single color
            pf.debug("Set single color: OK")
            color = None
        elif color.ndim == 2 and color.shape[0] == x.shape[0]:
            pf.debug("Element color: %s" % color.shape[0])
        elif color.shape == x.shape[:-1] + (3,):
            pf.debug("Vertex color: %s" % str(color.shape[:-1]))
            raise ValueError, "Number of colors (%s) should equal 1 or the number of faces(%s) or the number of faces * number of vertices" % (

    si = sknots
    ti = tknots

    GLU.gluNurbsProperty(nurb, GLU.GLU_SAMPLING_TOLERANCE, samplingTolerance)
    if x.ndim == 3:
        x = x.reshape(-1, ns, nt, ndim)
    if color is not None and color.ndim == 3:
        from plugins.nurbs import Coords4

        color = Coords4(color)
        color = color.reshape(-1, ns, nt, ndim)
    for i, xi in enumerate(x):
        if color is not None and color.ndim == 2:
            # Handle element color
            pf.debug("Set element color: OK")
        if sknots.ndim > 1:
            si = sknots[i]
        if tknots.ndim > 1:
            ti = tknots[i]
        if color is not None and color.ndim == 4:
            GLU.gluNurbsSurface(nurb, si, ti, color[i], GL.GL_MAP2_COLOR_4)
        GLU.gluNurbsSurface(nurb, si, ti, xi, mode)
 def draw(self):
     glu.gluNurbsSurface(self.glID, self.uKnot, self.vKnot, self.controlPoints, self.target)