Exemple #1
#msh_file = 'Mesh_2D.msh'
#mod_file = 'Model_2D.con'
obs_file = 'data_Z.txt'
topofile = 'MIM_SRTM_Local.topo'
dsep = '\\'

# Forward solver

# Number of padding cells to remove from plotting
padc = 15

# Load UBC-topo file
topo = np.genfromtxt(home_dir + dsep + topofile, skip_header=1)

# load obs file 3D
dobs = DC.readUBC_DC3Dobs(home_dir + dsep + obs_file)

DCsurvey = dobs['DCsurvey']
# Assign line ID to the survey
lineID = DC.xy_2_lineID(DCsurvey)
uniqueID = np.unique(lineID)

# Convert 3D locations to 2D survey
dobs2D = DC.convertObs_DC3D_to_2D(DCsurvey, lineID, 'Xloc')

srcMat = DC.getSrc_locs(dobs2D)
#DCdata[src0, src0.rxList[0]]

# Find 2D data correspondance
dataID = np.zeros(dobs2D.nD)
count = 0
Exemple #2

# Forward solver

# Number of padding cells to remove from plotting
padc = 15

# Plotting parameters
xmin, xmax = 10500, 13000
zmin, zmax = -600, 600
vmin, vmax = 0, 75

z = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, 4)

#%% load obs file 3D
dobs = DC.readUBC_DC3Dobs(home_dir + dsep + obs_file, rtype='IP')

DCsurvey = dobs['DCsurvey']
# Assign line ID to the survey
lineID = DC.xy_2_lineID(DCsurvey)
uniqueID = np.unique(lineID)    

# Convert 3D locations to 2D survey
dobs2D = DC.convertObs_DC3D_to_2D(DCsurvey, lineID,'Xloc')

srcMat = DC.getSrc_locs(DCsurvey)
#DCdata[src0, src0.rxList[0]]

# Find 2D data correspondance
dataID = np.zeros(dobs2D.nD)
count = 0
Exemple #3
import os
from SimPEG import *
import SimPEG.DCIP as DC
import pylab as plt
from matplotlib import animation
from JSAnimation import HTMLWriter

home_dir = 'C:\\Users\\dominiquef.MIRAGEOSCIENCE\\ownCloud\\Research\\MtIsa\\Data'
obs_file = 'IP_Obs_QC_v5.dat'
dsep = '\\'

#%% load obs file 3D
survey3D = DC.readUBC_DC3Dobs(home_dir + dsep + obs_file, dtype='IP')

DCsurvey = survey3D['DCsurvey']

# Assign line ID to the survey
lineID = DC.xy_2_lineID(DCsurvey)
uniqueID = np.unique(lineID)

# Convert 3D locations to 2D survey
dobs2D = DC.convertObs_DC3D_to_2D(DCsurvey, lineID, 'Xloc')

srcMat = DC.getSrc_locs(DCsurvey)

# Find 2D data correspondance
dataID = np.zeros(dobs2D.nD)
count = 0
for ii in range(dobs2D.nSrc):
    nD = dobs2D.srcList[ii].rxList[0].nD