def onStrokeAdded( self, stroke ):
        "Watches for Strokes with Circularity > threshold to Annotate"
        # need at least 6 points to be a circle
	if stroke.length()<6:
	s_norm = GeomUtils.strokeNormalizeSpacing( stroke, 20 ) 
	s_chop = GeomUtils.strokeChopEnds( s_norm, 0.20 ) 
        circ_norm = GeomUtils.strokeCircularity( s_norm ) 
        circ_chop = GeomUtils.strokeCircularity( s_chop ) 

        logger.debug( "stroke: %s", [str(p) for p in s_norm.Points] )
        logger.debug( "potential circles (%f,%f) <> %f", circ_norm, circ_chop, self.threshold )

        if( circ_norm>self.threshold or circ_chop>self.threshold):
            cen = stroke.Center
            avgDist = GeomUtils.averageDistance( cen, stroke.Points )
            anno = CircleAnnotation( circ_norm, cen, avgDist )
            BoardSingleton().AnnotateStrokes( [stroke],  anno)