def onStrokeAdded( self, stroke ):
        #If it's a closed figure, it is its own wall
        rtm_logger.debug("Stroke Added")
        newWallDict = {'closed': False, 'matches': {}}
        ep1 = stroke.Points[0]
        ep2 = stroke.Points[-1]
        strokeLen = GeomUtils.strokeLength(stroke)

        addToWalls = True
        if GeomUtils.pointDistanceSquared(ep1.X, ep1.Y, ep2.X, ep2.Y) < (strokeLen  * 0.05) ** 2:
            rtm_logger.debug("Closed stroke")
            newWallDict['closed'] = True

        rtm_logger.debug("Adding stroke as possible future wall")
        self.wallInfo[stroke] = newWallDict

        for testStroke, wallDict in self.wallInfo.items():
            gran = min(len(stroke.Points), len(testStroke.Points))
            if wallDict['closed'] and GeomUtils.strokeContainsStroke(testStroke, stroke, granularity = gran):
                outStk = testStroke
                inStk = stroke
            elif newWallDict['closed'] and GeomUtils.strokeContainsStroke(stroke, testStroke, granularity = gran):
                outStk = stroke
                inStk = testStroke

            rtm_logger.debug("Found containment with another stroke")
            rtAnno = RaceTrackAnnotation(rightwalls = [outStk], leftwalls = [inStk]) 
            BoardSingleton().AnnotateStrokes([stroke, testStroke], rtAnno)
            addToWalls = False