Exemple #1
    def onStrokeAdded( self, stroke ):
        "Watches for Strokes that look like an arrow to Annotate"
        ep1 = stroke.Points[0]
        ep2 = stroke.Points[-1]
        isArrowHead = False

        #Match single-stroke arrows
        tip, tail = _isSingleStrokeArrow(stroke)
        if tip is None or tail is None:
            revpts = list(stroke.Points)
            tip, tail = _isSingleStrokeArrow(Stroke(revpts))
        if  tip is not None and tail is not None:
            isArrowHead = False
            anno = ArrowAnnotation( tip, tail )
            BoardSingleton().AnnotateStrokes( [stroke],  anno)
            if _isArrowHead(stroke, self.arrowHeadMatcher): #We've matched an arrowhead
                head = stroke
                isArrowHead = True
                strokeNorm = GeomUtils.strokeNormalizeSpacing(stroke, numpoints = 5)
                tip = strokeNorm.Points[2] #Middle normalized point is the tip
        #Match it to any tails we have
        if isArrowHead:
            matchedTails = self._matchHeadtoTail(head = stroke, point = tip)
            for headpoint, tail in matchedTails:
                #Orient the tail correctly
                if tail.Points[0] == headpoint:
                    endpoint = tail.Points[-1]
                    endpoint = tail.Points[0]
                anno = ArrowAnnotation(tip, endpoint)
                BoardSingleton().AnnotateStrokes([head, tail],anno)
        #Match it like a tail even if we think it's an arrowhead. Oh ambiguity!
        matchedHeads = self._matchHeadtoTail(tail = stroke, point = ep1)
        for tip, head in matchedHeads:
            anno = ArrowAnnotation(tip, ep2)
            BoardSingleton().AnnotateStrokes([head, stroke],anno)
        matchedHeads = self._matchHeadtoTail(tail = stroke, point = ep2)
        for tip, head in matchedHeads:
            anno = ArrowAnnotation(tip, ep1)
            BoardSingleton().AnnotateStrokes([head, stroke],anno)
        #Add this stroke to the pool for future evaluation
        self._endpoints.append( (ep1, stroke) )
        self._endpoints.append( (ep2, stroke) )
        if isArrowHead:
            self._arrowHeads.append( (tip, stroke) )